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BOW: A New Home For British Wrestling (C-Verse)

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Stevie Stoat (C)
Lenny Mochin (C)

Gram Gorman, Konrad Makinen and Padraig O'Hearne

The Northern Lights w/ Mo Adebola 

Stuart Wilson

Karen Bilous 

Jeri Behr 

Nate Manchester w/ Royal Air Force 

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BOW World Championship Match Hardcore Match:  Matthew Macks vs Stevie Stoat (C)
Comments: Dont' see Macks as World Champ material

BOW Honour Championship Match: Jason Dempsey vs Lenny Mochin (C)
Comments: I'm going for the champ defending his belt!

Gram Gorman, Konrad Makinen and Padraig O'Hearne vs Magnus Cage, Merle O'Curle and Michael Gregory
Comments: I'm just marking for Makinen at this point and I'm fine with it lol

The Northern Lights w/ Mo Adebola vs The X Force
Comments: I can see Northern Lights losing after some shenanigans but I'm betting on them

Clubber Kohl w/ Eva Berlin vs Stuart Wilson
Comments: Another W to keep pushing Kohl

Karen Bilous vs Steffi Chee
Comments: The Ukranian for me needs this W more

Jeri Behr vs Steph Blake

Nate Manchester w/ Royal Air Force vs Colin Picalo
Comments: Nate The Great won't lose against Picalo, let's be serious!!

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BOW Night Of Wrestling #8

BOW World Championship Match
Hardcore Match

Matthew Macks vs Stevie Stoat (C)
Comments: I don't think Macks is the guy to topple Stevie

BOW Honour Championship Match
Jason Dempsey vs Lenny Mochin (C)
Comments: Similar to the above. Dempsey wasn't mentioned as one of your 'pillars'.

Gram Gorman, Konrad Makinen and Padraig O'Hearne vs Magnus Cage, Merle O'Curle and Michael Gregory*
(*The winners will face each other in a three way match at Night Of Wrestling #9 next week to determine the number one contender for the BOW Honour Championship)
Comments: Sticking to you backing your pillars in this one.

The Northern Lights w/ Mo Adebola vs The X Force
Comments: Could definitely go the other way, but I'm backing my guys

Clubber Kohl w/ Eva Berlin vs Stuart Wilson
Comments: As much as I like Kohl, Wilson is physically bigger and has more pop.

Karen Bilous vs Steffi Chee

Jeri Behr vs Steph Blake
Comments: Debut win for Blake

Nate Manchester w/ Royal Air Force vs Colin Picalo
Comments: Squish Squash

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Dunton Hall: Look, no-one is more upset about this than I. If you're hurt, or we're pushing you too hard... Is it the travel? I know flying takes a toll on my back, and you've been flying over every week for our shows. If there's anything we can do to help you, all you have to do is let me know what you need, and I'll get it for you. It's not just a wrestling promotion I'm trying to build here, but a family too. I care about everyone under my employment, and I'll still care even after they leave. So I want to help you with this, believe me when I say that. But I've also got to set an example here. Fortunately it's not anything illegal or performance enhancing, otherwise this might be different. But I can't have you, or anyone else for that matter, abusing pain killers. So I'm not going to fire or suspend you, but I am going to have to fine you. We'll donate the money, anonymously of course, to a local rehabilitation centre for people fighting the same battle with these pills. That's another point, I'd like to see you give up relying on these pills. I'm happy to bring in some specialists, again still under the radar, to help you with this, or do you think a stint in rehab would be more beneficial?


Gram Gorman: No, no, I'm grand. I don't need rehab. I'll give up the pills. Thanks boss, I really appreciate how you're handling this. I'm sorry if I've let you down.

In the end Dunton and Gram would go on to speak for hours. There was a lot of tears and laughter - all from Dunton as Gorman is as stoic as his in-ring persona. But in the end it appeared as though there was a much deeper understanding and a stronger relationship between the two. Gorman's fine was donated specifically to a rehabilitation centre in his home country of Northern Ireland, and he agreed to work on giving up his abuse of pain killers. The grappler even managed to crack a smile, just once or twice, during this closed door heart-to-heart, and he seemed genuinely appreciative of his bosses actions.


In out of character news, I've decided to try a new writing method for this block of shows leading up to the Madness event, where I write each storyline out week by week, rather than writing show by show. Once that's done I'll then move each segment into their relevant show, and release as normal. I'm hoping this method doesn't change too much 'on screen' other than a bit more cohesion in the storytelling. Therefore it's taking a bit longer to release the next show, as I'm essentially writing five episodes in one go. Fortunately for those who have yet to predict, it means there's still some time to get those guesses in for Night Of Wrestling #8.

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BOW Night Of Wrestling #8

BOW World Championship Match
Hardcore Match

Matthew Macks vs Stevie Stoat (C)
Comments: Macks gives macks-imum effort in this match but he's just not stout enough to overcome Stoat in this bout. I'm sure the crowd is waiting for this one with hardcore anticipation.

BOW Honour Championship Match
Jason Dempsey vs Lenny Mochin (C)
Comments:  Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (Oh, my bad, I read Honour Championship and immediately fell asleep - La la la Lenny - and the Jets - Mochin I guess)

Gram Gorman, Konrad Makinen and Padraig O'Hearne vs Magnus Cage, Merle O'Curle and Michael Gregory*
(*The winners will face each other in a three way match at Night Of Wrestling #9 next week to determine the number one contender for the BOW Honour Championship)
Comments:  Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (Oops, passed out again. Ummmmm, those three dudes ^. While the team with Gorman is "dope", I feel like they just don't have the right "medicine" to take down the other guys. It's a bitter "pill" to swallow but it is what it is. Sometimes you just don't have the right "prescription" to get the win.)

The Northern Lights w/ Mo Adebola vs The X Force
Comments:  Dark days are ahead for X Force when The Northern Lights turn their lights out with maximum force. 

Clubber Kohl w/ Eva Berlin vs Stuart Wilson
Comments: Clubber smash! Rawrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stuart should have gone to the country club instead, because it's lights out for him. Stu just doesn't have the Wil-power
to overcome the big guy today.

Karen Bilous vs Steffi Chee
Comments: Steffi would have to be a low down, dirty chee-ter to get the win 

Jeri Behr vs Steph Blake
Comments: This match willl be quite the Behr for Steph Blake but she gets the win behr-ly in a very close contest. 

Nate Manchester w/ Royal Air Force vs Colin Picalo
Comments: Looks like Colin Picalo has played his last tune. Manchester shoots him down just like his pals the Royal Air Force.

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On 1/1/2024 at 9:08 PM, KyTeran said:

BOW Tag Team Championship Match:
The Shooters (C) vs The Assassins' Guild

I don't see The Shooters dropping the titles on their first defense.

BOW Women's Championship Match:
Thea Davis (C) vs K.T. Devonshire

Similar to The Shooters I don't see Thea losing her first title defense.

BOW World Champion* Stevie Stoat vs Eugen Semper
*non-title match

I think that Stoat needs a win that isn't tainted by interference after his title defense.

Walker van Cleer vs Christian Blithe

Unless Landon creates a distraction I think that Walker gets the win.

Aud Valkyrie vs Viper McKenna

I just like Aud more.

A Pair Of Aces (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs Vanzycha & Svensson (Pavel Vanzycha & Nigel Svensson)

Tough choice but I think the Aces are going to lose tonight.

Jason Dempsey vs Gavin Owen

Jason beat Glen Ward, now Jason beats Gavin Owen.

Glen Ward vs Matthew Macks

Macks continues to build momentum after his win against Night Spyder.

Almost a clean sweep for you last time out @KyTeran - Steph Blake cost you a perfect round!

On 1/2/2024 at 4:12 AM, Charasmatic Enigma said:

BOW Night Of Wrestling #7:

BOW Tag Team Championship Match:
The Shooters (C) vs The Assassins' Guild
Comments: Another failure for the Assassins' Guild as they continue to 'let down' Stevie

BOW Women's Championship Match:
Thea Davis (C) vs K.T. Devonshire
Comments: Should be a good match, but if you wanted the title on K.T. Devonshire I feel she would have won it in the ladder match

BOW World Champion* Stevie Stoat vs Eugen Semper
*non-title match
Comments: I had to look up who Eugene Semper was, ain't no way he's going over the champ

Walker van Cleer vs Christian Blithe
Comments: Walker's got his eyes on bigger fish than Blithe

Aud Valkyrie vs Viper McKenna
Comments: Both ladies are the wrong side of 40, but I could see Viper being Thea's next challenger and putting over the new champ before hanging them up

A Pair Of Aces (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs Vanzycha & Svensson (Pavel Vanzycha & Nigel Svensson)
Comments: It pains me as I like Taypen & Buzzard as a team, but Pavel and Nigel could be turned into title challengers very quickly

Jason Dempsey vs Gavin Owen
Comments: Dempsey was mentioned as a potential Honour title challenger by Mochin in his interview

Glen Ward vs Matthew Macks
Comments: Matthew Macks is younger and has more upside than Ward

@Charasmatic Enigma The Assassins' Guild were actually very on form in their title shot, just not good enough to beat the champions! Whether or not Stevie will see it that way is another matter. 

On 1/2/2024 at 9:20 AM, Wrestling Machine said:

BOW Night Of Wrestling #7:

BOW Tag Team Championship Match:
The Shooters (C) vs The Assassins' Guild
Comments: I expect an easy title defence 4 the shooters

BOW Women's Championship Match:
Thea Davis (C) vs K.T. Devonshire
Comments: Same here, no way Thea is gonna drop the belt against KT

BOW World Champion* Stevie Stoat vs Eugen Semper
*non-title match
Comments: Even in a non-title match, I think the champ will get the W

Walker van Cleer vs Christian Blithe
Comments: After going at Mallory, the Dutchman needs this victory and he'll take it

Aud Valkyrie vs Viper McKenna
Comments: Maybe Viper could use a W to get a title shot

A Pair Of Aces (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs Vanzycha & Svensson (Pavel Vanzycha & Nigel Svensson)

Jason Dempsey vs Gavin Owen

Glen Ward vs Matthew Macks

@Wrestling Machine Unfortunately for you a pair of aces wasn't a strong enough hand and let you down on scoring a clean sweep. They haven't really hit their stride in BOW quite yet, but they have a lot of upside to them and would be a staple of the tag team division with a couple of wins behind them.

On 1/5/2024 at 8:41 PM, willr0ck said:

BOW Night Of Wrestling #7:

BOW Tag Team Championship Match:
The Shooters (C) vs The Assassins' Guild
Comments: The Assasins' Guild are aiming to take the titles from The Shooters but this time they miss the bullseye. I think it's a real shot in then dark to pick the Assassins' Guild but perhaps that's just me shooting from the hip. It's too early for a title switch so that makes the champs virtually bullet proof. 

BOW Women's Championship Match:
Thea Davis (C) vs K.T. Devonshire
Comments: Thea Davis puts on a Dav-ine performance in her title defense. There is no way the-a challenger gets a win here. (Jesus, puns for these two were difficult)

BOW World Champion* Stevie Stoat vs Eugen Semper
*non-title match
Comments: Stoat takes ride on the winner's boat and sails away with the W. Eugen Semper barely gets any offense, and goes out with a whimper.

Walker van Cleer vs Christian Blithe
Comments: It's perfectly clear that Cleer will get the win. I know this because I can see cleerly now that this outcome is crystal cleer and thats just me being super transparent about my prediction, which is what I always try to be. I'm not trying to mix things up here, just to make things perfectly cleer.

Aud Valkyrie vs Viper McKenna
Comments: Like the female viking warrior she is Aud gets a win here. In fact she beats Viper so bad that she ends up in the Norse-ing Home, much to the delight of the crowd as they Val-Holla at the top of their lungs.

A Pair Of Aces (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs Vanzycha & Svensson (Pavel Vanzycha & Nigel Svensson)
Comments: A Pair Of Aces split their hand and come up busted as the European grapplers get the win here. They will be too much to deal with here, as The Aces end up with a bad draw. The odds are stacked against them as they are dealt a bad hand.

Jason Dempsey vs Gavin Owen

Comments: Dempsey wins here, he's for real, not just a guy Jasing down waterfalls. Poppa Dempsey's awfully proud of jason, and jadaughter. (Meh, another tough one)

Glen Ward vs Matthew Macks
Comments: The dance is over, the jig is up, Macks gets the win here because if it ain't brogue, don't fix it. If you think Ward is going to win then that's jsut a bunch of ba-larney. Macks will celebrate and the crowd will be Dub-lin over with excitement!



Is that punny enough for you? I hope your happy now; you've created a monster!

I've already commented on the puns so I'll leave them alone for now @willr0ck - but again, another person who would have taken home all the spoils had it not been for Steph Blake!

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British Omega Wrestling
Night Of Wrestling #8
Wednesday Week 4 March 2020
London, Southern England


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The BOW broadcast team: Martin Bloydell, Melanie Florence and Jackie Goldstein.

Martin Bloydell: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to BOW! We're going to head straight to the backstage area, where we're told the Three Lions have a message just moments before Nate Manchester's match.



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Martin Heath: After a rough night for us at For Whom The Bell Tolls, Royal Air Force is back. And we’re here with our boy Nate Manchester, and he’s looking to pick up where he left off and get back to what he deserves, a shot at the BOW World Championship.

Jon Michael Sharp: And much like Manchester and Stoat, things aren’t finished between us and The Assassins’ Guild. Peyton, Raynor, you had to cheat to beat us, and that’s just the latest in a long list of wrongs that the three of us must right. Because lions don’t forget, and lions don’t forgive.

Nate Manchester: Lions hunt.


Match One:

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Colin Picalo vs Nate Manchester w/Royal Air Force

In a match that surprised many in attendance with how good it turned out to be, Nate Manchester and Colin Picalo showed excellent chemistry as they took to the ring for the show’s opening contest. Giving the pair an entire ten-minute slot to work the crowd certainly paid dividends, getting the crowd pumped for the action to come. Despite putting on a much stronger showing than many expected, Colin Picalo was unable to kick out following Nate Manchester’s Manc-Sault.

Winner by pinfall: Nate Manchester


With her BOW Women’s Championship belt proudly on display, Thea Davis makes her way to the ring, where she speaks into a microphone after the fans cheering dies down.



Thea Davis: Last week in the battle of the Red Queens, it was the real Red Queen who emerged victorious to stay your British Omega Wrestling Women’s World Champion. And I want to take nothing away from my dance partner last week. K.T. Devonshire you may have an attitude problem, but you’re one hell of a competitor and I can see World titles in your future. As I’ve said before you’re a fine talent who reminds me of myself when I was first breaking into this business. In fact, one of the similarities between us is that we both had to travel the world to get our opportunities in this business. In fact, that’s true for every woman on this roster. Before BOW there was no opportunity for women to wrestle here in Britain. But now there is, and as the BOW Women’s Champion, I feel as though it’s my duty to pay the favour back and turn these Great British shores into the land of opportunity for female wrestlers across the world. Which is why I am issuing an open challenge for this BOW Women’s Championship. Next week on Night Of Wrestling I will defend this title belt against any woman from across the globe.


Melanie Florence: A huge announcement from Thea Davis! Next week the BOW Women’s Championship is on the line in an open challenge! Who is going to step up and face the champ?!


Match Two:

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Steffi Chee vs Karen Bilous

For the second time in BOW, Steffi Chee faced the monumental task of trying to best “The Pain From The Ukraine” Karen Bilous. To call the eight-minute match a ‘contest’ would be generous, with Bilous dominating the entire proceeding, only to grow in frustration at her inability to put away the resilient Chee. Then, in the final moments, Chee shocked everyone, herself included, when her sneaky attempt at a roll up resulted in her scoring the upset win.

Winner by pinfall: Steffi Chee.


Pavel Vanzycha and Nigel Svensson make their way to the ring accompanied by their executive consultant Fink Finkleton, who wields his weapon of choice, a microphone.

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Fink Finkleton: When my sophisticated eye saw something in pairing up these two fine gentlemen, few outside of the three of us could imagine how fruitful this partnership would be. I can’t say I’m surprised though; few men have such a refined ability for identifying talent as I. One example of such inferior scouting capabilities is the current embarrassment of a CEO Dunton Hall, as evidenced by the atrocity of a tournament we were forced to endure for the BOW Tag Team Championships. Do not be mistaken, The Shooters are above average wrestlers, but given the quality of this roster, or rather lack thereof, the average isn’t exactly a high standard to beat. Now, it would have been a different story had Vanzycha & Svensson been in the tournament. In fact, Billy and Don, you both know that if you had come up against my two men, they would have wiped the floor with you. Which is why, not only am I challenging you both to defend your titles against Vanzycha & Svensson at Madness, but I’m proposing a singles series between now and that event. One of you versus one of them, every week. Because as much as you love professional wrestling, you’re just not as good at it as these two men.

Drawn out by the challenge, The Shooters make their way to the ring.

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Don Henderson: Alright Fink, alright. Enough already. You’re doin’ ma head in wi’ all ya chatter. I don’t know why you’re claiming to be such a visionary, anyone wi’ two braincells could see they’d make a great wee tag team the gether. Lucky for you, they’ve no got two braincells between ‘em, or they’d ditch you and stop paying your commission. 

Billy Robinson: But you’re right about one thing. For everything they lack upstairs, you two goons are tremendous wrestlers. And as Don and I keep saying, we love wrestling, and we want to be pushed to be our very best in this ring. So we accept your challenge. And Nigel, considering you and I have history together in Japan, why don’t we be the ones to kick off this singles series next week?


Martin Bloydell: It’s official. The Shooters will defend their BOW Tag Team Championships against Vanzycha & Svensson at Madness. And what a series of matches we’re going to be treated to in the build up to that event!


Match Three:

BOW Honour Championship Match:

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Jason Dempsey vs Lenny Mochin (C)

Jason Dempsey brought a valiant effort in his attempt to wrest the Honour Championship from the clutches of Lenny Mochin, who himself was looking to make his first successful title defence after winning the belt at For Whom The Bell Tolls. The match served well to further amp up the energised crowd, and at just seconds shy of lasting thirteen-minutes, it was a great first showcase for the title belt. Jason Dempsey thought he had things won when he landed his Face Waffle sit-out pedigree finisher on Mochin, but the champion avoided pinfall by falling out of the ring. As the referee began to count out the champion, Dempsey was struck from behind by JK Lee, leaving the challenger at the mercy of Mochin, who returned to the ring to deliver his Eye Of The Storm butterfly powerbomb to retain.

Winner by pinfall and still BOW Honour Champion: Lenny Mochin


Nicole Phillips is in the interview area with Steph Blake stood beside her.

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Nicole Phillips: I’m stood here with Steph Blake who arrived in BOW last week by assaulting Aud Valkyrie during her match with Viper McKenna. Steph, you’re just moments away from your debut against Jeri Behr, but before that, everybody wants to know, why have you come to BOW?

Steph Blake: To hurt women.

Blake strides away.


Match Four:

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Jeri Behr vs Steph Blake

And hurt a woman she did. In less than three and a half minutes, Steph Blake wiped the ring mat with Jeri Behr, violently assaulting her before mercifully ending the supposed contest with her Slingshot DDT finisher.

Winner by pinfall: Steph Blake


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From out of nowhere, Aud Valkyrie flies across the ring and crashes into Blake, tackling her to the floor before laying several fists into the woman who attacked her last week. The brawl spills out to the ringside area, where neither woman can take full control until Valkyrie pushes Blake into the steel steps. With Blake left reeling, Valkyrie looks under the ring for plunder to help her in this unsanctioned fight. The first item she comes across is a table, which she dutifully retrieves to the cheers of the crowd. Valkyrie sets the table up, and after another brief scuffle, manages to smash Blake through the table with a belly-to-belly suplex.


Match Five:

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Magnus Cage, Merle O'Curle and Michael Gregory vs Gram Gorman, Konrad Makinen and Padraig O'Hearne

Six men fought for the opportunity to progress to a three-way match next week, where the new number one contender for the BOW Honour Championship will be determined. Each man in this match showed the desire to come out on top, and it really helped to sell the importance of the title moving forward. Given a little over twelve-minutes to run, this bout was a great showing for everyone involved. It came to a conclusion in typical trios match fashion as each man was hit by a signature move to whittle down the field until the two legal men were left standing. Those two men were Merle O’Curle and Padraig O’Hearne, and it was the latter who scored the win after countering O’Curle’s Celtic Wreath submission into his own Crowning Glory finisher.

Winners via pinfall: Padraig O’Hearne, Gram Gorman and Konrad Makinen.


Dunton Hall is sat backstage in his office.


Dunton Hall: Ladies and gentlemen, over these last few months BOW has taken the wrestling world by storm. We have housed some tremendous moments in such a short time, and I am confident that we will be treated to many, many more. Among those moments have been some memorable hardcore matches, and you, the fans, have really responded to them. Which is why I have decided to introduce a new championship to the British Omega Wrestling family. At the upcoming Madness event, like on Saturday Week 4 April, the first ever BOW Hardcore Champion will be crowned. And it will be fought for in a 10-man ‘House Of Madness’ battle royal. This battle royal will be like no other. Eliminations will occur via pinfall or submission, and they can occur not just in the ring, but across the entire arena. Hardcore rules will be in effect, with weapons surrounding the ring to actively encourage madness to ensue.


Match Six:

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Clubber Kohl w/ Eva Berlin vs Stuart Wilson

The unstoppable force collided with the immovable object in a wild brawl as Kohl and Wilson battered each other for almost eight-minutes. Both men went into this match as two of the most menacing men on the BOW roster, and this match did nothing to hinder that perception. Things came to an end when Kohl showed an impeccable display of strength to lift Stuart Wilson and slam him, spine on the pine, with his Hamburg Express.

Winner by pinfall: Clubber Kohl


Nicole Phillips is in the interview area with Walker van Cleer by her side.

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Nicole Phillips: Ladies and gentlemen, I’m being joined right now by Walker van Cleer. Walker at For Whom The Bell Tolls you stopped Landon Mallory from winning the BOW World Championship, and then last week you left the ring before explaining yourself. So will you tell us now, why did you attack Landon Mallory?

Walker van Cleer looks like he’s about to respond, but instead shakes his head and simply walks away.


Melanie Florence: Walker van Cleer is still refusing to discuss his attack on Landon Mallory.

Jackie Goldstein: And I bet no-one wants answers more than Mallory himself.

Martin Bloydell: That’s for sure Jackie, and speaking of Landon, he will return to BOW next week in action when he faces Dangermouth one on one!


Match Seven:

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The Northern Lights w/ Mo Adebola and Dangermouth vs The X Force

Tag team wrestling continues to be the unsung hero of British Omega Wrestling, as both The Northern Lights and The X Force put on a barnburner of a match that must top the charts as the promotion’s best contest to date. The eleven-minute bout flew by for the buzzing crowd, who would have easily eaten up a further eleven-minutes from these two teams if given the chance. There was a lot of tension aplenty in this one, near falls and dramatic rope breaks enhancing the story of The X Force looking to right the wrongs of their opponents with a victory. Sadly for the duo that was not to be, as a distraction from Mo Adebola at ringside paved the way for Dangermouth to land chain-wrapped fist on the skull of Jase Cole, leaving him at the mercy of a Lights Out from The Northern Lights, with Alton Vicious making the pin.

Winners via pinfall: The Northern Lights.


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After the bell the dangerous trio of Danger Zone continue to assault The X Force right up until the music of Future X hits.

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Eric Future and Petey Barnes charge to the ring, sending Danger Zone into retreat. With Christopher Lister and Jase Cole slowly beginning to stir, both members of The X Force extend their hands to the Future X duo as a show of solidarity. Barnes and Future look down at the offering simultaneously, and both turn their backs, departing the ring in a move that shows there’s still tension between the babyface teams.


Match Eight:

BOW World Championship:
Hardcore Match:

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Matthew Macks vs Stevie Stoat (C)

With the fans in attendance sufficiently amped up throughout the night, it was time for Matthew Macks to embark on undoubtedly the biggest match of his career, as he looked to score the upset of a lifetime and win the BOW World Championship from the grizzled, double-tough veteran Stevie Stoat. With hardcore rules that made the underdog challenger feel right at home, the rules were thrown out the window in this absolute mayhem of a ten-minute match. From table breaks, to ladder dives, to wild chair swings, nothing was holding Macks back from putting on the performance of a lifetime. The use of other hardcore-match staples such as stop signs, metal dustbins and Singapore canes also gave an example of the future of BOW given Dunton Hall’s announcement of a new Hardcore Championship earlier in the night. Of course, with such lawlessness in place for this contest, it was a given that Stevie Stoat’s stooges The Assassins’ Guild would show up at some point to aide their leader. Unfortunately for them, what they didn’t anticipate was the arrival of Royal Air Force and Nate Manchester as a cavalry for The Irish Daredevil. As both factions fought their way back up the ramp, Macks lived up to his nickname by diving from the top of the entrance stage set onto all the Three Lions and Assassins’ Guild men. He scrambled back to the ring, seeing his name in lights and knowing this was his chance to claim the top prize in BOW. He waited, stalking Stoat as the champion made groggily rose to his feet, looking to lock in his Red Lightning reverse DDT finisher. But seconds before he could lock Stoat’s head in place, Macks was sent wailing to the floor with the loud crack of a steel chair across his spine. The returning Night Spyder continued to assault Macks with the chair, each blow condemning the fans into the realisation that this was not to be Matthew Macks’ night. Spyder lifted the unresponsive Macks up, and held him by his hair as a sacrifice to Stevie Stoat, who dutifully obliged with a Super Kick to end the contest and break the fans hearts.

Winner by pinfall and still BOW World Champion: Stevie Stoat.




With the ring cleared of all other men, Stevie Stoat holds his World Championship aloft stone-faced as he is drowned in the jeers of the crowd. Suddenly his theme music cuts in favour of another. Stoat turns to the entrance stage, where he is met by the intimidating sight of Clubber Kohl marching down the ramp accompanied by the equally laser-focused Eva Berlin.

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The two intimidating Germans climb through the ropes and head straight towards Stoat, who stands his ground to save face. The two men are both unflinching as they stand nose to nose, but just as the show is about to end transmission, Kohl’s neck cranks as his glare finds a new subject; the BOW World Championship now resting over the shoulder of Stevie Stoat.


Edited by azzak
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On 1/7/2024 at 1:02 PM, KyTeran said:

BOW World Championship Match
Hardcore Match

Matthew Macks vs Stevie Stoat (C)
Comments: Macks has build up some momentum, but I don't think it will be enough to win the World title.

BOW Honour Championship Match
Jason Dempsey vs Lenny Mochin (C)
Comments: Lenny is not losing his first title defense.

Gram Gorman, Konrad Makinen and Padraig O'Hearne vs Magnus Cage, Merle O'Curle and Michael Gregory*
(*The winners will face each other in a three way match at Night Of Wrestling #9 next week to determine the number one contender for the BOW Honour Championship)
Comments: Considering that they had a segment last week establishing their team for this match I can see them winning.

The Northern Lights w/ Mo Adebola vs The X Force
Comments: Unless Future X interfere I feel like The Northern Lights will win this match.

Clubber Kohl w/ Eva Berlin vs Stuart Wilson
Comments: This should be Kohl's biggest test, but I think he will leave with the victory.

Karen Bilous vs Steffi Chee
Comments: I think Karen could be a future contender for the women's title considering the champion is currently a face.

Jeri Behr vs Steph Blake
Comments: After her debut on the previous show Steph gets a win to establish herself in BOW.

Nate Manchester w/ Royal Air Force vs Colin Picalo
Comments: I don't think Colin is a big enough star yet to beat Manchester.

A very strong round of predictions for you Ky, only being let down by Steffi Chee's upset victory!

On 1/7/2024 at 1:13 PM, smw88 said:

Stevie Stoat (C)
Lenny Mochin (C)

Gram Gorman, Konrad Makinen and Padraig O'Hearne

The Northern Lights w/ Mo Adebola 

Stuart Wilson

Karen Bilous 

Jeri Behr 

Nate Manchester w/ Royal Air Force 

Stuart and the women let you down this week smw - that said, if I'm not mistaken, I am sure you always predict Stuart Wilson to win in every diary he's involved in - which I get a real kick out of 😆 he's got some high profile matches coming up in the next couple of months if my plans stay the same, so he's definitely one to watch!

On 1/7/2024 at 1:30 PM, Wrestling Machine said:

BOW World Championship Match Hardcore Match:  Matthew Macks vs Stevie Stoat (C)
Comments: Dont' see Macks as World Champ material

BOW Honour Championship Match: Jason Dempsey vs Lenny Mochin (C)
Comments: I'm going for the champ defending his belt!

Gram Gorman, Konrad Makinen and Padraig O'Hearne vs Magnus Cage, Merle O'Curle and Michael Gregory
Comments: I'm just marking for Makinen at this point and I'm fine with it lol

The Northern Lights w/ Mo Adebola vs The X Force
Comments: I can see Northern Lights losing after some shenanigans but I'm betting on them

Clubber Kohl w/ Eva Berlin vs Stuart Wilson
Comments: Another W to keep pushing Kohl

Karen Bilous vs Steffi Chee
Comments: The Ukranian for me needs this W more

Jeri Behr vs Steph Blake

Nate Manchester w/ Royal Air Force vs Colin Picalo
Comments: Nate The Great won't lose against Picalo, let's be serious!!

Again, another strong set of predictions that was only blemished by Steffi Chee's shock victory over Bilous!

On 1/7/2024 at 2:12 PM, Charasmatic Enigma said:

BOW Night Of Wrestling #8

BOW World Championship Match
Hardcore Match

Matthew Macks vs Stevie Stoat (C)
Comments: I don't think Macks is the guy to topple Stevie

BOW Honour Championship Match
Jason Dempsey vs Lenny Mochin (C)
Comments: Similar to the above. Dempsey wasn't mentioned as one of your 'pillars'.

Gram Gorman, Konrad Makinen and Padraig O'Hearne vs Magnus Cage, Merle O'Curle and Michael Gregory*
(*The winners will face each other in a three way match at Night Of Wrestling #9 next week to determine the number one contender for the BOW Honour Championship)
Comments: Sticking to you backing your pillars in this one.

The Northern Lights w/ Mo Adebola vs The X Force
Comments: Could definitely go the other way, but I'm backing my guys

Clubber Kohl w/ Eva Berlin vs Stuart Wilson
Comments: As much as I like Kohl, Wilson is physically bigger and has more pop.

Karen Bilous vs Steffi Chee

Jeri Behr vs Steph Blake
Comments: Debut win for Blake

Nate Manchester w/ Royal Air Force vs Colin Picalo
Comments: Squish Squash

(I've covered the two wrong predictions enough above so I'll respond to one of your other comments!) Your guys got their win over The X Force, but at what cost? There's now both The X Force and Future X with legitimate grievances against The Northern Lights, though they seem to have issues with each other too!

On 1/12/2024 at 10:25 AM, willr0ck said:

BOW Night Of Wrestling #8

BOW World Championship Match
Hardcore Match

Matthew Macks vs Stevie Stoat (C)
Comments: Macks gives macks-imum effort in this match but he's just not stout enough to overcome Stoat in this bout. I'm sure the crowd is waiting for this one with hardcore anticipation.

BOW Honour Championship Match
Jason Dempsey vs Lenny Mochin (C)
Comments:  Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (Oh, my bad, I read Honour Championship and immediately fell asleep - La la la Lenny - and the Jets - Mochin I guess)

Gram Gorman, Konrad Makinen and Padraig O'Hearne vs Magnus Cage, Merle O'Curle and Michael Gregory*
(*The winners will face each other in a three way match at Night Of Wrestling #9 next week to determine the number one contender for the BOW Honour Championship)
Comments:  Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (Oops, passed out again. Ummmmm, those three dudes ^. While the team with Gorman is "dope", I feel like they just don't have the right "medicine" to take down the other guys. It's a bitter "pill" to swallow but it is what it is. Sometimes you just don't have the right "prescription" to get the win.)

The Northern Lights w/ Mo Adebola vs The X Force
Comments:  Dark days are ahead for X Force when The Northern Lights turn their lights out with maximum force. 

Clubber Kohl w/ Eva Berlin vs Stuart Wilson
Comments: Clubber smash! Rawrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stuart should have gone to the country club instead, because it's lights out for him. Stu just doesn't have the Wil-power
to overcome the big guy today.

Karen Bilous vs Steffi Chee
Comments: Steffi would have to be a low down, dirty chee-ter to get the win 

Jeri Behr vs Steph Blake
Comments: This match willl be quite the Behr for Steph Blake but she gets the win behr-ly in a very close contest. 

Nate Manchester w/ Royal Air Force vs Colin Picalo
Comments: Looks like Colin Picalo has played his last tune. Manchester shoots him down just like his pals the Royal Air Force.

Hey, wake up! If you'd paid attention to the Honour division matches you would've scored better!

Prediction Results:

@KyTeran - 7/8

@Wrestling Machine - 7/8

@Charasmatic Enigma - 6/8

@willr0ck - 6/8

@smw88 - 5/8

Overall Scores:

@Charasmatic Enigma - 14/16

@KyTeran - 14/16

@Wrestling Machine - 14/16

@willr0ck - 13/16

@smw88 - 5/8

A very close top of the table after the first two shows - but with well over 60 more points to play for there's still a lot that can happen!

BOW Night Of Wrestling #9 Match Card:

For the first time BOW holds a show outside of London, as they head to Birmingham in the Midlands for Night Of Wrestling 9!

BOW Women's Championship Open Challenge:
Thea Davis (C) vs ???

BONUS Question: Who will the challenger be?

BOW Honour Championship Number One Contender Match:
Gram Gorman vs Konrad Makinen vs Padraig O'Hearne

Dangermouth (w/ Mo Adebola and The Northern Lights) vs Landon Mallory

Clubber Kohl (w/ Eva Berlin) vs ??? and ???

Billy Robinson (w/ Don Henderson) vs Nigel Svensson (w/ Fink Finkleton and Pavel Vanzycha)

The Foreign Legion vs Royal Air Force (w/ Nate Manchester)

Aud Valkyrie vs K.T. Devonshire

Bali Daljit vs ???*
*both competitors have been announced as participants in the upcoming House Of Madness Hardcore Championship Battle Royal match.

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BOW Women's Championship Open Challenge:
Thea Davis (C) vs ???
Comments: Thea isn't going to drop the title on her first open challenge.

BONUS Question: Who will the challenger be? Blair Kerrigan
Comments: Went looking through the database to try and figure out who would be a good challenger and I may be wrong, but I think one of The Dublin Gals could be a good first challenge for Thea.

BOW Honour Championship Number One Contender Match:
Gram Gorman vs Konrad Makinen vs Padraig O'Hearne
Comments: For me it is a toss up between Konrad and Padraig so I am going with Konrad.

Dangermouth w/ Mo Adebola and The Northern Lights vs Landon Mallory
Comments: Now knowing that this match is not a handicap match, I can see Landon winning, but I am pretty sure that Mo and the Lights will be up to shenanigans at ringside.

Clubber Kohl w/ Eva Berlin vs ??? and ???
Comments: Seeing one guy beat up multiple jobbers is always a delight.

Billy Robinson w/ Don Henderson vs Nigel Svensson w/ Fink Finkleton and Pavel Vanzycha
Comments: I simply like Nigel better than Pavel, so I think Nigel wins tonight and Pavel loses on the next show.

The Foreign Legion vs Royal Air Force w/ Nate Manchester
Comments: Royal Air Force has a storyline at the moment while The Foreign Legion I believe do not.

Aud Valkyrie vs K.T. Devonshire
Comments: Aud has a future match with Steph Blake, so unless Steph interferes, I think Aud beats Devonshire.

Bali Daljit vs ???*
*both competitors have been announced as participants in the upcoming House Of Madness Hardcore Championship Battle Royal match.
Comments: Normally I would not choose the ???, but since it mentions that both competitors will be in the Hardcore Championship Battle Royal, I think it will be a name that we have not seen before, and this match will be used to establish them.

Edited by KyTeran
Landon vs Dangermouth is not a handicap match.
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Thea Davis (C) 

BONUS Question: Who will the challenger be?
Comments: I have no better guess than above, one of the Dublin gals

Konrad Makinen

Dangermouth w/ Mo Adebola and The Northern Lights (edit: I agree with wrestling machine below, if this is not a handicap match it is probably landon winning, but I'll leave my choice as is!)

Clubber Kohl w/ Eva Berlin l

Billy Robinson w/ Don Henderson 

Royal Air Force w/ Nate Manchester

Aud Valkyrie 


Edited by smw88
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BOW Women's Championship Open Challenge: Thea Davis (C) vs ???

BONUS Question: Who will the challenger be? Steffi Chee

BOW Honour Championship Number One Contender Match: Gram Gorman vs Konrad Makinen vs Padraig O'Hearne
Comments: Let's push "Stone Cold Killer" hard lol

Dangermouth w/ Mo Adebola and The Northern Lights vs Landon Mallory
Comments: @azzak I may have misunderstood, but Northern Lights are going to be at ringside, right? If not and that's a 3v1 I'm changing my vote lol

Clubber Kohl w/ Eva Berlin vs ??? and ???
Comments: Squash time

Billy Robinson w/ Don Henderson vs Nigel Svensson w/ Fink Finkleton and Pavel Vanzycha

The Foreign Legion vs Royal Air Force w/ Nate Manchester

Aud Valkyrie vs K.T. Devonshire
Comments: I expect a Steph Blake interference in this one

Bali Daljit vs ???*
*both competitors have been announced as participants in the upcoming House Of Madness Hardcore Championship Battle Royal match.
Comments: this could be an easy match to present a new worker before the BR match

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6 hours ago, Wrestling Machine said:

Dangermouth w/ Mo Adebola and The Northern Lights vs Landon Mallory

Comments: @azzak I may have misunderstood, but Northern Lights are going to be at ringside, right? If not and that's a 3v1 I'm changing my vote lol

Apologies to everyone, there seems to be a little confusion surrounding this match. To confirm, it is Dangermouth vs Landon Mallory in a one on one match, with both members of The Northern Lights and Mo Adebola at ringside for Dangermouth. It should probably read Dangermouth (w/ Mo Adebola and The Northern Lights) vs Landon Mallory. When I'm next at my PC I'll change this, and stick to this style moving forward. @KyTeranand @smw88if you wish to change your prediction with this in mind then this is your warning to do so! Sorry all! 

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42 minutes ago, azzak said:

Apologies to everyone, there seems to be a little confusion surrounding this match. To confirm, it is Dangermouth vs Landon Mallory in a one on one match, with both members of The Northern Lights and Mo Adebola at ringside for Dangermouth. It should probably read Dangermouth (w/ Mo Adebola and The Northern Lights) vs Landon Mallory. When I'm next at my PC I'll change this, and stick to this style moving forward. @KyTeranand @smw88if you wish to change your prediction with this in mind then this is your warning to do so! Sorry all! 

No bother, I misread it on my phone and when I saw someone else also had I presumed that was the case. Rereading it I can see it was clear before.

I will stick with my choice, if landon is losing having three outside against him seems sufficient cover!

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BOW Night Of Wrestling #9 Match Card:

For the first time BOW holds a show outside of London, as they head to Birmingham in the Midlands for Night Of Wrestling 9!

BOW Women's Championship Open Challenge:
Thea Davis (C) vs ???
Comments: Seems like a good opportunity to introduce someone slightly less know from Europe.

BONUS Question: Who will the challenger be?
Comments: Blair Kerrigan is probably the best bet, but I'll go for someone different and say Maisie Laurels. She's young and talented and could be teamed up with Viper McKenna if needed.

BOW Honour Championship Number One Contender Match:
Gram Gorman vs Konrad Makinen vs Padraig O'Hearne
Comments: If I keep picking Paddy I'll eventually be right

Dangermouth w/ Mo Adebola and The Northern Lights vs Landon Mallory
Comments: The Northern Lights may be my boys, but I'll never bet against Landon Mallory!

Clubber Kohl w/ Eva Berlin vs ??? and ???
Comments: Clubber smash

Billy Robinson w/ Don Henderson vs Nigel Svensson w/ Fink Finkleton and Pavel Vanzycha
Comments: Tough one, but giving Nigel a win this week then have Pavel lose next week probably makes the most sense

The Foreign Legion vs Royal Air Force w/ Nate Manchester
Comments: The Royal Air Force will defend the skies of Britain from Foreign Legions!

Aud Valkyrie vs K.T. Devonshire
Comments: Steff Blake interference here?

Bali Daljit vs ???*
*both competitors have been announced as participants in the upcoming House Of Madness Hardcore Championship Battle Royal match.
Comments: The fact you've mentioned they'll be involved in a House of Madness match suggests it's not a jobber

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On 1/15/2024 at 5:21 PM, azzak said:

Hey, wake up! If you'd paid attention to the Honour division matches you would've scored better!

My bad, as soon as I see words like Honor and Pure I immediately fall asleep. Maybe if you can somehow trot Bryan Danielson out there then that would really move the needle.

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10 minutes ago, willr0ck said:

My bad, as soon as I see words like Honor and Pure I immediately fall asleep. Maybe if you can somehow trot Bryan Danielson out there then that would really move the needle.

Nah, just gonna have Stevie Stoat retain the belt once every three months for 1000+ days, that's gripping content, right? 

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2 hours ago, azzak said:

Nah, just gonna have Stevie Stoat retain the belt once every three months for 1000+ days, that's gripping content, right? 

Every 3 months!?!?!?!?! Why would you have him work such a busy schedule? The head of the table shouldn't be working so much.

My suggestion would be to create another title that seems like it's as prestigous, then give it to another member of the roster who is better at literally everything, then make sure your creative pushes the fact that this title really means jack shit, you basically just created it so your "top guy" can work an even lighter schedule. It will also help if you bring back a jobber and have him challenge for it, for no reason at all. -  You're welcome, I just figured out your creative for like the next 2 years.

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10 minutes ago, willr0ck said:

Every 3 months!?!?!?!?! Why would you have him work such a busy schedule? The head of the table shouldn't be working so much.

My suggestion would be to create another title that seems like it's as prestigous, then give it to another member of the roster who is better at literally everything, then make sure your creative pushes the fact that this title really means jack shit, you basically just created it so your "top guy" can work an even lighter schedule. It will also help if you bring back a jobber and have him challenge for it, for no reason at all. -  You're welcome, I just figured out your creative for like the next 2 years.

Can you put a spoiler tag on this please...

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Dunton Hall [on the phone]: Hello, I'm just in the middle of dinner, can this wait? [...] What's up then? [...] Ah, shit. [...] How bad is it? [...] Knee ligament damage, that's what? Two, three weeks? [...] A month? God damn it. He was going to be in the House Of Madness match. [...] He'll still make it? Are you sure? [...] Right, right, yeah if recovery goes well. Fingers crossed. How's he doing? [...] Good, tell him I said not to worry and to keep his spirits up. [...] That scumbag didn't even call him an Ambulance? [...] He didn't even pay for the taxi?! [...] Alright, well I'm gonna have to reconsider where I allow the guys to work if that's how Mark Carnie treats his employees. When the contracts are up at the end of the year I might have to start looking at exclusive deals. [...] Yeah, yeah. Give him my best, speak soon. Bye.

Dunton Hall spent the rest of his dinner trying to piece together how he could write the build of the House Of Madness match leading into the event without one of the key men of the match in Brilliant White able to wrestle.



Final call for predictions, folks, with the Hardcore division claiming it's first victim to injury before it's even started, courtesy of SNP!

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BOW Night Of Wrestling #9 Match Card:


BOW Women's Championship Open Challenge:
Thea Davis (C) vs ???
Comments: I can't possibly think of who ??? could be. I have so many questions about this mystery person. It's practically puzzling. Regardless though I can safely predict that Davis unquestionably gets the win here.

BONUS Question: Who will the challenger be?
Comments: Jack Bruce

BOW Honour Championship Number One Contender Match:
Gram Gorman vs Konrad Makinen vs Padraig O'Hearne
Comments: Oh God, not more of this again. Konrad is clearly the raddest of the bunch. His technical style is so radically ahead of the other guys, which Mak-inen's him the King Of The Rest Holds!

Dangermouth (w/ Mo Adebola) and The Northern Lights vs Landon Mallory
Comments: All these peeps at ringside create quite the dangerous situation for Mallory. Clearly he's found himself in the mouth of danger! With that being said, it may be dangerous to make this pick but I'm going with Dangermouth. (Honestly, I'm picking DM because everyone else seems to like Mallory here so I felt bad for him. I didn't want him to have low self esteem.)

Clubber Kohl (w/ Eva Berlin) vs ??? and ???
Comments: I don't care who you trot out there to face him, Clubber gives them both the clubbing of their lives. And not club you got to to party, the other club, you know the one that you use to beat the shit out of people! If he doesn't induct ??? & ??? into the "I just got murdered" club we riot!!!

Billy Robinson (w/ Don Henderson) vs Nigel Svensson (w/ Fink Finkleton and Pavel Vanzycha)
Comments: Nigel Svensson Robs Robinson of the win here. Some would say it's highway Robinson-ery!

The Foreign Legion vs Royal Air Force (w/ Nate Manchester)
Comments: The FL are overwhelemed by the power of the force! Their legion will surely topple from the force of those massive gusts of royal air.

Aud Valkyrie vs K.T. Devonshire
Comments:  Aud sends K.T. back to the Devon-shire with a big fat L. (Again, almost everyone else thinks Blake will interfere and give K.T. the win so I'm picking Aud here. I'm a rebel!)

Bali Daljit vs ???*
*both competitors have been announced as participants in the upcoming House Of Madness Hardcore Championship Battle Royal match.
Comments: This isn't Bollywood so ??? gets the win and Dajit's movie doesn't get a happy ending. Bali gave it good effort though, but try as he might he just couldn't Daj-it ???'s powerful offense.


Meh, this one's only slightly punny - I've done better


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British Omega Wrestling
Night Of Wrestling #9
Wednesday Week 1 April 2020
Birmingham, Midlands


MartinBloydell.jpg.6b74f0f01d3da4de86a2a803ae0b6eb6.jpg MelanieFlorence.jpg.cd2faf4e82985880ae7e3f6267f7586e.jpg JackieGoldstein.jpg.8a12e3a4ff1e739c9b5027bf82fecf75.jpg

The BOW broadcast team: Martin Bloydell, Melanie Florence and Jackie Goldstein.

Martin Bloydell: Ladies and gentlemen welcome to BOW Night Of Wrestling, coming to you live from Birmingham. We hope you had an egg-cellent Easter weekend and are ready for a cracking show ahead!

Melanie Florence: Oh boy… I can’t even deal with those terrible puns Martin. Ahem. Coming up first we have women’s division action as Aud Valkyrie takes on K.T. Devonshire in our opening contest.

Jackie Goldstein: Both women are looking to redeem themselves after losses in their last outings, with Devonshire failing to win the Women’s Championship from Thea Davis, and Valkyrie who lost to Viper McKenna thanks to interference from the debuting Steph Blake.


Match One:

AudValkyrie.jpg.f7c490cef57a9bba9c55101dff1ec81e.jpg vs.jpg.a11bff829f5b09420099e0de65c8db7d.jpg KatyaKornishkova.jpg.74030d832bae7c8a6d0b19044ed1f79c.jpg
Aud Valkyrie vs K.T. Devonshire

The show’s opening contest saw Aud Valkyrie and K.T. Devonshire square off in a match that lasted eight minutes. Both women had their moments in what was a very run-of-the-mill match that was more focused on engaging the audience ahead of the rest of the show. Valkyrie scored the win in a rather unorthodox manner, showing her versatility as she forced K.T. Devonshire to submit to an Octopus Hold.

Winner by submission: Aud Valkyrie


Valkyrie’s arm was raised in triumph for but a moment before she was attacked, Steph Blake continuing the heated animosity between these two women by laying out Valkyrie for a second time. Not to be outdone by Valkyrie’s attack on her last week, Steph Blake sought out a table from beneath the ring, taking sick satisfaction in slamming Valkyrie through the wooden structure.


Nicole Phillips is with JK Lee backstage.

Aurora.jpg.090c38086217174d797ec67576279e3a.jpg JKLee.jpg.31f9a7719beda904188a42e4a624f748.jpg

Nicole Phillips: JK Lee, last week you cost Jason Dempsey his Honour Championship match against Lenny Mochin. Why?
JK Lee: Your focus is on the wrong match. You see, last week there was a trios match, where the winners are facing off in a three-way match tonight to determine the next contender for the Honour title. But clearly I’ve not done enough around here to impress management because I wasn’t in that trios match. So I took things into my own hands, and now management knows exactly who I am.

JK Lee stops speaking when Christian Blithe enters the frame.


Christian Blithe: You know you weren’t the only one disappointed not to be in that trios match? But there are better ways to get yourself noticed around here. If it’s opportunity you want, why don’t we have ourselves a match next week and show management exactly what they’re missing out on?

JK Lee nods as neither he nor Blithe break eye contact.


Match Two:

ClubberKohl.jpg.34df0dbcd868a97b2ebbfdcc8b826336.jpg EvaBerlin.jpg.6d47331e4bbdd540bb5e00ae992aa1a9.jpg vs.jpg.a11bff829f5b09420099e0de65c8db7d.jpg Rave.jpg.ff4256ca5200a73aa156cdac7d7cee9d.jpgTrance.jpg.761e56180b526544abb1b10b0b2bd364.jpg
Clubber Kohl (w/ Eva Berlin) vs The Party Animals

The two victims plucked out for The War Dog Clubber Kohl to destroy turned out to be The Party Animals Rave and Trance, former jobbers for 21CW in a three-year stint for that national promotion. They lasted less than three minutes against Kohl, who absolutely annihilated the tag team, ending things with an impressive feat of strength by carrying them both on a single shoulder to land his Hamburg Express on two men in one go.

Winner via pinfall: Clubber Kohl


Eva Berlin pushes away the referee to raise Kohl’s arm in victory before she speaks into a microphone.

ClubberKohl.jpg.34df0dbcd868a97b2ebbfdcc8b826336.jpg EvaBerlin.jpg.6d47331e4bbdd540bb5e00ae992aa1a9.jpg

Eva Berlin: It is time for The War Dog to stop playing with the scraps and get what he is owed. A shot at the BOW World Championship.

Berlin is suddenly cut off by the titan tron begins to play a video. It’s ‘The Dread Pirate’ Hugh de Aske. But gone is the bandana and the eyeliner, the dreadlocks are tied away, and nestled in some fresh, thick stubble is a terse grimace which was once a jovial smile.


Hugh de Aske: Kohl, before you commandeered your way into my life, I was happy sailing the seas, riding the crazy open waters of professional wrestling. But when you plundered away my World title, you also stole a part of me. I tried to stay the happy-go-lucky Pirate, but what little was left of him was killed when you left me a beaten, battered, bloody mess at For Whom The Bell Tolls. Now I’m not just a pirate, but a vigilante too. And I’m coming for you.

Before Eva and Kohl even have a chance to respond, The War Dog is pounced on from behind by the new look Hugh de Aske. The Vigilante Pirate lays several blows into his nemesis, with Kohl managing to land a few as a retort before being smuggled out of the ring by his handler Berlin.


Match Three:

BaliDaljit.jpg.6a4ec4ebd7a2d83edc715af7bee9dc66.jpg vs.jpg.a11bff829f5b09420099e0de65c8db7d.jpg Stuntman.jpg.57d5a101c61b59d32c89d39ee6629b7b.jpg
Bali Daljit vs Stuntman

Daljit’s mystery opponent was the debuting Stuntman, who last wrestled in the UK as Simon Ice before moving across the pond and developing his new devil may care, show stealing SOB character. While much of this match was high risk aerial action, both men possess an underrated technical ability between the ropes that added substance to the construction of the bout. The commentators put over how both men will be part of the House Of Madness match at the Madness event, with the combat showing how both men have the explosive, exciting style that compliments the soon-to-debut Hardcore title. Despite a solid outing for his debut, Stuntman was put away by Daljit after seven minutes with a graceful Shooting Star Press.

Winner by pinfall: Bali Daljit



Right as Bali Daljit looked into the camera and gestured for the championship to be around his waist, he was grabbed by Stuntman. Stuntman extended his hand out for Daljit, who dutifully accepted. But mid-shake, Stuntman cemented himself as a heel in his new home by delivering a swift kick to Daljit below the belt.



Nicole Phillips is stood backstage with Steffi Chee.

Aurora.jpg.090c38086217174d797ec67576279e3a.jpg SteffiChee.jpg.c374af9e09ac8aba68e587ff43c5bade.jpg

Nicole Phillips: Steffi Chee, last week you scored what many considered to be an upset victory over Karen Bilous. How do you feel after this win and what’s next for you?

Steffi Chee: I’m riding high after last week Nicole, that’s for sure. And for those calling my win a fluke or an upset, well you can keep underestimating me, but you do so at your own peril, eh. As for what’s next, well I’ve won titles in America, I’ve won titles in Canada, and I’ve won titles in Europe. And I’d love to add the UK to that list.

Viper McKenna: Oh you would, would ya?

Viper McKenna walks into the shot.


Viper McKenna: Well, you’re not the only one with your eyes on the title. So, if you’re looking for a title shot then that means you’re in my way. And I don’t take too kindly to people in my way.

Steffi Chee: That sounds like a challenge to me, Viper. Why don’t you and I settle this in the ring next week?

Viper McKenna: You’re on.

Both women exchange a tense stare down before departing in opposite directions.




As Thea Davis waits in the ring, her mystery challenger’s music hits, and arriving on the entrance stage is the Irish technician, ‘Classy’ Cassie O’Peter.


Cassie O’Peter: Thea, our paths have crossed before in Europe. I have admired you for many years, you have been an inspiration for me personally. But when I heard about your open challenge last week, I knew I had to be the one to accept. You may have been an inspiration, but now it’s time for me to step out from your shadow and make things around here a little more… Classy.


Match Four:

BOW Women's Championship:

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Thea Davis (C) vs Cassie O'Peter

Perhaps a little blinded by the bright lights of the biggest show she’s ever performed in, Cassie O'Peter was really off her game against ‘The Red Queen’ Thea Davis. The champion, ever the consummate professional, was able to carry the rookie to an adequate match, scoring a routine victory with her Flying Elbow Drop after nine minutes. The commentary team put over how Davis’ open challenge will continue next week, as BOW continues to add some depth to their women’s division.

Winner by pinfall and still BOW Women's Champion: Thea Davis


Match Five:

NigelSvensson.jpg.e3e812d4816f08c7bb5c2aee4595b897.jpg FinkFinkleton.jpg.43bb45f9a0c2b018ee0d7b6835879eae.jpg PavelVanzycha.jpg.ed0a58f079d9c16a30efb5d8b561489a.jpg vs.jpg.a11bff829f5b09420099e0de65c8db7d.jpg BillyRobinson.jpg.9e852753cc15d56e50c87ac4c7e7b1ff.jpg DonHenderson.jpg.572457e73b63523dcb8d83fd68f8e994.jpg
Nigel Svensson (w/ Fink Finkleton and Pavel Vanzycha) vs Billy Robinson (w/ Don Henderson)

The opening contest in the ‘singles series’ between the BOW Tag Team Champions The Shooters and their challengers Vanzycha & Svensson saw Billy Robinson against Nigel Svensson, with both their teammates at ringside. Commentary put over how these two men actually teamed together in Japan under the name ‘The Hurt’ for former PGHW developmental promotion SAISHO, right up until January when Svensson walked out on the company, leaving Robinson high and dry. But the two competitors didn’t need the backstory to get the crowd buzzing, as they stole the show with a fantastic match that lasted over thirteen minutes. Technical wrestling dominated the proceedings as expected, and Nigel Svensson scored a huge win in not only beating his former partner, but by forcing him to tap out to his Hyper Extension Arm Lock.

Winner by submission: Nigel Svensson.


In the ring under dim lights, Night Spyder stands with Laurel Wreath by his side.

NightSpyder.jpg.00451ad6c056318493b23a32dd600e92.jpg LaurelWreath.jpg.6b50591ac32d5af1d1f958533ee3fa7d.jpg

Night Spyder: Matthew, did you think things were over between us? Things will never be over between us. You are my muse, Matthew. For as long as there is light in your eyes and air in my lungs, things between you and I shall never end. We are connected, you and I. Shackled together by chains forged in the depths of darkness. Wherever you go I am bound by duty to follow. Much like last week, Matthew. 

Night Spyder turns to Wreath and caresses her cheek.

Night Spyder: The Devil’s Damsel whispers his message in my ear, and he commands that I hurt you. You live your life with such recklessness, with such negligence to consequence. There must always be consequences Matthew. The Devil decrees it. And he has entrusted me with delivering consequence unto you. So that is what I will do until there is no more air in my lungs. I will hunt you and I will hurt you until the close the lid on my cold, lifeless corpse and return me to his Unholy Paradise.


Match Six:



JonMichaelSharp.jpg.8892a57ced0a94b2e15baacacc61a2cd.jpgMartinHeath.jpg.4a46751e78e7a2e2b5ce1fde3476dde9.jpg NateManchester.jpg.e337e77a59fdc25aa0c35f8ac3da8f13.jpg
The Foreign Legion vs Royal Air Force (w/ Nate Manchester)

Yet again tag team wrestling continues to provide the best in-ring action for British Omega Wrestling, as The Foreign Legion and Royal Air Force were able to follow Svensson and Robinson with a match that kept the crowd pumped up. The Foreign Legion continue to be an underrated act for the promotion, being part of some of the company’s best contests between the ropes, and you must think they’re going to earn themselves a little more time under the spotlight soon. For now though, this bout was about Royal Air Force, who returned to winning ways when Jon Michael Sharp pinned Pierre DuPont with the Disarmer after ten minutes.

Winners by pinfall: Royal Air Force


JonMichaelSharp.jpg.8892a57ced0a94b2e15baacacc61a2cd.jpg MartinHeath.jpg.4a46751e78e7a2e2b5ce1fde3476dde9.jpg NateManchester.jpg.e337e77a59fdc25aa0c35f8ac3da8f13.jpg LouiePeyton_alt.jpg.f8ee8510f7d5fe38d67c6488ee219e2d.jpg StefanRaynor_alt.jpg.b82bdf3b6346da23d8ca73bb477187bd.jpg

Seeking revenge for the Three Lions preventing their interference last week, The Assassins’ Guild jumped Royal Air Force after the match. Nate Manchester, who had been ringside for the match, quickly aided his teammates, giving the numbers advantages to the babyfaces as the fighting made it’s way up the entrance ramp.

A Thunder Punch from out of nowhere by a sneering Colin Picalo wiped out Manchester though, giving The Assassins’ Guild the opening to retreat.



Match Seven:

Dangermouth.jpg.f7f84e8e952c26d4657cc0a232ce4e32.jpg MoAdebola.jpg.295921a2751c0da146dce05f56fdb377.jpg AltonVicious.jpg.794fd667a8868add462e97860c948ae0.jpg RiddickJordan.jpg.708c7c499503acff26009480cf246b40.jpg vs.jpg.a11bff829f5b09420099e0de65c8db7d.jpg LandonMallory.jpg.253c3fa199cf6feb6326a63e65720379.jpg
Dangermouth (w/ Mo Adebola and The Northern Lights) vs Landon Mallory

A third strong match in a row saw Landon Mallory take on the Grime Music Mogul Dangermouth, who was accompanied by his lawyer Mo Adebola and Danger Zone stablemates in The Northern Lights. This hard-hitting seven minute brawl saw Mallory fighting at a disadvantage, remaining cautious of the threat of the menacing Alton Vicious and Riddick Jordan at ringside. One on one with Dangermouth, the experience of Mallory gave him full control, a fact not lost on Adebola, who instructed The Northern Lights to interject themselves. Before the duo could get involved, however, Eric Future and Petey Barnes ran down to the ringside area, brawling with the two men who have been terrorising them since BOW’s inception. Left to fight for himself, Dangermouth was put down by Mallory with the Springbok Ram for the win.

Winner by pinfall: Landon Mallory


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The brawl between The Northern Lights and Future X continued at ringside, with a frustrated Dangermouth joining the fight beside his teammates. With the numbers advantage, Danger Zone were in control, until the arrival of The X Force’s Christopher Lister and Jase Cole sent the heel group into retreat. For the second time The X Force extended their hands to Future X, but Barnes and Future rejected the offer of friendship yet again, walking away.

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Martin Bloydell: I’m getting word that Dunton Hall has just booked a tag team match for next week, he says that it’s going to be Future X vs The X Force in a rematch from the Tag Team Tournament semi-final!

Jackie Goldstein: Hold up Martin, look at the ring!



Meanwhile, Landon Mallory was left alone in the ring, having seen the entire brawl unfold. Unfortunately for him that meant he was distracted, as Walker van Cleer slid into the ring and drove a steel chair into the back of Mallory with a sickening thud. As Landon Mallory writhed around on the ring mat in pain, Walker looked down on him with bitter disdain. 



Match Eight:

GramGorman.jpg.6b2faa25cd091a08457295a429619363.jpg vs.jpg.a11bff829f5b09420099e0de65c8db7d.jpg KonradMakinen.jpg.054a1671de6bcbb3d6c29a41e22700c4.jpg vs.jpg.a11bff829f5b09420099e0de65c8db7d.jpg PadraigOHearne.jpg.44177495219516a0357c3c24bcde0e04.jpg
Gram Gorman vs Konrad Makinen vs Padraig O'Hearne

Three prominent babyfaces of the BOW mid-card met in the main event of this week’s Night Of Wrestling, with the number one contender’s spot for the Honour Championship at stake. The champion Lenny Mochin made his presence felt, stonily watching the thirteen-minute match as he sat on a steel chair next to the commentary team.



He had the best seat in the house, getting to witness a great match unfold. The three competitors had the crowd in the palm of their hands the entire time, perfectly balancing fans on bated breath with each near fall. Padraig O’Hearne managed to break up Konrad Makinen’s Swedish Grapevine on Gram Gorman at the last second, leaving the two in the ring together. Makinen and O’Hearne go for broke, swinging at each other with wild punches. O’Hearne manages to gain control, and lifts Makinen in position for his Crowning Glory. But before he can hit the move, he’s attacked from behind by two men. 

MerleOCurle.jpg.bac957ef685b832c3e18836a8edb79d8.jpg JoeyBeauchamp.jpg.d7f59cf17cdaf76aa3b781096317db65.jpg

Merle O’Curle and Joey Beauchamp pounce on Padraig, battering him to the mat. Konrad Makinen stirs, but he too is taken down by the two grizzled veterans. With Makinen and O’Hearne at their feet, Merle O’Curle and Joey Beauchamp smirk in satisfaction before taking their leave. Makinen is the first to his feet again, but is met by Gram Gorman, unaware of the beatdown that ensued, who hits the groggy Swede with his Gorman-Aghast to become the number one contender.

Winner by pinfall: Gram Gorman


Edited by azzak
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On 1/15/2024 at 11:20 PM, KyTeran said:

BOW Women's Championship Open Challenge:
Thea Davis (C) vs ???
Comments: Thea isn't going to drop the title on her first open challenge.

BONUS Question: Who will the challenger be? Blair Kerrigan
Comments: Went looking through the database to try and figure out who would be a good challenger and I may be wrong, but I think one of The Dublin Gals could be a good first challenge for Thea.

BOW Honour Championship Number One Contender Match:
Gram Gorman vs Konrad Makinen vs Padraig O'Hearne
Comments: For me it is a toss up between Konrad and Padraig so I am going with Konrad.

Dangermouth w/ Mo Adebola and The Northern Lights vs Landon Mallory
Comments: Now knowing that this match is not a handicap match, I can see Landon winning, but I am pretty sure that Mo and the Lights will be up to shenanigans at ringside.

Clubber Kohl w/ Eva Berlin vs ??? and ???
Comments: Seeing one guy beat up multiple jobbers is always a delight.

Billy Robinson w/ Don Henderson vs Nigel Svensson w/ Fink Finkleton and Pavel Vanzycha
Comments: I simply like Nigel better than Pavel, so I think Nigel wins tonight and Pavel loses on the next show.

The Foreign Legion vs Royal Air Force w/ Nate Manchester
Comments: Royal Air Force has a storyline at the moment while The Foreign Legion I believe do not.

Aud Valkyrie vs K.T. Devonshire
Comments: Aud has a future match with Steph Blake, so unless Steph interferes, I think Aud beats Devonshire.

Bali Daljit vs ???*
*both competitors have been announced as participants in the upcoming House Of Madness Hardcore Championship Battle Royal match.
Comments: Normally I would not choose the ???, but since it mentions that both competitors will be in the Hardcore Championship Battle Royal, I think it will be a name that we have not seen before, and this match will be used to establish them.

You were so close with Blair Kerrigan! When I saw your prediction I was like damn, I wish he had just gone the other way! Your thought process was entirely correct, and I've even gone as far as to prepare a render for Kerrigan, but I had gone for O'Peter because of two reasons, 1. She's a technician, whereas Kerrigan is a high flyer which is much easier to come across in C-Verse women's wrestling and 2. She's more entertaining on the mic and I had the opening confrontation in mind for whoever accepted the challenge. 

On 1/16/2024 at 12:15 AM, smw88 said:

Thea Davis (C) 

BONUS Question: Who will the challenger be?
Comments: I have no better guess than above, one of the Dublin gals

Konrad Makinen

Dangermouth w/ Mo Adebola and The Northern Lights (edit: I agree with wrestling machine below, if this is not a handicap match it is probably landon winning, but I'll leave my choice as is!)

Clubber Kohl w/ Eva Berlin l

Billy Robinson w/ Don Henderson 

Royal Air Force w/ Nate Manchester

Aud Valkyrie 


I felt as though Bali Daljit needed a win over ??? (who turned out to be Stuntman) more than the debuting wrestler needed the win himself. Daljit hasn't really had too much to shout about in BOW yet, and I wanted to make him seem like a more legitimate contender headed into the House Of Madness match. Stuntman on the other hand benefitted from the post-match low blow to establish his character after already looking strong in defeat.

On 1/16/2024 at 2:36 AM, Wrestling Machine said:

BOW Women's Championship Open Challenge: Thea Davis (C) vs ???

BONUS Question: Who will the challenger be? Steffi Chee

BOW Honour Championship Number One Contender Match: Gram Gorman vs Konrad Makinen vs Padraig O'Hearne
Comments: Let's push "Stone Cold Killer" hard lol

Dangermouth w/ Mo Adebola and The Northern Lights vs Landon Mallory
Comments: @azzak I may have misunderstood, but Northern Lights are going to be at ringside, right? If not and that's a 3v1 I'm changing my vote lol

Clubber Kohl w/ Eva Berlin vs ??? and ???
Comments: Squash time

Billy Robinson w/ Don Henderson vs Nigel Svensson w/ Fink Finkleton and Pavel Vanzycha

The Foreign Legion vs Royal Air Force w/ Nate Manchester

Aud Valkyrie vs K.T. Devonshire
Comments: I expect a Steph Blake interference in this one

Bali Daljit vs ???*
*both competitors have been announced as participants in the upcoming House Of Madness Hardcore Championship Battle Royal match.
Comments: this could be an easy match to present a new worker before the BR match

Konrad's time is sure to come, but for now it looks like he's wrapped up in some stuff with Merle O'Curle and the debuting Joey Beauchamp. 

On 1/16/2024 at 2:59 PM, Charasmatic Enigma said:

BOW Night Of Wrestling #9 Match Card:

For the first time BOW holds a show outside of London, as they head to Birmingham in the Midlands for Night Of Wrestling 9!

BOW Women's Championship Open Challenge:
Thea Davis (C) vs ???
Comments: Seems like a good opportunity to introduce someone slightly less know from Europe.

BONUS Question: Who will the challenger be?
Comments: Blair Kerrigan is probably the best bet, but I'll go for someone different and say Maisie Laurels. She's young and talented and could be teamed up with Viper McKenna if needed.

BOW Honour Championship Number One Contender Match:
Gram Gorman vs Konrad Makinen vs Padraig O'Hearne
Comments: If I keep picking Paddy I'll eventually be right

Dangermouth w/ Mo Adebola and The Northern Lights vs Landon Mallory
Comments: The Northern Lights may be my boys, but I'll never bet against Landon Mallory!

Clubber Kohl w/ Eva Berlin vs ??? and ???
Comments: Clubber smash

Billy Robinson w/ Don Henderson vs Nigel Svensson w/ Fink Finkleton and Pavel Vanzycha
Comments: Tough one, but giving Nigel a win this week then have Pavel lose next week probably makes the most sense

The Foreign Legion vs Royal Air Force w/ Nate Manchester
Comments: The Royal Air Force will defend the skies of Britain from Foreign Legions!

Aud Valkyrie vs K.T. Devonshire
Comments: Steff Blake interference here?

Bali Daljit vs ???*
*both competitors have been announced as participants in the upcoming House Of Madness Hardcore Championship Battle Royal match.
Comments: The fact you've mentioned they'll be involved in a House of Madness match suggests it's not a jobber

Steph Blake did attack Aud, you're right, but unfortunately for you not until after Valkyrie had already bested young Devonshire.

16 hours ago, willr0ck said:

BOW Night Of Wrestling #9 Match Card:


BOW Women's Championship Open Challenge:
Thea Davis (C) vs ???
Comments: I can't possibly think of who ??? could be. I have so many questions about this mystery person. It's practically puzzling. Regardless though I can safely predict that Davis unquestionably gets the win here.

BONUS Question: Who will the challenger be?
Comments: Jack Bruce

BOW Honour Championship Number One Contender Match:
Gram Gorman vs Konrad Makinen vs Padraig O'Hearne
Comments: Oh God, not more of this again. Konrad is clearly the raddest of the bunch. His technical style is so radically ahead of the other guys, which Mak-inen's him the King Of The Rest Holds!

Dangermouth (w/ Mo Adebola) and The Northern Lights vs Landon Mallory
Comments: All these peeps at ringside create quite the dangerous situation for Mallory. Clearly he's found himself in the mouth of danger! With that being said, it may be dangerous to make this pick but I'm going with Dangermouth. (Honestly, I'm picking DM because everyone else seems to like Mallory here so I felt bad for him. I didn't want him to have low self esteem.)

Clubber Kohl (w/ Eva Berlin) vs ??? and ???
Comments: I don't care who you trot out there to face him, Clubber gives them both the clubbing of their lives. And not club you got to to party, the other club, you know the one that you use to beat the shit out of people! If he doesn't induct ??? & ??? into the "I just got murdered" club we riot!!!

Billy Robinson (w/ Don Henderson) vs Nigel Svensson (w/ Fink Finkleton and Pavel Vanzycha)
Comments: Nigel Svensson Robs Robinson of the win here. Some would say it's highway Robinson-ery!

The Foreign Legion vs Royal Air Force (w/ Nate Manchester)
Comments: The FL are overwhelemed by the power of the force! Their legion will surely topple from the force of those massive gusts of royal air.

Aud Valkyrie vs K.T. Devonshire
Comments:  Aud sends K.T. back to the Devon-shire with a big fat L. (Again, almost everyone else thinks Blake will interfere and give K.T. the win so I'm picking Aud here. I'm a rebel!)

Bali Daljit vs ???*
*both competitors have been announced as participants in the upcoming House Of Madness Hardcore Championship Battle Royal match.
Comments: This isn't Bollywood so ??? gets the win and Dajit's movie doesn't get a happy ending. Bali gave it good effort though, but try as he might he just couldn't Daj-it ???'s powerful offense.


Meh, this one's only slightly punny - I've done better


Jack Bruce was not a consideration for the BOW Women's Championship Open Challenge, no.

Prediction Results:

Possibly the toughest round was fairly even keel, with KyTeran just edging the rest of the pack.

@KyTeran - 6/9

@Charasmatic Enigma - 5/9

@smw88 - 5/9

@willr0ck - 5/9

@Wrestling Machine - 5/9


@KyTeran - 20/25

@Charasmatic Enigma - 19/25

@Wrestling Machine - 19/25

@willr0ck - 18/25

@smw88 - 10/17

I have an interesting idea that I'm considering for this season of predictions, in which every point matters and every participant will get to influence the game world in some way. More on this in the lead up to Madness.

Here is the match card for the next show:

BOW Night Of Wrestling #10

BOW Women's Championship Open Challenge:
Thea Davis (C) vs ???

Who will be Thea Davis' challenger this week?

Don Henderson (w/ Billy Robinson) vs Pavel Vanzycha (w/ Fink Finkleton and Nigel Svensson)

The X Force vs Future X

Three Lions vs Magnus Cage and Ward & Owen

Night Spyder vs Gordon Leve

Christian Blithe vs JK Lee

Hardcore Match:
Cain Carlile (w/ Marbella) vs Puffy The Sand Iron Player*
*both competitors have been announced as participants in the upcoming House Of Madness Hardcore Championship Battle Royal match.

Steffi Chee vs Viper McKenna

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Thea Davis (C) 

Who will be Thea Davis' challenger this week?
Comments: Aud Valkyrie (no idea)

Don Henderson (w/ Billy Robinson) 

The X Force 

Three Lions 

 Gordon Leve

JK Lee

Cain Carlile (w/ Marbella) 

Viper McKenna

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