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More In Depth Arena Usage

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Arenas seem like an under utilized part of the TEW experience. They’re basically used as place holders to just indicate where the event was held. I would like to see this changed. Arenas have had long storied history and impact on pro wrestling. Whether it is cause a promotions positive relationship with a venue freezes other promotions out or other events being booked on the same night preventing a promotion from using a specific venue, among other situations. I think there are many ways to better utilize arenas in TEW here are some of them….


1. Having a relationship with arenas, building a relationship by having consistent good attended shows. Among other ways to build the relationship too.


2. Having the ability to do special giveaways on shows. For instance I got this idea from my old days of playing MLB the Show. You could make certain games be free bobble head or some other souvenir or prize. 

3. I posted this in a previous suggestion but to just have them all in one spot. Have an arena quality meter from awful to perfect. As well as a patron wealth meter to show what kinds of people will come to this arena. This could be a percentage meter where you could have a lower class middle class and upper class and choose the percentages that come to certain arenas. 

I’m trying to think of other ideas to just make arenas a more interesting and fun part of the game. As of now it feels very cosmetic but I think it has much more potential.


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Venues are under used in many many ways. The ways you mentioned as well as other things. My list of things that can improve venues:

1. Capacity - Capacity is a really liquid thing. Take Madison Square Garden. If you look at its wiki page it can have 19,812 for basketball, has 18500 listed as wrestling capacity. However its been higher and lower than that. Mainly based on stage setups/entrance setups and a bunch of other factors. Could you just put a ring and a small aisle way? Sure, And get probably 20,000 people in there. But set up a big TV/PPV stage? Thats a few thousand gone. TV shows have more production stuff/hardcam that cuts down on capacity. I think having a max capacity set, but having certain factors cut into it would be cool. So 20,000 as a baseline. TV show? -100 for cameras, -1000 for stage. Special stage set up? -500 ect. I dont know WHAT the math should be but I find it would be way better. Also it would make more venues more usable. The punishment for empty seats should be far less.

2. Generic Venues - Should only be available >1000 capacity events. Or maybe 2500 or 5000, I dont really know. But I feel any venue big enough to hold more then 1000 people and used for wrestling should be a "known" venue. I find the generic venue should only be used to represent the various Legions, *Ethnicity* Hall, bars, random nightclubs that are never really notable. As such there should be far more "larger" venues. Further, tying into above, companies should be more forced to either have a sold out show in a smaller venue, or maybe a more empty show in a larger one, the monetary punishement should be smaller. Take AEW for exaple. It came to Toronto and ran Ricoh/Coca-Cola Coliseum instead of Scotiabank Place. It chose to sell out 2-nights at Ricoh.

3. Venue limitations - I think some venues should be limited in certain factors. Stuff like "Low ceilings" which could maybe mean no ladder matches or cage matches or even possibly hurt wrestler performance. "Small Backstage", "No Blood", "No alcohol", "No food". And more. Lots of those can have obvious side effects. No food can cause longer shows to burn out crowds faster. Hell, "No AC". Could go really in depth.

4. Locations within Locations - I understand the reasoning behind not having individual cities/states on a larger scale, but with venues I think it could be useful. At least by state. So you are more easily able to run around the tri-state without burning it out if you just roate through the various tri-state states for example.

5. Production Limitations - Kind of like #3, and even arguably tied to #1, but some venues should be unfit for certain production values. One reason WWE will run emptier, big arenas, is they simply have the ability to hold their production. Their "broadcast readiness" is higher when proper power supplies and what not, not to meniton room for catering and locker rooms and sets and all that jazz. This would somewhat force larger companies to use larger venues, even if they are not full, epsecially for "A-Shows" and PPVs. General idea that would need much fleshing out.

Edited by MrCanada
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14 minutes ago, MrCanada said:

Venues are under used in many many ways. The ways you mentioned as well as other things. My list of things that can improve venues:

1. Capacity - Capacity is a really liquid thing. Take Madison Square Garden. If you look at its wiki page it can have 19,812 for basketball, has 18500 listed as wrestling capacity. However its been higher and lower than that. Mainly based on stage setups/entrance setups and a bunch of other factors. Could you just put a ring and a small aisle way? Sure, And get probably 20,000 people in there. But set up a big TV/PPV stage? Thats a few thousand gone. TV shows have more production stuff/hardcam that cuts down on capacity. I think having a max capacity set, but having certain factors cut into it would be cool. So 20,000 as a baseline. TV show? -100 for cameras, -1000 for stage. Special stage set up? -500 ect. I dont know WHAT the math should be but I find it would be way better.

2. Generic Venues - Should only be availible >1000 capacity events. Or maybe 2500 or 5000, I dont really know. But I feel any venue big enough to hold more then 1000 people and used for wrestling should be a "known" venue. I find the generic venue should only be used to represent the various Legions, *Ethnicity* Hall, bars, random nightclubs that are never really notable. As such there should be far more "larger" venues. Further, tying into above, companies should be more forced to either have a sold out show in a smaller venue, or maybe a more empty show in a larger one, the monetary punishement should be smaller. Take AEW for exaple. It came to Toronto and ran Ricoh/Coca-Cola Coliseum instead of Scotiabank Place. It chose to sell out 2-nights at Ricoh.

3. Venue limitations. I think some venues should be limited in certain factors. Stuff like "Low ceilings" which could maybe mean no ladder matches or cage matches or even possibly hurt wrestler performance. "Small Backstage", "No Blood", "No alcohol", "No food". And more. Lots of those can have obvious side effects. No food can cause longer shows to burn out crowds faster. Hell, "No AC". Could go really in depth.

4. Locations within Locations. I understand the reasoning behind not having individual cities/states on a larger scale, but with venues I think it could be useful. At least by state. So you are more easily able to run around the tri-state without burning it out if you just roate through the various tri-state states for example.


Specifically on Generic Venues I was trying to think of something similar to what you articulated. My thought process was Generic Venues not really making sense in terms of Venues having a more descript existence. I could understand Generic Venues existing in the way you described with them being buildings under 1000 people as to not over saturate the game world. I can see it either way, getting rid of Generic Venues or having them just be for venues below 1000 people. Locations don't really matter cause they can be manually removed or changed but Generic Venues would need to be changed by a developer. Actual venues are a big part of wrestling. To minimize them to just a generic location or venue that has no personality doesn't do justice to reality.


The Venue Limitations is a great add on to what I was thinking. These are things that add some personality to the venues that make them all different and not just a basic backdrop of the show. They're an intrinsic part of the show and should be treated as such. Different factors that may limit what can be done on screen or cause turmoil off screen add to the drama of the game.

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I think a big part of this would be to take a page from WMMA and actually have to book a location before the day of the event. It forces you to think proactively, and can reward ambition or punish you for the same thing.

In real life you don't just say "We're gonna run the 50,000 seat venue"

You have to announce it months out so that tickets can be sold, you have to make sure your promotion is booking those big matches to get them in the building (which is already in game but could/should be expanded upon).  If AEW announces a gigantic show anticipating tens of thousands of fans, but then WWE swoops in and signs their biggest draws, it should hurt. It would likely be a financial disaster with no ticket sellers or money matches for a giant building.

Currently you maybe see a couple thousand difference based on who is on the show or not, even with a max figuehead. I feel like it's weighted far too much on the promotion and not the star power of the roster. A visible example in the real world is NXT who could sell out the same NBA arenas the main roster was doing, but the same show with a focus on rookies, on the same network, and they don't even approach the 5 figure attendance marks.

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