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21CW: The Land Of Second Chances

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‘Rock Solid’ Landon

‘The Real Angel of the North’ Nate Manchester

‘ War Machine w/ Cliff King

 Nightmare & Ruin, and The Booth w/ DJ Reason & Buck Winchester

Riddick Jordan w/ Alton Vicious

 ‘The Best Man’ Blake Belushi w/ The Brat Pack

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‘Sensational’ Ricky Storm w/ Sifu [vs] ‘Rock Solid’ Landon Mallory

Juan Mendoza [vs] ‘The Real Angel of the North’ Nate Manchester

‘The Neanderthal’ Andrew Lee [vs] War Machine w/ Cliff King

Welsh Wizards & The Underdogs [vs] Nightmare & Ruin, and The Booth w/ DJ Reason & Buck Winchester

Riddick Jordan w/ Alton Vicious [vs] Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat

21CW National Title Match:
‘DBF’ Daniel Black Francis [vs] ‘The Best Man’ Blake Belushi w/ The Brat Pack

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‘Sensational’ Ricky Storm w/ Sifu [vs] ‘Rock Solid’ Landon Mallory

Juan Mendoza [vs] ‘The Real Angel of the North’ Nate Manchester

‘The Neanderthal’ Andrew Lee [vs] War Machine w/ Cliff King

Welsh Wizards & The Underdogs [vs] Nightmare & Ruin, and The Booth w/ DJ Reason & Buck Winchester

Riddick Jordan w/ Alton Vicious [vs] Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat

21CW National Title Match:
‘DBF’ Daniel Black Francis [vs] ‘The Best Man’ Blake Belushi w/ The Brat Pack

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Predictions for Kingdom, Episode 32, Week 3, September 2020 

‘Sensational’ Ricky Storm w/ Sifu [vs] ‘Rock Solid’ Landon Mallory

Mallory has huge upside as a singles star, whereas Storm strikes me as a career tag guy

Juan Mendoza [vs] ‘The Real Angel of the North’ Nate Manchester

Nate's job is to put over young talent, which he does here

‘The Neanderthal’ Andrew Lee [vs] War Machine w/ Cliff King

I think Andrew Lee will push War Machine here, but feel there would be more build if he was going to go over here

Welsh Wizards & The Underdogs [vs] Nightmare & Ruin, and The Booth w/ DJ Reason & Buck Winchester

Coin Flip

Riddick Jordan w/ Alton Vicious [vs] Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat

What I said about Nate, also applies to Stoat

21CW National Title Match:
‘DBF’ Daniel Black Francis [vs] ‘The Best Man’ Blake Belushi w/ The Brat Pack

Blake has been threatening to take the National Title for a while, and I think tonight's the night

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21CW Presents:

21CW Alt Logo.jpg 21CW Kingdom 2.jpg

Episode 32

Wednesday, Week 3, September 2020


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Calling the action: Steve Smith and Dane Rowley


Overall Rating: 71




We opened the show with ‘The British Lion’ Leigh Burton stomping to the ring… fully recovered from the injuries he suffered at We Will Rock You… But he was NOT happy tonight, after Leo Price not only disrespected, and then attacked him last week… but also pushed him off the ladder to cause the injuries at We Will Rock You… AND cost Burton his Tag Team Championships…!


Leigh Burton: “LEO PRICE…!! I know you’re new around here… But I RUN KINGDOM… Everything that happens, goes through ME… So you wanna push me off a ladder when I was deep into a match…?! You wanna come out and jump me, when I’m hurt last week…?! This will NOT stand… So Price… Get out here NOW…!!”

Leo Price didn’t wait long… and the veteran strolled onto the stage to huge cheers…


With a constant eye over his shoulder, Price opted to stay on the stage… to taunt Burton from a distance…

Leo Price: “I guess I’ve been a bit mean to you, huh…?! My former protégé… So I guess you want to fight me now, huh…?! Fine with me Leigh… Time to test what you’ve learnt over the years… Time for the student, to battle the teacher…!! It’s time to have a match we should have had YEARS ago… At Dangerous Alliances… Me and you will go 1 on 1…!!”

Burton was furious… as if he wanted to be the man to make the challenge… But Price just up and left as Burton tried to respond… ‘The British Lion’ almost threw a toddler tantrum in the ring… but there was nothing he could do – except mutter ‘See you at Dangerous Alliances’ under his breath…




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‘Sensational’ Ricky Storm w/ Sifu [vs] ‘Rock Solid’ Landon Mallory

Great opener here on Kingdom, with Landon Mallory looking to avenge his loss to Sifu last week against Sifu’s tag team partner Ricky Storm. Mallory and Storm gelled well, and it was a very open and even contest. Storm had it won late on, as he lined up a second flying knee strike. But Mallory dropped down and slid out of the ring, and slapped Sifu around the face, before sliding back in. Sifu followed him, but Storm had to control his partner so as not to lose by disqualification. As Storm turned away from getting Sifu out of the ring, he walked onto a ‘Springbok Ram’ Spear from Mallory and was defeated.





Next up, DJ Reason was stood with one other remember of The Booth – ‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester…

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DJ said that Cowboy had been challenged to a match… One more match… against Alfonso D’Angelo next week… In a STEEL CAGE…!!

DJ Reason: “Reluctant as we are to potentially shorten Buck Winchester’s career… I’m here to tell you Alfonso D’Angelo… That we ACCEPT…!! Buuuuut… IF Buck Winchester wins… We want Alfonso to head out and PROMOTE our new Album… Use some of that ‘natural charisma’ and help us sell copies ‘We Will Hip-Hop You’…!!”

Buck Winchester: “Those are our terms, partner… So accept if you dare…”




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Juan Mendoza [vs] ‘The Real Angel of the North’ Nate Manchester

Juan Mendoza is new around here, while Nate Manchester returned to 21CW at the beginning of 2020 after a five year absence. The experienced Manchester had this one under control, until Mendoza roared back into it. For the finish, as Manchester came off the top rope, Mendoza hit his ‘Stunning Face Crusher’ (Stunner).





We cut to a promo video for ‘The Irish Stretching Machine’ Merle O’Curle next…


Merle was shown working out in his gym, rolling on the mat with an unnamed jobber… With 11 wins in his 16 matches since returning to 21CW, Merle has Gold on his mind… He asked if he should find a partner, and go after Storm and Sifu for the 21CW Kingdom Tag Team Titles… Or would he be better suited to being the man to stop either Blake Belushi or Wade Orson…?!

Merle O’Curle: “We’ll see, who the ‘Best Man’ is… and we will SEE… who’s ‘Awesome’…!!”

The promo ended with confirmation that we would hear from Merle on Kingdom next week…




Backstage, Mo Adebola was stood talking to a man dressed as a Turtle…

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Mo asked the Turtle about Lone Wolf – who seems to distrust the Turtle…

Lone Turtle: “Can ya really blame him, Mo…?! He’s a PREDATOR… he shouldn’t trust a newcomer like me… But if he just slows down a little…”

Suddenly, Lone Wolf arrived, and punched Lone Turtle right in the face…

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Lone Wolf stood over the fallen Turtle, who had to adjust his nose/mask… He then left the scene, as Turtle sat on the floor, shaking his head…




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‘The Neanderthal’ Andrew Lee w/ The Lee FamiLee [vs] War Machine w/ Cliff King

A big fight feel here, featuring two men who look set to take 21CW by storm as 2021 approaches. However, when you’re as big and as strong as War Machine, you don’t need to worry about someone the size of Andrew Lee. Lee is a ripped 261lber in his own right, and is normally the strongest man in his matches, but tonight was different. He was ripped apart by War Machine, and ended up being another victim to the ‘Choke Bomb’ (Batista Bomb).



After the match, Cliff King grabbed a microphone as The Lee FamiLee pulled Andrew out under the ropes to help him get away…

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Cliff King: “BEDLAM… stopped… Kevin Jones… fell… Not even Andrew Lee could stand up to War Machine… nobody can put a DENT in his armour… My ‘Giant Client’ wants to know one thing… Who is NEXT…!! Anyone… can answer right now…”

King looked to the stage, but he and War Machine didn’t notice Gorilla Lee slide into the ring behind them… However, Cousin Konrad also slid in… and stood in front of Gorilla… As War Machine turned around, Konrad was standing up to him… He laughed, before realising how outnumbered he was, and making his exit with his manager… War Machine and Cousin Konrad on a collision course it seems!!

Steve Smith: “Is this a smart move, Rowley…?!”

Dane Rowley: “Konrad is good, Steve… but he’s had More Fatches in 21CW since he debuted here…!!”

Steve Smith: “Four Matches… yeah… I hadn’t thought of it that way… He’s still new here…!! Meanwhile War Machine outweighs him by 240 + lbs… He’s more than double his weight!!”

Dane Rowley: “Size isn’t everything, Steve… I’m sure Cousin Konrad will have a Plaster Man…!!”

Steve Smith: “He’ll need one, that’s for sure…”




Tommy Cornell RETURNED to Kingdom next… and strolled to the ring to talk about his match with Wade Orson at We Will Rock You…


Tommy Cornell: “I’m not one to complain… Wade Orson IS the Champ… I will have to find another way to get to him, and get anuvva shot… He used MY move to win it, because he knows it doesn’t hurt a bit… It hurts… A LOT…!! But I’ll just have to find anuvva way... And as for Phil Harmonic… SON… I do wish you’d keep my name outta your mouth…!!”

Kingdom GM Colin Chalke walked to the ring next, and welcomed Cornell back to the show… He said he hopes Tommy will stick around on Kingdom come the draft… which will begin in two weeks… Right after Dangerous Alliances…!!


Colin Chalke: “Speaking of ‘Dangerous’… I’m putting you in a Dangerous match at the Pay-Per-View… You’ll be joining Buff Martinez as a Kingdom representative in STEEL SATAN… and you’ll also have a third Kingdom star in there with ya… ‘Rock Solid’ Landon Mallory… is also going to be in the cage…!!”

Chalke confirmed Buff, Landon and Cornell would join Beast Bantom, Roly Muckletruck and Adam Matravers who were announced as representing United…!! The WINNER… will earn a World Title Match against a Champion of their choosing… As for next week, Cornell and Buff will TEAM UP… to face Landon Mallory and the loud mouth Phil Harmonic…

Tommy Cornell: “Annuvva way, ey…?! Well I happen to know, Steel Satan hurts… A LOT… But you know what else’ll hurt a lot…?! The beating I’m gonna put on Landon Mallory and Phil Harmonic next week!!”




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The Welsh Wizards & The Underdogs [vs] Grandmaster Phunk, Dangermouth, Nightmare & Ruin

Fun 8-man tag match here, won by The Booth when DJ Reason clocked Aurelian Bradley with a vinyl copy of their rap album: ‘We Will Hip-Hop You’, leading to a ‘Flatliner’ F5 from Dangermouth!





Backstage, Phil Harmonic was licking his wounds after being THROWN about by War Machine last week…

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He was about to blame Edison Silva and Kelvin Badberry for it all… but newcomer Rogue strolled up, with a grin on his face…


Rogue: “I’ll uhh… Be seein’ you at Dangerous Alliances then…?!”

Phil Harmonic: “What…?!”

Rogue: “Yeah… Me and you… 1 on 1…!! Didn’t you know…?! Yu know, you got a lot of enemies around here haven’t you Philip…? War Machine threw you around… Tommy (Cornell) wants to hurt you… not a little bit… but a LOT… Buff’ll hate you next week once he’s been in the ring with you… Then there’s Merle O’Curle… He thinks you’re a punk… And me…?! Well… I’ll beat you at Dangerous Alliances and move on…”

Phil Harmonic: “Was there a point to all this…?!”

Rogue: “Well… I was thinking… With all these enemies… and a draft coming up… Can you IMAGINE what would happen, if Silva and Badberry LEFT Kingdom in the draft…?! And left you all alone, just here makin’ enemies… Ha! Now that would be something wouldn’t it…!?”

Harmonic sneered, and told Rogue he’d find out why people DON’T want to make an enemy of him, at Dangerous Alliances…




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Riddick Jordan w/ Alton Vicious [vs] Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat

Singles action for Riddick Jordan tonight, following in partner’s footsteps with a win in 1 on 1 action. His flying headbutt is a thing of beauty, and he used it to win this one.





Backstage, Buff Martinez and Kathleen Lee bumped into Buff’s cousin: Juan Mendoza…

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The two Spaniards embraced, while Kathleen Lee looked Juan up and down… Then Buff had a thank you for Juan…

Buff Martinez: “Cuzzin… Thank you for the assist last week… It meant a lot…!!”

Mendoza said Buff was welcome… but that he can make it up to him next week… by watching his match, and giving him some pointers…

Buff Martinez: “It would be my honour…”

The two shook hands and walked off with Kathleen…




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‘DBF’ Daniel Black Francis [vs] ‘The Best Man’ Blake Belushi (c) w/ The Brat Pack

The best National Title Match of 2020 here, and the hatred between these two was clear to see. DBF got some nice offense in early on, but he was soon put on the back foot after focusing too much on The Brat Pack at ringside. It was hardly his fault, as Artemis and Thurston kept hopping up on the apron to distract him, leading to a Super Kick from Belushi that may have altered Francis’ jawline for the rest of his life! The finish saw a similar set of circumstances. DBF had been dominated by Belushi, but he fought back into it and was closing in on a victory that would make him a FIVE-TIME National or UK Champion, when Thurston Darcy III grabbed his leg from under the bottom rope. Belushi came flying in with a knee strike that again rocked DBF’s jaw. Loxley Robbins had seen enough at this point, and the big Australian stomped down to the ring.

He clocked Artemis with a lariat, before slamming into Thurston. The distractions at ringside didn’t phase Belushi though, who soon hit his ‘Axe Kick’ on Francis to retain the Gold.



The match was over but Loxley slid into the ring, and picked Belushi up for a huge powerslam!!

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Lox didn’t check on DBF at all… He just waited for Belushi to get up so he could Spear him out of his shoes… but as soon as ‘The Best Man’ stood up in the opposite corner, The Brat Pack were able to pick a leg each, and pull him out under the bottom rope… Lox was not happy as all three of his former Ozzie Invasion stablemates left via the ramp, holding their heads and ribs… He grabbed a microphone and paced back and forth in the ring…

Loxley Robbins: “Why does Daniel Black Francis get a shot at Belushi 1 on 1… and I don’t…?! I wanna KILL you, Blake…!!”

Belushi shook his head, and said that Lox and DBF have been sent to the back of the line… He said it’s time for new challengers to emerge, and time for him and the Brat Pack to move on…

Loxley Robbins: “I’m not interested in Championships, Blake… I wanna KILL you…!! Are you listening to me…?!”

Lox said that before the Draft, in case one of them moves brands, they HAVE to have a 1 on 1 clash… a fight to end their feud once and for all… a STREET FIGHT, with no rules… and a chance to kill each other…




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16 hours ago, Temes1066 said:

Don't you mean Four Matches?

Me? I didn't say that, Dane Rowley said that!

(He has a tendency to blurt out the odd spoonerism when he gets excited... it's in his bio :D )

He also didn't grab the 'Cop Porn' to watch a match recently... I'm also pretty sure Cousin Konrad doesn't have a 'Plaster Man'

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Predictions for United, Episode 32, Week 3, September 2020

Walker Van Cleer [vs] ‘The Unsung Hero’ Chuck Frisby w/ Gulliver

‘The Anarchist’ Antithesis [vs] Luke Cool w/ The House of Hell

‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp [vs] J-B Cash

UK Dragon & Cain Carlisle [vs] Doomsday & Blackheart w/ The House of Hell

Viktor Beskov & Roly Muckletruck [vs] Beast Bantom & Mark Adonis w/ The House of Hell

‘The God’ Jonathan Faust w/ Aldous Blackfriar [vs] ‘Mile High’ Adam Matravers

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 ‘The Unsung Hero’ Chuck Frisby w/ Gulliver

Luke Cool w/ The House of Hell

‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp 

Doomsday & Blackheart w/ The House of Hell

Viktor Beskov & Roly Muckletruck

‘The God’ Jonathan Faust w/ Aldous Blackfriar 

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Walker Van Cleer [vs] ‘The Unsung Hero’ Chuck Frisby w/ Gulliver

‘The Anarchist’ Antithesis [vs] Luke Cool w/ The House of Hell

‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp [vs] J-B Cash

UK Dragon & Cain Carlisle [vs] Doomsday & Blackheart w/ The House of Hell

Viktor Beskov & Roly Muckletruck [vs] Beast Bantom & Mark Adonis w/ The House of Hell

‘The God’ Jonathan Faust w/ Aldous Blackfriar [vs] ‘Mile High’ Adam Matravers

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Walker Van Cleer [vs] ‘The Unsung Hero’ Chuck Frisby w/ Gulliver

‘The Anarchist’ Antithesis [vs] Luke Cool w/ The House of Hell

‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp [vs] J-B Cash

UK Dragon & Cain Carlisle [vs] Doomsday & Blackheart w/ The House of Hell

Viktor Beskov & Roly Muckletruck [vs] Beast Bantom & Mark Adonis w/ The House of Hell

‘The God’ Jonathan Faust w/ Aldous Blackfriar [vs] ‘Mile High’ Adam Matravers

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Predictions for United, Episode 32, Week 3, September 2020

Walker Van Cleer [vs] ‘The Unsung Hero’ Chuck Frisby w/ Gulliver

‘The Anarchist’ Antithesis [vs] Luke Cool w/ The House of Hell

‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp [vs] J-B Cash

UK Dragon & Cain Carlisle [vs] Doomsday & Blackheart w/ The House of Hell

Viktor Beskov & Roly Muckletruck [vs] Beast Bantom & Mark Adonis w/ The House of Hell

‘The God’ Jonathan Faust w/ Aldous Blackfriar [vs] ‘Mile High’ Adam Matravers

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On 7/12/2024 at 11:44 PM, alliegolem said:

Really enjoying some of the characters in this diary. I'm not sure if I'll be on the ball enough to start predicting, but I'm enjoying it.

Thanks man, very nice of you to say :)

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21CW Presents:

21CW Alt Logo.jpg 21CW United 2.jpg

Episode 32

Wednesday, Week 3,September 2020


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Calling the action: Des Greeves, Martin Bloydell and Jeff Nova


Overall Rating: 75




We started the show in a way that United has never started before… (I think)… With Sebastian Koller stepping out of his rental vehicle, and stomping towards the door to the arena with a scowl on his face…


Koller was p****d because last week, in the Main Event, he lost to Grave Digger… and kissed goodbye his chances of Main Eventing Dangerous Alliances in his home country of Germany… The man that ‘accidentally’ cost him that shot, was Phillip Cooper… and ‘Cooper Man’ was waiting for Koller as he turned a corner…


There was tension immediately, and Cooper tried to defuse the situation…

Phillip Cooper: “Look mate… S**t happens dunnit…? Noffin’ to be done, now is there…? All yous can do now, is focus on the match you will have at Dangerous Alliances… An’ listen… I was thinkin’ yeah… Me an’ you… Tag Team Match… Against…”

Koller put his hand up in Cooper’s face, and then grabbed him by the throat and held him against the wall!!

Sebastian Koller: “I… Was thinking too… I was thinking… Me and you… Singles Match…!!”

Koller let go of Cooper, who choked and held his throat as he bent over in pain… Koller stormed off, and told Cooper he’d see him at Dangerous Alliances…!!




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Walker Van Cleer [vs] ‘The Unsung Hero’ Chuck Frisby w/ Gulliver

With an impeccable record in 21CW so far, Walker Van Cleer impressed yet again here tonight, and picked up yet another win. He springboarded to hit his ‘High Elevation Cross Body’ – which he calls the ‘Amsterdam Boomerang’, and pinned Chuck before Gulliver could get his hands on him.





Backstage, Montgomery Croft was stood in his trademark fancy suit, and had a message for the 21CW fanbase…


‘Million Dollar Monty’ claimed that he will be keeping a very close eye on Dangerous Alliances, as he works out when best to ‘cash in’ on his two remaining ‘perks’ negotiated in his contract with United… With Perk 1, he could send ANYONE over to Kingdom, and he chose Leo Price a couple of weeks ago… With Perk 2, he can debut any time he wants… and Perk 3 allows him to have a Championship match any time he wants, against any Champion he wants…

Montgomery Croft: “Just not sure I wanna travel all the way to Germany if it’s all the same ta you…? To be honest, I’m more than happy on my couch… watchin’ with a couple a Four X’s… For my likin’, Germany is full of pri…”

Before he could finish, Phillip Cooper walked past holding his throat after his altercation with a German, Sebastian Koller…


Montgomery Croft: “Here’s a man who would agree with me, ey…? Germans… All a bunch of cu…”

Interrupting with a very broken voice, Cooper asked where the trainer’s room was… and Croft pointed for him… before laughing at Cooper’s plight…




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‘The Anarchist’ Antithesis [vs] Luke Cool w/ Rolling Johnny Stones & Doomsday

Interesting battle here between two men who have seen and done it all in UK wrestling. However, Antithesis looked terrible without his Fire Extinguisher. Late on, ‘The Anarchist’ wanted to use it to clear away the House Of Hell members at ringside, but then remembered he no longer had it after Mass Hulk and Yuri Iliakov took it away. Soon after, Doomsday hit an illegal lariat behind the referee’s back, and Cool hit his ‘Cool Cutter’ to finish the job.





After a commercial break, we were in the detective office of KT Devonshire, Beau Boulder and Darin Flynn… The group were all sat at their individual desks, pondering…

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The group, known as ‘The Partners In Crime’ all agreed that they needed ‘something’… a big win… or a juicy case to get their teeth into…

Beau Boulder: “Maybe we can try to get the leaked information about the DRAFT…?!”

Darin Flynn: “We could… but what if we find some bad news, and we’re separating…?!”

KT Devonshire: “Heads up, boys…”

Antithesis and Clifford Wilson came into the room unannounced… Antithesis staggering around, and still selling his ribs and neck after his match with Luke Cool…

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Wilson was trying to calm his brother down, but ‘The Anarchist’ was adamant… He wants his Fire Extinguisher… and he’ll do whatever it takes to get it back…!! Including hiring the private detectives, to find out where and when would be the best place and time to steal it back from Mass Hulk and Yuri Iliakov…!! Devonshire, Boulder and Flynn were all initially excited by the prospect of ‘the case’… but their excitement soon turned to disappointment…

Clifford Wilson: “Look, these guys are GOOD… but don’t go spending thousands of quid trying to get your Fire Extinguisher back… Please…? Let me talk to Mass Hulk and Yuri Iliakov… Okay…?!”

Antithesis reluctantly agreed to let Wilson try it his way…




After months teaming up, and then now months since Beast Bantom turned on Roly Muckletruck, we saw a video package showing their friendship… their demise… and their subsequent feud…

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Both Roly and Beast will meet in the ring AGAIN at Dangerous Alliances… as two participants in the Six-Man ‘Steel Satan’ match…!! However, later tonight, BOTH men, will find a tag team partner, for a tag team match…!! And Beast came on our screens to confirm who his partner would be…

Beast Bantom: “In the last year, I’ve made many, many friends… and many, many deals… A number of people, owe me… SO… By ORDER… of Beast Bantom… My tag team partner will be… ‘God’s Gift To Wrestling’… Mark Adonis…!! See you later then, Roly…”




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‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp [vs] J-B Cash

Two veterans of British wrestling clashed here in a fun, and back and forth match. Joey Beauchamp has such prowess in the ring, and strolls around like he owns the place. Cash is wily though, and he used a thumb to the eye while they were in the corner, before rolling Beauchamp up and stealing one!



Cash smiled and waved at Beauchamp as he left the ring… ‘The Breeze’ didn’t look happy at all with the way the end of the match went down…




We saw a video package showing the change in attitude of Absolutely Flawless next…

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Lance and Kelly Martin used to be the squeaky clean Twin Brother tag team, who respected the business… and respected their opponents… They even brought Leo Price in to be their manager… but could do nothing as Price was ran down by a car… Then when Absolutely Flawless were suspended, Price made a dramatic return to in-ring action and left their side… The veteran has now moved over to Kingdom… and Absolutely Flawless had to re-evaluate…

They attacked Mark Misery and Smiling John Smithie, backstage… and have had issues with the Partners In Crime (Beau Boulder and Darin Flynn) as well… Their main problem, seems to be that Kenobi High insist on in-fighting with their Padawans, and won’t defend their 21CW United Tag Team Titles against anyone else… The video ended with Lance and Kelly saying they’d be watching all things Kenobi High… very closely… and finding the perfect time to strike…




Speaking of Kenobi High, we saw the group in the ‘Jedi Temple’ next… Ready to pass judgement on Kian Owens…

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Owens has used Light Tubes, before he was ready… and while Jase Cole has fought his corner, Christopher Lister wants him OUT of the group… Last week, it was Owens vs Lister… If Lister won, which he did, Owens would be out… But Cole argued tonight, that Lister cheated, and it wasn’t fair what he did to Cole’s hand-picked protégé…

Jase Cole: “You’ve ALWAYS been jealous of my guy… You KNOW he’s a star in the making…”

Lister said that the rules of the match were clear… and his hands are tied… Kian Owens is OUT… and he can leave now… But first… one half of the 21CW United Tag Team Champions outstretched his arms for a hug…

Christopher Lister: “Your career is in your own hands now…”

The anger in Owen’s face was clear… and out of nowhere he pulled out a Light Tube…!!


He SMASHED the Light Tube over Lister’s hand, causing the veteran to fall down in pain… The announce team exclaimed that he could have cut his hand off…!! Then chaos ensued… Padraig O’Hearne stepped in to save Lister, by punching Owens… knocking him to the floor… Jase Cole pushed O’Hearne back… and there was a CLEAR divide between the group… The Australians on one side, and the Brits on the other…




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UK Dragon & Cain Carlisle [vs] Doomsday & Blackheart w/ The Black Hats

Doomsday and Blackheart tried to outdo each other here, with both men representing the House of Hell stable, but having come from very different backgrounds. They dominated Dragon and Carlisle, despite a nice comeback at the end. Doomsday hit his ‘Apocalypse Drop’ (Rikishi Driver) on Carlisle to win it.





Next up, we saw a video package hyping a tag team match set for next week…

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The Professor’s young Swiss duo: The Bern Boys, will test themselves against Mark Misery and his young protégé Smiling John Smithie… Neither man will be happy about that… They’re never happy about anything…




In the back, Clifford Wilson walked up to Mass Hulk and Yuri Iliakov… who got ready to kill the veteran there and then…

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Wilson was there on behalf of his Brother, Antithesis… trying to get his Fire Extinguisher back…

Clifford Wilson: “My little Bro… he’s mis-understood… I’m sure if we could give him back his Fire Extinguisher, we could find another way for him to pay the debt he owes, for injuring you, Yuri… and costing you three months of your career…”

Yuri laughed… and he told Wilson there was absolutely no chance, they’d be giving the Fire Extinguisher back… But not because they’re mad at Antithesis…!!

Yuri Iliakov: “Sure, Antithesis attacked me… He put me out for three months… but I don’t hate him for it… Because of him, Viktor Beskov and I went our separate ways… and now…? I have Mass Hulk as my partner… I mean, look at this guy… He’s amazing… So I don’t hate Antithesis… Quite the opposite… We can’t give the Fire Extinguisher back though… because we’re having so much luck since we got it…”

Mass Hulk: “Next week… Yuri and I… take on the Champs, Kenobi High… in a non-title match…!!”

Wilson looked at the ground and shook his head… as Yuri explained that he and Hulk have no beef with the legend… and they don’t want to hurt him…

Yuri Iliakov: “So you tell your little Brother… If he wants to get his property back… He should find a partner, and BEAT us for it…”




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Viktor Beskov & Roly Muckletruck [vs] Beast Bantom & Mark Adonis w/ Doomsday

Amazing tag team match here, that could have gone either way. The sixth highest-rated TV match of 2020 saw two dream tag teams fighting, with Beast and Roly both picking excellent partners. Both big men will be United representatives in the Steel Satan match at Dangerous Alliances, but there will be no alliance between these two former friends when the pay-per-view begins. Tonight, Beast, who is a ‘friend’ of the House of Hell, was able to use Mark Adonis and Doomsday at ringside as ‘bait’ – leading to Beskov and Roly taking them both down. This lead to Beast shoving Beskov out through the ropes, and locking in his ‘BBH’ (Beast Bear Hug) to make Roly tap out!!





When it comes to the Dangerous Alliances pay-per-view, one of the featured matches will be the Fatal-4-Way for Apollo Prince’s 21CW World Championship… His opponents: Joss Thompson, Edward Cornell, and the unstoppable Grave Digger…

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There will be no ‘Alliance’ between those four either… However next week, there will… Apollo Prince and Joss Thompson will team up to take on the House of Hell Duo: Edward Cornell and Grave Digger…!! Should be another unforgettable tag team match…




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‘The God’ Jonathan Faust [vs] ‘Mile High’ Adam Matravers w/ Phoebe Plumridge

Another great match, with Jonathan Faust out to prove to Adam Matravers that he can be trusted. Throughout history, Faust and Adam have never gotten along, so it’ll take a lot for ‘Mile High’ to trust ‘The God’. This was a fair fight though, where Faust had opportunities to cheat to win, and he didn’t take them. He may live to regret that though, because Adam was on a mission tonight, determined to score the win that has eluded him for some time. He got his wish on 19 minutes, when Faust missed a leg drop from the top, and Adam was able to kick him with a ‘penalty kick’ to the face. Adam then hopped to the top rope to hit his ‘Mile High Moonsault’, and Faust has been beaten by that very move multiple times now.



After the match, there was nothing but mutual respect between the two veterans of British wrestling…

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The pair shook hands, and embraced… not as friends, but as men who appreciate each other for their sacrifices and hard work throughout the years… Faust could be heard saying ‘Good Luck at Steel Satan’… and explaining that the match was extremely brutal, and Adam should watch his back in there… Adam thanked Faust for his comments, and raised his opponent’s hand so he could get a cheer from the crowd… The show ended there, and we now have one episode of Kingdom and one episode of United, before the two brands COLLIDE at Dangerous Alliances… and the following week, 21CW will host ‘The 2020 Draft’…



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Predictions for Kingdom, Episode 33, Week 4, September 2020

Juan Mendoza [vs] Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat

If Alfonso Loses, he must Promote the new Booth Compilation Album… Cage Match:
‘The Furious Bi-Curious’ Alfonso D’Angelo [vs] ‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester w/ The Booth

Gorilla Lee & JK Lee w/ The Lee FamiLee [vs] The Brat Pack w/ Blake Belushi

‘The Lion’ Leo Price [vs] Nightmare w/ Ruin

The Welsh Wizards [vs] The Northern Lights

Tommy Cornell & Buff Martinez w/ Kathleen Lee [vs] Landon Mallory & Phil Harmonic w/ Silva & Badberry




Hey guys, just a quick update from me... I've got the next 7 or 8 shows fully written and ready to post. However, there's a NEW TEW coming next weekend!! I thought about transferring the save into a database, and carrying it on on TEW IX, but being totally transparent, I can't wait to see how the cverse has evolved, and play with a different company with their new rosters. This means, this diary will end in a couple of weeks, while I rattle through posting what I have already written up.

It's been a fun ride, and I thank each and every one of you for reading, commenting, liking, predicting etc on 32 episodes of Kingdom, 32 episodes of United, plus a whole bunch of pay-per-views and other nonsense.

You'll see the pace quicken for the next couple of weeks, and then I'm sure I'll begin another project as soon as I get my hands on that demo :D

Much love


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Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat

 ‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester w/ The Booth

Gorilla Lee & JK Lee w/ The Lee FamiLee

‘The Lion’ Leo Price

The Northern Lights

Tommy Cornell & Buff Martinez w/ Kathleen Lee 

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Juan Mendoza [vs] Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat

If Alfonso Loses, he must Promote the new Booth Compilation Album… Cage Match:
‘The Furious Bi-Curious’ Alfonso D’Angelo [vs] ‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester w/ The Booth

Gorilla Lee & JK Lee w/ The Lee FamiLee [vs] The Brat Pack w/ Blake Belushi

‘The Lion’ Leo Price [vs] Nightmare w/ Ruin

The Welsh Wizards [vs] The Northern Lights

Tommy Cornell & Buff Martinez w/ Kathleen Lee [vs] Landon Mallory & Phil Harmonic w/ Silva & Badberry

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I've really enjoyed this project so thanks for a fun read. I'm looking forward to any new project you have with the next game. After you post the last show, could you post a summary of any plans you had for the save beyond what you've written? I think it'd be cool to know what future some of the 21CW guys had in store.

Juan Mendoza [vs] Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat

If Alfonso Loses, he must Promote the new Booth Compilation Album… Cage Match:
‘The Furious Bi-Curious’ Alfonso D’Angelo [vs] ‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester w/ The Booth

Gorilla Lee & JK Lee w/ The Lee FamiLee [vs] The Brat Pack w/ Blake Belushi

‘The Lion’ Leo Price [vs] Nightmare w/ Ruin

The Welsh Wizards [vs] The Northern Lights

Tommy Cornell & Buff Martinez w/ Kathleen Lee [vs] Landon Mallory & Phil Harmonic w/ Silva & Badberry

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On 7/20/2024 at 7:32 AM, GreatreDRagon said:

I've really enjoyed this project so thanks for a fun read. I'm looking forward to any new project you have with the next game. After you post the last show, could you post a summary of any plans you had for the save beyond what you've written? I think it'd be cool to know what future some of the 21CW guys had in store.

Thank you mate, and thanks for keeping up with it. I may well do that actually yeah. Trying to find the right end point now, because a pay-per-view feels right, but I have the next five shows written out after it... Hmmmm... decisions, decisions...




21CW Presents:

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Episode 33

Wednesday, Week 4, September 2020


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Calling the action: Steve Smith and Dane Rowley


Overall Rating: 63




We opened the show with 21CW World Heavyweight Champion: Wade Orson, heading to the ring to a chorus of boos…!!


Orson ran down the card at Dangerous Alliances, and put over how ‘Awesome’ the line-up was looking… He said in particular, he was wishing young Phil Harmonic luck, as he takes on a veteran who is a newcomer to 21CW… ‘The Scoundrel’ Rogue…

Wade Orson: “See, I don’t trust that old guy, man…! He literally TELLS you, he’s dirty… and a LIAR… and a cheat… and you all, cheer him…?!”

The crowd began a loud Rogue chant… which turned into “WE WANT ROGUE”… but Orson was disgusted…

Wade Orson: “HEY!! You WILL respect me…!! I don’t cheat… I’m clean cut… and I always tell the truth… and the truth of the matter is THIS… At Dangerous Alliances… I’m takin’ the night off…!!”

Orson has no match at the pay-per-view, and he was about to leave the ring, when Rogue’s music hit…!! To the delight of everyone in the arena…!!


Rogue: “Wade…!! Darling…!! You should know by now… There is no night off when you’re the World Heavyweight Champion… As a former THREE-TIME World Champion across the pond… I know that better than anyone… I know I’ll see you in Germany at Dangerous Alliances… OH and by the way… I’d rather be a ‘DIRTY… ROTTEN… SCOUNDREL’… than a p***k like you, mate…!!”

Orson was furious, but he decided to laugh it off, and drop to the floor to roll out of the ring… He didn’t look back at Rogue, who leant on the top rope and glared at the Champion, who he has to be eying up as a future opponent…




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Juan Mendoza [vs] Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat

Our opener saw Juan Mendoza face a stern test in former 21CW Tag Team and 21CW UK Champion, in Stevie Stoat. Juan’s Cousin Buff Martinez was shown watching the action on a monitor backstage a few times, and he liked what he saw. In the end, the furious ‘Smasher’ let the booing crowd get in his head and he snapped. Mendoza took advantage, and hit his ‘Stunning Face Crusher’ Stunner to pick up a big win!





Next up, a Cage Match, between Alfonso D’Angelo and Buck Winchester will end their rivalry once and for all… with a cage surrounding the ring… If D’Angelo LOSES, he’ll have to promote the new Booth Compilation Album: ‘We Will Hip-Hop You’…!!


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‘The Furious Bi-Curious’ Alfonso D’Angelo [vs] ‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester w/ The Booth

Two former friends who are both on the rise here on Kingdom, tore lumps out of each other tonight. They both got slammed off the walls of the cage, and both also got their faces grinded on it, like it was a cheese grater. Buck asked DJ Reason to throw a microphone over the cage wall at one point, and he launched an old school, metal mic, on a wire, which Buck missed and Alfonso brilliantly caught, before being slammed into with a lariat from ‘Cowboy’. Buck lined up The Booth to hold the wire, and he began to climb over the cage, using the mic and cable as a rope. But out of nowhere, while he was half way up the cage, Alfonso D’Angelo rose up behind him with a pair of scissors!! Buck said “NO!!” But D’Angelo snipped the wire, and ‘Cowboy’ fell back into the middle of the ring, while The Booth, who were pulling with all their might, also went flying! As Buck rose to his feet, Alfonso SMASHED the microphone off his American head, and fell into the cover for a pin! Fun end to the match, but the significance of the win for Alfonso D’Angelo was not lost on him!





Next up, we learned that regardless of the result of the Triple Threat Match at Dangerous Alliances, Loxley Robbins and Blake Belushi will finally settle their war next week on Kingdom… in a Non-Title… STREET FIGHT…!! And Lox was standing by for his LIVE reaction…


Loxley Robbins: “At Dangerous Alliances… Daniel Black Francis and I… will fight Blake Belushi, for his 21CW National Title… But I’m not there to win Championships… I want Belushi… 1 on 1… like I deserve…!! Da…”

Before he could finish, Daniel Black Francis walked up… with his hands up… as Lox got defensive…


Daniel Black Francis: “Yeahhh Mon…!! I hear ya… You DO deserve that 1 on 1 match… an’ you know… I’ll take care of the Brat Pack, should they become an issue… But hear me now… At Dangerous Alliances… There IS NO alliance, between you an’ I… See I DO want that Championship… An’ if you get in my way… I… Will become Dangerous… to You…!!”

Lox and DBF stared at each other nose to nose as the camera cut away…




Backstage, we saw the 21CW Kingdom Tag Team Champions: Ricky Storm and Sifu, watching the next match on a monitor…

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Gorilla & JK Lee w/ Andrew Lee & Cousin Konrad [vs] The Brat Pack w/ Blake Belushi

Gorilla Lee’s main focus in this match, was to test out Artemis' face mask, and nose, by punching him as hard as he could. The main aim from JK Lee was to tie him in knots, and then kick him in the face! However, they didn’t pay enough attention to Thurston Darcy III and Blake Belushi, who cheated multiple times behind the referee’s back, and it lead to the nearest of near falls at the end when Darcy tried to pin JK. Moments later, Gorilla tagged back in, and hit his ‘Mighty Avalanche’ where he stepped on Artemis’ chest, and then dropped down to splash him!



The match was over, and The Lee FamiLee celebrated another big win… but their night went from celebration to disaster in an instant…

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The hardest man in the world to go undetected, went undetected… as War Machine appeared from out of nowhere, and crushed Andrew Lee into the corner post on the outside of the ring… He then slid IN to the ring, and took JK Lee down with a boot to the face… War Machine and Gorilla Lee brawled for a bit, before War Machine began to get the upper hand… That was until Cousin Konrad slid into the ring with a chair, and ran his huge future opponent out of the ring…!!

Konrad didn’t turn back and check on his Cousins in the Lee FamiLee… He just glared at War Machine, and told him he’d see him in the ring next week…!! War Machine just took out almost the entire FamiLee…




Backstage, Lone Wolf was being interviewed by Mo Adebola…

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Mo Adebola: “I am joined by… Lone Wolf… and Lone Turtle told you to ‘slow down’… how do you respond…?!”

Lone Wolf: “To me, Lone Turtle comes across as some kind of veteran… Giving advice like this… Speaking when not spoken to… Thing he needs to understand… I only have ONE speed… and that’s DEADLY…!!”

Lone Wolf stomped off, but we saw Lone Turtle lurking in the background, listening to Wolf’s comments…





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‘The Lion’ Leo Price [vs] Nightmare w/ Ruin

Leo Price couldn’t have wished for a tougher start to his Kingdom career, against the 320lb monster, Nightmare. However, Price has been on a mission since coming out of retirement and returning to in-ring action. He dodged a splash in the corner, and followed it up with his ‘Price Drop’ Double Arm DDT to get the win.



After the match, Ruin slid into the ring to attack, and so did Price’s rival and former protégé, Leigh Burton…

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Burton went for a flying kick, but Price dodged it, and Burton flew into Ruin…!! Kicking the big man right under the jaw…!! Burton didn’t seem to care about that, and he chased Price, who hopped out through the ropes to safety… Burton shouted at him that he’d make sure he kicked him at Dangerous Alliances… over and over again… The camera was on Burton, and as both Ruin and Nightmare rose up slowly behind him… He turned around and gulped…

The two big men picked him up, and threw him about as if two grizzly bears had caught a salmon…!! Price watched and laughed as his future opponent got torn apart… At Dangerous Alliances, we’ll finally get a re-match from Price and Burton’s feud when they ended their tag team almost 5 years ago… Burton won their only 1 on 1 match in 2016, but he cheated, and Price never got a chance to avenge it… Now, in 2020, Price versus Burton, the re-match… and Price has ALL the momentum…




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The Welsh Wizards [vs] The Northern Lights

Fun match here, but the powerful and menacing duo of Alton Vicious and Riddick Jordan were too much for Welsh Dragon and Aurelian Bradley to handle tonight. The brawlers wouldn’t let The Welsh Wizards catch their breath, using a lot of slams and throws to disorientate their opponents. Vicious won it with his ‘Vicious Snap’ Spinebuster, planting Welsh Dragon in the middle of the ring.





Backstage, Mo Adebola was stood with his guest: Merle O’Curle… Merle spoke in his thick Irish accent…

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Merle O’Curle: “Tank you for yer toime, Mo… OI’ve been enjoyin’ moy toime back in 21CW… an’ OI tink it’s about toime OI won a Toitle around here… SO… I would loike ta make a wee challenge… for the…”

Before he could finish, Phil Harmonic walked up with Kelvin Badberry and Edison Silva…

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Phil Harmonic: “Did I just hear that right…?! Hahahahaaaa…!!”

Badberry and Silva laughed with Harmonic, but he glared at them both to stop…

Phil Harmonic: “You can’t just call your shot, Merle… If you get a Title shot, I, should get a Title shot too… So how about we team up, and challenge for the Tag Team Titles… Whaddya say, old man…?!”

Merle shook his head, and reminded Harmonic that he had a Main Event to ‘stink up’… as Harmonic was on his way to the ring when he saw Merle and Mo Adebola talking… Merle said that Harmonic would probably cheat, and use Badberry and Silva to cheat to win in a boring match…!!

Phil Harmonic: “ACTUALLY, Merle… Badberry and Silva will NOT be accompanying me to the ring… and they’re to stay in the back, no matter what…”

Kelvin Badberry: “Uhhh… We are…!?”

Harmonic warned his stooges that if they show their faces out there tonight, he would dock them SIX MONTHS pay…




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Tommy Cornell and Buff Martinez w/ Kathleen Lee [vs] Phil Harmonic and Landon Mallory

A poor Main Event here, which was surprising considering the talent in the ring. 19-year old Phil Harmonic was the weakest link unfortunately for him – but his bright, bright future will mean that this loss and poor performance won’t affect him too badly. He didn’t hurt anybody, his timing was just a little off, and he didn’t gel well with Mallory – who 21CW higher ups are also high on right now. For the finish of this one, Tommy Cornell hit his ‘Guilt Trip’ Side Russian Leg Sweep, and pinned Harmonic.



Cornell, Buff and Kathleen Lee celebrated in the ring as the show went off the air…



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Predictions for United, Episode 33, Week 4, September 2020 

‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp [vs] Beast Bantom

Misery & Smithie w/ Emmett Askey [vs] The Bern Boys w/ The Professor

Non-Title Match:
Kenobi High [vs] The European Hammers

Clifford Wilson [vs] ‘The Unsung Hero’ Chuck Frisby w/ Gulliver

Cain Carlisle, Beau Boulder and Darin Flynn w/ KT Devonshire [vs] J-B Cash and Absolutely Flawless

Apollo Prince [vs] Phillip ‘Cooper Man’ Cooper

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‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp [vs] Beast Bantom

Misery & Smithie w/ Emmett Askey [vs] The Bern Boys w/ The Professor

Non-Title Match:
Kenobi High [vs] The European Hammers

Clifford Wilson [vs] ‘The Unsung Hero’ Chuck Frisby w/ Gulliver

Cain Carlisle, Beau Boulder and Darin Flynn w/ KT Devonshire [vs] J-B Cash and Absolutely Flawless

Apollo Prince [vs] Phillip ‘Cooper Man’ Cooper

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