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Hollyweird Grappling Company [CV97]

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Before Total Championship Wrestling, there was HOLLYWEIRD.

The Hollyweird Grappling Company was set up by billionaire, J.K. Stallings, as the first true direct rival to the Supreme Wrestling Federation since its national expansion almost two decades ago.

Stallings clearly spent a lot of money to assemble his roster, bringing in stars from all over the world; stealing what was practically SWF's main event scene throughout much of the 1990s to headline his promotion; and raiding the independent scene for a lot of their big stars.

Think his inaugural booker, the four-time SWF World Heavyweight Champion Sam Strong; the three-time SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Rip Chord; tag team legends like Dusty StreetsThe Blazing Flames, the Demons of Rage and the Black Serpent Cult; and rising cruiserweights like super junior veterans Dark EAGLE and Golden Fox and supreme luchador Mr Lucha.

Mercifully, much of the day-to-day running would be out of Stallings' hands; given instead to the likes of Strong and Chord. They would use their experience to shape and mould the company, while also helping to build some new stars of their own. They would also receive a weekly TV show to build stories - limited initially to an hour a week, and broadcast in the USA and Canada on NCTV and FBC, respectively.

The building blocks were there, but the path to the top would be a weird one...


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Hosted by Jason Azaria & Kyle Rhodes from The Grissom Auditorium.

The first show of the year got underway with a singles bout, as Richie Pangrazzio, Jr. faced off against flamboyant rock star Jack Bruce in a singles bout. It was a good showing from the young Bruce, who was competitive against the 41-year old veteran. Eventually, Pangrazzio, Jr. (cheered on by his on, Coach Dick) prevailed after ten minutes with the Grand Slam.

After the bout, Charlie Homicide who slinked his way down to ringside with a microphone in hand. It was an odd promo to say the least; with the 42-year old occultist barely addressing either of them in a rambling tirade. Eventually, Pangrazzio, Jr., Coach Dick and Bruce all took the long way to get around Homicide and walk backstage; and it took a bit of time for the unhinged Homicide to notice his audience had left.

Next up was a singles bout between The Untouchables' Joel Bryant and the super cool Liberty. Bryant was accompanied by fellow untouchables Robert Oxford and Paul Steadyfast, who did what they could at ringside to disrupt Liberty's flow. The finish came following a ref bump; as Steadyfast slid some brass knuckles into the ring for Bryant - only for Liberty to pick them up and knock Bryant down for the pinfall.

Immediately after the bout, the furious Untouchables descended on Liberty, who did his best to fight them off. But as the numbers got too much, Joey Flame & Teddy Flame came running out to even up the odds - sending The Untouchables scampering to the back.

There was next a short hype video for the four-time SWF World Tag Team Champion, Dusty Streets, who announced he would be making his HGC debut later this month. The video showed him training, with some impressive feats of strength, as the words "He's Still Got It!" came flashing up on the screen at the end.

The next bout was a styles clash for the ages, as the veteran tag team Cobra & Viper faced off against the energetic luchadores Eléctrico & Mr Lucha. There were some positive signs from Mucha Lucha early, with the legendary Luchador Mr Lucha looking particularly impressive, but they were soon overwhelmed by the size disadvantage as the unforgiving Cobra forced young Eléctrico to submit with the Cobra Constrictor.

There were better signs earlier in the night, as Golden Fox and Dark EAGLE prevailed in singles bouts against Ramon Paez and Jason Jackson, respectively. The viewers at home got to see some highlights of those bouts, narrated by a bitter Jimmy Power who couldn't understand why he wasn't on the main card.

In the lead-up to the main event, Sam Strong gave a promo backstage promising to overcome "The Mountain" Danny Rushmore. It wasn't his best work, but it got the job done.

That promo was then followed by the main event, which was a standard type of match between Strong and a bigger and slower opponent. To his credit, Rushmore performed admirably and drew some heat with his lumbering strikes and bearhugs. Just as Strong looked to have his number, Rip Chord came running out and attacked Strong - forcing the referee to call a disqualification.

But if there was any doubt where Danny Rushmore's allegiances lied, they went away quickly as he joined Chord in a furious beatdown after the bout. While Strong briefly looked to fight back, the numbers got too much - and he ended up in a bloodied mess in the corner as the show came to a close.

In the final seconds before the overrun, the announcers hyped next week's main event - a tag showdown between Chord & Rushmore and Bryan Vessey & Larry Vessey!


HGC "Hollyweird TV"
Grissom Auditorium
2,000 Fans
Tuesday, Week 1, January 1997

  1. Richie Pangrazzio, Jr. (with Coach Dick) defeated Jack Bruce (10:33) with the Grand Slam.
  2. Liberty defeated Joel Bryant (with Robert Oxford & Paul Steadyfast) (7:57) with brass knuckles.
  3. Black Serpent Cult (Cobra & Viper) defeated Mucha Lucha (Eléctrico & Mr Lucha) (5:51) with the Cobra Constrictor Vice from Cobra to Eléctrico.
  4. Sam Strong defeated Danny Rushmore (8:09) by disqualification following interference from Rip Chord.


Edited by Scottie
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I don't know next to nothing about the CV97, but I'm curious to see you doing it. I always associate you with Japan (like myself lol) so it'll be very interesting to read you in a different environment.

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On 6/12/2024 at 3:38 PM, Wrestling Machine said:

Good luck on this one Scottie!

Thank you very much! Off to a great start by getting the promotion's name wrong in the title...

On 6/12/2024 at 4:03 PM, CGN91 said:

I don't know next to nothing about the CV97, but I'm curious to see you doing it. I always associate you with Japan (like myself lol) so it'll be very interesting to read you in a different environment.

Looking forward to getting stuck back into a roster with storylines for the first time in a long time!

On 6/13/2024 at 3:04 AM, Herrbear said:

This looks exciting.

Thank you!

On 6/13/2024 at 4:36 PM, Willsky said:

Nice to see more from '97 and especially from Scottie!

I was always devastated when my own PGHW '97 dynasty came to an end on my old laptop - but you have well surpassed that one with your excellent dynasty.

* * * * *



HGC "Hollyweird TV"
Tuesday, Week 2, January 1997

  1. Mr Lucha vs. Ramon Paez.
  2. Six-Man Tag Team Match: Liberty & The Blazing Flames (Joey Flame & Teddy Flame) vs. The Untouchables (Robert Oxford, Joel Bryant & Paul Steadyfast).
  3. Richie Pangrazzio, Jr. vs. Romeo Heartthrob.
  4. Danny Rushmore & Rip Chord vs. The Vessey Brothers (Bryan Vessey & Larry Vessey).



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  • Scottie changed the title to Hollyweird Grappling Company [CV97]
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Hosted by Jason Azaria & Kyle Rhodes from The Snake Pit.

This week's instalment got underway with a cruiserweight bout pitting the five-time MPWF Champion Mr Lucha against the 23-year old flyer Ramon Diaz. It was a big opportunity for the young Diaz, to go up against a cruiserweight legend, but he kinda flubbed it with a couple of messy spots. The bout was a sprint, and it was interspersed with shots to the backstage area where it seems the entire cruiserweight roster was watching Mr Lucha on the monitor for his first singles bout in HCG. Ultimately, he won with the Master Drop. [35]

We then got a recap of the pre-show with Jimmy Power, with another instalment of the "Power Minute". He was even more bitter about not being on the show this week; and he could barely get excited as he hyped the wins from Dark EAGLE, Cowboy Ricky Dale and Peter Valentine[24]

After that brief interruption, we saw Mr Lucha arrive backstage to a generous reaction from a number of the cruiserweights waiting backstage; his tag protege Eléctrico among them. But not everyone was singing his praises, and it soon descended to a messy backstage brawl between about eight cruiserweights - including the likes of Dark EAGLEGolden Fox and Jack Bruce - before it was finally broken up. [29]

Next up was a lengthy six-man bout, as Liberty teamed with The Blazing Flames against The Untouchables. The Untouchables were furious after Liberty proved himself to be a step ahead them last week, as he used the brass knuckles against Joel Bryant to win his singles bout. This was a decent bout, with the 48-year old veteran Teddy Flame looking the best despite his advancing years. Robert Oxford did his best to lead his Untouchables to victory, including by nefarious means, but could only watch on in fury as Liberty pinned Paul Steadyfast with the Liberation Slam. [59]

Rip Chord then gave an interview backstage, with the hulking figure of Danny Rushmore standing ominously behind him. Chord mocked Sam Strong, who wasn't man enough to be here tonight. The interviewer, "Perfect" Pat Deacon, refused to take that crap from Chord; reminding him that Strong was, of course, still recovering from the cowardly two-on-one beatdown inflicted on him last week. But Chord didn't care and said that, as far as he was concerned, there were only one star in HGC and his name was Rip Chord. [77]

Elsewhere, The Blazing Flames had cause for further celebration - as they were booked in the inaugural HGC World Tag Team Championship bout which will take place next week on "Hollyweird TV"! They had some things to say to Pat Deacon about their opponents, Cobra & Viper, and promised to win the titles for all the Flamers out there (what a terrible choice of name, even for 1997). [56]

In the penultimate bout, Richie Pangrazzio, Jr. made light work of the womaniser Romeo Heartthrob. Heartthrob spent a bit too much time in the bout taunting Coach Dick at ringside, and he was made to pay for it as Pangrazzio easily won with the Grand Slam. [59]

We got another hype video for Dusty Streets, who assured us his debut in HGC was just around the corner. This week, we saw him carrying even heavier objects than last week - before the video again ended with "He's Still Got It!" It's still not clear whether they are playing this one straight, or whether Dusty will be debuting as a mega-heel. [61]

In the backstage area, Coach Dick rallied The Vessey Brothers before the main event as Richie Pangrazzio, Jr. watched on. The brothers looked pumped by the pep-talk, and the group walked off towards the entrance area. Just before the camera panned away, we saw Charlie Homicide emerge from his hiding spot (behind a curtain) looking his usual maniacal self. [57]

The main event was easily the match of the night, as The Vessey Brothers showed their undoubted skill as they battled Rip Chord & Danny Rushmore. The Vesseys played the underdogs, and very nearly got the upper hand on occasion - only to be cut off by the sheer size of Rushmore. At one point, it looked like Larry had Chord in a moment of bother; which led Rushmore to do his best to distract referee Sam Sparrow. It was enough to let Chord recover; thumbing Larry Vessey to the eyes and hitting his patented DDT to pick up the win in an abrupt finish. [75]

With the overrun, the announcers had to quickly say their goodbyes, with Rip Chord looking very proud of his work for the second week running!


HGC "Hollyweird TV"
The Snake Pit
1,000 Fans - Super No Vacancy
Tuesday, Week 2, January 1997

  1. Mr Lucha defeated Ramon Diaz (4:23) with the Master Drop.
  2. Six-Man Tag Team Match: Liberty & The Blazing Flames (Joey Flame & Teddy Flame) defeated The Untouchables (Robert Oxford, Joel Bryant & Paul Steadyfast) (14:43) with the Liberation Slam from Liberty to Steadyfast.
  3. Richie Pangrazzio, Jr. (with Coach Dick) defeated Romeo Heartthrob (6:40) with the Grand Slam.
  4. Rip Chord & Danny Rushmore defeated The Vessey Brothers (Bryan Vessey & Larry Vessey) (with Coach Dick) (11:04) with the DDT from Chord to Larry.
Edited by Scottie
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The Hollyweird Grappling Company pulls double duty at SoCal's The Snake Pit, as "Hollyweird TV" gets set for its third show of the year.

The big story is that the burgeoning promotion will announce its first ever champions, in a star-studded tag team title bout between four-time SWF World Tag Team Champions Black Serpent Cult and eight-time SWF World Tag Team Champions The Blazing Flames do battle for the inaugural HGC World Tag Team Titles. The two teams have a storied rivalry in the Supreme Wrestling Federation; but how will it translate into HGC?

Elsewhere, 35-year-old patriot Whistler makes his HGC debut, in a match against the young technician Paul Steadyfast. The All-American Whistler will enjoy a size and experience advantage against Steadyfast, but how will he perform on the big stage?

In other action, the cruiserweight division continues to heat up after last week's backstage mess, as the mysterious Japanese junior heavyweight Dark EAGLE faces the flamboyant rocker Jack Bruce. The two are still looking to make a name for themselves; but will we see others from the crowded division make an appearance?

Finally, we're promised we will hear more about the HGC World Heavyweight Title picture as we are now about a month away from HGC's first ever pay-per-view event, MALICE IN WONDERLAND. One man who is certain to feature is Rip Chord, who is enjoying a run at the top of the card, but who else will be in the mix? And how will the injured Sam Strong feature?

All that and more this Tuesday night on FBC (for American viewers) and NCTV (for Canadian viewers)!


HGC "Hollyweird TV"
Tuesday, Week 3, January 1997

  1. Dark EAGLE vs. Jack Bruce.
  2. Paul Steadyfast vs. Whistler.
  3. Jason Jackson vs. Romeo Heartthrob.
  4. Danny Rushmore vs. The Danger Kid.
  5. World Tag Team Titles: Black Serpent Cult (Cobra & Viper) vs. The Blazing Flames (Joey Flame & Teddy Flame).


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On 6/15/2024 at 12:35 PM, Jaysin said:

Any reason all the dates say 2020 and not 1997?

A total mistake! I guess I've played the default C-Verse too much, thanks for picking it up.

* * * * *



Hosted by Jason Azaria & Kyle Rhodes from another sold out crowd at The Snake Pit.

The opening bout was a cruiserweight affair, as the credentialed Japanese junior heavyweight Dark EAGLE faced the brash rock star Jack Bruce. The two brawled briefly backstage last week, but there wasn't much time for psychology here as the two looked to get in all of their spots in a five-minute sprint. EAGLE in particular looked good, and he secured his first main show win with the Eagle Shock. [33]

After the bout, the young cruiserweight Ramon Diaz, who lost a bout last week, came running down to the ring - and inexplicably attacked the celebrating Dark EAGLE in the ring! Jack Bruce was also clearly frustrated about his loss last week and joined in on the beatdown. But before they could do too much damage, Mr Lucha & Eléctrico came to the rescue - with Diaz and Bruce high-tailing it up the ramp before they could do any damage. They helped Dark EAGLE to his his feet, who looked both grateful and wary. [25]

Back from the ad break, the legendary road agent and backstage announcer Pat Deacon was standing in the ring. He announced an eight-man tournament to crown the first ever HGC World Heavyweight Champion - with the final to take place at the inaugural PPV in February, MALICE IN WONDERLAND. The names in the tournament flashed on screen one-by-one (in a typically low quality 1997 graphic), and there were a couple of surprises including the yet-to-debut Whistler and the crazed Charlie Homicide. But the biggest ovation was reserved for the last man, as the injured Sam Strong was also announced! [58]


Backstage the All-Star Team was congregated - and to say things were a little awkward was an understatement: it had just been announced that two of their number, Richie Pangrazzio, Jr. and Larry Vessey, would be facing off in the first round of the tournament! With two televised wins under his belt this year, Pangrazzio, Jr. was feeling confident - and he already told Vessey that there were no hard feelings and there would be plenty of HGC opportunities in the future. Needless to say, Vessey was not pleased about this - and it took his brother Bryan Vessey and Coach Dick to diffuse the tension. They all walk away - seemingly friends - only to reveal that Charlie Homicide has been hiding behind a nearby crate listening again. [48]

Next up, we saw the debut of the two time PPPW Tri-State Champion Whistler, who took on the young technician Paul Steadyfast. The match was just OK, with Whistler never really looking in trouble. The finish came as Steadyfast missed a splash in the corner, and was then put down with the Rebel Yell for three. [47]

We then got another hype video for Dusty Streets, who performed even bigger feats of strength than last week. His debut is imminent, he says. [67]

After losing last week, Romeo Heartthrob was keen to atone as he prepared for his bout in the upcoming HGC World Heavyweight Title tournament. He was facing the experienced lightweight Jason Jackson, who was eager to prove himself in a rare televised appearance. Again, the result was never in doubt - the cocky Heartthrob using some nefarious means to wear Jackson down before forcing him to submit to the Cupid's Clutch. [55]

After the bout, Heartthrob took the microphone and delivered a standard heel promo against his opponent in the title tournament, Liberty. He promised to win - particularly for all his female fans out there who didn't like their men wearing pink. [49]

In the penultimate bout, Danny Rushmore made light work of The Danger Kid, in a match that had Rip Chord join Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes in the announcer's booth. Chord barely got in his verbal shots against Sam Strong before Rushmore finished the Kid with the Atomic Boot. [21]

With his bodyguard winning in quick time, Chord joined Rushmore in the ring after the bout. He again expressed his disgust at Sam Strong's inclusion in the heavyweight title tournament, who hadn't had the decency to show up for the second week in a row (this was, of course, because of the attack by Chord and Rushmore on the year's first show). Chord's rant was interrupted by Whistler, who promised from the top of the ramp that he wouldn't have to worry about Strong - because Whistler was going to beat him first! Chord scoffed at that suggestion, but looked the slightest bit worried ahead of their match next week. [62]

 _bcdf4369-06a1-4603-bbe4-4fa42f53a667.png _bcdf4369-06a1-4603-bbe4-4fa42f53a667.png

Back from the final break, we had our main event of the evening as the Black Serpent Cult went head-to-head with their old rivals, The Blazing Flames. Between them, the two teams had twelve SWF World Tag Team Titles - but this match would crown the first ever HGC World Tag Team Titles. For the most part, this was a standard bout between two teams who'd fought each other multiple times before; with the cultists using their size to their advantage to physically dominate the Flames.

Eventually, as Teddy Flame turned the tide for his team, an inadvertent ref bump set about a flurry of events. With Dewey Libertine down, all three members of The Untouchables came streaming down to the ring to start a five-on-two beatdown. But that didn't last long, as the pink-clad Liberty came running out- clotheslining poor Paul Steadyfast and Joel Bryant, and sending their leader Robert Oxford hightailing it out.

Chasing Oxford up the ramp, Liberty was cut off by his opponent next week, Romeo Heartthrob, who emerged from the backstage area at just the right time to clothesline him down. But the commotion was enough to distract the veteran Viper, who was taken down with a drop kick from Teddy. After waiting for Viper to stumble to his feat, Teddy hit the Flame On - and Joey Flame kept Cobra from interfering - to secure a tenth tag team championship for The Blazing Flames! [63]


HGC "Hollyweird TV"
The Snake Pit
1,000 Fans - Super No Vacancy
Tuesday, Week 3, January 1997

  1. Dark EAGLE defeated Jack Bruce (5:02) with the Eagle Shock.
  2. Whistler defeated Paul Steadyfast (6:06) with the Rebel Yell.
  3. Romeo Heartthrob defeated Jason Jackson (5:40) with the Cupid's Clutch.
  4. Danny Rushmore defeated The Danger Kid (2:45) with the Atomic Boot.
  5. World Tag Team Titles: The Blazing Flames (Joey Flame & Teddy Flame) defeated Black Serpent Cult (Cobra & Viper) (13:46) with the Flame On from Teddy to Viper (1st champions).


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As January comes to a close, the path to THE WAR TO SETTLE THE SCORE continues to heat up with a big episode of "Hollyweird TV"!

Headlining the show is an eagerly anticipated singles bout, as Rip Chord and Whistler each look to go a step closer to becoming the inaugural HGC World Heavyweight ChampionWhistler made a strong national TV debut last week, but now finds himself facing off against one of the best ever - can he shock the world?

The winner of that bout will face the winner of another lower key, but equally exciting, bout between Romeo Heartthrob and Liberty. The two are set for a spiteful affair, after Heartthrob's cheap attack on Liberty during last week's main event left Liberty with a sore head. Will that be the much needed edge for the ladies' man?

In other action, the mess in the cruiserweight division continues to unfold with a tag team bout between Mucha Lucha and Jack Bruce & Ramon Paez. Bruce & Paez have been quick to make enemies on all sides in the cruiserweight division, with their beat down last week on Dark EAGLE forcing Mucha Lucha to make the save. But can their in-ring results match their post-match ferocity?

Elsewhere, we expect to hear from the The Blazing Flames, fresh off becoming the new tag team champions last week! The Flames made it nine world titles in their storied career, and they'll have their sights set now on their first defence. But who will be game enough to step up?

All that and more this Tuesday night on FBC (for American viewers) and NCTV (for Canadian viewers)!



HGC "Hollyweird TV"
Tuesday, Week 4, January 1997

  1. Mucha Lucha (Eléctrico & Mr Lucha) vs. Jack Bruce & Ramon Paez.
  2. Bryan Vessey vs. Peter Valentine.
  3. World Title Tournament - Quarter Final: Liberty vs. Romeo Heartthrob.
  4. World Title Tournament - Quarter Final: Rip Chord vs. Whistler.


Prediction Key:

Mucha Lucha (Eléctrico & Mr Lucha) vs. Jack Bruce & Ramon Paez

Bryan Vessey vs. Peter Valentine

HGC World Title Tournament - Quarter Final: Liberty vs. Romeo Heartthrob

HGC World Title Tournament - Quarter Final: Rip Chord vs. Whistler

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Valiant profile.jpg


Super Cool Dude 6 ft 2 in 232 lbs Face
Round Rock, Texas 1970 1988 Liberation Slam

Liberty originally broke into the sport in Texas, where he enjoyed some success as a generic masked heel ("The Outlaw II"), but it was when he joined HGC that his career took off. Repackaged as a colourful fan favourite, and with massive help from a shock victory over Rip Chord just before Christmas, he has fast become one of the most popular men on the roster.  He is clearly HGC's first attempt at creating it's own star and its not hard to see why as he has a lot of the qualities that many saw in a young Sam Strong; work ethic, charisma and a great look.

Texas Wrestling Champion [x2]; Texas Wrestling Tag Team Champion

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  1. Mucha Lucha (Eléctrico & Mr Lucha) vs. Jack Bruce & Ramon Paez.
  2. Bryan Vessey vs. Peter Valentine.
  3. World Title Tournament - Quarter Final: Liberty vs. Romeo Heartthrob.
  4. World Title Tournament - Quarter Final: Rip Chord vs. Whistler.


By the way. Love the trading card.

Edited by Herrbear
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HGC "Hollyweird TV"
Tuesday, Week 4, January 1997

  1. Mucha Lucha (Eléctrico & Mr Lucha) vs. Jack Bruce & Ramon Paez.
  2. Bryan Vessey vs. Peter Valentine.
  3. World Title Tournament - Quarter Final: Liberty vs. Romeo Heartthrob.
  4. World Title Tournament - Quarter Final: Rip Chord vs. Whistler.
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Mucha Lucha (Eléctrico & Mr Lucha) vs. Jack Bruce & Ramon Paez

Bryan Vessey vs. Peter Valentine

HGC World Title Tournament - Quarter Final: Liberty vs. Romeo Heartthrob

HGC World Title Tournament - Quarter Final: Rip Chord vs. Whistler

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Hosted by Jason Azaria & Kyle Rhodes from another sold out crowd at The Snake Pit.

As is becoming custom, the show opened with a typically high octane cruiserweight affair, as Jack Bruce & Ramon Paez met Mucha Lucha. Teaming with his young protege EléctricoMr Lucha continued to look like a star with his clean moves and crisp execution. It wasn't enough to secure the win, though, as Eléctrico was distracted by Paez on the apron for just long enough to allow Bruce to roll him up for the three count. [27]

After the bout, Bruce & Paez put an unconvincing beating on both Eléctrico and Mr Lucha - before the faces were saved by the junior heavyweight pairing Dark EAGLE & Golden Fox. The masked duo sent Paez over the top rope with a clothesline, and then together launched Bruce over the top rope into him, before helping Mucha Lucha to their feet. It wasn't all roses, though, as the two teams faced down in an uneasy moment; according to Kyle Rhodes, these cruiserweights are all wary of each other ahead of the upcoming pay-per-view. [25]

Backstage, Liberty hyped up his match with Romeo Heartthrob tonight - saying he was looking forward to getting some revenge for last week's sneak attack. Before long, he was confronted by Robert Oxford and his fellow UntouchablesJoel Bryant & Paul Steadyfast. Oxford told him he was wasting a spot in the title tournament, which should have gone to him instead. Liberty promised to let Oxford be the first man to shine the belt once he won it at WAR TO SETTLE THE SCORE[30]

Next up, we saw the main roster debut of Peter Valentine - with the lumbering giant facing off against 25-year-old Bryan Vessey, who was flanked to the ring by his fellow All-Star members. But the match never really got going, as an argument broke out at ringside between Richie Pangrazzio, Jr. and Larry Vessey, with Coach Dick doing his best to diffuse it. It was a distraction for Bryan Vessey, who shouted at them all to stop - only to turn right back into a fearsome Choke Slam from Valentine for the televised debut win! [39]

After the bout, the All-Star Team continued to argue as a furious Bryan Vessey remonstrated with them - clearly in pain. [50]

We then got a brief rundown of the pre-show with the typically bitter Jimmy Power, who bemoaned that it had been more than a month since he'd been seen on TV. He vowed to change that - maybe, he posited, against Dark EAGLE who was seen on screen in his win over Monty Walker[28]

We were then joined in the ring by the new HGC World Tag Team TitlesThe Blazing Flames. In a slightly stilted promo, the two thanked the fans for all their support and promised a long reign as new champions. They were eager to find out who their first challengers would be at the pay-per-view - but after an awkward wait, the lights went out! When they turned back on, The Flames weren't alone - they had been joined by the two-time CGC Tag Team Champions The Demons of Rage! While the Flames tried to pre-empt what was to come, they couldn't; as the their much larger opponents delivered a beating - hitting both champions in turn with the Double Demon Down! The surprise didn't go down quite as well with the crowd as might have been hoped, but we now at least have our first confirmed bout for the WAR TO SETTLE THE SCORE in three weeks' time. [47]

Backstage, Coach Dick was still trying to calm down Richie Pangrazzio, Jr., who was plainly unhappy about what happened earlier in the night with his stablemates, The Vessey Brothers. The very last thing he needed was another confrontation with the maniacal Charlie Homicide; which is exactly what happened. Pangrazzio, Jr. asked Homicide what the hell he wanted; but that just prompted Homicide to walk away laughing. At least it distracted Richie from his Vessey problem. [58]

Ahead of the double main event, we got another hype video for Dusty Streets, who after helping pull a man out the rubble announced he would make his HGC debut at WAR TO SETTLE THE SCORE. Another three weeks of these promos might be a little too much. [66]

Next up was the first quarter final of the HGC World Title Tournament, as Romeo Heartthrob faced Liberty. The bout was a decent one, with Heartthrob pulled out all kinds of nefarious tricks to derail Liberty. He couldn't do it, though, as Liberty ducked fought out of a back drop and struck with his own Liberation Slam for the win. [60]

His semi final opponent would be decided in the main event, as Whistler went toe-to-toe with Rip Chord in the second HGC World Title Tournament quarter-final. This bout was an excellent affair - probably the best of HGC's short run so far - as Chord in particular excelled. Whistler used his size to his advantage, but a couple of times found himself thwarted by the imposing presence of Danny Rushmore at ringside. However, after locking Chord deep into a bear hug, Whistler was worn down by a series of elbow strikes from the champion who pounced with the DDT to secure a spot in the semi-final. [74] 


Some might have expected a bit of graciousness from Chord after such a hard fought bout - but that's not what the three-time SWF World Heavyweight Champion offered. He and Rushmore went to teach Whistler a lesson for having the temerity to last so long - only for Liberty to come sprinting out to the ring. Chord quickly exited, but Rushmore wasn't fast enough - as Liberty came bouncing off the ropes and delivered an almighty clothesline to send Rushmore flying backwards through the top rope (awkwardly too - it looks like he was meant to go over the top). As he and his leader Chord retreated angrily up the ramp, a fired up Liberty could be heard saying he'd make it "two-from-two, baby"! [56]


HGC "Hollyweird TV"
The Warehouse
1,000 Fans - Super No Vacancy
Tuesday, Week 4, January 1997

  1. Jack Bruce & Ramon Paez defeated Mucha Lucha (Eléctrico & Mr Lucha) (5:26) with a Fast Roll-up from Bruce to Eléctrico.
  2. Peter Valentine defeated Bryan Vessey (3:53) with a Choke Slam after Vessey was distracted by the dispute at ringside between Richie Pangrazzio, Jr. and Larry Vessey.
  3. HGC World Title Tournament - Quarter Final: Liberty defeated Romeo Heartthrob (6:42) with the Liberation Slam.
  4. HGC World Title Tournament - Quarter Final: Rip Chord (with Danny Rushmore) defeated Whistler (15:23) with the DDT


Sunday, Week 3, February 1997
Card subject to change

  1. Dusty Streets vs. TBD.
  2. HGC World Tag Team Titles: The Blazing Flames (Joey Flame & Teddy Flame) (c) vs. The Demons of Rage (Demon Anger & Demon Spite).
  3. HGC World Title: Rip Chord/Liberty vs. Charlie Homicide/Larry Vessey/Richie Pangrazzio, Jr./Sam Strong.
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  1. Dusty Streets vs. TBD.
  2. HGC World Tag Team Titles: The Blazing Flames (Joey Flame & Teddy Flame) (c) vs. The Demons of Rage (Demon Anger & Demon Spite).
  3. HGC World Title: Rip Chord/Liberty vs. Charlie Homicide/Larry Vessey/Richie Pangrazzio, Jr./Sam Strong.
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Rip Chord.jpg

Los Angeles upstart promotion, Hollyweird Grappling Company, has completed its first full month; and it's been a mixed bag to say the least. The focus of the shows has unsurprisingly been on experienced hands like Rip Chord, Sam Strong and The Blazing Flames, though many behind the scenes have been impressed by the performances from younger wrestlers like Liberty and Danny Rushmore who have quickly become the focal point of the show.

Sam Strong.jpg

While viewership has been good - particularly among Canadian viewers - there have been some concerns expressed by American broadcaster NCTV about the quality of some shows. The month's third show in particular hit with a thud for the network, who weren't impressed by the tag team main event - even though it saw HGC crown its first champions. The network has been particularly vocal about the absence of Sam Strong in recent weeks (with a supposed injury); but expect this to occur more and more as the promotion tries to balance the big wages of some of its top stars.

Jack Bruce.jpg

For one of the first times, junior heavyweight wrestlers are being featured in prime time on US television. HGC has typically devoted the first ten minutes of its shows to its burgeoning cruiserweight/junior heavyweight division - though it too isn't without its criticism as fans struggle to adjust to new faces and this new style. It's not all bad news, though, with backstage figures reportedly very happy with the growing connection between youngsters Jack Bruce and Ramon Paez, who have quickly made themselves hated figures in the predominantly face-filled division.

Demon Anger.jpg Demon Spite.jpg 

Last week saw the surprise debut of the Demons of Rage, and it turns out it was also a surprise for many backstage. Our sources says that the pair were drafted in as last minute replacements for Savage Fury following some rumoured backstage altercations involving Java. The Backstage Ear can report that Java not only got into an argument with tag team wrestler Grunt, but he also got into a physical fight with  veteran manager Coach Dick Pangrazzio who is never one to back down. It resulted in the planned debuts of Java and his partner The Tribal Warrior being shelved, and HGC putting in an SOS for the Demons of Rage.

More broadly, the mood backstage seems to be low - with a lot of big personalities jockeying for position. As soon as we hear anything, you can trust The Backstage Ear to report it!



As we edge closer to THE WAR TO SETTLE THE SCORE, this week's instalment sees the in-ring return of Sam Strong!

The four-time world champion looks to advance in the the inaugural HGC World Heavyweight Champion, but he faces stiff competition here in the form of the maniacal Charlie Homicide. How will Strong fare on his return? And more importantly, is he still suffering the effects of last month's beat down at the hands of Rip Chord & Danny Rushmore?

The other tournament bout is arguably equally as interesting, as stablemates Larry Vessey and Richie Pangrazzio, Jr. do battle. The two nearly came to blows last week - costing Bryan Vessey a match against Peter Valentine. But who will prevail in this important quarter final?

Elsewhere, we see the fallout of the Demons' of Rage shock return last week as they make their in-ring debut; we see further developments in the cruiserweight shuffle; and plus we will preview next week's big showdown between Rip Chord and Liberty in the HGC World Heavyweight Title Tournament!

All that and more this Tuesday night on FBC (for American viewers) and NCTV (for Canadian viewers)!



HGC "Hollyweird TV"
Tuesday, Week 4, January 1997

  1. Eléctrico vs. Golden Fox.
  2. The Demons of Rage (Demon Anger & Demon Spite) vs. Cowboy Ricky Dale & The Danger Kid.
  3. World Title Tournament - Quarter Final: Larry Vessey vs. Richie Pangrazzio, Jr.
  4. World Title Tournament - Quarter Final: Charlie Homicide vs. Sam Strong


Prediction Key:

Eléctrico vs. Golden Fox

The Demons of Rage (Demon Anger & Demon Spite) vs. Cowboy Ricky Dale & The Danger Kid

HGC World Title Tournament - Quarter Final: Larry Vessey vs. Richie Pangrazzio, Jr.

HGC World Title Tournament - Quarter Final: Charlie Homicide vs. Sam Strong


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Prediction Key:

Eléctrico vs. Golden Fox

The Demons of Rage (Demon Anger & Demon Spite) vs. Cowboy Ricky Dale & The Danger Kid

HGC World Title Tournament - Quarter Final: Larry Vessey vs. Richie Pangrazzio, Jr.

HGC World Title Tournament - Quarter Final: Charlie Homicide vs. Sam Strong

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Hosted by Jason Azaria & Kyle Rhodes from a full house at The Grissom Auditorium.

The show got underway with a cruiserweight battle pitting the veteran Japanese junior heavyweight Golden Fox against highly rated youngster Eléctrico. The pair got a bit more time than other cruiserweight bouts of late, with Fox in particular looking very crisp. The bout petered out to a non-contest, though, as Jack Bruce & Ramon Paez interfered and attacked both men. [35]

The beatdown was on again, though Fox and Eléctrico’s respective partners, Dark EAGLE and Mr Lucha came out to make the save. Bruce was smart enough to get away, while Paez had to wear a couple of punches before scrambling back up the ramp. Again, there was an uneasy tension between Mucha Lucha and the Spirit Warriors as we went to the break. [26]

Back from the break, we went backstage where Robert Oxford stood grimacing alongside his stablemates Joel Bryant & Paul Steadyfast. Poor Oxford had legitimately ruptured his pectoralis major in a pre-show bout, but he bravely appeared here with his arm in a sling. He railed against Liberty; saying he had been looking forward to besting him in singles competition, but the “Super Cool Dude” would need to wait to get his comeuppance. [26]

The second bout of the night saw the in-ring debut of the Demons of Rage, who had last week surprisingly appeared and announced their intention to win the tag team titles at WAR TO SETTLE THE SCORE. They were facing a pair of youngsters: Cowboy Ricky Dale and The Danger Kid. Needless to say, they made short work of them - with Demon Anger pinning The Kid following a Power Bomb. [35]



We then get the Power Minute with Jimmy Power, who quickly recaps a pre-show that saw Romeo Heartthrob beat Jason Jackson and Whistler beat Paul Steadyfast. Power is typically furious that he’s again been overlooked from the main show - and finally issues an open challenge to anyone who wants to face him at WAR TO SETTLE THE SCORE. [33]

Elsewhere, we see Whistler sitting back in the locker room after his win earlier in the pre-show. He’s tightening up some strapping, before he’s confronted by Romeo Heartthrob. Heartthrob mocks Whistler about his loss in the tournament last week - conveniently forgetting that he too suffered defeat. Whistler doesn’t appreciate the lecture and tells Heartthrob they can settle it in the ring next week. [41]

This brought us to our penultimate bout, as the third quarter-final match in the HGC World Heavyweight Title tournament took place. It pitted two members of the All-Star Squad against each other: Larry Vessey and Richie Pangrazzio, Jr. The two were joined at ringside by Bryan Vessey and Coach Dick, who were looking uneasy about last week’s confrontation. The bout itself was a bit slow at times, but it was a decent affair as both men looked good. Eventually, Richie backed out of a vertical suplex attempt and struck with an inside cradle for the pin. [56]

Although tension looked like it might spill over after the bout, Vessey eventually stuck his hand out - which Richie gratefully accepted. The two raised each others’ arms - perhaps a bit overboard for a mediocre match. [46]

Backstage, Rip Chord was flanked by his giant offsider Danny Rushmore, as he delivered a promo about the returning Sam Strong. Chord said he was looking forward to Charlie Homicide doing exactly what his name suggested tonight, but said he was disappointed he wouldn’t get to face Strong in the final. Chord was then joined by Liberty who reminded him that there was a road block before the final - and that roadblock was dressed in pink, dude. [69]

We got another short video for Dusty Streets, who said it was just two weeks until he would make his HGC debut at THE WAR TO SETTLE THE SCORE. And where he would show the world that he’s still got it. [55]

The main event was next, and it was another quarter-final bout between Charlie Homicide and the returning Sam Strong. There was a huge ovation for Strong, whose ribs were still taped following his beatdown at the hands of Chord and Rushmore last month. There was a big fight feel to this one, but unfortunately the match didn’t live up to it; the two just did not click. It ended up being the typical overbooked Sam Strong affair; seeing interference from Rip Chord, Danny Rushmore, Liberty and Richie Pangrazzio, Jr. Eventually, Homicide (who got lost in the shuffle) fell victim to the Strong Arm Tactic in a disappointing bout. [59]

After the match, there continued to be a messy brawl until all but Chord, Strong, Pangrazzio and Liberty were left in the ring. They cooly eyed each other off - next week, they will be whittled down to two in the HGC World Heavyweight Title Tournament! [67]



HGC "Hollyweird TV"
Grissom Auditorium
2,000 Fans - Super No Vacancy
Tuesday, Week 1, February 1997

  1. Eléctrico vs. Golden Fox (7:25) went to a no contest.
  2. The Demons of Rage (Demon Anger & Demon Spite) defeated Cowboy Ricky Dale & The Danger Kid (4:20) with a Power Bomb from Demon Anger to The Danger Kid.
  3. World Title Tournament - Quarter Final: Richie Pangrazzio, Jr. defeated Larry Vessey (14:33) with the Grand Slam.
  4. World Title Tournament - Quarter Final: Sam Strong defeated Charlie Homicide (9:26) with the Strong Arm Tactic.



Sunday, Week 3, February 1997
Card subject to change

  1. Jimmy Power vs. TBD.
  2. Dusty Streets vs. TBD.
  3. HGC World Tag Team Titles: The Blazing Flames (Joey Flame & Teddy Flame) (c) vs. The Demons of Rage (Demon Anger & Demon Spite).
  4. HGC World Title: Rip Chord/Liberty vs. Richie Pangrazzio, Jr./Sam Strong.


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We're less than two weeks away form THE WAR TO SETTLE THE SCORE, and tonight we will get confirmation of the main event bout as the HGC World Heavyweight Title Tournament semi-finals take place! 

In the main event, Sam Strong will look to build on last week's victory over Charlie Homicide as he faces Richie Pangrazzio, Jr. Richie is yet to lose a singles match this year, but does he have what it takes to dethrone the four-time world champion?

The other half of the draw also sees an eagerly anticipated bout, as legendary wrestler Rip Chord meets Liberty! Chord was stunned by Liberty last year in a singles boilover, and he will be keen to make amends. Can Liberty make it two-from-two against the veteran - and will Danny Rushmore get his hands dirty yet again to help Chord?

In other action, Charlie Homicide looks to bounce back from last week's loss against Sam Strong as he faces "New School" Jason JacksonWhistler will team with The Vessey Brothers against Romeo Heartthrob and two members of The Untouchables; and we'll hear from The Blazing Flames ahead of their title bout at the pay-per-view against The Demons of Rage!

All that and more this Tuesday night on FBC (for American viewers) and NCTV (for Canadian viewers)!



HGC "Hollyweird TV"
Tuesday, Week 4, January 1997

  1. Bryan Vessey, Larry Vessey & Whistler vs. Joel Bryant, Paul Steadyfast & Romeo Heartthrob.
  2. Charlie Homicide vs. Jason Jackson.
  3. World Title Tournament - Semi Final: Liberty vs. Rip Chord.
  4. World Title Tournament - Semi Final: Richie Pangrazzio, Jr. vs. Sam Strong.


Prediction Key:

Bryan Vessey, Larry Vessey & Whistler vs. Joel Bryant, Paul Steadyfast & Romeo Heartthrob

Charlie Homicide vs. Jason Jackson

HGC World Title Tournament - Semi Final: Liberty vs. Rip Chord

HGC World Title Tournament - Semi Final: Richie Pangrazzio, Jr. vs. Sam Strong



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Curious to know last show's rating and what rating is required by the broadcaster!



Bryan Vessey, Larry Vessey & Whistler vs. Joel Bryant, Paul Steadyfast & Romeo Heartthrob

Charlie Homicide vs. Jason Jackson

HGC World Title Tournament - Semi Final: Liberty vs. Rip Chord

HGC World Title Tournament - Semi Final: Richie Pangrazzio, Jr. vs. Sam Strong

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