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USPW: Staying At The Top [C-Verse/2020]

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USPW American Wrestling
Wednesday Week 3 April 2020

Winner Gets #29, Loser Gets #1 In Freedom Fight Battle Royal
'Cool Hand' Casey Valentine (w/Dawn Gemmell)

The Texas Express (w/Ricky Dale Johnson)

'The Green Dragon' Tiffany Jade

Primus Allen 

'Jacksonville' Jack Jackson 

USPW World Title Match
Running Wolf 

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Wednesday Week 3 April 2020
USPW American Wrestling
Location: Minnesota Coliseum (Mid West)
Attendance: 9,688
Overall Rating: 87
TV Viewers: 11,698,407


More Returns
American Wrestling is back in the USA!  We're in the Minnesota Coliseum with an attendance of 9,688!  The fans rise to their feet and begin to boo as we see the arrival of the formerly suspended Steve Frehley!  The Dark Destroyer walks down to the ring and steps inside.  He climbs to the second turnbuckle and raises his arms up to boos from the crowd here in Minnesota.  He drops back down and looks around to the crowd before beginning with finally, Steve Frehley has come back to Minnesota!  You think you people here in Minnesota can boo Steve Frehley?  Well, it doesn't matter what you think!  You see, one month ago, I was suspended by Rick Law because I attacked the golden boy Jack Bruce and took him out.  Well, if I had it to do all over again, I would have broken his arm and ended his career.  But, right here, I am here to tell you that I will be in the Freedom Fight battle royal.  It doesn't matter if I have to go through Jack Bruce, Kirk Jameson, Des Davids or Punky Brewster on an ice cream sammich!  I will main event Independence Day Slam and I will become the new USPW World Champion!  You can bet on that.  There is nothing and I mean nothing that can stop me from becoming the new USPW World Champion at Independence Day Slam!  Before Frehley can continue, he gets interrupted.


Out from the back comes Jack Bruce!  The crowd begins to cheer loudly as Bruce walks directly to the ring and steps inside.  Bruce gets on the microphone and tells Steve Frehley that everyone in Minnesota wants to tell him one thing.  He says will you please shut the hell up?!?!  Bruce tells Frehley that Frehley disrespected him when he attacked him one month ago.  But, he says, he is healed up and cleared for action.  So, Jack Bruce says that there are two big shows coming up.  We both think we're going to main event Independence Day Slam.  So, why don't we also main event Americana??  Steve Frehley asks Jack Bruce if he really wants to go one on one with the great one.  Frehley tells Rick Law to make the match.  That is, if Jack Bruce can make it to Americana.  Frehley throws a punch, but Bruce fires back!  The two men throw punches back and forth before officials spill out from the back.  The officials separate the two men and drag them to the back.  =100


Match #1
Winner Gets #29, Loser Gets #1 In Freedom Fight Battle Royal
Jay Chord vs. Casey Valentine (w/Dawn Gemmell)

Our opening bout features a major stipulation where we find out who will be number one in the Freedom Fight battle royal and who will be 29.  Dawn Gemmell comes down to the ring with Casey Valentine, cheering him on from ringside as the bout begins against Jay Chord.  These two men show chemistry early and often throughout the contest.  The crowd is already hot from the opening segment and it shows as they cheer on Casey Valentine.  Jay Chord mows down Valentine early on with a clothesline and then yells at Dawn Gemmell that she should be with him.  Valentine rolls him up from behind, scoring a two count early on.  Chord gets the advantage again, sending Valentine outside the ring.  Chord joins him out there and begins choking him with the cable from the camera away from the referee's view.  Chord brings the action back into the ring and goes for the Cradle Piledriver, but it's blocked by Valentine.  Valentine lifts Chord up and over with a back body drop.  The crowd cheers loudly as Valentine gets back in control.  Valentine sends Chord into a corner and moves up, throwing punches on Chord.  He gets to ten and drops back down.  Valentine whips Chord into another corner, but the referee is there!  Referee Baby Jamie is knocked down and out.  Valentine checks on him and gets nailed with a knee to the ribs by Chord.  Chord slides out of the ring and grabs a chair, sliding back in the ring.  Chord strikes Valentine in the back with the chair and thens sets it down.  Chord sets up Valentine and hits the Cradle Piledriver on the chair!  Chord tosses the chair out of the ring and wakes up the referee.  Chord makes the cover: One...Two...Three!  Jay Chord gets the win and number 29 slot in 10:19!
Jay Chord p. Casey Valentine =81



A New Stipulation
As the crowd boos, we go backstage to the office of Rick Law.  Law is seated behind his desk and in comes Rich Money, the former USPW World Champion.  Money says he has an offer for Law.  He says that, when he and Dusty Ducont defeat Hawkeye & Wolf, he gets his rematch for the USPW World title in May at Declaration Of Independence.  He says that, if they lose, he will give up his rematch clause and cannot compete for the title as long as Running Wolf is the champion.  Law thinks about it for a moment, before agreeing to the stipulation.  In order to get him warmed up, he says that Rich Money will have a match next week on American Wrestling against a wrestler of his choosing.  Money says he can beat anyone on the roster before asking who he will face.  Law says he's going to think about it, but that Money will find out next week just like everyone else.  Money looks angry for a moment and then smiles, sliding a few bills on the desk of Law before walking out.  We go to the ring.  =83


Match #2
The Samoan Pit Bulls vs. The Texas Express (w/Ricky Dale Johnson)

Our second match of the night is a tag team match as The Samoan Pit Bulls, Akima Brave and Toma, take on The Texas Express, Cooper Christie and Turk Trenneman, who have Ricky Dale Johnson in their corner.  The match doesn't have much heat or good wrestling.  But it's mostly a showcase match for The Texas Express.  The announcers spend some of the match discussing the two mystery opponent matches for this evening, including Jack Jackson and the USPW World Title match where Running Wolf defends in an open challenge.  RDJ looks on proud at ringside as Cooper Christie and Turk Trenneman hit the Dallas Drop, a double team powerbomb and neckbreaker combination.  Trenneman makes the cover on Toma: One...Two...Three!  The Texas Express win at 6:11!
The Texas Express p. The Samoan Pit Bulls =54



Do You Have A Friend?
We go to the backstage area where we see the USPW Women's Champion Pariah!  The crowd cheers in the background as Pariah is trying to warm up.  Tiffany Jade walks up to her, stating that she's not looking for a fight right now.  She says she wants one next week.  She challenges Pariah to find anyone that will team with her and Jade says she will find a partner and they can have a tag team match next week.  Pariah says she will find someone, but she doesn't seem to be too confident about that.  Jade smiles and tells Pariah to watch what's about to happen because it will be happening to her a week from Saturday.  The Green Dragon smiles and walks off, headed toward the ring for her match.  =72


Match #3
Tiffany Jade vs. Sara Marie

Our first hour main event features The Green Dragon Tiffany Jade taking on Sara Marie.  Jade is a technician striker and it shows in her early strikes of Sara Marie.  She takes down Sara Marie with an early superkick and then makes a pose in the ring.  Jade picks up Marie and drops her with a body slam in the middle of the ring before heading to the top turnbuckle.  Jade leaps but Marie moves and Jade hits a flying elbow drop on the mat.  Marie has the crowd behind her and it shows as she fights her way to her feet.  She pulls up Jade and the two exchange blows in the middle of the ring.  Marie ducks a punch and then hits an atomic drop.  Jade staggers forward and Marie hits her with a clothesline from behind.  Marie waits for Jade to get to her knees and then charges for the Energy Burst, but Jade blocks it.  Jade flips Marie to the mat.  Jade quickly picks up Marie and then hits the Green Destiny, a fisherwoman's suplex with a bridge: One...Two...Three!  Tiffany Jade wins at 12:12!
Tiffany Jade p. Sara Marie =73



What Does The Foxx Say?
Steve Frehley is shown walking backstage.  He's going on a rant about the brawl with Jack Bruce earlier tonight.  He says he's going to finish Bruce, whether it's at Freedom Fight or Americana.  Frehley turns into his dressing room, stepping inside.  The camera follows.  Frehley says he's going to sit down and relax.  He moves over to a locker where it's only covered by a sheet.  He slides the sheet back and Flying Jimmy Foxx is standing in the locker.  Frehley tilts his head to the side and holds up one finger.  He closes the sheet and then looks around for a moment, shaking his head as though he doesn't believe what he just saw.  He smiles and then opens the locker again and Flying Jimmy Foxx leaps out, standing beside Frehley.  Frehley asks Foxx how long he's been in there.  Foxx says he's been in there all night.  Frehley looks exasperated, telling Foxx that he's been walking around the dressing room naked.  Foxx says he knows and shakes his head, tsking Frehley.  Frehley asks Foxx what he wants and why he's in his locker room.  Foxx says that it seems that Steve Frehley wants to know 'What does the Foxx say?'  Frehley says that it doesn't matter what the Foxx says!  In fact, he doesn't want to know what Foxx has to say.  Because Foxx is nothin!'  He's five feet nothin!'  Give me just a second.  Frehley pulls out his cell phone and answers it.  Then, he holds it out to Foxx and says 'Hey, it's nothin' and he says he knows you!'  Foxx says that Steve Frehley is afraid of Jack Bruce and it shows in the fact that he wanted to take him out instead of fighting in a match.  Foxx says that Jack Bruce will get his revenge.  Then, Foxx turns and rushes out of the locker room.  This leaves an angry and confused Steve Frehley standing there as the first hour ends.  =87


Light Versus Dark
The second hour begins with The Demon From The Deep Tyson Baine walking down to the ring.  He steps inside and then raises his arms.  He brings them down and fire explodes from all four corners.  Baine asks for and receives a microphone.  He informs the fans that in a week from Saturday he's going to go one on one with Skull DeBones.  But it won't be a normal match.  It is going to be a Table's Match.  I get to put that angel through another table and this time it will be sanctioned.  Baine says that he is going to go through the seven deadly sins and lay them all at the feet of that angel.  He says that the darkness he unleashes upon this company will be Skull DeBones' fault.  He talks about being a two time former USPW World Champion.  But the titles are not what matters.  What matters is the pain that he inflicts upon his opponents and those who fight against the soldiers of the night, the soldiers of hell.  Baine laughs and says that DeBones said he would be here tonight, but he is not here and he won't be here because the angel is afraid.  The lights in the arena start to grow brighter.  Baine looks around wildly.  A figure drops down from the rafters, rappeling down to the ring.  The figure lands behind Baine.


It's Skull DeBones!  DeBones stands there looking at Tyson Baine from behind, releasing his harness.  Baine slowly turns around and comes face to mask with Skull DeBones!  After a long pause, DeBones hits Baine with a headbutt!  DeBones throws punches!  He backs up and hits the Reaper Leaper on Baine!  Baine rolls out of the ring and DeBones gets on the microphone.  He says that he fulfills his destiny a week from Saturday.  He says that Baine's children of the night have nothing compared to the children of the light.  DeBones warns Baine that he will rest in peace.  DeBones rehooks the harness and goes straight up into the rafters as Baine backs his way to the backstage area.  =82


Match #4
Primus Allen vs. Greg Black

Our next match, the first of the second hour, features the newcomer Primus Allen taking on the veteran Greg Black.  Black is definitely the highest wrestler that Allen has faced since arriving here in USPW, but the match is still a showcase contest for Primus Allen.  As soon as the bell sounds, Allen floors Black with a Flying Lariat.  Allen yanks up Black and sends him to the ropes before catching him with a scoop powerslam.  Allen continues to dominate Black, seemingly having an answer for everything that Black tries to do.  Finally, Allen picks up Black and places him on his shoulder -- Running Powerslam!  Allen makes the cover: One...Two...Three!  Primus Allen wins at 5:39!
Primus Allen p. Greg Black =75


Returning To The Top
We go to a video promo featuring Zeus and Bad Intentions of The Olympus Order.  Zeus says that The Olympus Order was robbed of their tag team title match at Liberty And Justice.  He says that Rick Law has always tried to keep them down and that's because he knows that Zeus is a god.  He knows that if Zeus wants to run free, he certainly can do so.  He says that, last week, we saw Jacob Jett turn on Julius Moor.  He says they did that so that The Olympus Order wouldn't be able to beat them down again.  He challenges any three wrestlers from any promotion to step up next week and face The Olympus Order.  He says that he will be participating in the Freedom Fight battle royal one week from Saturday and will make 29 other wrestlers bend a knee to him.  Bash Street and Siale Valhalla just look menacing in the background as we go back to the ring.  =59


Who Is My Opponent?
Here comes a man who requested a match this week and that man is 'Jacksonville' Jack Jackson.  Jackson walks down to the ring and steps inside, asking for a microphone.  He begins with his usual 'Let me talk to you.'  He says that in one week from Saturday, he steps in the ring with 29 other men to win a USPW World title match at Independence Day Slam.  Yeah!  He says that he is the best wrestler in that match and he knows it because he is the megastar.  He is the fastest rising star in USPW history.  Yeah!  Now, he asked for a warmup match this week on American Wrestling here in Minnesota.  He invites whatever dummy signed up to face him to come down to the ring and they'll have a match.  Jackson tosses the microphone and waits for his opponent.  =63


Match #5
Jack Jackson vs. Flying Jimmy Foxx

That opponent happens to be the goofy Flying Jimmy Foxx.  He comes out to the ring all smiles and says he thinks it's great to be teaming with Jack Jackson tonight.  He gives Jackson an involuntary high five and then moves out to the apron in the corner.  He asks for a tag, but instead he's dragged over the top rope by Jackson.  The match itself is fairly short, with Jackson in control for the entire match.  Jackson catches Foxx with a leg lariat and then a version of the go-to-sleep.  Jackson quickly lifts Foxx and nails the Implant DDT.  Jackson makes the cover: One...Two...Three!  Jack Jackson picks up the win at 3:53!
Jack Jackson p. Flying Jimmy Foxx =52



Bulldozing Save
From there, we go to the backstage area.  The announcers talk about how the next match will be the USPW World title match.  We see Nicky Champion walking into a room and getting settled in to watch a monitor and see who will be facing Running Wolf tonight.  As Champion is settled in, he is attacked in that dressing room by Rich Money and Dusty Ducont!  Money throws Champion into an endtable and then Ducont sends him down to the ground.  Money climbs up onto the couch where Champion was seated and looks down at Champion.  Money leaps, but is cracked in the ribs with a chair by Bulldozer Brandon Smith!  Smith begins swinging the chair, striking both Money and Ducont!  Smith moves around, forcing Money and Ducont out of the room.  Money and Ducont walk out and Smith helps Champion to his feet.  They stare down Money and Ducont as we go back to the ringside area.  =85


Mystery Opponent
The USPW World Champion Running Wolf walks down toward the ring, high fiving the fans along the way.  Wolf climbs into the ring and asks for a microphone.  Wolf says that, last week, he issued an open challenge for anyone to face him tonight for the USPW World title.  He talks about the fact that he is not defending the title at Freedom Fight, so he needs to defend the title this month.  He says that he will take on any wrestler that is in the back right now in a one on one match.  He says he is sure there are a lot of wrestlers that deserve it.  So, he is prepared for whoever answers the challenge.  He releases a loud wolf howl and then tosses the microphone, standing in the middle of the ring and waiting.  After a pause, the big screen lights up to show highlights of a former PGHW and DAVE wrestler.  That man seemingly retired two years ago from professional wrestling.


Eisaku Kunomasu is shown on the video screen throwing German suplexes and locking wrestlers into the Kunomasu Vice.  Then, he is shown looking at the camera and speaking in Japanese as closed captions appear underneath him.  He says that retirement has never been something that he was very good at.  He says it's the only thing he was never very good at.  He says that he missed locking wrestlers in the Kunomasu Vice and making them tap out or pass out.  He says that is exactly what is going to happen to Running Wolf tonight and he is going to win his first title on United States soil since 2005.  Wolf makes a motion for him to come in.  Kunomasu laughs and we see him slide in the ring behind Wolf.  The announcers talk about that this must have been taped.  Kunomasu slips in behind Wolf and grabs him from behind -- release German suplex!  Wolf is taken down by Kunomasu!  Referee Robbie Sanchez calls for the bell.  =68


Match #6
USPW World Title Match
Running Wolf defends vs. Eisaku Kunomasu

Our main event is for the USPW World title as Running Wolf defends versus Eisaku Kunomasu.  Kunomasu has the early advantage after attacking Wolf from behind.  The former two time DAVE Brass Knuckles Champion continues on the attack of Wolf, throwing him with several suplexes, including the German, the Exploder and a vertical suplex that scores him a two count.  Kunomasu turns his attention to the arm of Wolf.  Kunomasu hits the Kunomasu Arm Bar Take Down, wrenching on the arm and shoulder and elbow of Wolf to try and get the submission.  Wolf refuses to give up, working his way to get to the ropes and force the rope break.  Kunomasu doesn't release until the count of four, getting all the wrenching of the arm that he can.  Kunomasu lays the arm of Wolf out and then heads to the top turnbuckle.  He looks down and then leaps, hitting the Kunomasu Dive Bomber, a Top Rope Splash that lands on the arm instead of the chest.  Wolf grabs his arm in obvious pain.  Kunomasu makes the cover: One...Two...Kickout!  Wolf is still somehow in this!

Eisaku Kunomasu maintains control over Running Wolf, focusing on the arm.  The announcers talk about Kunomasu and the Kunomasu Vice, putting over how dangerous it is once it is locked on.  Kunomasu applies a hammerlock and then lifts up Wolf in position for a Wrist-Clutch Slam.  Instead of a slam, though, he brings Wolf down into a backbreaker targeted directly on Wolf's hurting arm.  The move is known as the Kunomasu Heat Seeker.  Wolf winces in pain and it looks like we may soon have a brand new USPW World Champion.  Kunomasu makes a cover as the crowd begins a 'Wolf' chant: One...Two...Kickout!  Wolf suddenly seems to power himself up!  Wolf pulls himself up by the ropes and begins doing a War Dance around the ring.  As Kunomasu chases him, Wolf sends him down with chops with his unhurt arm.  Wolf bounces off the ropes and hits Kunomasu with a leaping shoulderblock!  He hits a second one!  Wolf ducks a punch and then lifts Kunomasu on his shoulders -- Wolf Tamer!  The fireman's carry slam brings Kunomasu to the mat.  Wolf makes the cover: One...Two...Three!  Running Wolf successfully defends the USPW World title in 14:37!
Running Wolf p. Eisaku Kunomasu =80



An Angry Champion
Running Wolf gets his arm raised by referee Robbie Sanchez, but he is immediately attacked by Rich Money and Dusty Ducont!  They focus on the arm that Eisaku Kunomasu hurt during the match.  Money throws Wolf to Ducont and Ducont lifts Wolf into the air and drops him with the Thrown Powerbomb!  Wolf is planted on the mat.  Ducont stands over Wolf and motions toward the top turnbuckle.  Money climbs to the top just as the music for Nicky Champion hits!  Champion comes running to the ring with a chair!  He slides in and ducks a clothesline by Ducont.  He hits Ducont with the chair several times.  It knocks Ducont through the ropes and out of the ring.  Money drops off the top turnbuckle and hits Champion from behind.  Champion shrugs it off and swings the chair.  Money ducks and the chair hits Running Wolf, who just got to his feet!  Money quickly rolls out of the ring, backing up the ramp with Dusty Ducont.  Money laughs and smiles, pointing as Champion looks down at Running Wolf.  Champion obviously is giving an apology as the show goes off the air.  We'll see you next week for USPW American Wrestling!  =84

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USPW American Wrestling
Wednesday Week 4 April 2020

'The Amazing' Jacob Jett vs. Roger 'Smooth' Cage

'The Green Dragon' Tiffany Jade and ??? vs. Pariah and ???

The Olympus Order vs. 'RDJ' Ricky Dale Johnson and The Texas Express

Rajah vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith

'Legacy Of Greatness' Jay Chord and 'The Talent' Trent Shaffer (w/Raven Robinson) vs. 'Cool Hand' Casey Valentine and Des Davids (w/Dawn Gemmell)

Rich Money (w/Alicia Strong, Dusty Ducont and Elizabeth Cartier) vs. ???

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USPW American Wrestling
Wednesday Week 4 April 2020

'The Amazing' Jacob Jett vs. Roger 'Smooth' Cage

'The Green Dragon' Tiffany Jade and ??? vs. Pariah and ???

The Olympus Order vs. 'RDJ' Ricky Dale Johnson and The Texas Express

Rajah vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith

'Legacy Of Greatness' Jay Chord and 'The Talent' Trent Shaffer (w/Raven Robinson) vs. 'Cool Hand' Casey Valentine and Des Davids (w/Dawn Gemmell)

Rich Money (w/Alicia Strong, Dusty Ducont and Elizabeth Cartier) vs. ???

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'The Amazing' Jacob Jett vs. Roger 'Smooth' Cage

'The Green Dragon' Tiffany Jade and ??? vs. Pariah and ???
Comments: I feel that this match will help push Jade's quest for Pariah's title.

The Olympus Order vs. 'RDJ' Ricky Dale Johnson and The Texas Express
Comments: I feel that a member of Bad Intentions is going to eat the pin here.

Rajah vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith

'Legacy Of Greatness' Jay Chord and 'The Talent' Trent Shaffer (w/Raven Robinson) vs. 'Cool Hand' Casey Valentine and Des Davids (w/Dawn Gemmell)

Rich Money (w/Alicia Strong, Dusty Ducont and Elizabeth Cartier) vs. ???
Comments: Rich keeps his momentum going for his rematch with Running Wolf.

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SWF Elite
Saturday Week 3 April 2020
Location: Virginia Park Fields (Mid Atlantic)
Attendance: 7,953
Overall Rating: 81
TV Rating: 1.69

ANGLE: Remo and Rocky Golden got into a heated shouting match backstage...83
Atom Smasher defeated Charger Siaki...74
Remo defeated Chill...78
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Spencer Spade...63
ANGLE: An interview with Emma Chase...74
ANGLE: An interview with Scythe...63
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Mikey Lau...72
Paul Huntingdon defeated Ranger...80
Rogue defeated James Prudence by DQ...75
The Crippler & Mainstream Hernandez defeated Sweet Sensations(Angry Gilmore & Joey Morgan) by count out...79
Unleashed Awesomeness(Jefferson Stardust, Randy Unleashed & Huey Cannonball) defeated Brandon James & Hawaiian Crush...81
Hollywood Bret Starr defeated Mikey Lau by DQ...82

SECW Saturday Night
Saturday Week 3 April 2020
Location: Montgomery, AL (South East)
Attendance: 438
Overall Rating: 60
TV Viewers: 1,190,991

ANGLE: The Force got the better of an exchange with Andre Jones...64
Harry Allen & Nicky Gilbert defeated Xtinction & Annihilus...45
ANGLE: An interview with Anthony Trask...50
ANGLE: An interview with Miss American Pie...41
Miss American Pie defeated Sabrina Wells by DQ...44
Funky Fedora & American Gold defeated Morgan Malone & Death Row...54
Wendy Anderson defeated Juliette King...58
Jumbo Jackson & The Force defeated Atlas & Anthony Trask...63

TCW Presents Total Wrestling
Tuesday Week 4 April 2020
Location: Colorado Springs, CO (Mid South)
Attendance: 7,710
Overall Rating: 71
TV Rating: 1.10

ANGLE: Sammy Bach and Freddy Huggins brawled and had to be physically pulled apart...65
ANGLE: A video recapped the Joshua Taylor vs. Wolf Hawkins feud...68
Human Arsenal defeated Daigo Goya...54
ANGLE: An interview with Troy Tornado...63
Troy Tornado defeated Nobuyo Hikichi...56
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Killer Shark...57
ANGLE: A backstage segment with T-Bone Bright...53
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Vita...53
Roderick Remus defeated Edd Stone...78
Greg Gauge defeated Benny Benson...76
Marc Speed, Mighty Mo & Freddy Huggins defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond & Devine Fortune...82
Tana The Mighty defeated Eddie Chandler...67
Joshua Taylor & Sammy Bach defeated The Behemoths...84

SWF Supreme TV
Tuesday Week 4 April 2020
Location: Wisconsin Gardens (Great Lakes)
Attendance: 7,723
Overall Rating: 82
TV Rating: 2.95

ANGLE: Hollywood Bret Starr and Atom Smasher brawled and had to be physically pulled apart...69
ANGLE: Remo repelled an attack from Rocky Golden...85
Valiant defeated Charger Siaki...73
ZWB & Payback defeated Mainstream Hernandez & Team Murder...80
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Joey Morgan...69
ANGLE: An interview with Scythe...63
Monty Trescarde defeated Masked Patriot by DQ...79
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Krissy Angelle...69
ANGLE: A backstage segment with High Flyin Hawaiian...62
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Hannah...71
Jefferson Stardust defeated Ekuma...78
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Mikey Lau...64
Rogue defeated Randy Unleashed...79
Scythe defeated Paul Huntingdon and The Crippler...81
Hollywood Bret Starr defeated Mikey Lau...87

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Wednesday Week 4 April 2020
USPW American Wrestling
Location: Virginia Park Fields (Mid Atlantic)
Attendance: 10,000
Overall Rating: 85
TV Viewers: 11,886,343


A Real Apology Or No?
USPW American Wrestling comes to you live from Virginia Park Fields!  10,000 USPW fans watch as the show begins with fireworks exploding at the top of the ramp.  The music plays for the USPW World Champion Running Wolf!  Wolf comes out from the back looking a little worse for wear after what happened last week.  We are shown a replay of Nicky Champion accidentally striking his friend and fellow Native American Running Wolf with a chair.  Wolf takes a microphone and starts to talk, but he is interrupted by the music of Nicky Champion.  Nicky Champion walks out from the back and steps in the ring.  He has a microphone and he begins by saying that he hasn't been able to reach Wolf all week so he's here face to face.  Champion apologizes to Wolf for striking him last week.  He says he didn't do it on purpose.  Wolf accepts the apology, stating that he knows it was an accident because Rich Money moved out of the way.  The two men grab hands and before they can continue, they get interrupted.


Out from the back comes Rich Money, Dusty Ducont and Elizabeth Cartier.  They stand at the top of the ramp.  The announcers talk about how Money and Ducont will face Hawkeye & Wolf this Saturday at Freedom Fight.  Money says that he doesn't think the hit was an accident.  He thinks Champion is softening up Wolf because Champion thinks he's going to win the Freedom Fight battle royal and fight for the USPW World title at Independence Day Slam.  Champion reiterates that he didn't do it on purpose.  He says that Money is just trying to sew discord between him and Wolf because of their tag match this Saturday.  Wolf looks at Champion in a different way for a moment.  Champion says that Wolf can't be taking Rich Money seriously, can he?  Wolf looks at Champion for a long moment and then turns and exits the ring, walking to the back.  Rich Money smiles and laughs and then walks toward the ring with Dusty Ducont and Elizabeth Cartier.  They roll in the ring and Champion attacks Money.  Ducont hits Champion from the side and it's a double team by Money and Ducont!  The crowd boos as Ducont whips Champion into the turnbuckle and follows it up with an avalanche.  Money grabs Champion and hits the Bank Roll!  With Champion down, Running Wolf comes running in from the back!  Money motions and he leaves the ring with Ducont and Cartier before Wolf slides in the ring.  Wolf checks on Champion for a moment and then leaves the ring again, heading for the back.  =91


Match #1
Jacob Jett vs. Roger Cage

Our first match of the night features the Amazing Jacob Jett stepping in the ring with Roger 'Smooth' Cage.  Jett is a high flyer and he pushes the limits early on against Cage.  He knocks Cage out of the ring and then bounces off the ropes, hitting a suicide dive on Cage out of the ring.  Jett climbs up on the guardrail, showing his nimble feet as he races along the guardrail and hits a cross body on Cage.  Jett brings the action back in the ring and hits the Cleared For Take Off, a backflip kick on Cage.  Cage manages to get a little momentum against Jett, but the match is clearly a showcase for the Amazing Jett.  Jett gets the momentum back and kicks Cage in the gut.  He pulls him in and lifts Cage for the Powerbomb which he follows up by rolling through to create a bridging pinning predicament.  It's a move called Jett Take Off: One...Two...Three!  Jacob Jett wins at 8:08!
Jacob Jett p. Roger Cage =66



Why Jacob Why?
Jacob Jett picked up the win here tonight, drawing some boos from this crowd.  The camera focuses in on a sign that reads "Why Jacob Why?"  Back in the ring, Jett's celebration is interrupted by the arrival of Julius Moor.  Moor joins his former USPW World Tag Team Championship partner in the ring.  Moor points at the sign and asks simply why?  Jett says that he said what he needed to say.  He says that Moor and their tag team was holding him back.  He says he should be raising the USPW World title instead of babysitting Moor.  He talks about having ten more years of experience in this business than Moor.  So, he knows that time is limited and he wants to be more than just a former tag team champion.  Moor says that they could have broken up easily, but Jett didn't need to attack him.  But, since Jett did, Moor is going to make it his personal goal to ensure that Jett never wins the USPW World title.  In response to that, Jett hits Moor with the Backflip Kick known as Cleared For Take Off.  Jett hits the Jett Take Off without the pin, of course.  Jett smiles down at Moor and walks off.  =72


Coming Next Week
We go to a hype video featuring the upcoming tag team known as Los Monteros.  Both Gino Montero and Luis Montero, Jr. are shown in highlights from their matches down in Mexico.  Gino is shown hitting the Destiny Explosion on several random wrestlers.  This brother tag team will be making their USPW American Wrestling debut next week.  Make sure you tune in to see these two amazing brothers in action.  =26


Match #2
Tiffany Jade and Jaime Quine (w/Jillian Jarvis) vs. Pariah

Our second match is a mystery woman tag team match.  Tiffany Jade comes down with Jaime Quine and Jillian Jarvis.  Quine is her tag team partner.  USPW Women's Champion Pariah comes out alone.  The announcers talk about how she was unable to find a woman willing to team with her.  Rick Law has made this a handicap match.  Pariah tries to end things quickly in the match, using several pinfall attempts.  But, Jade and Quine survive the initial onslaught and get the advantage.  Pariah is sent outside the ring and gets her ribs kicked by Jarvis as Quine distracts the official.  Pariah comes back in and Jade tags herself in.  Jade strikes Pariah with kicks and the Green Dragon continues with knees to the face.  Jade grabs Pariah and hits the Green Destiny, a Fisherwoman's suplex: One...Two...Three!  Tiffany Jade and Jaime Quine win at 8:15!
Tiffany Jade and Jaime Quine p. Pariah =75


Set Up For The Future
We go to a video promo.  This one features Jack Bruce in a home gym working out.  Bruce is lifting weights on a bench press.  After a moment, he seems to see the camera.  He lifts up and looks directly at the camera.  He says that this Saturday, he is going to step in the ring with 29 other wrestlers.  He says it's going to be men he knows well like Steve Frehley, Skull DeBones and Trent Shaffer.  It's also going to be men he doesn't know well like Casey Valentine, Des Davids and Joss Thompson.  He says that it doesn't matter who he steps in the ring with because he is going to be the one to main event Independence Day Slam.  He is going to win the USPW World title for the very first time and become a man who has won titles in every major promotion.  Then comes Americana.  Bruce says that when he steps in the ring with Steve Frehley at Americana, that stupid idiot will never be the same again.  Bruce goes back to working out and we go to the ring.  =97




Match #3
The Olympus Order vs. Ricky Dale Johnson and The Texas Express

Last week, Zeus asked for any three men to step in the ring with The Olympus Order.  This challenge got accepted by Ricky Dale Johnson and The Texas Express.  Trenneman seemed off his game whenever he was in the ring.  This allowed The Olympus Order to take the advantage.  They isolated Cooper Christie in their corner and used quick and frequent tags to keep a fresh member in the ring.  Bash Street scores a nearfall with his Crucifix Powerbomb on Christie, but it takes RDJ to break up the count.  Christie manages to use that Texas spirit to fight back and makes it to his corner to tag in RDJ.  Ricky Dale Johnson rushes in with Leaping Lariats for everyone!  RDJ and Siale Valhalla are the legal men, but all six men come in the ring.  It's a wild pier six brawl between all six men.  The referee tries to get some order.  He is distracted by things happening outside the ring.  In the ring, Valhalla has a chair and he brings it back, but Turk Trenneman grabs it!  Trenneman throws it aside.  RDJ hits the Texas Hold Em, an over shoulder backbreaker rush.  Trenneman asks for the tag and is tagged in.  Trenneman picks up Valhalla and hits the Spinebuster!  Trenneman makes the cover: One...Two...Three!  Ricky Dale Johnson and The Texas Express pick up the win at 9:54!
Ricky Dale Johnson and The Texas Express p. The Olympus Order =70



Preparing For Freedom Fight
Before we end the first hour, we go to a short series of promos.  These promos feature wrestlers who will be participating in both the women's and men's battle royals at Freedom Fight.  On the women's side, we have Alicia Strong, Charity Sweet and Jaime Quine.  On the men's side, we have James Justice, Des Davids and Zeus in a pre-taped promo.  All six people declare that they will win and go on to fight at Independence Day Slam for their respective titles.  =84


Talent Or Title Or Both?
To begin the second hour, we have the arrival of 'The Talent' Trent Shaffer and his girl Raven Robinson.  They enter the ring and Robinson takes the microphone first.  She declares that Shaffer is the future USPW National Champion and the future USPW World Champion.  She reminds everyone that Shaffer will be in the men's battle royal at Freedom Fight.  She says that he is a rising star and that his talent outshines everyone in the building and especially everyone here in Virginia.  Robinson, also, says that she will be stepping foot in the women's battle royal and will walk away with a shot at the USPW Women's title.  Shaffer is handed the microphone and he reminds everyone in the building that he is the man with all the talent.  He says that he is the only man with enough talent to win against 29 other wrestlers.  Shaffer says that The Talent is in the building and he is the man who makes wrestling what it is today.  Before Shaffer can continue, he is interrupted.


Des Davids walks out from the back.  The crowd cheers the USPW National Champion as he walks to the ring, stepping inside.  Davids holds up the USPW National title belt.  He gets on a microphone and says that, later tonight, he is going to get a piece of Trent Shaffer.  But that just might happen again this Saturday since both of them will be in the Freedom Fight battle royal.  Davids says that he promises to last longer than Shaffer will.  Raven Robinson walks up to Davids and slaps him!  This distraction allows Shaffer to hit him with a forearm smash, knocking him backward.  Davids fights back, tripping Shaffer with a double leg takedown!  Davids and Shaffer roll over the ring with both throwing punches.  Davids locks Shaffer in a front face lock/guillotine style move.  Officials come rushing in and break things up.  Robinson helps Shaffer to the back.  Davids holds up the USPW National title belt before he leaves the ring.  =74


Match #4
Rajah vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith

Our next match is another showcase match.  Bulldozer Brandon Smith steps in the ring with 24 year veteran Rajah.  The rapper has absolutely chilly momentum and it shows as he barely gets a move in when it comes to this match.  The bulky heavyweight Bulldozer catches Rajah with various suplexes and then a fallaway slam that throws Rajah around the ring.  Smith picks up Rajah and hits him with the Dragon Suplex for a two count.  Smith gets up quickly and continues his assault.  He throws Rajah with a half and half suplex and then lifts him up.  He grabs Rajah around the waist from behind and lifts him slightly, hitting the Backdrop Driver!  Smith makes the cover: One...Two...Three!  Bulldozer Brandon Smith wins at 8:19!
Bulldozer Brandon Smith p. Rajah =72


What Happened?
With that, we go backstage where Rich Money is confronting Alicia Strong.  Money asks her about what happened two weeks ago between her and Nicky Champion.  He states that he hasn't seen her since that night.  Strong says that what happened is between her and Nicky Champion.  She says that they have a past and she doesn't want to see his life ended in the ring.  Money says that if they are a team, then she needs to tell him about these things.  Strong points out that Money doesn't tell her everything.  She says that he didn't say he was going to go out there earlier tonight.  So, Strong says, she is going to leave the building right now and won't be out there in his corner tonight.  She turns and walks off as Money stares her down for a long moment, looking angry.  =93




Match #5
Jay Chord and Trent Shaffer (w/Raven Robinson) vs. Casey Valentine and Des Davids (w/Dawn Gemmell)

Our penultimate match is a tag team match putting Jay Chord and Trent Shaffer together against Casey Valentine and USPW National Champion Des Davids.  While Valentine and Davids get the early control, Raven Robinson distracts Valentine and he gets caught in the corner of Chord and Shaffer.  Valentine struggles as Chord and Shaffer use some quick and frequent tags.  Shaffer sends Valentine out of the ring and distracts the official.  Raven Robinson hits a running knee to the side of the head.  Dawn Gemmell yells for the referee to pay attention.  Robinson tosses Valentine back in the ring.  Jay Chord goes for the Cradle Piledriver, but it gets blocked by Valentine.  Valentine elevates Chord with a back body drop!  The crowd gets behind Valentine as both Valentine and Chord crawl toward their corners.  Chord tags in Shaffer, but Valentine makes it to tag in Des Davids!  Davids and Shaffer exchange punches in the middle of the ring.  Davids shoves Shaffer back into the corner and charges in.  Shaffer moves at the last moment and Davids goes through the turnbuckle to hit the ring post beyond that.  Raven Robinson tosses a chair in the ring and it's grabbed by Trent Shaffer.  Shaffer is warned by the official, but strikes Davids in the back with the chair causing the DQ.  Casey Valentine and Des Davids get the win at 10:09!
Casey Valentine and Des Davids d. Jay Chord and Trent Shaffer =84



Backstage Brawl
While the fight is on in the ring, there is another fight taking place backstage.  The bulky big heavyweight Dusty Ducont exchanges hard blows with the bulky heavyweight Bulldozer Brandon Smith!  Forearm shots are thrown by both men!  Smith gets the advantage, knocking Ducont back into a wall.  Smith throws another forearm shot, but Ducont moves and Smith strikes the wall with his forearm!  He seems to lose feeling in that arm and this allows Ducont to strike him as officials come in.  Elizabeth Cartier keeps yelling at Ducont to continue, but officials are doing their best to break things up.  Rick Law comes in and tosses all three of them from the building!  Announcer Brock Cornish points out that this leaves Rich Money all alone for his main event mystery match.  =82


Match #6
Rich Money vs. Julius Moor

Rich Money comes out first to the ring awaiting his opponent.  It is a rare thing to see Money by himself.  His opponent?  Former USPW World Tag Team Champion Julius Moor!  The 32 year old former defensive tackle is looking for a major win tonight in singles competition.  He starts out strong against Money.  The power of the 312 pound man is on display when he lifts Money in the air and drops him with a press slam over the top rope to the floor at ringside!  Moor plays to the crowd, drawing in some cheers.  Money quickly reaches in and trips Moor, dragging him outside the ring.  He runs him right into the ring post and then brings the action back into the ring.  Money counters the size advantage of Moor by keeping Moor on the mat.  The two men don't seem to click in the ring and it shows in the action of this main event match.  Money chokes Moor with his boot, using the top rope for leverage.  He breaks before the five count.  Money pulls Moor up, finally, placing Moor against the turnbuckles.  Money throws some punches and then grabs Moor by the waist and hits the Bank Roll!  The side belly-to-belly suplex brings Moor to the mat.  Money makes the cover: One...Two...Kickout!  The crowd cheers loudly as Moor manages to kick out!  

Rich Money continues his advantage, stomping on the prone form of Julius Moor.  Money manages to drag the larger Moor into the drop zone and heads for the top turnbuckle.  Money leaps for the Dollars From Heaven frog splash but Moor gets the knees up!  Money grabs his ribs in pain.  He rolls over and the crowd begins a 'Moor' chant!  Julius Moor pulls himself to his feet and rushes Money, hitting him with a big clothesline.  Moor picks up Money and brings him over with a body slam.  The 312 pound wrestler draws in cheers from the crowd.  Moor moves into a corner, waiting for Money to get to his feet.  When Money staggers up, Moor charges but Money avoids the Charging Tackle!  Money rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair, tossing it in the ring.  Referee Robbie Sanchez grabs the chair and looks to toss it out.  During this moment, Money slides in the ring with another chair.  He strikes Moor in the ribs and then the back before tossing the chair out of the ring.  Money heads for the top turnbuckle -- Dollars From Heaven!  Referee Robbie Sanchez turns around as Money has the cover on Moor: One...Two...Three!  Rich Money wins at 15:05!
Rich Money p. Julius Moor =77



Wild Fight
Rich Money scores the victory in the main event tonight, but not without controversy.  Money stands up to celebrate the victory, when he is attacked by Nicky Champion!  Champion strikes Money with several knees to the ribs.  The two begin to brawl before Champion takes control.  Champion hits Money with the Hawkeye Hammer, a double underhook facebuster.  Champion picks up Money and tosses him over the top rope to the floor!  If this happens this Saturday, Money will be eliminated.  Champion turns around and Steve Frehley has entered the ring!  Frehley picks up Champion -- Frehley's Comet!  Frehley picks up Champion and throws him over the top rope to the floor!  Frehley raises his arms in victory!  Frehley climbs to a second turnbuckle, raising his fists.  He drops down and turns right into a Jumbo Avalanche from SECW Heavyweight Champion Jumbo Jackson!  Jackson throws Frehley over the top rope to the floor!  Jackson picks up the SECW Heavyweight title belt and holds it up in the air.  SECW Heavyweight Champion Jumbo Jackson is standing tall in the ring as the show comes to an end.  We'll see you this Saturday for Freedom Fight!  =91

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Posted (edited)

USPW Freedom Fight!
Saturday Week 4 April 2020

20 Woman Battle Royal - Timed Entrances
Winner Fights For The USPW Women's Title At Independence Day Slam

'Pro Wrestling's Princess' Alicia Strong vs. Amelia Fairchild vs. 'The Blonde Bombshell' Charity Sweet vs. Jaime Quine vs. 'The Iron Lady' Jillian Jarvis vs. Killer Kass vs. Melody vs. Miss American Pie vs. 'Miss Fit' Missy Masterson vs. 'The Angel Of The Dark' Raven Robinson vs. Sara Marie vs. Sweet Dani Adams vs. Wendy Anderson vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ???

Tables Match
'The Demon From The Deep' Tyson Baine vs. 'The Avenging Angel' Skull DeBones

If Rich Money And Dusty Ducont Win, Rich Money Faces Running Wolf For The USPW World Title At USPW Declaration Of Independence
If Rich Money And Dusty Ducont Lose, Rich Money Cannot Fight For the USPW World Title As Long As Running Wolf Is The Champion

Rich Money and 'Dirty' Dusty Ducont (w/Alicia Strong(?) and Elizabeth Cartier) vs. Hawkeye & Wolf

USPW Women's Title Match
Pariah defends vs. 'The Green Dragon' Tiffany Jade

30 Man Battle Royal - Timed Entrances
Winner Fights For The USPW World Title At Independence Day Slam

Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. 'Cool Hand' Casey Valentine vs. Dan Stone, Jr. vs. Des Davids vs. 'Dirty' Dusty Ducont vs. Eisaku Kunomasu vs. Jack Bruce vs. 'Jacksonville' Jack Jackson vs. 'The Amazing' Jacob Jett vs. 'The Dude' James Justice vs. 'The Legacy Of Greatness' Jay Chord vs. 'The Complete Package' Joss Thompson vs. Julius Moor vs. SECW Heavyweight Champion Jumbo Jackson vs. 'The Marksman' Kirk Jameson vs. Mick Muscles vs. 'The Natural' Nate Johnson vs. Nicky 'Hawkeye' Champion vs. Primus Allen vs. 'RDJ' Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Roger 'Smooth' Cage vs. 'The Avenging Angel' Skull DeBones vs. 'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley vs. 'The Talent' Trent Shaffer vs. 'The Demon From The Deep' Tyson Baine vs. Zeus vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ???

Comments On Diary/Other Comments: 

Edited by angeldelayette
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SECW Saturday Night
Saturday Week 4 April 2020
Location: Baton Rouge, LA (South East)
Attendance: 448
Overall Rating: 61
TV Viewers: 
-Sterling Whitlock put in the star performance of the show

ANGLE: Jumbo Jackson and Atlas got into a brawl backstage...52
ANGLE: The Force and Andre Jones got into a brawl backstage...61
The Architect defeated Nicky Gilbert by DQ...38
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Harry Allen...50
ANGLE: An interview with Anthony Trask...57
Harry Allen & American Gold defeated Morgan Malone & Death Row...52
ANGLE: A confrontation between Funky Fedora and Sterling Whitlock...48
ANGLE: An interview with Killer Kass...43
Faith McGee defeated Glorious Gloria...54
ANGLE: A backstage segment with Wendy Anderson...55
Andre Jones defeated Remmy Skye...58
Sterling Whitlock defeated Funky Fedora...68
Miss American Pie defeated Killer Kass for the SECW Girl Power title...59
Jumbo Jackson & The Force defeated Anthony Trask & Atlas...64

Freedom Fight is going to be put out in three separate parts.  The first part will be the women's battle royal.  The second part will be everything before the men's battle royal.  The last part will be the men's battle royal and the happenings afterward.

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For those of you who haven't read it yet, there is a new TEW game coming out.  I almost typed USPW game.  LOL.  I plan to continue this diary for the next month, though.  I think this may be the furthest I've gotten in a game.  But make sure you check out the posts in the TEW 2020 General Discussion thread about the new game.

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