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TEW IX Developer's Journal Discussion Thread

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Can I save the new angles for repeated use? I like to write custom angles - never used Freestyle - and keep them for future saves, several are tailored to specific workers or situations. Not being able to do that would be pretty daunting.

Also, do the angle overhauls consider Chemistry (or something new, like Verbal Chemistry)? I always thought that should be a thing because some people just trash talk each other better than others.

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Older Relative Mentors

Older family members can now act as psuedo-mentors to their younger relatives without needing to be explicitly set as mentors. This saves a little bit of work for database makers and adds a nice touch of realism.

Adam, with this feature, could a worker have pseudo-mentors, as well as generate regular mentor relationships?

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2 hours ago, stratusfaction said:

My main want for a new game would be to have multiple sessions on the same computer.  It comes in super handy while editing.

Does the new external editing allow us to edit outside the game while still having the game open?  Hope that makes sense.

You can do this currently, though you just need to install a second copy of the game to a different folder. I’ve used it plenty because it was easier to look for something in game than in the editor 

At least it seems like that won’t be necessary anymore 

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Absolutely loving today's update. The angles alone could have been a thing, but the ability to edit in non-TEW editors with support is a game changer for ease of modding and makes me incredibly excited for potential mod making capabilities. Not only will it be easier to edit in terms of speed and comparison, but also there's the benefits of being able to create macros and generate reports to make things a lot cleaner when editing, as well as the fact you could upload the database to something like OneDrive and have people editing and discussing in real time. On top of that, being able to edit on Access means that it is much easier to edit on the go on devices that do not run TEW.

I genuinely believe this is the best possible outcome mod makers could have hoped for, and I'm incredibly thankful for this being supported in this iteration.

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9 hours ago, chm39 said:

My favorite stuff is inner circle and creative team so far but, this is great. Tired of having some graded on mic because the interview leads to brawl especially when they suck on the mic. 

Yeah same, I'm into the background stuff and the Owner side of things. I'm still waiting the Broadcasting and contract setup. hoping the Broadcasting gets evolution to the new era

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2 minutes ago, benjirino said:

Absolutely loving today's update. The angles alone could have been a thing, but the ability to edit in non-TEW editors with support is a game changer for ease of modding and makes me incredibly excited for potential mod making capabilities. Not only will it be easier to edit in terms of speed and comparison, but also there's the benefits of being able to create macros and generate reports to make things a lot cleaner when editing, as well as the fact you could upload the database to something like OneDrive and have people editing and discussing in real time. On top of that, being able to edit on Access means that it is much easier to edit on the go on devices that do not run TEW.

I genuinely believe this is the best possible outcome mod makers could have hoped for, and I'm incredibly thankful for this being supported in this iteration.

right... I always wanted to become a mod but there are some things I really get bored with editing or some things I don't really know about other promotions overseas. It would be fun to help one of the modders with stuff they may not care about like media group, broadcasters, etc. stuff like that is fun to me

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6 hours ago, RingRider said:

Certainly don't want to complicate this issue, but TEW does have pregnancy. For that reason, I would think sex and gender need to both be considered. I think separate dropdown menu for both sex and pronouns would be great--but that's just my 2 cents. 

No that's very true, I just write (and talk honestly) before I think. 


6 hours ago, Jaysin said:

I wasn't really thinking people would get offended, more so there would be potential missteps like the random sexual identity changing that was originally announced for TEW2020 where someone notoriously homophobic like Warrior could randomly change to bisexual or homosexual. I have hoped for a "coming out" type thing where we could set a worker to date a certain gender, but maybe set a narrative to have them come out of the closet? Something we could control would have been nice. I love randomness in the game, but it would have been immersion breaking for me. 

There was also an incredibly homophobic owner goal that was also removed because it was classless. Like most people's sexual identity isn't open, but there was an owner goal that prevented you from hiring non-hetero workers. While there are plenty of scumbag owners in wrestling, but that's literal grounds for a lawsuit. 

I don't think either of those issues were done with malice though, just from a place of not thinking things through. TEW is a top five franchise game for me and I want it to progress. Switching Gender to Pronouns is a wonderful idea!


Nah I was just being a bit pessimistic. Not accusing anyone or thinking of anyone in particular, but I grit my teeth whenever a topic of sex and gender and pronouns get brought up on the internet, so forgive me for being a bit quick on the draw sounding pointed.

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I personally don't like the angle system becoming similar to that of PWS but I get that it's easier. I just liked having the idea in my head of what exactly was going on in the angle without me having to write it out myself.

As far as everything else, especially the canvasing workers for opinions on wrestlers thing, I love that

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On 7/7/2024 at 8:18 AM, Questlove said:

It will all probably depend on how attractive the game is to mod. Are there new tools for modders to make better, more in depth mods in a way that isn't comically time consuming? Is the game actually fun to play at the end of it? Nobody will be able to answer that until the dev journal is over and the game is out really.

Step 1 at the very least is going to be some kind of robust external editing because if people have to convert their mods, sort out all the balancing issues and have stuff like a real calendar plus heights/weights to deal with by manually going through every profile, peace out, it's not happening lol

Catching up and reading this on Monday night after today's diary and I chuckled at this, because it seems your prayers were answered. 

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I have two questions from today's dev journal:

i) Would it be possible to provide a blank db file before the beta so mod makers can start working early and getting used to the new way of data editing? I guess that could spoil some things in the dev journal and you may not be open to it due to that, was just something that came to mind;

ii) how will the different angle settings impact the game? For instance, will a pre-recorded promo be less affected by a worker not knowing how to speak a language? Given that it is pre-recorded, it could have subtitles (e.g. what WWE has done in the past with Nakamura or Iyo Sky), so that could be a nice change of pace, as it would open up ways for you to use foreign workers.

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I am so beyond over the moon with today's entry. I have broken databases in the past trying to edit them in Access and Excel because we weren't really supposed to. I know @Adam Ryland has taken a look at what I've done in the past and been flabbergasted at me. I'm totally taking credit for him giving us this opportunity (whether true or not). Hahahahhaha


The change to angles is super welcome. I was just thinking about creating a bunch of them, but now I don't have to and that is awesome!


I had been on the fence about porting the CV2005 database over because I've created a lot of other projects for myself since the release of TEW 2020, but the new editor options may make it so I go for it. @Stennick, I might just be back on board! I love TEW and I've spent far too many hours tinkering with it over the years, as I'm sure many others have.

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2 hours ago, D16NJD16 said:

Would prefer an actual improved in game editor, ie what WMMA 5 has rather than this "just use excel" stuff. Not saying using excel shouldn't be an option.

A database editor is much more powerful than just using Excel. I'll take the speed at which proper database editing can be done in Access or DB Browser over Adam spending time trying to re-invent the wheel.

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Question about era specific contracts:

"In addition to what was discussed in the previous entry, era can now also be used to set whether written contracts are enabled or disabled. If disabled, they can't be offered at all. This may be useful to some database makers constructing historical scenarios such as the days of the territories."

If a 'written contracts are disabled' era starts part way into a save, would the writtens already in place stay or be converted to PPAs?


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A harder financial environment is especially nice since TEW 2020 was way too easy when it came to making a massive profit. I can't wait to see how medium and smaller companies try to adjust to this difficulty spike.

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35 minutes ago, TheDeep5ix said:

A harder financial environment is especially nice since TEW 2020 was way too easy when it came to making a massive profit. I can't wait to see how medium and smaller companies try to adjust to this difficulty spike.

The Star Era:

Wage Demands - up 200%

Sponsorship, Attendance, TV Viewership, PPV Viewership, TV Revenue, PPV Revenue - all down 50%

Merchandise Income - up 500%

Marketing Expenses, Admin Expenses, Misc Expenses, Show Costs and Venue Hire - same


You gotta get those big names to survive.

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That Era mechanic sounds incredible. I'm really excited to see what a mod set in the 70s could feel like right after playing in the 2020s.

Just like the locker room feature, I love that the Wrestling School will allow us to keep the retired veterans as an active part of the company and create an added depth to the history of the company. 

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I like how finances are being managed, database makers can make changes to the cost and revenue rather than a fixed amount for a specific era. I like having control on my personal games as well, fine changes.

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Love the era changes, and although it's a fairly small thing in general, increased Tag Team and Client/Manager relationships are huge to me. It was a major pet peeve that veteran teams would often remain completely indifferent about each other after being on the road together for years.

Question about Contracts: Would it be possible to add a setting that disables only exclusive written contracts, or better yet, only allows them for Big and above companies? It's jarring to see Medium companies with all exclusive rosters. Written contracts are fine for MLW-sized companies, but Exclusive Written should be reserved for the WWEs and AAAs of the game world in most cases.

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10 minutes ago, GrindhouseArts said:

Love the era changes, and although it's a fairly small thing in general, increased Tag Team and Client/Manager relationships are huge to me. It was a major pet peeve that veteran teams would often remain completely indifferent about each other after being on the road together for years.

Question about Contracts: Would it be possible to add a setting that disables only exclusive written contracts, or better yet, only allows them for Big and above companies? It's jarring to see Medium companies with all exclusive rosters. Written contracts are fine for MLW-sized companies, but Exclusive Written should be reserved for the WWEs and AAAs of the game world in most cases.

TV exclusive written would be a fine addition imo for exact cases like this. 

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