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Big Signings that Backfired?

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Have you ever signed someone thinking that they would be a huge asset for you, only for them to completely blow up in your face? I had a situation like that recently, and I'd be interested in seeing everyone else's stories.

I was doing a casual playthrough with MHW recently, and I picked Mustang Blanco Jr. as a part of my starting roster because he did fairly well in a previous attempt at the promotion for me. My original plan for him was for him to hang around the midcard for a little while and pick up wins before entering the title scene. Unfortunately, he ended up being one of the biggest backstage problems that I've ever had to deal with in a stage for seemingly no reason. He ended up either starting fights or physically attacking people three times in six shows, and I ended up having to cut my losses and fire him before he could drag down the backstage morale any more. He ended up only having a couple of matches, and never coming anywhere close to the title scene.

Anyone else had a story like this?

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I snapped up Remo for my growing CZCW as SWF faded. I immediately had him in the main event picture and soon in the title picture where he met my CZCW Champion Spencer Spade. They pulled a 76, the worst match on the show, when I still had a main event focus. I was determined though, and put them together again on TV the following week, drawing a 73 and putting Spade on the shelf for 3 months. Spencer’s my guy and has always, to this point, delivered. Remo’s dead to me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

In TEW2016, I signed Scout from TCW as CGC within the first year of the game and inserted him into the main event as a new heel to take on the DeColts and their allies. He immediately had poor chemistry with both Jack and Ricky, and then got injured after about 3 months. By the time he was back, other guys had surpassed his level, and while still popular enough to be on the fringe of the main event, just never found a great role/feud for him, and he became just another guy on the roster for the rest of that game.

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  • 4 months later...

I've posted this in the subreddit; Playing as AEW, I Hired John Cena in January 2024, started a storyline with him and MJF in March 2024, Cena leaves to make movies July 2024, comes back July 2025. I've started a new storyline between them which I plan on MJF winning (Cena ticked me off with that stunt), I had intended to bury Cena in retaliation, but circumstances have come up and he MAY get pushed in the Trios division alongside The Acclaimed. The original plan was to push The Acclaimed alongside/interchangeably with Private Party while The Hardyz were pushed in the Tag Team division, but Jeff Hardy got injured and will be out for a year so Matt will be alongside Private Party instead in the Trios division.

Another issue was not my signing, but when I started my game Paige VanZant was under contract and I started to push her, but she left for MMA Training, when she came back I started to push her again, only for her to take another MMA Fight, rinse and repeat 2 more times, and now I'm crossing my fingers that it doesn't happen again because I'm pushing her in a program alongside Alexa Bliss and Reka Tehaka against Thunder Rosa and Kris Statlander.

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Late 2001 playing "Here comes the money" mod as WCW. I bring Ken Shamrock to insert him in the ME scene to have a credible threat to Booker T's WHC reign. I give him Callis as his manager so he can do well in promos... everything seems ok until he has his first match with Chris Candido... and he injures Chris. Also his performance in the match SUCKED. I have him in some more matches but he always gets me low ratings (high 50s to mid 60s) and is also, incredibly hard to book as he doesn't ever want to lose. He has one PPV match with Booker and DDP at Halloween Havoc and his horrible performnce brings the whole event rating down. So then I remove him from the ME scene and book him in a midcard feud with Vampiro. He eventually gets angry at losing so much and in January 2002 he asks for his release which I grant. 
F him.

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