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AEW Restart: Hell Has Frozen Over

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The First Phone Call

Call From: Tony Khan

???: I've already told you my opinions on this. I don't see how this can be a project I can be a part of. I commend you for it. Heck I even respect you for it to some degree, but I'm tellin' you now, because nobody else will...if you put your lot in with the people you're looking to work with, it's gonna turn out bad for you!

TK: I understand your passion, but even you have to admit the All In show turned out to be a huge success! People had their doubts, including you...10,000 seat arena to sell out and they did it! Some REAL money behind that crew? And someone to steer the ship in the right direction? We could be looking at something that wrestling fans like me have dreamed of for years! A god honest alternative to the WWE! 

???: yeah, it DID turn out to be a success but not for the reasons YOU think it was! It's because people have been sick and tired of what Vince has been serving them for too long, they got a bad taste in their mouths and they are desperate for somebody, anybody to stick it to 'im for what he has done to the industry and the way he's treated the wrestlers!

TK: Well that's a good enough motivation to capitalize on this if any, right? Do you even realize how many meetings I'm going to have to keep people happy if they found out I was just TALKING to you?

???: So why the hell are you doing it then?! I've told you no! The so called "athletes" who've managed to sell you this snake oil have made their opinions of ME well known not only to you but to the rest of the wrestling industry! Why even bother with the hassle?

TK: Honestly? Cody put me up to it....

???: What?!

TK: He had a sit down with me...once it was all set this thing was really going to happen...voiced some opinions, some concerns, brought up your name. Said you were someone we HAD to get if we wanted to see this thing be seen as legitimate...

???: Well I'm flattered but I just can't, in good conscience, willingly go to work alongside, or for a company that puts its stock into a group of people that treat this sport with disrespect!

TK: What is it going to take FOR you to do it?

???: For me to help you book this thing? Tony I can't honestly give you a number! I'm gettin' older, I'm thinkin' about retirement, I'm pretty much done with wrestlin', I HATE travel and I don't like the idea of givin' you ideas over the phone when I know the people you're considerin' to be EVP's of your company wouldn't listen to 'em anyway!

TK: It doesn't have to be money! I can give you creative control for any stars you might wanna manage, potential storylines we have you work in, veto on future hirings!

???: How about vetoing CURRENT hirings?!

TK: You know I can't do that...

???: Well sounds like you're up s--- creek without a paddle!

TK: Cody said you'd be a hard man to talk to...

???: Well you tell Cody he was right and that I'm sorry to disappoint him!

TK: Why don't you tell him yourself....

???: Excuse me?!

TK: After I tell him how this went, he's gonna want to talk to you...try to convince you himself.

???: Tell him not to bother...

TK: I doubt that will stop him. Clearly my attempts are falling on deaf ears anyway. Regardless...hope you have a good day...



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Call From: Cody Rhodes

???: Hello Cody...

Cody: Tony told me how his last call with you went. He's convinced trying to get you on board is a lost cause

???: Damn, he might not be as foolish as I thought he was, because he's absolutely right on that account! Look Cody I respect you...I like you, you know what I thought of your father...But I-

Cody: Stop!

???: What?

Cody: None of this has anything to do with your opinions of my father, so there's no need to bring him up.

???: Cody Im sorry I didn't mean to-

Cody: I know what you meant to do. You were trying to let me down gently and respectfully in the best way you knew how and I'm letting you know I'm not hearing it. Do you even know why I'm doing this?

???: Because you're pissed at the way you've been treated, as you rightfully should be and you wanna stick it to the company that has overlooked you for so long...

Cody: Certainly a motivating factor. But there's something else there that nobody is talking about. I want WRESTLING back on television. Do you understand what I mean when I say that? Because real, professional wrestling, has not been on television for a long...LONG time. 

???: And it isn't gonna be as long as people like those sideshow circus CLOWNS you're pallin' around with have ANYTHING to do with it! Do you REALIZE who you're throwin' your hat into the ring with Cody? What they've DONE?! What they STAND FOR in this business?!

Cody: It's a realization I've come to rather quickly. Which is why I want you...and it's why I've told Tony that I won't be signing my contract until we GET you.

???: Well look Cody....wait...you what?

Cody: You heard me...I don't HAVE to do this! I have New Japan, I have the indies, I have the NWA if I'm really in the need to wrestle. This is something that will never come around again. Someone with big financial backing, putting their faith and their money into a wrestling company, looking to take on Vince...and if done correctly. We could see the return of the wrestling that both you and I love...

???: So what do I do if I say yes to this? Just smile and wave at these dumb f---- as they walk through the locker room with positions higher than mine and try to keep their insanity under control?!

Cody: They don't have positions higher than you yet.

???: Oh but they will Cody, you know it, you got offered that position as well!

Cody: And if you agree to hop on board I will tell Tony that I decline the EVP position and am willing to join as a wrestler...with creative control of course...

???: You'd decline an EVP position because of ME?!

Cody: Because we'd have a booker. Which, I don't know if you've noticed is something we desperately need.

???: Oh ok but what about the Three Stooges? They still have that offer don't they?

Cody: Tony DID ask you what it would take to get you on board didn't he?

???: Yeah I thought he meant a paycheck...

Cody: Well now you have a condition for your hiring as a booker. Ensuring that none of us get EVP positions...include me in that demand if you like. Makes it look like you're not just being biased. Just expect a hard push back from the Bucks and Omega...

???: Oh joy, so immediate headaches would be on my schedule if I did this, what a top salesman you are Cody.

Cody: Headaches that would be worthwhile in the longrun if it means reviving this industry wouldn't you say? And if your presence here makes them reveal their true colors to the man funding this...how excited do you think he would be when their contract negotiations eventually come up?  

???: It doesn't seem like it's worth it any more Cody...

Cody: Do you think it would be worth it for my dad?

???: I thought we weren't allowed to bring him up!

Cody: No...you weren't allowed to bring him up...and you know, that if my dad had the money, heck, just the opportunity, to bring back the wrestling he loved and lived through. He'd do it...no matter how bumpy the road ahead might be. Have you really given up on wrestling that badly? Can you not swallow your damn pride and at least TRY?

???:.....I'll think about it Cody...okay?

Cody:....Okay...I'll call you back in a couple of days to get your answer.



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Call From: Cody Rhodes

???: You're a persistant f----r aren't you?

Cody: One of my defining traits I'd say. So what's your answer.

???: My answer is....if I'm gonna do this...IF I'm gonna do it. None of those buffoons can come anywhere near a position of power that dictates signings other than their own!

Cody: Hold on I'm gonna' get a pen, write this all down for Tony...

???: God damn it I ain't sayin' yes yet!

Cody: Uh-huh...Ok I got it, go on.

???: I'll need my travel covered, my hotels covered...and when it comes to the Three Stooges if I absolutely HAVE to book their god damn matches and segments, then I don't wanna agent 'em Someone else is gonna have the unfortunate job of dealin' with those clowns.

Cody: Travel. Hotels. Kept away from The Bucks and Omega as much as realistically possible

???: I didn't word it like that!

Cody: No you didn't, but that's the truth of the situation, at some points you're gonna' have to interact with them...what was it Vince used to say?

???: Eat s--t and learn to love the taste of it.

Cody: Yeah, see he was good for some things! Look if it helps, when you absolutely HAVE to interact with them we will have other agents around to act as witnesses and potential security to hold you back if you want to attempt murder.

???: I also want the boys healthcare covered.

Cody:...I...wasn't expecting that one.

???: I think a billionaire can find a decent insurer that would cover all his workers at a good price don't you?

Cody: Yeah just very...humanitarian of you.

???: I worked long enough in this industry seeing the boys struggle to cover expenses. Maybe Tony shouldn't sell the idea that this is a company for the workers if he doesn't wanna throw some meaningful cash out there.

Cody: Ok I'll add it to the list. Anything else

???: Yeah creative control.

Cody: Well you'll be the booker so....

???: I mean I get to choose who I manage if I wanna manage 'em, If I AM involved in any on screen capacity I have say on everything I'm involved in. it's gonna be serious and legitimate and I ain't gonna be forced into anything stupid.

Cody: Hard bargain. Tony won't like it.

???: Well hopefully that means he won't go for it.

Cody: I wouldn't count on it. He's driven on this. So I'm telling him you're on board and presenting him your conditions right?

???: God damn it...Okay! But I want it made clear! I ain't doin' it for him! I ain't doin' it for his money! I'm doing it for the sake of professional wrestling! Because god damn, somebody needs to!

Cody: I knew that would make you come around...

???: F--k YOU CODY!

Cody: Good to speak to you too, Jim. Fingers crossed for you...

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Jim Cornette Announced as AEW Head Booker

Ladies and Gentlemen, today, Hell has frozen over. Jim Cornette has returned to the wrestling industry, not as a personality, not as a manager, not as a color commentator, but in a booking capacity. Something that we have not seen in decades. His return is not for some small, independent promotion, but instead, for the company currently on everybody's radar. All Elite Wrestling. It comes as a shock to all in the wrestling industry and the community. "If you'd have told me that Jim Cornette was going to come back as a booker. I'd have laughed in your face" says Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter. "It's just something that, you know, with all the personalities involved that seemed impossible. I could buy him coming on maybe as a consultant, in the background or over the phone, but this? Nobody was prepared for this and you know, it's going to ruffle a heck of a lot of feathers."

Those feathers that immediately come to mind would be that of The Young Bucks and Kenny Omega, wrestlers whom, Cornette has voiced rather extremely vocal and negative opinions on. It makes one wonder if this is a hiring that can last long given the history he has with these three alone. "I give him a month tops" said one inside source who wishes to remain anonymous. "Before everything comes crumbling down around him and he's given the boot"

Putting aside that ball of drama, there's also the endless sources of controversy that Cornette has been the other end of with his blunt opinions that have riled up the wrestling community, especially that of the younger generation. It is the opinion of many that Cornette, is out of touch, past his prime, and is just a negative influence on any locker room he may enter. 


To say this is a test, not just for Cornette, but for the company that has yet to even debut it's initial show yet, is an understatement. When asked for comment, Tony Khan had this to say.


"We promised the wrestling community, a product that was sports based in nature. A product that would be an alternative to what they are used to. A product, that ultimately respects them as fans and respects what they love. I can't think of a bigger wrestling fan than Jim Cornette. He's passionate. He's boistrous. he's loud. he lets you know what he thinks. Wrestling needs someone like that. This company is going to need someone like that,a nd that, despite the bumpy road that decision has paved for me, creatively and financially. Is a decision I thought was worth making."


The Young Bucks and Kenny Omega refused to comment when reached on the matter. 

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17 minutes ago, JoshGallie said:

instantly disliking this

you are one of many I expect to see responses like this from. I'm doing this because the idea of taking someone who has been incredibly critical of a product, who, historically we know was offered to give his consultancy, has a history of booking, and, in a fantasy world where anything can be made to happen, I can find a way to use the real life opinions of Jim to create stories that I could not create with any other personality. If you wish to let your real life opinions of the man cloud fiction. That's up to you.

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3 minutes ago, James The Animator said:

Aww! I guess not everybody likes your favorite wrestlers as much as you do. :(

The idea of your comment is laughable. I dislike Cornette for being an out-of-touch dinosaur that can only get attentions from current fans by saying outragous thing. He's like the D****d T***p of wrestling

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The Great Brian Last
Hello again friends, and you ARE our friends and welcome back to another edition of Jim Cornette's drive thru, we have a very interesting episode for you today to say the least so without beating around the bush let's get to the man himself MISTER JIM CORNETTE!
Jim Cornette
Brian....my career, my credibility, my reputation, my integrity is on the line. I am in a situation...that everybody is saying I cannot win, that I cannot come through, that I will not see the other end of. People are predicting Brian, if you can believe it...that I will be a failure in the very forseeable future. Can you believe it?!
Well for those listeners who are not in the know and...if you're listening to this show I don't know how you can't be in the know BUT-
But in case you've been living under a ROCK...I in...all my "Infinite wisdom" or stupidity...however you wanna phrase it have agreed, to put myself in the not so enviable position...of booking the new hot shot promotion that's gettin' everybody all riled up, the company that they say is gonna change the face of the wrestlin' world. All Elite Wrestling!
I doubt you'll be able to tell me but...I have to ask. What in the WORLD did Tony Khan say, what did he tell you, what did he offer you, to make you say yes to that job. 
You'd be right that I wouldn't be able to tell you but what I can tell you is that it wasn't Tony Khan who got me to change my mind on this situation and honestly Brian? I don't know if the person who did wants their identity to be known, so for their sake I won't divulge that information either. But what I can tell you and what I can tell the people at home, the Cult of Cornette members all listening on the edge of their seats...I'm doing it for you. I know I know what some of you are thinkin' oh here comes Corny's big babyface promo, but I'm serious. I'm doing it for wrestling...and Im doing it for all the wrestling fans who, for so long have been looking for...the thing that they loved...the thing that they lost...the thing they've been hoping and praying would somehow, some day, some way return to their television screens. Professional wrestling.
You really think you're gonna be able to deal with...The Young Bucks...Kenny Omega...people of their ilk they might have...already brought along with them or want to bring along with them
I'm gonna have to learn a way how to aren't I, like the idiot I am I got suckered into it Brian! My love, my passion, my desire for wrestling was used against me...and now I have to prove that I can do it and god damn it when you challenge me to do something. I'll do my best to get it done or die trying!

I suppose we should also address the future of this podcast going forward

Obviously going forward this podcast will not be as...regular as it currently is, however, Tony is well aware I have no intention of leaving Brian out in the cold. So I can promise you all now that this podcast will not be ending, we will attempt, at the very least to release episodes on a monthly if not bi weekly basis, where I, in, the best of my capabilities can give you folks at home my opinions as best as I can. With no bias, and in a way that will...hopefully not get me fired.

I give it three months at best...

Oh I knew I could count on you for your support Brian

I don't mean to be dismissive it's just...a scenario I don't see you succeeding in, not at any fault of your own I might add ypu'll just....you'll just have too much working against you. If that makes sense? I mean I've recieved emails from...some anonymous sources who have already told us a thing or two about The Young Bucks and Omega and...if those claims are to be believed then...you're climbing an uphill battle...
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8 hours ago, JoshGallie said:

instantly disliking this


6 hours ago, JoshGallie said:

The idea of your comment is laughable. I dislike Cornette for being an out-of-touch dinosaur that can only get attentions from current fans by saying outragous thing. He's like the D****d T***p of wrestling


2 hours ago, SonOfSharknado said:

Well, this ain't for me. Not even a little bit. Not even in a remote universe. But good luck to you all the same. 

Then don't read the thread. It's not that complicated. 

Edited by Jaysin
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Honestly I love the idea.  Maybe I’m in the minority but who cares.  Will be looking to see how this is booked differently.  I’ve been an AEW doubter for some time now and they completely lost me after that idiotic firecracker ring disaster.  It started out ok with Cody and Dustin and had potential.  So I wish you good luck with this project.  This will be the last thing I say about the current “real” AEW product because not looking to turn this into a war of opinions.  

Looking forward to see what you do and how it differs from what “the Booker of the year” did 

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11 hours ago, JoshGallie said:

The idea of your comment is laughable. I dislike Cornette for being an out-of-touch dinosaur that can only get attentions from current fans by saying outragous thing. He's like the D****d T***p of wrestling

Not a great comparison because Jim Cornette is hardline anti-Trump.  And as out of touch as he may be, Cornette is also an industry veteran who knows how to get things done in the business, so I find myself listening to what he has to say even if I disagree with his opinions on individual wrestlers and flippy matches.  In a perfect world, perhaps Cornette and AEW could've worked together and combined the best elements of old school psychology and modern workrate into a truly brilliant product.

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The Inevitable Meeting.

Tony Khan
Jim. Firstly I want to thank you for doing this and hopping on board this project. I know it's going to be difficult working with certain personalities here but-

Jim Cornette
Tony I'm gonna stop you right there! I want to make one thing clear right here. Right now. I don't like the fact that I'm going to have to breathe the same air as those balding f***s and that video game obsessed JOKE that dare to call himself an athlete. If I had my way. They wouldn't be here! Hell, if I had MY way I wouldn't be here! But you say you want a sports based program and I know from conversations I've had. That you have at least ONE person here with a good head on their shoulders when it comes to the wrestling business. So here's what's gonna happen. I'm going to try Tony. I'm going to try real hard to make this work. But don't expect me to be quiet. Don't expect me to be nice. Don't expect me to even PRETEND to be nice to those three or to anybody else they try to bring along with them! Are we clear?

Tony Khan
Crystal clear Jim. In fact that brings me to the matter at hand. The roster. We need to put one together 

Jim Cornette
Yes! Let's go over the roster and see what we can salvage from this mess!

Tony Khan
We are just waiting on a few other people to arrive before beginning...

Jim Cornette

At that moment the office door opens. Walking in is Jim's literal nightmare. The representatives of everything he loathes and despises about modern wrestling. Nick and Matt Jackson. The Young Bucks and Kenny Omega. Slowly behind them was at least a slight relief to see, showing Jim he was not totally outnumbered, in his suit and tie was the man who got him here in the first place. Cody Rhodes 

Jim Cornette
Awww f*** me. This is a rib right? You're trying to give me an early heart attack aren't you!

Nick Jackson
You think you're the only one unhappy about this?! Tony is LUCKY we didn't leave once we heard YOU were coming.

Jim Cornette
Damn WHY DIDN'T YOU LEAVE? Do the business a favour please! 

Kenny Omega
We were trying to do the business a favour by keeping irrelevant dinosaurs like you away from it.

Jim Cornette
Irrelevant huh? Son I got more knowledge about the wrestling business in my f*****g PINKY FINGER than you do in your entire worthless prissy body!

Matt Jackson
You see Tony! We told you this wasn't going to work! We told you he'd be like this! We can't work in this kind of environment!

Cody Rhodes
Gentlemen! This is a matter of business. If you all want to argue with each other while Tony and I put the roster together. Be my guest. But don't be mad at me if you don't get to put your case forward for the people you want here. You'll only have yourselves to blame.

Jim Cornette
F*** you and your silver god damn tongue Cody.

Cody Rhodes
Good to see you Jim. Now. What have we missed, Tony?

Tony Khan
We were just getting started actually. Now that you're all here we can go about the business of putting together a roster.

Jim Cornette
Why the f**k do THEY have to be involved?! I thought they weren't EVPs any longer?

Kenny Omega
We aren't! But we made it clear to Tony if he wants us to stick around we better have say in the formation of the roster!

Jim Cornette
Oh so I have to handle and book a roster tainted by you three. What joy that shall be.

Nick Jackson
Somebody has to try and balance the out of touch booking you have! What are ya' gonna do? Bring The Midnight back for one more run?

Jim Cornette
You listen to me you little punk. If you value your life you keep The Midnight Express and their names out your measley little mouth!

Tony Khan
Gentlemen please! The roster?

Jim Cornette
Who do we have as a definite?!

Tony Khan
Cody. The Bucks. Omega. Chris Jericho...

Jim Cornette
You managed to get Jericho?!

Tony Khan
Yes. Is that a surprise?

Jim Cornette
Never expected him to work against Vince is all. Can't complain about signing him though...all right who else.

Tony Khan
That's what we are here for. Everything else is possibilities and I worked out a way that's fair for everyone involved here.

Jim Cornette
Fair?! Wrestling isn't fair...

Matt Jackson
It is as long as we have a say

Jim Cornette
Man I pray for the day that changes!

Tony Khan. 
It will work like this. Cody. You will have ten individuals you can put forth as suggestions for the roster. Jim. You will have ten. Kenny and the Bucks will have ten between the. I suggest you all get some back ups as ideas to bring forward because I doubt we will be able to get everyone you want. That way everyone has had a say on the formation of the roster.

Nick Jackson
Still don't think it's completely fair. They both get ten and we get ten between us.

Jim Cornette
F**k I'd say three heads will be better than one but in your case I doubt that's true!

Tony Khan
Get to work boys. Come back to me when your lists are complete...back up suggestions included. And please...try not to kill each other once you leave my office.
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3 minutes ago, James The Animator said:

Geez. Reading that first encounter, I’m not sure that the Elite would be willing to call Cornette out to his face like that. We know from their drama with Punk that they’re more in the wheelhouse of passive-aggressive insults on their show and in their matches than outright tough guy posturing. But your last entry was very well-written. I’m just a stickler for small details, that’s all. ;)

True. I found it hard to imagine how that scenario would actually go. Because Jim most definitely wouldn't hold back if in the room face to face with them. Truly he might go and get a weapon and beat the crap out of them. So in my mind. I had to have the bucks and omega at least try and stand up to him a little bit. It's a dynamic I'll definitely be working on going forward. It is, after all the main dynamic that made me want to do this. 

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Interested to see who makes the list for each.  Not sure Cornette could even come up with 10 modern wrestlers to put on his list but this is 3+ years ago.  The intrigue is building as I’m looking forward to seeing all 3 lists while trying to remember who was all available when it started.

Cornette’s list

Punk, FTR (under WWE contract) and Briscoe’s (ROH contract) plus 5 more like maybe Nick Aldis, MJF and Jacob Fatu

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4 hours ago, Theheel said:

Interested to see who makes the list for each.  Not sure Cornette could even come up with 10 modern wrestlers to put on his list but this is 3+ years ago.  The intrigue is building as I’m looking forward to seeing all 3 lists while trying to remember who was all available when it started.

Cornette’s list

Punk, FTR (under WWE contract) and Briscoe’s (ROH contract) plus 5 more like maybe Nick Aldis, MJF and Jacob Fatu

Corny has said before that he feels guys like Fatu, Hammerstone, Holliday and other MLW guys should've been brought in immediately over some of the people chosen by the EVPS

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2 hours ago, jimmytwoshoes11 said:

Corny has said before that he feels guys like Fatu, Hammerstone, Holliday and other MLW guys should've been brought in immediately over some of the people chosen by the EVPS

Good point I don’t follow MLW but have heard him mention the guys you did like Hammerstone and Holliday.  Will be fun to see the lists

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The Bucks and Kenny's Picks

Adam Page

Christopher Daniels

Colt Cabana

Darby Allin

Eddie Kingston

Frankie Kazarian

Jungle Boy

Michael Nakazawa

Orange Cassidy


Joey Ryan
(Before we knew he was a total creep. Though we REAAAAALLLY should have known. I'm not signing this f*** by the way. Just stickin' to kayfabe.)

Matt Cross

Matt Sydal

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Cody's List
Austin Gunn
Austin Theory
Brandi Rhodes
Brian Pillman Jr.
Dustin Rhodes
Jake Hagar
Jon Moxley
Matt Cardona
Maxwell Jacob Friedman


Aaron Stevens

Kyle O'Reily

Sonjay Dutt
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