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21CW: The Land Of Second Chances

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‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] Phillip ‘Cooper Man’ Cooper

Roly Muckletruck, Beast Bantom & Nate Manchester [vs] Vinny Vigilante, Langton Herring & Compton Valence

Absolutely Flawless (Lance & Kelly Martin) [vs] ????

‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp [vs] ????

21CW UK Championship Match:
Cain Carlisle [vs] Assassin [vs] Evan Alpass [vs] Antithesis (c)

‘Mile High’ Adam Matravers [vs] J-B Cash

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21CW Presents:

21CW Alt Logo.jpg 21CW United.jpg

Episode 11

Wednesday, Week 2, April 2020


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Calling the action: Des Greeves, Martin Bloydell and Jeff Nova


Overall Rating: 73




We opened the show with the cocky, confident, veteran J-B Cash strolling to the ring… saying ‘J… B… Cash…’ along with the announcer, as he glared into the camera…


J-B Cash: “Let’s talk about a few Geezas… The four Geezas who are fighting for World Championships at The Cornell Cup… Tom Cornell… LOST to Loxley Robbins… My opponent, Ed Cornell… LOST to Adam Matravers… The other Champion, Buffy Mar'inez… He isn’t even the best former member of Hot Stuff… Because that’s ME… J… B… Cash…!!”

Cash claimed he was the ONLY one of the four men whose credentials aren’t being questioned… but Adam Matravers of all people, headed to the ring, along with his wife Phoebe Plumridge… Looking confident after two Main Event wins on the bounce, bouncing back after a string of losses…

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Adam Matravers: “Well… I agree with a lot of what you said… So… Since you’re the only one speaking any sense around here… How about you put YOUR excellent record… against MY excellent record in the Main Event tonight…?!”

Cash said he had nothing to prove to Matravers… but he WILL fight him… However, it is NOT a match to determine who heads to The Cornell Cup World Title Match… Because Cash is going there to beat Buff Martinez…!!




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‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] Phillip ‘Cooper Man’ Cooper

Great opening match here, between two men with a bright future in 21CW. Koller started well, but Cooper soon had him on the back foot, after he got his foot caught in the turnbuckle. Cooper was on him like a shark, and focused on the same foot for the rest of the contest. In the end, with Koller attempting a German Suplex, Cooper stamped on that foot, and hit a DDT. He hopped onto the top rope, and landed his ‘Cooper Fly Splash’ (Frog Splash) to win it!



After the match was over, Apollo Prince appeared on the big screen… He was speaking to Cooper from an unknown location…

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Apollo Prince: “My man, Cooper…!! A’m sorry I can’t be there tonight… A’m too busy launching my NEW Shampoo… ‘SHAMPOLLO’…!!”

Prince pulled a bottle of his new product into shot… and then continued…


Apollo Prince: “This product, is going to make sure I’m financially set for LIFE… So… As for your little challenge… ‘Double or Nothing’…?! I accept, my man…”

Cooper demanded a microphone in the ring… and shouted at Prince that he was a COWARD…

Phillip Cooper: “Since yer rich now, this isn’t abou’ money no more is it…?! Know what I mean…?! So ‘ow abou’ this… If I win… I get a ‘Cooper Cut’ of your ‘Shampollo’ Shampoo…?!”

Apollo Prince: “And if I win…?!”

Phillip Cooper: “If you win… I’ll come an’ work for ya… know what I mean…?! You can pu’ me in production… You can put me on tha phones… You can make me clean the toilets…!!”

Prince loved it, and he said he’d have his team put a contract together and see Cooper in the ring next week…!!




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Roly Muckletruck, Beast Bantom & Nate Manchester [vs] Langton Herring, Compton Valence & Vinny Vigilante

Herring, Valence and Vigilante did the smart thing here. They rode the wave of Roly and Beast early on, and then isolated Manchester in their half of the ring! In the end though, ‘The Real Angel of the North’ was able to scratch and claw his way to his corner, and tag Beast back in. Roly came in shortly after, and locked Vigilante in his ‘Full Nelson’!





Backstage, in a large office, the 21CW World Champion Edward Cornell was stood with The Red Devils… two members of his ‘House Of Business’ stable…

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Edward Cornell: “I’m just gonna cut to the chase… WHERE WERE YOU…?! See… I supported Doomsday and BW Eddie… I helped them win their match, because they needed my help… Then when it was their turn to help me… They couldn’t get the job done… and I… I lost… I NEEDED you… So I ask again… WHERE WERE YOU…?!”

Viktor Beskov and Yuri Iliakov glared at Cornell… but they didn’t answer him…

Edward Cornell: “And now… As a result of that loss… I’ve got J-B Cash QUESTIONING… ME… Calling me a FRAUD…!! You’re… are you listening to me…?! You’re not going to answer me are you…?!”

Cornell said that since they weren’t going to answer, next week, in their Cornell Cup Round Two Match, The Red Devils can forget about the House Of Business being out there with them… The two big Russian Bears didn’t seem too bothered… but the camera panned to reveal BW Eddie secretly listening to the conversation…!!





Next up… with Absolutely Flawless and Leo Price already in the ring… a strange entrance music, as a newcomer strolled onto the stage… The newcomer, was none other than 2020 National School of Wrestling graduate: The Professor…


The announce team commented on how scrawny, and strange looking, The Professor was… but he also came across incredibly intelligent and well-studied… and then he brought out his tag team… ‘THE BERN BOYS’… Hans Piccard and Fabian Schwarz…!!

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Absolutely Flawless w/ Leo Price [vs] The Bern Boys w/ The Professor

Great debut for Hans Piccard and Fabian Schwarz here, and a great way to debut – in the first round of the prestigious Cornell Cup. However, they were up against the 21CW United Tag Team Champions. The Martin Twins won an even match against the youngsters in the end, with Lance hitting the ‘Body Rocker’ (Flying European Uppercut). Absolutely Flawless clearly respected their opponents.



After the match, we took a look at the updated Brackets for the Cornell Cup Tournament…


Eight potential winners of the entire tournament remain… The announce team couldn’t pick a favourite to win it… but with two sets of Champions still in, Absolutely Flawless and The Brat Pack from Kingdom, could well be the Finals… They both face really tough tests in the next round though...




Next up, we saw a graphic advertising a now confirmed match, for the Cornel Cup Pay-Per-View…


Newcomer to 21CW: Aldous Blackfriar will take on the massive behemoth Grave Digger, in a total mis-match… Aldous debuted by taking out Jonathan Faust, right in front of the Hell Bound stable… But at 6’2” and 228lbs, Aldous is dwarfed by Grave Digger and his massive 6’11”, 380 frame… Will Aldous be able to tame the beast, or will he become just another victim, where Grave Digger will need to dig a hole… for Aldous’ soul…?!




Backstage, Melanie Florence was stood with ‘God’s Gift to Wrestling’ Mark Adonis…

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Melanie Florence: “My guest right now guys… is a man who has EARNED a United Tag Team Title shot against Absolutely Flawless… Mark Adonis… Now Mark… We saw the Champs win earlier against The Bern Boys… how impressed were you and did their win EARN, your respect…?!”

Adonis took a second to think about the question, and then replied with an emphatic ‘NO’… He said the Martin Twins beat a new, debuting, young, tag team… They should have won, and they did… it was nothing spectacular…

Melanie Florence: “Alright… Well… When you get your Title shot… with Mass Hulk out with an injury… Who’s your partner…?!”

Mark Adonis: “I have someone… But I can’t tell you who yet… I can’t give you… everything… I have to leave you, wanting more… You understand, don’t you… Mel….?!”

Florence was a little taken aback by Adonis’ flirting… but she played along…




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Joey ‘The Breeze’ Beauchamp [vs] Local Enhancement Talent

Amazing performance from Beauchamp here, despite the lack of fame of his opponent, he was good too. ‘The Breeze’ finally got his move to 21CW (he’s my Avatar), and he’s here to make sure he takes full advantage of it. He won it with his famous ‘Breeze Block’ finisher – where he hooks his opponents arms under his, and delivers brutal headbutts until his opponent taps or the referee stops it.





We cut backstage, and found the tag team Kenobi High… They were talking about their upcoming Second Round Match against The Red Devils, when the team they defeated in Round One – Luke Cool and Rolling Johnny Stones – entered the room…

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Luke Cool: “Ello boys… ConGra’ulations on yer win aGains’ oss… Erm… Good lock in yer Round Two Match… Red Devils are naasty Ducks…”

Johnny Stones: “Yeah, but we do have some news we’d like to share with you… Me and Luke Cool here… are staying as a tag team… So I’m sure we’ll get another crack at throwing you boys all over the ring!!”

Kenobi High said they weren’t scared of Beskov and Iliakov… and that they’d see Cool and Stones in the ring, any time…!!




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21CW UK Championship Match:
‘Captain Crash’ Cain Carlisle [vs] Assassin [vs] Evan Alpass [vs] ‘The Anarchist’ Antithesis (c)

Chaotic match here, in which all the normal rules went out the window. It was just the way the UK Champion liked it. Antithesis used all kinds of weapons, and was caught smiling when others used weapons on him. For the finish, Antithesis decided to grab a unique weapon not seen often. He swung a fire extinguisher and it connected with Alpass’s face, knocking him unconscious for an easy pin!



After the match, Chuck Frisby of all people, marched to the ring with Gulliver in tow… Antithesis decided his night was over, and he left through the crowd…

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Frisby ordered Gulliver to throw Cain Carlisle over the barricade and into the front row of the audience…!! He then got into the ring, and Assassin squared up to the big bodyguard… Since Assassin had just been in a wild hardcore match, he was easy for Gulliver to put down… Frisby then grabbed a microphone… and stood on Evan Alpass’ lifeless body at the same time as he spoke…

Chuck Frisby: “THIS IS MY SHOW…!! People… YOU people… Thought I was getting JEALOUS, of Gulliver…?! Because he beats me in EVERY physical challenge…!? I’m not jealous… He PUSHES me… to try harder… to do more… to be better… At 44 years old, I am in the best shape of my life… while YOU people… are FAT… are LAZY… are PATHETIC…!!”

Frisby attempted to pick Assassin up for a suplex, but realised he couldn’t quite manage it… so he told Gulliver to do it for him… ‘The Icelandic Body’ gladly obliged, and Frisby continued to berate the fans… He said that next week, he and Gulliver would be issuing an OPEN CHALLENGE to any tag team NOT in the Cornell Cup to fight them…!!

Chuck Frisby: “Get ready… and gather round next week… to WITNESS THE FITNESS…!!”




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‘Mile High’ Adam Matravers w/ Phoebe Plumridge [vs] J-B Cash

Huge win for J-B Cash here, with Adam Matravers’ poor form in Main Events returning, after a couple of wins in a row. Cash was determined to prove he belonged in the Main Event of The Cornell Cup pay-per-view – as he gets set to take on his former Hot Stuff Tag Team Partner Buff Martinez, for Buff’s 21CW World Heavyweight Title. Cash proved he could hang with the very best in there against Adam Matravers here, but he only beat ‘Mile High’ when Edward Cornell showed up and distracted the veteran!!



After the match, J-B Cash tried to thank Edward Cornell for his help…

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Cornell was having none of it though, and he told Cash that he only helped him, because he didn’t want Matravers making claims about Title shots too…

Edward Cornell: “I’ve got enough on my plate right now… So you enjoy your little win, and leave me alone…”

J-B Cash: “Nice one Geeza… But hear this… At The Cornell Cup… I’m going to WIN the 21CW World Heavyweight Title, and then I’m gonna bring it back here to United with me… Then… and I know it’ll happen… I’ll get greedy… and I’ll want that one too Geeza… I’ll wanna be a double-Champ… a ‘Champ Champ’… So I can take the 21CW Title OFF your plate for ya…!!”

Cornell got angry… but slid out the ring instead of fighting tonight… He glared at Cash and Matravers, who was now stood in the corner leaning on the ropes… One more episode of Kingdom, and one of United, before we head to a historic Cornell Cup Pay-Per-View…!!



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Predictions for Kingdom, Episode 12, Week 3, April 2020

The Lee FamiLee w/ Andrew Lee [vs] Leigh Burton & Wade Orson

The Underdogs [vs] Misery & Smithie

‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester [vs] Ruin w/ Nightmare

???? [vs] Edison Silva w/ Kelvin Badberry & Phil Harmonic

Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu [vs] The Brat Pack w/ Robbins & Belushi

Tommy Cornell & Buff Martinez [vs] Landon Mallory & Daniel Black Francis

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The Lee FamiLee w/ Andrew Lee [vs] Leigh Burton & Wade Orson

The Underdogs [vs] Misery & Smithie

‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester [vs] Ruin w/ Nightmare

???? [vs] Edison Silva w/ Kelvin Badberry & Phil Harmonic

Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu [vs] The Brat Pack w/ Robbins & Belushi

Tommy Cornell & Buff Martinez [vs] Landon Mallory & Daniel Black Francis

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The Lee FamiLee w/ Andrew Lee [vs] Leigh Burton & Wade Orson

The Underdogs [vs] Misery & Smithie

‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester [vs] Ruin w/ Nightmare

???? [vs] Edison Silva w/ Kelvin Badberry & Phil Harmonic

Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu [vs] The Brat Pack w/ Robbins & Belushi

Tommy Cornell & Buff Martinez [vs] Landon Mallory & Daniel Black Francis

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The Lee FamiLee w/ Andrew Lee [vs] Leigh Burton & Wade Orson

The Underdogs [vs] Misery & Smithie

‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester [vs] Ruin w/ Nightmare

???? [vs] Edison Silva w/ Kelvin Badberry & Phil Harmonic

Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu [vs] The Brat Pack w/ Robbins & Belushi

Tommy Cornell & Buff Martinez [vs] Landon Mallory & Daniel Black Francis

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21CW Presents:

21CW Alt Logo.jpg 21CW Kingdom.jpg

Episode 12

Wednesday, Week 3, April 2020


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Calling the action: Steve Smith and Dane Rowley


Overall Rating: 74




We kicked off the show with the always entertaining Tommy Cornell heading to the ring to talk about tonight's Main Event…

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Tommy Cornell: “Colin Chalke’s outdone himself again hasn’ he… Tonight… I’ll be teamin’ up with the ultimate Champion in 21CW… Buff Martinez… And we’ll be takin’ on another great Champ Daniel Black Francis and his partner Landon Mallory…”

Before he could finish talking about the match, he was interrupted from the crowd by Loxley Robbins, who had made his way to the front row…!!

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Robbins heckled Cornell, and tried to throw him off his stride… but Cornell ended up climbing out of the ring and confronting the Australian… who backed away and left through the crowd as security calmed Cornell down…




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The Lee FamiLee w/ Andrew Lee [vs] Leigh Burton & Wade Orson

We kicked off the in-ring action with a hotly anticipated contest between two teams that hate each other. The Lees tried everything they could, but they were up against two extremely determined grapplers. Burton and Orson also used every trick in the book to cheat to win – a fact that angered Andrew Lee at ringside. For the finish, Burton stuck a thumb in JK Lee’s eye, and locked him in a Sleeper until he tapped out!





Backstage, Brickhouse Balder bumped into his tag team partners from last week: The Welsh duo of Aurelian Bradley and Welsh Dragon…

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Balder thanked the two youngsters, and said he was gutted that they came up short as a trio… Bradley and Dragon confirmed they would be in tag team action next week… Balder meanwhile, has a tough test against the veteran Stevie Stoat…




Next up, Emmett Askey led his new tag team: Mark Misery and Smiling John Smithie to the ring…

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The duo grabbed microphones, and they spoke in an extremely dull way…

Mark Misery: “Yeah so… Emmett Askey has agreed to be our manager… John, anything to add…?!”

Smiling John Smithie: “No, not really… It’s all a bit ‘whatever’ really isn’t it…? He's a nice enough bloke...”

Mark Misery: “Yeah... yeah... Living the dream...”


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The Underdogs [vs] Misery & Smithie w/ Emmett Askey

This match was solid, in that Misery and Smithie controlled the pace, and The Underdogs fought back into it brilliantly late on. For the finish, Misery locked Joe Simpson in his ‘Pain Killer’ Surfboard Stretch, that was impossible to escape from. He couldn’t tap either, so he had to shout that he gave up!





Backstage, ‘Rough Justice’ Tommy Cornell came across ‘Beautiful’ Blake Belushi… the Australian star was on his own, which is rare…

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Tommy Cornell: “Oi, Belushi… Why won’t Loxley fight me then, ey…?! Come on son… Tell me the truth…”

Belushi looked torn… He seemed like he knew something… Cornell continued in his cockney accent…

Tommy Cornell: “I know somethin’s rotten in Denmark… He’s not scared of me… He’s got you three backin’ him up… You know summink don’t ya…?! Is he injured…?! Come on…!! If you don’t tell me, I’ve got ways ta get it outta ya… and it won’t hurt a bit… It’ll hurt a LOT…!!”

Belushi said he really can’t say… and fled the scene as quickly as he could…




Kevin Jones headed to the ring next, and had a microphone in his hands…


Kevin Jones: “No no no… I’m the ‘MVP’… I’m not some schmuck… some laughing stock… and I’m certainly not the tag team partner, of…”

He was just about to say Jeremy Allen’s name, when Jeremy Allen headed to the ring to a huge ovation… which you could tell meant a lot to him…


As soon as he got to the ring, Jones said ‘no’ three more times, and then stomped to the back…




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‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester [vs] Ruin w/ Nightmare

Buck Winchester has never met a fight he didn’t like, and this was no different. Up against a large, intimidating, man in the form of Ruin, but it didn’t phase him. He kicked, punched, and lariated his opponent over and over again, before hitting his brilliant ‘Neckbreaker Onto Knee’ which was all the more impressive on the 333lber.



We immediately cut backstage, to where Alfonso D’Angelo was watching his friend pick up a big victory… when up stepped DJ Reason, Dangermouth, and newcomer Grandmaster Phunk…

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DJ Reason: “Alfonso…!! My MAN…!! You are wastin’ your talent… and your time… ‘Cowboy’ will neeeeever help you reach your goals… YOU… should join us… in ‘The Playlist’…!!”

D’Angelo smirked at DJ and his group, but he didn’t say no… He walked off and left the group of MC’s laughing…




After a commercial break, we headed back to the ring, where Phil Harmonic headed out, flanked by the big, bad, Kelvin Badberry and the intimidating MMA star, Edison Silva…

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Phil Harmonic: “THIS… is OUR Kingdom… all these other groups runnin’ around here… all these tag teams… STEP ASIDE… because we’re taking over… Now… MMA Champion Edison Silva… is here to kick the a** of some veteran returning to the company after 14 years…”

Harmonic couldn’t remember the guys name… and then his name came up on the big screen…


‘The Irish Stretching Machine’ stomped to the ring to a great ovation…

Phil Harmonic: “That’s it, Merle O’Curle…!! Who’d he ever beat…?!”


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‘The Irish Stretching Machine’ Merle O’Curle [vs] Edison Silva w/ Phil Harmonic & Kelvin Badberry

An amazing debut for the uber talented Merle O’Curle. The Irishman dominated Silva in the end, locking him in his ‘Celtic Wreath’ (standing inverted cloverleaf), and the former MMA star tapped out! Phil Harmonic was stunned!





Backstage, Loxley Robbins was having a right go at Blake Belushi in what was the first ever crack appearing in the Ozzie Invasion…

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Loxley Robbins: “BLAKE… What are you DOING dropping hints to (Tommy) Cornell like that…?! He doesn’t need to know the real reason I’m not fighting right now… Nobody does…!! I could have played the ‘refusing to compete’ card for WEEKS, and now he’s on to us!!”

Blake Belushi: “Ahh I’m sorry mate, I really am… He just wouldn’t leave me alone… I… I didn’t know what else to do…!!”

Loxley Robbins: “Fix this, mate… Fix it… Okay…?!”

Blake nodded, and Loxley told him not to drop hints ever again… Interesting developments there…




Next up, we headed to a press conference style contract signing… featuring BEDLAM and his Cornell Cup Pay-Per-View opponent: War Machine… who was joined by his manager Cliff King… The pair of warriors were separated by Colin Chalke, and one or two other officials…

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With just a few short days until The Cornell Cup event, BEDLAM and War Machine stared one another down, as Cliff King did all the talking for Machine… He claimed that BEDLAM got lucky in their first encounter…

Cliff King: “You beat War Machine… in a fluke… and then War Machine corrected things by beating you… Proving that HE is the ‘Most Dangerous Man In Britain’… and NOT you… and at the Cornell Cup Pay-Per-View… ORDER… will be restored… War Machine will go 2 straight against you… The WOLF… will put you to BED… ‘LAMB’…”

BEDLAM smiled, but before he could respond, War Machine stood up and THREW his chair at his rival… a brawl broke out, but was stopped in its tracks by the officials and referees… whom somehow managed to hold a furious BEDLAM back, as Cliff King talked War Machine into leaving, and saving the fight for the Cornell Cup…




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Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu [vs] The Brat Pack w/ Blake Belushi

Another solid match in the Cornell Cup Tournament, and we now have our Semi Finalists from the Kingdom half of the draw. Leigh Burton and Wade Orson will take on Ricky Storm and Sifu after they put away the 21CW Kingdom Tag Team Champions The Brat Pack to advance. To win this one, Storm hit a Super Kick on Artemis, and Thurston reacted by pushing Storm out of the ring. He didn’t see Sifu had tagged in though, and the Japanese star hit his ‘Roaring Back Fist’ (Double Spinning Back Fist) when his opponent turned around.



Storm and Sifu grabbed microphones as the match was over… and the Australian trio of Artemis Eyre-Rochester, Thurston Darcy III and Blake Belushi left the ringside area… Belushi slyly hid under the ramp while The Brat Pack exited… More on that later…

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Ricky Storm: “We’re through… We’re into the Semi Finals… and our run to WINNING the 2020 Cornell Cup is NOT…”

Sifu: “OOOOOOVER…!!”




Daniel Black Francis, Landon Mallory, and Buff Martinez made their entrances next, ahead of the Main Event… but when Tommy Cornell came out last, he was met by Blake Belushi, who jumped him on the stage…!!

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Belushi was attempting to beat Tommy up so badly, that he’d forget about the subtle hints the Australian made earlier… But Cornell isn’t one to go down without a fight, and he ended up THROWING Belushi off the stage before Buff Martinez could intervene…!! Belushi landed hard on the floor, and onto some equipment… He needed medical assistance, and Cornell strolled to the ring, undeterred but needing Buff to start for their team so he could recover a little…


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Tommy Cornell & Buff Martinez w/ Kathleen Lee [vs] Daniel Black Francis & Landon Mallory

Four competitors that the crowd absolutely love, with no real story going in. But it was a fun match to watch, and a tough one to call a winner in. Cornell was tired from his fight with Belushi, and it didn’t take long for the rest of the Ozzie Invasion to head out to ringside to taunt him. ‘D-B-F’ and Mallory spent too long defending Cornell, by flying over the top rope onto The Brat Pack, and trying to fight Loxley Robbins - who ran to the safety of the stage without physicality. Martinez hit The Brat Pack too, but he picked his spots better, and was the freshest man in the match at crunch time. He hit his ‘El K.O’ Spinning Back Fist on Francis, and won it.



After the match, Loxley Robbins gathered his troops on the stage, and they stared down Tommy Cornell and co in the ring…

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Belushi was clearly hurt, as he didn’t come out at all after being thrown off the stage… This is far from over between Tommy Cornell and the Australians…




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On 9/26/2023 at 8:22 PM, The Lloyd said:

Great to hear from you my friend :) Hope you're well.

I am very well, thank you. Hope everything is good on your end. Congrats on the new baby, even though I know that happened quite awhile ago now. Happy to see you are still writing and of course it's still stuff of the highest quality. Also, appreciate the shout out in the first post of the diary.. now for thoughts. 

One of my favourite things was Prince v Cooper and them destroying each others clothes and hats. That's quality fun. 

Also, YAY Kenobi High. Kenobi High for tag champs. Now and forever. 

Shame about Kevin Jones, I do have a soft spot for Shane Hannigans and Tom Foolery though. 

Loxley Robbins getting the mega push huh. I love Tommy Cornell but you booked him to lose to him. Boos for days.. I guess Loxley is heel so he's doing his job but still.. boooo. 😝

More Joey Beauchamp please. Guys gold. Even at this stage. 


I adore Antithesis in this. He looks for new challengers. Like new victims. That's great stuff. 

My wishes for Cornell Cup winners, Kenobi High (obviously) for the United brand. The Lee Family for the Kingdom. Then Kenobi High to win. 

Also, Johnathon Fause v Aldous Blackfriar.. I see a passing of the torch. 

And that'll do it. Looking forward go predicting. 😊

Edited by DAVEFAN95
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On 9/29/2023 at 8:48 AM, DAVEFAN95 said:

I am very well, thank you. Hope everything is good on your end. Congrats on the new baby, even though I know that happened quite awhile ago now. Happy to see you are still writing and of course it's still stuff of the highest quality. Also, appreciate the shout out in the first post of the diary.. now for thoughts. 

One of my favourite things was Prince v Cooper and them destroying each others clothes and hats. That's quality fun. 

Also, YAY Kenobi High. Kenobi High for tag champs. Now and forever. 

Shame about Kevin Jones, I do have a soft spot for Shane Hannigans and Tom Foolery though. 

Loxley Robbins getting the mega push huh. I love Tommy Cornell but you booked him to lose to him. Boos for days.. I guess Loxley is heel so he's doing his job but still.. boooo. 😝

More Joey Beauchamp please. Guys gold. Even at this stage. 


I adore Antithesis in this. He looks for new challengers. Like new victims. That's great stuff. 

My wishes for Cornell Cup winners, Kenobi High (obviously) for the United brand. The Lee Family for the Kingdom. Then Kenobi High to win. 

Also, Johnathon Fause v Aldous Blackfriar.. I see a passing of the torch. 

And that'll do it. Looking forward go predicting. 😊

Thanks for this dude :D You're on the right lines with a lot of that stuff, but I'll respond to a couple of bits.

Joey Beauchamp is my user character, so I don't expect him to go anywhere. I ALWAYS push him, so I'm working on that :D

I also have big plans for Kenobi High... I won't go too deep into it, but it's something I've wanted to try in the last few diaries I've written, but it ended before I could get there. You'll see.


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Predictions for United, Episode 12, Week 3, April 2020

 ‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp [vs] ???

Roly Muckletruck & Beast Bantom [vs] Absolutely Flawless w/ Leo Price

‘His Satanic Majesty’ Aldous Blackfriar [vs] Rolling Johnny Stones w/ Luke Cool

??? [vs] Chuck Frisby & Gulliver

Kenobi High (Lister & Cole) [vs] The Red Devils (Beskov & Iliakov)

‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] ‘God’s Gift To Wrestling’ Mark Adonis

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 ‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp

Beachamp v Tommy Cornell... guarenteed money

Absolutely Flawless w/ Leo Price

Tough. I like both but Flawless are a really good

‘His Satanic Majesty’ Aldous Blackfriar 

Blackfriar is being pushed, needs to keep winning


Gotta give at least one result to Mr. Squiggles

Kenobi High (Lister & Cole) 


‘‘God’s Gift To Wrestling’ Mark Adonis

Adonis is a future megastar


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 ‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp [vs] ???

Roly Muckletruck & Beast Bantom [vs] Absolutely Flawless w/ Leo Price

‘His Satanic Majesty’ Aldous Blackfriar [vs] Rolling Johnny Stones w/ Luke Cool

??? [vs] Chuck Frisby & Gulliver

Kenobi High (Lister & Cole) [vs] The Red Devils (Beskov & Iliakov)

‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] ‘God’s Gift To Wrestling’ Mark Adonis

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 ‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp [vs] ???

Roly Muckletruck & Beast Bantom [vs] Absolutely Flawless w/ Leo Price

‘His Satanic Majesty’ Aldous Blackfriar [vs] Rolling Johnny Stones w/ Luke Cool

??? [vs] Chuck Frisby & Gulliver

Kenobi High (Lister & Cole) [vs] The Red Devils (Beskov & Iliakov)

‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] ‘God’s Gift To Wrestling’ Mark Adonis

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 ‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp [vs] ???

Beauchamp may be getting older, but he could still be a major player in 21CW.

Roly Muckletruck & Beast Bantom [vs] Absolutely Flawless w/ Leo Price

Tough one, but Absolutely Flawless are the champs.

‘His Satanic Majesty’ Aldous Blackfriar [vs] Rolling Johnny Stones w/ Luke Cool

Blackfriar needs to be built up a bit more to be a credible threat to Jonathan Faust.

??? [vs] Chuck Frisby & Gulliver

Frisby to take the fall here. How long until Gulliver see's through Frisby's facade?

Kenobi High (Lister & Cole) [vs] The Red Devils (Beskov & Iliakov)

I like Kenobi High, but The Red Devils are the Champ's muscle and need the credibility.

‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] ‘God’s Gift To Wrestling’ Mark Adonis

If this is the start of an Adonis singles run, he needs to hit the ground running.

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21CW Presents:

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Episode 12

Wednesday, Week 3, April 2020


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Calling the action: Des Greeves, Martin Bloydell and Jeff Nova


Overall Rating: 71




We kicked off the show with J-B Cash heading to the ring, to gloat about his win last week over Adam Matravers… He said his name along with the ring announcer (like LA Knight does, except people hate Cash!)…


J-B Cash: “My form is good… My body feels good… The Cornell Cup can’t come soon enough for me, geeza…!! Adam Matravers… Brushed aside… Apollo Prince… Brushed aside… and Buff Martinez is NEXT… I got money on my mind… I got a World Championship in my future… a…”

Before he could finish his thought, Adam Matravers’ music hit, and he headed to the ring, holding hands with his wife Phoebe Plumridge…

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Adam Matravers: “Your form is good… But I’d hardly say you ‘brushed me aside’… You know it was a close match last week… so I’m here to wish you luck for your match with Buff at the Cornell Cup… I want you to BRING that Title back to United with you… So I can be first in line for a shot…”

Cash rolled his eyes, and dropped his microphone before exiting the ring… not giving Matravers an answer, and not even acknowledging his respectful comments and loose challenge… This left Matravers visibly furious…!!




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‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp [vs] Local Talent

Joey Beauchamp has ‘Breezed’ into 21CW and is a breath of fresh air in the ring. He dominated this one, and won it comfortably with his brutal ‘Breeze Block’ where he locks his opponents arms under his, and delivers vicious headbutts until they give up or the ref stops it. The ref stopped this one!





We cut backstage next, to where Antithesis was holding his dented fire extinguisher from last week… The camera panned to reveal that ‘The Anarchist’ had clocked Nate Manchester over the head with it… and blood was pouring out of a wound on the top of his skull…!!

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Backstage workers and 21CW officials arrived on the scene in a panic, and tended to the fallen star… while former wrestlers and agents, including Antithesis’ own brother Clifford Wilson – formerly 2-time 21CW World Champion: Dark Angel… as well as English wrestling legend UK Dragon…

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Not even Wilson could reason with his maniacal brother, and Antithesis left the scene clutching the fire extinguisher like it was some kind of comfort ‘blanky’… Wilson, Dragon and co. shook their heads…




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Roly Muckletruck & Beast Bantom [vs] Absolutely Flawless (The Martin Twins) w/ Leo Price

The Cornell Cup Tournament is in full swing now, and this was an incredibly competitive second round encounter. The United Tag Champs Absolutely Flawless followed the Kingdom Tag Champs The Brat Pack by exiting here, against a fired up Roly and Beast. The two big, strong, powerhouses won it when Mark Adonis arrived at ringside, and distracted the Martin Twins. Roly hit his Powerbomb on Lance Martin and pinned him, not knowing where the distraction had come from!






We cut to a pre-recorded contract signing next… between Apollo Prince and Phillip Cooper… as they were in the office of Jeff Nova…

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Following a long rivalry after Cooper ripped Prince’s shirt, and Prince ruined one of Cooper’s hats, the two men fought previously with the winner paying the other for BOTH items of clothing… Prince won… and Cooper demanded double or nothing… But Prince upped the stakes… In this pre-tape, Jeff Nova laid out the rules of their next fight, set for next week…

Jeff Nova: “Okay, now… I have tha contract here with meh… If Phillip Cooper wins… He’ll become a 51% Shareholder in the company ‘Shampollo’… Apollo Prince’s new shampoo rrrange… BU’… If Apollo Prince wins, Cooper must accept a one year contract and werk for the company… as the JANITOR of the warehouse…!! All in agreement…?!”

Prince couldn’t wait to sign the contract… and Cooper followed afterwards… The former 3-time Champion in 21CW from Manchester glared into Prince’s eyes – but the young Nigerian just smiled at him… NEXT WEEK, it’s Prince versus Cooper III…




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‘His Satanic Majesty’ Aldous Blackfriar [vs] Rolling Johnny Stones w/ Luke Cool

Blackfriar and Stones are two very different competitors, and their clash of styles made for a compelling battle here. Stones tried to throw Aldous around the ring, and it worked for a while. But ‘His Satanic Majesty’ managed to counter a few suplexes towards the end of the match. Before the veteran knew it, he was in the ‘Gloomweaver Clutch’ (Tazmission) and was forced to tap out.



The match was over… but Aldous Blackfriar’s night was about to get a lot harder… Grave Digger and Blackheart arrived on the stage… Luke Cool was between the two big Hell Bound members and the ring, and he backed away a little as they stomped past him…

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But Grave Digger decided to kick him in the face anyway… The huge 6‘ 11“ behemoth didn’t have to lift his foot much to deliver the kick, but Cool was knocked clean out… Rolling Johnny Stones saw the attack, and decided to try to fight back – despite having just competed in the previous match… He had nothing for Grave Digger, and Blackheart put him down with a vicious right hand, followed by a chop to the throat…

Aldous Blackfriar got ready to fight them, but the Hell Bound members decided to turn tail, and walk to the back… ‘His Satanic Majesty’ was shocked, but he grabbed a microphone…

Aldous Blackfriar: “I’m going to have to start off by apologising for my friends… They have a penchant for the dramatic…!!”

Grave Digger and Blackheart turned around again, and began stomping BACK to the ring… But Aldous was ready for them, and he hit a beautiful dive over the top rope, knocking the two beasts down, and landing in the perfect ‘superhero pose’ on one knee next to them…!! He then rolled back into the ring, and delivered his catchphrase…

Aldous Blackfriar: “This is not a drill… This is the APOCALYPSE… Please exit the arena in an orderly fashion…!!”




After a commercial break, we got an open challenge from Chuck Frisby and Gulliver…

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Chuck and Gulliver clearly thought nobody would be dumb enough to accept their challenge…

Chuck Frisby: “There are no LAZY BUMS back their… motivated enough… to come and fight us… SO REFEREE… Start at 10… Count your way down to 0… and give Gulliver and I, our first victory as a tag team…!!”

After a short protest, the referee obliged… He said ‘10’… and then the music of Cain Carlisle hit…!! ‘Captain Crash’ headed onto the stage, accompanied by the ripped 288lb young Belgian: Assassin…

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Cain Carlisle: “You’ve made a lot of enemies around here, Chuck… The way I see it… FRISBY isn’t the perfect name for you… It’s BOOMERANG… because no matter how many times we throw you away… you keep coming back… And as for GULLIVER… His name… Well… His name… is just, plain, STUPID…!!”

Carlisle said he and Assassin would gladly accept Chuck and Gulliver’s challenge…!!


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[PICS: Cain Carlisle & Assassin VS Chuck Frisby & Gulliver]

Cain Carlisle and Assassin [vs] Chuck Frisby and Gulliver

Carlisle and Assassin gelled well here, but ‘Captain Crash’s’ words about Gulliver’s name clearly angered the ‘Icelandic Body’. He is the absolute last person you should anger, and he hit Carlisle with a ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ Code Breaker while Assassin was chasing Chuck Frisby up the ramp!!





We cut to a pre-taped video next, showing highlights from The Bern Boys’ careers in Europe…

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The video concluded with Hans Piccard, Fabian Schwarz and The Professor on our screens… and confirmed that the group would be in tag team action next week on 21CW United…!! As they have been signed to full-time deals…




Back live, we cut backstage to BW Eddie and Doomsday of The House of Business, talking about the situation regarding Edward Cornell, Viktor Beskov and Yuri Iliakov…

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BW Eddie: “And then… he said WE didn’t do OUR part… to help HIM win…!! Can you believe that…?!”

The stoic and expressionless Doomsday nodded, but it didn’t really look like he cared what Eddie had to say… One man who did care, was Edward Cornell, who walked up on the pair talking…!! Eddie stopped talking…


Edward Cornell: “No no… Please… Continue Eddie… Continue THROWING me under a bus…!! I don’t NEED this right now…!!”

Doomsday made sure he stayed between Cornell and BW Eddie… and the 21CW World Champion left before things got physical… He was furious…!!




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Kenobi High (Lister & Cole) [vs] The Red Devils (Beskov & Iliakov)

The best match of the Cornell Cup Tournament so far, saw The Red Devils defeat the veteran tandem of Kenobi High. Beskov and Iliakov did it without any help from the House of Business, who didn’t accompany them to ringside in the end. The match was back and forth, with all four men hitting their signature moves, and having the resulting pins broken up! Beskov locked Jase Cole in his ‘Red Devil Lock’ (Lifted Arm Hook) and made the Australian legend tap out to win it.





We cut backstage again, and found Antithesis STILL arguing with his Brother Clifford Wilson, UK Dragon, and other backstage workers…!!

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There was no reasoning with ‘The Anarchist’… The 21CW UK Champion didn’t want to give up ‘his’ Fire Extinguisher though, and continued holding it tightly to his chest, and telling everyone to back off and leave him alone…




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‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] ‘God’s Gift To Wrestling’ Mark Adonis

Solid match to end the show, and on in which Mark Adonis dominated Sebastian Koller. The German fan favourite is incredibly quick, but he kept running into the brick wall that is the 288lb Adonis. ‘God’s Gift’ currently doesn’t have any backup with Mass Hulk out injured. His lack of friends cost him in the end, because Kelly and Lance Martin headed to the ring, with Leo Price.

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Earlier in the show, Adonis caused Absolutely Flawless to exit the Cornell Cup Tournament, despite being among the favourites to win it all, so they were out here for revenge. Their arrival had the desired effect, with Adonis falling victim to the ‘Hamburg Rock City’ Curb Stomp as the group of fan favourites laughed at him.




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Predictions for THE CORNELL CUP PAY-PER-VIEW… Saturday, Week 3, April 2020…

21CW Kingdom World Heavyweight Title Match:
‘The Barcelona Bull’ Buff Martinez w/ Kathleen Lee [c] [vs] J-B Cash

Cornell Cup Semi Final:
Roly Muckletruck & Beast Bantom [vs] The Red Devils (Beskov & Iliakov)

Cornell Cup Semi Final:
Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu [vs] Wade Orson & Leigh Burton

Grudge Match:
‘His Satanic Majesty’ Aldous Blackfriar [vs] Grave Digger w/ Blackheart

The Rubber Match:
‘The Most Dangerous Man in Britain’ Bedlam [vs] War Machine w/ Cliff King

Cornell Cup Final:
Roly & Beast / Beskov & Iliakov [vs] Storm & Sifu / Orson & Burton

21CW United World Title Match:
‘Rough Justice’ Tommy Cornell [vs] ‘All Business’ Edward Cornell [c]


How many Titles will change hands...? ________________

Who will join Ozzie Invasion in the VIP Sky Box for the show...? ________________

Which House of Business member will NOT make an appearance in the Cornell versus Cornell Main Event...? ________________



Big maximum score of TEN points available here guys... All to play for in the Prediction Contest for the month, and the winner of this show will ALSO receive a prize...!! :D

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21CW Kingdom World Heavyweight Title Match:
‘The Barcelona Bull’ Buff Martinez w/ Kathleen Lee [c] [vs] J-B Cash

Cornell Cup Semi Final:
Roly Muckletruck & Beast Bantom [vs] The Red Devils (Beskov & Iliakov)

Cornell Cup Semi Final:
Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu [vs] Wade Orson & Leigh Burton

Grudge Match:
‘His Satanic Majesty’ Aldous Blackfriar [vs] Grave Digger w/ Blackheart

The Rubber Match:
‘The Most Dangerous Man in Britain’ Bedlam [vs] War Machine w/ Cliff King

Cornell Cup Final:
Roly & Beast / Beskov & Iliakov [vs] Storm & Sifu / Orson & Burton

21CW United World Title Match:
‘Rough Justice’ Tommy Cornell [vs] ‘All Business’ Edward Cornell [c]


How many Titles will change hands...? 0

Who will join Ozzie Invasion in the VIP Sky Box for the show...? Maurice Jackson

Which House of Business member will NOT make an appearance in the Cornell versus Cornell Main Event...? Doomsday

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21CW Kingdom World Heavyweight Title Match:
‘The Barcelona Bull’ Buff Martinez w/ Kathleen Lee [c] [vs] J-B Cash

Cornell Cup Semi Final:
Roly Muckletruck & Beast Bantom [vs] The Red Devils (Beskov & Iliakov)

Cornell Cup Semi Final:
Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu [vs] Wade Orson & Leigh Burton

Grudge Match:
‘His Satanic Majesty’ Aldous Blackfriar [vs] Grave Digger w/ Blackheart

The Rubber Match:
‘The Most Dangerous Man in Britain’ Bedlam [vs] War Machine w/ Cliff King

Cornell Cup Final:
Roly & Beast / Beskov & Iliakov [vs] Storm & Sifu / Orson & Burton

21CW United World Title Match:
‘Rough Justice’ Tommy Cornell [vs] ‘All Business’ Edward Cornell [c]


How many Titles will change hands...? 0

Who will join Ozzie Invasion in the VIP Sky Box for the show...? Joey Beaucamp

Which House of Business member will NOT make an appearance in the Cornell versus Cornell Main Event...? BW Eddie

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The Barcelona Bull’ Buff Martinez w/ Kathleen Lee [c] 
Roly Muckletruck & Beast Bantom
Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu
‘His Satanic Majesty’ Aldous Blackfriar
‘The Most Dangerous Man in Britain’ Bedlam
Roly & Beast / Beskov & Iliakov
‘Rough Justice’ Tommy Cornell


How many Titles will change hands...? ________1________

Who will join Ozzie Invasion in the VIP Sky Box for the show...?____Joey Beachamp

Which House of Business member will NOT make an appearance in the Cornell versus Cornell Main Event...? ______doomsday__________

Edited by smw88
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21CW Kingdom World Heavyweight Title Match:
‘The Barcelona Bull’ Buff Martinez w/ Kathleen Lee [c] [vs] J-B Cash

Cornell Cup Semi Final:
Roly Muckletruck & Beast Bantom [vs] The Red Devils (Beskov & Iliakov)

Cornell Cup Semi Final:
Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu [vs] Wade Orson & Leigh Burton

Grudge Match:
‘His Satanic Majesty’ Aldous Blackfriar [vs] Grave Digger w/ Blackheart

The Rubber Match:
‘The Most Dangerous Man in Britain’ Bedlam [vs] War Machine w/ Cliff King

Cornell Cup Final:
Roly & Beast [vs] Orson & Burton

21CW United World Title Match:
‘Rough Justice’ Tommy Cornell [vs] ‘All Business’ Edward Cornell [c]


How many Titles will change hands...? ______0__________

Who will join Ozzie Invasion in the VIP Sky Box for the show...? _______Joey Beachamp_________

Which House of Business member will NOT make an appearance in the Cornell versus Cornell Main Event...? _______Doomsday_________

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