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TEW IX Developer's Journal Discussion Thread

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Love that same sex marriage addition. As a gay man myself I enjoy adding little gay hints to databases made prior to its mainstream acceptance to indicates its there even if it’s not seen publicly or in some cases legal.


Question for the men’s and women’s division section. How would this work for mixed tag matches? If someone’s set to men’s division only will they need to be switched to men’s division usually (unsure what the title of that was right now) and same for the women? Or will the game understand what’s happening since there’s a man and woman on each team?

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1 minute ago, MiykaelP said:

I dislike the term "Cisgender" can't it just be Male/Female and whatever other options the person wants to identify as?  

I’m not going to get into an argument this is absolutely not the place for it, so I’m going to take this as just a good faith misunderstanding of things. 

The term “cisgender” is made up of the prefix “cis-“ and obviously the word “gender”. 

“Cis-“ as a prefix historically means “nearer to” or “on the near side of” and the word “cisgender” has existed since the 1990s. It is basically the perfect word to describe somebody who identifies with the gender they were assigned at birth. Disliking the word “cisgender” is essentially like saying you dislike the word Toaster despite the fact the word describes exactly what something is. 

“Male” and “Female” as your only categorisations just don’t encompass the totality of human experience especially not in the year of our lord 2024, and while it’s an extremely small thing in a cosmic sense, seeing my identity represented in this silly little text based wrestling booking simulator has been something I’ve wanted for literally my entire adult life. And in a world that is in the process of stripping people like me’s rights away it’s just a lovely little inclusion to make me feel welcome in a community. And as I said before, this creates a more realistic and rounded simulation of the reality we all live in. 

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11 minutes ago, tryker2710 said:

I’m not going to get into an argument this is absolutely not the place for it, so I’m going to take this as just a good faith misunderstanding of things. 

The term “cisgender” is made up of the prefix “cis-“ and obviously the word “gender”. 

“Cis-“ as a prefix historically means “nearer to” or “on the near side of” and the word “cisgender” has existed since the 1990s. It is basically the perfect word to describe somebody who identifies with the gender they were assigned at birth. Disliking the word “cisgender” is essentially like saying you dislike the word Toaster despite the fact the word describes exactly what something is. 

“Male” and “Female” as your only categorisations just don’t encompass the totality of human experience especially not in the year of our lord 2024, and while it’s an extremely small thing in a cosmic sense, seeing my identity represented in this silly little text based wrestling booking simulator has been something I’ve wanted for literally my entire adult life. And in a world that is in the process of stripping people like me’s rights away it’s just a lovely little inclusion to make me feel welcome in a community. And as I said before, this creates a more realistic and rounded simulation of the reality we all live in. 

1> I can like or dislike whatever words/terms I choose. Don't try to gaslight me

2> It does not strip your rights for me wanting to turn on/off an option, nor does it invalidate your existence. I am just a normal man and don't want have to edit every wrestler as "Cisgender"

Edited by MiykaelP
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Heck yea, thanks for today's stuff!  It's maybe not perfect (I'd suggest "AFAB/AMAB" instead of "Female/Male" for the non binary categories, and I'm not sure what "Other" is used for other than my weird mods with lots of non-humans) but it's a big step forward and I appreciate it.

Also I will respond to this one time: it looks like the word "cisgender" will not appear in the main game, and is the default in the editor, so I bet you can ignore it if you try really hard!  I don't like the word "moist" but sometimes we have to see words we don't like.

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12 minutes ago, MiykaelP said:

1> I can like or dislike whatever words/terms I choose. Don't try to gaslight me

2> It does not strip your rights for me wanting to turn on/off an option, nor does it invalidate your existence. I am just a normal man and don't want have to edit every wrestler as "Cisgender"

Well you won't have to edit anything, cause that's what they'll be set as by default.

"The converter will automatically assign the Cisgender Male / He-Him and Cisgender Female / She-Her settings based on the gender the worker had in TEW2020, so in the vast majority of cases database makers will not have to do any extra work to incorporate these changes."

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Keeping in with the tolerance and theme of acceptance and diversity on this.... if someone wants the label "male" or "female" instead of "cismale" and "cisfemale" they have as much right as anyone else to have that surely? The definitions provided of “nearer to” or “on the near side of” aren't 100% accurate descriptions of a traditional "male" and "female" surely.

A traditional "male" or "female" may not want to be considered as "nearer to" their respective gender but that gender outright.

If I said to a female relative, friend or my wife that they "are nearer to" a female, they'd probably be a bit perplexed to say the least.


Associate however you feel comfortable obviously, it should go without saying.



Edited by Powerful_Fox
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I'm really happy with the new changes to gender and finally seeing asexual represented (apart from just trait) as it was one of my main gripes with the previous game. The addition of pronouns is very woke and far more than I expected, it makes me very glad :).


One small thing but maybe the previous "Desireless" attribute could be changed i to "Romanticless" or maybe even "Aromantic" I can understand that adding not just sexuality but romantic preferences might be too much for any stage of the game, but I feel like adding it as an attribute could be just enough to represent Aro people at least for now. I'm only demisexual, not Aro though so maybe an actual Aromantic person should be asking for this! xP

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7 minutes ago, MiykaelP said:

wonderful, I get to see these stupid unnecessary terms automatically assigned to everyone . Thanks Adam! 

What's stupid and unnecessary is getting mad about something that doesn't affect you in the slightest and actually makes other people happy.

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I'm stepping in now to make sure everyone plays nice.  You don't need to like everything, and you don't need to comment on everything.  The forum has react buttons these days that can be used to give generalised feedback, and I encourage using those in place of throwing out the kinds of debates / arguments that GDS has no interest in hosting.

Thanks for reading, stay happy :)

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16 minutes ago, MiykaelP said:

wonderful, I get to see these stupid unnecessary terms automatically assigned to everyone . Thanks Adam! 

Thank you for providing an example of what not to be.


To clarify a bit of the dev diary does cis/transgender appear in the roster screen or is it just the preffered gender id. For example assuming Wolf is cis would it be "Wolf Hawins male wrestler".

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4 minutes ago, Astil said:

Thank you for providing an example of what not to be.


To clarify a bit of the dev diary does cis/transgender appear in the roster screen or is it just the preffered gender id. For example assuming Wolf is cis would it be "Wolf Hawins male wrestler".

I love you too man. Good that its not Wolf Hawkins - Cisgnder Male everywhere. :)

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18 minutes ago, LTDangerous said:

What's stupid and unnecessary is getting mad about something that doesn't affect you in the slightest and actually makes other people happy.

I am not even really mad and nice attempt for everyone to gaslight , I just wanted an option to turn it on/.off. Not trying to remove all these changes Adam made to game. 

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4 minutes ago, MiykaelP said:

I am not even really mad, just want the option to turn it off/on. People are trying to gaslight me on here now acting like I Want to take all these features away. So tolerant...

If you arent mad I will say you come off as if you dislike seeing proof of trans people in game mainly because of heavy handed complaint language without offering any alternatives. I assume you dont want these features taken away that is a mischaracterazation so Im letting you know how I got to that conclusion. Not sure it helps but there you are.


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1 minute ago, Astil said:

If you arent mad I will say you come off as if you dislike seeing proof of trans people in game mainly because of heavy handed complaint language without offering any alternatives. I assume you dont want these features taken away that is a mischaracterazation so Im letting you know how I got to that conclusion. Not sure it helps but there you are.

Alternative: Male, Female, Tran-male, Trans-female, other You are trying to characterize me as trans hater, I don't care because its not true.  People are free to be whatever they want to identify as . 

1 minute ago, Astil said:



Edited by MiykaelP
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5 minutes ago, MiykaelP said:

Alternative: Male, Female, Tran-male, Trans-female, other


It would just say Male, Female, Male, Female in most spots in game. The only place the cis/trans assignment would be is in specific screens and the editor from my reading of it. In game there would be very little acknowldgement as a trans women is a women for most game aspects except the physical decline and most likely pregnancy checks.

Edited by Astil
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Just now, Astil said:

It would just say Male, Female, Male, Female in most spots in game. The only place the cis/trans assignment would be is in specific screens and the editor for my reading of it. In game there would be very little acknowldgement as a trans women is a women for most game aspects except the physical decline and most likely pregnancy checks.

that sounds reasonable if that is true. 

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4 minutes ago, MiykaelP said:

Alternative: Male, Female, Tran-male, Trans-female, other You are trying to characterize me as trans hater, I don't care because its not true.  People are free to be whatever they want to identify as . 


For someone who is apparently genuine and not at all hateful it's awfully strange to have such a weird little meltdown over a completely accurate, inoffensive prefix

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@Adam Ryland just a suggestion but instead of other Genderqueer or Gender Queer could work. Its not perfect but most Non-cis people in my life would likely rather be miscast as GQ than be litterally othered as that tends to be a more loaded term. Although I would very much suggest asking around and getting more than my very limited experence :)

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3 minutes ago, Astil said:

@Adam Ryland just a suggestion but instead of other Genderqueer or Gender Queer could work. Its not perfect but most Non-cis people in my life would likely rather be miscast as GQ than be litterally othered as that tends to be a more loaded term. Although I would very much suggest asking around and getting more than my very limited experence :)

Someone did mention that other could be used for like fully fantasy mods so I think it would be fine to keep it as is tbh, or maybe just add genderqueer as an extra thing if that's possible just cuz I do think having the option for fantasy stuff is kinda neato. 

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To clarify, you'd only be seeing the prefixes like 'cisgender' on specific screens where it matters, like the editor and search facilities, or if you're specifically going into a worker's personal details section to look for it. You're just seeing 'male' or 'female' most of the time.

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5 hours ago, TwilightPoster said:

I made this point for 2020, that 40 was the new 30 and that with the rise of Developmental Feds, guys don't even get over until their late 30s now. Men should be peak 30-40, not 25-32 with a slow decline throughout their 40s. And girls should peak 26-36 or so, and that's only because they have children to birth and biological clocks and muscle depressing hormones to manage. With the current lifestyle of wrestlers turning from Wannabe Rockstars, to Performance Artists, with dietary and workout optimizations, we are just in a separate world now. 

If you manage injuries well, you should routinely see guys making it to 45-50. and girls 40-45. 

I think there should be a mass edit function for decline age where we can set a decline age rage that can be applied to people active in certain decades. For example: If you become active in 1970s, you might start to decline in your early 30s, 1980s you start to decline in your mid 30s, etc. The way it is currently, you have to set it as Random or pick a specific age. Let's say I'm doing a modern day RW mod, I'd want them to start their decline in their mid 40s and beyond, but still maintain a bit of randomness to it. Like, I don't want it to be completely random and Cody Rhodes ends up declining immediately, but I also don't want to give him a hard decline age of 45. However, giving us the ability to select say 45-50 meaning they can start to decline at anytime between those ages would be fair.

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Another question apologies if I missed it.

Is sexuality used for relationships or cheating or both? Using my own self I am asexual but have been with my partner over 20 years. Would the game just not assign me a partner during random relationship checks?

Also at some point does it impact gameplay. Could I set my relationship to friendship woth my partner and have the same in game impact assuming we were both in wrestling?

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Really hoping to see some expanded behind-the-scenes business aspects. I know TEW is a booking sim but I've always wanted to see more tycoon elements added. Optional stuff you can have full control over or let the CPU handle - similar to how merchandise worked in older games. Definitely hope he adds optional letter grades back as well. 

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1 minute ago, LoganRodzen said:

Really hoping to see some expanded behind-the-scenes business aspects. I know TEW is a booking sim but I've always wanted to see more tycoon elements added. Optional stuff you can have full control over or let the CPU handle - similar to how merchandise worked in older games. Definitely hope he adds optional letter grades back as well. 

I would be interested in features like these as well  How did merchandise work in the older games? I have only played TEW 2020. 

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