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TEW IX Developer's Journal Discussion Thread

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The Creative Energy concept is fascinating, and one that I think will split opinion. I think it will really add to the immersion factor, provided it works as intended. This sort of addition could definitely make TEW 2020 could add to the "gameplay" of TEW as opposed to it serving as a fantasy booking framework.

@Adam Ryland, will this be a feature that can be 'deactivated' - like storyline requirements? Or will it be obligatory?

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The new additions around the booking teams and Creatice Energy are very intriguing as it provides another twist to the game and also makes the game world feel more immersive in a way as the other people on the booking team and even workers can come with ideas. The two things I could see this impacting the most is diaries and playing ass larger companies. Working in the booking team twists into diaries would create many story opportunities and with the larger companies it would be a fun challenge to handle all the personalities, especially in the cverse. Would a relationship between someone in the booking team and a worker influnce them, for example if PRIDE Koiso has Nobuyo Hikichi as a protege will he present ideas benefiting Nobuyo?

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36 minutes ago, Acey said:

will this be a feature that can be 'deactivated' - like storyline requirements? Or will it be obligatory?

It's obligatory as it's a fundamental part of the game. You can effectively disable it by turning off morale and not having anyone on your team though, as then there's no drawback to refusing requests to join the team.

28 minutes ago, pentagon said:

Would a relationship between someone in the booking team and a worker influnce them, for example if PRIDE Koiso has Nobuyo Hikichi as a protege will he present ideas benefiting Nobuyo?

Yes, internal politics are part of it.

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6 minutes ago, Adam Ryland said:

It's obligatory as it's a fundamental part of the game. You can effectively disable it by turning off morale and not having anyone on your team though, as then there's no drawback to refusing requests to join the team.

Yes, internal politics are part of it.

Good to know - thanks!

And that second answer is awesome. I think it's going to add so much diversity and nuance to saves.

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Is there the potential for you to use Workers Ideas for other workers, at the potential expense of your standing with them? There have definitely been times where someone came up with a gimmick that got given to someone else - off the top of my head, I believe the "Hall of Pain" was something Tyrus came up with, then given to Mark Henry. Apocryphally, "The Game" was supposed to be for Owen Hart originally, etc.


Psyched that this series is ready to rock again!

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Posted (edited)

Im surprised the FAQ didn’t mention that it’s technically possible to continue your previous games from 2020.

Since you can convert your saves to a database, you can convert that DB into compatible one to start with in the new game.

Beyond that, journal starts off with a healthy bang 

Edited by Teh_Showtime
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Amazing news, can't believe it's coming out so soon, too!

My main question regarding the creative team, are they company wide or if you have a brand split, would you have 2 creative teams just like WWE does irl with Raw and SD?

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Wow that's soon. Unfortunately, I've stopped playing with my friends but I would buy it for myself if there was a much needed better calendar implementation that lets you book entire months in advance.

But if that's not in again, I'll skip buying it this time around.

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As someone who has literally requested the return of creative teams since they were removed, I'm on cloud nine.

A four week journal is exciting as heck. TEW is typically a day one purchase for me, so I think I'll be setting up a database to convert on day one.

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39 minutes ago, EddieFnG said:

My main question regarding the creative team, are they company wide or if you have a brand split, would you have 2 creative teams just like WWE does irl with Raw and SD?

It's one team.

39 minutes ago, Larrikn said:

How do we decide which .gif image will be the background for workers if someone is on a brand with a background and also in a stable? 

Stables supersede brands which supersede company-specific.

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Hi Adam, 


Super excited about this. The game comes out super soon already! Im excited to see what happens with my fave Japan C-Verse companies. 

Will the game be in fullscreen resolution (920 x 1080) this year like FM runs etc.  Or is it still in the same resolution as previous editions?

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19 minutes ago, Daniel_Sykes said:

Will the game be in fullscreen resolution (920 x 1080) this year like FM runs etc.  Or is it still in the same resolution as previous editions?

It's the same resolution as the previous game.

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31 minutes ago, Road Warrior Puke said:

Hard to get excited about any new features without knowing if the game is still a slog to mod. 2020 didn't reach its full potential because of this, so it's the number one question I have about IX.

WMMA 5 had some modding features TEW 2020 didn't have, so im HOPING at the very least, those are brought over.

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Sounds amazing. Wrestlers having some kind of agency regarding the direction of their booking already sounds like a major plus when it comes to making each saves more unique.

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Two biggest things I want are Product's to be customizable/some what customizable like on 16.

And upgrade to Alliances

This booking committee gives me hope we have something similar for Alliances 🙏


Super hyped!

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