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The Spectacular Legacy of The AWA...

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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Old School Fan said:

(incidentally, what's Reed doing contending for the light heavyweight title when he's at least over 30 pounds over the light heavyweight limit?)

So I think it was an error on the mod maker's behalf, brcause as I was looking for potential hires for the division, Reed's name came up and at first I was like "Butch Reed? Light Heavyweight? Huh?" But thought, well maybe earlier in his career he was, signed him up because I wanted Reed anyways for the plans I had for him. Then due to curiosity, looked it up and yeah, the man never was a Light Heavyweight and it was too late to go change it.

So that's the technical reason for it.

The KAYFABE reason is AWA is fudging the numbers to help give life to the division because Reed's cutting some good promos, Verne's love of legit athletes makes him a good hire and, he won't be in this division for too long before we bulk him up.

Honestly I kinda love it because it's such a wrestling thing to do, especially back in this era. It's so carny.

Edited by Neon_Peon
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Some Further Clarification on the Light Heavyweight Division

To try and avoid further confusion, I am going to establish a very simple rule. If the wrestler in question ever won a Light Heavyweight Title in their career, they are going in the division xD. Obviously my aim is to TRY and keep it as weight accurate as I can, the limit being 206lbs. BUT, it's wrestling, plenty of guys who were either on the border, or just tipping over, or even a dozen or so pounds over have competed in these divisions because...eh...he's not too bulky. Call him Light Heavyweight. So if I want to add a guy to the division and the game throws up a weight I think is questionable (E.G. Butch Reed listed as a Light Heavyweight) Then, I will very simply, look to see their actual weight. If I never wanted them for the division? No biggy. If I did? Well...did they ever win a Light Heavyweight belt or were they ALWAYS considered above? If they did win a Light Heavyweight Belt, then historically, at an earlier point in their career, they either legit were, or were billed as such.

If they never were, in which case, the AWA will be having at least one more division soon. So, again, no biggy

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On 4/8/2024 at 3:34 AM, Neon_Peon said:

So I think it was an error on the mod maker's behalf, brcause as I was looking for potential hires for the division, Reed's name came up and at first I was like "Butch Reed? Light Heavyweight? Huh?" But thought, well maybe earlier in his career he was, signed him up because I wanted Reed anyways for the plans I had for him. Then due to curiosity, looked it up and yeah, the man never was a Light Heavyweight and it was too late to go change it.

So that's the technical reason for it.

The KAYFABE reason is AWA is fudging the numbers to help give life to the division because Reed's cutting some good promos, Verne's love of legit athletes makes him a good hire and, he won't be in this division for too long before we bulk him up.

Honestly I kinda love it because it's such a wrestling thing to do, especially back in this era. It's so carny.

It's mod maker's fault for not setting the title to Lightweight or below. Because in TEW size is done differently than irl, Butch Reed in game would be set as Light Heavyweight or Middleweight because irl he supposedly weighed around 260 lbs.  Lightweight max weight is 230 lbs.

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16 minutes ago, alvarasus said:

It's mod maker's fault for not setting the title to Lightweight or below. Because in TEW size is done differently than irl, Butch Reed in game would be set as Light Heavyweight or Middleweight because irl he supposedly weighed around 260 lbs.  Lightweight max weight is 230 lbs.

Ah I never knew the game treated weight differently to be fair so I don't think that was the mod maker's fault. More me misunderstanding the differences. I'll make the changes for going forward and stick to my rules regardless in terms of future wrestlers for the division. if the wrestler in question HELD a Light Heavyweight title...they are going in the division. If they were LEGIT Light Heavyweight, they are going in the division. If not. There will be another "division" soon. Division in quotes because it won't be based on weight class.

Also update on the February Spectacular: Just finished writing the Graham/Reed match and man, I'm quite proud of it if I do say so myself. Looking forward to getting the rest of this done ASAP.

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  • 1 month later...

The American Wrestling Association Presents

The 1983 February Spectacular


From the Omaha Civic Center

In Front of a SELL OUT crowd of 9,300

Verne Gagne.jpg

AWA President | Verne Gagne

Ladies and gentlemen of Omaha, allow me to thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules and for choosing to spend your hard earned money, so that you can join us here this evening for another classic Wrestling spectacular showcase, brought to you by the American Wrestling Association! For those of you who put together a travel itinerary, who drove, or flew, or rode a greyhound bus to get here. We thank you for your passion and dedication to follow this beautiful sporting event that we put together for you! I assure you, your journey will be worthwhile!

AWA President | Verne Gagne

Tonight, living legends will face one another in the main event for Championship Gold, feuds will be settled, rivalries will be put to rest, but one thing can be certain…there will be nothing happening tonight on god’s green earth that will be better than the show we have in store for you! So without further ado, allow me once again to thank you…and to welcome you, to the premiere wrestling company across not only the Mid-West but the entirety of these beautiful United States of America! The American Wrestling Association!



Light Heavyweight Championship.jpg

World Light Heavyweight Championship

Mike Graham C VS. Primetime Butch Reed

Mike Graham.jpg VS. Butch Reed.jpg

As the proceedings are officially underway we are greeted with the challenger entering first as is custom for a Championship match. Instead however, we are first given a glimpse of the challenger’s…valet?...Manager?...Girlfriend? All of the above? Sensational Sherri. She was wearing a long, red velvet gown with slits along the sides to expose her legs which were in black fishnet tights, her neck and face were adorned aith black and red glitter make-up, her hair tied up in a bun with red and black pins strewn throughout. Microphone in hand she smiles as she surveys the audience raining down their hatred upon her. For someone who had not had a single match in AWA. This woman had made herself one of the most hated people in the company in such a short matter of time due to her behavior and relationship with Butch Reed.

Sensational Sherri.jpg


The attempt to be cordial and formal with her introduction went away as quickly as it started as this audience whittled away what little patience Sherri had, if she had any to begin with and that loud, wild eyed, scary and dare we say…perhaps psychopathic nature that she tried to hide came out instead.

"What all you IGNORANT, INGRATE, INBREDS are about to witness…is the dawn of a new era for this low down, left behind, light heavyweight division! Because MY MAN…My fine…tall…dark…and Mmmmh…oh so handsome specimen of a MAN is finally going to do WHAT HE PROMISED TO DO…and rid this company of the ball and chain it has been attached to for far too long…Mike Graham!"

She laughs to herself at the thought of seeing her client, her man, her future champion destroying Mike Graham here tonight but the crowd’s disdain got louder, which only got on Sheri’s nerve more and she stomped her feet in response, her eyes widening further. If looks could kill…this entire crowd would be dead.

"EVERYBODY QUIET! I don’t think you realize that Sensational Sherri ALWAYS GETS WHAT SHE WANTS…and what she wants…is for her man to get everything he deserves…and so much more…"

She licks her lips sensually and lets out a soft, subtle moan into the microphone, knowing just how much that’s going to get under the skin of a certain section of this crowd. Before gesturing towards her left side, to finally welcome the man she wanted to introduce.

"PLEASE WELCOME…the most naturally gifted athlete in the sport of professional wrestling today…and YOUR FUTURE WORLD LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION…PRIMETIME BUTCH REED!"

And folks while Primetime makes his way down to the ring let us remind you that the thoughts and opinions that have been stated by Butch Reed are not necessarily the thoughts and opinions of the American Wrestling Association. From day one Butch’s name can be tied with controversy, attacking the champion after Mike Graham successfully defended his title.last month against the new arrival Steve Regal, he has since made this a personal vendetta, a crusade if you will, to right what he believes to be the wrongs of not only the American Wrestling Association, but the country as a whole and he’s starting his focus on none other than the World Light Heavyweight Champion, Mike Graham.

Speaking of which Graham now coming out…and Graham running down to the ring, unstrapping his belt as he moves, he hands the belt over to an attendant at ringside and he is wasting no time here! Remember folks this is personal for Mike Graham, he has faced weeks of both verbal and physical abuse at the hands of Butch Reed and the man is finally going to vent all those frustrations, all that anger here tonight and the two men go right at it, not even giving the bell a chance to ring as the action begins and the two men clubbing at one another as Graham charges in like a mad man to finally get his hands on Reed! Both men trading blows right now as Graham unleashing some of that rage, but Reed manages to shove Graham away and get some space between them, the referee quickly stepping in so we can get an official start now to this match. No time for the usual formal introduction ladies and gents these men want to tear each other apart!

And with the ring of the bell this match is officially underway as the two men go for a collar and elbow tie up, Butch Reed not wasting his time going for a single leg takedown, but Graham reverses it, driving a boot to Reed’s face, both men back on their feet, going for another lock up and we get the same repetition, Reed going for the single leg, takes Graham down, but once again Mike Graham pushing Reed back and onto the floor with his boot! Both men returning to their feet and BEAUTIFUL DROPKICK by our World Light Heavyweight Champion, sending Reed careening onto his back!

Folks I think Butch Reed was hoping, praying, perhaps even expecting a dominant showing here tonight, that’s what all these mind games, that’s what all those insults, those cheap attacks over the past few weeks were for. He wanted the champion in a weakened state but it seems to have stirred a fight in Mike Graham that Butch Reed certainly DID NOT expect as the challenger is getting tested here in the early onset of this match. 

Butch Reed taking some time as he rolls out to the ringside area, to recalibrate, to strategize as now Mike Graham has made it clear to him. He wants this belt? He’s going to have to fight for it after everything he has done to Mike Graham this past month. “COME ON BABY YOU GOT THIS” you can hear the shrill shriek of Sherri, that wild card factor, that ace in the hole. Will she play a pivotal part in this match? Only time can tell but for now all she seems to be here for is motivation as she comes to her man’s aid, giving him a quick shoulder rub and pumping him up as the referee is counting.



Butch takes a few deep breaths, nodding and pumping himself up, before rolling back into the ring, breaking the count and bringing this bout back into the ring where it belongs. However he remains close to the corner and the ropes, noticeably slowing the pace down of this match in order to try and regain control of how this match is going to go because so far, the ball is completely in the champions court. 

And now this time as the two men lock up it’s Primetime Butch Reed who gets the advantage singling out the left arm of Mike Graham and working on it and when you have someone the size and the statue of Butch Reed working on any part of your body, that is not a good place to be ladies and Gentleman.

But Mike Graham, knowing this is a dangerous predicament to be in, delivering a necessary right forearm to the back of Butch Reed’s head, sending him into the ropes and with an arm drag takedown, just like that, the Light Heavyweight Champion has turned the tables and it is now Mike Graham working on the left arm of the challenger. Showing Butch that despite everything that was said this past month, there is indeed a reason that this man IS your Light Heavyweight Champion.

Sensational Sherri must clearly be worried about her client at this point as Butch Reed, firing some forearms of his own to try and get out of the lock that Graham has on his left arm but Graham’s got it cinched in, pinning his knees down on that left shoulder, that upper bicep of the Primetime athlete! It seems that Butch Reed has unlocked a certain tenacity, a determination that we haven’t seen from Mike Graham. This is what making things personal does ladies and gentlemen, it takes you to places you have never been before, mentally, physically, emotionally and tonight it’s bringing out a level of intensity that Mike Graham has not showcased here before.

But Butch Reed is a man who’s tenacity and determination we are all too familiar with! It’s already there! On the surface! For all the world to see and he’s using it right now when it matters the most! As he drives a right elbow straight into the jaw of the Light Heavyweight champion, knocking those knees off of the left shoulder, but the hold is still in place…but that motion, that momentum, that space is all Butch Reed needs to try and make a comeback as he is powering himself to how feet. Graham still twisting and wringing that left arm, but not for long as OH! Hard right hand, closed fist and all right to the forehead of the Light Heavyweight Champion, straight from Butch Reed and that finally seperates the hold!

The referee is trying to admonish Reed for using a closed fist but it seems to be falling on deaf ears as Primetime is more concerned with getting the momentum back on his side, whipping Mike Graham into the ropes, he goes for a clothesline as Graham rebounds but the champ ducks under and as Butch Reed turns around, ANOTHER PIN POINT, BEAUTIFULLY DELIVERED DROPKICK STRAIGHT TO THE CHIN OF THE CHALLENGER! Butch Reed going head over heels as he folds over himself and there are members of this audience in disbelief! I think a lot of them were expecting total domination, I think, in all honesty, a lot of them were expecting a squash like the ones they see on All Star Wrestling. Folks, This is NOT All Star Wrestling. This is the Wrestling Spectacular! Our athletes bring nothing but the best to these special monthly events and you’re witnessing an example of it right here, right now!

And Sensational Sherri is livid! Bashing the ring mat with both hands as she screams “COME ON BABY!” her voice scratching, scathing, sounding almost banshee like in pitch. “HE’S EMBARRASSING YOU! DON’T LET HIM EMBARRASS YOU!”

That seems to stir Butch Reed to his feet who makes a charging dash towards the champion but Mike Graham is ready, hits him with an arm drag but Reed regaining some drive here, finding that adrenaline rush he needs gets right back up, he charges into a second arm drag but as he gets back up he does NOT charge in to a third in fact as Mike Graham gets back up. Reed uses his football acumen and hits Mike Graham with a shoulder tackle and now, we might just see the worm begin to turn here! As Butch Reed hoisting Graham back up to his feet, he’s pulling the champ along into the corner, dragging him by his hair as the referee starts the count of five…


Butch Reed lets go of Mike Graham’s hair but only because he seems to have him where he wants him, right up in the corner. He delivers a knife edge chop straight across the chest of the champion, followed by a second, keeping him pressed up tight in that corner! Reed wraps his bulky forearm right around the neck of Mike Graham…looking to the center of the ring what is he thinking of right now.

He takes a few running steps, taking Mike Graham with him he leaps up into the air! And he Drives Mike Graham’s head straight into the mat with that RUNNING BULLDOG! 

Butch going for the cover! Looking to capitalize!


But ladies and gentlemen it is a very different game now, in a matter of moments this went from the champions match, to the challenger’s as it is Butch Reed we are witnessing take over this match, getting applause now from Sensational Sherri at ringside. Both men by the ropes now as Butch looking to keep this momentum going in his favor, also using this a moment to showcase his abilities as he deadlifts Mike Graham up off of the mat, up towards his chest level, up and above the ropes and…

OH! He hotshots Mike Graham onto the top rope, sending the champ careening back, clutching at his throat!. Those ropes are not a pretty thing to collide with ladies at gentlemen, when you are getting thrown into them, dropped onto them, with the speed, the power and the force that Butch Reed just displayed there? They can be heavy, they can be restrictive, they can wind you, they can cause welts on the skin. They are just bad all around and Mike Graham got a taste of that as he is writhing in pain right now in the center of the ring!

He positions the champ up onto his knees, Champ in trouble now still trying to gain his breath, it wouldn’t surprise me if those ropes have damaged his throat, his windpipe in some way. Butch running to the opposite side and Graham tries to get up in time so he can fight back but he’s met with a reverse neckbreaker by the challenger and Reed going for another quick cover, looking for the pin while he’s got control back in this match!


And Butch Reed is CLEARLY unhappy as he points to the referee! Yelling at him! “ARE YOU ON THE TAKE REF?!” The ref doesn’t know how to respond, holding up the two to Reed to indicate the count and trying to tell him “I’m just doing my job!” But Reed is having none of it! He grabs Mike Graham by the back of his head, picks it up and drives him face first back into the mat! Now Reed on his feet, his eyes still locked with the referee.


Folks I apologize for what you are witnessing right now, the implications that Butch Reed is trying to make of our referee are not only desperate, but HIGHLY inappropriate and uncalled for He’s got the poor referee cornered, this is not a professional athlete, this isn’t a wrestler, this is a referee just following the guidelines the AWA have set forth in his handbook and Butch Reed is trying to implicate things here that…that we don’t NEED to discuss right now. This is a Light Heavyweight Championship match for god sakes! If what he was saying was remotely true he wouldn’t even BE in this match!

Sherri comes running around the ringside and steps up onto the mat to try and calm her man down. “Take it easy baby, you're gonna’ get yourself disqualified!” she points to the fallen Graham who is picking himself up slowly onto all fours. “I will take care of the ref! YOU take care of him…and I promise…I’ll take care of YOU later…” She leans in and kisses Reed on the cheek. Reed points and warns the ref one final time. “ONE MORE SLOW COUNT FROM YOU BOY AND I SWEAR…”

He turns his attention back to Mike Graham, running right at him and delivering a HARD RIGHT KNEE straight across the head of the champion, Reed yelling out in frustration as he does so, going so fast he finds himself having to use the ropes once he hits the opposite end of the ring to stop himself. Panting angrily as Mike Graham falls to the mat like a ragdoll and folks we are witnessing Butch Reed come unglued here in a way we have not seen before. He has gotten an idea in his head of something going on in this match that is not happening and it is causing a fire and a rage in this man that is just plain SCARY to see as right now he is circling the Light Heavyweight Champion as Graham is stirring, trying to regain some life in this match and Reed just delivers a devastating stomp to the top of his head, letting out another angry yell as he does so. Reed circling around the ring, waiting for Mike Graham to stir and try to pull himself up once more, crawling towards the ropes…and after a couple running steps he delivers ANOTHER vicious stomp to the back of Mike Graham’s head…and Butch Reed is smiling…he is SMILING at the display he is putting on right now. He pulls Mike Graham up onto his feet and ladies and gentlemen right now Mike Graham is stumbling. If it were not for Butch Reed bringing him up one would have to assume he would still be on the mat right now. Reed hooking the arm, hoisting him up…and driving him down with a BEAUTIFUL SUPLEX to the center of the ring. Butch Reed in complete and total control now as he seems to be playing with his food!

Instead of going for the pin though Reed decides to continue the torment, as he props Mike Graham into a seated position…and he locks in the REAR CHIN LOCK…REAR CHIN LOCK TIGHTLY CINCHED IN ON THE CHAMP! If Reed is getting paranoid of the referee count than maybe this is the alternative he is concocting in his head, he’s going to make the champion submit. He’s going to make him say he gives up and if he can’t do that? Then make him lose consciousness completely!

And this is in the centre of the ring, Mike Graham has nowhere to go! His arms reaching out, looking for anything to grab on to, anything to give him leverage to try and get out of this but there is nothing! He yells out in pain as Reed cranks that hold and cinches it in tighter, and Mike Graham starts to show signs of fading right there, that tightening of the grasp seemed to do the trick as Graham’s arms, still trying to reach for something, slowly lower to the mat and you see the life in Graham’s body slowly start to seep away. The referee gets down onto his knees to inspect. It looks like Graham might not be responding.

He raises Graham’s arm to the air once…

And the arm falls back to the mat, if that happens two more times we have a new Light Heavyweight Champion here tonight!

He raises Graham’s arm a second time…

And Graham’s fists clench tight. There’s still some adrenaline keeping that blood pumping, keeping that spirit alive, Mike Graham fighting valiantly to stay alive in this match as he reaches up both arms, wrapping them around the back of Butch Reed’s neck, using the body of his opponent to help himself to his feet what an ingenious tactic by the Light Heavyweight Champ! He jumps up and OH! Jawbreaker! Jawbreaker driving Butch Reed back down, seperating the hold and giving Mike Graham the space and the time he needs to finally recover after that onslaught from the challenger, as he scrambles away to the opposite side of the ring, leaning on the ropes as he regains his breath, taking that time to check himself, to recalibrate himself, while Reed’s lights have been knocked out momentarily.


But Mike Graham won’t have that time as Sensational Sherri hops up onto the apron, causing Mike Graham to jump back slightly, to ensure she doesn’t get the jump on him, she knows what laying her hands on Graham would mean for the match as the referee steps in to try and talk her back down to ringside, warning her he is going to have to force her to the back if she isn’t careful. The referee’s warnings can’t exactly be heard though over the shouting that Sherri is doing “CAN’T YOU TELL WHEN YOU’VE BEEN BEAT! BUTCH IS JUST BETTER THAN YOU! STRONGER THAN YOU! FASTER THAN…” and this was going on while Butch was getting back to his feet, Graham, not wanting to lay his hands on a woman stepped away and told the referee to “Deal with her please?!” And as he turned around, he saw what many during their days on the football field probably feared, the large, natural athlete, Butch Reed, charging right at him, head and shoulders first, and just in time, Mike Graham managed to step aside, pulling the referee along with him and…



And Mike Graham capitalizes he rolls Butch Reed up! SCHOOL BOY PIN WHILE BUTCH WAS DISTRACTED COUNT IT!



Ladies and Gentlemen…I would like to say that neither man has anything to be ashamed of here tonight, both men brought their A game, both men had moments in the match where they were on top, either one COULD have won it…but the behavior of Butch Reed that was exhibited towards our referee, simply for doing his job…is inexcusable. I for one hope the AWA offices take action after seeing this match here tonight and we see some sort of punishment dealt to Butch Reed due to his actions in this match but for now…Mike Graham REMAINS your WORLD LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION

Meanwhile at ringside Butch Reed has Sensational Sherri in his arms, repeatedly apologizing to her as the ref and other medical staff come to her attention, helping her get to the back. The best laid plans of mice and men, they often go awry and they went awry here tonight as this power couple have some things to work out back in the locker room!


Tag Team Grudge Match

The Axis Powers VS. Strike Force

Baron Von Raschke.jpgMasa Saito.jpg VS. Rick Martel.jpgTito Santana.jpg

The bell rings and we are underway in this tag team match up as it looks like Masa Saito is gonna start as the legal man for his team and Rick Martel choosing to be the legal man for Strike force to get things started as the tag team partners head to their respective corners and both men, heading towards the center, Saito reaching out looking to initiate a lock up and as Martel reaches out, Saito blindsides him, pulling Martel into a side headlock before delivering a blow straight to the cranium of Rick Martel! Martel steps out of the headlock but Saito now, delivering a series of clubbing blows across the body of Rick Martel, bringing the young man to his knees, before delivering a crushing double axe handle blow right across the back of Martel!

Martel staggering now and Saito looking to capitalize, whips Martel into the ropes…goes for a clothesline but Martel ducks under! Martel coming back trying to get Saito with the HIGH CROSSBODY…BUT SAITO CATCHES HIM! Saito prepared and ready for Martel’s rebound from the ropes! Saito carrying Martel around now, what’s he looking to do here?

Well whatever it is folks we will never find out because in comes Tito Santana, delivering a dropkick to his own partner’s back but what that does is send momentum right on over and Martel manages to finish that crossbody on Masa Saito! But Baron Von Raschke does not like what he sees one bit! He steps in and folks this is devolving quickly, it is no secret how these two teams feel about one another and right now we have all four men in the ring! Raschke running over to Santana, those two trading blows towards the Strike Force corner, Saito and Martel trading blows towards the Axis Powers corner and the referee needs to get control of the situation here! 

Santana manages to bring Raschke down onto his back and then forces him back out the ring underneath the bottom rope by pushing him out with his feet! Meanwhile Martel now has Saito backed up against the ropes, Santana coming in to help his partner, the two whip Saito across the ring together and as Saito comes running back and a double clothesline sends Saito to the canvas! Santana retreating back to his corner so Martel can attempt the quick cover! 


Martel accepts the outcome though and continues his work on Saito to ensure momentum stays on the Strike Force’s side. He locks in the arm and wrenches with both arms, to stop those tree trunk like forearms from coming in to play, but Saito trying to fight back, Saito using one arm, pushing hinmself back up, Martel wrenching the arm again to keep it locked in as Saito manages to force his way into a standing position! Now he’s delivering a series of blows, straight to the wide open midsection of Rick Martel! ONE…TWO…THREE…and now he’s reaching down…trying to SCOOP UP MARTEL…BUT MARTEL HOISTS UP AND OVER, STANDING NOW BEHIND SAITO!

With a lunging push he charges with Saito into the ropes, Martel starting to wrap his arms around Saito’s waist…but Saito clutched on to the top rope and sends Martel whiplashing back before he can complete his grapple!

Saito taking advantage, using this opportunity of a fallen opponent to tag in Baron Von Raschke and recover!

Von Raschke now the legal man for The Axis Powers.

Raschke goes for a double Axe handle, looking to drop both closed fists right on Martel’s head but Martel rolls away just in time and Raschke’s hands collide with the mat.

Rachke pulls Martel up to his feet but Martel firing back and now both men tradin blows, with each blow Raschke delivering pushing Martel further against the ropes. Now with only the ropes behind him, Martel still trading in his side of the shots! But Raschke manages to whip Martel into the ropes! And Saito on the apron, with a single teop across able to deliver a knee right to the back of Martel! Sending him falling down to his knees! Raschke following up on the opportunity his partner handed him he delivers a boot straight to the temple of Martel, causing him to fall flat on his back against the ropes and now Von Raschke, digging both his knees straight into the back of Rick Martel and he’s using the ropes for leverage! Referee get in there and start the count!


And Raschke breaks the count, smirking to himself  before dragging Martel now to the center of the ring, he places his boots right on Martel’s hair as he grabs a hold of both his arms and begins pulling at Maretel’s arms, causing him to pull up while Raschke’s feet remain planted on his hair and the screams of pain can be hear across the arena and the ref isn’t even initiating a count he’s getting right in there folks! Causing Rachke to back away acting innocent, but it is during this moment where the ref is admonishing Raschke that Saito steps in and drops an elbow straight to the midsection of Martel and by the time the admonishing is finished and the ref has turned around? Saito has stepped back out, grabbed the tag rope and looks to the referee as if he had been there the whole time…

Raschke going for the pin…


Oh Santana stepping in! Santana getting frustrated by the antics of the Axis Powers and breaks the pin! And now Raschke complains to the referee! The hypocrisy! The referee just gives Santana a light warning with a look as he is clearly struggling right now to keep order and hopes Santan will respect that. 

Raschke continuing to take advantage of this situation. Right now the ball was entirely in The Axis Powers court and why shouldn’t it be? These two men are experienced, these two men have forgotten more about this sport than Strike Force currently know. Yes their actions are questionable, but they KNOW they can get away with it, because they know HOW to get away with folks. And nothing emphasised this as Martel, fighting back as Rasche hoists him up, trying to put him in a head lock but Martel pushes back, delivering shots to the Baron’s gut, pushing towards his team’s corner, pushing towards his partner’s hand…reaching outtt annnnd…in cam Masa Saito, dashing across the ring and delivering a forearm straight to the side of Santana to send him careening off of the apron!

Yes. It was rough. Yes. It was dirty. Yes. It got the referee to step in and give both men a formal warning letting them BOTH know. Next time was a DQ. But they got away it…because they knew how to. They pushed their luck as far as they could and now they’ll be careful about it.

And Saito returns to his corner while Raschke delivers a clubbing blow straight across Rick Martel’s back and the domination continues!  He points at the fallen hero and yells out to the live crowd

“I’M GONNA RUIN HIS PRETTY LITTLE FACE!” He snarls as he gets to his knees and grabs the back of Martel’s head, hoisting it up and then driving it right back into the mat! And he does it a second time…then a THIRD TIME! He brings Martel up to his feet and reaches out, tagging Masa Saito back in! Raschke hoists Martel up as Saito drops down to one knee and then Raschke drops Martel’s back right across that knee! Maretel recoiling and grasping desperately at his spine and Satna looks ready to explode, stomping his feet on the apron,desperate to get in and teach these two a lesson!

Saito going for the pin as Raschke heads to the apron. Cover.


Martel finding the heart, finding the spirit, finding the fight to kick out after the punishment he has received from both of these men! Saito getting up frustrated, runs his hands through his hair, stomping around the ring as he thinks where to go from here…He smiles to himself, taking a cou;ple big steps back towards Martel he takes a leap, looking to drive that elbow down on Martel…BUT MARTEL ROLLS AWAY! Rick Martel…finding LIFE…Inching over towards his team mates corner…But Saito back to his feet drives and elbow straight to the back of Martel’s head and the recovery, once again cut off by The Axis Powers!

Folks I hate to say it but if Rick Martel can’t get a tag soon this match is history. He has been in there a looooong time and he has taken a lot of punishment from these pair of wrestling veterans. As Saito takes Martel by the head and throws it straight into the turnubckle! Martel reeling in the corner and Saito capitalising, delivering a series of blows across Martel’s body in the corner

Saito reaching down now, grabbing a hold of Martel’s wrist, looking to whip Martel into the opposite corner…but halfway through Martel spins around…he’s still got the grip on Saito’s wrist, he turns the whip around and sends the unsuspecting Saito running towards the opposite corner…AND FACE MEETS TURNUBKCLE AS SAITO FALLS LIKE A TREE TO THE FLOOR 

And folks here we go…Both men down. The fans yearning, begging for Martel to make the tag…Crawling, onto his hands and knees, Saito steps down, Raschke realises what this might mean, he takes the risk and steps into the ring…


Saito stepping back to his feet, runs at Santana but Santana ducks under! Saito his the corner, And Santana runs right towards him and hits a leaping forearm right across the chest of Masa Saito! Santana, goes with a series of follow up strikes but Saito reverses one, Santana wanting to keep this momentum goes to whip Saito into the opposite corner. This time with Saito with the reversal, Sending Santana towards the corner…but Santana is ahead of the game! He grabs a hold of both ropes by the corner, using them as leverage to leap up, onto the top rope and REBOUND back, turning his body through the air he LANDS THE CROSSBODY!





Falls Count Anywhere Match

If Curt Hennig Wins, Jim Cornette Will Reveal The Identity of The Man Who Started The Smear Campaign Against Curt.

Boris Breznikoff VS. Curt Hennig

Boris Breznikoff.jpg VS. Curt Hennig.jpg

Ladies and gentlemen for the first time in the history of this promotion, we present to this exclusive live crowd a historic wrestling moment. For these two men will have the potential to fight throughout the arena, as a pinfall, or a submission, outside of the ring can still lead to victory. 

It’s Falls Count Anywhere and these two men will be performing in the company’s first.

The AWA  Falls Count Anywhere Rule Set: (Because I would like to think the AWA would try and present this differently. A different interpretation, or perhaps…a more old school? Legit presentation of the concept of the match?)

No Rope Breaks

No Holds Barred

Foreign Objects will still result in a Disqualification.

Manager Interference Will Result in Manager Being Barred from Ringside.

Outside Interference Will Still Result in a Disqualification

Pin Counts Can and WILL be counted outside of the ring.

Submissions Can and WILL be applicable outside of the ring.

A Manager Is able to throw in the towel for their client. Regardless of their position in or out of the ring.

These are the house rules we will operate on, at least through the early eighties, may be adapted if we get into the later half of the decade, and especially if we manage to hit the nineties.

Annnnd here we go folks we start with the competitors reaching the classic starting position going for the lock up…and Breznikoff immediately pulls Hennig into a tight headlock! Hennig trying to fight back, flailing his arms, shuffling his feet he positions himself closer towards the ropes, he uses his momentum…pushes Breznikoff across the ring, BUT BREZNIKOFF REBOUNDING WITH A VICIOUS SHOULDER TACKLE!

Hennig retreating to the corner for a momentum, he seems dazed, trying to shake himself, that shoulder tackle might have rattled him a little…but he gets up back to his feet, a smirk on his face. He knows the kind of fight he is in for…and he seems to enjoy the idea of it.

They go for the lock up once more…but Hennig grabs Breznikoff’s right arm, he wraps up the wrist, tying his arm behind his back, Hennig now, showing the skill, showing the know how. A feel for the sport folks, you can’t teach that!

And now Hennig wraps the other arm around Breznikoff’s waist, is he trying to lift Breznikoff here? Throw him? Hennig seems to be struggling, this is no light feat if he pulls this off folks. Breznikoff might not be heavy set, but he is large, he is stocky and he will make sure that lifting him is going to be difficult!

Breznikoff showing he is no slouch when it comes to the wrestling IQ either, he reaches down, grabbing Hennig by his left foot and with a single, powerful tug, Hennig is sent splashing down onto his back!

Hennig though still keeping the motion, he’s following this momentum, he manages to kick Breznikoff with his other leg, loosening Breznikoff’s grip as The Ruthless Russian powers forward liike a freight train towards those ropes…but Hennig kicks both legs up, AND HE SEND BREZNIKOFF TUMBLING UP AND OVER ONTO HIS BACK! WHAT A FEAT BY CURT HENNIG!

Folks this is a back and forth competitition so far, neither man wanting to be out performed by the other. As Breznikoff hops back up to his feet and he roars in anger and frustration, causing Hennig to back away, jumping back even, grabbing a hold of the ropes the two begin to circle one another. Hennig wants to keep this in the ring for now. This is his natural home after all ladies and gentlemen, this is where he is most comfortable, is right in the middle of that ring.

Curt reaches out to initiate a test of strength, Boriz goes to reach back but retreats for a moment, shaking his arm as he mutters to himself. Hennig has surprised him here tonight. This is not the domination we are normally in. Folks. This is easily going to be the longest Breznikoff match we have ever witnessed.

Both mean now, reaching there arms out simultaneously…eyes locked, the tension building, as they look to test one another…and as Breznikioff’s hands clutch at Hennig’s Hennig yells out in pain, shaking his head, his feet trembling, his legs…buckling slightly as Breznikoff tightens his grip and begins pushing against Curt’s grip. 

Hennig now to his knees, the fans, getting behind their hero. “COME ON CURT” “YOU CAN DO IT CURT! PUSH BACK CURT!”

Hennig begins countering Breznikoffs momentum, he plants his feet and with a single push he raises back to Breznikoff’s eye level. Breznikoff looks shocked, bewildered…but then…enraged…bvreaks the hold suddenly and Grabs Curt by the neck. Curt kicks and scramble his arms and legs but its too late…as Breznikoff TOSSES CURT HENNIG ACROSS THE RING…AND HENNIG HURLED SO HARD HE TUMBLES AGAINST AND OVER THE ROPES…OVER HE GOES, HE FALLS…HIS BACK FLAT AGAINST THE CONCRETE!

Hennig is out of the ring and he has collided with that hard floor and folks that is not protected. That is what makes a match like this so dangerous. You have that unprotected floor outside of the ring. 

And Breznikoff is smiling. He is smiling. Because now he knows. He has contro. He heads towards the ropes, stepping over with one foot…and then the other. He stands on the ring apron, looking down at a reeling Curt Hennig, rolling around in agony , clutching at his upper back as he writhes…and Breznikoff speaks Russian to him.


Твоему отцу должно быть стыдно за тебя

(Translation: Your father should be ashamed of you)

Curt rolls on to his front and starts pushing himself onto his hands and knees, not realizing that standing above him is the man in control of his fate. As Brenikoff drops off the apron with both knees right across the spine of Curt Hennig, and Hennig is in agony!, As Breznikoff wraps one arm around Hennig’s neck he begins to pull…keeping both knees planted on that back…the crowd is getting restless…a drink is thrown in Breznikoff’s direction. It misses and crashes against the ring post instead. Exploding fizzy blue soda across the ringside area. In an AWA branded cup, of course.

Breznikoff just laughs in response to the fans and pulls again, this time harder…the screams of Hennig can be heard in the farthest bleachersa as Curt reaches out with his arms, trying to crawl, trying to reach for something to help him…and there is nothing there. No ropes. No chance of using them to aid his escape.

The referee has slid out of the ring at this point, he is continuing his duties outside and is monitoring for the submission.

“Curt do you want me to call the match?”

Curt shakes his head frantically

“Curt are you sure?! There’s no ropes here. I can’t stop this. I can call the-” Curt swats at the referee with one arm. Slamming his elbow down


Fans applaud in response as they witness the fight that Curt is putting up. But Breznikoff is maintaining his grip. He can hold this all day, in fact he wants to ensure this submission succeeds, so he starts to reach towards Hennig’s feet with his other arm, to ensure a full body submission is achieved and Hennig will have no way of escaping without either giving up, or passing out…

But as Breznikoff reaches for the boots of Curt Hennig, in doing so he pulls Hennig’s head up with him, and Hennig is raised enough…that he reaches back with one arm and he drives an elbow right to the side of the temple of Boris Breznikoff and Boris falls forward, losing his group and moving those knees off of Curt’s back as Breznikoff almost hits the barricade, managing to stop himself just before he collides. 

Curt uses the ring apron to help pull him to his feet, still clutching at his back with one hand, biting his lip. He’s restricted as he tries to recover from that impact. He tries to straighten himself, arching his back as he sees Boris turning back around…he can’t hesitate. He has to go for it…and he jumps up from a standing position, planting both feet firmly against The Ruthless Russian’s chest, a PERFECT drop kick from Curt Hennig right there and it send Breznikoff tumbling back into the steel barricade, the clash of metal meeting skiing. Curt slowly makes his way towards Boris. Every step almost looks like a limp with the way that Curt is nursing his back, but his movement is slowly improving. He reaches out with a single hand, grabbing a handful of Boris’s hair. He grunts in pain for a moment before hoisting Boris’s head up…and slamming it back against the steel Barricade, Boris shooting down to the ground faster than a bullet after that as he yelps out in pain. Kicking his feet as both hands grasping desperately at his face. Grunting and Yelling into them.

And Curt is showing a side to himself that we do not often see here ladies and gentlemen. We need to remind ourselves just how much to the brink this man has been brought by the events between him, Boris Breznikoff and Jim Cornette. Both these men insulted his honor, insulted his father’s honor…and Boris…the man he was facing…had attacked his father…and in that moment I think we saw Curt exuding some of the anger and frustration. We don’t condone it…but we certainly understand it.

The referee seems unsure what to do…does the barricade count as a foreign weapon? Perhaps this is at the referee’s discretion. Curt seems to pay no attention to the ref though, as he stands over Boris, plants himself over his chest and begins pummeling him, trying to break the grasp that Boris has over his face. And Boris is writhing, he’s trying to roll…to push Hennig off but he’s in such a compromised position…the grip breaks…the grip breaks and HENNIG RAINING DOWN THE BLOWS and ladies and gentlemen it’s…it’s hard to tell from here but, yes…I believe…Yes .ladies and gentlemen the crimson mask has been drawn across the face of Boris Brexnikoff here tonight. That meeting with the steel barricade has drawn blood.

And now the referee stepping in, trying to reason with Curt. Trying to get him off Boris, but he can’t do anything. Right now nothing going on here is illegal and it’s too late to call the barricade as a disqualification even if the referee was able to. Perhaps this sets a precedent for the future of this match’s stipulations?

Curt eventually stops and steps off of Breznikoff, his hair in a tangled, frazzled mess. The adrenaline clearly pumping and fuelling him here, although he does seem to have a twinge still in the back as he reaches down and grabs Breznikoff by the wrist…and a slight twitch once more he pulls Breznikoff up and with a hard pull he tries to whip Beznikoff towards the ring post, but Breznikoff manages to pull back, stopping Hennig in his tracks…Breznikoff stumbling though. Struggling to maintain his footing, clearly dazed, he might need medical attention he could not be aware of his surroundings here…Hennig steps back towards Boris to deliver a couple shots back to his forehead but as he returns, Boris ducks down, driving his head into Hennig’s gut he charges forward and…HENNIG’S SPINE MEETS THE RING APRON…THE ATTACK ON THE BACK CONTINUES! As Hennig falls at first to both knees and then onto his hands and knees, crawling, trying his best to crawl away as pain shoots across his body.

But Breznikoff isn’t exactly at one hundred percent and able to capitalize here as he reaches up to grab a hold of the ring apron, having to use it to pull himself up and on to his feet. He stumbles for a moment. Plants both hands on the ring apron…and straightens himself. He runs his hands up towards his head and for the first time he recognizes. He is bleeding.

He staggers over towards Hennig, grabbing a hold of his right leg, but Hennig manages to kick back with the left and sends Boris reeling back, with his hands on the ring post Curt pulls himself up Boris now, wanting to capitalise and starts running towards Hennig…but Hennig rolls away just in time and Boris Breznikoff, collides with the ringpost, as he bounces off Hennig hooks the arm around Boris’s neck…he rocks him with a swinging neckbreaker right on to the hard concrete!




Well folks, that is the first time a pinfall has been counted outside of the ring in an AWA match. History has certainly been made here but at what cost? These two men have both gone through the ringer here tonight and you have to wonder if they are ever going to be the same again?


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AWA World Tag Team Championship

Steel Cage Match

The Sheiks VS. The High Flyers

Jerry Blackwell.jpgKen Patera.jpg VS. Greg Gagne.jpgJim Brunzell.jpeg

Well folks this is it, the culmination,the match that ensures The High Flyers remove the external concern of Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissey. The Cage lowers once the two teams are in the ring and Gene Okerlund grabs a microphone at ringside to explain to the crowd the rules

Ladies and Gentlemen the following is a Steel Cage match and it is scheduled for one fall. Once the Steel Cage is lowered officials on the outside of the ring will ensure that all exits to the Cage are locked, once the cage is locked it will remain that way until a pinfall or submission is counted. This match due to its nature is No Holds Barred. Tag Team Rules are still in effect and a referee’s count will still initiate in the event an illegal representative of the team enters the ring. In the event a competitor attempts to exit the cage, once their feet hit the outside that is considered a FORFEIT on their part and a sign they do not wish to continue the match. This match is scheduled for a thirty minute time limit and it will crown the AWA World Tag Team Champions!

The teams take their respective stances. Regular tag rules are still in effect, leaving enough room for the partners to stand on the ring apron, with the steel cage right behind them. For The Sheiks, the legal man starting the match would be Ken Patera and for The High Flyers it would be Greg Gagne…

Once the bell rings Greg Gagne starts the match off with immediate speed as he charges at Ken Patera, battering across his body with a flurry of blows…Patera retreats to the ropes, blocking Gagne’s shots, but Gagne seeing the little effect he is having, follows it up with a sudden knee strike straight to the gut of Ken Patera and folks there is no love lost here tonight. No civil sportsmanship to be found. The High Flyers feel like they are the rightful champions, they feel like their last match against these two men was unjust and Gagne is doing whatever he can to right that wrong! 

He tosses Patera to The High Flyers’ corner now…delivering a few closed fists shots straight to the forehead of Patera before hurling him towards his own team’s corner and that, Gagne would learn, was a silly mistake to make early in the game as he makes hi way to Patera, Blackwell suddenly steps in! But Gagne is unafraid to face the big man down, he wraps his arms around Blackwell’s neck as he steps in and tosses him toward the High Flyer’s corner, but Blackwell is able to redirect himself, he avoid the turnbuckle and instead his head goes through the middle rope and has a meeting straight with Jim Brunzell’s mid section, sending the young man reeling back against the Cage, the sound of flesh clashing with metal echoing across the arena as Brunzell falls to his knees…

Blackwell has turned around and the referee is making his count to indicate that Blackwell needs to leave…


As the referee is trying to keep order to this, Gagne is paying no heed to the ref and takes matters into his own hands, as Blackwell once completing his turn to face the middle is met with a drop kick which sends the big man tumbling down…he pulls himself back up but Gagne has a hold of him by the wrist, and with a mighty pull he manages to send Blackwell charging straight towards the cage…and OH! YES! Blackwell’s whole front body colliding with that steel mesh! The cage is shaking and one has to wonder how stable it is after having a man like Jerry Blackwell testing its foundations! Blackwell hits the canvas like a brick and Gagne forces him back out under the ropes to return his attention to the legal man.

Patera has stepped back in and it looks like he’s initiating the lock up but instead he reaches up and rakes the eyes of Greg Gagne, sending the man reeling in pain! Patera follows it up delivering a few overhand clubbing blows across the back of Gagne, which sends him to his knees!

Patera continues with the clubbing blows, striking Gagne across the back and shoulders! Meanwhile Blackwell is dragging himself across the ring apron with the help of the ropes so he can get back in his corner, grabbing a hold of the tag rope. Once Patera sees his partner is back to his feet where he belongs. He drags Gagne over to The Sheiks’ corner and drives Gagme’s head straight into the turnbuckle. Blackwell tags in, wanting to get revenge on Gagne for what he had done, wanting to show that he was still the dominant, more powerful force to be reckoned with and afraid of!.

And with both hands he grabs Gagne by his hair and yanks back for a moment, Gagne screaming out as Blackwell smirks hearing the boos of the crowd. “Oh you don’t like that?” He shouts out. Smirking once again at their reaction. “WATCH THIS!” He charges With Gagne’s head in his hand and then tosses Gagne upwards, throwing Gagne up against the steel mesh of the cage, colliding with the full power of Jerry Blackwell behind him and Gagne’s falls back hard, face first as he twists and falls down hard onto the mat.

Blackwell paces around the ring, like a predator toying with his prey. He waits and watches as Gagne stirs himself and starts to scramble around getting to his hands and knees, crawling to the ropes he pulls himself up but Blackwell steps right in, turns Gagne around and hits him with a vicious headbutt! And Gagne back down on his hands and knees, inadvertently crawling towards his opponents corner, he probably doesn’t even realise where he is right now!

Blackwell tagging Patera back in, they have full control and momentum now after that back and forth beginning. The cage seems to be favoring the bigger and more powerful combination of men right now as Gagne is trapped in that corner. Patera stepping in and giving the boots to him!

He pulls Gagne slightly towards the center and Gagne, credit to him, not going to stay down easily tries to deliver a quick jab but Patera able to shrug it off and shoot straight back with one of those clubbing blows straight to Gagne’s shoulder!

And now a series of stomps, straight to the top of gagne’s head, this is Brutal, This Is Dirty and in a normal wrestling scenario, the referee would try and stop this but the cage calls for a more stand back approach from the referee, for the sake of his own safety. He’s basically here to count pins, submissions and ensure a two on one doesn’t go too far.

And Patera stepping and now wrenching away at Gagne’s neck, he seems to be pinpointing at Gagne’s upper body, the upper back, the shoulders, neck and head and ladies and gentlemen this is some great strategic thinking on the part of Patera. A lot of that heavy lifting is going to require momentum and strength from those shoulders and upper back. As for the neck? Well he just wants to punish Gagne. As the screams of pain cause him to wrench even harder, laughing at the agony he is causing!

But Gagne managing to roll, gets himself into a side position where he can..and does, shoots one elbow…two elbow…three elbow shots straight to Patera’s midsection and the hold is broken, both men on their feet but not for long as a dropkick to Patera now sends both men on to the mat and Gagne quickly turns around and with a leap he jumps and tags in his partner Jim Brunzell, Brunzell now runs at Patera with a single clothesline…followed by a second as Patera shoots back up…and then a dropkick to keep the big man down, Jim Brunzell picking up the speed head over to one of the free corners, climbing to the top, looking to fly but Jerry Blackwell stepping across the ring apron, with huge impressive strides to get him across quickly, both hands clasp closed and strike Brunzell straight across the face and leave him teetering…Blackwell reaching up looking to continue the assault, but Brunzell bringing up the knee just in time sends Blackwell reeling back, Brunzell jumps down, grabbing the big man by the back of the head, and he starts driving Blackwell’s head straight into the steel cage!


His grip slips as Blackwell nearly collapses but Brunzell raches down, grabbing Blackwell once again by the hair and starts once again slamming Blackwell’s face straight into the cage!


At the eighth pull back Patera clobbers Brunzell across the back of the head and Brunzell takes his own turn colliding with the steel. And that give Patera the opportunity to scoop his arms under and power lifts Brunzell up above his body! The Olympian, showcasing his strength for all to see as he walks across the ring with Jim Brunzell writhing trying to free himself, but with a single step forward and a slight hoist, Patera sends Brunzell up and lets him come tumbling back down to hit the hard ring mat! Patera, with the ultimate sign of disrespect, placed his foot on Brunzell’s chest for the pin…


Brunzell manages to push Patera off and Patera tumbles down onto the mat! And as both men get to their feet, Breunzell with a dropkick…both back up once more…a second dropkick! Both men once again to their feet! Brunzell grabbing a hold of Patera’s wrist, goes for the irish whip but Patera pushes down all his weight to plant his feet firmly on that mat!

 Instead, he pulls Brunzell towards him and delivers a punishing clothesline, sending Brunzell crashing to the mat. The impact leaves Brunzell dazed as Patera quickly tags in Jerry Blackwell.

Blackwell steps into the ring, his massive presence looming over the fallen Brunzell. He and Patera share a quick glance, communicating their next move without a word. Patera hoists Brunzell up, positioning him for a devastating powerbomb. Meanwhile, Blackwell strides toward Greg Gagne, who is recovering in the High Flyers' corner.

As Blackwell charges at Gagne, the ring seems to shake under his weight. Gagne's eyes widen in realization, but there's no time to evade. Blackwell slams into Gagne with full force, crushing him against the unforgiving steel cage. The sound of metal rattling echoes throughout the arena as Gagne crumples to the mat, gasping for breath.

Simultaneously, Patera lifts Brunzell high into the air and brings him crashing down with a thunderous powerbomb. The ring shudders with the impact, and Brunzell lies sprawled on the canvas, barely moving.

Blackwell, having crushed Gagne, turns his attention back to Brunzell. He sees his partner's handiwork and grins menacingly. With a determined look, Blackwell backs up to the far corner of the ring, measuring his target. The crowd holds its breath, knowing what’s coming next.

With incredible speed for a man his size, Blackwell charges across the ring and leaps, hitting Brunzell with a devastating body splash. The sheer weight and force drive the air out of Brunzell's lungs as he lays motionless beneath Blackwell.

The referee drops to the mat and begins the count.




The bell rings, signaling the end of the match. The Sheiks retain the AWA World Tag Team Championship! The crowd erupts in a mix of boos and cheers as Blackwell and Patera raise their hands in victory. Gene Okerlund's voice booms through the arena, confirming the outcome.

"Ladies and gentlemen, here are your winners, and STILL the AWA World Tag Team Champions, The Sheiks!"

Blackwell and Patera stand tall in the center of the ring, basking in their hard-fought victory. Gagne and Brunzell are left to recover, their championship dreams dashed for now. The steel cage slowly begins to rise, marking the end of this brutal, no-holds-barred battle.

The Sheiks, having proven their dominance once again, exit the ring with their titles held high, leaving behind a vivid memory of their relentless and overpowering performance.


Joining Us At Ringside

Gene Okerlund.jpgNick Bockwinkel.jpg

We go to the ringside area as the officials begin getting the Main Event festivities prepared. At the interview stage is Nick Bockwinkel, who is here to provide the paying audience with the exclusive interview which nobody else would see pre match with Wahoo McDaniel. Joining him was Gene Okerlund, microphone in hand.

Gene Okerlund

Ladies and Gentlemen as the ring officials work on raising the cage and ensuring the ring is set to the standards required for the Main Event. We will spend a moment with the current AWA World Heavyweight Champion. Nick Bockwinkel and Nick? To say things are personal, I think is an understatement. You have made it clear, in no uncertain terms. That you intend for tonight to be the beginnings of a chain event for Wahoo McDaniel which will see him leaving the wrestling profession.

Nick Bockwinkel

There’s nothing personal about it Gene. I don’t intend to be a malicious actor, I simply state certifiable facts! I do not take Wahoo McDaniel lightly…no sir. Anybody who does is asking for a hard time in that wrestling ring. I am about to step foot in that ring with an athlete who is just as experienced as I am, who is recognised not only by the American Wrestling Association, but by the wrestling industry as a whole, as a legend in this sport. That kind of status carries a lot of weight, that kind of status carries a lot of responsibility and Gene? Wahoo McDaniel has shirked those responsibilities?

Gene Okerlund

Is this what you were alluding to the last time we heard from you, that this is due to Wahoo’s association with Hulk Hogan?

Nick Bockwinkel

It’s pathetic, don’t you think Gene. To see one of the greats reduced to the lacky of the newest trend on the wrestling market. That’s all he is Gene, that’s all he will ever be and I would have thought Wahoo was wise enough to recognise it…but perhaps…he’s staring down that barrel of advanced age in a way that I am eternally grateful to be avoiding. A missed step here. A slower reaction there. To know that you put everything you had in a match…and it wasn’t enough? That is the reality awaiting Wahoo McDaniel here tonight.

Gene Okerlund

Now that’s not fair! He beat Hulk Hogan to be here, he earned his right to be the number one con-

Nick Bockwinkel

Gene, don’t disrespect my intelligence. We both know that Wahoo McDaniel is here, because Hulk Hogan didn’t have it in him to finish the job. He does not have the good fortune to be facing such an opponent here tonight. Who he faces is the World Heavyweight Champion, the walking representation not just for this company, but for this great sport which I have dedicated MY LIFE to! My respects? My sympathies? My adoration for Wahoo McDnaiel? They end the moment I step in that ring Gene…and I hope that The Chief understands it’s strictly professional…now if you don’t mind? I have a championship to defend. Good evening…


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AWA World Heavyweight Championship

Nick Bockwinkel VS. Wahoo McDaniel

Nick Bockwinkel.jpg VS. Wahoo McDaniel.jpg


Introducing first THE CHALLENGER…He stands at six feet, one inch tall, weighing in this evening at two hundred and SIXTY FIIIIVE POUNNNDS…from Midland, Texas. He IS your NUMBER ONE CONTENDER! CHIEF WAHOO MCDANIEL!

Wahoo removes his headdress and hands it to a ringside official, stomping his feet he calls for the fans support, they start clapping their hands and stomping their feet, ready to see their hero, the grizzled vet succeed

And Introducing The Champion, he stands at five feet, ten inches tall, he weighs in this evening at two hundred and forty pounds! Hailing from Beverly Hills, California! He is your AWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION! NIIIIIIICCCKKKK BOCKWINKELLLL!

The tension in the air is palpable as the two competitors lock eyes, each sizing up the other with a mixture of respect and determination. The referee signals for the bell to ring, and the match begins with a thunderous roar from the crowd.

The two men lock up and meet in the middle, grabbing at beach others hands, clenching them tightly as they slowly circle around each other in the middle of the ring, maintaining their grip,Wahoo staring daggers straight into Nick Bockwinkel’s eyes, his face a painting of pure determination. Bockwinkel smirks and delivers a sudden stomp to Wahoo’s foot, causing The Chief’s knees to buckle and in doing that, Bockwinkel was able to push forward and thrust Wahoo away, sending him tumbling backwards down on to the mat.

But Chief Wahoo McDaniel is not one to stay down for long. With a fierce determination burning in his eyes, he slowly rises to his feet, shaking off the effects of Bockwinkel's attack. The battle is far from over, and Wahoo is more determined than ever to prove himself worthy of championship gold.

The two men lock up once more, this time Wahoo giving a little more oomph and using that size and weight advantage to dictate the grapple, pushing Bockwinkel towards the ropes until his back is against them, he keeps pushing as Bockwinkel leans against the ropes until, with a quick raise of the knee to Wahoo’s ribcage, the hold is broken. Bockwinkel grabs a hold of Wahoo by neck and then drives him, face first, down across the champion’s knee, causing Wahoo to shoot back and hit the mat, grabbing at his face in agony.

The referee checks on Wahoo, who is grimacing but determined to continue. The fans chant Wahoo's name, urging him to rise and fight back against the cunning champion.

They go for a third lock up and this time Wahoo plays Bockwinkel at his own game, pulling Bockwinkel into a knee shot straight to the midsection, causing the champion to double over. Clutching at his stomach with wide, surprised eyes. Wahoo follows up with a forearm across the back, followed by a second, he then hooks his arm around Bockwinkel’s neck, looking for the Suplex he tries to hoist Bockwinkel up but Bockwinkel sticks his left leg between Wahoo’s to give him leverage and stop him being lifted. Wahoo tries again, but Bockwinkel maintains his stance, driving his arms up he breaks Wahoo’s grasp on him, he reaches out grabbing Wahoo’s temple and tosses him towards the ring corner, Wahoo’s head colliding with the middle turnbuckle! His body slumping down on to one knee, Wahoo struggling to maintain his stance.

Bockwinkel saunters his way towards Wahoo in the corner, but Wahoo refusing to stay down! Delivers a weakened shot to Bockwinkel’s gut, followed by a second, and a third, Bockwinkel bringing Wahoo to his feet but struggling to maintain his grasp due to the shots of Wahoo and as Wahoo comes back he throws both hands up and pushes Bockwinkel away, as Bockwinkel stumbles Wahoo follows with a quick KNIFE EDGE CHOP AND IT SOUNDS LIKE A BULLET! Bockwinkel, yelps in agony and clutches at his chest as he tries to turn in retret but Wahoo grabs his wrist, turning him around he follows with a second knife edge chop, followed by a third, before whipping Bockwinkel into the opposite corner.

Wahoo takes a moment, taking a couple of breaths as he stares down at Bockwinkel. He takes a charge right at Bockwinkel, looking to connect with that clothesliiiiine, but Bockwinkel rolls out of the way at the last second and Wahoo connecting straight with the turnbuckle and the ring post, Bockwinkel capitalising, hoisting Wahoo up! AND DRIVING HIM BACK DOWN WITH A REAR SUPLEX!

With Wahoo McDaniel lying on the mat, pain etched across his face from the rear suplex, Nick Bockwinkel sees his opportunity to shift the match in his favor. The champion knows that to neutralize Wahoo's size and power, he must target the legs. Wasting no time, Bockwinkel drives his knee down with force onto Wahoo's right leg. The crowd winces in sympathy as Wahoo cries out in pain, clutching at his injured limb.

Bockwinkel, ever the tactician, transitions smoothly, grabbing hold of Wahoo's ankle and wrenching it into a painful lock. The torque on Wahoo's joint is excruciating, his face contorted in agony as he struggles against the hold. Every nerve in his leg screams in protest, but Wahoo, ever the warrior, refuses to submit.

The Chief grits his teeth, his eyes darting towards the ropes. He knows he must reach them to break free. Summoning his strength, Wahoo begins to shuffle towards the ropes, each movement sending jolts of pain through his leg. The crowd rallies behind him, their cheers growing louder with each inch he gains.

Sensing Wahoo's determination, Bockwinkel tightens his grip and drags Wahoo back to the center of the ring. The champion drives his knee down once more on Wahoo's leg, eliciting another agonized cry from the challenger. The tension in the arena is palpable, every fan on the edge of their seat, willing Wahoo to persevere.

Bockwinkel wrenches the ankle lock tighter, his focus unyielding as he tries to sap the fight from Wahoo. But the Chief is undeterred, his spirit unbroken. The fans' support swells, a tidal wave of encouragement that fuels Wahoo's resolve.

With a Herculean effort, Wahoo begins to shuffle again, inching his way toward salvation. The pain is nearly unbearable, but the roar of the crowd pushes him forward. Finally, with one last desperate reach, Wahoo grabs hold of the ropes. The fans explode in a cacophony of cheers, their hero having reached the sanctuary of the ropes.

The referee immediately intervenes, shouting at Bockwinkel to release the hold. The champion, reluctant to let go of his advantage, maintains the hold for a few precious seconds as the referee begins the count.

"One! Two! Three! Four!"

At the last possible moment, Bockwinkel releases the hold, narrowly avoiding disqualification. The crowd boos the champion's tactics, but Wahoo, his hand still gripping the ropes, breathes a sigh of relief. The pain in his leg is intense, but he has survived the onslaught. The match continues, the stakes higher than ever, as both men prepare for the next chapter in their epic battle.

With the support of the roaring crowd behind him, Wahoo McDaniel clings to the ropes and begins the arduous task of pulling himself to his feet. His right leg throbs with pain, but the determination in his eyes is unwavering. He watches as Nick Bockwinkel, sensing an opportunity to capitalize, charges at him with a running attack.

In a flash of instinct and agility, Wahoo ducks under Bockwinkel's outstretched arm. The momentum carries Bockwinkel forward, sending him reeling over the top rope. The only thing that prevents him from crashing to the floor is his tight grip on the ropes, which leaves him tumbling but ultimately landing on his feet on the ring apron.

Seeing an opportunity, Wahoo wastes no time. He delivers a couple of punishing forearm shots across Bockwinkel's cheek, the sound of each strike reverberating through the arena. Bockwinkel reels from the blows, struggling to maintain his balance on the narrow ring apron.

Seizing the moment, Wahoo hooks Bockwinkel by the neck, securing a firm grip. With a mighty heave, he hoists the champion up, lifting him high above the ropes. The crowd holds its breath as Wahoo uses every ounce of his strength to bring Bockwinkel over the ropes and back into the ring.

In a display of raw power and determination, Wahoo executes a powerful suplex, driving Bockwinkel down into the center of the mat with a thunderous impact. The ring shakes from the force of the move, and the crowd erupts into a frenzy of cheers.

Bockwinkel lies sprawled on the canvas, momentarily stunned by the sheer force of the suplex. Wahoo, adrenaline coursing through his veins, pushes through the pain in his leg, knowing this is his chance to turn the tide of the match. The fans are on their feet, cheering wildly for the Chief as he stands tall over the fallen champion, ready to continue his comeback and fight for the AWA World Heavyweight Championship.

With Bockwinkel down on the mat, Wahoo McDaniel begins to stomp his good foot, his body moving with a slight limp. The rhythmic stomping echoes through the arena, and the fans immediately pick up on it, clapping and stomping in time with Wahoo. The anticipation builds as Wahoo signals for his signature Tomahawk Chop.

Bockwinkel, dazed from the suplex, staggers to his feet. Wahoo, stalking him like a hunter, waits for the perfect moment. As Bockwinkel turns around, Wahoo strikes with the first Tomahawk Chop, his hand slicing through the air and crashing down on Bockwinkel's forehead. The impact sends Bockwinkel reeling, his hands clutching at his head as he stumbles backward.

Wahoo, feeling the energy of the crowd, keeps stomping, calling for a second chop. The fans' excitement grows, their clapping and stomping intensifying with each beat. Bockwinkel struggles to regain his footing, and as he does, Wahoo hits him with a second devastating chop. The force of the blow sends Bockwinkel tumbling across the ring, pain etched across his face.

With the crowd now in a frenzy, Wahoo heads to the corner, signaling for the third and most powerful Tomahawk Chop. He takes a moment to gather his strength, the fans' cheers ringing in his ears. With a determined look, Wahoo charges at Bockwinkel, ready to deliver the final, match-ending blow.

But Bockwinkel, ever the cunning champion, anticipates the move. As Wahoo closes in, Bockwinkel lowers himself, hooking both arms around Wahoo's knees. In a remarkable display of strength and leverage, Bockwinkel lifts The Chief above him and then slams him down into the center of the mat with a resounding body slam.

The ring shakes from the impact, and the crowd gasps in shock. Wahoo lies sprawled on the canvas, the wind knocked out of him. Bockwinkel, still feeling the effects of Wahoo's onslaught, takes a moment to catch his breath, knowing he narrowly avoided disaster. The tension in the arena is electric as the two warriors prepare to continue their epic battle for the AWA World Heavyweight Championship.

Bockwinkel quickly drops to the mat, hooking Wahoo's leg for the cover. The referee slides into position, and the crowd counts along:

"ONE... TWO..."

Wahoo McDaniel summons his strength and kicks out, his shoulder shooting off the canvas. The fans erupt in cheers, their hero refusing to stay down. Bockwinkel sits up, frustration etched across his face, cursing under his breath. The champion’s attacks become more aggressive as his patience wears thin.

With a snarl, Bockwinkel shifts his focus back to Wahoo's legs. He stomps on them viciously, each blow driving pain through Wahoo's body. The Chief grits his teeth, enduring the onslaught. Bockwinkel drives his knee repeatedly into Wahoo's right leg, the limb that has already taken significant damage in the match.

Bockwinkel grabs Wahoo's left foot, hoisting it high into the air. With a cruel twist of his lips, he drives his boot down onto Wahoo's knee, looking to cripple his opponent. Wahoo thrashes in pain, his leg screaming with each brutal stomp and knee drop.

Bockwinkel’s eyes glint with ruthless determination as he methodically dissects Wahoo’s defenses. He lifts Wahoo’s leg once more and slams his boot down onto the knee, eliciting another pained cry from The Chief. The champion knows that if he can disable Wahoo’s legs, the veteran’s power and mobility will be severely compromised.

As Bockwinkel continues his relentless assault, the crowd’s support for Wahoo swells. They chant his name, willing him to fight through the agony. Wahoo, drawing on the energy of the fans, reaches deep within himself, refusing to be defeated. The match, a brutal testament to both men's resilience, reaches a fever pitch as the struggle for dominance continues in the center of the ring.

Wahoo McDaniel, despite the searing pain coursing through his legs, starts to force himself up, using sheer willpower to battle through the agony. His legs tremble under the strain, but he manages to get one knee under him. Just as he’s pushing up, Nick Bockwinkel steps in with a vicious shot to the back of Wahoo’s leg, causing him to collapse back down onto the mat.

Bockwinkel, his confidence swelling, saunters around the ring with a smug smirk. He watches Wahoo struggle to rise again, enjoying the sight of his opponent's suffering. When Wahoo makes another attempt to get to his feet, Bockwinkel delivers another punishing blow to the back of his legs, sending him sprawling once more.

"You can blame Hulk Hogan for this, Chief!" Bockwinkel taunts, a cruel edge in his voice. The champion is showing a more aggressive, less refined side, abandoning his usual technical prowess for a cutthroat approach. He’s determined to incapacitate Wahoo, to end this match in the most definitive manner possible.

Bockwinkel circles Wahoo, barking orders. "Get up! Come on, get up!" Wahoo, his face etched with pain and determination, grabs at the ropes for support. His legs shake as he tries to pull himself upright, every movement a battle against his own body.

Seeing his opportunity, Bockwinkel goes for another running attack aimed at Wahoo’s legs. But this time, Wahoo reacts with a sudden burst of energy. He grabs Bockwinkel’s boot, causing the champion to hop on one leg. The crowd roars in anticipation as Wahoo struggles to his feet, still holding Bockwinkel’s boot.

With a fierce spin, Wahoo whips Bockwinkel around and then launches into a powerful clothesline, his arm crashing across Bockwinkel’s neck with a thundering impact. The champion is sent crashing down onto the mat, his confidence shattered in an instant.

The fans explode in cheers, their hero’s resilience and fighting spirit shining through. Wahoo stands over Bockwinkel, the pain in his legs momentarily forgotten as he draws strength from the crowd's support. The tide of the match has shifted, and Wahoo McDaniel is ready to seize his moment.

Despite delivering a devastating clothesline to Nick Bockwinkel, Wahoo McDaniel finds himself unable to capitalize fully due to the pain shooting through his legs. He leans heavily against the ropes, using them for support as he limps along the ring, trying to find a moment to catch his breath and recover while the champion is down.

Positioning himself against the ropes, Wahoo watches as Bockwinkel slowly starts to stir, shaking off the effects of the clothesline. Gritting his teeth against the pain, Wahoo knows this may be his only chance to turn the tide of the match. With a deep breath, he begins to run, pushing through the agony in his legs.

As Bockwinkel gets to his knees, Wahoo charges forward. The champion, sensing the danger, tries to shut him down with a desperate clothesline. But Wahoo, fueled by sheer determination, ducks under the attack and comes rebounding back off the ropes with incredible speed.

Bockwinkel turns around just in time to meet the full force of Wahoo’s massive shoulder tackle. The impact sends shockwaves through the ring as Bockwinkel crashes to the mat once again, the wind knocked out of him. Wahoo wastes no time, quickly dropping for the pin.

The referee slides into position, and the crowd counts along:

"ONE... TWO..."

But Bockwinkel manages to kick out just before the referee's hand slams down for the three count. The fans gasp in disbelief, their cheers turning to anxious murmurs as the match hangs in the balance. Wahoo, his chest heaving with exertion, rises to his feet, knowing that he must press on if he hopes to emerge victorious and claim the AWA World Heavyweight Championship.

As the referee's count reaches five, the tension in the arena reaches a fever pitch. Both Wahoo McDaniel and Nick Bockwinkel are stirring, their bodies battered and bruised from the grueling match. Wahoo, fueled by the chants of the crowd, crawls towards the ropes, determination etched on his face. Meanwhile, Bockwinkel plants his hands into the mat, shaking his head as he struggles to rise.

"WAHOO! WAHOO! WAHOO!" The chants echo throughout the arena, urging Wahoo on as he reaches for the middle rope. With a final burst of strength, he pulls himself upright, his legs trembling beneath him. But just as he starts to gain his footing, the count reaches seven.

Before the referee can call for the eighth count, Bockwinkel manages to get to his feet first. He moves in to initiate a rear grapple with Wahoo, seeking to maintain control of the match. But Wahoo, sensing the champion's approach, reacts with lightning speed.

With a sudden elbow strike to the side of Bockwinkel's temple, Wahoo creates the opening he needs. He swiftly spins around, unleashing a thunderous Tomahawk Chop straight down on the champion's forehead. Bockwinkel staggers backward, his eyes glazed over as he crashes to the mat like a dead weight.

The crowd erupts in cheers as Wahoo seizes the moment. With a sense of urgency, he dives onto Bockwinkel, hooking the leg for the cover. The referee drops to the mat, slapping his hand against the canvas:

"ONE... TWO..."

The arena holds its breath as the referee's hand hovers above the mat for the crucial third count. Will Wahoo McDaniel emerge victorious and capture the AWA World Heavyweight Championship?

As Wahoo McDaniel stands over the fallen champion, a sense of uncertainty washes over him. Despite delivering a thunderous Tomahawk Chop straight down onto Bockwinkel's forehead, it seems like nothing he does is enough. Doubt gnaws at the edges of his mind as he hesitates, unsure of his next move.

But that moment of hesitation proves costly. In a flash, Bockwinkel instinctively reaches out, grabbing at Wahoo's feet and tripping him up. Wahoo crashes down onto the mat, the impact reverberating through his body. Bockwinkel rises slowly, shaking the stars from his eyes as he regains his bearings.

Still dazed from the Tomahawk Chop, Bockwinkel takes his time, assessing the situation. Wahoo tries to fight back, but Bockwinkel responds with a vicious stomp down onto Wahoo's leg, causing the veteran to cry out in pain. With grim determination, Bockwinkel crosses one of Wahoo's legs over his own and positions himself between Wahoo's legs, setting the stage for his next move.

Wahoo struggles against Bockwinkel's hold, desperation etched on his face. He tries to keep his back lifted, reaching up to grab at Bockwinkel in a desperate attempt to avoid what he knows is coming. But Bockwinkel is relentless, delivering another stomp to Wahoo's chest, forcing him back down onto the mat.

With a swift motion, Bockwinkel locks in the figure-four leg lock, trapping Wahoo in the excruciating hold. Wahoo finds himself trapped in the middle of the ring, nowhere to escape. The agony coursing through his legs is unbearable as Bockwinkel applies pressure, wrenching back on the hold with all his strength.

The arena is filled with the sound of Wahoo's cries of pain, the fans watching in rapt silence as he struggles against the hold. With tears in his eyes, Wahoo summons every ounce of strength he has left, slapping his hands against the mat in a desperate plea for support from the crowd.

Slowly, agonizingly, Wahoo begins to lift himself up, planting his arms into the mat and pushing against the pain. With a herculean effort, he turns onto one side, inching closer to reversing the hold. But just as it seems like he might escape, Bockwinkel pushes back, keeping the lock synched in.

Wahoo's heart sinks as he realizes he has no choice but to submit. With tears streaming down his face, he taps out, the referee calling for the bell. The crowd watches in stunned silence as Bockwinkel emerges victorious, retaining the AWA World Heavyweight Championship.





So yeah, sorry for the delay on this one, combined busy schedule, with writer's block so I just had to hit this bit by bit when I could because I was being in depth with the match presentation. Hope you all enjoy, Expect monthly run down soon.


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