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NWF: Disrupting The Market

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The Party Animals (Rave & Trance) vs Judokas (Glen Ward & Gavin Owens)

Number One Contenders match for Cruiserweight Title: Eric Future vs Akihiro Hisato

Bret Heartbreak vs ???

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs Jermaine Granger & Myles Cross

'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs Joey Beauchamp w/ Dylan Drama


Bonus: Will National Wrestling rate higher than 65 Overall? I don't think so

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The Party Animals (Rave & Trance) vs Judokas (Glen Ward & Gavin Owens)

Number One Contenders match for Cruiserweight Title: Eric Future vs Akihiro Hisato

Bret Heartbreak vs ???

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs Jermaine Granger & Myles Cross

'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs Joey Beauchamp w/ Dylan Drama


Bonus: Will National Wrestling rate higher than 65 Overall? With Landon Mallory in the Main Event? Yes.

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The Party Animals (Rave & Trance) vs Judokas (Glen Ward & Gavin Owens)

Number One Contenders match for Cruiserweight Title: Eric Future vs Akihiro Hisato

Bret Heartbreak vs ???

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs Jermaine Granger & Myles Cross

'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs Joey Beauchamp w/ Dylan Drama

Bonus: Will National Wrestling rate higher than 65 Overall? No

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WrestleWorld GB & NWF Present:


National Wrestling

Episode 57

Wednesday W2 December 2021

Show Rating: 64


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Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome to National Wresling after an eventful night this past Sunday at ‘Last Orders’. My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence.”

Melanie Florence: “…”

Jackie Goldstein: “You’re not still sulking are you?”

Melanie Florence: “Sulking? How dare you! I am heartbroken! I don’t know how I can be expected to go on, knowing that I’ll never again be graced by the presence of Byron in an NWF ring!”

The Party Animals electronic dance theme began to blare over the speakers ahead of our opening match.

Melanie Florence: “I mean look at these idiots… how do they still have a job, while a wrestling legend like Byron has been thrown to the curb?”



The Party Animals (Rave & Trance) VS Judokas (Glen Ward & Gavin Owen)

Melanie Florence took an instant dislike to Rave & Trance on commentary, seemingly holding them accountable for the fact Byron was no longer in the NWF – and she took great pleasure in watching Ward & Owen showcase their formidable Judo skills as they swept, tripped and threw their opponents to the mat. Once they felt they had done sufficient damage to their opponents, Gavin Owen locked in his Judo Arm Lock on Trance – a move he had used when part of the Team GB Olympic squad – and the party-goer had no choice but to tap out.

Winners: Judokas (Glen Ward & Gavin Owen)

Rating: 45


We cut backstage to the interview zone, where we found Rachel Dearheart alongside ‘The Celtic Hammer’ Stuart Wilson.


Rachel Dearheart asked Stuart Wilson how it felt to have finally scored a win over Dwayne Dark after a year of rubbing each other up the wrong way.

Stuart Wilson: “Ay, Dwayne has been getting some ideas above his station, so it was great to finally have a chance to show him the power of ‘The Celtic Hammer’ in the ring.”

Rachel Dearheart: “After the match we saw you deliver a Bronze Bomber to Iggy Riot, before chasing Chuck Frisby backstage. How frustrated are you not to have got your hands on Chuck?”

Stuart Wilson: “Very frustrated Rachel. Getting mah hands on Dwayne was all well and good, but we all know Chuck is that man I want to get in the ring! And I woulda too if Edison Silva hadn’t got in mah way…”

Rachel Dearheart: “You used the services of Mo Adebola earlier this year to sue Chuck Frisby for loss of earnings… were you surprised by the hostility you received from Edison Silva?”

Stuart Wilson: “Mo did a great job representing me… and I’ve got nothing against Edison Silva personally… but if he gets in my face like that again, he’s going to be next in line to learn the power of ‘The Celtic Hammer’!”

Rating: 66



Akihiro Hisato VS “The Man Of Tomorrow” Eric Future

#1 Contenders Match for the NWF Cruiserweight Title

The NWF Cruiserweight Champion, Damian Dastardly, joined the commentary team for this #1 Contenders match – and delivered pretty scathing reviews of both of his potential challengers. Akihiro Hisato showcased the graceful attack style he had inherited from his father, but despite being great to watch, the Japanese cruiserweight just couldn’t find a way to put Eric Future away. The former British Tag team champion rallied late in the contest, showing the resilience that had seen him win three EWA Intercontinental singles titles on the continent. “The Man Of Tomorrow” was able to set Hisato up for his Time Slice (Sliced Bread #2) to pick up the win and become #1 Contender!

Almost as soon as the match was over, Damian Dastardly slid into the ring behind Eric Future – and slammed his Cruiserweight Title across the face of Future, leaving the new #1 contender knocked out on the mat!

Winner: “The Man Of Tomorrow” Eric Future

Rating: 41


We cut to a pre-recorded video, showing State of Mind sat in the basement of an unspecified building. A swinging lightbulb illuminated and de-illuminated Brilliant White’s Phantom of The Opera inspired mask as it swung in and out of shot. Ultra Violence could just about be seen in the background, his trusty cane lazily slung over his shoulder.

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Brilliant White: “Foundations need to be solid… dependable… predictable. They need to be relied upon to withstand the pressure of skyscrapers and earthquakes… But at ‘Last Orders’ Jon Michael Sharp showed that when the pressure was really on, he wasn’t solid… dependable… or predictable! What he was… was reckless! On Sunday night we learned what kind of man Jon Michael Sharp really was… and we would like to welcome Jon to his new State of Mind!”

Rating: 45



Bret Heartbreak VS Local Talent

Bret Heartbreak was in action next against a young local talent… much to the dismay of a furious Melanie Florence on commentary. Throughout the course of the match, Melanie accused Bret of being an ungrateful son, a cheat, a coward, and unworthy of the Heartbreak family name. For his part, Bret looked great in the ring – like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, as he made short work of his local opponent. Bret climbed to the top rope to hit his Heart Attack (Diving Top Rope Clothesline), with Melanie Florence’s only comment being to call him a show off…

Winner: Bret Heartbreak

Rating: 43


We cut to a pre-recorded video showing a furious Chuck Frisby berating Dwayne Dark, following his clients loss to Stuart Wilson at ‘Last Orders’.

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Chuck told Dwayne Dark that his performance had not only embarrassed himself, but the good name of the Frisby Foundation for Fitness. As recompense, Chuck told Dwayne he had arranged a special class for Dwayne to run at his local community centre. Dwayne looked concerned, but Chuck told him not to worry – the ‘yummy mummys’ at yoga would love his muscles. Dwayne Dark looked a mixture of furious and terrified, as Chuck Frisby pushed him through the community centre door to a chorus of high pitched squeals…

Rating: 44


We cut back to the interview zone, where Landon Mallory was now with Rachel Dearheart.


The Springbok could barely contain his excitement when he told Rachel Dearheart that in thirty days his suspension would be lifted and he would finally be able to take back what was rightfully his, the British Heavyweight Championship!

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The South African looked like he was ready to continue, when he was interrupted by Dylan Drama and Joey Beauchamp. Drama told Mallory that hearing The Springbok’s accent reminded him of his great-uncle who had been a ‘Great Man’! Drama told Mallory that his great-uncle had been a Randlord in Johannesburg at the turn of the 20th Century, and for a period had been the richest man in South Africa! Mallory looked furious at Drama, calling his family parasites that had stolen from his country… an accusation that Drama did not take lightly. Drama told Mallory that Joey Beauchamp would be defend the Drama family honour in the ring against Landon Mallory tonight!

Landon Mallory: “You’re just like your great-uncle! Hiding behind your servant boy like a real Randlord!” (To Joey Beauchamp) “But if you’re stupid enough to do his bidding, I’ll happily show you the power of South Africa! Yebo!

Rating: 66



Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) VS Myles Cross & Jermaine Granger

The Black Country Boys have been on a roll since stepping under the wing of tag team legend Leo Price as part of his Young Lions. Myles Cross and Jermaine Granger are two exciting young talents, but the Black Country Boys were able to continue their momentum here as Gazz Vedmore hit his Rolling DDT to secure a fifth win in the pairs last six matches!

Winners: Black Country Boys

Rating: 33


The camera cut backstage to the locker room of Leo “The Lion” Price, who had been watching the Black Country Boys match on a TV screen. “The Lion” was joined by his protégé – the grime star Dangermouth.

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Price looked impressed with his young protégés performance, but Dangermouth wanted to talk about the veterans match on Sunday. Dangermouth told Price he had looked great out there, and without The Network’s interference and the ref bump – “The Lion” could have walked out British Heavyweight Champion! Price chuckled, as Dangermouth asked “The Lion” how it felt to get back in the ring.

Leo Price: “You know… I always said I’d never go back once I called it a day. I never wanted to be one of those old blokes that couldn't let go... but now that I’ve had a taste of it… I realised what I’ve been missing these past three years.”

Dangermouth: “So you’re making this permanent?”

Leo Price: “About that… there’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about…”

Rating: 61


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We cut backstage to find Evan Alpass and Marbella happily chatting in catering, until ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie stomped into shot and knocked Evan Alpass’ coffee to the ground.


Big Mac: “Leo Price may have everyone else believing that he just managed to sweet talk his way into the title match, but I know Adebola’s contracts are iron tight. There’s no way he weaseled his way in to steal MY opportunity without help!”

Alpass and Marbella smirked at each other.

Big Mac: “I knew it! I knew you helped him! You’ll pay for this! Mark my words!”

The big Australian stomped off, presumably to yell at someone else. Leaving Evan Alpass to turn to Marbella and ask:

Evan Alpass: “Do you have any idea what he’s talking about?”

Marbella took a long sip of her drink through her straw, before replying: “Not a clue…”

Rating: 47



‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory VS Joey ‘The Breeze’ Beauchamp w/ Dylan Drama

Dylan Drama proved a nuisance at ringside throughout tonight’s Main Event, as the aristocrat continually got involved to prevent any momentum Landon Mallory was building. Joey Beauchamp looked to turn this one into a Wild Brawl, with an aggression ill befitting a man of his social standing. However, this would ultimately prove the Breeze’s undoing, as Mallory swung back just as hard and was able to whip the crowd into a frenzy as he set up his Springbok Ram (Gore) for the victory.

Winner: ‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory

Rating: 65


Jackie Goldstein: “Landon Mallory with a big victory to sign off this episode of National Wrestling against a veteran of the European wrestling scene…”

Melanie Florence: “Do you know who else is a veteran of the European wrestling scene?”

Jackie Goldstein: “Are you still sulking?”

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Great news that the Alpass-Big Mac story is back. State Of Mind are definitely the coolest act in NWF right now IMHO. Will we see a push for Judokas now or will it be a one time wonder?

I can't believe that the score was only 1 point shy of 65, damn 🤣

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Backstage Argument At NWF Last Orders?

According to one backstage source, an argument broke out between management and Brilliant White, after the State of Mind member was caught in possession of soft drugs before the show. While our source was unable to identify exactly what Brilliant White was caught with, they did confirm that the tag team competitor received a Stern Warning from management. Whether the incident affected the result of the British Tag Team title match later in the night is unknown at this stage.


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FCW Closes It’s Doors… Purchased By WrestleWorld

In sad news, earlier this week FCW was forced to finally close its doors. The Puerto Rican promotion had been struggling with money issues for months, and the company was relying on a bail out to stay afloat. Unfortunately the bail out didn’t come, but following the companies closure the liquidators sold exclusive worldwide rights of the companies video library to WresteWorld.

This represents the first global deal signed by WrestleWorld – the company usually only signs deals within the region of the company. Rumours of a worldwide streaming deal have been circulating over the past few months, and whether this move represents the first step on that path remains to be seen…


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On 7/25/2024 at 9:52 PM, newbiezness said:

Great news that the Alpass-Big Mac story is back. State Of Mind are definitely the coolest act in NWF right now IMHO. Will we see a push for Judokas now or will it be a one time wonder?

I can't believe that the score was only 1 point shy of 65, damn 🤣

State of Mind have definitely benfitted from readrship reaction, so expect to keep seeing them featured! The Judokas are a talented pair, and probably better than just the jobbers I've used them as so far. Will that result in a proper push? Let's wait and see!


Thank you to everyone who commented, predicted and reacted to the latest episode! Congratulations to @lieon02 for a perfect score and correcting guessing the bonus! A reminder that the top 5 predictors in this round will receive a prize, so hope to see everybody back next show! 


Prediction Results for Episode 57

@lieon02 5/5 + 1 Bonus

@newbiezness 5/5

@KyTeran 5/5

@scapegoat 5/5

@SomeLazyMagic 4/5 + 1 Bonus

@Wrestling Machine 4/5 + 1 Bonus

@alliegolem 4/5

@smw88 3/5 + 1 Bonus


Predictions for National Wrestling Episode 58

'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs Glen Ward

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Jermaine Granger

??? vs Aurelian Bradley w/ The Professor

Akihiro Hisato vs Dylan Drama w/ Joey Beauchamp

Leo Price & Dangermouth vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor


Bonus: Will National Wrestling rate higher than 60 overall?

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The Springbok' Landon Mallory 

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore 

 Aurelian Bradley w/ The Professor

 Dylan Drama w/ Joey Beauchamp

 School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor


Bonus: Will National Wrestling rate higher than 60 overall? 46

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'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs Glen Ward

Absolute squash

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Jermaine Granger

Another squash

??? vs Aurelian Bradley w/ The Professor

Akihiro Hisato vs Dylan Drama w/ Joey Beauchamp

Some love for the japanese

Leo Price & Dangermouth vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

You're taking a big big risk with this Main Event. Brave decision so I wish you good luck!


Bonus: Will National Wrestling rate higher than 60 overall? No, that Main Event will probably prevent it

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'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs Glen Ward

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Jermaine Granger

??? vs Aurelian Bradley w/ The Professor

Akihiro Hisato vs Dylan Drama w/ Joey Beauchamp

Leo Price & Dangermouth vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor


Bonus: Will National Wrestling rate higher than 60 overall? Just barely this week!

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'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs Glen Ward

Glen Ward finally got a win, just to get squashed by a Springbok in his next match.

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Jermaine Granger

Easy win for The Prodigy.

??? vs Aurelian Bradley w/ The Professor

I think Aurelian is the best client that The Professor currently manages if I am not mistaken.

Akihiro Hisato vs Dylan Drama w/ Joey Beauchamp

Dylan gets some momentum for High Society while Akihiro continues to lose.

Leo Price & Dangermouth vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

School of Wrestling is getting another lesson on how to lose tonight.


Bonus: Will National Wrestling rate higher than 60 overall? No

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'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs Glen Ward

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Jermaine Granger

??? vs Aurelian Bradley w/ The Professor

Akihiro Hisato vs Dylan Drama w/ Joey Beauchamp

Leo Price & Dangermouth vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor


Bonus: Will National Wrestling rate higher than 60 overall? I don't think so

Edited by lieon02
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WrestleWorld GB & NWF Present:


National Wrestling

Episode 58

Wednesday W3 December 2021

Show Rating: 59


JackieGoldstein.jpg.5f2409d0c27b0101f5e14b96f3cd27ab.jpg MelanieFlorence.jpg.6b164d038a7aca10e0751b07dcaca3d1.jpg

Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome to the penultimate episode of National Wrestling for 2021! My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence…”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie! We have a huge Main Event in store for you tonight, as Leo Price returns to tag team action for the first time in over three years as he teams with his protégé Dangermouth!”

Jackie Goldstein: “The Lion is one of the most decorated tag team competitors in British wrestling history! The Professor will be hoping his charges in the School of Wrestling will be taking notes tonight!”



‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory VS Glen Ward

Landon Mallory’s explosive power is often his biggest asset in the ring, but how would the South African fare against a man who has mastered a martial art that takes an opponents power and turns it against them? Ward was able to use his judo training in the early exchanges of the match, using Mallory’s momentum against him to throw The Springbok to the mat. However, the judoka could only contain The Springbok for so long – as Mallory broke free from Ward’s clutches with an explosive Lariat! The crowd roared as Mallory beat his chest as he stalked his opponent, before leaping into his Springbok Ram (Gore) to secure victory.

Winner: ‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory

Rating: 69


Following his victory, Landon Mallory grabbed a microphone from ringside to address Edison Silva.


The Springbok told Silva he was counting down the days until Mallory became eligible to challenge for the British Heavyweight Championship again. The South African promised Silva that 2022 would be the year of the Springbok, and that he would kick it off in the best way possible – by becoming a two-time British Heavyweight Champion! Yebo!

Rating: 82



‘The Prodigy’ Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore VS ‘Black Thunder’ Jermaine Granger

Darin Flynn once again didn’t look hugely excited to be out there, but put in a workmanlike performance to get past Jermaine Granger. Flynn locked in his Prodigal Pressure submission hold just past the eight minute mark to secure a routine victory.

Winner: ‘The Prodigy’ Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore

Rating: 58


Boos filled the building, as the British Heavyweight Champion Edison Silva walked out alongside his legal advisor Mo Adebola. The British Heavyweight champion still walked to the ring with a Brazilian flag draped around his shoulders – much to the annoyance of the NWF crowd.

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Mo Adebola: “You people will show the British Heavyweight Champion the respect he deserves!”

This predictably drew even more boos from the NWF crowd, which Adebola let die down before he continued.

Mo Adebola: “There’s someone else who needs to learn some respect for the British Heavyweight Champion… Stuart Wilson! Edison Silva heard what you had to say last week… he heard it, and he did not appreciate it! So I am out here tonight to request that you come down to the ring and apologise to Edison Silva!”

Edison Silva nodded along with his legal advisor, and motioned for Stuart Wilson to join him… and the British Heavyweight Champion didn’t have to wait long, as Stuart Wilson’s theme blared over the speakers.


Stuart Wilson: “Let’s make one thing clear before we start… Ah’m not going to apologise to your client. Ah meant exactly what ah said. If your client gets in mah face, he’ll learn the true power of ‘The Celtic Hammer’!”

The crowd popped, but Edison Silva didn’t look impressed – as the champion grabbed the microphone from his legal advisor. Despite being several inches shorter, and nearly a hundred pounds lighter, Silva got right in Wilson’s face.

Edison Silva: “Am I meant to be impressed by you? I am a TWO-TIME British Heavyweight Champion… and your biggest claim to fame is that you came THIRD in a throwing competition. I’ve represented my country… and unlike you, I won the Cruiserweight World Cup on behalf of the great nation of Brazil! So you will recognise my achievements… and you WILL respect me!”

 The crowds booing re-started, and it took a few moments before it had died down enough for Stuart Wilson to respond.

Stuart Wilson: “Ah don’t think ah’m a man you want to compare your athletic achievements too… Winning an Olympic medal puts me in the top 0.1% of athletes… while you’re not even in the top ten martial artists on this roster…”

Edison Silva was furious and looked to swing at Stuart Wilson, but was immediately lifted into a Bronze Bomber (Running Powerslam)! Mo Adebola immediately helped his client out of the ring, as Stuart Wilson celebrated with the fans and motioned that he was coming for Silva’s British Heavyweight Championship!

Rating: 66



Local Talent VS Aurelian Bradley w/ The Professor

The Professor’s star student had the chance to flex his technical chops against a local talent here tonight. Bradley focused his attacks on his opponents legs, setting up for his Figure-Four Leglock finisher. Textbook stuff.

Winner: Aurelian Bradley w/ The Professor

Rating: 39


We cut backstage to the interview zone, where we found Rachel Dearheart alongside the Cruiserweight champion Damian Dastardly.


Rachel Dearheart: “Last week Eric Future earned his spot as number one contender for your Cruiserweight title… what’s your reaction to Eric as a challenger?”

Damian Dastardly: “Eric Future has spent his entire career believing his day was just around the corner… he calls himself ‘The Man Of Tomorrow’… but he’s 37 years old and heading into the sunset of his career!”

Rachel Dearheart: “It sounds like you’re not worried about Eric Future as an opponent?”

Damian Dastardly: “I’m never worried about an opponent… because I’m always two steps ahead… and for Eric Future, I’ve concocted a plan some might call devious… some might call diabolic… but I would call Dastardly!”

Rating: 60


We cut to a pre-recorded video, showing the exterior of an impressive temple.


We cut inside to find Padraig O’Hearne stood blindfolded in a wrestling ring, surrounded by a number of nameless trainees. On a cue, the trainees all rushed at the blindfolded Irishman – who ducked, weaved and sidestepped out of the way of the onrushing students. Having successfully evaded all of the students, O’Hearne removed his blindfold and smiled to himself.

Rating: 37



Akihiro Hisato VS Dylan Drama w/ Joey Beauchamp

Akihiro Hisato is great to watch when he is in full flow, having inherited his fathers graceful attack style. Dylan Drama struggled to cope with the Japanese cruiserweight in the early exchanges, until Joey Beauchamp got involved in the match and cut the Cruiserweight down to size with a big right hand while Drama distracted the referee.

Now that he was back in control, Drama regained his normal pomp and circumstance as he arrogantly picked apart his smaller opponent. The crowd booed as Drama pulled Hisato in for his Dramatic Conclusion (a wicked looking Headlock Driver) to secure the win.

Winner: Dylan Drama

Rating: 37


We cut away to a pre-recorded video, taking place at a local community centre. Frisby’s Foundation for Fitness was running another community fitness day – this time for the young people of the community.

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Chuck Frisby: “At Frisby’s Foundation for Fitness, we are committed to tackling England’s obesity epidemic… And it’s not just the lazy NWF audience who are overweight…” (predictable boos) “Because as you can see looking around today, a significant proportion of the younger generation are also obese. Rather than spending their childhoods running around the neighborhood causing mischief, they just sit around on their phones mindlessly playing Minecraft while eating crisps and cake… don’t you, you fatties?”

Whilst the kids didn’t seem to be listening to Chuck (mostly because they were distracted by their phones), one of the mothers sat on the sidelines was furious – screeching at Chuck that her child wasn’t obese!

Chuck Frisby: “So tonight, we have prepared a curated exercise plan to help overcome years of bad parenting, and put these kids on the path from fatness to fitness!”

Despite Chuck’s good (?) intentions, that last line tipped the mother over the edge and she leapt out of her seat and charged at the personal trainer! Luckily for Chuck she was a larger woman, and he was able to run away and successfully escape out of a fire exit. This left Dwayne Dark alone with a room full of disinterested children and angry mothers. The former boxer grabbed a football, threw it at the kids and told them to have a kick about before the camera faded to black.

Rating: 38


The camera returns backstage, this time to find ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie in the office of network executive Frank Finkleton.

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Big Mac was trying to have a conversation with Finkleton, but the network executive looked flustered as he frantically searched through a piled of papers.

Nathan McKenzie: “Don’t you see Frank? Evan Alpass and his little lawyer girlfriend helped Price get added to the Main Event and cost me the match! If I had been one on one with Silva, the Black Country Boys would never have got involved and I would be the British Heavyweight Champion. You’ve got to get me a rematch…”

Frank Finkleton: “I’m a little busy right now Nathan…”

Nathan McKenzie (incredulous): “Too busy to help the leader of The Network get a title shot?”

Frank Finkleton: “The ‘leader’ of the network is the network board, and they’ve just made a new investment that they want me to bring to TV next week! I promise we’ll deal with Mr Alpass and Miss Marbella once I’ve sorted through this…”

Nathan McKenzie (annoyed): “Nah I see how it is… you deal with whatever the board want doing… I’ll deal with Alpass.”

Rating: 67



Leo Price & Dangermouth VS School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

Our Main Event for the evening saw tag team legend Leo Price back in tag action for the first time since his return. Tagging with his protégé Dangermouth for the first time, Price looked delighted to be back in the ring.

The Professor coached his young charges from ringside, allowing them to isolate Dangermouth in their corner during the early stages. Leo Price encouraged his protégé from the apron, and got the crowd behind the young grime artist as Dangermouth began to fight back. A missed corner splash from Toxic created the space Dangermouth needed to dive across the ring and make the hot tag to Price!

‘The Lion’ hit the ring and the crowd roared as he dropped Toxic with a right hand… then Gibson with another! A fired up Price threw Toxic over the top rope to the floor outside, before pulling Gibson into a Price Drop (Double Arm DDT) to pick up the win on his tag team return.

Winners: Leo Price & Dangermouth

Rating: 46


Jackie Goldstein: “The Lion picks up the win on his return to tag team wrestling! You never lose it Mel!”

Melanie Florence: “Class is permanent Jackie… which is why losing a wrestling LEGEND like Bryon hurts so much!”

Jackie Goldstein: “Let it go Mel…”

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USPW Hire Greg Gauge

In a huge blow to TCW fans, it was announced last night that Greg Gauge had agreed to sign with USPW. Many had expected Gauge to be one of the top names in TCW for the next decade, after a breakout Television Title reign pushed him up towards the Main Event. The 2020 Match Of The Year followed in his first World Title shot – a losing effot against Wolf Hawkins in November at King of Kings. Gauge followed up with three equally good matches in 2021 – first in a rematch for the World Title in January against Hawkins, then in July against Aaron Andrews, and finally against Hawkins again in August. Some observers have noted that TCW managements unwillingness to put Gauge over their established names has contributed to him leaving. Gauge is 0-4 in singles matches against Wolf Hawkins and 0-3 against Aaron Andrews.

Despite this, Greg Gauge was widely seen as TCW’s #3 guy – and their big hope for the future. Many fans had been clamouring for Gauge to be the man to end Freddy Huggins title reign after underwhelming defences at Threatening Behaviour and King of Kings. Where Greg Gauge slots into the USPW remains to be seen, but with an aging Main Event scene perhaps in this case the grass really will be greener on the other side of the fence…



Jason Azaria To Leave TCW

In sad news for many wrestling fans, it was confirmed yesterday that Psycho Circus at the end of this month will be Jason Azaria’s last show with the company after TCW chose not to extend the legendary commentators contract. It is expected that Shawn Doakes will replace Azaria as the play by play commentator on PPVs, in addition to his current role on Total Wrestling.

‘The Man of 1,000 Facts’ has developed a cult following among TCW fans, having been the voice of the company since the very first show. TCW fans will have to content themselves with one last round of the Jason Azaria drinking game before bidding farewell to a legend. So in honour of the great man, I leave you with this:

Now here’s a little fact you may not know: Jason Azaria is the only man to have appeared on every TCW PPV. A streak that will break at Malice in Wonderland in January.


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On 7/28/2024 at 5:36 PM, newbiezness said:

Leo Price & Dangermouth vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

You're taking a big big risk with this Main Event. Brave decision so I wish you good luck!


I felt that Leo Price returning to tag team wrestling 'deserved' to be the Main Event on TV. He's my most popular guy and a former 4x 21CW Tag champ. Ratings wise it obviously didn't pay off, but I feel like as a fan in universe that was the biggest match on the card (even if a Landon Mallory squash rated much better). Luckily the angles were strong on this episode, so the end result was still pretty good!

On 7/29/2024 at 2:05 AM, KyTeran said:

'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs Glen Ward

Glen Ward finally got a win, just to get squashed by a Springbok in his next match.


??? vs Aurelian Bradley w/ The Professor

I think Aurelian is the best client that The Professor currently manages if I am not mistaken.

I felt a bit sorry for Glen Ward. Like you say, he finally got a win then I threw him to the wolves. I was worried about how the Main Event would rate, so wanted a strong opener as insurance. I needed someone decent in the ring for Mallory to beat, and Glen was the most 'disposable' of the options.

Aurelian Bradley is the star student of The Professor. He's a bit of an expriment atm to see if I can get him over, but it's been slow going so far...


Thank you to everyone who predicted and reacted to the latest show! It's greatly appreciated, particularly as the shiny new TEW IX diaries are starting to appear on the board. As a reminder, the top 5 predictors of this round will receive a prize - so make sure to jump in for the next show!


Prediction Results for Episode 58

@KyTeran 5/5 + 1 Bonus

@lieon02 5/5 + 1 Bonus

@scapegoat 5/5

@newbiezness 4/5 + 1 Bonus

@smw88 4/5

@SomeLazyMagic 4/5


Combined Prediction Results

@lieon02 10/10 + 2 Bonus

@KyTeran 10/10 + 1 Bonus

@scapegoat 10/10

@newbiezness 9/10 + 1 Bonus

@SomeLazyMagic 8/10 + 1 Bonus

@smw88 7/10 + 1 Bonus

@Wrestling Machine 4/5 + 1 Bonus

@alliegolem 4/5


Predictions for National Wrestling Episode 59

No Disqualification Match: Team CHAOS (Norman Gates & Neville Jones) vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs Myles Cross & Jermaine Granger

The Party Animals vs ???

Jaunt vs Aurelian Bradley

Pick Your Poison Match: Stuart Wilson vs ???


Bonus 1: The Main Event will be a 'pick your poison' match, where Edison Silva can select a handpicked opponent for Stuart Wilson. Who will Edison Silva select?

Bonus 2: Will National Wrestling rate higher than 60 overall?

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No Disqualification Match: Team CHAOS (Norman Gates & Neville Jones) 

Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) 

The Party Animals 

Aurelian Bradley

Pick Your Poison Match: Stuart Wilson 


Bonus 1: The Main Event will be a 'pick your poison' match, where Edison Silva can select a handpicked opponent for Stuart Wilson. Who will Edison Silva select? Big Mac

Bonus 2: Will National Wrestling rate higher than 60 overall? No

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No Disqualification Match: Team CHAOS (Norman Gates & Neville Jones) vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs Myles Cross & Jermaine Granger

The Party Animals vs ???

Jaunt vs Aurelian Bradley

Pick Your Poison Match: Stuart Wilson vs ???


Bonus 1: The Main Event will be a 'pick your poison' match, where Edison Silva can select a handpicked opponent for Stuart Wilson. Who will Edison Silva select? He'll likely send out Mackenzie I think

Bonus 2: Will National Wrestling rate higher than 60 overall? I feel like it'll be close again, but yes.

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No Disqualification Match: Team CHAOS (Norman Gates & Neville Jones) vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs Myles Cross & Jermaine Granger

The Party Animals vs ???

Jaunt vs Aurelian Bradley

Pick Your Poison Match: Stuart Wilson vs ???


Bonus 1: The Main Event will be a 'pick your poison' match, where Edison Silva can select a handpicked opponent for Stuart Wilson. Who will Edison Silva select? I think Jk Lee

Bonus 2: Will National Wrestling rate higher than 60 overall? Yes

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9 hours ago, Charasmatic Enigma said:

No Disqualification Match: Team CHAOS (Norman Gates & Neville Jones) vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Interesting, what State Of Mind will do in this match ratings wise?

Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs Myles Cross & Jermaine Granger

I liked that Damian Dastardly promo where he said Eric Future talks about future but he's already 37

The Party Animals vs ???

Jaunt vs Aurelian Bradley

The Professor's protege should win

Pick Your Poison Match: Stuart Wilson vs ???


Bonus 1: The Main Event will be a 'pick your poison' match, where Edison Silva can select a handpicked opponent for Stuart Wilson. Who will Edison Silva select? JK Lee

Bonus 2: Will National Wrestling rate higher than 60 overall? Yes


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No Disqualification Match: Team CHAOS (Norman Gates & Neville Jones) vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Team CHAOS may think that No DQ plays to their strengths, but they are in the wrong State of Mind.

Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs Myles Cross & Jermaine Granger

Let's see Eric has a cruiserweight title match and Future X is an established team while Myles and Jermaine don't appear often and usually lose.  I think this is an easy choice.

The Party Animals vs ???

Considering how The Party Animals are at the low end of the totem pole I am resisting my ??? = local jobber assumption and picking either a returning or new team showing up and getting a W right off the bat.

Jaunt vs Aurelian Bradley

Aurelian is going to Jaunt on out of here with a win.

Pick Your Poison Match: Stuart Wilson vs ???

Stuart is going to be challenging for the title, so he needs the win and the momentum.


Bonus 1: The Main Event will be a 'pick your poison' match, where Edison Silva can select a handpicked opponent for Stuart Wilson. Who will Edison Silva select? Iggy Riot

I am choosing Iggy because unless I am remembering wrong, he did beat Stuart in a match once.

Bonus 2: Will National Wrestling rate higher than 60 overall? I am going to be optimistic and say yes.

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Nooooooo I missed a show! Oh well, onward and upward!

No Disqualification Match: Team CHAOS (Norman Gates & Neville Jones) vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs Myles Cross & Jermaine Granger

The Party Animals vs ???

Jaunt vs Aurelian Bradley

Pick Your Poison Match: Stuart Wilson vs ???


Bonus 1: The Main Event will be a 'pick your poison' match, where Edison Silva can select a handpicked opponent for Stuart Wilson. Who will Edison Silva select? Iggy Riot; since he's beaten Wilson before and there's a built in rivalry

Bonus 2: Will National Wrestling rate higher than 60 overall? Yes I hope so?


I'm not here for the State of Mind push as much as others, but if you're going that way, love to see how it goes. Eric Future is doing something storyline-wise, so they go over Cross & Granger, who I love. The Party Animals aren't winners, so mystery team wins. Or even mystery singles wrestler, they'll even lose a handicap match. Jaunt loses for same reasons. Stuart Wilson wins because Olympian vs Silva could be money.

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No Disqualification Match: Team CHAOS (Norman Gates & Neville Jones) vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs Myles Cross & Jermaine Granger

The Party Animals vs ???

Jaunt vs Aurelian Bradley

Pick Your Poison Match: Stuart Wilson vs ???

Bonus 1: The Main Event will be a 'pick your poison' match, where Edison Silva can select a handpicked opponent for Stuart Wilson. Who will Edison Silva select? Big Mac

Bonus 2: Will National Wrestling rate higher than 60 overall? Yes!

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