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White Canvas Grappling ~ The Comeback [CVerse]

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„I never would have been dreamed about creating a promotion with such a fast rising success. But here we are, sitting in the vip box at the legendary Egg Dome in Tokyo.“, Junnosuke Fukazawa had a mischievous smile on his face while doing the interview with the Tokyo Sports Press. Indeed the creation of White Canvas Grappling in late 2015 wasn’t expected as being a homerun. In a world of a dominating Burning Hammer, a strong Pride Glory Honor and Black and Golden Canvas champing at the bit behind the big two. As a former GCG and BCG man Fukazawa had the idea of working together with the other „Grappling feds“ but GCG boss Haruki Kudo wasn’t keen on that, other than Yoshifusa Maeda. „Maeda-san was absolutely fine with a small working relationship between us two. He respected me and I have a ton of respect for him, so it worked out for us. Having Funakoshi and Torii around in the first months as the big heels were great business.“ Indeed it was. Funakoshi won the first ever S-1 Festival and crowned himself as the inaugral WCG World Heavyweight Champion in a great fight against Hitomaro Suzuki. But that wasn’t the beginning where WCG went through the roof, it was with the acquiring of Razan Okamoto and his built as being the top face of the promotion.

Okamoto left BCG when his contract expired and was hired by Kudo and Golden Canvas, but this relationship only lasted three months because of a dispute between these two. Okamoto came to WCG and became a loyalist in a war with Funakoshi and his army the Black Terror Unit. At the first Anniversary show in 2017, Okamoto finally beat Funakoshi at the biggest house so far for the promotion. „I think they [BCG & GCG] both made a mistake with him. BCG with not pushing him on the same page as they did with Torii and Funakoshi and GCG for being too harsh with such a young person. But it was our luck, our fans and the whole wrestling scene in Japan, saw that he’s a golden boy for us.“ Just months later Black Canvas Grappling held a press conference where Yoshifusa Maeda announced that he’ll be retiring from the business, a decision which was the nail in the coffin fort he „black lions“. Sponsors jumped away and no one took the promotion under their wing, BCG was closed and with that some guys were also available for White Canvas such as Bunrakuken Torii, who signed a multi-year contract with Fukazawa and was turned babyface soon.

Speaking of other companies: With the demise of BCG Kudo and GCG had the same problems with an upcoming WCG. GCG had financial issues, Fukazawa helped his old lot out with some sort of an acquiring but in the end Kudo wasn’t happy with being the clear #2 in this relationship so Kudo took the oldest promotion of Japan to the graveyard and made many people mad, Fukazawa wasn’t shocked: „I mean it’s Kudo-san. We all know him for being a big ego, a frontman [..] It still hurts that this tradition died but it is what it is. He didn’t want the help of White Canvas and that was the end of them.“ Burning Hammer and especially PGHW took a huge blow over the years and fell behind WCG, which became the clear #1 in Japan. While BHOTWG is still on a good financial base, Pride Glory Honor is also on the edge of dying…

White Canvas Grappling instead is still on the rise, domestic and on a global scale also. They created an american subsidiary, holding shows at the biggest venues all over Japan, having shows in front of 5,000+ people in the United States of America and are looking forward to reach even more. They had something wrestling fans were lacking in Japan, WCG had the influence of the old GCG age but combined with a modern approach. „It made click I guess. Having golden canvas road matches with modern influence, fresh faces and a variety of styles were the key to take things off.“ While many guys on top of WCG aren’t particular WCG trained guys, the dojo system did produce a lot of interesting wrestlers though, Razan Okamoto, Hitomaro Suzuki, Bunrakuken Torii or Yoshinaka Taku are their guys. WCG will held their 5th Anniversary double header show at the Tokyo Egg Dome on January 7th and January 8th live on PPV (Emperor Choice) and WCG Global.

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f4d16pV.jpg WCG World Heavyweight Championship
The WCG World Heavyweight Championship is the major title of the promotion with only seven people who were able to capture it since it's creation in March 2016. It's treated with a huge amount of respect and is well protected. Matches for this title have a sixty minute time limit. The current champion is Hitomaro Suzuki.

IeGMo5I.jpg WCG Intercontinental Championship
Introduced at the first Anniversary in a match between Bunrakuken Torii and Hitomaro Suzuki, the WCG Intercontinental title was fought between WCG's absolute best and is a strong secondary title for the promotion. Like the World title the IC title has a sixty minute time limit. The current champion is Greg Gauge from Rogue Squad.

F7nzF4O.jpg RISE Openweight Championship
Originally invented as a title for young and upcoming talent, the RISE Openweight title became the place for every weight class and every wrestler who has the guts to get into a hard and bruising battle. The title was fought in an odd eight month long tournament starting in May 2018 and culminate at WCG 3rd Anniversary show in January 2019. The current champion is Koshiro Ino.

VZO5BRJ.jpg WCG United States Heavyweight Championship
With the start of the US-subsidiary White Canvas Grappling America in February 2020 the championship was invented in the very same month in New York City. The inaugral titleholder was Brandon „Bulldozer“ Smith who has beaten Rogue Squad's Ernest Youngman. The title was defended multiple times in the United States in different promotions such as TCW. The current champion is Yasunobu Masuno.

.LH0Dj6E.jpg GCG World Heavyweight Championship
With the demise of Golden Canvas Grappling in 2019 the prestigious title was vacated and not used by anyone. WCG president Junnosuke Fukazawa reanimated the championship in August 2020 and announced an eight man tournament which ended at Fighting Spirit 2020 in September. SUKI defeated Fujio Narahashi and became the thirty-four champion. The current titleholder is Tadakuni Toshusai.

ySM0iCb.jpg WCG Junior Heavyweight Championship
Junior Heavyweight Talent Relations Manager Hidekazu Ozawa announced a tournament to crown the inaugral Junior Heavyweight Champion in March 2017, which was the crowning of Japanese Phoenix.The start of the division may be a bit rough but over the time the matches improved a lot. The current champion is El Mítico Jr.

F3rWq7H.jpg WCG World Tag Team Championship
The second oldest title in WCG is also one of the most prestigious and started with a blood feud between the WCG loyals and the first evil faction called Black Terror Unit. Like the most titles the time limit for the tag team title is sixty minutes. The current champions are Team 220kg: Gonkuro Kamioka and Fujio Narahashi.

oFLPLrM.jpg WCG Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship
The Junior Heavyweight Tag Team title were created in October 2017 to give the newly opened division a tag team title like the Heavyweight division had. The masked legends Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion became the first men to hold the titles. The current champions are Japanese Phoenix and Musashi.

ddi2Lhp.jpg RISE Openweight Six Man Tag Team Championship
The newest set of titles in White Canvas Grappling are the RISE Openweight Six Man Tag Team titles which were invented at the 4th Anniversary show in January 2020. Like the RISE singles title it's an openweight titles which was already shown in the title lineage. The current champions are Morimasa Kato, Shiba Mizoguchi and Shogun Watoga.

R2xJQ3p.jpg Saikyou No Matsuri~ S-1 Festival
The most prestigious and biggest prize in White Canvas Grappling is hands down the Saikyou No Matsuri, which is a round robin tournament in a two block system with ten wrestler in each group. Matches have a thirty minute time limit, wins give two points, a draw one and a loss zero points. The two block champions are going to face in a seperate final with no time limit to battle it out. The tournament winner will get a WCG World titlematch during Golden Week.

fo3xOTJ.jpg White Canvas Trophy
Sixteen of the best wrestler will face in an annual single elimination tournament to win the White Canvas Trophy. The winner of the tournament will get a titlematch down the line, in the last episodes of the tournament the winner always has chosen the Anniversary show in January as their spot to get their titlematch. Fun fact: None of the five winners so far couldn't beat the reigning champion.

nqytgGx.jpg Grand J-Challenge
The Grand J-Challenge first came to live in 2018 in a single elimination format, had a year off and came back last year in a round robin format like the S-1 does. Other than the S-1 Festival the junior equivalent offers more wrestler outside of WCG from various japanese promotions.

NMba18q.jpg Hanami Cup
The Hanami Cup is a tournament designed for the young boys of the roster, most importantly to showcase the graduates of the WCG Dojo to the White Canvas faithful. The tournament will have their 4th edition this year, having a year on pause in 2019. The block matches have a time limit of fifteen minutes, the point system is the same as in other WCG tournaments.

Ie7EAHI.jpg S-1 Tag League
The equivalent of the S-1 Festival is the S-1 Tag League. Most episodes of the tournament had a two blocks system but last years edition switched to a four block system with two semifinal and final at the end of the tournament.

Edited by CGN91
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9SpVJun.jpg Burning Hazard, formed in September 2018
With the arrival of Heihachiro Sakai and Brute Kikuchi it was the day Tadakuni Toshusai got terrorized. Toshusai's friends Konoe and Makioka turned on him and joined Burning Hazard while Yoshii Shiomi and Dark Phoenix aka KC Glenn joined their BHOTWG allies too.

9qAf8Yf.jpg REAL BLOOD, formed in January 2021
After losing the title at the 5th Anniversary show, Hitomaro Suzuki teamed with SUKI, Takenori Doi and Yuta Isono at the New Year Wars!! show and announced his creation of a faction calles REAL BLOOD. Jinzaburo Kakinomoto and Tsuneyo Yanagimoto joined them backstage as well. Suzuki explained „RB“ is a group for people who did not get many support from the company and need some like minded allies.

1rN4cUT.jpg Reiwa Ishingun, formed in May 2019
After turning on their Kenka allies, Omezo Shikitei and Maro Shimizu founded the Reiwa Ishingun in May 2019 alongside Azumamaro Kita. The trio was joined by Kiyotaka, who turned on xDREAM, and Kado Kamisaka who wasn't in any faction whatsoever. The Ishingun wants to take over White Canvas Grappling!

Xhl5OFx.jpg Rogue Squad, formed in January 2017
Founded at New Year Wars!! 2017, the Rogue Squad is still a key part of the WCG landscape. Since it's foundation Greg Gauge is in charge of the stable and leads the group with a hard hand, ejecting Brandon Smith in 2019 because he was more successful at that time than Gauge. The stable was an All Gaijin group until Kyuichi Matsumoto joined them in 2019.

5IqbWCr.jpg xDREAM, formed in September 2016
xDREAM was founded by Razan Okamoto to have a strong group of like minded people to fight against the Black Terror Unit in 2016. The stable saw members come and go but the key people are still there with Okamoto, Motoyuki Miyake and founding member Kuemon Hotta. However Kiyotaka left the group and turned on them to join Reiwa Ishingun.

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And here we are back folks with White Canvas Grappling! The first version of WCG ended 1 ½ years ago after four in-game years, seven diary awards and many many cool stuff happened in this time. Why the comeback though?

I had the feeling I had fun with other fantasy based diaries but WCG was so evolved in his own lore and history that nothing quite reached this level of excitement for me as a writer. Before I start with the actual happening in in-game 2021 I will post a „Year In Review of 2020“ and some other historical stuff before. I don't know a post about the history of the S-1 or other stuff to help out potential new reader with the history of the promotion.

As you read in the opening post WCG created an american subsidiary with his own shows, like New Japan did. I don't know if those show will make it to the diary but if people are intested I can do small write-ups here and there. Last thing to say: Have fun and enjoy the second ride of White Canvas Grappling.

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Catching A Dream
Beating his biggest enemy at the biggest stage of them all is quite something. Hitomaro Suzuki was on the hunt for the biggest prize in White Canvas Grappling, the WCG World Heavyweight Championship, since the creation of the promotion. When Greg Gauge tapped, Suzuki had a relief of finally being the champion but immediatly after his biggest accomplishment he was interrupted by the debuting Yasunobu Masuno, who made the jump from Burning Hammer to WCG. „Genius“ Hitomaro Suzuki wasn't impressed with new guys on the block or old enemies: He successfully defeated Masuno at EXPLOSION In Sapporo, survived Bunrakuken Torii during Golden Week and even handled Koshiro Ino well at Wrestling Imperium IV in July. It seemed like just one guy could beat the champion and this guy was „Dreamcatcher“ Razan Okamoto, the longest reigning WCG World Champ in history. In one of the best matches in the history of the promotion the two came to a sixty minute time limit draw in Osaka, which made the door open to a very special happening at the Anniversary show in January. The fifth episode of the birthday party was split into two shows and after having a draw with the champion Okamoto stated that he should be the challenger on day two. While Bunrakuken Torii celebrated singles victories over others and a tag team victory over Suzuki he made also a challenge to Suzuki, which was also accepted.

Speaking of Bunrakuken Torii and Razan Okamoto, apart from unsuccessful challenges both of them had an incredible year. „Machine Gun“ Torii made it out of the grueling block system of the S-1 Festival and met Greg Gauge of the Rogue Squad in the final. After two spinning forearm smashes Gauge couldn't raise his shoulders and Torii made himself a two time S-1 winner, which no one before him did so far. Okamoto on the other hand finally won a tournament when he dropped the big „Bulldozer“ Brandon Smith on his head in September during the White Canvas Trophy final and added another accolade to his trophy case. In addition to that Okamoto won an interpromotional match with Pride Glory Honor Crown's Akinori Kwakami to cement his status as „Mr. WCG“.

From Smoke To Smother
The history of the WCG Intercontinental championship was held by White Canvas' very best: From Hitomaro Suzuki to Greg Gauge over to Bunrakuken Torii and now Yoshinaka Taku, who won the title from Azumamaro Kita at the 4th Anniversary show. When xDREAM's Motoyuki Miyake challenged the newly crowned champion to a match at EXPLOSION no one would have expected a titlechange but just after 32 days Taku lost in Sapporo to Miyake due to a real life injury. He broke his legs, shattered his knees and will be out of action for 18 months. Miyake took the title and needed to growth into his role. With such a young age, Miyake was 25 year old to this point, he was one of the youngest champions in the history of the promotion and everyone knew he would not have been the champion if Taku didn't get injured. Miyake defended five times in a row with victories over Heihachiro Sakai and Azumamaro Kita until he got provoked and challenged by Greg Gauge, who took the title off him at Invasion Attack In America in August 2020. Nevertheless Miyake made a quite surprising impression, defended the title against five opponents which is a defending record for the Intercontinental title in one reign. Gauge made it to Anniversary where he'll face Heihachiro Sakai.

The Reigns Of Terror
The Junior Heavyweight scene was rescued by Japanese Phoenix at the 4th Anniversary show when he finally dethroned Dark Phoenix, who was exposed as KC Glenn, after a reign of terror of 331 days. But Phoenix' third reign as the very best junior heavyweight didn't last long when WCG came to Kanagawa Stadium for the finals of the S-1 where „The Bounder“ Joffy Laine cheated his way to win the title. Laine managed to defend the title five times for example against Grand J-Challenge winner El Mítico Jr., Frankie Perez at an US-Show or the debuting Kiminobu Kuroki. At the 5th Anniversary he'll face Mítico again.

New Gold For "Everyone"
And there was the invention, or should we say recreation, of two titles: The RISE Openweight Six Man Tag Team titles were introduced at the 4th Anniversary show and were battled out in a gauntlet match between various trios teams. The trio of Logan Diaz, Pavel Vanzycha & Sterling Whitlock (Rogue Squad) became the inaugral titleholders and were champions for 158 days. On the other hand the GCG World Heavyweight title were re-introduced in August were eight man tried to become the 34th champion, SUKI and Fujio Narahashi met in the finals were SUKI won and became the champion until today.

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A young promotion needed money and fame and that was when Junnosuke Fukazawa and Sotatsu Sarumara came to an idea: We need to get good publicity and we need to have more shows to gain money so let’s just make a round robin tournament. The name was found pretty fast when Sarumara suggested something with „Strong/Saikyou“, „Warrior“ and „Number One“ – The first ever Saikyou Warrior-1 Festival was held from March 11th 2016 to March 20 2016 with twelve participants not only to have a tournament winner but also to crown the very first White Canvas Grappling World Heavyweight Champion. The story of the first edition of the tournament was definitely Black Terror Unit versus Hontai (Home Army) - Each block final was a member of the B.T.U. versus one of the WCG team when Hitomaro Suzuki defeated Bunrakuken Torii to met B.T.U.'s Funakoshi in the final who had defeated Sotatsu Sarumara. There was no happy end for WCG as Funakoshi captured the title and beat Suzuki, he even tossed the belt around and spit on it. A real disaster for the promotion to start history with the S-1 Festival.

The year after, the tournament had a small name change when the term „warrior“ was dropped and just the Strong-1 Festival or Saikyou no Matsuri name was established. Since then the tournament has it’s current name. The S-1 will go in it's  sixth edition this year with four different winners so far: Only Bunrakuken Torii won the tournament twice (2017 & 2020). The other successful winners were Funakoshi (2016), Hitomaro Suzuki (2018) and Yoshinaka Taku (2019). Pretty interesting is the fact that only Yoshinaka Taku managed to "cash-in" his titleshot successfully so far, and speaking of the winner, the tournament winner gets a titleshot during Golden Week at the traditional May 5th show at the Chiyoda Sumo Hall right next to the palace oft he japanese emperor. Also very special is the trophy, which is a black katana sword of a samurai.

Edited by CGN91
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The WCG office had an idea of promotion a domestic subsidiary for young up & coming talent and outside talent of all weight classes to showcase their strength in front of a small crowd at the Shinjuku-REX. After a many month long tournament with talent of EXODUS, WEXXV, GCG, BCG, SAISHO and WCG the designated future golden boy Motoyuki Miyake had to face Warrior Engine XXV legend Hiroshi Morisue in the final of the tournament. Against all odds Miyake was able to hit two penalty kicks to the „Mohawk Of Insanity“ and crowned himself as the inaugral RISE Openweight champion at the 3rd Anniversary on January 7th 2019.

With the demise of Black Canvas Grappling and the bitter end of GCG, the first approach of showcasing outside talent was shut down on a quiet note. The title was positioned as the number 3 „heavyweight“ belt in the promotion after the World Heavyweight and the Intercontinental championship.

After defending the title four times Miyake lost it to Fujio Narahashi at Wrestling Imperium III. Narahashi lost the title to Morimasa Kato at the 4th Anniversary show, which could be seen as the end of the original plan for RISE as a subsidiary.

Before RISE there was STEP UP, which was technically the forefather of RISE. The concept was the nearly the same, but you could say it wasn't that well planned before. WCG president Fukazawa said back then at the press conference: 
„We're always looking for the best talent out there. It's an upgrade to STEP UP and I'm really proud that we could afford this move. RISE will be even more exciting [..]“ And yes it was truly more exciting so far!

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JOkTi3D.png u4PCwsD.png aZgnk59.png

The biggest show of their existence will take place in a few days when White Canvas Grappling goes Toyota Stadium for a two night show extravanganza. 50,000 people each night could be in attendance to cheer for their heroes. „This would be our dream, to have 50,000 people each show would be simply amazing.“, WCG president Junnosuke Fukazawa told at the press conference. 

The show will be headlined by a mini tournament for the biggest prize of the company: WCG World Heavyweight Champion Hitomaro Suzuki has to defend the title on night one against Bunrakuken Torii. The winner of that very match will defend the belt against Razan Okamoto just a day later. „I'm confident to extend my one year long reign even longer.“, the champion Suzuki said. "The Dreamcatcher" is looking forward to get "his" title back after losing the championship in 2019 to Yoshinaka Taku.

WCG Intercontinental Champion Greg Gauge need to overcome Burning Hazard's Heihachiro Sakai, which is not an easy task for the leader of Rogue Squad. The american needs the victory of the biggest stage in WCG after losing the S-1 Festival final for the second straight year in a row last year. „It's up and downs for me, but Greg Gauge is still the biggest star this company has to offer.“, Gauge told the press. 

The two shows will be shown on WCG Global, Aichi and on traditional PPV at Emperor Choice.

『WCG 5th Anniversary Night 1』 – January 7th, 2021
Toyota Stadium (Tokyo, Kanto) [Emperor Choice, WCG Global & Aichi]

0. Kichibei Ezakiya, Jinzaburo Kakinomoto, Takenori Doi & Yuta Isono & Yutaka Ogata vs. Akihiro Hisato, Chomei Fuwa, Daisetsu Yanagi, Haru Shionoya & Shuzo Utagawa
0. WCG Rumble
1. Shogun Watoga, SUKI & Morimasa Kato vs. Shiba Mizoguchi, Sotatsu Sarumara & Tadakuni Toshusai
2. Mad Dogs (Zeshin Makioka & Taheiji Konoe) & Team 220kg (Gonkuro Kamioka & Fujio Narahashi) vs. Animal Harker, Logan Diaz & American Demolition (Brandon Smith & Findlay O'Farraday)
3. RISE Openweight Six Man Tag Team Championship: Reiwa Ishingun (Maro Shimizu, Kado Kamisaka & Kiyotaka) XDdjFCe.png vs. Washi Heat & Gaijin Wrecking Crew (Nigel Svensson & Ray Snow) vs. Rogue Squad (Pavel Vanzycha, Sterling Whitlock & MATSUMOTO)
4. KATOU vs. Ieyoshi Shimakage
5. xDREAM (Tanyu Toshusai, Motoyuki Miyake & Razan Okamoto) vs. Rogue Squad (Konrad Mäkinen, Roderick Remus & Ernest Youngman)
6. WCG Junior Heavyweight Championship: Joffy Laine XDdjFCe.png vs. El Mítico Jr.
7. RISE Openweight Championship: Omezo Shikitei XDdjFCe.png vs. Koshiro Ino
8. WCG Intercontinental Championship: Greg Gauge XDdjFCe.png vs. Heihachiro Sakai
9. WCG World Heavyweight Championship: Hitomaro Suzuki XDdjFCe.png vs. Bunrakuken Torii

『WCG 5th Anniversary Night 2』 – January 8th, 2021
Toyota Stadium (Tokyo, Kanto) [Emperor Choice, WCG Global & Aichi]

1. Rogue Squad (Pavel Vanzycha, Sterling Whitlock & Greg Gauge) vs. Burning Hazard (Kiyonari Genji, Ieyoshi Shimakage & Heihachiro Sakai)
2. tba
3. WCG Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship: Infamy Inc. (Masa Kurata & Nichiren Amagawa) XDdjFCe.png vs. The Revengers (Musashi & Japanese Phoenix) vs. Konrad Mäkinen & Roderick Remus
4. GCG World Heavyweight Championship: SUKI XDdjFCe.png vs. Tadakuni Toshusai
5. WCG US Heavyweight Championship: Ernest Youngman XDdjFCe.png vs. Yasunobu Masuno
6. WCG World Tag Team Championship: Mad Dogs (Zeshin Makioka & Taheiji Konoe) XDdjFCe.png vs. American Demolition (Brandon Smith & Findlay O'Farraday) vs. Animal Harker & Logan Diaz vs. Team 220kg (Gonkuro Kamioka & Fujio Narahashi)
7. Special Singles Match: Azumamaro Kita vs. Motoyuki Miyake
8. WCG World Heavyweight Championship: Razan Okamoto vs. Hitomaro Suzuki/Bunrakuken Torii

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  • 2 weeks later...


『WCG 5th Anniversary Night 1』 – January 7th, 2021
Toyota Stadium (Tokyo, Kanto) [Emperor Choice, WCG Global & Aichi]

Pre-Show: Akihiro Hisato, Chomei Fuwa, Daisetsu Yanagi, Haru Shionoya & Shuzo Utagawa def. Kichibei Ezakiya, Jinzaburo Kakinomoto, Takenori Doi & Yuta Isono & Yutaka Ogata (7:53)

Pre-Show: WCG Rumble: Brute Kikuchi won the battle royal (30:30)

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Shogun Watoga, SUKI & Morimasa Kato def. Shiba Mizoguchi, Sotatsu Sarumara & Tadakuni Toshusai (9:18)
We started the first night of Anniversary with some six man tag team action. The face off's between Toshusai and SUKI were the crowd favourites, both men will meet in the ring tomorrow for the GCG World Heavyweight Championship. „KILLING MACHINE“ Morimasa Kato and Sotatsu Sarumara were in an interesting finishin sequence where Kato had the upperhand with a devastating lariat followed by his choke sleeper. Old Sarumara had no choice but to slap the mat.

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Mad Dogs (Zeshin Makioka & Taheiji Konoe) & Team 220kg (Gonkuro Kamioka & Fujio Narahashi) def. Animal Harker, Logan Diaz & American Demolition (Brandon Smith & Findlay O'Farraday) (11:39)
A prelude for tomorrow's four way tag team titlematch went into some chaotic moments when all four teams were in the ring or outside of the squared circle at the same time. The funny thing was that the „all gaijin“ team hates each other which wasn't a surprise when Smith is involved with Rogue Squad in one team. The current tag champs Mad Dogs won the match for their team when Makioka put Animal Harker to the ground with a belly to belly suplex.


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Reiwa Ishingun (Maro Shimizu, Kado Kamisaka & Kiyotaka) © def. Washi Heat & Gaijin Wrecking Crew (Nigel Svensson & Ray Snow) , Rogue Squad (Pavel Vanzycha, Sterling Whitlock & MATSUMOTO) (12:18)
Wild three way six man tag team match for the Six Man Tag titles, check. The Reiwa Ishingun had the better ending for themselves due to their more experienced trio's history so far. Shimizu locked in his necklock to Washi Heat in which the masked man's lights went out. Just moments before they had the big chance to grab the titles against Sterling Whitlock, but the Ishingun came in perfect time to break the fall. Being such a dominant trio the three announced that they want to defend the titles again tomorrow!

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Ieyoshi Shimakage def. KATOU (14:04)
They had their issues over the past weeks when Shimakage interefered in matches of xDREAM members and KATOU was heavily angry about it. With his arrival in WCG Shimakage joined his former Burning Hammer co-workers to Burning Hazard and showed a cocky attitude. Today was no difference, he ignored KATOU's offense and made the latter even more angry. This lead to an unfocused KATOU which got caught with some elbows followed by a package piledriver for the three. Afterwards Shimakage announced that he wants to challenge for a title soon.

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xDREAM (Tanyu Toshusai, Motoyuki Miyake & Razan Okamoto) def. Rogue Squad (Konrad Mäkinen, Roderick Remus & Ernest Youngman) (15:55)
A strange situation for Razan Okamoto and Motoyuki Miyake having a multi-men tag match just one day prior to their big singles bout. Miyake should have faced his opponent Azumamaro Kita today, but the latter wasn't clear by the doctors. Okamoto needs to focus on today's main event more than this match to be honest. While the two seemed to be busy with themselves Tanyu Toshusai took the advantage and put Roderick Remus to sleep for his biggest career win on the biggest stage of them all.


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El Mítico Jr. def. Joffy Laine © (22:25)
The history between these two is remarkable in the short period of Junior Heavyweight wrestling in White Canvas Grappling. Joffy Laine is famous for stealing matches with dirty tactics, just like back in summer 2018 when „The Bounder“ cheated his way against Mítico to win the first Grand J-Challenge. Disgruntled by all those moments in the past Mítico started the match early by attacking the champ with a cannon ball just before the ring announcer could say a bare word. Mítico's fast paced maneuvers were a gamechanger while Laine tried to settle down the pace of the fight on multiple occassions. It was a hard kick to the face which sent „The Bounder“ to oblivion and the northern lights (suplex) were turned on to change the title to the „Aztec Warrior“.


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Koshiro Ino def. Omezo Shikitei © (21:41)
Omezo Shikitei looked unstoppable over the last couple of months, he became the longest reigning RISE Openweight Champion in history and sure he wanted to extend his reign even further. It was a real battle between the old puroresu style of Koshiro Ino, student of the Burning Hammer, and Omezo Shikitei who was born on the indies and made himself a name in WCG as being a fierce striker. Speaking of being a striker, Shikitei gave a f-- about Ino's wrestling style and hammered him with all he got from forearms, knees and headbutts. Pretty scary moment was when Ino came back with a shoot headbutt from which the champion went bloody on the forehead. With a pouring injury like that Shikitei's fate was sealed when Ino hit his Kobra's Bite to win the championship.


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Greg Gauge © def. Heihachiro Sakai (23:41)
It was definitely a weird situation when two so called heels met in a semi main event of the biggest show of the year, but the pure hate for Greg Gauge is always so much superior that the crowd inside the arena cheered for Heihachiro Sakai throughout the whole match. The leader of Burning Hazard pretty much enjoyed the roar of the crowd, he even became a bit euphoric in his actions when he nearly tried to kill Gauge with devastating knee strikes to the ring corner. Gauge's entourage wasn't at ringside but nevertheless the leader of the Rogue Squad sneaked out of some uncomfortable situations. While Gauge is a master of ducking out of tight spots, he also can wrestle a bit. The american showed that while hitting a couple of suplex variations before he made Sakai tap out to the Proton Lock. Another successful title defense for the former World Heavyweight titleholder.


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Bunrakuken Torii def. Hitomaro Suzuki (33:47)
These two have so much history between them, the roar from the crowd was so loud when ring announcer Tanosuke Joshuyo introduced them and you could feel the energy of both men. Hitomaro Suzuki's run as the champion marks 365 days to this night and of course "Genius" wanted to extend his reign to the next day, where the winner of today's match will meet Razan Okamoto. There were no hard feeling in this match, just a pure wrestling match where the best man would be the ultimate winner of this sports competition. You saw all of it here like great nearfalls, counter to moves and exciting moments between two of Japan's greatest wrestler in this decade. While Suzuki failed to apply his dangerous Suzuki Lock a couple of times, Torii escaped and could hit a Spinning Forearm Smash out of nowwhere to take down Suzuki to the ground. The Champ raised his shoulder just before the three count but a second Forearm Smash was too much for him - Torii stole the World Heavyweight title of Hitomaro Suzuki and celebrated under a rain of confetti.

OOC: Sorry for the huge delay, I had a super flu and was dying in bed for weeks after 16 Carat.

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『WCG 5th Anniversary Night 2』 – January 8th, 2021
Toyota Stadium (Tokyo, Kanto) [Emperor Choice, WCG Global & Aichi]

Pre-Show: xDREAM (Katou, Tanyu Toshusai & Noburo Ikoma) & Danny Cavanagh def. Gaijin Wrecking Crew (Ray Snow & Nigel Svensson), Washi Heat & Kiminobu Kuroki (14:43)

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El Mítico Jr., Koshiro Ino & Hitomaro Suzuki def. Joffy Laine, KC Glenn & Omezo Shikitei (7:31)
Sure there was no smile at all in the face of now former World Heavyweight Champion Hitomaro Suzuki while his partners brought their new shiny belts to the ring. Suzuki seemed to be absent, his focus wasn't at his match. When Ino pinned Laine Suzuki wasn't ringside anymore.

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Burning Hazard (Kiyonari Genji, Heihachiro Sakai & Ieyoshi Shimakage) def. Rogue Squad (Sterling Whitlock, Pavel Vanzycha & Greg Gauge) (12:12)
From being one of the main acts yesterday to working one of the opening matches in just a random tag match isn’t for Greg Gauge. The WCG Intercontinental Champion had no real interest in fighting the trio of Burning Hazard and let the other two do the work today. Ieyoshi Shimakage wasn’t happy with Gauge’s behaviour and slapped him while the american wasn’t the active man in the ring. After winning the match for his team Shimakage issued a challenge for Gauge's WCG Intercontinental Championship.


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Shogun Watoga, Shiba Mizoguchi & Morimasa Kato def. Reiwa Ishingun (Maro Shimizu, Kado Kamisaka & Kiyotaka) © & Hirokichi Yoemon, Sotatsu Sarumara & Billy Robinson (13:21)
Maybe they were too hasty, but villains aren't quiet and so the Reiwa Ishingun had to defend their RISE Openweight Six Man Tag Team titles yet again after calling an open challenge yesterday. Morimasa Kato collected yet another title for his trophy case when he choked out veteran Hirokichi Yoemon. It's the first title win for Shogun Watoga and Shiba Mizoguchi in WCG.


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The Revengers (Musashi & Japanese Phoenix) def. Infamy Inc (Masa Kurata & Nichigen Amagawa) ©, Roderick Remus & Konrad Mäkinen (15:48)
What do you expect of a three way Junior Heavyweight tag team match? Exactly! Action, high speed action and more. The fans in Kanagawa Stadium were not sure where to look at while there was high flying action left and right. They cleary enjoyed the interactions between Infamy Inc and Revengers most, especially the four man tag moves they did on the unlovable Rogue Squad duo. In the further course former Junior Heavyweight Champion Japanese Phoenix eliminated Masa Kurata from the competition and was able to beat Roderick Remus after a hot finishing sequence with his Phoenix Splash. We’ve got new champs!


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Tadakuni Toshusai def. SUKI © (17:12)
SUKI made it pretty clear in the run up to the fight: He’ll defend „his“ belt to death to avoid that an enemy like Toshusai (former Burning Hammer man) will held the title. For SUKI only Black and Golden Canvas Grappling are real wrestling and he was disgusted when he saw that in White Canvas Grappling people from Burning Hammer are in big positions. As a result SUKI began the fight with fierced and brutal strikes to undermine Toshusai’s health, the latter was strong enough carried by the fans to overcome the dangerous attacks from SUKI. The Shocker‘s fighting spirit was undeniable, he hit multiple strikes followed by his diving legdrop for the three count. SUKI gave Toshusai the belt only with gritted teeth.


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Yasunobu Masuno def. Ernest Youngman © (20:10)
New champion! Yasunobu Masuno wins his first singles pro-wrestling championship when he defeated the 2nd WCG United States Heavyweight champ Ernest Youngman with his Masuno Deep Sleep submission move. After weeks of insulting Masuno the latter finally got his revenge on the Rogue Squad congsliere. Youngman almost grabbed the win but the challenger put his foot on the rope in the nick of time. With Masuno putting Youngman to sleep we've got our first japanese US champ.


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Team 220kg def. Animal Harker & Logan Diaz, Mad Dogs © & American Demolition (20:40)
After yesterday’s appetizer it was finally time for the big tag team title match. As the defending champion the Mad Dogs were cleary the main target of all teams although American Demolition is the largest team in this match. The match began chaotic with all teams brawling from left to right and back again. Referee XY had his hands full to seperate the men and to create a fair match-up. In a pretty entertaining finishing sequence all eight participants showed their pantented moves with only Fujio Narahashi and Animal Harker remaining. These two battled it out in which Narahashi was the stronger wrestler, he hit a Lariat to crown himself and his partner to the new tag team champions.

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Motoyuki Miyake def. Azumamaro Kita (25:30)
Althought Miyake has been WCG Intercontinental and RISE Openweight once this one is definitely the biggest match of his career, co-main eventing the biggest show of the year with such a young age. While Azumamaro Kita is a bit more experienced but he was also nowhere near a spot like that before. The tensions between those two started during fall when Kita slapped Miyake in front of his hometown crowd, after a loss during the S-1 Tag League Kita went crazy and nearly destroyed Miyake’s ankle. Therefore was the ankle of Motoyuki Miyake the main target in the opening minutes oft he fight, to weaken Miyake’s patented Penalty Kick even more. The xDREAM man did the best out oft he situation and tried to attack his opponent with several maneuvers, he fought like a wounded animal and nearly got the win with a sleeper hold followed by his PK. Kita had enough, he kicked Miyake multiple times to the face and nearly finished him off with an ankle lock. But the dream came true when Miyake activate the japanese fighting spirit to get the win with a rear naked choke!


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Bunrakuken Torii def. Razan Okamoto (38:59)
Two men who have a long history in fighting each other and fighting alongside against outside foes. A pairing with tons of respect for each other and probably the biggest match in the history of the promotion so far. The match started very slow, no surprise because they know each other so well. „The Dreamcatcher“ turned up the speed rapidly out of nowhere and was razorclose to get a quick win after hitting a Senzai Knee Strike. Okamoto began to taunt Torii which didn’t amuse the crowd, the boo’s rained down from the huge arena but the former World Heavyweight Champion couldn’t care less. Okamoto’s task ist o become the champion of the world once again and therefore he would do anything to reach that task at the moment. „Machine Gun“ Torii raised his shoulder at the right time into the air after getting nailed by a Brainbuster, a second Brainbuster was countered into a series of strikes by Torii and finally to hit his Spinning Forearm Smash. But like Torii did before, Okamoto raised his shoulders and the champ tried to hit another Forearm Smash with success. The first defense was in the books and the WCG faithful were pleased about the fight and the outcome. Okamoto shook Torii’s hands after the match, raised the arm of the champ and applauded him before heading backstage. A rain of confetti poured down on Bunrakuken Torii to end a two night extravaganza.

OOC: Feeling way better now, Anniversary is done, thank god. Now let's kick-off the new year!

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『WCG New Year Wars! 2021』 – January 9th, 2021
Ryogoku Sumo Palace (Tokyo, Kanto) [WCG Global]


The new year starts with a shocker! During the third match Hitomaro Suzuki and his partners showed a new attitude while facing their opponents, althought the fans didn't notice it at first but when Suzuki didn't give up the hold he was winning with everyone knew it. Afterwards Suzuki stated that the fans and the office dropped him like a hot potatoe after he lost the title just two days ago and it's the same with his partners. „Genius“ announced the creation of REAL BLOOD, backstage Tsuneyo Yanagimoto and Jinzaburo Kakinomoto joined them as well.

After winning the big semi main event yesterday Motoyuki Miyake set his sights on Bunrakuken Torii and the WCG World Heavyweight Championship. The former WCG Intercontinental Champion made his statement clear when he pinned Washi Heat in the main event after he kicked the masked man pretty hard with a penalty kick. Miyake officially challenged Torii to a titlematch at EXPLOSION in Sapporo which was accepted by the newly crownd champion.

Yasunobu Masuno won his first ever singles championship in his career and already got people hunting him. The Rogue Squad is pissed after Ernest Youngman's lost to Masuno so it wasn't a surprise that they went hard on the new US champion. To the surprise of the 18,000 fans in the Ryogoku Sumo Palace the pole Pavel Vanzycha scored a flash pinfall to bring Masuno's shoulders down for three consecutive seconds. Immediatly after that Vanzycha challenged Masuno to a titlematch to bring the belt back to the Squad.

The two already had their issues yesterday, more like Ieyoshi Shimakage had issues with Greg Gauge while the latter was disinterested when fighting Burning Hazard on night two of Anniversary. But today Gauge had no choice but to face Shimakage yet again and when the Burning Hazard man slapped Gauge across the face while meeting him in the ring the american couldn't escape.  Gauge kicked Shimakage in the nuts while Sakai pinned Laine and the match ended. Backstage Gauge explained yet again that he hasn't any interest in fighting Shimakage.

He may lost the tag straps yesterday but Zeshin Makioka already has someone new shiny thing in the eyes. The one half of the Mad Dogs made a statement with a pinfall victory over the big Findlay O'Farraday after having some issues with RISE Openweight Champion Koshiro Ino throughout the match. Makioka pointed to Ino's belt, nailed him down with a lariat and posed over Ino with his foot on the champions chest.


1. Billy Robinson, Kiminobu Kuroki, El Mítico Jr. & The Revengers (Musashi & Japanese Phoenix) def. Tsuneyo Yanagimoto, Harumi Okazawaya, Hachigoro Maeda & Infamy Inc. (Nichiren Amagawa & Masa Kurata) (13:03)
2. Tadakuni Toshusai, Shiba Mizoguchi, Shogun Watoga & Morimasa Kato def. Haru Shionoya, Kichibei Ezakiya, Hirokichi Yoemon & Sotatsu Sarumara (11:51)
3. Takenori Doi, Yuta Isono, SUKI & Hitomaro Suzuki def. Reiwa Ishingun (Kiyotaka, Maro Shimizu, Omezo Shikitei & Azumamaro Kita) (12:49)
4. Burning Hazard (KC Glenn, Taheiji Konoe & Zeshin Makioka) def. American Demolition (Findlay O'Farraday & Brandon Smith) & Koshiro Ino (15:46)
5. Rogue Squad (Logan Diaz, Animal Harker & Pavel Vanzycha) def. Gaijin Wrecking Crew (Ray Snow & Nigel Svensson) & Yasunobu Masuno (15:26)
6. Burning Hazard (Brute Kikuchi, Kiyonari Genji, Ieyoshi Shimakage & Heihachiro Sakai) def. Rogue Squad (Joffy Laine, MATSUMOTO, Sterling Whitlock & Greg Gauge) (14:39)
7. xDREAM (Tanyu Toshusai, Noburo Ikoma, Motoyuki Miyake & Razan Okamoto) def. Washi Heat, Bunrakuken Torii & Team 220kg (Gonkuro Kamioka & Fujio Narahashi) (19:40)

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The new WCG season has been kicked off with the recent New Year Wars! show and traditional it's time to head to the north into the snow when an Explosion hits Sapporo! For the first time in their existence White Canvas Grappling will held a show at the Sapporo Baseball Stadium home of the Sapporo Fighting Pumpkins. The stadium can held up to 30,000 people which is the ultimate goal for WCG president Junnosuke Fukazawa „After having 97,815 fans at the two Anniversary shows it would be amazing to see two sell out crowds in a market where Puroresu wasn't nowhere near as big as it was in Tokyo.“, The new WCG Sekai hebi-kyu oza Bunrakuken Torii is excited about the upcoming two shows:  „When you see the excitement involving WCG you have to be excited to wrestle in front of these people. Sapporo was always good to me and I'll have the time of my life to defend the World Heavyweight title for them.“

Miyake wrinkled his nose while hearing the comments by the champ. The 26 year old had a stellar career so far in WCG and he wants to add something more to his journey: „I know him [Torii] pretty well after all those years. He's a great fighter but I'll take that belt back to where it belongs, in the hands of xDREAM.“ Speaking of Miyake, what about the WCG Intercontinental Champion Greg Gauge?

The champ knows the target on his back gets bigger and bigger while holding the prestigious title, a title which has his name because of him. „I still have absolutely no interest in fighting him. You know why? He's the new kid on the block, I don't care what he reached before he was here, cuz this is the place to be. I won title over title here [..] “ Ieyoshi Shimakage took off his sunglasses and insulted Gauge in japanese before heading to Gauge's seat and a small brawl erupted, which lead to the ending of the press conference.

Also: Six more championship fights will be on these two fight cards, don't miss it!

『WCG Explosion In Sapporo Night 1』 – February 6th, 2021
Sapporo Baseball Stadium (Sapporo, Hokkaido) [Emperor Choice, WCG Global & Aichi]

1. Reiwa Ishingun (Kiyotaka, Kado Kamisaka, Omezo Shikitei & Azumamaro Kita) vs. Naozane Goto, Shogun Watoga, Shiba Mizoguchi & Morimasa Kato
2. REAL BLOOD (Jinzaburo Kakinomoto, Tsuneyo Yanagimoto, SUKI & Hitomaro Suzuki) vs. Musashi, Jap. Phoenix, Findlay O'Farraday & Brandon Smith
3.Team 220kg (Gonkuro Kamioka & Fujio Narahashi) & El Mítico Jr. vs. Billy Robinson & Gaijin Wrecking Crew (Ray Snow & Nigel Svensson)
4. xDREAM (KATOU, Motoyuki Miyake & Razan Okamoto) vs. Danny Cavanagh, Hirokichi Yoemon & Bunrakuken Torii
5. GCG World Heavyweight Championship: Tadakuni Toshusai XDdjFCe.png vs. Washi Heat [1st Defense]
6. WCG US Heavyweight Championship: Yasunobu Masuno XDdjFCe.png vs. Pavel Vanzycha [1st Defense]
7. RISE Openweight Championship: Koshiro Ino XDdjFCe.png vs. Zeshin Makioka [1st Defense]
8. WCG Intercontinental Championship: Greg Gauge XDdjFCe.png vs. Ieyoshi Shimakage [4th Defense]

『WCG Explosion In Sapporo Night 2』 – February 7th, 2021
Sapporo Baseball Stadium (Sapporo, Hokkaido) [Emperor Choice, WCG Global & Aichi]

1. Burning Hazard (Taheiji Konoe, Zeshin Makioka & Heihachiro Sakai) vs. Naozane Goto, Tadakuni Toshusai & Koshiro Ino
2. Rogue Squad (Logan Diaz, Ernest Youngman & Greg Gauge) vs. Findlay O'Farraday, Brandon Smith & Yasunobu Masuno
3. REAL BLOOD (Yuta Isono, SUKI & Hitomaro Suzuki) vs. Danny Cavangh, Washi Heat & Morimasa Kato
4. xDREAM (Tanyu Toshusai, KATOU & Razan Okamoto) vs. Reiwa Ishingun (Kado Kamisaka, Omezo Shikitei & Azumamaro Kita)
5. WCG Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team Championship: The Revengers (Musashi & Jap. Phoenix) XDdjFCe.png vs. ?? [1st Defense]
6. WCG Junior Heavyweight Championship: El Mítico Jr. XDdjFCe.png vs. Billy Robinson [1st Defense]
7. WCG World Tag Team Championship: Team 220kg (Gonkuro Kamioka & Fujio Narahashi) XDdjFCe.png vs. Gaijin Wrecking Crew (Ray Snow & Nigel Svensson) [1st Defense]
8. WCG World Heavyweight Championship: Bunrakuken Torii XDdjFCe.png vs. Motoyuki Miyake [2nd Defense]

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