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WCW [1995]: The Goodbye Resolution

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22 hours ago, Theheel said:

On 11/27/2023 at 10:59 PM, sonny912 said:

Yeesh, sucks about what happend to liger. And sorry I Don't get your stephan king king analogy. I assume the mist is a horror movie sense you compared it to the guy who made pennywise. You can still have a horsemen/alliance feud it you want.

As for the next Nitro, machoman beats Zodiac, malenko makes Mr. JL(who really should unmask and become jerry lynn already) submit to the cloverleaf, Anderson and Pillman beat the armstrongs(who i assume are brad and Brian the road Dogg who you got the same way as Shawn with the editor cause the only armstrong I know is referee Scott),  luger gets dirty dick (lol) in the torture rack and the hogan/Duggan match is thrown out by dod interference.

WCW Monday Nitro
Monday Week 2 September 1995

Zodiac vs. "The Macho Man" Randy Savage
Comments:  Could see some sort of Dungeon swerve but don’t see Randy losing to the Zodiak (lol)

"The Man Of A Thousand Holds" Dean Malenko vs. Mr. JL
Comments:  Great technical match with the cruiser weight talents here.  Malenko has 1 too many holds for JL

"The Enforcer" Arn Anderson and "Flyin'" Brian Pillman vs. The Armstrong Boys
Comments:  Personally I hated Arn and Flair on opposite sides in WCW, but curious to see where you go with it.

"Dirty" Dick Slater vs. "The Total Package" Lex Luger

WCW World Heavyweight Title Match
"The Immortal" Hulk Hogan defends vs. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan
Comments:  Give me 1984 Jim Duggan vs Hogan in Mid-South and you have potential for so explosions.  Here Hogan goes over because I just can’t see 95 Duggan as a serious World Champion

Comments About The Diary In General: Your off to a really good start.  I see my Horsemen group already but want to see where you go.  


Thanks to everyone who have made their predictions so far.  I really appreciate them all.  A few responses.

Hey sonny912,

Unfortunately, I can't explain The Mist thing without spoiling the book and movie, so I'll just leave that there.  But, needless to say, I am further ahead in the game right now than I am in the writeups.  Oh and it is Steve and Scott Armstrong.  Scott was a wrestler before he became a referee.

Hey Theheel,

Thanks for the predictions and comments.  Mid-South Jim Duggan was definitely more at his peak then than he was in 1995.  Could he win against Hogan in 1995?  You'll have to tune in and find out.  You'll have to let me know if your prediction pans out or not when things happen in the future.

And I wanted to let everyone know that I made all contracts random, rather than the assigned expiration date that they have in the mod.  I thought it would make things a little different.

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20 hours ago, angeldelayette said:


Thanks to everyone who have made their predictions so far.  I really appreciate them all.  A few responses.

Hey sonny912,

Unfortunately, I can't explain The Mist thing without spoiling the book and movie, so I'll just leave that there.  But, needless to say, I am further ahead in the game right now than I am in the writeups.  Oh and it is Steve and Scott Armstrong.  Scott was a wrestler before he became a referee.

Hey Theheel,

Thanks for the predictions and comments.  Mid-South Jim Duggan was definitely more at his peak then than he was in 1995.  Could he win against Hogan in 1995?  You'll have to tune in and find out.  You'll have to let me know if your prediction pans out or not when things happen in the future.

And I wanted to let everyone know that I made all contracts random, rather than the assigned expiration date that they have in the mod.  I thought it would make things a little different.

How far ahead are you right now? Cause I got a few idea's on who to hire for the Cruiserweight division. First off sense you don't want to use Benoit, i think lance storm would be a fitting substitute. Guy was tag teaming with chris Jericho at the Time and was getting big pushes during the end of wcw's run. Another name is little Guido maritato, leader of the full-blooded Italians and a former Cruiserweight Champion in wwe and last but not least Rob Van dam who is pretty much self explanatory.

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21 hours ago, sonny912 said:

How far ahead are you right now? Cause I got a few idea's on who to hire for the Cruiserweight division. First off sense you don't want to use Benoit, i think lance storm would be a fitting substitute. Guy was tag teaming with chris Jericho at the Time and was getting big pushes during the end of wcw's run. Another name is little Guido maritato, leader of the full-blooded Italians and a former Cruiserweight Champion in wwe and last but not least Rob Van dam who is pretty much self explanatory.

Right now, I am at the WCW Saturday Night before Fall Brawl.  Though, I hope to be further than that over the weekend.  Those are some good ideas about the Cruiserweight division.  All three that you mention are pretty good wrestlers.  Though, of course, none of them are really known at this time.  One of the problems with the Cruiserweight division is that a lot of the wrestlers start as Unimportant and there's a penalty for using two unimportant wrestlers against each other.  Outside of the Unimportant section, I have Johnny B. Badd, Brian Pillman and Dean Malenko as Well Known.  I have Eddy Guerrero as Recognizable.  Then comes the Unimportant section, which has Alex Wright, Joey Maggs, Mr. JL, The Armstrong Boys, Disco Inferno and Psicosis.  I signed Rey Rey but he got injured and is going to be out for awhile.  There are a few other signings that haven't debuted yet and, of course, Jushin Thunder Liger got injured on the first Nitro and is out for more than a year.

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Monday Week 2 September 1995
WCW Monday Nitro


Return Of More Tag Teams
This week, the second episode of WCW Monday Nitro comes from the Welsh-Ryan Arena in Evanston, Illinois.  Eric Bischoff, Steve McMichael and Bobby Heenan welcome everyone to the show and the crowd stands on their feet as the University of Michigan's favorite wrestlers, Steiner Brothers, come out from the back.  They high five the fans as they walk to the ring before stepping inside.  Rick jogs around the ring barking before dropping to all fours.  Scott stands over Rick in the Steiner pose before he is given a microphone.  Scott says it feels great to be back here where the big boys play.  He says that WCW is where the best wrestlers ply their craft and you're looking at the best tag team in the history of professional wrestling.  Scott hands the microphone to his brother and Rick barks before saying that he is here with his brother to regain the WCW World Tag Team titles.  Before they can finish, they are interrupted by the arrival of someone who knows Illinois very well.


Paul Ellering comes out from the back and walks to the ring to a mixture of boos and cheers from this crowd.  Though, he seems to get more cheers from this crowd in Illinois.  Ellering looks both Steiner Brothers up and down before sneering and taking a microphone.  Ellering introduces himself to this audience and then laughs as he says that the Steiner Brothers think they are the greatest tag team in professional wrestling.  Ellering says that he has a team coming back to WCW too.  He says that he has the greatest tag team in professional wrestling returning to WCW.  This team is a mix of power and speed.  Ellering keeps the Steiner Brothers distracted as the Road Warriors come in through the crowd.  Hawk and Animal enter the ring behind the Steiner Brothers and take them down with clotheslines.  Scott is sent out of the ring and Animal picks up Rick onto his shoulders.  Hawk heads to the top turnbuckle and they hit the Doomsday Device on Rick Steiner!  Hawk and Animal stand beside Paul Ellering as the fans give them a mixture of boos and cheers, leaning a little heavier on the cheers.  Ellering leads the Road Warriors out of the ring as EMTs and security check on the Steiner Brothers.


Match #1
Zodiac (w/The Taskmaster) vs. Randy Savage

Once the ring is cleared, it's time for the opening bout where Zodiac of the Dungeon of Doom takes on the Macho Man Randy Savage.  As Zodiac is coming down to the ring, he shows off 'YES' written on his right hand and 'NO' written on his left hand.  Whenever he throws a punch with his right hand, he screams out YES!  He throws a punch with his left hand, he screams out NO!  Some of the fans pick up on this and some even chant with The Zodiac whenever he throws a punch.  Though he doesn't land too many of them.  The announcers talk about this being a preview of War Games coming up at the end of the month as both these wrestlers will take part in the double ring steel cage.  If that's true, then this might be the most one-sided War Games in the history of the sport.  This match is dominated by Randy Savage, with Zodiac only having a brief spurt of momentum after some interference by The Taskmaster.  Savage picks up the pinfall at 7:49 with the Flying Elbow Drop.
Randy Savage p. Zodiac =80



The Genius Corner
From the ring, we go to the top of the ramp where two chairs are set up.  Out from the back comes Lanny Poffo, the Genius.  Poffo welcomes everyone to the Genius Corner.  He says that he is the smartest man in professional wrestling and will have the hard hitting questions each and every time he invites a wrestler to his Genius Corner.  Poffo sits down and introduces his guest, at this time, The Nature Boy Ric Flair.  Flair comes out to a good pop and a few 'Whoo' sounds from the audience.  Flair takes a seat and Poffo immediately brings up the feud with his former best friend Arn Anderson.  Flair says that Anderson has had his mind clouded by the insane thoughts of Brian Pillman.  But he will prove why the Enforcer was always second best in the Horsemen.  Flair says that to be the man, you have to beat the man.  He is going to give Anderson the chance to be the man at Fall Brawl.  Poffo asks Flair about Sting helping him out last week.  Flair publicly thanks Sting for saving him last week but he understands if Sting doesn't want to get involved.  Poffo thanks Flair for coming to the Genius Corner and sends us to the ring for our next bout.


Match #2
Dean Malenko vs. Mr. JL

The second bout of the night features two wrestlers from what Eric Bischoff calls the Cruiserweight division.  Mr. JL attempts to make this a fast-paced, high flying affair, while Dean Malenko attempts to slow things down and focus on the back of JL.  During the bout, it is announced that Japanese wrestler Jushin Thunder Liger suffered a spinal injury last week and will be out for over a year.  Back to the ring, JL goes for the tornado DDT but Malenko pushes him off.  JL lands on his feet and goes for a standing dropkick but Malenko steps back and lets JL hit the mat instead.  Malenko grabs the legs and twists JL into the Texas Cloverleaf.  JL struggles for just a moment before nodding and submitting at 6:30.
Dean Malenko d. Mr. JL =70



HBK Arrives
The cameras begin to pan around the arena, catching several signs in the crowd.  There is a disturbance within the crowd as we see the former WWF wrestler known as Shawn Michaels walking through the crowd and toward the front row.  He is stopped by security but holds up a ticket.  The security guard checks the ticket and then allows Michaels to walk to the empty seat in the front row.  Michaels sits down but is approached by Gene Okerlund.  Okerlund asks Michaels what he's doing there after last week.  Michaels asks if he's going to have his microphone turned off again.  Then he says that he is here to push the war forward.  He is here to bring WCW down.  Michaels says that, next week, he will be bringing in a partner to help him in his tasks.  Okerlund asks who that is but Michaels says that they will find out next week before dismissing Okerlund and leaning back in the chair.  We go to the ring for our next bout.


Match #3
Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman vs. The Armstrong Boys

In our third bout of the night, we have tag team action as Arn Anderson teams with Brian Pillman to take on Steve and Scott Armstrong.  The action is much more even than one might think going into this bout.  The Armstrong Boys show some of their talent against both Anderson and Pillman.  During this match, Eric Bischoff tells fans that they shouldn't change channels to the competition.  If you do, you'll just see Yokozuna win the Intercontinental title in the main event with the Banzai Drop on that Kid.  You're much better off sticking with Nitro and the World title in the main event.  Back to the action, Arn Anderson drops Steve Armstrong with the hammerlock body slam.  He lifts Steve again and hits the Anderson DDT before making the cover: One...Two...Three!  Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman get the win at 8:19!
Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman p. The Armstrong Boys =69


A video begins to play showing highlights of Jim Duggan here in WCW.  He is shown making his debut at last year's Fall Brawl.  That is where he defeated Steve Austin for the WCW United States title.  The rematch at Halloween Havoc is shown next where Duggan won by disqualification.  Duggan is shown defeating Bunkhouse Buck at SuperBrawl V.  Then he is shown in a fight with Kamala at Bash at the Beach.  After that, we are taken to a promo by Jim Duggan.  Duggan begins by saying that he is proud of all Americans, especially those who gave their lives in sacrifice to make this country great.  He says that he is proud of the WCW World Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan, who has represented this great country.  But that is out the window tonight when the two of them step into the ring one on one.  He says that only one of them is going to walk out as the champion and it's going to be him, tough guy.  Hoooo!  Duggan gives a goofy thumbs up and we go to the ring.


Match #4
Dick Slater (w/Col. Robert Parker) vs. Lex Luger

Our semi main event features two veteran wrestlers in Dirty Dick Slater and the Total Package Lex Luger.  These two men just wrestled in tag team action last week on Nitro.  It is announced during the match that Luger and his partner Barry Windham will defend the WCW World Tag Team titles this Saturday on WCW Saturday Night against the former champions Dick Slater and Bunkhouse Buck in a rematch from last week.  The contest is a brawl between these two men with Slater scoring a two count on Luger when he hits a standing elbow drop on the muscular tag team champion.  The match shows a genuine lack of chemistry between the two workers.  They just don't click at all.  Luger makes the comeback as the crowd gets behind him.  He hits an inverted atomic drop and then sends him to the ropes, hitting a scoop powerslam.  Luger makes the sign for the Human Torture Rack as the crowd gets loud.  Luger goes to pick up Slater when he is attacked from behind by Bunkhouse Buck.  Referee Mickey Jay immediately calls for the bell at 9:16.
Lex Luger d. Dick Slater =60



Stud Stable Attack
Bunkhouse Buck and Dick Slater attack Lex Luger after the match, double-teaming the Total Package.  Slater and Buck hit Luger with a double clothesline and then Slater hits the standing elbow drop.  Buck picks up Luger and sets him up for the piledriver under the tutelage of Col. Robert Parker.  Before he can hit the move, though, here comes Barry Windham!  Windham slides in the ring and takes down Slater with a lariat.  Buck drops Luger and starts brawling with Windham.  Windham ducks a punch and then bounces off the ropes, taking down both Bunk and Slater with a double clothesline.  Windham adjusts the glove on his right hand and then throws some punches as Luger pulls himself up.  Parker rolls out of the ring as Slater is sent over the top rope with a double clothesline by Luger and Windham.  Buck rolls out of the ring and joins the rest of the Stud Stable on the outside, staring up at Luger and Windham.  Buck makes the 'belt' motion at his waist and yells that he'll see them this Saturday night.  Luger and Windham play to the crowd as we go to a video.


Issuing An Open Challenge
This video features the WCW United States Champion Sting!  Sting says that he is a fighting champion and wants to get known for that.  So he issues an open challenge to anyone to face him next week on Nitro.  He says that the challenge is open to anybody, including that outsider that keeps wanting to show up on the better program.  Sting says that this outsider is in the jungle, baby!  He releases a howl.  He says that no matter who his opponent is next week that this person is going to get the best that he has to offer because he doesn't know how to bring less than his best.  He releases another howl and we go to the ring for our main event.


Match #5: WCW World Heavyweight Title Match
Hulk Hogan (w/Jimmy Hart) defends vs. Jim Duggan

It's main event time here on WCW Monday Nitro and, for the second week in a row, we have a WCW World Heavyweight title defense.  This week, Hulk Hogan, along with Jimmy Hart, is defending against Hacksaw Jim Duggan.  Both men get in the ring and a handshake kicks things off before Duggan begins the USA chant in the crowd.  That chant always gets Duggan fired up and the two men lock up with Hogan showing off his power by shoving Duggan to the mat.  Hogan poses to mostly cheers but a few boos.  Duggan stomps back over to Hogan and the two begin to fight early on in this match, including an exchange of punches.  Duggan hits a right hand that knocks Hogan to the mat.  Hogan rolls out of the ring and paces for a moment, seemingly surprised by this barrage by Duggan.  He comes back in and Duggan takes control.  Hacksaw takes down Hogan with a body slam and goes right into a rear chinlock.  Hogan struggles in the hold but manages to pull himself up and actually uses a belly to back suplex to break the hold.  Both men slowly get to their feet and the next few minutes is spent with back and forth action that eventually ends in Duggan getting the better of Hogan.  Hacksaw hits the Old Glory Kneedrop before making the cover: One...Two...Shoulder Up!  Duggan looks a little bit frustrated but continues the fight.  Hogan keeps getting his shoulder up from pinfall attempts no matter what Duggan does to him.  Eventually, Duggan takes down Hogan with a body slam and then backs into the corner, getting into a three point stance.  He waits for Hogan to get to his feet and then charges, hitting the running tackle.  He makes another cover: One...Two...Thr...BIG KICKOUT!

Hulk Hogan made the big kickout and gets to his knees, shaking his head.  He looks at Jim Duggan, who looks bewildered at this point.  Duggan moves over and begins throwing punches but Hogan shakes them off, working his way to his feet.  Hogan finally points at Duggan and then begins waving his finger back and forth.  Duggan moves in for another punch but Hogan blocks it and throws three straight punches to Hacksaw.  He sends Duggan to the ropes -- Big Boot!  Hogan cups his ear to the crowd, hearing cheers from the large section of Hulkamaniacs in the audience.  Hogan bounces off the ropes and hits the Leg Drop!  Hogan makes the cover: One...Two...Three!  Hulk Hogan retains the WCW World Heavyweight title at 16:06!
Hulk Hogan p. Jim Duggan =74




The Giant Attacks
Post-Match, Hulk Hogan slowly gets to his feet and is given the WCW World Heavyweight title belt by Jimmy Hart.  Hogan looks to Jim Duggan and then begins helping Duggan to his feet.  Duggan shoves Hogan backward for a moment, looking frustrated in this loss.  After a moment, Hogan offers a handshake to Duggan.  The crowd cheers that on and Duggan takes a minute to think about it before shaking Hogan's hand.  He raises Hogan's arm only for the two of them to be taken down by the arrival of The Giant!  The Taskmaster stands in the ring with The Giant as The Giant hits Hogan with a reverse headbutt.  The Giant grabs Jim Duggan -- Choke Slam!  He grabs Hulk Hogan by the throat -- Choke Slam!  The Giant roars in the ring as The Taskmaster guides him on what to do.  The Giant bends over slightly to pick one of the two men up again -- Sweet Chin Music!  The Giant is hit with a superkick by Shawn Michaels, who rolled into the ring!  The Giant falls like a tree straight down to the mat as The Taskmaster is shocked at what happened.  Michaels rolls out of the ring as security comes running in.  Michaels leaps the guardrail and begins running through the crowd as the announcers seem shocked at what just happened.  They apologize for the intrusion by this outsider but the show ends with The Giant, Hulk Hogan and Jim Duggan all down on the mat and the outsider now nowhere to be found.  We'll see you this Saturday for WCW Saturday Night!

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29 minutes ago, angeldelayette said:

Right now, I am at the WCW Saturday Night before Fall Brawl.  Though, I hope to be further than that over the weekend.  Those are some good ideas about the Cruiserweight division.  All three that you mention are pretty good wrestlers.  Though, of course, none of them are really known at this time.  One of the problems with the Cruiserweight division is that a lot of the wrestlers start as Unimportant and there's a penalty for using two unimportant wrestlers against each other.  Outside of the Unimportant section, I have Johnny B. Badd, Brian Pillman and Dean Malenko as Well Known.  I have Eddy Guerrero as Recognizable.  Then comes the Unimportant section, which has Alex Wright, Joey Maggs, Mr. JL, The Armstrong Boys, Disco Inferno and Psicosis.  I signed Rey Rey but he got injured and is going to be out for awhile.  There are a few other signings that haven't debuted yet and, of course, Jushin Thunder Liger got injured on the first Nitro and is out for more than a year.

The WCW Saturday Night before fall brawl? That's so early it's perfect! you can still implement the feud if you haven't booked the ppv match yet.


Glad you like my picks, sorry their too unimportant right now and i didn't know Johnny B badd counted as a Cruiserweight. Hey unrelated to the Cruiserweight division, here's another signing to look out for. Bam bam Bigelow. Now that Vader's gone away to join the wwf your gonna need another agile big man to fill his spot. And who better then this guy right?

15 minutes ago, angeldelayette said:

Monday Week 2 September 1995
WCW Monday Nitro


Return Of More Tag Teams
This week, the second episode of WCW Monday Nitro comes from the Welsh-Ryan Arena in Evanston, Illinois.  Eric Bischoff, Steve McMichael and Bobby Heenan welcome everyone to the show and the crowd stands on their feet as the University of Michigan's favorite wrestlers, Steiner Brothers, come out from the back.  They high five the fans as they walk to the ring before stepping inside.  Rick jogs around the ring barking before dropping to all fours.  Scott stands over Rick in the Steiner pose before he is given a microphone.  Scott says it feels great to be back here where the big boys play.  He says that WCW is where the best wrestlers ply their craft and you're looking at the best tag team in the history of professional wrestling.  Scott hands the microphone to his brother and Rick barks before saying that he is here with his brother to regain the WCW World Tag Team titles.  Before they can finish, they are interrupted by the arrival of someone who knows Illinois very well.


Paul Ellering comes out from the back and walks to the ring to a mixture of boos and cheers from this crowd.  Though, he seems to get more cheers from this crowd in Illinois.  Ellering looks both Steiner Brothers up and down before sneering and taking a microphone.  Ellering introduces himself to this audience and then laughs as he says that the Steiner Brothers think they are the greatest tag team in professional wrestling.  Ellering says that he has a team coming back to WCW too.  He says that he has the greatest tag team in professional wrestling returning to WCW.  This team is a mix of power and speed.  Ellering keeps the Steiner Brothers distracted as the Road Warriors come in through the crowd.  Hawk and Animal enter the ring behind the Steiner Brothers and take them down with clotheslines.  Scott is sent out of the ring and Animal picks up Rick onto his shoulders.  Hawk heads to the top turnbuckle and they hit the Doomsday Device on Rick Steiner!  Hawk and Animal stand beside Paul Ellering as the fans give them a mixture of boos and cheers, leaning a little heavier on the cheers.  Ellering leads the Road Warriors out of the ring as EMTs and security check on the Steiner Brothers.


Match #1
Zodiac (w/The Taskmaster) vs. Randy Savage

Once the ring is cleared, it's time for the opening bout where Zodiac of the Dungeon of Doom takes on the Macho Man Randy Savage.  As Zodiac is coming down to the ring, he shows off 'YES' written on his right hand and 'NO' written on his left hand.  Whenever he throws a punch with his right hand, he screams out YES!  He throws a punch with his left hand, he screams out NO!  Some of the fans pick up on this and some even chant with The Zodiac whenever he throws a punch.  Though he doesn't land too many of them.  The announcers talk about this being a preview of War Games coming up at the end of the month as both these wrestlers will take part in the double ring steel cage.  If that's true, then this might be the most one-sided War Games in the history of the sport.  This match is dominated by Randy Savage, with Zodiac only having a brief spurt of momentum after some interference by The Taskmaster.  Savage picks up the pinfall at 7:49 with the Flying Elbow Drop.
Randy Savage p. Zodiac =80



The Genius Corner
From the ring, we go to the top of the ramp where two chairs are set up.  Out from the back comes Lanny Poffo, the Genius.  Poffo welcomes everyone to the Genius Corner.  He says that he is the smartest man in professional wrestling and will have the hard hitting questions each and every time he invites a wrestler to his Genius Corner.  Poffo sits down and introduces his guest, at this time, The Nature Boy Ric Flair.  Flair comes out to a good pop and a few 'Whoo' sounds from the audience.  Flair takes a seat and Poffo immediately brings up the feud with his former best friend Arn Anderson.  Flair says that Anderson has had his mind clouded by the insane thoughts of Brian Pillman.  But he will prove why the Enforcer was always second best in the Horsemen.  Flair says that to be the man, you have to beat the man.  He is going to give Anderson the chance to be the man at Fall Brawl.  Poffo asks Flair about Sting helping him out last week.  Flair publicly thanks Sting for saving him last week but he understands if Sting doesn't want to get involved.  Poffo thanks Flair for coming to the Genius Corner and sends us to the ring for our next bout.


Match #2
Dean Malenko vs. Mr. JL

The second bout of the night features two wrestlers from what Eric Bischoff calls the Cruiserweight division.  Mr. JL attempts to make this a fast-paced, high flying affair, while Dean Malenko attempts to slow things down and focus on the back of JL.  During the bout, it is announced that Japanese wrestler Jushin Thunder Liger suffered a spinal injury last week and will be out for over a year.  Back to the ring, JL goes for the tornado DDT but Malenko pushes him off.  JL lands on his feet and goes for a standing dropkick but Malenko steps back and lets JL hit the mat instead.  Malenko grabs the legs and twists JL into the Texas Cloverleaf.  JL struggles for just a moment before nodding and submitting at 6:30.
Dean Malenko d. Mr. JL =70



HBK Arrives
The cameras begin to pan around the arena, catching several signs in the crowd.  There is a disturbance within the crowd as we see the former WWF wrestler known as Shawn Michaels walking through the crowd and toward the front row.  He is stopped by security but holds up a ticket.  The security guard checks the ticket and then allows Michaels to walk to the empty seat in the front row.  Michaels sits down but is approached by Gene Okerlund.  Okerlund asks Michaels what he's doing there after last week.  Michaels asks if he's going to have his microphone turned off again.  Then he says that he is here to push the war forward.  He is here to bring WCW down.  Michaels says that, next week, he will be bringing in a partner to help him in his tasks.  Okerlund asks who that is but Michaels says that they will find out next week before dismissing Okerlund and leaning back in the chair.  We go to the ring for our next bout.


Match #3
Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman vs. The Armstrong Boys

In our third bout of the night, we have tag team action as Arn Anderson teams with Brian Pillman to take on Steve and Scott Armstrong.  The action is much more even than one might think going into this bout.  The Armstrong Boys show some of their talent against both Anderson and Pillman.  During this match, Eric Bischoff tells fans that they shouldn't change channels to the competition.  If you do, you'll just see Yokozuna win the Intercontinental title in the main event with the Banzai Drop on that Kid.  You're much better off sticking with Nitro and the World title in the main event.  Back to the action, Arn Anderson drops Steve Armstrong with the hammerlock body slam.  He lifts Steve again and hits the Anderson DDT before making the cover: One...Two...Three!  Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman get the win at 8:19!
Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman p. The Armstrong Boys =69


A video begins to play showing highlights of Jim Duggan here in WCW.  He is shown making his debut at last year's Fall Brawl.  That is where he defeated Steve Austin for the WCW United States title.  The rematch at Halloween Havoc is shown next where Duggan won by disqualification.  Duggan is shown defeating Bunkhouse Buck at SuperBrawl V.  Then he is shown in a fight with Kamala at Bash at the Beach.  After that, we are taken to a promo by Jim Duggan.  Duggan begins by saying that he is proud of all Americans, especially those who gave their lives in sacrifice to make this country great.  He says that he is proud of the WCW World Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan, who has represented this great country.  But that is out the window tonight when the two of them step into the ring one on one.  He says that only one of them is going to walk out as the champion and it's going to be him, tough guy.  Hoooo!  Duggan gives a goofy thumbs up and we go to the ring.


Match #4
Dick Slater (w/Col. Robert Parker) vs. Lex Luger

Our semi main event features two veteran wrestlers in Dirty Dick Slater and the Total Package Lex Luger.  These two men just wrestled in tag team action last week on Nitro.  It is announced during the match that Luger and his partner Barry Windham will defend the WCW World Tag Team titles this Saturday on WCW Saturday Night against the former champions Dick Slater and Bunkhouse Buck in a rematch from last week.  The contest is a brawl between these two men with Slater scoring a two count on Luger when he hits a standing elbow drop on the muscular tag team champion.  The match shows a genuine lack of chemistry between the two workers.  They just don't click at all.  Luger makes the comeback as the crowd gets behind him.  He hits an inverted atomic drop and then sends him to the ropes, hitting a scoop powerslam.  Luger makes the sign for the Human Torture Rack as the crowd gets loud.  Luger goes to pick up Slater when he is attacked from behind by Bunkhouse Buck.  Referee Mickey Jay immediately calls for the bell at 9:16.
Lex Luger d. Dick Slater =60



Stud Stable Attack
Bunkhouse Buck and Dick Slater attack Lex Luger after the match, double-teaming the Total Package.  Slater and Buck hit Luger with a double clothesline and then Slater hits the standing elbow drop.  Buck picks up Luger and sets him up for the piledriver under the tutelage of Col. Robert Parker.  Before he can hit the move, though, here comes Barry Windham!  Windham slides in the ring and takes down Slater with a lariat.  Buck drops Luger and starts brawling with Windham.  Windham ducks a punch and then bounces off the ropes, taking down both Bunk and Slater with a double clothesline.  Windham adjusts the glove on his right hand and then throws some punches as Luger pulls himself up.  Parker rolls out of the ring as Slater is sent over the top rope with a double clothesline by Luger and Windham.  Buck rolls out of the ring and joins the rest of the Stud Stable on the outside, staring up at Luger and Windham.  Buck makes the 'belt' motion at his waist and yells that he'll see them this Saturday night.  Luger and Windham play to the crowd as we go to a video.


Issuing An Open Challenge
This video features the WCW United States Champion Sting!  Sting says that he is a fighting champion and wants to get known for that.  So he issues an open challenge to anyone to face him next week on Nitro.  He says that the challenge is open to anybody, including that outsider that keeps wanting to show up on the better program.  Sting says that this outsider is in the jungle, baby!  He releases a howl.  He says that no matter who his opponent is next week that this person is going to get the best that he has to offer because he doesn't know how to bring less than his best.  He releases another howl and we go to the ring for our main event.


Match #5: WCW World Heavyweight Title Match
Hulk Hogan (w/Jimmy Hart) defends vs. Jim Duggan

It's main event time here on WCW Monday Nitro and, for the second week in a row, we have a WCW World Heavyweight title defense.  This week, Hulk Hogan, along with Jimmy Hart, is defending against Hacksaw Jim Duggan.  Both men get in the ring and a handshake kicks things off before Duggan begins the USA chant in the crowd.  That chant always gets Duggan fired up and the two men lock up with Hogan showing off his power by shoving Duggan to the mat.  Hogan poses to mostly cheers but a few boos.  Duggan stomps back over to Hogan and the two begin to fight early on in this match, including an exchange of punches.  Duggan hits a right hand that knocks Hogan to the mat.  Hogan rolls out of the ring and paces for a moment, seemingly surprised by this barrage by Duggan.  He comes back in and Duggan takes control.  Hacksaw takes down Hogan with a body slam and goes right into a rear chinlock.  Hogan struggles in the hold but manages to pull himself up and actually uses a belly to back suplex to break the hold.  Both men slowly get to their feet and the next few minutes is spent with back and forth action that eventually ends in Duggan getting the better of Hogan.  Hacksaw hits the Old Glory Kneedrop before making the cover: One...Two...Shoulder Up!  Duggan looks a little bit frustrated but continues the fight.  Hogan keeps getting his shoulder up from pinfall attempts no matter what Duggan does to him.  Eventually, Duggan takes down Hogan with a body slam and then backs into the corner, getting into a three point stance.  He waits for Hogan to get to his feet and then charges, hitting the running tackle.  He makes another cover: One...Two...Thr...BIG KICKOUT!

Hulk Hogan made the big kickout and gets to his knees, shaking his head.  He looks at Jim Duggan, who looks bewildered at this point.  Duggan moves over and begins throwing punches but Hogan shakes them off, working his way to his feet.  Hogan finally points at Duggan and then begins waving his finger back and forth.  Duggan moves in for another punch but Hogan blocks it and throws three straight punches to Hacksaw.  He sends Duggan to the ropes -- Big Boot!  Hogan cups his ear to the crowd, hearing cheers from the large section of Hulkamaniacs in the audience.  Hogan bounces off the ropes and hits the Leg Drop!  Hogan makes the cover: One...Two...Three!  Hulk Hogan retains the WCW World Heavyweight title at 16:06!
Hulk Hogan p. Jim Duggan =74




The Giant Attacks
Post-Match, Hulk Hogan slowly gets to his feet and is given the WCW World Heavyweight title belt by Jimmy Hart.  Hogan looks to Jim Duggan and then begins helping Duggan to his feet.  Duggan shoves Hogan backward for a moment, looking frustrated in this loss.  After a moment, Hogan offers a handshake to Duggan.  The crowd cheers that on and Duggan takes a minute to think about it before shaking Hogan's hand.  He raises Hogan's arm only for the two of them to be taken down by the arrival of The Giant!  The Taskmaster stands in the ring with The Giant as The Giant hits Hogan with a reverse headbutt.  The Giant grabs Jim Duggan -- Choke Slam!  He grabs Hulk Hogan by the throat -- Choke Slam!  The Giant roars in the ring as The Taskmaster guides him on what to do.  The Giant bends over slightly to pick one of the two men up again -- Sweet Chin Music!  The Giant is hit with a superkick by Shawn Michaels, who rolled into the ring!  The Giant falls like a tree straight down to the mat as The Taskmaster is shocked at what happened.  Michaels rolls out of the ring as security comes running in.  Michaels leaps the guardrail and begins running through the crowd as the announcers seem shocked at what just happened.  They apologize for the intrusion by this outsider but the show ends with The Giant, Hulk Hogan and Jim Duggan all down on the mat and the outsider now nowhere to be found.  We'll see you this Saturday for WCW Saturday Night!

HA! Looks like I got all the matches right!

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Saturday Week 2 September 1995
WCW Saturday Night

Monday Nitro Highlights
Highlights from Monday Nitro include Steiner Brothers and Road Warriors making their returns, Sting issuing an open challenge for next week and Hulk Hogan defeating Jim Duggan in the main event...63

Luger & Windham
Luger & Windham had an interview hyping their upcoming tag match with Bunkhouse Buck and Dirty Dick.  Luger says they're here for the big boys and they beat them once, they can do it again.  Windham says he's glad to be back here in WCW with his friend.  He promises a victory tonight and another defense of the tag team titles...46

Match #1
WCW World Television Title Match
10 Minute Time Limit Match
Diamond Dallas Page defends vs. Alex Wright

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Diamond Dallas Page(56) defeated Alex Wright(38) in 8:19 by pinfall. Diamond Dallas Page makes defence number one of the WCW World Television title.  Referee=Randy Anderson
Diamond Dallas Page p. Alex Wright =54

Attack Backstage
In the backstage area, Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman attack Ric Flair.  Flair fights back but the two on one advantage shows up.  Arn Anderson and Pillman focus on the long-time injured back of Flair with chair shots to the back until security steps in to break things up...73

Match #2
Blue Bloods vs. The Armstrong Boys

In a decent match, Blue Bloods(Regal-68, Eaton-51) defeated The Armstrong Boys(Steve-40, Scott-39) in 5:59 when Lord Steven Regal submitted Steve Armstrong with a Regal Stretch.

In terms of in-ring work, Lord Steven Regal was head and shoulders above everyone else.  Referee=Mickey Jay
Blue Bloods d. The Armstrong Boys =58

A music video is shown to promote Psicosis...10

Mr. Wonderful
In a promo, Paul Orndorff hypes himself.  He says that even though he lost to Hulk Hogan on the first Nitro he is still Mr. Wonderful.  He issues an open challenge to anyone to face him this Monday on Nitro one on one...66

Match #3
WCW World Tag Team Titles Match
Luger & Windham defend vs. The Stud Stable

In a decent match, Luger(72) & Windham(60) defeated Bunkhouse Buck(28) and Dirty Dick(48) in 15:31 when Barry Windham pinned Bunkhouse Buck with a Flying Lariat. Luger & Windham make defence number one of the WCW World Tag Team titles. 

In terms of in-ring work, Lex Luger was head and shoulders above everyone else. Bunkhouse Buck was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.  Referee=Nick Patrick
Luger & Windham p. The Stud Stable =69

Open Challenge Accepted
The Taskmaster and The Giant stand side by side in the jungle.  The Taskmaster hypes the War Games match for the Dungeon of Doom.  Then, he accepts Sting's open challenge for the United States title on behalf of The Giant.  The Giant says that Sting is a fool opening himself up for this title match.  The Giant says that he is going to walk away as the new United States Champion.  He releases a roar and the show comes to an end...73

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WCW Monday Nitro
Monday Week 3 September 1995

Open Challenge Match
"Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff vs. ???

Blue Bloods vs. Steiner Brothers

WCW World Television Title Match
10 Minute Time Limit Match
Diamond Dallas Page defends vs. Chris Kanyon

WCW United States Title Match
"The WCW Franchise" Sting defends vs. The Giant

Comments About The Diary In General: 

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Open Challenge Match
"Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff vs. ???

Blue Bloods vs. Steiner Brothers

WCW World Television Title Match
10 Minute Time Limit Match
Diamond Dallas Page defends vs. Chris Kanyon

WCW United States Title Match
"The WCW Franchise" Sting defends vs. The Giant
Comments: Sting retains via DQ

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Monday Week 3 September 1995
WCW Monday Nitro


The Ultimate Debut
WCW Monday Nitro opens in the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach, Florida.  The crowd of 8,051 here is loud as the pyros explode for the opening.  Then, the cheers turn to boos as Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff walks out from the back.  As he walks to the ring, we are shown a replay of his open challenge from WCW Saturday Night.  Orndorff enters the ring and is given a microphone.  He welcomes everyone to Wonderful Championship Wrestling, courtesy of Mr. Wonderful.  He says that today must be bring an idiot to work day because there is going to be some idiot in the back who answers his open challenge.  He says that he is Mr. Wonderful and that the all the women want him and all of the men want to be him.  He points to a couple in the audience and says that this woman would drop her man in a hot minute for someone like him.  He says that she must be with him because he pays the bills.  It couldn't be because of his ugly looks.  Then, he turns to the aisle and challenges whoever is going to face him to come out to the ring and face him.  Orndorff waits in the ring as fog begins to fill the top of the entrance ramp.  Explosive pyro goes off and a man begins rising from beneath the stage.


The announcers go crazy as they recognize the man behind the pyro.  He is announced as being the man known as Warrior.  Warrior raises his arms up and down and begins to run in place before running down toward the ring.  Orndorff takes off out of the ring as Warrior slides in.  Warrior runs the ropes on all four sides, snarling and spitting like a wild man.  Warrior beats his chest and then backs into a corner, waiting for the match to start.  On commentary, Eric Bischoff says that everybody wants to be a part of WCW and this just proves it.


Match #1
Paul Orndorff vs. Warrior

The match is dominated by Warrior as he takes down Paul Orndorff with several clotheslines in the early going.  Orndorff tries to fight back and gets in a few shots but Warrior manages to lift Orndorff up in a press slam, dropping him behind himself.  Warrior bounces off the ropes and hits the Big Splash before making a cover: One...Two...Three!  Warrior picks up the win in 1:43.
Warrior p. Paul Orndorff =67


Why I Am Here
Warrior celebrates the victory in the ring, while Paul Orndorff leaves the ring and walks to the back.  Warrior grabs a microphone and begins with his usual: SPEAK TO ME, WARRIORS!  He announces that he has come to WCW to prove that he is the ultimate warrior in professional wrestling.  He says that this means he has to face the best professional wrestlers in the world.  That means facing men like WCW World Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan or WCW United States Champion Sting.  He talks briefly about his history with both men.  He ends the segment by promising to be a future champion in WCW before dropping the microphone and beating his chest.  He snarls and growls and spits before exiting the ring and rushing to the back.




War Games Preview
We go to Gene Okerlund on the ramp as Warrior rushes by him.  Okerlund says that he has information about the Warrior's arrival on the WCW Hotline so make sure to call.  Kids, make sure to get your parent's permission before dialing.  He brings out his guest at this time, Hacksaw Jim Duggan!  Duggan comes out and gets a USA chant going in the crowd.  Okerlund asks Duggan about the upcoming War Games match.  Duggan says that this will be his first War Games encounter but that he's no stranger to violence in matches.  Duggan twists the 2X4 in his hands and says that he will be prepared for war.  He gets interrupted by the arrival of The Shark on the ramp.  The Shark warns Duggan that he made a huge mistake in agreeing to be the fourth member of Team Hulk Hogan at War Games.  Shark promises to bite Duggan and tear him limb from limb.  Duggan challenges The Shark to meet him in a match this Saturday on WCW Saturday Night.  The Shark agrees to the match and says he'll try to leave some of Duggan left for War Games.  Duggan raises the 2X4 to The Shark's chin, holding it there and says he'll meet him in the ring on Saturday.  Okerlund steps in and sends us to the ring for our next bout.


Match #2
Blue Bloods vs. Steiner Brothers

Our next bout is a tag team encounter as the Blue Bloods take on the Steiner Brothers.  This is a good back and forth encounter between the two teams that showcases the talent of all four men.  This includes Lord Steven Regal getting a two count on Rick Steiner following a butterfly suplex.  Rick fires back with a Steinerline on both Regal and Eaton before tagging in his brother.  Scott catches both Regal and Eaton with overhead belly-to-belly suplexes.  Scott turns his attention to Regal, shooting him to the ropes and hitting him with a tilt-a-whirl slam.  He points to his brother before knocking Eaton off the apron with a Steinerline.  He picks up Regal and lifts the Lord onto his shoulders, walking over to the corner.  He tags in Rick and turns around as Rick climbs to the top turnbuckle.  Rick leaps and hits the top rope bulldog to Regal off Scott's shoulders!  Rick makes the cover: One...Two...Three!  Steiner Brothers win at 12:06!
Steiner Brothers p. Blue Bloods =77



Wild Brawl
As soon as the bell sounds, Paul Ellering leads Road Warriors down to the ring.  Animal and Hawk enter the ring and immediately begin brawling with Rick and Scott Steiner!  Rick and Animal brawl on one side with Scott and Hawk on the other.  Rick hits Animal with a Steinerline, knocking him to the mat.  Hawk sends Scott to the ropes and catches him with a scoop powerslam.  He gets back and Rick strikes him with a kneelift.  Rick slips in behind him and throws him with a released German suplex!  Ellering distracts Rick so that Animal can get up and strike Rick from behind with a clothesline.  It is at this point that security rushes to the ring and work to separate the two legendary tag teams.  They work to bring both teams to the back.


Looking For Help
As soon as the ring is cleared, 2001: A Space Odyssey begins to play and the crowd get to their feet as Ric Flair walks out from the back.  Flair enters the ring and bounces off the ropes, doing a strut and releasing a 'Whoo!'  Flair says it feels good to be back here in Daytona, Florida.  He calls Daytona Ric Flair Country.  Then, he turns his attention to his former best friend Arn Anderson.  He mentions the attack that was made last Saturday on WCW Saturday Night.  But he says he is still standing because he is the man.  He says that he made the decision that he needs someone to watch his back like how Anderson has Brian Pillman now.  He says that he went back into his past to find someone who he believes that he can trust.  He says this person agreed to watch his back before reintroducing this person to World Championship Wrestling.


Greg "The Hammer" Valentine walks out from the back and heads right to the ring in a stoic fashion.  Valentine enters the ring and shakes hands with Ric Flair as Eric Bischoff points out that these two men are former NWA World Tag Team Champions together.  Valentine is given a microphone and he says that he came back here to WCW to watch Ric Flair's back.  He says that he has never been a talker, though.  He has always been more of a wrestler.  So, he issues a challenge for a tag team match next week with himself and Flair against Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman.  Flair speaks up, saying that there's a party going on in Daytona tonight.  He promises there will be a party in Tucson next week when he and Valentine beat Anderson and Pillman.  He releases a 'Whoo' and then his music plays and he and Valentine begin heading toward the back together.


Hyping War Games
From the ring, we go to a video where we see WCW World Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan standing behind a chain link fence.  Hogan begins with the whole let me tell ya something, brothers.  He says that in less than two weeks he is going to go to war with three of his friends against a group that has promised to end Hulkamania.  He says that what they don't realize is that Hulkamania is eternal.  He says that it lives in each and every Hulkamaniac in the audience, dudes.  He says that he gets his power from every Hulkamaniac so he's going to need everybody in the building and tuning in to Fall Brawl because War Games is a scary match, dude.  Hogan admits that it changes each and every person who steps into the two ring steel cage.  He says that it will change him, brother.  But what won't change is that he will remain the WCW World Heavyweight Champion and that he will remain the leader of the Hulkamaniacs.  He ends by asking the Dungeon of Doom whatcha gonna do when the power of Hulk Hogan and all the Hulkamaniacs runs wild over you?!?!  Hogan flexes and poses before we go to the ring.


Match #3
WCW World Television Title Match
10 Minute Time Limit Match
Diamond Dallas Page (w/Diamond Doll and Maxx Muscle) defends vs. Chris Kanyon

Our third match of the night has a ten minute time limit as the WCW World Television Champion Diamond Dallas Page comes out to the ring to face the man at work Chris Kanyon.  The match is a one-sided affair with DDP dominating from the outset.  Early on in the bout, DDP tosses Kanyon out of the ring and then distracts the official.  Maxx Muscle catches Kanyon with a clothesline and then tosses him back in the ring.  DDP hits Kanyon with a jumping DDT in the ring before making the diamond symbol to boos from the crowd.  DDP picks up Kanyon and sends him to the ropes before dropping him with a tilt-a-whirl slam.  He picks up Kanyon and hits the Diamond Cutter!  He lays across Kanyon with an arrogant cover: One...Two...Three!  Diamond Dallas Page successfully defends the WCW World Television title in 6:30!
Diamond Dallas Page p. Chris Kanyon =63



Who's Next For The WCW World Tag Team Champions
We go back to the ramp and Gene Okerlund!  Okerlund reminds us that we are thirteen days away from Fall Brawl.  He talks about some of the matches signed for the show, including War Games and Road Warriors taking on Steiner Brothers.  Okerlund then invites out his next guests and they are the new WCW World Tag Team Champions Lex Luger and Barry Windham!  Luger and Windham come out to a good crowd reaction before joining Okerlund.  Okerlund welcomes them back to WCW and congratulates them on being the WCW World Tag Team Champions.  Windham thanks him and says that they are looking to face the best tag teams in professional wrestling.  That's why they are here in WCW.  Luger flexes and says that they will prove that they are the best tag team here.  His words are interrupted by the arrival of a couple of former WCW World Tag Team Champions.


Sensuous Sherri brings out Booker T and Stevie Ray, Harlem Heat.  Booker does not look too happy standing beside Sherri and they both start to talk at the same time.  Sherri gets quiet and Booker says that he and his brother are the best tag team in WCW and in the world of professional wrestling.  Stevie Ray challenges Luger and Windham to put the belts on the line in thirteen days at Fall Brawl.  Lex Luger immediately accepts the challenge, saying that he and Barry Windham are unafraid to defend the titles against anyone.  Luger says they will prove which is the better team in thirteen days.  The four men go face to face before we move to a shot of the crowd.


Sitting In The Crowd
The cameras begin panning around the crowd and showing various signs as fans stand trying to get on television.  There is a disturbance in the crowd and the camera zooms in to show the wrestler known as Shawn Michaels.  Michaels moves through the audience and takes a seat in the front row.  There is a second seat beside him as he talked last week about having a second partner here in his war attempt on WCW.  Michaels settles in and the camera lifts away from him and the crowd.


A Rowdy Return
The cameras focus in on the top of the ramp as the sounds of bagpipes begins to play through the arena.  The crowd gets on their feet, looking surprised as none other than Roddy Piper makes his return to WCW!  Piper listens to the cheering of the crowd as he walks down toward the ring.  Piper enters the ring and listens to a 'Piper' chant from the crowd.  He is given a microphone and begins by thanking the audience for remembering who he is.  Piper says he's gotten into a lot of trouble here in Florida in his past but he's not here to talk about that.  He motions down to Shawn Michaels, who is now standing up in the front row.  He says that he is someone who knows a lot about the former promotion up north that Michaels came here from.  He says he made his name there because no one can make their name here in podunk WCW.  He begins insulting the crowd, stating that they are just a bunch of inbred hillbillies paying their hard-earned money to see someone like him.  Piper says the war is just beginning but the WCW guys are throwing rocks at two men who have machine guns.  Piper exits the ring and walks over, shaking hands with Michaels before joining him in the front row.


Match #4
WCW United States Title Match
Sting defends vs. The Giant (w/The Taskmaster)

It's main event time and what a main event we have as Sting defends the WCW United States title against The Giant, with The Taskmaster at ringside.  When the bell sounds, Sting and The Giant meet in the center of the ring.  Sting doesn't back down from the larger man until The Giant shoves him to the mat with one hand.  Sting pops back up and charges The Giant, striking him with forearm smashes to the chest.  Sting uses his speed to hit and move, avoiding getting caught up by The Giant.  Sting hits The Giant with a standing dropkick before hitting him with a clothesline, sending The Giant over the top rope.  The Giant lands on his feet outside the ring, quickly grabbing Sting by the legs and dragging him out.  The Giant runs Sting into the ring post as the crowd boos.  The Giant walks over to where Shawn Michaels stands and gets in his face but security keeps the two separated.  The Giant returns to Sting and brings the action back into the ring.  The Giant begins to dominate the WCW Franchise, sending him into a corner and hitting a reverse avalanche before striking him with back elbows.  Unfortunately, as the match moves on, it becomes obvious that these two wrestlers don't click at all in the ring.  The Giant uses interference and distraction from The Taskmaster to maintain the advantage throughout the bout.  At near the ten minute mark, The Giant locks Sting in a bear hug, trying to illicate a submission.  Sting struggles in the hold but begins to pass out due to the pain.  Referee Nick Patrick checks on him and lifts his arm once, twice but the third time it stays up!  The crowd gets behind Sting as he fights back, throwing punches to The Giant and forcing The Giant to break the hold.

Sting gets the crowd behind him as he throws punches and clotheslines to The Giant!  Sting bounces off the ropes and hits a flying clothesline to finally knock The Giant to the mat!  Both men lay down there as the referee begins a ten count.  The crowd begins a 'Sting' chant as he manages to make his way to his feet first.  He immediately goes over to The Giant and throws forearm smashes, knocking The Giant back into the corner.  Sting climbs up and begins raining down punches on The Giant.  He gets to ten before dropping back down.  Sting backs up and goes for the Stinger Splash but The Giant pulls Nick Patrick in the way and the referee is the one that suffers the Stinger Splash!  Sting avoids a grab by The Giant and takes him down with the Scorpion Death Drop!  The Taskmaster looks on at ringside, pacing for a moment as both Sting and The Giant are down on the mat.  Both Sting and The Giant get to their knees in the ring when suddenly -- Sweet Chin Music!  Shawn Michaels hits Sting with the superkick from out of nowhere!  Michaels smiles and exits the ring, escaping through the crowd as he is chased by security.  In the ring, The Taskmaster wakes up the official as The Giant covers Sting: One...Two...Three!  We have a new United States Champion as The Giant wins in 16:28!
The Giant p. Sting =69



Face To Face
The Taskmaster grabs the WCW United States title belt and brings it in the ring, handing it over to The Giant.  The Giant looks a little surprised as he is given the belt.  He stands up in the ring and looks down at the fallen body of Sting.  The Giant reaches down and grabs Sting by the throat.  He picks him up and prepares to give him the Choke Slam when music begins to play.  Here comes Warrior!  Warrior rushes down to the ring and slides inside.  He looks up at The Giant and beats his own chest.  Warrior snarls and growls at The Giant, who releases Sting, letting him drop to the mat.  The Taskmaster steps between Warrior and The Giant.  The Taskmaster backs The Giant up and sends him out of the ring.  In The ring, Warrior gets cheers from the crowd, checking on Sting as the show comes to an end.  We'll see you this Saturday for WCW Saturday Night!

Edited by angeldelayette
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1 hour ago, angeldelayette said:



Face To Face
The Taskmaster grabs the WCW United States title belt and brings it in the ring, handing it over to The Giant.  The Giant looks a little surprised as he is given the belt.  He stands up in the ring and looks down at the fallen body of Sting.  The Giant reaches down and grabs Sting by the throat.  He picks him up and prepares to give him the Choke Slam when music begins to play.  Here comes Warrior!  Warrior rushes down to the ring and slides inside.  He looks up at The Giant and beats his own chest.  Warrior snarls and growls at The Giant, who releases Sting, letting him drop to the mat.  The Taskmaster steps between Warrior and The Giant.  The Taskmaster backs The Giant up and sends him out of the ring.  In The ring, Warrior gets cheers from the crowd, checking on Sting as the show comes to an end.  We'll see you this Saturday for WCW Saturday Night!

Could we be seeing a Blade Runners reunion happening here?  🤔

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Saturday Week 3 September 1995
WCW Saturday Night

Monday Nitro Highlights
In a video, highlights are shown from Monday Nitro.  These include The Giant defeating Sting for the WCW United States title, Warrior making his debut and then confronting The Giant and Greg Valentine making his WCW return...69

Match #1
Barrio Brothers vs. Nasty Boys

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Nasty Boys(Knobbs-58, Sags-52) defeated Barrio Brothers(Santana-36, Sierra-30) in 8:29 when Brian Knobbs pinned Ricky Santana with a Pitstop.  Referee=Mickey Jay
Nasty Boys p. Barrio Brothers =50

A music video is shown to promote Psicosis...10

In a promo, Sting talks about losing the WCW United States title to The Giant last Monday.  He says that Shawn Michaels will have to answer for that.  But it doesn't happen until after War Games.  Sting hypes the War Games match, promising to bring down The Dungeon Of Doom in one match...77

Match #2
WCW World Television Title Match
10 Minute Time Limit Match
Diamond Dallas Page (w/Diamond Doll and Maxx Muscle) defends vs. Mr. JL

In a decent match, Diamond Dallas Page(56) defeated Mr. JL(43) in 9:01 by pinfall following interference from Maxx Muscle. Diamond Dallas Page makes defence number three of the WCW World Television title.  Referee=Randy Anderson
Diamond Dallas Page p. Mr. JL =58

At the interview area, Gene Okerlund interviews Cobra.  Cobra announces that he has come to WCW for one reason and that is Sgt. Craig Pittman.  Cobra says that next week he will confront Pittman face to face and let the world know why he is here.  Okerlund sends us away to a video...40

Challenge Accepted
In a promo, Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman talk about the arrival of Greg Valentine.  Arn Anderson accepts the challenge for the tag team match this Monday on Nitro.  Pillman says that things are going to be crazy...68

Match #3
The Shark (w/The Taskmaster) vs. Jim Duggan

In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, The Shark(50) defeated Jim Duggan(54) in 10:12 by pinfall with an Earthquake Splash following interference from Kamala.  Referee=Nick Patrick
The Shark p. Jim Duggan =60

War Games Brawl
Post-match, The Shark, Kamala, Meng and Zodiac assault Jim Duggan.  Sting , Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan run in to make the save.  The brawl continues until the show comes to an end...66

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WCW Monday Nitro
Monday Week 4 September 1995

"The Enforcer" Arn Anderson and "Flyin'" Brian Pillman vs. Greg "The Hammer" Valentine and "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair

"The Man Of A Thousand Holds" Dean Malenko vs. Johnny B. Badd

Christian Cage and Sexton Hardcastle vs. American Males

"The Ugandan Giant" Kamala vs. "The WCW Franchise" Sting

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  • 2 weeks later...

Monday Week 4 September 1995
WCW Monday Nitro


Match #1
Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman vs. Greg Valentine and Ric Flair

The go-home show of WCW Monday Nitro begins with the arrival of Ric Flair and Greg Valentine.  The two men get into the ring and stretch against the ropes.  Flair does a strut and releases a 'Whooo!' that the crowd echoes back.  With Flair's back turned, Valentine suddenly strikes him in the back with a double axehandle.  Valentine nails Flair in the knee with a chop block and quickly locks him in the Figure Four.  Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman make their way down to the ring and step inside.  Anderson makes a mock strut before stomping on Flair.  Pillman drops to his knees and begins throwing punches to Flair's forehead.  Flair gets busted open from these punches before Pillman gets up and Valentine releases the Figure Four.  Anderson, Pillman and Valentine stand in a row, raising their arms up in victory before leaving the ring and walking toward the back.  EMTs come in to help Flair to the back.
Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman draw Greg Valentine and Ric Flair =67


The Heat Is On
As Ric Flair is helped to the back, we are taken to a pre-recorded promo video of Harlem Heat and Sensuous Sherri.  Booker T talks about how those suckas came in and immediately got a shot at the tag team titles.  He reminds everyone that Harlem Heat should have had that shot at the belts.  Stevie Ray adds that this match is just a formality, fruit booties, because Harlem Heat is the best tag team in WCW.  Booker ends the promo by asking, can you dig that?  Booker and Stevie Ray pose with Sensuous Sherri before we go to the ring.


Match #2
Dean Malenko vs. Johnny B. Badd

Our actual first match of the night features two of the smaller wrestlers in WCW doing battle.  Johnny B. Badd tries to show off his boxing skills in the early going as we are reminded that he was a Golden Gloves boxer.  Dean Malenko manages to shoot in and trip up Badd, focusing on the legs and on the back of the more high flying wrestler.  The man of a thousand holds shows off a few of those holds, including a gutbuster and a double underhook powerbomb where he stacks Badd up for a two count.  Badd gets the crowd behind him and fights back from a reverse chinlock, bringing Malenko down to the mat with a belly-to-back suplex.  After a few more moves, Badd gets the extra burst of energy from the crowd and heads to the top turnbuckle.  He sets up for the Shooting Star Press but Malenko gets to his feet.  Badd leaps off and Malenko catches him by the legs, dropping him to the mat.  Malenko twists Badd into a Texas Cloverleaf and it only takes a few moments before Badd submits at 10:40!
Dean Malenko d. Johnny B. Badd =74


Security Steps Up
We see that there is a disturbance in the crowd.  The cameras pan over to reveal Shawn Michaels and Roddy Piper walking through the crowd.  Security steps up to them immediately and the announcers tell us that security is sending these outsiders out of the building.  Michaels and Piper look belligerent but security manages to get them away from the fans and to the back.  While this is being done, Eric Bischoff invites them to come to Fall Brawl because he has a deal for them that they cannot refuse.



Speak To Me, Warriors!
From there, we go to the ramp and Mean Gene Okerlund.  Okerlund tells everyone to call the WCW Hotline and he'll have predictions for Fall Brawl, which is in less than a week.  He will have all the up-to-date news and rumors so make sure you call.  Okerlund introduces his guest and that man is Warrior!  Warrior raises from the depths of Parts Unknown at the ramp and then walks down to Okerlund.  Okerlund welcomes Warrior to WCW and asks about his debut last week.  Warrior begins with his usual 'SPEAK TO ME, WARRIORS!'  Warrior talks about answering the challenge of the man of wonderfulness last week.  He says that he was brought here by the gods to prove that he is the ultimate warrior.  Okerlund asks him about going face to face with The Giant.  Warrior says that he is the ultimate man that can go face to face with a giant.  He says that he can bring down The Giant with a rocket ship and destroy him.  He challenges The Giant to defend the WCW United States title against him at Fall Brawl this Sunday.  He warns The Giant that he will avenge his friend and former tag team partner Sting.  Warrior snarls and growls and spits before we go to a video.


Double Cross Ranch
This video begins at the Double Cross Ranch in Texas.  Two top wrestlers in the history of WCW and the NWA are shown in Terry Funk and Dory Funk, Jr.  The two Funk brothers are shown doing some of the chores around the farm, including feeding the hogs and milking the cows.  From there, we are shown some highlights of their matches in the NWA and WCW.  As we see them both lock in Spinning Toe Holds, a voiceover lets us know that The Funks are returning to WCW to take over the tag team division.  With that, we go to the ring for our next match.


Match #3
Christian Cage and Sexton Hardcastle vs. American Males

Our next contest features two young tag teams in the Canadian team of Christian Cage and Sexton Hardcastle against the American Males.  The match cooled the crowd off a little bit as they didn't seem to care too much for either team.  Neither of them have been built up too much.  As one would expect, American Males were pretty dominant in this contest.  But Cage and Hardcastle both showed some potential for the future.  The match ended when Cage was hit with the trip and cross body move with Riggs doing the trip and Bagwell doing the cross body.  Bagwell hooks the leg: One...Two...Three!  The bell sounds at 5:09!
American Males p. Christian Cage and Sexton Hardcastle =28



Meet Me In The Ring
In a rare instance of going backstage, we are taken to the trainer's room where Gene Okerlund is standing by with Ric Flair.  Flair is getting his knee taped by the trainer.  Okerlund asks Flair what his condition is, knowing he has a match with Arn Anderson in six days at Fall Brawl.  Flair goes on a rant, upset about Greg Valentine turning on him.  Flair says he should have known better than to trust Valentine.  He is upset that he was taken advantage of and he challenges Valentine to meet the man in the ring tonight.  Flair says he doesn't care if his leg is broken, he wants his revenge tonight.  Flair says that he is known as the dirtiest player in the game and tonight he is going to prove why.  Okerlund sends us to a pre-recorded promo.


Macho Madness
This pre-recorded promo features the Macho Man Randy Savage.  Savage says he has been sitting back and watching the two outsiders talk about WCW.  He says that one of them is young and dumb but Roddy Piper should know better.  Savage issues a challenge for Piper to meet him in the ring next week on Monday Nitro.  Savage promises to snap into him like a slim jim.  Oh yeah, dig it!




War Games
A video begins to play recounting the history of War Games.  This match has it's roots going all the way back to 1987 when the first War Games match pitted the Road Warriors, Nikita Koloff, Dusty Rhodes and Paul Ellering against The Four Horsemen team of Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Lex Luger, Tully Blanchard and JJ Dillon.  From that match, we move forward to this year where we will see the Dungeon of Doom team of Kamala, Meng, The Shark and Zodiac take on Hulk Hogan, Jim Duggan, Randy Savage and Sting.  We are shown highlights of the brawls between the four men before we go to the ring for our next match.


Match #4
Kamala (w/The Taskmaster) vs. Sting

Our main event is a match with great chemistry as 'The Ugandan Giant' Kamala takes on the WCW Franchise in Sting.  The match was one of the best of the night with Sting selling for the Ugandan Giant as Kamala seemingly stays in control for most of the match.  The 6'7" Kamala takes down Sting with a savate kick, scoring a two count.  Kamala beats his chest but The Taskmaster shouts at him from ringside to keep on Sting.  Kamala goes for the Big Splash but Sting dodges and Kamala lands hard on the mat.  The crowd cheers as Sting pulls himself up to his feet.  He picks up Kamala and Irish whips him into the turnbuckle.  Sting rushes in and climbs up, throwing punches down on Kamala.  At ten, Sting drops down and then shows some power by lifting Kamala onto the top turnbuckle.  Sting climbs up and sets Kamala up for a superplex but he is attacked from behind by Meng before he can hit the move.  With the attack, the referee calls for the bell at 7:55 as The Taskmaster waves for more wrestlers.
Sting d. Kamala =80



War Games Rampage
Meng pulls Sting off the turnbuckle but Sting turns around and starts throwing punches to both Meng and Kamala!  The Shark and Zodiac hit the ring and attack Sting four on one.  As soon as they start to attack, the crowd cheers wildly as Hulk Hogan, Jim Duggan and Randy Savage come running to the ring.  It's a wild brawl in the ring between the eight men who will be a part of the War Games match.  The action spills outside the ring as Doug Dillinger leads security into the ring to try to break things up.  It ends with the Dungeon of Doom members being spilled outside the ring, while Hogan's team is left inside the ring.  Jim Duggan slowly backs up from the fight and bumps into Hulk Hogan.  He turns and swings, striking Hogan and knocking him down.  Duggan looks shocked that he did that and helps Hogan up.  Hogan shoves Duggan and the two go eye to eye before Hogan leads everyone out of the ring and headed to the back.



I Accept
After the ring is cleared, Greg Valentine makes his way out from the back.  Valentine enters the ring and is given a microphone.  Valentine admits that he is a man of few words.  He said he did what he did earlier tonight because he knows that Ric Flair is someone that would turn on him if it suit what Flair needs.  He says that he trusts Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman as his friends.  But if Flair wants a match tonight then he is more than ready to face him.  Valentine drops the microphone and here comes Ric Flair!  Flair is limping from his leg that was locked in the Figure Four by Valentine earlier tonight.  Flair makes it to the ring and slides inside where Valentine immediately attacks him.  Referee Nick Patrick rushes down to the ring and we have our new main event!


Match #5
Greg Valentine vs. Ric Flair

Within the first minute of the match, Greg Valentine goes for the Figure Four on Ric Flair.  Flair turns it into a small package and scores a two count.  The pinfall attempt is broken but The Hammer goes right after the Nature Boy.  Valentine focuses on the knee of Flair, driving his own knee into the back of Flair's knee.  Valentine locks on a legbar and tries to gain the submission from Flair but Flair refuses to give in.  Valentine is forced to release the hold and focus his attention on the back of Flair.  We are reminded by the announcers that Flair was in that airplane accident that injured his back.  Valentine hits Flair with a backbreaker and scores a two count, getting frustrated at not being able to put Flair away.  Nearing the ten minute mark, Flair kicks Valentine away as Valentine goes for the Figure Four.  Flair pulls himself up using the ropes and lays into Valentine with chops.  Valentine staggers back into a corner and Flair Irish whips Valentine -- reversed!  Flair rushes the corner and flips up and over, landing on the apron.  Flair rushes across the ring apron and climbs to the top turnbuckle where he is met by Valentine.  Flair reaches down and rakes the eyes of Valentine!  Valentine staggers around, blinded, and Flair leaps off the top, hitting a forearm to the back.  Both men collapse to the mat as two men slowly walk toward the ring.


Those two men are Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman!  The referee begins a ten count on Greg Valentine and Ric Flair.  At about six, both men break the count and exchange chops in the center of the ring!  Flair gets the advantage there, knocking Valentine back into a corner where he reddens Valentine's chest with more chops.  He sends Valentine across the ring, reversed!  Flair hits the corner hard.  Valentine rushes in with a high knee but Flair moves and Valentine strikes the corner with his knee.  Valentine staggers and Flair hits him with a chop block.  Flair picks up Valentine and drops him with a shinbreaker before calling for the Figure Four!  As Flair goes for the Figure Four, he is attacked by Arn Anderson!  The referee has no choice but to call for the bell at 18:16!
Ric Flair d. Greg Valentine =85



Busted Open
The bell sounded but Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman continued to attack Ric Flair.  Anderson drops him with a spinebuster and the crowd boos loudly.  Anderson gives a few stomps to the hurting knee of Flair before he motions to Pillman.  Pillman goes outside the ring and waits as Anderson lifts Flair up.  Pillman leaps onto the top rope and hits Air Pillman on Flair, knocking The Nature Boy down to the ring.  Greg Valentine slowly recovers at this point and reaches into his trunks, revealing a pair of brass knuckles.  He drops to his knees and begins throwing punches to Flair, breaking his forehead open.  Flair begins to bleed like a stuck pig as Anderson, Pillman and Valentine take their time attacking him in turn.  Flair is left laying in the ring as Arn Anderson, Brian Pillman and Greg Valentine raise their arms.  Will the same thing happen at Fall Brawl?  We'll have to see you!  But, first, we'll see you this Saturday on WCW Saturday Night!

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Saturday Week 4 September 1995
WCW Saturday Night

Monday Nitro Highlights
A video plays Monday Nitro highlights, which includes Ric Flair over Greg Valentine, Sting over Kamala and Warrior challenging The Giant...68

Match #1
The Taskmaster vs. Jim Duggan

In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Jim Duggan(51) defeated The Taskmaster(60) in 8:52 by pinfall with a Running Clotheline Tackle.  Referee=Randy Anderson
Jim Duggan p. The Taskmaster =59

Missing In Action
Cobra comes down to the ring and calls out Sgt. Craig Pittman.  Sgt. Craig Pittman comes down to the ring and goes face to face with Cobra.  Cobra tells the world that Pittman left him on a mission to die.  He says he's here to get his revenge.  Pittman says he has no apologies and that he'd do it again.  This leads to a brawl between the two that has to be broken up by security...29

Bodyguard For Hire
In a promo video, Big Bubba Rogers distances himself from the Dungeon Of Doom, stating that he is no longer a member of that group.  Bubba says that he has made a living as a bodyguard.  He offers his services out to anyone who wants him...for a price...60

Match #2
Road Warriors (w/Paul Ellering) vs. American Males

In a decent match, Road Warriors(Hawk-69, Animal-61) defeated American Males(Bagwell-45, Riggs-37) in 5:58 when Road Warrior Hawk pinned Scotty Riggs with a Doomsday Device.  Referee=Nick Patrick
Road Warriors p. American Males =62

Accepted Challenge
The Giant appears and says that he accepts the challenge laid down by Warrior, he'll face him in a match.  He promises to bring Warrior down with a Choke Slam...77

Match #3
Arn Anderson and Harlem Heat (w/Sensuous Sherri) vs. Ric Flair, Lex Luger and Barry Windham

In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Ric Flair(86) and Luger(74) & Windham(58) defeated Arn Anderson(65) and Harlem Heat(Ray-53, Booker-49) in 18:29 when Ric Flair pinned Booker T with a fast roll up.

In terms of in-ring work, Ric Flair was head and shoulders above everyone else.  Referee=Charles Robinson
Ric Flair, Lex Luger and Barry Windham p. Arn Anderson and Harlem Heat =77

Whatcha Gonna Do, Brother?
In a video promo, Hulk Hogan hypes the War Games match tomorrow night at Fall Brawl.  Hogan promises that he will lead his team to victory and that Hulkamania will run wild, brother...100

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Dory Funk? I can understand Terry cause middle aged and crazy was his thing in the 90's, but shouldn't Dory be retired around this time? I mean he was around 50 during the wars, So either he was he was doing small stuff in Japan, a backstage guy or he was retired. Can he even go in the ring or will Terry be doing most if not all of the in ring work during what will basically be handicap matches?


Now that you have edge and Christian on your roster mind if I pitch a few ideas?  First off what if you paired these two with rhino and they became a 3 man faction akin to the shield? Edge would be the Seth Rollins of the group, Christian is ambrose and rhino would of course be Roman reigns, and they'd be dominate in the mid to upper card with edge and Christian going after the tag belts naturally while rhino gore's his way to the TV and us titles. And for their brood mate gangrel, he would join the Dungeon of Doom with his then girlfriend or wife luna Vachon. Luna's already worked with Sullivan in the old Florida territory as a part of his army of darkness and gangrel's vampire gimmick would work well with the other monster heels in the stable.

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4 hours ago, sonny912 said:

Dory Funk? I can understand Terry cause middle aged and crazy was his thing in the 90's, but shouldn't Dory be retired around this time? I mean he was around 50 during the wars, So either he was he was doing small stuff in Japan, a backstage guy or he was retired. Can he even go in the ring or will Terry be doing most if not all of the in ring work during what will basically be handicap matches?


Now that you have edge and Christian on your roster mind if I pitch a few ideas?  First off what if you paired these two with rhino and they became a 3 man faction akin to the shield? Edge would be the Seth Rollins of the group, Christian is ambrose and rhino would of course be Roman reigns, and they'd be dominate in the mid to upper card with edge and Christian going after the tag belts naturally while rhino gore's his way to the TV and us titles. And for their brood mate gangrel, he would join the Dungeon of Doom with his then girlfriend or wife luna Vachon. Luna's already worked with Sullivan in the old Florida territory as a part of his army of darkness and gangrel's vampire gimmick would work well with the other monster heels in the stable.

Dory was semi-active all the way until his retirement in 2017.  He mostly worked tag team matches, which makes his team with his brother Terry work out here.  I'm just bolstering the tag team division here.

Those are some very interesting ideas and I appreciate them.  I definitely have to build Christian and Sexton and Terry before they can be a big part of the show.

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WCW Fall Brawl
Sunday Week 4 September 1995

WCW United States Title Match
The Giant defends vs. Warrior

Road Warriors vs. Steiner Brothers

WCW World Tag Team Titles Match
Luger & Windham defend vs. Harlem Heat

"Double A" Arn Anderson vs. "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair

War Games
"The Ugandan Giant" Kamala, Meng, The Shark and Zodiac vs. "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan, "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan, "The Macho Man" Randy Savage and "WCW Franchise" Sting

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WCW United States Title Match
The Giant defends vs. Warrior

Road Warriors vs. Steiner Brothers
Comments: Ends in a no-contest

WCW World Tag Team Titles Match
Luger & Windham defend vs. Harlem Heat

"Double A" Arn Anderson vs. "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair

War Games
"The Ugandan Giant" Kamala, Meng, The Shark and Zodiac vs. "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan, "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan, "The Macho Man" Randy Savage and "WCW Franchise" Sting
Comments: "Whatcha gonna do, brother?"  "Ooooohh, YEAAAAAHH!"

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