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BOW: A New Home For British Wrestling (C-Verse)

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12 hours ago, azzak said:

I have an interesting idea that I'm considering for this season of predictions, in which every point matters and every participant will get to influence the game world in some way. More on this in the lead up to Madness.

I'm sure something cool will come out of it!


BOW Night Of Wrestling #10

BOW Women's Championship Open Challenge: Thea Davis (C) vs ???
Comments: I think the open challenge cliché could have Thea Davis make some more defenses before dropping the belt

Who will be Thea Davis' challenger this week? Jeri Behr
Comments: I'll be honest, not confident on this pick lol

Don Henderson (w/ Billy Robinson) vs Pavel Vanzycha (w/ Fink Finkleton and Nigel Svensson)
Comments: Tiyng last week defeat by Robinson

The X Force vs Future X
Comments: The tensions between the two teams are very interesting, but I expect a handshake at the end of the match

Three Lions vs Magnus Cage and Ward & Owen

Night Spyder vs Gordon Leve

Christian Blithe vs JK Lee

Hardcore Match: Cain Carlile (w/ Marbella) vs Puffy The Sand Iron Player
Comments: Who da hell is Puffy The Sand Iron Player? lol I'm betting on him

Steffi Chee vs Viper McKenna

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BOW Women's Championship Open Challenge:
Thea Davis (C) vs ???
Comments: I like Thea's open challenge, but I think whoever beats her for the title will have some build up for their match.

Who will be Thea Davis' challenger this week? Maise Laurels or Blair Kerrigan
Comments: Both these options can make sense considering Thea beat Cassie O'Peter on the last show. Maise is Cassie's girlfriend at the start of the game and unless they broke up it would make sense for her to challenge Thea and Blair is the other half of The Dublin Gals so Thea fighting both of them makes sense as well.  I will say that I think Maise is a better entertainer and may be the better choice if you have a promo before the match like for Cassie.

Don Henderson (w/ Billy Robinson) vs Pavel Vanzycha (w/ Fink Finkleton and Nigel Svensson)
Comments: Nigel won on the last show so I think Don gets the win here and makes it 1-1 before their tag clash.

The X Force vs Future X
Comments: I like both teams, but one of them is the Future of the tag division.  I will not apologize for that pun.

Three Lions vs Magnus Cage and Ward & Owen
Comments: Oh look its Ward & Owen, I think NWF is influencing my decision here because every time I see their name my first thought is that they are losing.

Night Spyder vs Gordon Leve
Comments: I feel like Night Spyder is one of the favorites to win the Hardcore title so I don't see him losing to Gordon.

Christian Blithe vs JK Lee
Comments: I feel like Lee is looking to prove himself tonight.

Hardcore Match:
Cain Carlile (w/ Marbella) vs Puffy The Sand Iron Player*
*both competitors have been announced as participants in the upcoming House Of Madness Hardcore Championship Battle Royal match.
Comments: I am sorry Puffy, but I think you're hitting a triple bogey tonight.

Steffi Chee vs Viper McKenna
Comments: I think Viper has a better shot at challenging for the title than Steffi at the moment due to Viper since if I am correct Thea should be a face and Viper is a heel, also if I am right about Maise, it could help set up a future match with Viper since Maise is her sidekick in EWA.

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BOW Night Of Wrestling #10

BOW Women's Championship Open Challenge:
Thea Davis (C) vs ???
Comments: I like the Open Challenge schtick, but can't see Thea dropping the title in one of these segments

Who will be Thea Davis' challenger this week?
Comments: Sticking to my guns and saying Maisie Laurels

Don Henderson (w/ Billy Robinson) vs Pavel Vanzycha (w/ Fink Finkleton and Nigel Svensson)

The X Force vs Future X

Three Lions vs Magnus Cage and Ward & Owen

Night Spyder vs Gordon Leve

Christian Blithe vs JK Lee

Hardcore Match:
Cain Carlile (w/ Marbella) vs Puffy The Sand Iron Player*
*both competitors have been announced as participants in the upcoming House Of Madness Hardcore Championship Battle Royal match.
Comments: Cain can't do hardcore stuff, so backing the angry golfer

Steffi Chee vs Viper McKenna
Comments: If my pick of Maisie is correct, Viper could become more important by her association

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I have an interesting idea that I'm considering for this season of predictions, in which every point matters and every participant will get to influence the game world in some way. More on this in the lead up to Madness.

Chlamydia??? -  I mean technically that's a gift that keeps on giving, ZING!!! (Sorry, had to be done)




BOW Night Of Wrestling #10

BOW Women's Championship Open Challenge:
Thea Davis (C) vs ???
Comments: Why does ??? keep getting title shots? Me thinks your booking is getting a bit questionable. The-a champ retains here!

Who will be Thea Davis' challenger this week?
Comments: Tommy Cornell

Don Henderson (w/ Billy Robinson) vs Pavel Vanzycha (w/ Fink Finkleton and Nigel Svensson)
Comments: Becuase of the whole each tag guy gets a win then they have a tag match thing. Vince would be proud of your booking here! "Good shit pal!!!" (I can't think of a good pun here)

The X Force vs Future X
Comments: The stars from the future use their overwhelming force to get the win here!

Three Lions vs Magnus Cage and Ward & Owen
Comments: Seriously, three dudes wrestling live lions. How could this go anyother way. Let's just hope no one dies. (No pun here either, it's just too easy to do Lion puns. I'd be Li-on to you if it wasn't! And I want to be honest here.)

Night Spyder vs Gordon Leve
Comments: Gordon Leve may have nights where he is victorious but tonght is not his night! Night Spyder Leve-s the arena the victor tonight.

Christian Blithe vs JK Lee
Comments: Meh, Lee is clearly the less talented wrestler, JK! Lee gets the win here! (that was weak, I can do better)

Hardcore Match:
Cain Carlile (w/ Marbella) vs Puffy The Sand Iron Player*
*both competitors have been announced as participants in the upcoming House Of Madness Hardcore Championship Battle Royal match.
Comments: Okay, no pun here. I will continue to pick the dude weilding a f%$king golf club in a hardcore match every time!

Steffi Chee vs Viper McKenna
Comments: The only way Steffi should win here is if she's a dirty rotten Chee-ter! And she's not so Viper wins. 



The puns were weak sauce today! I'll try harder next time.



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British Omega Wrestling
Night Of Wrestling #10
Wednesday, Week 2, April 2020
Bristol, Southern England


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The BOW broadcast team: Martin Bloydell, Melanie Florence and Jackie Goldstein.


Match One:

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Christian Blithe vs JK Lee

Despite the opening match only lasting eight minutes, and JK Lee and Christian Blithe struggling to get on the same page, not really clicking as opponents, this still turned out to be a very strong match. The two men took their frustration at being overlooked in the hunt for a new Honour Championship contender out on each other. It was another man letting his anger out that brought about the end of this match though, when Jason Dempsey ran in to attack JK Lee, resulting in a disqualification. 

Winner by disqualification: JK Lee


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Unfazed by the chime of the ring bell, Dempsey continued to stomp away at Lee. It took Blithe to drag Dempsey away, ripping into Jason for costing him the match. Dempsey himself became irate at Blithe for pulling him away from his revenge assault of Lee, who had snuck away. Instead, Blithe and Dempsey’s squabbling turned into fist throwing before the referees pulled the two apart.


Match Two:

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Steffi Chee vs Viper McKenna

Two women looking to thrust themselves into title contention came head-to-head in a short match that only went for little over six minutes. The quick back-and-forth match came to it’s conclusion when Viper McKenna locked Steffi Chee in her Single Leg Crab. Chee didn’t tap out the first time, actually making it to the rope, but as the referee tried to pull McKenna away to break the hold, Karen Bilous popped up and socked Chee in the jaw, allowing McKenna to drag Chee back into the middle of the ring and lock in her finishing hold a second time for the tap out victory.

Winner by submission: Viper McKenna


Colin Picalo is backstage when he is approached by The Assassins’ Guild.

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Louie Peyton: Colin Picalo. Great work taking out Nate Manchester last week. I bet it felt so good slapping that smug grin right off his face.
Stefan Raynor: You know me and Louie was talking and we reckon you’d fit right in with the Smoked Out gang. So stick with us, kid, and we’ll put in a word for ya with the boss.

Both Raynor and Peyton put their arm around Picalo and lead him away from the camera down the corridor.


Match Three:
Hardcore Match:

CainCarlile.jpg.49c506dec1a53320ed80f1539d074be2.jpg Marbella.jpg.f1bc67d36954a1fdc5adb61b74f10096.jpg vs.jpg.a3d4733f2bbeb40d1dee6dce4365fa00.jpg PuffyTheSandIronPlayer.jpg.b65e048ff2ed2bea7489539742a64d73.jpg
Cain Carlile (w/ Marbella) vs Puffy The Sand Iron Player

Another two men declared for the upcoming House Of Madness Battle Royal came face to face in a hardcore match that highlighted the lawlessness that awaits them at the Madness event. Neither man has had too much to write home about in terms of victories in BOW heading into this contest, but Cain Carlile is evidently winning fans hearts with his budding on-screen relationship with Marbella, drawing fans to loudly root for the underdog tonight. Sadly for the crowd, their unlikely hero was unable to score a victory here tonight despite a spirited performance, the violence of the perpetually angry golfer being too much to handle, putting the youngster down with a Tee Off after only five minutes, as Marbella watched fearfully from behind her fingers.

Winner via pinfall: Puffy The Sand Iron Player.


Backstage, the camera shakes as the individual holding it chases down a corridor.

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They eventually stop to show Brilliant White writhing on the concrete floor in agony as the trio of Stuntman, Wild Child and Strife stand over him. They look across at each other, the tense expressions on their faces screaming ‘alliance of convenience’ more than friendship as the commentary team confirm each of them as competitors in the House Of Madness match, if Brilliant White can make it to Madness…


Joey Beauchamp and Merle O'Curle are in the ring together, microphones in hand.

JoeyBeauchamp.jpg.689812e6f8d4a4ec3604987ea82572b5.jpg MerleOCurle.jpg.bf369efdc0a3f04b3267beb1e2154a6b.jpg

Joey Beauchamp: I bet you all are wondering why I, Joey “The Breeze” Beauchamp, have decided to grace British Omega Wrestling with my presence? Well allow me to indulge you all with the story of how this cool breeze has blown into BOW. I know it will be hard for you but please try to keep up. You see, despite being injured in November last year, Dunton Hall contacted me back in January and begged me to sign up for his brand, spanking new promotion. So I have been on the books here in BOW for three months now, collecting pay checks as I bravely, nobly, earnestly fought my way back to full health. And then, having recovered, I received a message from a dear old friend, inviting me out for coffee. So, nearly two weeks ago on Good Friday, I met with my longtime friend Merle O’Curle. Merle had been keeping me up to date on his time here at BOW, particularly about these two young punks who kept cheating him out of matches. First, they screwed my buddy out of winning the BOW Honour Championship, and then two weeks ago they did the same thing in the trios match. So I asked my old pal Merle what I could do to help him fight off these punks. Because that is the kind of man I am. A selfless, supportive friend. So together on that Good Friday, we came up with a plan, an agreement to teach those two young punks a lesson and punish them for their transgressions against my best mate Merle O’Curle. Ao so we decided to team together in what is obviously the single most important agreement between an Englishman and an Irishman to ever take place.

Merle O’Curle: My friend Joey Beauchamp is right, to be sure. It’s even more important than that other little deal made some twenty-plus years ago. Which is why going forward, we will be known as the Good Friday Agreement, because it is our partnership, and our partnership alone, that unites our two home countries. And now that we’re a united front, that means Konrad and Padraig, for you, the troubles are just beginning.


Match Four:

PavelVanzycha.jpg.9b958c37c40156135bd9b83e7818f5d4.jpg FinkFinkleton.jpg.daf16f3caf59ead38476eaa16409f70a.jpg NigelSvensson.jpg.ccd81e7f880e9de6d71ba80760f07ede.jpg vs.jpg.a3d4733f2bbeb40d1dee6dce4365fa00.jpg DonHenderson.jpg.c713582dc629612ada681481917fe533.jpg BillyRobinson.jpg.da94377074d0623e241998f48c4c9e2c.jpg
Pavel Vanzycha (w/ Fink Finkleton and Nigel Svensson) vs Don Henderson (w/ Billy Robinson)

The second match in the series of singles matches between The Shooters and Vanzycha & Svensson saw Don Henderson take on Pavel Vanzycha, in yet another bout of show stealing technical excellence that left the fans buzzing for the second week in a row. The respect for competition bled through, not only in the wrestling contest, but the restraint shown by both tag team partners refusing to interject themselves on the combat despite being present at ringside. Eventually it was Don Henderson who scored the victory after eleven minutes, forcing Pavel Vanzycha into submission with his Scottish Deathlock.

Winner by submission: Don Henderson


Walker van Cleer is in the ring holding a microphone.


Walker van Cleer: Well I guess it’s time for answers. You all want to know why I attacked Landon Mallory. Why I cost Landon Mallory his title shot. Why I took a steel chair last week and drove it into the back of Landon Mallory. Well there’s your answer. Landon Mallory. You see, that name, those two words, they have haunted me my whole career. Everything I do in this ring, everything I achieve is always compared to Landon freaking Mallory. So I wanted to change the conversation. I made a vow to myself that I would step out from the Landon Mallory shadow that has been cast over me for my entire career. And to do that, I have to do something that Landon has never done before, and that is win the BOW World Championship. So I have made a promise to myself that Landon Mallory will not become the BOW World Champion before me, and I will do everything in my power to stop that from happening. 

As Walker goes to continue his rant, he is cut off by Dunton Hall appearing on the titan tron.


Dunton Hall: Walker, your personal vendetta against Mallory has left you blinded. You interfered in a main event World Championship match out of pure spite. So since you’re obsessed with proving yourself against Landon Mallory, then I see no better option than to rule that you cannot contest for the BOW World Championship until you beat Landon Mallory one-on-one in a BOW sanctioned match.

A visibly irate van Cleer is left seething as the video feed cuts. He begins to shout into the microphone.

Walker van Cleer: Then book the match! Book the match! Me and Landon, one-on-one at Madness!

A hot crowd cheer for the prospective match as Walker launches the microphone into the mat so hard the BOW logo laden cover explodes into pieces.


Match Five:


JonMichaelSharp.jpg.3a1a4d9e0b75fa113e87533223f8f688.jpg MartinHeath.jpg.50b959f9f260ec976c8d329110fa3831.jpg NateManchester.jpg.6acfb2ef43d09896eef2653c0ed004c6.jpg


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Three Lions vs Magnus Cage and Ward & Owen

A focused trio in the Three Lions put their longstanding issues with Smoked Out to the back of their minds as they fought the underused trio of Magnus Cage, Glen Ward and Gavin Owen in a trios match. A dominant performance from the babyface stable saw them dispatch of their opponents in under seven minutes, with Martin Heath scoring the pin on Magnus Cage with his Flying Fist Drop.

Winners by pinfall: Three Lions


Three Lions remain in the ring after the bell.

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Martin Heath: Assassins, we are done playing this game. It’s time to end this.

Nate Manchester: And Colin, we’ve not forgotten about you either.

Jon Michael Sharp: Between the three of you, you should be able to find a pair and face us like real men in a trios match at Madness.


Aud Valkyrie is stood backstage with Nicole Phillips in the interview area.

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Nicole Phillips: Aud Valkyrie, since the arrival of Steph Blake in BOW, you two have been at each other’s throats. Two weeks ago, you put Blake through a table, and last week she did the same to you. I understand you want to make a challenge to her now, so the floor is yours.

Aud Valkyrie: Steph Blake, for years I have been overlooked in favour of women like you. Now you think you can come to BOW and get ahead at my expense? Well not this time. I have worked too hard for too long for the opportunity to be here, and I’m not giving it up without a fight. So I had to take a page out of your book and get a little nasty. I know women like you don’t go down easy, but the bigger they are the harder they fall, especially when that fall is through a table. So if you want to get in the way of my climb to the top in BOW, then I’ll have to keep knocking you down. And what better way than at Madness, in a tables match? 

As soon as she finishes speaking, Valkyrie adopts a defensive stance, but it’s too late, as Blake pounces on her, taking her down to the concrete floor and landing several hard smacks. Eventually Blake lets up, standing over the fallen Valkyrie as she snatches the microphone from the horrified Nicole Phillips nearby.


Steph Blake: I accept.


Match Six:

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The X Force vs Future X

Add yet another match to the long list of tag team contests that are top of the charts in BOW. This was a personal battle for both teams, as Eric Future and Petey Barnes took their frustrations out on Christopher Lister and Jase Cole of The X Force, the former duo believing the latter pair knowingly took advantage of The Northern Light’s assault during the Tag Team Tournament a month ago. Much like the outcome of the previous contest, The Northern Lights had a direct outcome in this match too, causing a double disqualification as they attacked both teams alongside their Danger Zone associate Dangermouth...


AltonVicious.jpg.1c489dbfccaa41fe2281e686bc59b530.jpg Dangermouth.jpg.c3fd0333c5c976bec8ea8a98c749663a.jpg RiddickJordan.jpg.3f5f7266252661f0213737ec3f872fb1.jpg

...And Jermaine Granger too.


Match Result: Draw




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Standing above the beaten bodies of both the Future X and The X Force tag teams, the quartet of Alton Vicious, Riddick Jordan, Dangermouth and Jermaine Granger are joined in the ring by Mo Adebola.

Mo Adebola: We warned you not to cross the Danger Zone. But did you listen? No, of course you didn’t. So we decided to do a little recruitment to level the playing field. And Jermaine Granger here, he, like the rest of my clients, has been overlooked in this company. Well no longer will that be the case. So heed this final warning. Do not cross the Danger Zone.


Konrad Makinen approaches Padraig O’Hearne in the locker room backstage.

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Konrad Makinen: Padraig, it looks like you and I need to chat. I know we’ve had some differences in the past, but we need to have each other’s backs if we’re to deal with Beauchamp and O’Curle.

Padraig O’Hearne: Konrad let me tell you I am pissed off. As an Irishman it was a disgrace to listen to those two insult Irish history tonight. Now I was just a lad, so I’m lucky enough to not live with the memory of The Troubles, but good men and women still live with the horrors of that time, no matter what side of the border they’re on. Merle O’Curle knows that, and he’s a turncoat for trying to use that to get to me. So, I am going to beat the ever-living-shite out of him, and if you want in on that, then you’re welcome to join me.


Match Seven:

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Gordon Leve vs Night Spyder (w/ Laurel Wreath)

Night Spyder returned to in-ring action following his Street Fight loss to Matthew Macks at For Whom The Bell Tolls by taking on ‘The Carpenter’ Gordon Leve. A strong match saw Night Spyder put away the technician in seven minutes, courtesy of his Spyder's Web submission.

Winner by submission: Night Spyder


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The celebration of Spyder and Wreath didn’t last long, as Matthew Macks pounced on The Dark Stalker immediately after the bell. The two brawled their way into the crowd, smacking each other with whatever was at hand. The fight found it’s way to the upper level, but neither man would relent in the altitude. Things ended dramatically, with Matthew Macks getting a measure of revenge on Night Spyder, by throwing him over the balcony into some production equipment to the delight of the blood-thirsty crowd.


The BOW Honour Champion Lenny Mochin is in the ring with a microphone in hand.



Lenny Mochin: Last week I learned that Gram Gorman will be my challenger for this Honour Championship at Madness. Gram, you have been one of the standout wrestlers these first few months here in British Omega Wrestling. But sadly for you bruv, your momentum is gonna come to a standstill.

Gram Gorman’s music instantly hits, and he takes to the ring with his manager Rachel Dearheart beside him.

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Gram Gorman: That’s some big talk there Lenny, you better be able to back it up. You might be the Honour Champion for now, but I’ll be happy to slap some respect into your mouth. 

Lenny Mochin: Woah, woah, woah. Calm down short stack. I think we’ve got our wires crossed bruv. You see, as I perfectly embody, this Honour title is all about class, dignity, respect for competition. All qualities that you neglect if the rumours are to be believed. ‘Cos I heard some noise about you through the grapevine Gram, something about you havin’ a bit of a taste for the ol’ pain pills.  

The always grimacing Gram Gorman’s short fuse looks to have blown as he instantly lunges for the champion. Fortunately for all involved Rachel Dearheart is quickest to react, preventing her client from initiating a physical altercation.

Lenny Mochin: Well, well, if that off the handle reaction isn’t a sign of guilt, then I don’t know what is. Oh Gram, you ‘ave been a naughty boy. And I’m not willing to sully the integrity of this Honour Championship by defending it against some pill popper. So if you want your title shot at Madness, you’re gonna have to pass a little test.

Lenny Mochin pulls out a urine sample cup and thrusts it towards Gorman.

Lenny Mochin: Good luck. But if I were a betting man, I’d bet that your momentum stops here.




Thea Davis waits in the ring for the next wrestler to accept her open challenge, when the entrance music for said mystery competitor begins to play. Dashing out onto the stage is a vibrant Japanese wrestler who immediately brings a high-energy to the area with her bubbly, vibrant charisma that is infectious to the audience.


Melanie Florence: That’s Chitose Ariwara, a former staple of 5 Star Supreme Wrestling in Japan, and now she’s here in British Omega Wrestling!

Jackie Goldstein: A highly decorated wrestler from Japan, Chitose adopts more of a luchadora approach in the ring, a style more typically found in Mexico, so expect some high-flying action!

Martin Bloydell: This should be a good match, but can Ariwara dethrone The Red Queen here in the main event?!


Match Eight:

BOW Women's Championship:

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Thea Davis (C) vs Chitose Ariwara

These two women tried their hardest to steal the show during their ten-minute encounter, and they did manage to get an already pumped crowd buzzing, but even those in attendance will agree that this was a sub-par showing if they bother to watch the show back. Take nothing away from the women, they are great wrestlers on their night, it just so happened that this wasn’t the night for either of them. Thea Davis retained her belt by putting Chitose Ariwara away with a Flying Elbow Drop.

Winner by pinfall and still BOW Women’s Champion: Thea Davis




As Thea Davis is celebrating her successful title defence in the ring, her theme music is suddenly cut. A new song begins to play, which draws Davis’s attention to the entrance ramp. The words ‘Submission Sophistication’ appear on the titan tron. After a moment those words fade out and are replaced by another two...

‘Erin Grey’.


Erin Grey walks out onto the stage, staring directly towards Thea Davis. She points towards the BOW Women’s Championship and then motions that the belt should be around her own waist as the camera fades.


Eva Berlin and Clubber Kohl storm to the ring, their dour faces even more stoic than usual. Once in the ring Berlin bellows into a microphone as the hulking brawler Kohl towers over her shoulder.

ClubberKohl.jpg.789d86dd8585db2b36b9839dd68dd38d.jpg EvaBerlin.jpg.64045ed6f8c6efb5b98f6b6d709465df.jpg

Eva Berlin: As I was saying last week, Kohl wants what he is owed.

Berlin is immediately interrupted by the fans as they chant for Hugh de Aske. 

Eva Berlin: No! Enough! Halt! Kohl has already drowned that Pirate in his own blood. Now it’s time for him to obliterate ‘The Smasher’. 



That line immediately lures out the BOW World Champion Stevie Stoat, who walks down the ramp but stops shy of entering the ring.

Stevie Stoat: Watch your mouth toots, or I might have to do somethin’ about it. I dunno where you an’ your lap dog ‘ave got this idea that I owe ya anythin’ from, let alone a title shot. Now I suggest you drop it because I’m not afraid to put your dog down.

Right as Berlin is about to respond she is prevented by the sound of Hugh de Aske’s theme music. The Vigilante Pirate walks out onto the entrance stage.


Hugh de Aske: The dreadlocks may be gone Stevie, but the one thing that will never change is that you will always be a scallywag. And scallywag, you and I still have unfinished business for that there World Championship, but if anyone is putting that dog down, it’s me. So how I see it, Kohl wants a shot. I want a rematch. Kohl got himself involved in my last title match, and I want my hands on both of you. 

Stevie Stoat: Who do you think you are? This is my World title. You don’t get to what matches I defend it in.

Dunton Hall: No, but I do.


Dunton Hall appears on the titan tron via live feed.

Dunton Hall: And clearly you three have a lot of issues to work through. So I agree with Hugh, let’s get it all out in one match. A three-way match for the BOW World Championship at Madness. And to prevent anyone else from getting involved, it will be in a Steel Cage.

The video footage cuts, leaving Stoat infuriated while caught between Hugh de Aske and Clubber Kohl.



Edited by azzak
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6 hours ago, Wrestling Machine said:

A couple of great additions to the women's division! I wonder if they were free agent 

Yeah, both were free agents - canonically Chitose was let go from 5SSW a few years back, so I thought realistically she would go elsewhere in the world to work, and a brand new market suits her better than somewhere like North America where the market is much more diluted.

Erin Grey quit ACPW early on in the save, and was selected by Charasmatic Enigma as the worker they wanted to become active in the British Isles for their prize at winning one of the previous prediction series. 

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On 1/20/2024 at 3:18 PM, smw88 said:

Thea Davis (C) 

Who will be Thea Davis' challenger this week?
Comments: Aud Valkyrie (no idea)

Don Henderson (w/ Billy Robinson) 

The X Force 

Three Lions 

 Gordon Leve

JK Lee

Cain Carlile (w/ Marbella) 

Viper McKenna

A very respectable 5/9 for you this week smw - I know it doesn't look that great written down, but Cain Carlile has featured more in the diary than Puffy, the Macks/Spyder feud has cost them matches previously, and no-one was able to predict Thea's challenger or the tag match ending in a draw. 

On 1/21/2024 at 4:00 AM, Wrestling Machine said:

I'm sure something cool will come out of it!


BOW Night Of Wrestling #10

BOW Women's Championship Open Challenge: Thea Davis (C) vs ???
Comments: I think the open challenge cliché could have Thea Davis make some more defenses before dropping the belt

Who will be Thea Davis' challenger this week? Jeri Behr
Comments: I'll be honest, not confident on this pick lol

Don Henderson (w/ Billy Robinson) vs Pavel Vanzycha (w/ Fink Finkleton and Nigel Svensson)
Comments: Tiyng last week defeat by Robinson

The X Force vs Future X
Comments: The tensions between the two teams are very interesting, but I expect a handshake at the end of the match

Three Lions vs Magnus Cage and Ward & Owen

Night Spyder vs Gordon Leve

Christian Blithe vs JK Lee

Hardcore Match: Cain Carlile (w/ Marbella) vs Puffy The Sand Iron Player
Comments: Who da hell is Puffy The Sand Iron Player? lol I'm betting on him

Steffi Chee vs Viper McKenna

"I'm sure something cool will come out of it!" - I believe this was in reference to the possible end of predictions prize? If so, there will be more on that before the Madness event in a few weeks! I've decided to go ahead with the idea. I haven't seen it done before in a diary and it gives everyone a chance to participate, which I'm more keen on providing!

Really strong round for you here - the only two wrong were the mystery opponent and the tag match ending in a draw.

Don getting the win has levelled things up, but there's still two more matches to go in the series!

Glad you found the tensions between the two teams interesting - it was something that came about when I was trying to figure out how to get to the (as of yet unannounced) Madness match they're going to be involved in, and I thought to myself, well I'd be pissed off if this other team took advantage of me being unfairly assaulted during a match, it doesn't matter to me if we're both supposed good guys/babyfaces. Something I think sports entertainment doesn't really cover well in their stories IMO.

The fact you asked who the hell Puffy is, is exactly why I had him win this match. He's not been used much in the diary so if you don't know the worker in the database then you don't know too much about him. Plus, Cain Carlile is the ultimate underdog of this diary and underdogs have to lose!


On 1/21/2024 at 1:58 PM, KyTeran said:

BOW Women's Championship Open Challenge:
Thea Davis (C) vs ???
Comments: I like Thea's open challenge, but I think whoever beats her for the title will have some build up for their match.

Who will be Thea Davis' challenger this week? Maise Laurels or Blair Kerrigan
Comments: Both these options can make sense considering Thea beat Cassie O'Peter on the last show. Maise is Cassie's girlfriend at the start of the game and unless they broke up it would make sense for her to challenge Thea and Blair is the other half of The Dublin Gals so Thea fighting both of them makes sense as well.  I will say that I think Maise is a better entertainer and may be the better choice if you have a promo before the match like for Cassie.

Don Henderson (w/ Billy Robinson) vs Pavel Vanzycha (w/ Fink Finkleton and Nigel Svensson)
Comments: Nigel won on the last show so I think Don gets the win here and makes it 1-1 before their tag clash.

The X Force vs Future X
Comments: I like both teams, but one of them is the Future of the tag division.  I will not apologize for that pun.

Three Lions vs Magnus Cage and Ward & Owen
Comments: Oh look its Ward & Owen, I think NWF is influencing my decision here because every time I see their name my first thought is that they are losing.

Night Spyder vs Gordon Leve
Comments: I feel like Night Spyder is one of the favorites to win the Hardcore title so I don't see him losing to Gordon.

Christian Blithe vs JK Lee
Comments: I feel like Lee is looking to prove himself tonight.

Hardcore Match:
Cain Carlile (w/ Marbella) vs Puffy The Sand Iron Player*
*both competitors have been announced as participants in the upcoming House Of Madness Hardcore Championship Battle Royal match.
Comments: I am sorry Puffy, but I think you're hitting a triple bogey tonight.

Steffi Chee vs Viper McKenna
Comments: I think Viper has a better shot at challenging for the title than Steffi at the moment due to Viper since if I am correct Thea should be a face and Viper is a heel, also if I am right about Maise, it could help set up a future match with Viper since Maise is her sidekick in EWA.

Glad you're liking the open challenge - when I thought back to early AEW, Cody Rhodes' open challenge for the TNT title brought in both Eddie Kingston and Ricky Starks, and look at the status they hold in the company now. So I wanted to emulate that a little and saw it as a good way to expand the women's division. I don't want to just go 'gung ho' and sign another 20 odd women though, the idea that women's wrestling is in it's infancy in the British Isles is one of the long-running background plots of the diary I think, so it makes more sense to try and drip-feed workers in. That said, I'm still waiting for the inevitable fall out between Fuyuko Higa and DEVIL Karube that sees the former quit 5SSW that seems to happen every damn save...

As mentioned above, we're only halfway in the 'singles series' between the tag champs and their challengers. But yeah, 1-1 for now!

Never apologise for puns. Never.

Both Lee and Blithe were looking to prove themselves - I've wanted to feature them more as I think they are going to be the backbone of the Honour title scene once the 'pillars' of Mochin, Makinen and O'Hearne 'graduate' to the World title scene.

I didn't think Cain winning makes as much sense as giving it to Puffy - but yeah, I'm not surprised at the expectation Puffy would lose at all.

Viper McKenna would benefit from Maisie Laurels joining, I agree. It's something I've really considered, and am still toying with as if I'm going to do it, I'd like to do so before McKenna retires, but honestly I don't rate Laurels that much, and she's an entertainer rather than a wrestler, and the women's division would benefit more from in-ring abilities at this early stage.


On 1/21/2024 at 2:14 PM, Charasmatic Enigma said:

BOW Night Of Wrestling #10

BOW Women's Championship Open Challenge:
Thea Davis (C) vs ???
Comments: I like the Open Challenge schtick, but can't see Thea dropping the title in one of these segments

Who will be Thea Davis' challenger this week?
Comments: Sticking to my guns and saying Maisie Laurels

Don Henderson (w/ Billy Robinson) vs Pavel Vanzycha (w/ Fink Finkleton and Nigel Svensson)

The X Force vs Future X

Three Lions vs Magnus Cage and Ward & Owen

Night Spyder vs Gordon Leve

Christian Blithe vs JK Lee

Hardcore Match:
Cain Carlile (w/ Marbella) vs Puffy The Sand Iron Player*
*both competitors have been announced as participants in the upcoming House Of Madness Hardcore Championship Battle Royal match.
Comments: Cain can't do hardcore stuff, so backing the angry golfer

Steffi Chee vs Viper McKenna
Comments: If my pick of Maisie is correct, Viper could become more important by her association


Again another strong performance with only the tag match and mystery competitor being wrong. Glad you're enjoying Davis' open challenges! I was actually hoping to troll everyone predicting for the first two weeks by planting the Erin Grey becoming active in the British Isles story before the two open challenges, only to have her appear the week before her own challenge and rob everyone from guessing her as a mystery opponent, but not a single person fell for the bait!

I agree Cain can't do the hardcore stuff, but just as a point of clarity for everyone, the Hardcore title is probably more better described as being the title for 'shock and awe' wrestling - high flyers with flippy shit and violent wrestlers bashing each other with hard hits and/or weapons. By contrast, the Honour title, though mostly described as a 'pure' title, is more closer to a 'who's a better competitor' with technical and brawling the two primaries there. Naturally there's a bit of an overlap for the brawling stat, it fits well under both the descriptions above, so don't assume all good brawlers are in the Honour title scene and not the Hardcore title one. 

I mentioned the Maisie Laurels dilemma above, so would just be repeating it here!


On 1/22/2024 at 8:37 AM, willr0ck said:

Chlamydia??? -  I mean technically that's a gift that keeps on giving, ZING!!! (Sorry, had to be done)




BOW Night Of Wrestling #10

BOW Women's Championship Open Challenge:
Thea Davis (C) vs ???
Comments: Why does ??? keep getting title shots? Me thinks your booking is getting a bit questionable. The-a champ retains here!

Who will be Thea Davis' challenger this week?
Comments: Tommy Cornell

Don Henderson (w/ Billy Robinson) vs Pavel Vanzycha (w/ Fink Finkleton and Nigel Svensson)
Comments: Becuase of the whole each tag guy gets a win then they have a tag match thing. Vince would be proud of your booking here! "Good shit pal!!!" (I can't think of a good pun here)

The X Force vs Future X
Comments: The stars from the future use their overwhelming force to get the win here!

Three Lions vs Magnus Cage and Ward & Owen
Comments: Seriously, three dudes wrestling live lions. How could this go anyother way. Let's just hope no one dies. (No pun here either, it's just too easy to do Lion puns. I'd be Li-on to you if it wasn't! And I want to be honest here.)

Night Spyder vs Gordon Leve
Comments: Gordon Leve may have nights where he is victorious but tonght is not his night! Night Spyder Leve-s the arena the victor tonight.

Christian Blithe vs JK Lee
Comments: Meh, Lee is clearly the less talented wrestler, JK! Lee gets the win here! (that was weak, I can do better)

Hardcore Match:
Cain Carlile (w/ Marbella) vs Puffy The Sand Iron Player*
*both competitors have been announced as participants in the upcoming House Of Madness Hardcore Championship Battle Royal match.
Comments: Okay, no pun here. I will continue to pick the dude weilding a f%$king golf club in a hardcore match every time!

Steffi Chee vs Viper McKenna
Comments: The only way Steffi should win here is if she's a dirty rotten Chee-ter! And she's not so Viper wins. 



The puns were weak sauce today! I'll try harder next time.



Chlamydia?! You won't get that from me, the best I can offer is a couple of seconds of disappointment followed by hours of weeping...

I feel like Tommy Cornell was a closer bet than Jack Bruce considering he's still active, and works in the UK. Sadly I'm nowhere near the level needed to sign him yet though. Interestingly enough, his cousin Edward has just ditched the UK for Canada to join CWA in this save though.

Vince is my idol, my inspiration, my purpose for living. Of course I was going to emulate his booking here.

To be fair, Magnus, Ward & Owen could have won if they'd just trapped the three lions in the cage... (I can do shit tier puns too)

A night to forget for Leve, for sure.

Out of curiosity, do you read 'JK' as 'just kidding' or 'joke'? I feel like I'm in the minority because I've always read it as joke...

Your club wielding angry golfer got a much needed win. 

I might have to consider 'Steffi Cheater' as a gimmick if Chee ever turns heel.

7/9 for you this week!

Prediction Standings:

@Charasmatic Enigma - 26/34

@KyTeran - 26/34

@Wrestling Machine - 26/34

@willr0ck - 25/34

@smw88 - 15/26

BOW Night Of Wrestling #11 Match Card:

BOW Women's Championship Open Challenge:
Thea Davis (C) vs Erin Grey

Stuart Wilson vs Stevie Stoat (w/ The Assassins' Guild)

Hugh de Aske vs Walker van Cleer

Clubber Kohl (w/ Eva Berlin) vs local talent

Don Henderson (w/ Billy Robinson) vs Nigel Svensson (w/ Fink Finkleton and Pavel Vanzycha)

Good Friday Agreement vs School Of Wrestling

Christian Blithe vs Jason Dempsey

Cassie O'Peter vs Zofia Jankovic

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BOW Women's Championship Open Challenge:
Thea Davis (C) vs Erin Grey
Comments: While Erin got some hype on the last show, I think there is going to be more build up for when Thea does drop the title.

Stuart Wilson vs Stevie Stoat (w/ The Assassins' Guild)
Comments: Sorry Stuart you are not beating Stevie before his title match, especially with The Assassins' Guild in his corner.

Hugh de Aske vs Walker van Cleer
Comments: Hugh de Aske has a title match, Walker does not.

Clubber Kohl (w/ Eva Berlin) vs local talent
Comments: Well, the local talent is going clubbing, just not the one that they would enjoy.

Don Henderson (w/ Billy Robinson) vs Nigel Svensson (w/ Fink Finkleton and Pavel Vanzycha)
Comments: Going with Nigel once again.

Good Friday Agreement vs School Of Wrestling
Comments: I think it makes sense for the new team to get the win after forming on the last show.

Christian Blithe vs Jason Dempsey
Comments: Jason cost Christian a match last week and then is going to beat him this week before turning his attention to JK Lee.

Cassie O'Peter vs Zofia Jankovic
Comments: Cassie's first match in BOW she lost to the champ, and it may be a risk, but I am going to think that she beats Zofia tonight.

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BOW Night Of Wrestling #11 Match Card:

BOW Women's Championship Open Challenge:
Thea Davis (C) vs Erin Grey
Comments: While Erin Grey was my pick, she comes to the UK with no popularity. I think she will be good in time, but isn't ready to take the title first match.

Stuart Wilson vs Stevie Stoat (w/ The Assassins' Guild)
Comments: Stoat's the Champ, so expecting some Assassin's Guild interference to help him pick up the win

Hugh de Aske vs Walker van Cleer
Comments: Could definitely see this going the other way, but if van Cleer wants to be a credible threat to Mallory I feel he needs the win here.

Clubber Kohl (w/ Eva Berlin) vs local talent
Comments: lol

Don Henderson (w/ Billy Robinson) vs Nigel Svensson (w/ Fink Finkleton and Pavel Vanzycha)
Comments: Again could definitely see it going the other way, but can't see Pavel beating Billy Robinson so backing Nigel.

Good Friday Agreement vs School Of Wrestling
Comments: Joey Beauchamp can be really good if he isn't in decline, and he and Merle should be treated as big deals - at least to begin with.

Christian Blithe vs Jason Dempsey

Cassie O'Peter vs Zofia Jankovic
Comments: I think the Dublin Gals are great, so backing Cassie here. Although I can definitely see a world where you debut Maisie Laurels to help Zofia win, then Cassie brings in Blair Kerrigan to even the odds...

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BOW Women's Championship Open Challenge:
Thea Davis (C) vs Erin Grey
Comments: I expect Erin Grey to fight a good fight but she ain't ready to be the champ

Stuart Wilson vs Stevie Stoat (w/ The Assassins' Guild)

Hugh de Aske vs Walker van Cleer
Comments: A win could be huge for van Cleer, also I can see Stoat or Kohl costing de Aske this bout

Clubber Kohl (w/ Eva Berlin) vs local talent

Don Henderson (w/ Billy Robinson) vs Nigel Svensson (w/ Fink Finkleton and Pavel Vanzycha)

Good Friday Agreement vs School Of Wrestling
Comments: A good friday agreement leads to a good wednesday win!

Christian Blithe vs Jason Dempsey

Cassie O'Peter vs Zofia Jankovic

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Wanted to get these in before heading into a meeting so I've got like 5 minutes, so this one's not as punny as usual:


BOW Night Of Wrestling #11 Match Card:

BOW Women's Championship Open Challenge:
Thea Davis (C) vs Erin Grey
Comments: Grey is assaulted before the match and replaced by Tommy Cornell. This is the week he finally debuts in the womens division, I can feel it. The referee clearly disqualifies him for being a dude, despite his argument that he is gender fluid.  

Stuart Wilson vs Stevie Stoat (w/ The Assassins' Guild)
Comments: Wilson gets assassinated by Stoat here. He gets some help from his Guild, and Wilson is overpowered by his Stoat, and rugged offense.

Hugh de Aske vs Walker van Cleer
Comments: I can Cleerly see that that no good, goofy pirate has non chance here. Van Cleer stomps  a mud hole in his candy ass and Walkers it dry. (see below for some Hugh de Aske fan art)

Clubber Kohl (w/ Eva Berlin) vs local talent
Comments: BOW fans witness the company's first ever in ring death as Clubber legally commits murder. (No pun needed here)

Don Henderson (w/ Billy Robinson) vs Nigel Svensson (w/ Fink Finkleton and Pavel Vanzycha)
Comments: I never bet against Svennson. He should tie Henderson into knots. (How the hell do you think of a pun for someone names Svennson)

Good Friday Agreement vs School Of Wrestling
Comments: It's a Good day for the GFA as they take the SOW back to school here.

Christian Blithe vs Jason Dempsey
Comments: It's the 9:30pm Women's segment on Dynamite - time for a bathroom break

Cassie O'Peter vs Zofia Jankovic
Comments: Cassie leaves Jankovic laying here, practiaclly Dublin' over in pain. Irish I could bet against the Irish lass here but I just can't.




Hugh de Aske going for a relaxing swim

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BOW Night Of Wrestling #11 Match Card:

BOW Women's Championship Open Challenge:
Thea Davis (C) vs Erin Grey

Stuart Wilson vs Stevie Stoat (w/ The Assassins' Guild)

Hugh de Aske vs Walker van Cleer

Clubber Kohl (w/ Eva Berlin) vs local talent

Don Henderson (w/ Billy Robinson) vs Nigel Svensson (w/ Fink Finkleton and Pavel Vanzycha)

Good Friday Agreement vs School Of Wrestling

Christian Blithe vs Jason Dempsey

Cassie O'Peter vs Zofia Jankovic

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British Omega Wrestling
Night Of Wresling #11
Wednesday Week 3 April 2020
Cardiff, Wales


MartinBloydell.jpg.86c2480d4a05d181d7cbf791e791a513.jpg MelanieFlorence.jpg.9c812cf14fb36bf217501379d32f6494.jpg JackieGoldstein.jpg.50f92c45bd3939e3f4994ec66b4cb919.jpg
The BOW broadcast team: Martin Bloydell, Melanie Florence and Jackie Goldstein.


Match One:

BOW Women's Championship:

ErinGrey.jpg.566cb71658c81c0b616b274327eb73a6.jpg vs.jpg.0043be856ccb8c75bd8adeba1a5040a7.jpg TheaDavis.jpg.4be3eaa60eeea1ce718b4c838fa63a30.jpg
Erin Grey vs Thea Davis (C)

The BOW Women's Championship Open Challenge continued here tonight in the opening contest, as Thea Davis defended her championship against the debuting 'Submission Sophistication' Erin Grey. However, for as good as these open challenges have been at introducing more women onto the BOW roster, unfortunately they haven't been able to deliver anything spectacular between the ropes. Tonight's match was no different, with Erin Grey finding herself overwhelmed under the bright lights of wrestling on a televised show and was really off her game as a result, much like the two previous challengers to Davis' before her. The champion was able to carry the match to a serviceable outing however, and rightly retained her championship belt with a Flying Elbow Drop after less than eight minutes.

Winner by pinfall and still BOW Women's Champion: Thea Davis




For the second consecutive week Thea Davis’ celebration is interrupted. This week it is by Viper McKenna who marches directly to the ring with a microphone in hand. 


Viper McKenna: Alright Thea, you’ve had your fun with these open challenges but enough is enough. You and I still have unfinished business, and I want that gold. So you and me, no ladders, no other women. I want that title. 

Thea Davis: You want a shot at this Championship? You’ve got it. I’ve already beaten you once, and I’ll gladly do it again.

The two women stare each other down.



Matthew Macks is backstage, leaning nonchalantly against a brick wall.

Matthew Macks: Boy oh boy am I sick of you Spyder. You claim we are chained together; well I say it’s time for me to break free. Let’s do the Devil’s dance one last time, because one way or another your obsession with me must end. And if you say it can only end with the lid being closed on you, then at Madness, I’ll do exactly that. I’m challenging you to a Coffin match.


EricFuture.jpg.342dce6b9a195f4b501e99b3e7a018d6.jpg PeteyBarnes.jpg.059bac30167e19731b14e0f3d39a0d10.jpg

Future X are backstage when they are approached by The X Force.

ChristopherLister.jpg.331be37daa816cae5004937612f05897.jpg JaseCole.jpg.046ae9a8fe65ccf884d4833e2bc54d54.jpg

Christopher Lister: Look guys, we know you’re still angry about the tag team tournament, but we’ve been trying to make things right. 

Jase Cole: And if last week is anything to go by, the only way we can stand up to these guys is if we work together. Divided we fall, but united we rule.

Petey Barnes: You know, after last week, Eric and I got to talking. We both want nothing more than to tear down the Danger Zone. And lucky for you two we need some friends to do just that.

Eric Future: So how about this, at Madness it’s Danger Zone against Future X and The X Force?

Jase Cole: No way man. At Madness, it’s Danger Zone versus Future Force.

Petey Barnes: Oh I like that.

Christopher Lister: Good, isn’t it?

Eric Future: What if we write it with the little ‘x’ in the middle, you know like all the kids are doing these days?

The four men walk away together, now seemingly on the same page.


Nicole Phillips is stood backstage in the interview section.


Nicole Phillips: Ladies and gentlemen I'm being joined at this time by eight of the ten competitors who will fight in the first ever House Of Madness Battle Royal at the Madness show to be crowned the first ever BOW Hardcore Champion.

BaliDaljit.jpg.27cd960c2398aefe7cee75d634c7f728.jpg GrantTaypen.jpg.dbc818a06c4a9b3df052664082934aa1.jpg LeightonBuzzard.jpg.38371f301390a1b129f734e64b549a07.jpg MiltonHittlespitz.jpg.c1c2892bf51e15a4d0e876802ef61021.jpg

PuffyTheSandIronPlayer.jpg.186d79b2080de39ef3c4c1fb911ecf4a.jpg Strife.jpg.c8779536edbab3ff70c741fbff854662.jpg Stuntman.jpg.99ca2f5f935be3c73234bd9f6c92d499.jpg WildChild.jpg.d1c3e51528e87d617002e1d41147f7ce.jpg

The camera pans out to reveal the eight men joining Nicole Phillips, Bali Daljit, Grant Taypen, Leighton Buzzard, Milton Hittlespitz, Puffy The Sand Iron Player, Strife, Stuntman and Wild Child.

Nicole Phillips: Now gentlemen, let's start by discussing the obvious; two of your opponents in Cain Carlile and Brilliant White are not available to join us, as they are being medically assessed ahead of the Madness show. Both men have suffered injuries at the hands of some of you...

The heels snigger at the reminder of their previous attacks. The quartet of faces take exception to this.

Wild Child: You guys got a problem?

Bali Daljit steps forward to speak...

...But Milton Hittlespitz clocks Wild Child in the face before Daljit can respond.

Hittlespitz turns and shrugs at Daljit with a cheeky grin on his face, before all eight men clatter into one another and begin to brawl. The fight spills across the entire scene in a chaotic teaser of what is due to come in the House Of Madness match.


Match Two:

BrynArcher.jpg.1980412014e9afbcfb3f875a3afbaeb1.jpg vs.jpg.0043be856ccb8c75bd8adeba1a5040a7.jpg ClubberKohl.jpg.c9ecfe3e821022dfec7e5b4231b34c13.jpg EvaBerlin.jpg.4fe905d40af4b2bbca5efd6355db1dc6.jpg
Bryn Archer vs Clubber Kohl w/ Eva Berlin

Hometown boy Bryn Archer was the unannounced opponent to go head to head with Clubber Kohl tonight, looking to not just represent the Welsh nation as BOW made their first appearance in the country, but put himself on the map with a good performance against 'The War Dog'. The rookie actually has an impressive stature that put Kohl in the rare position of being the smaller man in the match. It didn't phase The War Dog. He ripped apart young Archer in his usual dominant fashion before finishing off the Welshman in five minutes with the Hamburg Express.

Winner via pinfall: Clubber Kohl



Karen Bilous is in her locker room backstage when she is approached by Steffi Chee.


Steffi Chee: What is your problem? I beat you in a match, so you attack me and cost me against McKenna? That’s just pathetic. You walk around here, this brooding bad ass, one of the strongest women in the world, expecting us all to fear you. I’m not afraid. I’ve survived you. I’ve beat you. And I’ll do it again at Madness.

Karen Bilous: You’ve got balls, I’ll give you that. So I’m not gonna beat your ass tonight. But if you want a match at Madness then that’s your funeral. You’ve been warned.


Match Three:

DonHenderson.jpg.c81d5007a014bae90172bcb7b8e356b8.jpg BillyRobinson.jpg.53ee959649987c4b72530812efef976b.jpg vs.jpg.0043be856ccb8c75bd8adeba1a5040a7.jpg NigelSvensson.jpg.3207cc2ce20d6762d0b4527cbfbcaccf.jpg PavelVanzycha.jpg.482effc66b25fee03faa352044d56cae.jpg FinkFinkleton.jpg.bb499f719edf99766a1d18b6c9b33bbd.jpg
Don Henderson w/ Billy Robinson vs Nigel Svensson w/Pavel Vanzycha and Fink Finkleton

Representatives of the tag team champions and their number one contenders met in singles competition for the third time in a row as Don Henderson fought Nigel Svensson in the latest edition of this 'singles series'. Both men in this match won their previous contests, so one of these men would go into the Madness event undefeated in the series. Much like the previous two matches, this contest was a show stealer, and had the crowd absolutely buzzing by the time the bell rang after eleven minutes. It was Nigel Svensson who scored the win, with Don Henderson having no choice but to tap out to Svensson's Hyper Extension Arm Lock after a distraction from Fink Finkleton gave way for Pavel Vanzycha to get involved, with it being his European Uppercut that dazed Henderson and allowed Svensson to lock in his match winning hold.

Winner by submission: Nigel Svensson




A smug Lenny Mochin proudly wears his Honour Championship as he walks down a corridor backstage. His smirk falters when Gram Gorman and Rachel Dearheart stop him in his tracks, and disappears completely when Dearheart shoves some paperwork into his chest.

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Gram Gorman: Clean as a whistle. Guess I’ll see you at Madness.

Rachel Dearheart: Oh, and if you want a second opinion, Gram has another sample for you.

In an instant, some suspect yellow liquid drenches Lenny Mochin as it splashes off his face. Gorman and Dearheart walk away laughing, with Gorman throwing a now empty sample cup over his shoulder, leaving the humiliated Honour Champion red with rage.



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The camera cuts to the Smoked Out locker room, where Stevie Stoat is already in conversation with The Assassins’ Guild and Colin Picalo.

Stevie Stoat: You boys think Picalo here is Smoked Out material? I’m not so sure. And I don’t think these jackets come in kids’ sizes. But if you two are vouching for him then I’ll give you a chance. Colin, if you, Louie and Stefan beat those lions at Madness, then you’re in. But for now, stay out of our business and stay out of my way. You two, I want you at ringside for my match tonight. With the dog and that pirate after me I need to be protected at all times. Oh and boys, if Picalo here turns out to be a dud, I’ll remember it was you two who recommended him to me.


Match Four:

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Cassie O'Peter vs Zofia Jankovic

Zofia Jankovic hasn't had too much of the spotlight here in BOW as of yet, but after a dominant performance against Cassie O'Peter, you'd be wise to put your money on her commanding a chunk of television time in the near future. The Black Widow was unstoppable here, and spent much of the six minutes this match lasted toying with her prey, before putting O'Peter out of her misery with a K.O. Head Kick.

Winner by pinfall: Zofia Jankovic


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Cain Carlile is sat on the doctors examination table with Marbella by his side.

Marbella: Cain, are you sure you want to compete in this match? It's a hardcore match. Do you know what that means? That means nine other men, trying to really hurt you, trying to make you bleed and suffer. And not just with their wrestling, with chairs, with tables...

Cain Carlile: Yeah I know.

Marbella: ...With ladders, with lead pipes, with golf clubs...

Cain Carlile: Oh I know that one very well.

Marbella: ...with dustbins, with chains and thumb tacks...

Cain Carlile: Marbella, stop. I get it, I get it.

Marbella: I just mean, this is a violent match full of violent men. And sweetheart, I know you want to be a champion here in BOW, but you don't have to do this, you don't have to prove anything to me. You're not hardcore, and that's okay.

Cain Carlile: Look, Marbella, I appreciate you looking out for me. And I know you think of me as this innocent, superhero-loving, dungeons and dragons playing dork who has more Batman costumes than wrestling trunks. And all of that might be true, but do you know what else I am? I'm smart, creative, and fearless. And it's those three things that I am going to use next Saturday when I hit people, when I jump off things, when I make people bleed. I know you doubt me. I know everyone else does too. But in the House Of Madness match, everyone is going to see that Cain Carlile can get hard.

It takes Cain just a moment too long to realise exactly how his last few words sounded, and his faces flushes bright red in embarrassment as Marbella tries her damn hardest not to laugh.

Cain Carlile: Err.. C-C-Core. Core, hardcore. Everyone will see that Cain Carlile can get hardcore... In a wrestling match...



Steph Blake is walking along the corridor when she is jumped by Aud Valkyrie.


As has been the theme of their rivalry, the two women settle for nothing less than welting one another with bruising shots. The surprise attack gives Valkyrie the upper hand in this exchange before the two are separated by referees and road agents, but the commentary team remind us that at Madness, no-one will be able to stop either woman until one of them is put through a table.


Match Five:

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Christian Blithe vs Jason Dempsey

A match borne out of frustration of being overlooked, and the meddling of the scrappy JK Lee, Christian Blithe and Jason Dempsey put on a sleeper-hit of a successful match. The nine-minute contest really sold both men's desire to be treated with more command, as neither man looked willing to admit defeat. Unfortunately one man had to lose, and despite putting on a strong showing, things came to an end when Jason Dempsey was forced into submission when Christian Blithe locked in the Figure Four Leglock. Stranded in the middle of the ring, Dempsey held on for as long as he could, the desperation clear on his face as he tried to hold on, only to realise that tonight was not his night.

Winner by submission: Christian Blithe



After the bell an utterly dejected Jason Dempsey heads up the ramp, head in hands. Things get worse for him with the arrival of Lee though, who stands in Dempsey's path to mock the tenacious scrapper's loss.


Dempsey shrugs past, trying not to give Lee any satisfaction in seeing his disappointment. But as Dempsey passes, Lee swings his arm, knocking Dempsey to the floor with a lariat. He stomps on Dempsey for a moment until Blithe swiftly ducks out of the ring and chases off the assailant.


With Lee headed backstage, Blithe helps Dempsey up to his feet and their issues look to be resolved. But then Dempsey pushes Blithe away, and can be heard shouting that he didn't ask for Blithe's help as he storms off.



Zofia Jankovic is walking backstage when she is stopped by the oncoming Viper McKenna.


Viper McKenna: Relax Zofia, I’m not here to start anything. I’m here with an opportunity. You see we all know about your history with Thea Davis, the wars you two have had over the years across Europe. So I was thinking, how would you like to get your hands on her in a match next week?

Zofia Jankovic: Let me stop you right there, Viper. What you mean is you want me to soften Thea up before your title match at Madness. Well lucky for you I will never pass up on an offer to beat up Thea Davis. But there’s one catch. I want the next title shot.


Match Six:

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School Of Wrestling vs Good Friday Agreement

Youth was no match for experience tonight as School Of Wrestling tangled with the wily veterans Joey Beauchamp and Merle O'Curle, who have recently decided to team together as Good Friday Agreement. Though it was Beauchamp's BOW debut he instantly took command of the ring and was easily the best performer of this contest. He scored the expected victory for him and O'Curle after less than eight minutes when he pinned Aurelian Bradley, who was unable to win in front of his hometown crowd.

Winners via pinfall: Good Friday Agreement


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The new theme music of the recently united duo plays for but a split second before switching to Padraig O’Hearne’s, as he and Konrad Makinen storm their way to the ring.

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Joey Beauchamp: The audacity! How dare you two come out here. You’ve got some gall. After all the dirty, rotten, underhanded things you have done to my best friend Merle O’Curle, you come out here, interrupting our victory celebration, and stand across the ring from us?! This is an atrocious insult to-

Konrad Makinen: Let me be the one to stop you right there Joey, because if Padraig does so, it’ll be with his fists. Now I don’t know what lies your ‘best friend’ Merle has been feeding you, but if anyone around here is a dirty cheater, it’s him. Frankly, we’re sick of it. This whole arena is sick of it. Everyone at home is sick of it. So it’s time for us to kill it, stone cold dead. Merle it’s time you were put out to pasture and Joey, there is no shortage of history between us. We’ve done this thing all across Europe and we can do it again here in Britain. So if you want to join your buddy Merle in being shipped off to the retirement home, then I’ll be happy to send you packing. 

Padraig O’Hearne: Merle it is taking everything in my power not to cross this ring and punch you in the face right now. But if you’re gonna hide behind your little pal here then I’ll gladly go through him first. But I’m smart, I know how things work around here with people like you. I know that if I give you the beating that you so badly deserve right here, right now, then you’ll worm your way out of a match at Madness. And for all the ass kickings that you deserve, I know that nothing would hurt you more than me pinning your shoulders to the mat, 1-2-3. So we’ll just have to wait until then. 

Padraig O’Hearne throws his microphone at the feet of Merle O’Curle, with Makinen doing the same in the direction of Beauchamp, as the fans are very vocal in their support for the younger duo.


Match Seven:

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Stuart Wilson vs Stevie Stoat w/ The Assassins' Guild

A great match between the Olympic medal winning Stuart Wilson and the entrenched veteran Stevie Stoat instantly descended into a chaotic brawl, with the two robust wrestlers pummelling each other with ham sized fists. Stuart Wilson deceives many in the fact that he only has a couple of years experience between the ropes, and performances like this, holding his own against both the World Champion Stoat and his nefarious cronies at ringside, will only serve to increase his standing in the eyes of fans. At one point the dastardly duo of Peyton and Raynor at ringside looked to have cost Wilson the bout, but the appearance of the Three Lions stable at ringside neutralised the threat of The Assassins Guild. Unfortunately the reprieve was only momentary, as the distraction of the two feuding teams outside the ring was enough for Stevie Stoat to land his Super Kick and put down the resilient Wilson for the three count.

Winner by pinfall: BOW World Champion Stevie Stoat


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With the match over the bickering on the outside of the ring quickly turns into fighting, something Stoat wanted nothing to do with as he remained in the ring. Even though The Assassins' Guild were at a numbers disadvantage, he refused to interject himself. It took the arrival of Colin Picalo, jumping Nate Manchester from behind, to give The Assassins' Guild the upper hand, and the trio of heels took pleasure in picking apart their foes on the ringside floor.


Satisfied with the sight of Three Lions wiped out at ringside, The Assassins’ Guild and Colin Picalo’s attention quickly diverts as Clubber Kohl charges out from the back with Eva Berlin in hot pursuit. From the safety of the ring Stevie Stoat directs the trio of stooges to block off The War Dog.

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Kohl makes easy work of both Stefan Raynor and Louie Peyton, their onrush doing little to slow the brute as he wipes them out with a single blow each. Colin Picalo jumps onto the back of Kohl, trapping him in a headlock which gives Stoat enough time to dark into the audience for refuge. The hold on Kohl only lasts but a moment, as Clubber Kohl reverses it into his Hamburg Express running powerslam, slamming Colin Picalo’s spine onto the entrance ramp. Stevie Stoat can only look on, sneering amongst the fans as Kohl stares him down from a distance.


Match Eight:

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Hugh de Aske vs Walker van Cleer

For a very long time, tag team wrestling has been providing the best content for BOW in terms of match performances alone. Tonight that changed in the main event as two of the hottest characters on the roster right now in Hugh de Aske and Walker van Cleer put on an absolute banger of a match that had the crowd eating out of their hand from the opening bell. The action was intense, it was slick, and it was faultless. If you ever want to give an example of great chemistry between opponents, then use a video of this match. Neither man held anything back in this encounter, both desperate to win to take momentum into their respective matches at Madness next weekend. The near falls were aplenty, the tease of finishers hooking fans only to be reversed and keep the action going. And all of this occurred in just under ten minutes. Finally sensing blood in the water, Walker van Cleer ascended to the top rope, waiting for Hugh de Aske to rise to his feet, looking for his High Elevation Crossbody. But as the Vigilante Pirate rose, the fans erupted, with Landon Mallory's music hitting. The Springbok was no-where to be found though, but the distraction was enough. Hugh joined Walker on the top rope, and lifted the Dutch competitor onto his shoulders. Both men smacked into the ring canvas as Hugh de Aske connected with his Cut-Throat Driver from off the top rope. He crawled into the pin, and the fans erupted as referee Roy Worrall's hand slapped the mat for the three count.

Winner by pinfall: Hugh de Aske



With Walker van Cleer left alone in the ring, still reeling at his loss, the Springbok finally appeared.


Landon Mallory leapt over the barricade at ringside and swept into the ring at breakneck speed, not slowing as he collided with Walker. The two threw wrecking ball punches onto one another, neither even bothering to attempt a block as they just kept swinging. The brawl slipped out of the ring, but neither man let up. Eventually the chaos broke out into the crowd, with the two still clubbing one another as the show went off the air.


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Here's the prediction results from the last show:

@KyTeran - 6/8

@smw88 - 6/8

@Wrestling Machine - 6/8

@Charasmatic Enigma - 5/8

@JAK - 5/8

@willr0ck - 5/8

And the overall standings:

@KyTeran - 32/42

@Wrestling Machine - 32/42

@Charasmatic Enigma - 31/42

@willr0ck - 30/42

@smw88 - 21/34

@JAK - 5/8

BOW Night Of Wrestling #12 Match Card:

Thea Davis vs Zofia Jankovic

Hardcore Match:
Milton Hittlespitz vs Stuntman

A Pair Of Aces vs Wild Child and Strife

Konrad Makinen & Padraig O'Hearne vs Ward & Owen

Chitose Ariwara vs Steph Blake

Colin Picalo and The Assassins' Guild vs Gordon Leve, Eugen Semper and Dale Deal*
*Dale Deal is a new generated worker, I forgot to take a screenshot of him before signing him, but I will include an image of his stats now for reference

Pavel Vanzycha (w/ Fink Finkleton and Nigel Svensson) vs Billy Robinson (w/ Don Henderson)

Jermaine Granger (w/ Mo Adebola and Danger Zone) vs Jase Cole (w/ Future x Force)

Dale Deal snapshot:



Guys unfortunately I've got a pretty hectic month coming up - I'm hoping to post this show within two weeks, and then the Madness event at the beginning of March. Keep your eyes peeled in case anything changes and I'm able to add the shows, but for now, this diary is on a bit of a slower progression rate for a little while.

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BOW Night Of Wrestling #12 Match Card:

Thea Davis vs Zofia Jankovic
Comments: Thea has a future match with Viper, but Zofia will not make it easy for her.

Hardcore Match:
Milton Hittlespitz vs Stuntman
Comments: I feel like Milton may be slightly higher up the card than Stuntman.

A Pair Of Aces vs Wild Child and Strife
Comments: Another win for the Aces.

Konrad Makinen & Padraig O'Hearne vs Ward & Owen
Comments: Thanks to NWF every time I see Gavin Owen, I just assume that he is losing.

Chitose Ariwara vs Steph Blake
Comments: Steph has a match with Aud to look forward too and while Chitose is a good talent I don't see her winning this match.

Colin Picalo and The Assassins' Guild vs Gordon Leve, Eugen Semper and Dale Deal*
*Dale Deal is a new generated worker, I forgot to take a screenshot of him before signing him, but I will include an image of his stats now for reference
Comments: Thank you for showing who Dale is, but I believe he is eating the pin on this show.

Pavel Vanzycha (w/ Fink Finkleton and Nigel Svensson) vs Billy Robinson (w/ Don Henderson)
Comments: Billy ties up the score before the eventual tag title clash.

Jermaine Granger (w/ Mo Adebola and Danger Zone) vs Jase Cole (w/ Future x Force)
Comments: I feel that out of all the members of Danger Zone, Jermaine is the one that is going to eat the pin the most.

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Thea Davis vs Zofia Jankovic

Hardcore Match: Milton Hittlespitz vs Stuntman

A Pair Of Aces vs Wild Child and Strife

Konrad Makinen & Padraig O'Hearne vs Ward & Owen to build momentum heading to a match vs GFA

Chitose Ariwara vs Steph Blake after shenanigans

Colin Picalo and The Assassins' Guild vs Gordon Leve, Eugen Semper and Dale Deal* regen seems interesting!

Pavel Vanzycha (w/ Fink Finkleton and Nigel Svensson) vs Billy Robinson (w/ Don Henderson)

Jermaine Granger (w/ Mo Adebola and Danger Zone) vs Jase Cole (w/ Future x Force)

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15 hours ago, KyTeran said:

Konrad Makinen & Padraig O'Hearne vs Ward & Owen
Comments: Thanks to NWF every time I see Gavin Owen, I just assume that he is losing.

Hey! I'll have you know that... no that's fair 😛


BOW Night Of Wrestling #12 Match Card:

Thea Davis vs Zofia Jankovic
Comments: Thea's on a bit of a roll, and I think that continues tonight

Hardcore Match:
Milton Hittlespitz vs Stuntman
Comments: I've noticed Milton more than Stuntman so far

A Pair Of Aces vs Wild Child and Strife
Comments: Squishy squash

Konrad Makinen & Padraig O'Hearne vs Ward & Owen
Comments: Konrad and Padraig have been treated as future stars, so expect them to win here

Chitose Ariwara vs Steph Blake

Colin Picalo and The Assassins' Guild vs Gordon Leve, Eugen Semper and Dale Deal*
*Dale Deal is a new generated worker, I forgot to take a screenshot of him before signing him, but I will include an image of his stats now for reference
Comments: Colin Picalo needs to prove himself to Stevie Stoat

Pavel Vanzycha (w/ Fink Finkleton and Nigel Svensson) vs Billy Robinson (w/ Don Henderson)
Comments: Billy to even it up heading into Madness

Jermaine Granger (w/ Mo Adebola and Danger Zone) vs Jase Cole (w/ Future x Force)
Comments: Jermaine Granger feels like the bottom rung of Danger Zone, so eats the loss here before Future x Force move their way onto Dnagermouth and The Northern Lights

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BOW Night Of Wrestling #12 Match Card:

Thea Davis vs Zofia Jankovic

Hardcore Match:
Milton Hittlespitz vs Stuntman

A Pair Of Aces vs Wild Child and Strife

Konrad Makinen & Padraig O'Hearne vs Ward & Owen

Chitose Ariwara vs Steph Blake

Colin Picalo and The Assassins' Guild vs Gordon Leve, Eugen Semper and Dale Deal*
*Dale Deal is a new generated worker, I forgot to take a screenshot of him before signing him, but I will include an image of his stats now for reference

Pavel Vanzycha (w/ Fink Finkleton and Nigel Svensson) vs Billy Robinson (w/ Don Henderson)

Jermaine Granger (w/ Mo Adebola and Danger Zone) vs Jase Cole (w/ Future x Force)

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