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Apex Wrestling Federation - [Local to Global, CVerse 2020]

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AWF Running Wild
Omaha, NE
Attendance: 95


Xavier Reckless v Cheech Kong:
Xavier Reckless is next in line to make his AWF debut. Reckless takes the early initiative with some punches, before Cheech Kong flips out of a Slingshot DDT. Cheech Kong took this opportunity to make some impressive high spots, finishing with a moonsault to start the pinfall count. However before the count can get past two, a hooded figure comes from under the ring to drag him away. The disqualification bell goes, and Phenomenal E removes his hood, smiling at costing Kong the pinfall. Reckless and Kong get into a brawl, with Reckless leaving Kong battered in the ring.

Cheech Kong wins by Disqualification
Ratings Xavier Reckless 37, Cheech Kong 30, Segment 31


ANGLE: The ring clears and out comes AWF CEO, Robert Oxford, with the AWF Championship title in hand. He shows it to the crowd, officially confirming that it's official name will be the AWF Championship. He wishes best of luck to tonights competitors, as tonight someone will be walking out of this building title in hand. - Rating: 48


Shane Nelson v Joffy Laine

Next out is Shane Nelson and debuting Joffy Laine. The veteran Nelson gets battered around a bit by Laine until he can get the space to make some moves of his own. The Canadian Bad Boy sets up for a DDT on Laine, but is kicked out of. Laine responds by throwing Nelson to the ground, but he's able to roll away and set up for a Clash of Styles. The ref makes the count, and Nelson proves he can still compete at 41.

Shane Nelson def Joffy Laine by Pinfall (13:29) - Clash of Styles
Shane Nelson 43, Joffy Laine 40

ANGLE: After the match earlier, Phenomenal E's music hits. He walks and says he is a dangerous enemy to make. He had no issues with Cheech Kong until he got himself involved in fights that don't involve him. Now as a response to that, he will make sure that Cheech Kong will end up battered, bruised and bloodied in the middle of this ring, and forced into an early retirement. - rating 24



AWFTitle.jpg.4a86bd781113963015095556912ffd96.jpg Roger Montiero vs Quentin Queen - AWF Championship
And now we reach the main event, where the first AWF Champion will be crowned. The midwestern boy, Roger Montiero, comes out first, to the crowds delight. The cheers then turn to boos as Quentin Queen walks out. The match starts early, as Montiero takes a flip off the top rope for the first two and a half count. Queen responds with some punches, forcing Montiero to the edge for a rope break. After a bit of time to recover, Queen narrowly dodges an Eagle Chop, before setting up for one of the biggest Q-Ball's of his career, getting the three count, and lifting the first title belt of his career.

Quentin Queen def Roger Montiero for AWF Championship (16:09)
Queen 39, Montiero 34, Rating 40

ANGLE: The crowd boos as Queen lifts his new championship, Montiero slowly makes his way back up out of the ring. However before he gets backstage, Bradford Pevrell comes out, and Montiero is victim to a number of devastating punches. - Rating 30

Show Rating: 39

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On 6/30/2024 at 1:11 AM, StanMiguel said:


AWF Running Wild Card:
Omaha, NE

Xavier Reckless

Shane Nelson

Roger Montiero - AWF Championship

On 6/30/2024 at 2:34 AM, KyTeran said:

AWF Running Wild Card:
Omaha, NE

Xavier Reckless v Cheech Kong

Joffy Laine v Shane Nelson

AWFWorld.jpg.0fa84c1b99212e4d07e76fbd5487c15d.jpgRoger Montiero vs Quentin Queen - AWF Championship

On 6/30/2024 at 4:58 PM, scapegoat said:

Xavier reckless

Joffy laine

Quentin Queen

On 6/29/2024 at 9:52 PM, DinoKea said:

AWF Running Wild Predictions

Xavier Reckless def. Cheech Kong

Joffy Laine def. Shane Nelson

AWF Championship: Roger Montiero def. Quentin Queen

On 6/30/2024 at 1:01 AM, aaron07 said:

Xavier Reckless v Cheech Kong:

Joffy Laine v Shane Nelson

AWFWorld.jpg.0fa84c1b99212e4d07e76fbd5487c15d.jpg Roger Montiero vs Quentin Queen - AWF Championship


On 6/30/2024 at 1:32 AM, newbiezness said:

Xavier Reckless v Cheech Kong

Joffy Laine v Shane Nelson

Roger Montiero vs Quentin Queen - AWF Championship

I think Monteiro would be a nice pick to be the first AWF


15 hours ago, Charasmatic Enigma said:

AWF Running Wild Card:
Omaha, NE

Xavier Reckless v Cheech Kong:

Joffy Laine v Shane Nelson

AWFWorld.jpg.0fa84c1b99212e4d07e76fbd5487c15d.jpgRoger Montiero vs Quentin Queen - AWF Championship


Monteiro is my man!

I Love Montiero too, but felt that things better set up a few storylines with a heel champ line Queen.

On 6/30/2024 at 7:18 PM, Wrestling Machine said:

Xavier Reckless v Cheech Kong

Joffy Laine 🥰🥰🥰 v Shane Nelson

Roger Montiero vs Quentin Queen with Bradford's interference against Monteiro

Good picking that Bradford might get involved! I felt that the first championship match should be clean - though i admit Bradford interfereing did cross my mind.

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AWF Signings: Too Hot, Mercutio Sleep, Tex Tagan
Mikey Lau resigns for 3 years with SWF

AWF Live Card
Lincoln, NE


Too Hot v Tex Tagan

Mutant v Hammer Hadley

Mercutio Sleep v Shane Nelson v Topher Smith (AWF Championship #1 Contenders Match)

Thoughts/Notes on Last Show:

Edited by Rhaums
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