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And here is the mod no one is asking for! For anyone who was foolish enough to try my CBH mod, all of your (least) favorite characters have returned, along with about 80 new characters and 1 new location. Not a lot has changed, other than Cincinnati has been mostly rebuilt by now.

TBH i haven't really done a lot of testing, so any feedback about who's star levels are too high/low would be appreciated. As well as any 3 star characters with insta-dodge. One thing i will say, unlike the default database (I'm looking at you Lady America!), an 8 star character will take out a swath of lower levels without problems. Like maybe all of them. Try it out if you're looking for something ridiculous (because it is).


Database :



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What? No plunging headfirst into the unknown? While the intro panels should explain everything and are a welcome upgrade from readme files from CBH, I did notice I didn't upload them, and for that matter they no longer exist. I hate Windows more than ever now, but I'll update the readme and drop it in soon, and maybe go through and redo the intro panels eventually.

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30 minutes ago, xul0999 said:

What? No plunging headfirst into the unknown? While the intro panels should explain everything and are a welcome upgrade from readme files from CBH, I did notice I didn't upload them, and for that matter they no longer exist. I hate Windows more than ever now, but I'll update the readme and drop it in soon, and maybe go through and redo the intro panels eventually.

To be honest, I don't have the time to play right now, so I thought, I just ask and try to get a feel for what this might be. But I'm also in for the ride into the dark and unknown territory of What Was the name of Your Terrain, again? when I find the time. Allegedly around christmas. I hope.

Normally, I'm building my own Database with Batman and Co. but I would like to have some fun just playing the game with a fun Database sometimes, and this could be a fit for that.

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And your sales pitch ....

The date is sometime around 2020ish. Earth is in dire straits at the moment. The news is filled with constant reports of battles between super powered villains and heroes.
It all started with the return of magic around 15 years ago, soon after a few people started showing mutant powers. The real downward spiral started when one day, a freak accident in a Sony lab resulted in some nanites giving one of the scientists the ability to fly. Soon after, custom nanites were built and minor celebrities started showing enhanced physical traits. Greed soon exploded and nanites were for sale on shady websites, some worked as advertised, others far from it.
Add in alien invaders, demonic portals randomly opening and any other type of cataclysmic event you can think of, and here we are. Corporate sponsored heroes (and villains) now seem to be the norm, and whoever can cause the most carnage seems to get richer from people just watching it all go downhill on the internet.

This mod contains mostly characters you've never heard of, but thanks to IP licensing, Sony and Microsoft have custom made a few that you have heard of. 642 characters, 13 locations, including exotic locations including...
Atlantis, yes it exists!
Cincinatti, nearly destroyed by an alien Marmoset invasion, now almost rebuilt to it's former, uh, glory?
Sydney Australia, with Ancient Rome embedded into it! Traveling back in time is a bad idea, especially when a crazed Roman emperor catches you and starts using your time travel equipment despite warnings of universal annihilation.
Reykjavík, swapped from a steampunkish dimension by the same cosmic rift that blasted Rome forward about 2000 years.
Memphis (Egypt, not Tennessee), the new home of demonic portals.
And Tokyo, with bigger threats than Godzilla to worry about now!

3 or 4 missions in, you'll absolutely be asking yourself What Were You Thinking when you downloaded this nonsense!

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Okay, you got me. Sounds like fun. I will definitely take a look even if it may be just to find out why a roman emperor would choose Australia of all continents to settle down with his stolen time machine.

And please inform me, when the big "Lizzard People Invasion During The Cold Winter Of The Alaskian Yeti Empire"-Update comes out ...

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