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FCW News for June 2020




FCW has hired a new ref right before their show in June. David Poker will be the secondary official behind Ryan Holland. Handsome Stranger felt like while shows are getting a bit longer and more matches were being added it was a good idea to bring in a second referee so Holland wouldn't be overtaxed. Given Holland just left PSW there could be the secondary worry that he might do the same to FCW too so Poker can be seen as added insurance in case that happens. Poker worked for SWF developmental league RIPW for a few years, but mostly for the past decade or so has been doing small shows along the tri-state area. He will now be a regular sight at FCW for the time being.




In perhaps more interesting news there may be a signing coming over from across the pond to FCW. Handsome Stranger keeps his pulse on the outside world more than Puerto Rican Power and he isn't one to just look at what the United States has to offer in terms of talent. Him managing to coax El Toro De Oro to wrestle in Puerto Rico is proof of that as well as the fact as he has made the deal with Kashmir Singh to bring a few of his boys from the Mumbai Wrestling Academy to work pre-shows from time to time. The best news to be had is the person in question that might be brought on is a graduate of 21CW's National School of Wrestling, but was never hired by the company after his graduation. Even if signed it could be the case of him not working the main show so it might be some time before we see him in action.


Otherwise June was a quiet month for FCW. There is talk that there might be a big announcement coming in the next month or two that is the brainchild of Puerto Rican Power. Viewership on Wrestleworld is slowly inceasing too, but they are still by far the lowest viewed company on the platform. If they continue to put on shows like have recently more viewers will start to tune in and see what the tiny Puerto Rican company is all about. Local attendance has been inceasing and with consistent sellouts it is being said they are looking for a new venue to host shows in the coming months.

Edited by Voeltzwagon
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FCW: The FREEDOM Movement

Announcers: Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch

San Juan High School, 300 Attending (Sell Out)






Puerto Rican Power is out to talk about Mutant and Hell's Bouncer. He is letting the two fight it out in the main event and hopefully a clear winner will be declared. Bull Wrecker has been given the night off and warned not to get involved in the main event as it may hurt his future chances at a match for the Puerto Rican championship. He then switches subjects and announces that in October there will be a new tournament called Gateway to the Gold where the winner will earn a future title shot at a time of his choosing for the Puerto Rican Championship, there will be qualifying matches in August and September to set the field of eight competitors. Those qualifying matches will be announced later. With that being said he heads to the back and lets the show start properly.




A good start to the evening with Tex Tagan taking on Cobra. Both are pretty solid workers and provide a good, if short, match that is a pretty even competition. Cobra ends up picking up the win over the cowboy with a Viper Vice. 






The FCW tag team championships are up for grabs as Relentless face off against the Gonzalez family. As far as tag title matches go this one isn't bad, but in comparison to previous contests with The Puerto Rican Boys and Latino Kings it is a bit on the underwhelming side. Carlos isn't a bad talent, but Marco is still very green and seems lost at times. He will improve in time and in reality the champs never looked to be in too much trouble. It is also a rare match where there is no interference on House Handsome's side and Ricochet Ramone hits his Ricochet Senton on Marco to pick up the win.




The Puerto Rican boys are out before the champs have much time to celebrate a win. They put out a challenge to get one more try at the titles. Relentless seemed to dismiss it, but Island Boy Apollo manages to goad them into it by saying they seemed scared. It looks like Rob didn't take that well. He proclaims he and Ramone are not cowards and will give the Puerto Rican Boys a rematch.




Davis Wayne Newton has the unfortuant task of taking on Martyr next. The former's mask is fixed and he looks to  have suffered no real damage from the nasty fall he took last month. DWN tries a stick and run style offense, but eventually gets cornered. Martyr just overpowers DWN and batters him with heavy punches and knee strikes. DWN's comback attempts are few and far between. His offense seems to be shrugged off for the most part and he only manages to get Martyr down to one knee at one point. Martyr beats down DWN and eventually puts him away with a Vengeance Driver.




Martyr looks to do more to DWN, but Kip Keenan is quick to come into the ring and takes the fight to Martyr. He manages to push Martyr back then clothesline him over the ropes to the outside. He quickly tries to get DWN up and escape as Martyr takes a moment to recover. Martyr doesn't give chase and just stares at the pair as they make their way to the back. After a moment he finally leaves through the crowd.




A big, heavy hitting bout is next as El Toro De Oro is tested by Ox Mastadon De Oro was able to defeat larger opponents like Kanishoki, but Ox is much different than the slow, plodding sumo. Not only does he use his size to the advantage, but he is more mobile and able to avoid some of De Oro's attacks. It is obviously frustrating De Oro who isn't used to dealing with someone not only matching him in strength, but actually overpowering him at times. The frustration builds as the match goes on and De Oro seems to have had enough of Ox's antics. Ox is going in to try to grapple with De Oro, but instead Oro delivers a kick between the legs. Ryan Holland calls for the bell as De Oro hits his Spinal Shocker Gore on Ox. Ox may get the win over DQ, but El Toro De Oro stands tall in the end.




Bradford Peverell is wanting another crack at Handsome Stranger, but it looks like he is at least going to have to go through House Handsome's heavy, Juggernaut Jones. Jones is very green at t his stage and there is a reason he is rarely wrestling in a singles match. Peverell is one of the few that can probably pull out a good match and make the big man look like the star FCW hopes he one day becomes. It is a short match and a bit slow paced. Jones is allowed to show off his impressive strength and athleticism, but Peverell also gets some good offense in. He isn't exactly a small man himself and delivers some stiff strikes that throw Jones off balance. David Poker at one point takes a bump by an errant elbow. This brings out Handsome Stranger who tries to blindside Peverell. Bradford seems to have seen Stranger coming though and he turns just in time to catch Handsome Stranger then toss him into Juggernaut Jones. The impact staggers Jones who is left open for the Dream Left Hook by Peverell. Peverell goes to deliver one to Handsome Stranger who quickly escapes. Poker has recovered at this point and Bradford Peverell makes the pin to win.






The FCW People's championship is up next. Xavi faces Rudy without the benefit of having his usual insurance policy in Juggernaut Jones. The two put on a great match and Rudy is easily the best worker of the Latino Kings. Their styles also seem to mesh well and it is an exciting match that is getting the crowd into it. Neither man can maintain a long term advantage and it seems House Handsome are getting some growing concerns. This brings out Relentless that look to come out and cause trouble, though they are soon met by Jesus Chavez and Hector Galindo. The four men fight outside distracting the official.




That is when for the rare time someone else wins the numbers game. With Jones down and out and Handsome Stranger nowhere to be seen, it is the newest member of the Latino Kings that jumps in the ring and almost decapitates Xavi with a big lariat before diving out of the ring to help out Jesus and Hector. Xavi staggers to his feet and instantly goes back down when Rudy hits him with the Street Cutter. Security has started to break things up outside and it allows Ryan Holland to regain focus on match. He sees the pin and makes the count. Rudy wins the FCW People's championship! The rest of The Latino Kings get in the ring to celebrate with Rudy and a defeated Xavi is helped to the back by Relentless.






Mutant and Hell's Bouncer clash again and like the first time it is not a pretty sight. The two big men clash and are looking to deliver every big move they have in their arsenal to try to keep the other man down. The fans are getting louder each time one of the big men gets knocked down and then there are boos. Not for Mutant or Hell's Bouncer, but for...




Bull Wrecker is coming to the ring looking to cause trouble. It looks like he doesn't care about Puerto Rican Power's warning, though what he probably didn't expect is Giant Brody to blindside him. It seems Brody remembers how things ended in their tag match from a few months back and picked this time as revenge. They are trying to be pulled apart when Mutant dumps Hell's Bouncer out of the ring.  He gets caught up in the brawl a bit as the two men stumble into the big man. This causes Hell's Bouncer to rain down a few strikes on the pair before turning his attention back to the ring. He took too much time though and Ryan Holland counts to ten just as Bouncer was about to get back in the ring. Annoyed, Bouncer turns his attention two the two men that cost him the match and Mutant seems displeased how things turned out. He responds by climbing to t he top rope and jumping onto the sea of humanity outside the ring. The night ends in chaos once more with everyone laid out.




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I loved the People's Championship finish with the numbers game turning against House Handsome. It caught me off guard as I thought Ferrera would get through every Latino King but one before losing, so I enjoyed this subversion of expectation. Then the decisive finish in the semi-main cleared the way for ending the main event on a countout, which was really well done as Mutant keeps getting more and more powerhouses thrown at him before he can see off the ones already in his path: the perfect booking for a babyface champion who's rarely an underdog in a one-on-one environment. And a great fan-pleasing spot to end with. I also liked what you did with El Toro De Oro, having him finally be outmatched but without allowing himself to be pinned or submit.

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FCW News for July 2020


The biggest news coming from FCW this month would be reports that the company has been consistently see their popularity rise in Puerto Rico while also starting to draw in an audience from the rest of the United States and Canada. People in the industry that keep track of company growth and popularity considered FCW for years a tiny company, but are now considered small. FCW has managed to do so while being thrifty with their cash and pushing their own talent instead of hiring the likes of recently released employees from SWF, TCW and USPW. As of this writing most talent are paid under 200 PPA per month with Mutant right now being top paid in ring talent. It will be interesting to see if they can keep up this steady pace of growth or if they will hit a wall. Given the wrestling industry as a whole isn't doing well that makes it even more impressive.




In June a new face showed up in FCW. This month he made a bigger impact as he helped dethrone Xavi Ferrera and allowed Rudy Velasquez to win the FCW People's Championship. The newest Latino King is an independent talent that primarily wrestles in Mexico as Gringo Star. In FCW it looks like he will be going by the name G Killa and will be working with the Latino Kings fully going forward. This is a way to freshen up the group who has been a staple in FCW since the company opened. It is possible G Killa and Jesus Chavez might work as a tag team in the future as well. For someone so young it is a good situation to be in as G Killa will gain invaluable experience for the day when he goes out on his own.




Speaking of The Latino Kings, Rudy Velasquez picks up his second singles title in his long career.  Rudy may never win the big one in his career, but he will always have bragging rights as being one of the most decorated wrestlers in FCW. He and Hector have a record five title reigns as tag team champs alone so this win Rudy a total of seven different title reigns. It is believed Xavi might be moving up the card soon so moving it to a reliable hand like Rudy Velasquez seemed like a proper decision. It might also give Rudy a chance to show maybe he too should get a chance to move further up the card. For now it seems the feud between House Handsome and The Latino Kings continues.




While Giant Brody was seen at the end of the show this month it appears there were bigger plans that would have seen him in a match. Plans had to change due to the fact a few days prior Brody sustained a rib injury while wrestling in Japan. Thankfully the injury doesn't seem to be a major one and he could at least be used in an angle. He was willing to wrestle, but Handsome Stranger decided to keep him from doing anything too over the top so not to make the injury worse. Brody gets time to rest up before his next FCW appearance, but he may choose to wrestle in Japan in the meantime and hopefully won't worsen the injury.




And finally Puerto Rican Power surprised the FCW with the announcement for a new yearly tournament that will be known as Gateway to the Gold. Each October at FREEDOM's Gate will now feature an 8 man tournament that will feature a mix of rising stars and established roster members. The winner will get a chance to face off against the FCW Puerto Rican championship at a time of their choosing over the next year. Rumors are swirling already on who may win. Given Mutant is champion and Xavi lost the People's championship there is already rumors of him winning it. The release of qualifier matches has been released and will take place in August and September.

Juggernaut Jones vs Jesus Chavez

Davis Wayne Newton vs Harlem Haynes

Ox Mastadon vs Xavi Ferrera

Handsome Stranger vs G Killa

Martyr vs Hector Galindo

Curtis Shaw vs Kip Keenan

El Toro De Oro vs Bradford Peverell

Joffy Laine vs Bull Wrecker

Edited by Voeltzwagon
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FCW: FREEDOM's Children

Announcers: Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch

San Juan High School, 300 Attending (Sell Out)





House Handsome is out, but not in full force. Relentless is not with Handsome Stranger, Xavi Ferrera and Juggernaut Jones. Stranger is quick to address that saying the pair are getting ready for their big title defense, one that they will easily win. Just like how he, Xavi and Jones will all win tonight. People will remember this as a night that House Handsome dominates and put the rest of the roster in their place. Not only that, but if Puerto Rican Power isn't going to allow Handsome Stranger to have the rematch he deserves he will earn it by winning Gateway to the Gold in October and use his chance to recapture his championship that night. That declaration gets a look from Xavi, but he says nothing as the trio finish up and head to the back.




The first qualifier for the tournament involves Davis Wayne Newton taking on the hard hitting Harlem Haynes.  What should have been a pretty good match seems bland instead. Harlem Haynes looks like he rather be anywhere else and most of the match he seems to be going through motions even though he has control of most of it. DWN is trying to make it more pleasing to watch with good selling, but often Haynes doesn't really return the favor when DWN gets the upperhand. Maybe it is no surprise that DWN ends up winning. He manages a surprise counter to a powerbomb that allows him to gut shot Harlem and deliver a Fisherman's Suplex to pick up the win.


After the victory, Davis Wayne Newton mentions Kip Keenan and Martyr. While DWN not get fully involved it seems he has no choice and if Kip needs help he just has to ask. He admits Martyr scares the hell out of him, but teaming with Kip makes him feel maybe, just maybe the two can put the monster to rest.




A slugfest follows up the previous match and while maybe overall not as crisp in delivery, the fans love a good fight and these two hard hitters are going at it. Jones is very much a work in progress, and while Jesus Chavez is a good enough talent, he isn't really one that can bring the best out of younger, inexperienced talents like Rudy or even Hector could. He didn't really need to. The pair just beat on one another for about seven minutes before Jesus hit his 187 Neckbreaker on Jones. At least one House Handsome member will not be getting into the tournament as Jesus Chavez qualifies.






Rudy Velasquez has his first official defense against the loose cannon of NYCW, Denny King. This is a much better reception than Chuck Casey and even better than Riley McManus. The two put on an exceptional match and it was a roller coaster where Denny actually got the crowd believing he could win. The thought of an outsider winning had the crowd firmly in Rudy's corner and he did not buckle under the pressure of his first title defense. This match was a big step up from the previous two showing Rudy can be a great singles worker if he and Hector ever officially split. Denny put up a good fight, but it wasn't enough. He falls victim and Rudy picks up his first title defense of what he hopes to be many.




Rudy is celebrating when Xavi comes out and makes his presence known. He tells Rudy not to get too comfortable with that belt because Xavi will be taking it back soon. Tonight he qualifies for the tournament, then he will win it and then he is coming for Rudy. He then tells Rudy to get out of his ring because his match is next.




Xavi talked the talk, but walking the walk isn't easy when his opponent is Ox Mastadon. In fact Xavi is tossed about with relative ease through the opening bits of the match before he finally resorts to a thumb to the eye to help get an advantage. Xavi isn't exactly a small guy, but he has trouble moving Ox about so has to stick to strike and dodge tactics often. It is also not good when Ox flattens him with a lariat and looks ready to take control.




Or he takes control for moments before El Toro Del Oro comes rushing down the ring. He gets stopped from jumping in, but he certainly has the attention of Ox. It also has David Poker distracted. Ox honestly has enough experience to know better than to not pay attention to someone like Xavi for this amount of time. He gets attacked from behind. From the looks of it Xavi had something in his hand too as he quickly puts it back in his tights. He knocks Ox over and delivers his High Impact Frog Splash. Xavi wins while a pleased looking El Toro De Oro backs off from the ring and lets the security team lead him away.






Rudy and Denny had put on the best match so far, but this one outdoes it. Relentless is the less experienced team, but their time together has been enough to make them a respectable team, while the Puerto Rican Boys have proven to be a winning team with three title reigns so far with another possibly happening tonight. Much like the first match they had a few months back the teams are mostly delivering fast pace offense where Island Boy uses his size and strength to slow things down to gain control. No surprise that Kid San Juan is mostly kept in the ring and barely kicks out many times. Tired and looking beaten, Kid San Juan manages to roll through a double team and tag in Island Boy Apollo. Apollo tosses the two men about and during the chaos David Poker gets bumped and knocked out.



To no surprise help is quick to arrive during that time. Juggernaut Jones and Apollo face off and they start going at it. Apollo tosses Jones into the ropes and looks to come off them and deliver his Pounce finisher. Apollo moves and that means Rob Reynolds gets laid out and sent out of the ring. Apollo hefts up Jones and tosses him out afterwards and Ricochet Ramone is left on his own. David Poker is recovering in time to see Ramone get hit by Welcome to the Island by The Puerto Rican Boys. Pin and win! House Handsome has lost all the gold!



Handsome Stranger doesn't seem pleased for obviously reasons when he comes out for his match. The tag titles are lost and so far House Handsome only has one member in the tournament after Jones' earlier loss. His opponent is G Killa who is having his first match in an FCW ring. The match is fairly decent. Among the four qualifying matches it might even be the best one. G Killa is still new and while aligned with The Latino Kings fans still need to warm up to  him. Of course facing off against Handsome Stranger is helping him get some cheers. It is a rare match where no cheap tricks that House Handsome are so well known for are used. G Killa has a good showing, but experience wins out in this one and Handsome Stranger wins with his La Gota. Perhaps not the outcome House Handsome wanted, but they do end on a positive note as to where they have two men in the tournament.




Bradford Peverell does comes out to remind Handsome Stranger of one thing. Next month he has a chance to get into the tournament and he will be sure by hook or crook he is going to get his hands on the leader of House Handsome and deliver the Dream Left Hook. Handsome Stranger has a bit of a smirk as if seeming unbothered, but his body language as a whole shows he isn't liking what he is being told.






Former tag team partners clash and there seems to be no love lost between the pair. It is a big, heavy hitting brawl that quickly gets the fans going crazy. The pair are evenly matched and given how good they both are at this point it is a wonder how many title reigns they would have eventually gotten if they remained a team. Now bitter enemies it is just a slug fest which sees Mutant busted open when he is ran head first into the stairs. They continue to fight on the outside and Ryan Holland seems pretty lax on the count, rather seeing the two men fight it out then to count them out.




What he can't control is the fact Giant Brody comes flying out of nowhere (surprising for a big man to be honest) and takes both men out. As if that wasn't bad enough as he is getting up and starting to lay into Bull Wrecker he gets attacked from behind from Hell's Bouncer he came through the crowd. Mutant has recovered and starts to lay into both men and security and other roster members try to seperate the four. An irate Puerto Rican Power is shouting loudly into a mic for all this to stop or he is going to hand out suspensions. He declares he will sort out this mess and he is tired of all four of these men causing so much trouble and ruining his main events. What he decides to do about it remains to be seen. The match officially is declared a draw.



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The roster balance is so on point right now, with House Handsome's star power serving as the spine of the show and ensuring there's always something consequential on the undercard, then all these heavyweights going at it in the main events. I can't wait for the payoff, which looks like it might be some kind of monstrous multi-man based on this show's ending. The House Handsome dynamics are really interesting with the contrast in fortunes between Handsome Stranger and Xavi Ferrera and the others on this show, while it felt like the right people won in the qualifiers.

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FCW News for August 2020




Booking one monster heel is never easy. Booking several in one company is usually something uneviable, but somehow right now FCW is making it work. It does help Mutant is a large man himself so seeing him engage with the likes of Giant Brody, Bull Wrecker and Hell's Bouncer works. .  Not to mention it does help it isn't like those three are working as a team and there is animosity all around. It is hard to say if Handsome Stranger can keep this up, but for now the chaos the main event has been bringing the past few months has been bringing in the best reviews from the dirtsheets so for now it is probably best not to fix what is broken. Puerto Rican Power is said to be addressing the issue at the start of next month's show so we shall soon see how long the chaos will continue.




Denny King was the latest member of NYCW to be featured in FCW and he got a high profile match with Rudy Velasquez. Much like Riley McManus he was pretty well recieved and the pair delivered on one of thre best matches of the night. Not only that Denny was a hit backstage as he told anyone in the locker area that was interested some of the crazy road stories he has seen or been told of over his long career. So far the partnership with NYCW seems more beneficial than that of PSW. It is said Handsome Stranger is often frustrated because PSW are never interested in trades, where NYCW are much amiable. It won't be a full on invasion, but don't be surprised to see more NYCW wrestlers appearing every once in awhile.




The iron fist House Handsome has been holding in FCW for quite some time has loosened considerably. Handsome Stranger himself has had the task to book his faction strong while also making it to where he is no longer directly involved in the Puerto Rican title picture. With Relentless losing the faction no longer holds any gold, but both Handsome Stranger and Xavi are in the Gateway to the Gold tournament so they are not looking entirely week. Juggernaut was considered for being in the tournament as well, but his need for more proper in ring work was the reason it was switched to Jesus Chavez. It is still expected House Handsome will make quite a showing in the tournament and even if Handsome Stranger or Xavi don't win they will certainly be a thorn in the side of whoever they face.




Finally Harlem Haynes is in a bit of hot water with Handsome Stranger after the last show. He raised a fuss about losing his match to Davis Wayne Newton and even with Stranger adjusting things to allow Harlem to control most of the match the result was him just going through the motions and not caring about much of anything. Harlem Haynes has proven he can deliver in matches when motivated. His title match with Mutant is proof of that, but often he brings up his popularity in Canada when it comes to him losing to more established stars in Puerto Rico and doesn't seem to understand his popularity in Canada means very little to the average FCW fan.  For now he remains employed but he can only give so many headaches before FCW decide enough is enough, right?

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Long work day and a long week in general. I just want to say thank you for everyone who is following this silly little diary and for those who nominated me for DotM awards. I just enjoy having energy here and there to post content and I have had a blast with this iteration of FCW. I have gone into 2022 with this save so I have plenty of crazy content to go with. And this is my obligatory declaration that @Big Roguey is a jerk. New show tomorrow!

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FCW: FREEDOM Of Expression

Announcers: Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch

San Juan, 417 Attending






Puerto Rican Power is out first and he is here to address the main event situation. He is tired of the constant chaos and wants some order restored. He is giving Hell's Bouncer one last singles match against Mutant tonight. If he loses he will not get another chance at the belt for quite some time. Giant Brody will not be here tonight and will face the winner of tonight's match next month at FREEDOM's Gate. Finally Bull Wrecker will have to earn another chance at the title and that starts tonight. If he wins, he is in the Gateway to the Gold tournament where if he wins that he can earn another shot for the time of his choosing. If he loses he will not be getting another match for the title for awhile. After laying down the law the big man poses for the crowd and leaves.




Four men qualified last month and now the first of four qualifiers start the night as Hector Galindo has the unenviable task of taking on Martyr. Hector seems up for it though and starts out hot. He unloads on Martyr and actually staggers the masked madman to start things off, but eventually Hector gets flattened by a lariat and Martyr starts to take over. His pace is slower and methodical. He is picking apart Hector who's comeback attempts are easily stopped. It was a good effort, but in the end Martyr is just too much and wins with his Vengeance Driver.




The Puerto Rican Boys are next and are happy to be tag team champions once again. They know they haven't seen the last of Relentless and there are plenty of other teams they are sure they will have to face. They are up for the challenge and will be what they always have been when holding the tag team titles, fighting champions.



This brings out an unfamiliar face who introduces himself as Streetz. He says he can't help but feel he can provide the new champions with a proper challenge. Streetz likes the gold the two have and he wants it. That is why he has brought two 'friends' along and The Puerto Rican Boys are going to face them now.






The Puerto Rican Boys are at least familiar with one of Streetz's friends in the form of King Kong Kennedy, but he has seemed to have found a new partner now in a unknown face in a large man named Gulliver. Streetz is calling the pair Half Ton of Terror and he starts to give orders to the big men. What is apparent is Gulliver is very very green and being in this match hides it decently. It isn't good when King Kong Kennedy has to do most of the work for his team given his age and plodding style. Kid San Juan does provide a good opponent for the two to bully about and toss around with ease making the champs seriously look in trouble. Kid San Juan eventually escapes the opponents' corner and tags in Island Boy Apollo. He starts delivering big strikes to stagger both men. He knocks Gulliver out of the ring then uses his impressive strength to bodyslam King Kong Kennedy. Apollo points to Kid to have him go to the top rope. As he is doing so Streetz blatantly interferes and uses a cane he had with him to whack Kid San Juan in the back. Ryan Holland throws the match out and the champs retain.




Another qualifying match featuring the big brawler Curtis Shaw and Kip Keenan. Kip hasn't had the best of luck so far this year due to the Martyr problem, but a win here could very much turn things around. Not that winning is easy. Shaw is to make sure of that and the two deliver in a well paced match with Kip making Shaw look like a million bucks in the process. Not that Shaw is bad, but Kip just has a knack for bring out the best of his opponents and this is a good showing that even in defeat Shaw doesn't look weak. And it is Shaw that loses when Kip staggers him with a big forearm long enough to deliver the Belly to Belly suplex and win.


After the match a tired Kip Keenan asks for a microphone and says he saw Martyr got in the tournament as well and he hopes he sees the maniac so  he can put an end to him once and for all. He knows it is going to be a long night because he needs to win three times, but he has the ability to do so and he will get his chance to be Puerto Rican champion once again.






Rudy Velasquez puts his FCW People's Championship on the line and is giving the young USAce a big opportunity tonight.  USAce has a good look and there is potential there, but he is obviously in need of more work, but a match against someone of Rudy's talents is only going to help him. He looks good in this match which plays to his strengths while Rudy does a lot of the heavy lifting here. It isn't perhaps the most exciting match of the night, but both perform well and Rudy picks up another defense when he hits a Street Cutter on USAce and picks up the win.




The third qualifying match is a big one. El Toro De Oro has had pretty good fortunes since arriving in FCW, but he is starting to see what the top tier talent has to offer. Bradford Peverell is never one to back down from a fight and the pair have a hard hitting match that has easily been the best so far this show. Good back and forth action with no real clear winner. That is of course until Ox Mastadon comes to return the favor from last month. El Toro De Oro notices the big man heading towards the ring and allows himself to get a bit too distracted. Something one can't do when around someone like Peverell. Just that split second leaves an opening. De Oro gets laid out by the Dream Left Hook and Ox seems pleased at costing his nemesis a chance at winning the tournament.


El Toro De Oro does eventually recover and goes chasing down Ox who was leaving. The two start to brawl into the crowd while security begins to pull the two apart and bring them to the back before they can cause too much damage. Things are obviously not over between the two.




The final qualifier features Bull Wrecker and Joffy Laine, two great talents showing what they got. While a good that delivers, it isn't as exciting perhaps as the last one. Or maybe the crowd is just a bit wore out and needing a moment since they know the main event is next. Even so the pair deliver a good semi-main event. Bull Wrecker just ends up being too much for Joffy and his size and power advantage help him pick up a win after flattening Joffy with a Pancake Maker.






Mutant looks to get some closure at least with one of his opponents this evening. To no surprise this is an absolute brawl with both men battering one another and looking to make sure the other is no longer standing when all is said and done. There is no interference for once and the crowd is just left seeing the two duke it out to see who is the bigger monster. It honestly is hard to say in the long run, but at least for tonight the better man is Mutant. Tired and looking on his last legs he has Bouncer stunned. He hefts the big man up to deliver a Tina-Turner, though he doesn't think one is enough and finds the strength to deliver a second. He falls on top of the downed opponent and Mutant picks up the win.


Beaten up and breathing a bit heavy, Mutant takes a moment to catch his breath. He just wants to let Brody know next month this is what is going to happen to him and he actually hopes Bull Wrecker wins so he can put that big man down too. This is his title and no one is going to be taking it from him. He stands tall and for once he can relish his victory instead of finding himself in a fight.



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FCW News for September 2020




Those that watched September's show might have noticed something a bit different about Hector Galindo during his match with Martyr. There were still a few high flying moves of his, but he was a bit more grounded even when he was on offense those rare times. Two days prior to the event Hector had said he is changing up his style and age is playing a part of it. He has been relatively injury free in his career, but as he is closing in on  his mid-thirties he is going to take less risks and adjust his style to be more in line with his fellow Latino King, Rudy Velasquez. This may or may not have caused El Toro De Oro to rethink things on his own style because a week after the event the well known brawler said he would be changing things up himself. De Oro says he looks to add more moves and holds to his repertoire. Overall perhaps not a overall change for both, but noteworthy none the less.




House Handsome took a big hit and for the most part no one saw how. During a match before the main show Juggernaut Jones was injured in a tag match meant to help work on his ring skills. Instead the big man tore his ACL and  had to be assisted out of the ring and to the back. It is a huge blow that was expected to keep Jones out for a year, but he saw a specialist who recommended surgery which he decided to get. It is understood the surgery was a success and it has reduced the time Jones will be out. While he can't work a match or get physical, it is expected FCW will at least try to get the big man involved in House Handsome promos just to give him a little extra pay and keep the big man fresh in the fan's minds.




All qualifiers are finished and next month the Gateway to the Gold Tournament will officially be held. This could be a career changing moment for the winner. Be it a veteran getting a chance to get back in the spotlight or a younger talent looking to take his game to the next level and show he is ready to be champion. The brackets have been set and some interesting matchups can an will happen from the looks of it.




On one side of the bracket things will start off with a big slugfest. Jesus Chavez and Bull Wrecker are sure to beat the hell out of one another it is hard to say if either man will be able to last two more matches even if they survive this one. Neither man has held the Puerto Rican championship, but Wrecker has in more recent times had his chances where this could finally put Chavez in a place he isn't used. If he can beat Bull Wrecker it would be a big test passed to see if he could hang with the top talent of FCW.




The winner of the Jesus Chavez and Bull Wrecker match will face either Kip Keenan or the maniac simply known as Martyr. Kip said he wanted to face Martyr and it looks like he is getting his wish early on. This could turn out very bad because even if he somehow gets past Martyr he will be facing a hard hitter no matter what. At this point it may be more important just to finally put Martyr after dealing with psychopathic antics for the better part of the year. It also should be noted Kip is the only man on this side of the backet that has held the Puerto Rican championship. Whoever out of these four that advances to the finals will certainly have earned it.




On the other side of the backet the first match will feature Davis Wayne Newton and Xavi Ferrera. Both men have never had a chance to compete for the Puerto Rican championship and of all the opening round matches this one has a chance to be a fantastic showing of ring work. Both men are very good at what they do and it is hard to say who may come out on top. Of course Xavi winning could also be interesting given the results of the next match could really show how cohesive of a group House Handsome truly is.




Because if Handsome Stranger comes out on top over Bradford Peverell we could see El Jefe himself take on his prized student. Not that getting past Bradford Peverell is going to be easy. Both of these men have held the Puerto Rican championship and would like to get another chance. Handsome Stranger is in fact the most decorated of the men in the tournament being a two time Puerto Rican champion with the most recent run lasting a year. House Handsome have a chance to really make a run through the tournament and take out some top tier talent in doing so, but if both face off it will be interesting if either Handsome Stranger or Xavi will step aside for the other to make it to the final.


It is a pretty stacked tournament with the winner getting a well deserved reward. No one really has an easy path from the looks of it and there will be the bragging rights to say they were the first ever winner of the tournament which Puerto Rican Power hopes to make as a yearly deal based on the success of the show. He is putting even extra money into the event to make it look like a big deal. The owner expects to lose a bit of money in doing so, but helping the company grow as a whole is more his focus and that on most months FCW has been making a small profit so one month of losing money isn't going to ruin them.

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Id love to see Jesus Chavez make it further in the tournament but don't see him out muscling Bull Wrecker. Martyr advances after being built up and gets more legitimacy after beating Kip. 


The winner of Bull and Martyr could go either way but Bull punches his ticket to the finals. 


Meanwhile Xavi and Handsome win their respective brackets and to put the final nail in the coffin for House Handsome Xavi refuses to submit turning on his mentor setting up a feud for the duo. With Xavi winning.


Xavi loses the final thanks to Handsome and Bull Wrecker gets a title shot, but not before Bouncer gets involved. Bouncer isn't allowed another title match, but he sure as hell isn't letting Brody or Bull Wrecker get one easily either. 


Eventually building to Vince McMahons and my own wet dreams for this diary of four big meaty men beating each other. 


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Announcers: Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch

Bayamon, 455 Attending






Puerto Rican power is out to welcome the crowd to a new era in FCW with the Gateway to the Gold tournament taking place this evening. Eight men will duke it out and there will be a double main event. Giant Brody will challenge Mutant for the Puerto Rican Championship and afterwards the final to the tournament will take place and the first winner will be crowned. He plays to the crowd a bit more and eventually leaves as the tournament quarterfinal matches begin.




There are some heavy hitters in the tournament and two of them start off the tournament. Both men are certainly built to dish out and take punishment over several matches, but one has to wonder just how much will be taken out of the winner given the big body blows and punishing slams the pair are delivering to one another. For a shorter match it is still full of action and it sees Bull Wrecker being the slightly stronger of the two for tonight at least. He takes out Jesus Chavez with the Pancake maker and makes it to the semifinal round.




There is a lot of bad blood in this match with Kip Keenan taking on Martyr. This may just be the closure Kip is looking for if he can take out Martyr, but it is no easy task and he is finding most of his offense shrugged off. Martyr takes over and bullies Kip about the ring and seems to be picking him apart with his slower, more methodical style. Kip manages to come back and is rocking Martyr with some big strikes before the two start to quickly trade blows and Martyr wins out and knocks Kip into the corner. The ref is trying to get the two to seperate and Martyr ends up just pie facing the ref so he can continue his assault. David Poker admonishes Martyr and warns him only for Martyr to just punch Poker and turn his attention back to Kip. Kip is trying to fight back, but he worn out and his offense isn't looking too strong when he tries to get some sort of advantage. He is being stomped down in the corner when the bell rings. Poker finally recovered enough to ring the bell. Martyr has been disqualified.


This doesn't stop Martyr's assault. He tosses Kip outside the ring and David tries to stop the maniac only to get tossed aside. Martyr gets a chair and starts to wail away on Kip.




Davis Wayne Newton finally makes the save as he comes charging down and dives onto the back of Martyr and tries to wrestle him away from Kip. Security and officials finally come in to break things up and get Martyr pulled away. DWN checks on an injured Kip who may be the winner, but he certainly doesn't look ready to face Bull Wrecker next round.




Kip is eventually helped to the back, but Davis Wayne Newton remains in the ring as he is next up in the tournament along with House Handsome's Xavi Ferrera.  The first two matches were more down and dirty fights with only Kip trying to use some more traditional wrestling. This match goes a complete opposite direction as both talents show off a mix of flashy moves, technical expertise and some hard hits thrown in as well. A rather even match with Xavi often using nefarious ways to get control.  It is a shame once again the match is more on the shorter side given it is the first round, but the two make the most of it and Xavi uses a rake to the eyes to stagger DWN long enough to lay him out with a DDT and then use the High Impact Frog Splash to put him away. The cocky second in command of  House Handsome moves on.




And if any match could somehow do better than the previous match it can and was this one. The two veterans are just very good at what they do and even in his advanced years Handsome Stranger looks great with the right opponents. Bradford Peverell really is just one of those talents you don't expect to see more than some brawling, but he has a pretty good skill set overall that makes him very watchable. It is all about Stranger avoiding the Dream Left Hook and trying everything he can go get the advantage.




Including Relentless coming down to try and help the leader of House Handsome. Rob is seen at ringside trying to distract Peverell and ends up getting the veteran's attention along with referee Ryan Holland. What they don't see if Ricochet Ramone climbing up top and looking to jump Peverell from behind. It seems Peverell was aware though and turns about as he reaches for a surprised Handsome Stranger and throws him right in the way causing him and Ramone to crash into one another. Ramone is chucked out by Peverll onto Rob and he turns about to deliver the Dream Left Hook to a dazed Handsome Stranger who was trying to get back to his feet. A heavy favorite to win it all is out already and Relentless are left to drag back their punch drunk leader as Peverell celebrates.




The next match gives the audience a bit of a breather as it features four tag teams including a fresh faced one not seen on the main show before. Half Ton of Terror team with The Harlem Knights to face the Latino Kings and two men who are introduced as Parvin Kishna and Sensational Sarja, the Bombay City Rollers. To no surprise one team on each side is doing more of the heavy lifting. King Kong Kennedy is just slow and plodding and isn't used much while Gulliver and the Bombay City Rollers are all rather green and still learning their craft. It is a good little match where everyone gets some of their offense in and the newer guys get a bit of shine. Streetz ends up getting involved when things get a bit chaotic and David Poker is trying to restore order. It allows Streetz to hit Parvin over the head with his cane. King Kong Kennedy tags in and puts Parvin away with the Kennedy Krush to pick  up a win for his team.




There is one more match before the semifinals are set to begin and it is a rematch between Ox Mastadon and El Toro De Oro. The two pick up where they left off in a wild back and forth brawl with neither man wanting to back down. El Toro seems to be keeping his anger in check better this time and he seems to have figured out different things to try against his larger opponent. The one that works best comes at the end of the match and he uses his moment to roll through a move and onto Ox in a pin. More important it is at an angle where the referee doesn't see he has a handful of tights that allow him to keep Ox down long enough to pick up the win. Ox isn't exactly happy and a rather smug El Toro De Oro slides out of the ring and taunts the bigger man. This doesn't look to be over just yet.




The first semifinal match looks like it is about to be a bloodbath. Bull Wrecker looks relatively fresh after his win, but the beating Kip has taken is showing. He has trouble even standing and Ryan Holland is unsure about even calling for the bell. Kip talks a reluctant Holland to start the match and it doesn't turn out well. Kip just has no strength and Bull Wrecker overpowers him. He seems to enjoy just further punishing Kip and working over an arm and looking to cripple his opponent. It isn't long before Ryan Holland calls for the bell and stops the match due to the injuries Kip is dealing with. Bull Wrecker eases up and celebrates a rather easy win as he moves onto the finals. Kip is once again helped to the back.




The last hope for House Handsome faces off with Bradford Peverell who is seeming to be riding on a personal high after his first round win. This match gets to be more competitive with both men having won without their matches being too punishing. It is another solid match delivered by two of FCW's best ring workers. A lot of what comes into play is Xavi finding himself having to deal with things on his own a second time. Juggernaut Jones is out injured, Handsome Stranger is probably still loopy from his match and Relentless are nowhere to be seen as they do have a tag title match coming up. It makes Xavi desperate and he is losing his cool. It plays right into Bradford Peverell's hands and when Xavi comes off the top for an ax handle, Bradford counters with his Dream Left Hook and lays him out. Peverell advances and will face Bull Wrecker which should be one hard hitting match for the final.






The final match before the double main event is a four way elimination tag match for the FCW Tag Team championship that features The Gonzales Family, Young & Wasted and Relentless looking to take the titles from The Puerto Rican Boys. This match servers as a way to help keep the audience engaged while not wearing them out entirely for the two big matches about to take place. There are some great moments where younger guys like Marco Gonzalez, and both members of Young & Wasted get to shine while veterans like Carlos, Relentless and The Puerto Rican Boys keep things rolling smoothly. Young & Wasted are taken out first, a big Real Deal Rocker from Rob Reynolds nails Taylor Norton and takes him out. After another two or so minutes Marco Gonzales is taken down by King San Juan's Shooting Star Press leaving just The Puerto Rican Boys and Relentless in the ring.  They clash for a short time, but Relentless just don't have enough in the tank to take down the champs. Ricochet Ramone is hit with Welcome to the Island and the champs retain.






Two big boys battling one another in what is more of a fight than a wrestling match. There is no love lost and the two are battering the absolute hell out of one another with FCW's top prize on the line. There is clear advantage as a whole. Mutant might have a slight size and strength advantage, but Brody's experience and unpredicatable offense make up for it. Within five minutes both men have been busted open and seem to relish the punishment they both dish out and recieve. Ryan Holland is trying to keep order, but he gets caught up in the two brawling and gets squashed in the corner by both men. Brody pushes mutant off of him then follows up with a lariat that sends Mutant outside while Brody tries to get a moment to catch his breath.




And fighting through security comes Hell's Bounder who assaults Mutant and starts to trade blows with him. Mutant seems more than ready to fight back and doesn't budge while both men punch one another. That is when they both get taken out by Giant Brody who leaped over the top ropes to slam into them with a rather impressive plancha for such a big man. Security finally manages to wrestle Hell's Bouncer away and Brody tosses Mutant into the ring. Big Wicked Boot by Brody rocks Mutant, a second one staggers him even more. Brody then grabs Mutant by the neck and big chokeslam! Ryan Holland has recovered after all the chaos to see Brody laying out Mutant and making the pin. The crowd is in shock when Ryan counts to three and Giant Brody wins the title.


Hell's Bouncer has broke loose again and he is heading to the ring. Brody sees this then looks to his title then to Mutant. He decides to slip out of the ring and let the recovering Mutant deal with this problem.  Hell's Bouncer is coming right for Mutant only for Mutant to surprise tackle him and start to rain strikes down. Puerto Rican Power and security bum rush the ring to get the two seperated with PRP shouting no one is going to ruin this night and to throw both men out.


Gateway to the Gold FINALS




It isn't an easy match to follow, but the finals do just that. It is a fantastic match that somehow gets the audience fully into it after watching all the chaos that unfolded just mere moments ago. Everyone is also firmly behind Bradford who had two impressive showings already where Bull Wrecker had a rather questionable win to make it to the finals. Not to say he is undeserving because the big man is showing he is a credible threat here as he uses the fact he has had more time to rest to overpower and take control of the early parts of the match, but the crowd remains behind Peverell and it seems to give him an adrenaline rush and a second wind. He starts fighting back and delivering big hits that rock Bull Wrecker and putting him on defense. Peverell goes to get some momentum by bouncing off the ropes and give a flying forearm, but instead....



Handsome Stranger snuck his way to ringside and grabbed Peverell's foot causing him to fall forward and eat canvas face first. Stranger backs away looking smug that he got some form of revenge. He may not win it, but his little move changes momentum and Bull Wrecker gets to take charge again. He hefts up Peverell and slams him down with the Pancake Maker. Three slaps to the mat later Bull Wrecker is declared the first tournament winner. Handsome Stranger is outside the ring mocking Bradford Peverell who is irate.  He dives out the ring and causes Handsome Stranger to flee. Peverell gives chase while Bull Wrecker celebrates his win.



Edited by Voeltzwagon
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FCW News for October 2020




FREEDOM's Gate was a success on many levels for the company and it is said both Puerto Rican Power and Handsome Stanger were pleased by the results. They had a crowd well over four hundred people and their viewership on WrestleWorld was the most ever for a show at almost ten thousand fans. The result seems to mean the tournament will become a yearly staple for October and the event will be considered perhaps the most important one of the year for the company.




And of course the man that was given the honor of winning the first ever Gateway to the Gold tournament was Bull Wrecker. He has been a staple in FCW for years and he has worked hard to improve both his physique and his in ring work. The result is a well deserved big win that no one else will be able to replicate and with his ability to ask for a title shot at any time over the next year means it seems he is destined to win the big one. This win established Bull Wrecker as a main event player and it doesn't seem like he will be pushed down the card any time soon.




Perhaps the most surprising part of FREEDOM's Gate was Giant Brody winning the Puerto Rican title for the second time. Given Brody splits time between FCW and BCG in Japan many might not expect FCW to put any sort of title on him since he tends to prefer Japan over Puerto Rico. Yet there have been adjustments made to allow Brody to not miss any of the big FCW events and he will be a fighting champ. It will be interesting to see where things are going with Bull Wrecker winning the tournament and obviously Mutant wanting a rematch. Of course there is Hell's Bouncer lurking about too. It may not be a great time to be the champ, but Giant Brody is a big enough man to handle it.




Half Ton of Terror were a surprise team that appeared a few months ago. King Kong Kennedy had been in a bit of a rut with his singles work given his stamina and it seems Handsome Stranger came across some videos of Gulliver during his time training with 21CW. Gulliver has been shown to be very green, but teaming with a veteran like Kennedy and in a way they make a newer version of the 937lb Express. More so when Streetz comes into the equation. Streetz is a Canadian manager that was brought into FCW and given the task to put the two men over. So far he has been a good talker and as a whole the team has been protected by putting them against good workers while Gulliver gains experience. Will they ever win some gold? It is too early to say, but King Kong Kennedy isn't getting any younger so this may just be a vehicle to help Gulliver get better in the ring and get a solo run.




Some other new faces are in the form of Parvin Kishna and Sensational Sarja, collectively known as the Bombay City Rollers. These two are in FCW due to the friendship of Handsome Stranger and Kashmir Singh who spent many years in FCW. These two are some of Singh's prized students so while India is looking forward to a promotion to finally start up the two youngsters came to Puerto Rico back in January and have been working the opening matches before the main show since. Both are still green, but have a great look and seem to have a bright future ahead of them. It is a work in progress, but in a few years the pair may one day hold tag team gold.




October also marked a new relationship with FCW. Handsome Stranger has worked out a deal with World Level Wrestling that will allow the two companies to send workers to one another on excursions. In this case it was less for FCW to have a place to send workers, but once again something to help Kashmir Singh and his trainees out. Another prize student of Singh named Princy Rupy has been signed by FCW and sent over to Japan to compete and gain experience. With Rupy's excusion and the fact Parvin Kishna and Sensational Sarja are working with FCW means Signh should have some well trained talent once India gets a large promotion going.

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I enjoyed the ambush of the Puerto Rican Championship changing hands on a show where few would've seen it coming because of the spotlight on the tournament. It had me rooting for Bradford to send the crowd home happy in the main event, but the direction you went with made sense to escalate his feud with Handsome Stranger and put lots of obstacles in Mutant's way as he tries to fight his way back to the top of the card.

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Announcers: Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch

Bayamon, 439 Attending






Puerto Rican Power is out first to talk about Mutant and Hell's Bouncer. He has sent both men home to rest up because next month they will face one another in a Last Man Standing match. The winner will certainly be up for a title match against the winner of tonight. Bull Wrecker has not yet to decided to challenge for the title with his automatic shot for winning the Gateway to the Gold so Brody will instead face Bradford Peverell tonight who was the runner up. He soon leaves only for....




House Handsome comes out and talks. Or mostly Handsome Stranger and Xavi talk in this case. Xavi is sporting a shiner mostly hidden by his shades, but says due to an injury he will not be taking his title back tonight. Rudy gets to feel like a champion for one more month before the inevitible happens and Xavi becomes a two time People's Champion. Handsome Stranger then says Relentless will win their title match tonight and he has plans to finally get his title back soon. House Handsome is strong as ever and they will prove it tonight.






The show starts off hot with a great tag team title bout. Between these two teams and the Latino Kings show that FCW has a good backbone in the midcard with their tag division and with newer teams coming around it will only get better. All four men get a chance to shine and it seems often Relentless would regain their titles. A competitive match with several big spots, but it is Island Boy Apollo who seals the victory. He manages to toss Rob Reynolds out of the ring like a lawn dart and it leaves Ramone to be overpowered by Apollo. Ramone is planted with Welcome to the Island and The Puerto Rican Boys retain.




G Killa gets a singles match with El Toro De Oro and it is a slug fest that slows things down after the last match. Both men are heavy hitters and it is a nice back and forth brawl between the pair. El Toro gets the advantage as time goes on and he eventually puts away the newest Latino King with a Spinal Shocker Gore to pick up the win.




Ox Mastadon soon emerges to congratulate El Toro De Oro, but reminds him there is unfinished business. As of right now both men have a win and it seems to call for a proper way to settle things on who is the better man. El Toro De Oro agrees and with some back and forth being done the pair soon agree that next month they will meet in a street fight.




The giant sumo Kanishoki finds himself facing off against someone new to FCW. Sayeed Ali comes in looking ready for a fight and takes it straight to the big sumo. It is a short little brawl mostly used to show Sayeed Ali's talents as well as his strength. Kanishoki is n't exactly small, but Ali manages to heft the man up and deliver his finisher which is dubbed the G.B.H. Driver. After laying out Kanishoki the newest member of the FCW roster celebrates by jawjacking with the crown and promising there is much more to come.




Half Ton of Terror take on the strange team of Cobra and USAce next. This is a slow and plodding match with mostly Cobra trying to hold it together. USAce and Gulliver still need more seasoning while King Kong Kennedy just doesn't have the stamina to do much more than a few big hits. It is USAce that is the one that ends up being powerslammed by Gulliver followed by a big splash by King Kong Kennedy, a combo t hey have dubbed The Dead Drop to pick  up the win.


After the match Streetz talks both men up. King Kong Kennedy was a man without direction and Gulliver had no place to perform. Streetz has brought both men together and promises in due time they will hold the gold. King Kong Kennedy is a prove champ and Gulliver will prove to be a better partner than Ox Mastadon ever was. He states Half Ton of Terror will be unstoppable before the trio leaves.






With Xavi out injured Rudy Velasquez ends up defending his title against a face that hasn't been seen in FCW for quite some time. Amo Del Gato was never a huge deal, but he gets a bit of a nostalgia pop from the crowd and shows himself to be a capable challenger in what turns out to be one of the best matches of the night. It is a fast paced affair that sees both men going all out and showing off just how extensive their movesets really are. The champ seems to be in trouble a few times, but manages to get a good comeback at the end. Amo came close to winning the title in his return, but Rudy manages to lay him out with a Street Cutter and retain. It seems he and Xavi will clash next month in what should be another crazy match.




Bull Wrecker usually is a man of few words, but he comes out to mention tonight he is going to watch intently to see what happens. He will strike when the time is right and he will finally get what he has been wanting for many years, the Puerto Rican Championship. While he wants it now he admits he will be a patient man and not waste his chance. He says Brody should have eyes in the back of his head because tonight he might have to deal with the Bull.






Giant Brody takes on Bradford Peverell for the Puerto Rican championship and Brody gets a reality check that keeping the title will be no easy feat. Peverell may not be as big, but he is still a heavy hitter and these two beat the complete hell out of one another with some big strikes mixed with powerful slams and suplexes. The match isn't overly long, but it is such a slugfest it doesn't need to be. It is quick and to the point and keeps the fans invested and squarely behind Bradford Peverell who comes close to landing his Dream Left Hook only for Brody to barely avoid it. Things are going along just fine until...




Handsome Stranger tries to get involved. He is up on the apron, but Peverell knocks him off. It is just enough of a distraction though and Brody boots Peverell right in the face to knock him silly. He is stunned enough to be hefted up and Brody delivers the Single Handed Chokeslam and retain.





Handsome Stranger looks to add insult to injury afterwards, but Peverell starts to fight back. The two are slugging it out as security along with Puerto Rican Power come out to break things up. Puerto Rican Power can see these two have a problem and he knows the best way to solve it. Next month both men will meet in a cage match. Handsome Stranger looks stunned, but Peverell seems more than pleased as the show ends.




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FCW News for November 2020




One match didn't go as intended at this month's show when Xavi Ferrera ended up injuring himself at a PSW show earlier in the week. While he was willing to perform and work through the injury, FCW felt it was best to just push things back and allow Xavi to fully heal. The injury itself is a bruised eye socket so he should be ready by the time December's show rolls around.




One surprise of the night is the man who would take Xavi's place in the People's Championship match. Amo Del Gato has not been in an FCW ring for over ten years at this point and even back when he was signed with the company he didn't really stand out among the crew of luchadors they had at the time. He had been working for OLLIE up until late October when he decided to move on and work elsewhere. FCW were quick to get into contact and bring in a veteran presence to help work with the younger workers. Amo Del Gato is older and much improved since his last stint so it should be interesting to see what the future holds for him.




The other surprise addition to the roster comes in the form of Sayeed Ali. Ali had been working in PSW and was having a decent run in 2020 with the company as the PSW National champion. After losing the title in June it was said he had a falling out with booker Alex Braun that culminated in Ali walking out on the company in July. There was interest from FCW from the start, but they decided to give Ali a few months before approaching him with a contract offer.  Many expect Ali to do well in the company and it wouldn't be surprising if he holds gold sooner than later.




It seems what has been a wild year in FCW has finally built up to December having a rather stacked card where many feuds look set to be ended.  Giant Brody will be facing off against a mystery opponent while Bull Wrecker could possibly cash in on his title shot, Mutant and Hell's Bouncer and set to have what should be a ultra violent Last Man Standing match, Handsome Stranger will face Bradford Peverell in a cage, and then Ox Mastadon will have a street fight with El Toro De Oro.  Those as well as the Xavi and Rudy Velasquez match are all the ones known as of this date so the card could get even more stacked as the likes of Davis Wayne Newton, Sayeed Ali, and Kip Keenan are available as well. All in all it looks to be a great end to wild year for FCW.

Edited by Voeltzwagon
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Another good show. I particularly enjoyed the addition of Sayeed Ali, the involvement of Puerto Rican Power and threat of Bull Wrecker. December's card definitely looks like your most stacked yet: last man standing, street fight, cage match and Xavi Ferrera's rematch. Wow.

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FCW: One Night of FREEDOM

Announcers: Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch

Bayamon, 486 Attending






Puerto Rican Power makes his presence known to start to show and starts to lay down the rules for the night. He is not wanting to see any interference in the last man standing or cage matches. On top of that Giant Brody will defend his title against a surprise opponent and the only person allowed near ringside if Bull Wrecker if he chooses given he won the Gateway for the Gold and can cash in at any time. Anyone else that would be breaking these rules will suffer severe punishment such as heavy fines and even termination. After laying down the law her poses for his adoring fans and makes his way to the back so the show can properly begin.




Amo Del Gato faces another member of The Latino Kings in Hector Galindo for the opening match of the night. It is mostly a short, fast paced bout looking to get the crowd warmed up. There is nothing special with both men getting to showcase their moves and it would seem Amo Del Gato just has some bad luck against the Kings because he also loses this one Hector after failing to beat Rudy last month. Hector hits a nice looking Shooting Star Press and picks up a win.




The second match breaks down quickly with Martyr being involved. DWN tries to stick and move with his offense, but it seems to do very little in slowing or even manging to stun the maniac. David Poker tries to keep order, but gets caught up in the action and gets knocked out with an elbow by Martyr. The masked man continues his assualt and he tosses DWN outside and looks to grab a baseball bat. DWN is looking helpless when help arrives.




Kip Keenan charges in and slams a chair into the back of Martyr which certainly gets the maniac's attention. He turns about just to eat another shot from the chair which staggers him. Kip shouts for DWN to get up while going for another shot that staggers Martyr further. DWN gets a chair of his own and while it is perhaps not the most valiant way of handling a problem sometimes it is just about survival. Martyr has a high pain threshold and even as both men wail away he stays standing for another two or three shots before being brought down to one knee. A tandem of shots finally causes Martyr to go down letting Kip and DWN to toss Martyr into the ring. Poker is finally coming to his senses as DWN delivers the Fisherman's Suplex. A three count and DWN picks up a win and Martyr seems down an out at least for now.

Kip joins DWN in the ring and they shake hands. Enemies in the past it seems that the threat of someone like Martyr can cause unlikely alliances form. If the two remain on good terms remains to be seen, but they walk away together without seeing Martyr raising a hand upwards as if clutching for something. Poker decides not to remain in the ring as Martyr gets up slowly and looks about then upwards. He seems to nod in understanding at something only he can hear before he wanders off through the crowd and into the back.




Joffy Laine meets Ricochet Ramone of House Handsome in a nice little match set up to allow the crowd to get a breather after what they just witnessed.  The night is only going to get crazier so the two are here to pace things with a good match between the pair. Joffy is just a good all rounder and seems destined for bigger things at some point, but Ramone is scrappy and the former tag team champion isn't to be taken lightly. They both get a fair amount of offense in, but it is Joffy that comes away with a win this evening. He plants Ramone with a Death Spiral and picks up a well earned victory.






The rematch for the FCW People's Championship finally happens. No more injuries. No more excuses. Most importantly no Juggernaut Jones at Xavi's side as the big man is still out due to injury.  This match is close to the first encounter in quality, but maybe suffers for the fact Rudy is having a bit of an off night. Not enough to ruin the match, but there is a few points where he just seems to have a mental pause and forgets what he was supposed to do. Even with that the two put on a good wrestling match that mixes brawling, some technical wrestling and some high flying as well. Xavi is desperate and tries to pull out every trick in his book, but Rudy isn't exactly mister clean himself. He knows those tricks too and isn't against giving Xavi some of his own medicine. It is all about timing, and Rudy finds the perfect time to strike, slipping out of a suplex attempt and quickly reversing it into the Street Cutter. Rudy wins and House Handsome's night keeps getting worse.


After the win Hector, Jesus Chavez and G Killa join Rudy in the ring. When Xavi sulks to the back all four of them heckle the beaten opponent and Rudy ends up hefted onto the shoudlers of G Killa and Jesus Chavez to hold his title high. Rudy is on a roll and it is going to be hard for anyone to take that title from him.




The street fight between El Toro Del Oro and Ox Mastadon is up next and this match is more of a outright fight compared to the previous two contests. The dislike both men have for another is on full display with some violent hits and use of what weapons they can get their hands on. El Toro fights like a man much larger than he is and some of the hits he lands such as a running powerslam on Ox Mastadon is impressive. He misses the Spinal Shocker Gore though which derails his momentum and causes him to crash into the corner hard. It dazes him and Ox charges to smash De Oro into the corner and then slam him. He then Delivers the Ten Ton Splash and all that finally manages to keep El Toro De Oro down for the three count.






The tag team titles are up for grabs and The Puerto Rican boys face off against The Harlem Knights. The former seem to be having issues as they aren't just having timing problems, but in general they seem to be shouting at one another and it almost looks like a fight is almost going to break out between them. This leads to the champs having a relatively one sided match even if they are outsized as a whole. It all goes down hill when Curtis Shaw refuses a tag from Harlem and jumps off the apron. He just watches from ringside as Haynes tries to win the match himself. Even if he a tough guy, the two on one get the better of him and he falls victim to Welcome To The Island.




And almost instantly as the bell rings Curtis Shaw jumps in the ring to attack his ex partner while The Puerto Rican Boys are attacked from behind by Sayeed Ali and a unfamiliar face in FCW. They seem to be working with Shaw in this case and beat down the three other men and send them out of the ring. Ali stands in the middle of the ring with Shaw on the right side and the other man on his left. Ali shouts the trio are 'The Original Gangstas' and they are going to run this place.




One of the most anticipated matches of the year. A final chapter between two men who have seemed to not be able to get rid of the other. It was expected to be violent roller coaster and it certainly becomes that. Everything goes and both men are built to take severe punishment. And even though a Last Man Standing match the sheer brutality only lasts close to twelve minutes, but given how both men fight it feels a lot longer and given how worn down they look by the end it probably wasn't destined to go on long. Battered, bloody and beaten both men are slugging away before Mutant gets knocked into the ropes and launches off into a big lariat that almost beheads Bouncer. He nails the Tina-Turner and it isn't enough. Hell's Bouncer begins to move. A second Tina-Turner gets a longer count, but it is not enough.  Mutant assaults Bouncer with a chair before slamming him onto with a Third Tina-Turner which finally is enough to keep Bouncer down. Mutant is barely able to stand himself as his hand is raised, a tired, but pleased smile showing behind the crimson mask. A big step was taken tonight and now he can focus on getting back his title.






It is rare when the Puerto Rican Championship is in such an odd spot. It is sandwiched between the two big bouts of the night and yet it becomes a good interim match that is a nice fight between two big men that doesn't go long and isn't a chaotic, bloody mess like the previous match. Animal Harker isn't well known in FCW, but the fans are never against seeing two big guys throw hands so they are into it. To no surprise Bull Wreckers shows up, but he remains at ringside to observe. There is no interference, but his presence certainly has the attention of Brody. It is a tough fight, but Brody comes out on top. He takes Harker down with a single handed chokeslam and retains. Bull Wrecker just gives a smirk and gives a bit of an applause as Brody stares him down. It seems there will be no cash in tonight as Wrecker heads to the back, seeming pleased with playing some head games for now.




It has been going on for well over a year. Bradford Peverell has been dealing with House Handsome since the fall of last year and finally in December of 2020 he can perhaps find closure. It all started with him and Kip losing the tag titles to Relentless, then the constant attacks and clashes with House Handsome that saw Bradford often beaten, but rarely broken. It turned into him and Mutant finding themselves two men fighting to keep House Handsome from fully running wild and Bradford Peverell has remained standing to see House Handsome lose their titles and most of all he has their leader in a cage this evening.  There is as much animosity here as there was in the Last Man Standing, but this match plays out much differently. There is wrestling, but also the sense of desperation. Handsome Stranger pulls out everything he can and finds himself alone and relying on himself. Bradford Peverell is cagey and defiant. Handsome Stranger is doing all he can, yet Bradford seems to keep fighting and getting momentum as the crowd gets fully behind him.  Handsome Stranger shouts for help, but those of House Handsome seem to fear Puerto Rican Power's punishment more than their leader's ire. Both men are tired and Handsome Stranger despite all the trouble seems to stand tall. He motions he is ready to end this. As he reaches for Peverell he is met with a shot to the gut that knocks the air out of him. His eyes wide as breath escapes and he is stunned, but staring in abject horror as that left comes in. The Dream Left Hook connects and a worn out Bradford Peverell falls onto Handsome Stranger and wins.


The crowd erupts and Peverell is slow to get to his feet. The roar of the crowd may be the only thing giving him the energy to stay on his feet as he raises his hands and lets out a cry in victory.  Over a year of pain overcoming the odds, but finally House Handsome has been delivered the biggest blow they could imagine. Is it the end for House Handsome? That is yet to be seen, but for tonight the fans celebrate with Bradford Peverell.

Edited by Voeltzwagon
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A big night of matches, seeing Kip & DWN beating down Martyr with chairs after Martyr went on a devastating attack was good to show that there need to be multiple threats to put down the big man. Street fight was a highlight match of mine and seeing big Ox pick up the win and put an end to the feud potentially is great to see the big man keep moving up. 

I am all in on the Original Gangsta's!

Mutant delivered and will be on the warpath for his title once again which is exciting. As mentioned it is strange the Puerto Rican Championship isn't the match to close the show, but instead is used as a cooldown between the two big matches. I am not a Harker fan after he caused so many issues in one of my diaries and his green goatee is stupid. 


What an impressive main event though, everything that built up into the match and the story told in the ring, including the fact that House Handsome could only watch on and there wasn't a brawl after the match to keep things going. With Juggernaut out, Relentless losing the titles and Xavi ready to move up the card himself it really does feel like the writing is on the wall for House Handsome. 


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This felt like a fitting end to House Handsome's year of struggle, and a good 2020 finale across the card, resolving lots of long-term issues while building plenty more stories for 2021 like the Keenan-DWN alliance, The Harlem Knights' split, The Original Gangstas' arrival and Bull Wrecker's eventual title shot.

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