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Steel City StarFest XIII

All matches are hardcore unless specified otherwise

Devil May Care def. Reckless Antix

Bull Rope match - Austin Smooth def. Cowboy Buck Winchester

Xavi Ferrera def. A former Carl Batch client

PSW Tag Team titles no.1 contenders - Rich & Famous def. Man Feelings & Warrior Engine (Gareth Wayne & Bull Wrecker)

PSW National title - Sayeed Ali(c) def. Samoan Machine

Logan Wolfsbaine def. Rhino Umaga

Barbed wire - Ash Campbell def. Madman Boone

PSW Championship - Nelson Callum(c) def. Acid

Plus - A Steel Circle state of address, The King and more

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Steel City StarFest XIII

All matches are hardcore unless specified otherwise

Devil May Care vs Reckless Antix

Reckless Antix are too solid and the crowd doesn't completely despise them

Bull Rope match - Austin Smooth vs Cowboy Buck Winchester

*southern quote here*

Xavi Ferrera vs A former Carl Batch client

Xavi Ferrera baby

PSW Tag Team titles no.1 contenders - Man Feelings vs Rich & Famous vs Warrior Engine (Gareth Wayne & Bull Wrecker)

Just something new I guess

PSW National title - Samoan Machine vs Sayeed Ali(c)

He's just too damn good

Logan Wolfsbaine vs Rhino Umaga

Singles wrestler beats tag specialist

Barbed wire - Ash Campbell vs Madman Boone

Fuck Boone

PSW Championship - Acid vs Nelson Callum(c) 

It's Nelson Callum

Plus - A Steel Circle state of address, The King and more

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Devil May Care vs Reckless Antix

Bull Rope match - Austin Smooth vs Cowboy Buck Winchester

Xavi Ferrera vs A former Carl Batch client

PSW Tag Team titles no.1 contenders - Man Feelings vs Rich & Famous vs Warrior Engine (Gareth Wayne & Bull Wrecker)

PSW National title - Samoan Machine vs Sayeed Ali(c)

Logan Wolfsbaine vs Rhino Umaga

Barbed wire - Ash Campbell vs Madman Boone

PSW Championship - Acid vs Nelson Callum(c) 

Plus - A Steel Circle state of address, The King and more

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Steel City StarFest XIII

All matches are hardcore unless specified otherwise

Devil May Care vs Reckless Antix

Bull Rope match - Austin Smooth vs Cowboy Buck Winchester

Xavi Ferrera vs A former Carl Batch client

PSW Tag Team titles no.1 contenders - Man Feelings vs Rich & Famous vs Warrior Engine (Gareth Wayne & Bull Wrecker)

PSW National title - Samoan Machine vs Sayeed Ali(c)

Logan Wolfsbaine vs Rhino Umaga

Barbed wire - Ash Campbell vs Madman Boone

PSW Championship - Acid vs Nelson Callum(c) 

Plus - A Steel Circle state of address, The King and more

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Preshow below, main show should be up tomorrow. Last call for predictions. Enjoy!


Steel City StarFest XIII


We’re heading straight to the Church of St Peter and Paul as the audience files into the Ministry for tonight’s show.
Adding to the chalk drawings is the angel battling what appears to be a lion.
Just as Wicked Lester takes to the pulpit, the preacher is interrupted by the sound of two revving motorbikes.




Wicked Lester: “How dare you enter the church of the Sky Man?”
*Lead Belly sniggers in the background
Grease Hogg: “Oh yeah your boss. We spoke to him actually.”
Lester: “You spoke with the Sky Man?!?”
Hogg: “Yeah something like that. Anyway he’s paying us to fix things over here as you guys can’t get s*** done. So we’re going to take out the GI Joes for you tonight.”
Lester: “Fine, if that is his will, but leave the big one for me, I will break him.”
Hogg: “No problems here. Where do you keep your beers? Oh, and by the way freak, your boss said to tell you, you don’t finish the big one tonight, then he’ll be down here personally to fix it himself.” An expression crosses Lester's face we haven't seen before, fear.



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  • The forces lads did a good job of neutralising the goth kids on the previous tour, but they were out of their depth here
  • The bikers used their considerable girth to throw Desert Storm and Devil Dog around the ring, with a fair share of underhanded tactics
  • Desert Storm finds himself sandwiched in a double belly bump and Dog is laid out with an RP Bomb
  • A full throttle later and the Dirty White Boys take this one, thankfully without breaking a sweat

Winners – Dirty White Boys – Grade 40


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  • Two guys desperate to break out of the preshow put it all on the line here
  • Vendetta even busts out a new weapon, a futuristic electric guitar which uses to bash Jebediah over the head
  • But the curse of Jebediah strikes again, with the big man missing a shoulder charge and driving himself through the guardrail
  • Jebediah manages to heft his hulking frame into the ring and hit the Sundown Splash for three. Poor Vendetta

Winner – Jebediah – Grade 29


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  • Lester charges at the big man like a man possessed, desperate to avoid the repercussions of a loss.
  • Scratching, biting and clawing at the big man, Lester gets more and more desperate the longer the  match goes on
  • A flying top rope elbow drop nets a near fall, with Lester bellowing in sorrow.
  • Then the Silencer’s behind enemy lines tactics click in to gear, camo kick, collateral damage
  • Lester is planted with the Drop Zone and the Silencer takes a big win

Winner – The Silencer – Grade 29



Edited by jcarmjn
Wrong match report
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All matches are hardcore unless specified otherwise

Devil May Care vs Reckless Antix

Bull Rope match - Austin Smooth vs Cowboy Buck Winchester

Xavi Ferrera vs A former Carl Batch client

PSW Tag Team titles no.1 contenders - Man Feelings vs Rich & Famous vs Warrior Engine (Gareth Wayne & Bull Wrecker)

PSW National title - Samoan Machine vs Sayeed Ali(c)

Logan Wolfsbaine vs Rhino Umaga

Barbed wire - Ash Campbell vs Madman Boone

PSW Championship - Acid vs Nelson Callum(c) 

Plus - A Steel Circle state of address, The King and more

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Steel City StarFest XIII



“We are live and coming to you from the sold-out home of hardcore.
"I’m Mitch Naess alongside the Iceman Alex Braun and the Traditionalist Eric Tyler.
“And we are headed straight to the ring where the champ is waiting.”



Nelson Callum: “Pittsburgh Peeps, show the champ some love.” The crowd cheers
“Now I was expecting to come out here and celebrate with you all, especially you honey, after finally getting the Steel Circle off my back.
“That was until a hardcore legend showed up and spewed mist in my face. I guess I should have taken Ernie’s sunglasses as well as his dignity.
“Acid, could you come out here please.”
There’s no sign of movement on the ramp, but the spotlight catches something moving up in the rafters. Acid finally makes himself known from his perch.


Callum: “I used to watch you every week and DAVE so I’m going to give you a pass for the mist, but what’s your deal man?”

Acid refuses to speak, raising his hand to point at the belt on Nelson’s shoulder.

“You want this? Why didn’t you just ask for a match? No matter. Pittsburgh peeps, do you want to see Nelson Callum take on Acid tonight in the main event for the title?” Of course they do

“See you in the ring buddy.”


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  • The rubber match between the two teams sees Reckless Antix catch the masked misfits off guard, jumping them during their entrance
  • From there Reckless takes control of the match, planting Stuntman with a Reckless bomb
  • But the match turns when Antix tags himself in, and his goading of Stuntman gives him the space to make the tag
  • And Acid II comes in like a house on fire, tornado DDT’ing Reckless from the apron onto the floor
  • With Reckless incapacitated on the outside, Stuntman goes for the 720 splash and hits it?!?! Devil May Care take the decider

Winners – Devil May Care – Grade 43


Just as a dejected Reckless Antix leave the ring, an advert flashes up on screen. 
“Is someone’s constant crapping in your coffee holding you back from everything you want in life?
“Is that someone your teammate? Is your name Xavier? Stop that someone from crapping in your coffee, unlock your true potential and become…

“A King.”


From a thoughtful-looking Xavier Reckless, we head to the back and to the Steel Circle locker room


Logan Wolfsbaine and Rich & Famous barge through the door.
Venus Angeletti: “Oh hey toots.” Logan ignores the obvious dig.
Logan: “What the hell’s going on man? I’ve got a rampaging Samoan that wants to take my head off. What do I do? How do I beat him?
Ernest Youngman: “You want advice from me? The biggest match of my life and I lost to a one-armed man. I’m not fit to lead anybody, the Steel Circle’s yours now Logan, do what you want with it. I’m done.”
Logan: “So you screw up everyone’s chance of winning the PSW Title and now you’re running away? Tell me why we shouldn’t just kick your a**.” Youngman is shown whispering something into the young wrestler’s ear.
“You’re lucky I have a contingency plan for tonight. Come on boys.”




Cowboy Buck Winchester’s purposeful stride leads him into the ring next. This time the brawler’s usual snarl has been replaced with a casual smirk.
Buck: “Austin. Ring. Now.”

Austin Smooth appears at the ramp to a chorus of boos: “Seriously Buck? After this I’m blocking you.”
Buck: “In my role as Sheriff, the PSW board of directors has ordered me to deliver this message. Your previous actions in the On Tour show were despicable. We have devil worshippers, masked freaks and psychopaths but we draw the line at selling overpriced energy drinks to kids. Since Mr Smooth has refused to apologise or pay anyone back, we authorise you, Buck Winchester, to dish out whichever punishment you see fit.” Austin Smooth looks like he’s about to faint.
“Boy, you may not have seen this on Tick Tack, but they call this a bull rope, ring the bell.”

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  • Smooth spends the first two minutes stretching the rope as far as he can to try and keep away from the Cowboy
  • But he can’t hide forever, and several lashings later he’s left with huge welts all over his back
  • Buck looks finally ready to nail Smooth with a lariat when the chubby hand of Bolt grabs the rope
  • Fortunately, Buck heard him coming, Lariat with the other arm!
  • Poor Austin has nowhere to go, and somersaults through the air after being hit with the lariat. Buck's finally done it!

Winner - Cowboy Buck Winchester - Grade 44


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  • The Mighty Cavanagh lived up to his name here, dominating the match
  • After being double suplexed, Rich & Famous wisely decided to let the other teams fight it out
  • Or was it wise? A Motion Censor floors Wayne with Cavanagh ready for the finish
  • But if you invite the Bull, you get the horns, and a gore takes him and Cavanagh through the ropes
  • Ever the opportunists, Rich & Famous nail the House Always wins and seal another pinfall over Powell

Winners – Rich & Famous – Grade 44


The crowd immediately perks up as Xavi Ferrera bops to the ring, high-fiving fans on the way. 
Xavi: “Batch, like my ex, you don’t seem to take rejection well, so I’m going to spell this out for you. Stay the hell out of my business.”

Speak his name and he shall appear, Batch makes his way to ringside, Cerberus in tow.
Batch: “Xavi baby, I’m going to take you to the top and you’ll learn, just like your mom, everyone as a price. But don’t take my word for it, listen to one of my previous clients, who I led to titles around the world.”



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  • Doug Peak’s a scary guy, doesn’t blink a single time through the start of the match
  • Xavi’s usual high-flying offence that bamboozles opponents doesn’t seem to faze Peak, who rams his head repeatedly into Xavi’s face
  • With Batch cheering on at ringside, Peak of the Devil. And this one’s…. not done, Xavi kicks out
  • Realising he needs a new game plan, Xavi aims a flurry of leg kicks, knocking the monster to his knees
  • Ferrerana spikes his head into the mat. High Angle frog splash and Xavi’s done it again

Winner – Xavi Ferrera – Grade 48


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  • Two of the toughest men on the roster meet in the ring and start by throwing haymakers
  • The smaller Samoan Machine takes the fight to Ali, and chair shots prove ineffective because HE’S SAMOAN
  • For the first time during his title reign, Ali has found himself in the ring with someone as tough as he is and the National Title could be changing hands
  • Unbreakable Sleeper applied with Machine stood on a table, leaving Sayeed hanging with his feet off the floor
  • Fading all the way back to his childhood Sayeed summons his inner rage and breaks the sleeper with his bare hands and back suplexes Machine through said table
  • Ghetto stomps to the stomach, GBH Driver and this one’s over. Machine is stretchered from the ring but Ali knows he’s been in a match

Winner – Sayeed Ali – Grade 49


With assistants clearing the ring of debris, the music of the most hated man in PSW hits.

With an eager Eric Tyler at his side, Ash begins his rant: “Anyone seen Madman Boone?” boooo
“Okay, anyone read about his death from diabetes in the obituaries?” Booooooo
“Understand this, Boone is just another substandard who calls himself hardcore because he couldn’t do so much as apply a chinlock. But now, he’s just another broken down old wreck forced into retirement by the Heir of Hardcore. And now I’ve dealt with type 2 diabetes, it’s about time I took my thro….”

Boone’s music hits and the crowd goes wild
“I maybe a madman in the ring but I’m not stupid and I’m not in denial. My kids tell me they’re worried about me and I’m exhausted halfway through an episode of The Last of Us, never mind a match. But when you’re tired of getting hit in the face, tired of barbed wire, tired of hardcore, then you’re tired of life. I know I’ve not got many a** kickings left in me, so how about I use one of them up on you Ash. Me, you and my friend Barb here.”
Eric Tyler: “You’ve lost one too many brain cells if you think…”
Ash: “Let’s go, your friend Barb can sit on the ropes and watch.”


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  • With tonight’s stipulation, Campbell desperately tried to keep the action in the middle of the ring, whereas Boone couldn’t care less
  • Realising he’s not going to last the distance in a wrestling match, Boone goes hell for leather, sacrificing himself in order to damage Ash
  • Scooping him up in a powerslam position, Boone hurls Ash into the wire, leaving him hanging upside down
  • Letting out a huge laugh, Boone goes charging in for the cannonball, missing and replacing Ash, trapped in the barbed wire
  • With Boone prone in the wire, the veteran breaks out into a fit of uncontrollable laughter, before he’s brained with a chair
  • Boone’s knocked out, and this one is over

Winner – Ash Campbell – Grade 51



Despite having not wrestled tonight, Ernest Youngman seems to think it's okay to leave work.

Venus Angeletti: "So you're leaving? You're not wrestling tonight?"

Youngman: "I told you, I'm done. It's done. I lost."

Venus: "Look Ernest, you lost one match, it happens, get over it. I managed you because I saw greatness in you, you're the best technical wrestler in the world, and even the best lose sometimes okay? I'm giving you one more show to mope around and feel sorry for yourself but next show I'm finding you a match and you are wrestling. I'm the manager of champions, and if you're not in the ring on the next show you can find someone else to manage you."


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  • Wolfsbaine’s cocky swagger is replaced by apprehension at the site of an angry Rhino Umaga
  • But Logan’s impressive display of power coupled with technique keep Umaga at bay
  • Logan’s so comfortable during the match he takes the time to drown a fan in his own beer and nail his GLORIOUS pose after gut-wrench suplexing Umaga from the floor
  • Like the Callum match, Logan’s cockiness costs him, with Umaga literally using his head to turn the match in his favour
  • Rhino Charge hits! But Wolfsbaine’s knocked out of the ring on impact
  • Keen to carry on the offence, Umaga lines him up for a Rhino Charge against the steps, until a hulking brute steps over the guardrail. THUMB SPIKE


  • The brute, who looks a lot like Logan Wolfsbaine, helps him roll Rhino into the ring, who’s still gasping for air
  • Umaga isn’t one to give up easily, but Wolfsbaine wrenching back a Boston Crab forces him to tap

Winner - Logan Wolfsbaine - Grade 56


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  • Despite Acid’s advancing years he and Nelson Callum put on our best match of the year so far
  • Acid may not be the high flyer he was ten years ago, but those years have brought experience and expertise
  • And the masked man quickly exploits the previously injured arm of Nelson Callum
  • Callum, who’s clearly been hitting the gym, uses his physical superiority, powering Acid around the ring
  • But a poison rana leaves Callum prone to the Acid Rain Bomb, which he avoids by milliseconds
  • At the death of the match, the pair exchange roll-ups, and Acid transitions into the Acid Test
  • With Callum fading fast he dips into his bag of tricks, yanking up the mask of Acid
  • As Acid flails around to pull down his mask, Callum hits the Honey Trap and retains

Winner – Nelson Callum – Grade 62


Immediately after the match has ended the pair square off.
Was Acid about to shake Callum’s hand? Or was he taking exception to his questionable tactics?
Well we’ll never know because *WHACK*

Campbell drops Acid with a chair shot then rains down blows until Callum comes between the two, telling his former partner he’d ‘made his point'
Eric Tyler: “Do it!”
And Ash obliges, braining the exhausted Nelson with a chair, and following up with the Nemesis Arrow.
The show runs to credits with Ash Campbell left standing and the PSW title left lying at his feet.




Show Grade 60

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PSW Hardcore on Tour

Episode 2: Friends Reunited



A Black Range Rover with tinted windows and obnoxious rims pulls into the Ministry to start the preshow. The number plate of D1AZ01 should give you a clue who it belongs to.

Logan Wolfsbaine: "So this is it cuz, the place we're taking over. We can do whatever we want here and there is absolutely nobody to stop us."

James Diaz: "It's kind of a s***hole."

Wolfsbaine: "Yes it is, but they pay well and let you wrestle whoever the hell you want. Speaking of, don't you have a match now?"

Diaz: "Haha oh yeah. See you in four minutes, it will take me two to get to the ring."


Ben Williams vs James Diaz

  • The sheer difference in size, never mind ability makes this an utter mismatch
  • Williams charges at Diaz with a flying forearm that doesn't even move the big man
  • Diaz invites him to charge again, but Williams decides to go to the top and try a crossbody
  • After being swatted out of the air like a fly, he's nearly put through the ring with a powerbomb

Winner - James Diaz - Grade 14


Next, it's over to St.Peter and Paul church where we find the Legion of Blood making last-minute preparations for the arrival of the Sky Man. No paintings on the walls this time, but there is a hopscotch in the middle of the floor. Written next to it is: "1,2,3,4,5,6,7, all good boys go to heaven".

Wicked Lester: "And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men. And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star from heaven unto the Earth.

"The time is upon us."


Dogs of War (Devil Dog & Desert Storm) vs Legion of Blood (Wicked Lester & Dustin Deuce)

  • This one took on the theme of the Legion and the Forces feud, with the animalistic nature of the cult facing the discipline of the Dogs
  • But three of these men show why we've restricted this feud to the preshow so far, and the match is a bit of a mess
  • One developing plotline is Dustin Deuce getting weirder and weirder, seemingly in a trance until Lester snaps him out of it.
  • And this played into the finish, with Deuce nailing Devil Dog with a no-hands plancha to the outside
  • Lester followed this up in the ring with a top-rope elbow drop for the win. We must do something about that finisher as it's the worst fit on the roster

Winners - Legion of Blood - Grade 24


If you're wondering where the money from Wrestleworld goes, it's on sets. We're dropped into an office where Xavier Reckless is directed to a seat and a name badge to await the arrival of the King.

The King: "It's Xavier right? I never forget a face. So you've decided to turn your career right around and focus on becoming the best person you can be. Great. But first, we have to identify who the hell is c******g in your coffee. How many matches have you won this year?"

Reckless: "Well we did draw that match..."

King: "So none right? Okay I've noticed a common denominator in all of these matches. You didn't actually lose them did you?"

Reckless: "Actually, no I didn't."

King: "Exactly, so if it wasn't for someone coming along, taking a steaming dump right in your Americano, you'd be undefeated this year. You know what you need to do Xavier, and that's sign this piece of paper."

An extremely attractive woman leads Reckless away while The King relaxes back in his chair, reflecting on a job well done.


At least we didn't have to pay for this set, as we've sent Austin Smooth out to Lancaster County with his phone and Dead Bolt.

Austin Smooth: "I'm telling you Bolty, people love the Amish on Tik Tok, they can't get enough of them. So all we have to do is take a few selfies with these freaks and get out of here."

Smooth manages to muscle in on some unsuspecting people going about their day, until the very large fist of Jebediah knocks his phone out of his hand.


The Silencer vs ZomBoy

  • The final match of the preshow and these two leave it all on the line, with ZomBoy willing to break every bone in his entire body to hurt The Silencer
  • Accustomed to discipline and tactics, this throws the big man off his game, and he's nearly beaten by a Code Red
  • But Silencer's a big, scary dude and with the added experience he picks his spot, Gorilla Pressing Zomboy over the barriers
  • His finisher, the Drop Zone, is more than enough to put away a member of the undead

Winner - The Silencer - Grade 28


Main Show


“We are live and coming to you from the sold-out home of hardcore, and streaming on Wrestleworld.

"I’m Mitch Naess alongside the Iceman Alex Braun. Unfortunately, our colleague Eric Tyler won't be joining us straight away today because he's accompanying Ash Campbell to the ring. Let's at least hope it's quick."

Deafening boos ring out around the Arena to greet the Son of a Legend and his manager.

Ash Campbell: "You can shut up or I can just stand here for an hour, up to you.

"Now I'd like to tell you a little story about the guy I used to call my best friend. We were in a team together, the Philly Blondes. Now, my friend was never as good as me, and I had to do a lot of work to carry this team, but he was good with the ladies and he was a talker. Hell, I even forgave him when he got pinned by Antix. But, you see, this happened because my friend was never really my friend, he just saw my talent as a way to propel himself up the card. As you know, I had a pretty s****y 2017, so after losing my dad, the one thing I could count on was the support of my friend. Not one call, my friend didn't even give me the courtesy of a call or a message to ask how I was doing. Instead, while I knelt beside my dad's grave, he was off winning his first PSW title. Nelson Callum, you're a true piece of s***. So when I came back, I knew I'd have to bide my time, but when the opportunity was there I struck. Now, Nelson, we both know I carried the Philly Blondes, we both know I'm better than you and I deserved the success that you've had, so I've come to take what I deserve."

This last line brings the champ to the ring.

Callum: "Oh Ashley, I don't know if it's that Weasel by your side or if you have selective memory, but we both know that's not what happened. We had a good thing going with the Blondes, until you stopped hitting the gym and decided to hit the burgers instead. You know I'm sorry about your dad, but how the hell was I supposed to call you when you'd stopped speaking to me years before that? Sure I took the opportunity that was given to me, but you'd have done exactly the same thing, and now here you are asking me for an opportunity. Well, I don't just hand out title shots."

Tyler: "That's literally what you just did with Acid."

Callum: "I'll tell you what, I know you don't have any friends anymore, but see if you can find yourself a partner, and I'll see you in the main event. And we'll all see who really was the better Philly Blonde."


Austin Smooth vs Jebediah

  • The normally calm and friendly Jebediah is a ball of rage here, but Austin Smooth has that affect on most people
  • With the popularity and position on the card, these two deliver a decent big-man-little-man contest, centering on Smooth goading Jebediah into making mistakes
  • At one point he looks like he's locked on the Smooth Hold, only for Jebediah to stand and drop Austin back first
  • Realising he can't win this one fairly, Austin calls in Dead Bolt for the finish, who lines up Jebediah for an Axe Bomber. 'BOLT'
  • Unfortunately for Austin, anyone with sight or smell can usually sense Bolt coming and Jebediah moves out of the way, leaving Austin to get turned inside out by a clothesline for the second show in a row
  • A Sundown Splash from the big man and it's one for the good guys. 

Winner - Jebediah - Grade 41


Reckless Antix vs ???

  • Before anyone could confiscate it Antix grabs a mic: "I said yo. Can I get a hardcore? Going on tour.....whack
  • They don't make it to the ring before Reckless turns on his partner, leaving him in a bloody mess
  • This match is over before it's even started


From the ring(ish) area we're headed to the locker room to eavesdrop on the Assassin of the Squared Circle

Ernest Youngman: "I can't do it Venus. I just can't wrestle anymore. When I even get close to the ring now all I can think about is losing to Callum."

Venus: "Look Ernie I understand what you're saying but the only way you're going to get over this is to get back in there and do what you do best. Look I've spoken to someone who I think can help."

Ducking under the doorframe, the Mighty Cavanagh shakes Venus' hand, with Ernest in awe at his size.

Cavanagh: "Hi Ernest. I've been where you are man, Some days I don't want to step out of the locker room because I think everyone is judging me on my last match. But don't give in man, that victory's just around the corner. Just hopefully not tonight."

Venus: "Thanks Danny, see you out there."

Youngman: "I just lost to a man with one arm and now you're putting me in there with a giant? How the hell do you think I can do this?"

Venus: "Are you kidding me?!?! He basically limped in here and you didn't notice? Do I have to put a target on his knee for you Ernest or are you going to get your head back in the game?"


Cerberus vs Gareth Wayne

  • After that piece of drama, we're back to an old-fashioned blood bath
  • Gareth Wayne's veteran tactics manage to frustrate Cerberus, who already looked wound up after being read the riot act by Carl Batch
  • And the Fedora wearing hustler nearly turned apoplectic after Wayne hit the Made in Japan for a very long two count
  • But this managed to focus Cerberus, and the big man caught Wayne with his chain and dragged him down to the ground
  • He then transitioned into a full mount and laid blows down on Wayne. Even though the hardcore legend seemed to have passed out, Cerberus wrapped the chain around his fist to continue the beating, only stopping when the referee managed to intervene
  • Wayne, who resembled a car crash victim, was stretchered away from the arena, with the announcers wondering just what inner demons Batch had unleashed from Cerberus

Winner - Cerberus - Grade 35


Passing Cerberus on the way up the ramp was Cowboy Buck Winchester, with the pair sizing each other up before going in the opposite direction.

Buck: "Now I've got that little p**** off my back I'm free to chase some real competition. So, Sayeed Ali, PSW National Title on the line, what do y'all think.?

His idea is met with a roar of approval from the crowd, before this is drowned out by the entrance of Ali.

Ali: "Yeah, that figures. The lawman wants to take what's mine. It's happened throughout my whole life, I'd fight to earn what's mine then I'd get frisked walking down the street and it'd be taken from me. Well, this isn't Minneapolis lawman, and I ain't handcuffed. You step in the ring with me and try and take my gold, you won't be walking out."


Backstage, it looks like Ash Campbell has made a friend after all. 

Campbell: "So just to make things clear, I'm taking the win tonight."

Wolfsbaine: "Whatever. And just to make things clear, when you take the title of that lucky son of a b****, I'm coming for you.

"I might even take your manager as well. You'd like that wouldn't you Eric."

Tyler: "No kid, and trust me you don't want to know why."

Wolfsbaine: "Try me."

Tyler: "You wanna do this? Okay. I've been in this business for 42 years now, and I've never seen anyone take to it as fast as you have. You're big, strong, wrestling background, technical, and you're not afraid of taking shortcuts. You could go on to great things. But you won't, and that's why I'd never manage you. Because of your talent, your connections, you've have it too easy, and you know nothing about struggle and hard work. You should be champion by now, but you chose to d*** around instead of making the pin. Sure, you'll probably go on to be champion in the near future, several times I expect. Then you'll go to one of the big boys and fill out their midcard, and when you retire you'll have a comfortable life. But you'll always wonder, what would have happened if I'd actually tried. You could be the best in the world, one of the best ever, but it's not for you, wrestling's a hobby for you at best. Ash, every night he puts his life on the line to take the win, I've never even seen you get out of second gear, so that's why I'd take him every time. Good talk kid."


Ernest Youngman vs Mighty Cavanagh

  • Optimistically, Ernest went to lock up with Cavanagh to start the match, and was promptly hurled across the ring
  • There were signs of the old Assassin tonight, but he made mistakes
  • Cavanagh then took control of the match, including turning Ernest's chest purple with corner slaps
  •  With blood rushing to his head after being hung upside down for 30+ seconds in a suplex, Ernest looked out, until Venus screamed 'knee'
  • Then a simple chop block turned the match in Youngman's favour, and he clicked into gear. A brutal spot saw him drop Cavanagh knee first on the apron from a modified kneebreaker
  • With Cav brought to his knees, Ernest quickly nailed The Hit and sealed the win. Barely surviving the match.
  • Like a rampaging T Rex, Cavanagh tore out one of the turnbuckles following the defeat and was only stopped from doing more damage by Teddy Powell

MItch Naess: "Well, that was f****** scary."

Winner - Ernest Youngman - Grade 50


Ash Campbell & Logan Wolfsbaine vs Nelson Callum & Acid II

  • Nelson Callum's partner looked like he didn't appreciate Ash's treatment of his mentor, and went straight after the second-generation superstar
  • Callum and Acid II used quick tags to isolate Ash and looked to have the match in hand until Wolfsbaine reluctantly tagged himself in
  • Once in the middle of the ring though, he did some damage, suplexing everything that moved
  • As well as Wolfsbaine, Nelson hadn't counted on the outside presence of Diaz, who nailed him with his vicious thumb spike
  • Acid II fought valiantly, but after being ping-ponged between Wolfsbaine & Ash, who brought him crashing into the mat with the Nemesis Arrow to seal the win and a title shot

Winners - Ash Campbell & Logan Wolfsbaine - Grade 60


With rage in his eyes, Ash had clearly decided to send a message to Callum, and ordered Logan to roll him back in the ring. But with closing time approaching and the match at an end, Logan simply refused, with him and Diaz walking off. So enraged was Ash by this, he failed to see the original Acid perched on the turnbuckle, armed with a Singapore Cane. In one smooth action, Acid leaped from the Turnbuckle and smacked Ash in between the eyes. But Acid wasn't done. With the champ back in the ring, Acid peppered him with shots to the mid-section, then broke the cane over his back.

The show ends with Acid I and Acid II staring each other down in the ring.


Show Grade 57


*Sorry this is a bit late, needed some time to catch up on long-term stuff*

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Thanks @Fleisch for this cracking logo

All matches are hardcore unless specified otherwise

PSW  Championship- Acid vs Ash Campbell vs Nelson Callum(c)

Ernest Youngman vs ?

Acid II vs Logan Wolfsbaine

PSW Tag Titles - Rich & Famous vs Samoan Destruction Inc

PSW National Title - Cowboy Buck Winchester vs Sayeed Ali(c)

Xavi Ferrera vs Jesus Chavez

Dead Bolt vs Mighty Cavanagh

Antix vs Xavier Reckless

The King vs The Silencer

*Plus the debut of the Sky Man. For two bonus points, who is he?*



Predictions Standings

@GreatreDRagon 8

@smw88 8

@christmas_ape 7

@MidKnightDreary 7

@DinoKea 7

@AboardTheArk 6


With 11 points on offer and hopefully a much less predictable show, still all to play for.


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PSW  Championship- Acid vs Ash Campbell vs Nelson Callum(c)

Ernest Youngman vs ?

Acid II vs Logan Wolfsbaine

PSW Tag Titles - Rich & Famous vs Samoan Destruction Inc

PSW National Title - Cowboy Buck Winchester vs Sayeed Ali(c)

Xavi Ferrera vs Jesus Chavez

Dead Bolt vs Mighty Cavanagh

Antix vs Xavier Reckless

The King vs The Silencer

*Plus the debut of the Sky Man. For two bonus points, who is he?* - Remmy

Edited by smw88
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PSW  Championship- Acid vs Ash Campbell vs Nelson Callum(c)

Callum retains to lead to a singles.

Ernest Youngman vs ?

Ernest is hanging on by a thread.

Acid II vs Logan Wolfsbaine

Acid II is really good, he has a real future in the company. Logan Wolfsbaine is Devis Wayne Newton for zoomers.

PSW Tag Titles - Rich & Famous vs Samoan Destruction Inc

I guess.

PSW National Title - Cowboy Buck Winchester vs Sayeed Ali(c)

Cowboy Buck is good enough to win this but idk. Ali can carry a big feud for this belt before losing, the rare midcard champ who can.

Xavi Ferrera vs Jesus Chavez

Jesus is great but unless the whole Latino Kings debut...Xavi Ferrera baby.

Dead Bolt vs Mighty Cavanagh

I love Pokemon Dead Bolt btw, a highlight of this diary.

Antix vs Xavier Reckless

Just a hunch.

The King vs The Silencer

He outranks him.

*Plus the debut of the Sky Man. For two bonus points, who is he?*

Give me uhhhh Remmy Skye

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PSW  Championship- Acid vs Ash Campbell vs Nelson Callum(c)   I'm enjoying Ash in this, and do hope to see him as champ soon, just not sure this is his time.

Ernest Youngman vs ?

Acid II vs Logan Wolfsbaine   Although I could also see Eric's words getting to him and beginning a losing streak

PSW Tag Titles - Rich & Famous vs Samoan Destruction Inc   I like SDI, but would be surprised after their two singles loses

PSW National Title - Cowboy Buck Winchester vs Sayeed Ali(c) Two of my favourites in this. Wouldn't at all mind seeing Cowboy get the job done to allow Ali to move up.

Xavi Ferrera vs Jesus Chavez

Dead Bolt vs Mighty Cavanagh

Antix vs Xavier Reckless

The King vs The Silencer

*Plus the debut of the Sky Man. For two bonus points, who is he?*  I wanted to go somebody different... but... Remmy

  • Really enjoying this, a lot of different stuff going on. 
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PSW  Championship- Acid vs Ash Campbell vs Nelson Callum(c)

Ernest Youngman vs ?

Acid II vs Logan Wolfsbaine

PSW Tag Titles - Rich & Famous vs Samoan Destruction Inc

PSW National Title - Cowboy Buck Winchester vs Sayeed Ali(c)

Xavi Ferrera vs Jesus Chavez

Dead Bolt vs Mighty Cavanagh

Antix vs Xavier Reckless

The King vs The Silence

Sky Man - Remmy

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PSW  Championship- Acid vs Ash Campbell vs Nelson Callum(c)

Ernest Youngman vs ?

Acid II vs Logan Wolfsbaine

PSW Tag Titles - Rich & Famous vs Samoan Destruction Inc

PSW National Title - Cowboy Buck Winchester vs Sayeed Ali(c)

Xavi Ferrera vs Jesus Chavez

Dead Bolt vs Mighty Cavanagh

Antix vs Xavier Reckless

The King vs The Silencer

*Plus the debut of the Sky Man. For two bonus points, who is he?* Just for someone different and because he'd be awesome in PSW - Aldous Blackfriar

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Match 1 - James Diaz vs Brimstone

  • Oh dear, at least Brimstone manages to get through the match without injuring Diaz, probably fearing the repercussions
  • Despite being only 18-years-old, Diaz looks like an absolute killer, leaving a Brimstone-shaped groove in the mat after a pop-up powerbomb
  • Thumb-spike and we're done. Diaz isn't being paid by the hour

Winner - James Diaz - Grade 22


"Hey, big guy!" The Silencer is accosted by The King as he leads the rest of the Rogue Squadron through a set of drills. Now you're on one hell of a tear at the minute, but know what, someone is still crapping in your coffee."

"Maggot, you better not be talking to me. I'm not some white women in Los Angeles, your crap won't work on me."

The King: "Wow okay champ. If you think you're so tough, so manly, I'll see you in the ring later."


Match 2 - ZomBoy & The Dirty White Boys vs The Rogue Squadron & Little Bill

  • With The Silencer busy on a solo mission tonight, Little Bill steps up to join the forces lads against everyone's favourite cult
  • And the absence of the big man is felt straight away, with the bikers using their size and strength to overwhelm Dog and Storm
  • ZomBoy also takes part in the beating but doesn't seem to revel in it as much as the bikers
  • With the army boys incapacitated on the outside, Little Bill is easy prey and finished with the Full Throttle

Winners - Zomboy & The Dirty White Boys - Grade 36


Selfie footage being shot through a phone should tell you who's about to cut a promo. Austin Smooth is seated at a greasyspoon cafe along with Bolty. He then proceeds to talk in Cockney accent that would rival Dick Van Dyke.

"Ello you larvely, larvely people. I'm ere at Dino's Caff for me brekfust, a bangin lasarnya with a few chips on the side. Now I may av taysted defeeet in me last match, but I'm just ere to say, keep it goin, give it 110% and let's go art and smash it."

Dead Bolt: "BOLT."

Austin Smooth: "For God's sake Bolt, Bosh! It was Bosh!" Blind with rage, Austin throws his plate of half-eaten lasagne across the cafe, only to look over in terror at who it's hit.

Enjoying his breakfast was the Mighty Cavanagh, who as we've seen has had some anger issues. "Bolty, RUN!"


Match 3 - Stuntman vs Vendetta

  • These two rounded off the preshow with a decent match, where Vendetta used his size to try and ground the daredevil
  • But as is the case with Vendetta, his clumsiness cost him, after a missed chairshot rebounded and knocked himself out (think Rock & Mankind)
  • Stuntman took advantage of this by climbing the top rope and pulling off an impressive 450 for the win




Main Show




“We are live and coming to you from the sold-out home of hardcore and streaming on Wrestleworld.
"I’m Mitch Naess alongside the Iceman Alex Braun and the Traditionalist Eric Tyler.
“And we are headed straight to the ring where the champ is waiting.” 

Tyler: "The Egomaniac wants to open the show again, what a shock."


Nelson Callum: "Pittsburgh peeps, show me some love. Now it seems like everybody wants a piece of the champ, and who could blame them, right honey? So, I'm going to propose we do what we did to bring in my last birthday, how's about a threeway?" Nelson's speech is interrupted by Ash Campbell, who doesn't look like he shares the same sense of humour.


Ash: "'Oh I get all the girls, I'm so funny,' why don't you grow up! You know you're the perfect champion for the state of hardcore, stuck in the past and playing an act 10 years past his sell-by-date. Luckily, I'm here to restore some creditability and rebuild hardcore into something my dad would be proud of, and the best way for me to do that is to take your belt, so I accept. Now where's that washed-up mute?" The camera pans up to the rafters where we get a glimpse of Acid


The masked legend stays silent again, pointing eerily to the belt on the shoulder of Nelson Callum.

Naess: "Woah looks like we've got a main event folks."


Reluctantly entering the arena, we spot Ernest Youngman deep in conversation with Venus Angeletti.


Youngman: "I've already told you I can't do this anymore."

Venus: "Are you kidding me right now? You beat the biggest guy on the entire roster and you still don't think you have what it takes?

Youngman: "The biggest guy with one working leg, don't forget I lost to a guy with one arm."

Venus: "Jesus, look I've booked you another match tonight. We've seen you can take on big guys, now I know you can beat any technical guy, and this one's a master. So, you ready?"

Youngman: "Whatever."


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  • The crowd are on their feet for the return to hardcore of Art Reed, and the veteran looks like he hasn't missed a step
  • In better shape than guys 20 years his junior, Reed skins the cat straight into a flying head-scissors in an incredible display of athleticism
  • Lacking confidence, Ernest spends most of the match on defence, not believing he can go hold-to-hold with the Pure Athlete
  • And this leads to his downfall as he finds himself in the Dread Lock which not even Ernest Youngman knows a way out of



  • But luckily for Ernest, his manager does, with Venus screaming: "Dreads!"
  • Ernest then grabs the hair of Reed and repeatedly slams his head into the mat
  • With Reed dazed and confused after someone broke his hold, Ernest applies his own Omoplata. forcing the veteran to tap

Winner - Ernest Youngman - Grade 67 😲



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  • Backing his own masculinity, King tries to go head-on at the Silencer and gets dropped for his troubles
  • The big man then uses a series of takedowns to control the match, including a nasty-looking STO on the apron
  • With the Silencer lining King up for the Drop Zone, a masked man spoils the fun and climbs on the forces man's back, clawing at his eyes
  • Seizing the opportunity, King kicks Silencer between the legs, then drops him with a spinning backfist for the win

Winner - The King - Grade 41


In a twist that has turned out to be as unpredictable as one written by M Night Shyamalan, the mystery man removes his mask to reveal...



Remmy Skye: "Phase one begins."





Antix: "This match shouldn't be too hard, I found this cat wrestling in a backyard.

"And he wasn't the best in his crew, I'm a get my phone and call up Fearless Blue.

"Or maybe Extreme Deluxe, when I say Reckless you say SUCKS."

Naess: "Ohhhhhhhhhh."

Braun: "Antix is on fire!"


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  • Antix came in here like a house on fire, eager to prove he wasn't the weak link of the team
  • But unfortunately for the rapper, this turned out to be true
  • Even giving up a lot in size didn't deter Reckless, who out-brawled, wrestled, and fought his former partner
  • After a pretty one-sided match, Reckless spiked Antix's head into the mat with a slingshot DDT for the win

Winner - Xavier Reckless - Grade 37


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  • Anyone hoping to see Cavanagh throw Smooth around the ring was left disappointed after the Tik Tokker shoved Bolt into the fray
  • In Bolt's prime, this would have been a mismatch, now it's just simply cruel
  • Cavanagh looked like he knocked all of Bolt's remaining teeth out with a pump kick
  • Sit-out spinebuster and the breakfast brawl is mercifully over

Winner - Mighty Cavanagh - Grade 34


A Range Rover with the numberplate D1AZ ambles slowly into the arena, where Logan Wolfsbaine is seen exiting from the backseat.


James Diaz: "Where've you been? You're on next."

Logan: "I've got a match tonight?" *chuckles* "I didn't even check. Who is it this time?"

Diaz: "That dork with the mask from On Tour."

Logan: "Oh little Acid, ha! Glad I didn't waste any time training. Let's go."


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  • If this was a glimpse into the future of PSW, then the company is in extremely good hands
  • As you'd expect from his late arrival, Wolfsbaine was caught off-guard by Acid's speed and agility
  • A springboard back elbow followed by a crane kick resulted in a super long two count
  • As the match went longer, Logan started to grow into it, catching Acid and hurling him into the turnbuckles
  • But his belly-to-belly finisher was reversed into a jumping DDT, then the Acid Rain Bomb! 1-2-



  • For all of Logan's antics, he's still Diaz tough, and manages to kick out
  • With Logan taking a powder, Acid followed him to the outside, and this was a mistake. Thumb Spike from Diaz!
  • Acid II goes limp and is easy prey for Wolfsbaine, who applies the Boston crab to an already unconscious opponent for the win

Winner - Logan Wolfsbaine - Grade 60 😲😲😲😲


The victorious Diaz Family happen to bump into Rich & Famous on their way out of the arena.


Diaz: "Are these the two dorks you were telling me about?"


Wolfsbaine: "Nah it can't be cuz, this is rich AND famous. And they're the future tag team champions right boys?" Rich and Famous nod nervously

Wolfsbaine: "Look boys, I know my attention's been elsewhere when it comes to Steel Circle business and I'm sorry okay? But I promise, beat those Samoans and bring the belts home, and we'll get right back on track. Because to be in this group, you have to beat Samoans. Just look at me last month."

Idol: "Yeah but you only won because you got the big guy there."

Logan: "Look Famous, you have no idea how hard it is to be me. Do you know how hard it is being from a tough family and having to live up to the expectations put on us? And what do you think I am? His keeper? Ask him yourself."

Rich & Famous think twice about potentially bothering the big man.

Logan: "This goes for you as well Rich, bring back those tag titles and we'll all go out tonight and have a big Steel Circle party. Go get em tigers."



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  • There's no love lost or rest holds between these two who beat the living s*** out of each other
  • Sayeed's recent matches have seen him dominate experienced opposition so Buck poses a new challenge
  • But Sayeed's on another level completely, especially when he's this fired up
  • Timberlands to the face, curb stomp. GBH Driver. 1-2-3

Winner - Sayeed Ali - Grade 49


In a regular scene from the last few shows, Xavi Ferrera's entrance is followed swiftly by Carl Batch, who's accompanied by Jesus Chavez


Batch: "Now y'all may not recognise this man, but trust me, he does. Xavi you've been on a roll here in PSW but in Puerto Rico, you ain't s***. You've lost your title, you've been relegated to the preshow, and you lost to my man right here."


Ferrera: "You're right Carl, I've lost in FCW more time than I'd like. In a promotion where I'm told to slow down because I'm making the 40+ main eventers look bad. In a company where I'm forced to carry Juggernaut Jones. In a company that would rather see a sumo wrestling a former bodyguard. You didn't beat me Jesus, you beat half of me. You step into this ring, you'll be facing all of XAVI FERRERA BABY. I will not just beat you esse, I will embarrass you, ring the motherf****** bell."


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  • Batch's comments seem to have lit a fire under Xavi, who attacks Chavez from all angles
  • And it's not as if the Latino King is having a bad night, the hardcore environment seems to suit him more than his island promotion
  • But Xavi's too good, nearly knocking him out with the Ferrerana
  • A beautiful high-angle frog splash seals the win, and nobody looks happier than Carl Batch

Winner - Xavi Ferrera - Grade 46



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  • Rich & Famous charge at the Samoans, House Always Wins to Machine! 1-2...... kick out!
  • Jordan and Idol continue to attack with reckless abandonment, spurred on by the encouragement/threats of Wolfsbaine
  • But the Samoans take over with stereo headbutts to Idol, taking him out of the match.
  • Samoan driver to Jordan! 1-2------- last ditch kick out
  • The match devolves into a free-for-all in the final stages, with Rich & Famous isolating Machine
  • Reality Check! Cash In! Machine's done...... But Umaga isn't, Double Rhino Charge. The Champs retain

Winners - Samoan Destruction Inc - Grade 54



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  • After the frantic pace of the last match, these three try and slow the pace down at the start
  • But it doesn't take Ash Campbell long to take things to the extreme, taking a spike to Acid's head and leaving a hole in his mask
  • The masked man also isn't a stranger to weapons from his DAVE days, going to the midsection of both competitors with a Singapore cane
  • The champ is the one to try and keep things as grounded as he can in a match like this, picking his openings to target Ash and Acid
  • We even see a very short-lived Philly Blondes reunion, after Ash and Nelson hit Acid with a Philly Cheese
  • After breaking up both pin attempts, the former partners are back at it, with Ash gaining an advantage. Ash 2 Ash on Callum
  • Ash then lines up Callum and wallops him over the head with a chair busting him open, before his taken down into the Acidity Test
  • With Eric Tyler's expertise at ringside, Ash finds a way out and low blows Acid for good measure, Nemesis Arrow!
  • 1-2-3! He's done it!


  • The crowd are in a state of shock, especially Ash Campbell, who can't believe he was seconds away from winning the belt, only for Nelson to basement dropkick him out of the ring and steal the pin
  • The champ celebrates with a crimson mask, while Ash stares in silence

Winner - Nelson Callum - Grade 63




Show Grade 61




Edited by jcarmjn
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Prediction Results

We're tied at the top but I have an idea so will be messaging the top two shortly

@smw88 17 - can you turn your messages on?

@christmas_ape 17

@AboardTheArk 15

@MidKnightDreary 16

@GreatreDRagon 14

@DinoKea 6


On 2/20/2023 at 6:48 PM, christmas_ape said:

Although for everything that happened on the main show, heel award of the night goes to Austin for having a lasagna for breakfast.


On 2/21/2023 at 5:56 PM, 619 said:

Likewise, while it was a enjoyable show all round – the main event false finish being especially well written – I think the unexpected Dino's Caff cameo stole the show (well, the preshow).

Thanks guys, expect Austin and Bolty to remain a big part of the (pre)show

On 2/21/2023 at 6:15 PM, AboardTheArk said:

Loved this show, this diary has finally made me envision a character for Nelson Callum.

Thanks mate, funny you should say this as I had the most problems with characters for Nelson and Ernest other than that they're good wrestling. Nelson was originally going to be Tyler Durden, with PSW taking on a Fight Club feel to go with Ruthless Aggression, and Ernest was a take on Patrick Bateman, obsessing over holds rather than his looks and snapping limbs instead of killing people.

Massive thanks everyone who's read, commented and liked so far. On Tour will be out in the next couple of days then Lockdown hopefully by Sunday

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PSW Hardcore on Tour

Episode 3: Blood Runs Thicker Than Water



Match 1 - Devil Dog vs Xavier Reckless

  • Unusually for us, we're kicking off things with a match, just not a particularly good one
  • Devil Dog certainly looks the part, but can't do much else
  • Reckless on the other hand looks like he has a new lease on life after ditching Antix
  • And he takes this one fairly comfortably with his Slingshot DDT

Winner - Xavier Reckless - Grade 33


We're back off to the St Peter and Paul, where the congregation has certainly grown since we were first here. The Dirty White Boys have taken their place either side of the Sky Man, with Wicked Lester now among the rest of the followers. 

Skye: "Alice, you are no longer in Wonderland, and phase one begins now." He turns to Deathwish and ZomBoy: "You two can bring the tag belts back to the family can't you? Don't worry, it's about time someone had faith in you." Remmy glares at Lester who doesn't return his look. "And you, my disciple, you can take out the wandering soldier, do what others could not." Dustin Deuce looks more confident than ever after receiving Skye's endorsement.

Remmy: "First we gain the gold. Then, we go on walkabout."


Match 2 - Dustin Deuce vs The Silencer

  • Seemingly in a trance, Deuce charges at The Silencer, who expertly uses his momentum to send him flying with a modified hip toss
  • Splat! Deuce is then sent face first with the Drop Zone and won't be getting up for a good while.

Winner - The Silencer - Grade 17


Match 3 - Austin Smooth & Dead Bolt vs Jebediah & Little Bill Lebowski

  • Austin has to spend the first minute coaxing Dead Bolt to come to the ring. When he appears from behind the curtain, it's clear why...
  •  'I wore the MSCHF Big Red Boots.' This YouTuber told us all about his experience.
  • After insisting that he looks fabulous, Smooth and Bolty enter the ring and spend the first few minutes working over Lebowski
  • They even look like they're about to take the win, but Bolt misses the Big Red Boot, which brings in Jebediah
  • The big man enters like a house on fire and hurls Austin out of the ring
  • Big bodyslam to Bolt then soars through the air to hit his Sundown Splash. 1-2-3

Winners - Jebediah & Little Bill - Grade 38


Main Show

“We are live and coming to you from the sold-out home of hardcore, and streaming on Wrestleworld.

"I’m Mitch Naess alongside the Iceman Alex Braun and the Traditionalist Eric Tyler.

"And it looks like we're headed to the ring to here the wise words of our champion."

Tyler: "You mean that imposter Naess. Everyone knows the rightful PSW Champion is Ash Campbell and Nelson is a fraud."


Nelson Callum: "Pittsburgh peeps, show me some love." And on cue they do, who doesn't love Nelson Callum?

"I thought I'd have some fun with y'all before an angry little nepo baby came down to the ring, telling him I cheated him out of a victory last month. But I didn't cheat you Ash, I beat you, I outsmarted you, something your mentor would be proud of. But like a lot of people watching PSW, I'm getting sick and tired of your self-indulging rants, so I'm proposing we settle this. Lockdown, me-and-you, steel cage. Nowhere to run, no-one else to blame but yourself when I beat you again, whatdya say?

Ash Campbell stomps out from behind the curtain, looking angrier than ever. "I'm the nepo baby am I Nelson? Yet, if it wasn't for your best buddy Davis you'd never have got a job in this industry so spare me the lecture on breaks okay. As for your challenge, you've probably got something planned, some way of trapping my legs in the cage so you can weasel your way to another win. But it doesn't matter, because in a cage my brutality can't be contained, I can release three years of pent-up frustration, three years of anger and despair by scraping your face across a steel cage. Three years and I'll finally have my revenge, and take what's rightfully mine."


"I said Yo!" It looks we're about to be treated to another freestyle rap from Antix.

"This fake ass cat cost me my best mate, acting like a knock-off Andrew Tate;

"Your latest scheme certain fail, then you can follow your hero to jail;

"I'm cutting this wannabe king down to size;

"Then you'll need more cucumber to put on your eyes."


Match 1 - Antix vs The King

  • Antix enters this match determined to put an end to his losing streak and gain revenge on The King
  • Yet The King spends most of the match yelling at his manager, Marina
  • And she helps set up the finish, throwing coffee into the eyes of Antix
  • The King quickly takes advantage, knocking him out with a spinning backfist

Winner - The King - Grade - 40


Match 2 - Devil May Care vs The Dirty White Boys

  • After his star making performance against Logan Wolfsbaine, all eyes are on Acid II, and he doesn't disappoint
  • The masked man takes it to the bikers, peppering them with kicks, and taking them both down with a gorgeous triangle corkscrew plancha
  • A crescent kick drops Hogg, leaving him prone to Stuntman's 720 splash
  • But the Englishman crashes and burns, and is then squashed between the two dirty white boys
  • After an RPM bomb puts Acid through a table on the outside, the bikers finish off Stuntman with the full throttle

Winners - The Dirty White Boys - Grade 44 🫤


With Acid II incapacitated on the outside of the ring, Stuntman is left to lick his wounds on the mat, but not for long. Standing on the opposite turnbuckle is the original Acid, who doesn't wait long to strike. Some vicious strikes take him down and then the Acidity Test chokes Stuntman out. Then just like that, Acid is gone, and we're none the wiser as to the reason for his attack.


Looking unusually serious, a solo Logan Wolfsbaine makes his way to the ring and calls out Rich & Famous. The standard cocky swagger of Idol and Jordan has been replaced by a look of fear.

Wolfsbaine: "Rich, Famous, come here. Remember when I said you had to beat the Samoans, how did that match go? Seriously I'd already left the arena, what happened?"

Idol: "We lost Logan. No matter how much pre-workout we take, how many sets and reps we get through, we just can't beat them."

Wolfsbaine: "Famous, that's okay. I appreciate your honesty and you tried your best. That's what really matters, and that's what the new Inner Circle is going to be about, trying your best, even if you lose."

Jordan: "Really?"

Wolfsbaine: "Well Rich, no." During their chat, James Diaz has made his way to the other side of the ring, and as soon as Jackpot Jordan turns round, Thumb Spike! Before he can react, Logan grabs Idol and flings him through the air with a belly-to-belly. Rich & Famous are left in a mess on the mat, as is what was left of the Inner Circle.


PSW Tag Titles - Samoan Destruction Inc(c) vs Blood Soldiers

  • The Skye Man's masterplan begins here with the Blood Soldiers aiming to capture the tag belts
  • But the Samoans are just way too strong and experienced
  • Double headbutt to Deathwish, Spiked Island Driver to put ZomBoy down for the three count. Defence number nine

Winners - Samoan Destruction Inc - Grade 41


Cerberus enters the ring, dragging the bloody chain he used to bludgeon Gareth Wayne into retirement. But before his mouthpiece Carl Batch can speak, Alex Braun stands up from the commentary table with a few words.

Braun: "Cerberus, Batch, when you spilled the blood of Gareth Wayne, you spilled the blood of the entire Warrior Engine. And one of the blood brothers has come for revenge. Ladies and gentlemen, Warrior Engine triple crown winner, The Animal, Taheji Konoe.


Cerberus vs Taheiji Konoe

  • Cerberus is clearly the bigger man and seemed dismissive of Konoe, only to have his nose busted open by a headbutt to start the match
  • Konoe fights with a ferocity rarely seen in the US, breaking out his trusty pair of tonfa to beat Cerberus around the ring
  • Yet Cerberus proves to be every bit his equal in the brutality stakes, bringing the chain into play
  • And he uses his favourite toy to choke Konoe out and win the match

Winner - Cerberus - Grade 30


With Carl Batch willing him on Cerberus wraps the chain around his fist and transitions into full mount, ready to send Konoe to the same place he sent Gareth Wayne, that is until a familiar face puts a stop to it. 


Batch screams at his former and current client to stop beating the s*** out of each other as the pair brawl their way to the back and out of the arena.


With the carnage cleared from the ring The Assassin of the Squared Circle, Ernest Youngman, and Venus Angeletti look like they have a challenge to issue. But just as Venus is about to speak, Samoan Destruction Inc's music interrupts her. Samoan Machine and Kanishoki are spotted at the top of the ramp. No, not Kanishoki, that's Umaga, but my god has he put on some weight. 

Umaga: "Did you think we'd forget about you brah? We know it was you who put the hit out on ADB, and he's still not cleared to compete."

Venus: "Now while you may have a point, there's an elephant in the room. Not you Umaga. We're out here for competition and both of you have wrestled. Where's the challenge?"

Just as Venus finishes speaking the two Samoans are joined by a wild man.


Ernest Youngman vs Toma

  • Toma differs from his family in one way, violence
  • While Destruction Inc prefer to use their head and brutal moves, Toma would rather use weapons.
  • And Ernest felt the brunt of this, with Toma using a Singapore Cane to beat Ernest around the ring with it
  • Not trusting his own abilities, Ernest is soon put on the back foot by this, and only just kicks out of a Samoan Suplex
  • With Ernest on Toma's shoulders, about to be put away with a Samoan Driver, Venus screams 'NECK'
  • With this, Ernest floats over and delivers a nasty neckbreaker, which puts him in the driving seat.
  • A brutal spot sees Toma trapped in the tree of woe, and Ernest landing a knee drop from the top, slamming Toma's neck into the turnbuckle
  • As Toma moves into a seated position, Ernest strikes, scoring with The Hit to the back of his head
  • Another tough win for Ernest

Winner - Ernest Youngman - Grade 54


Show Grade 52


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