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TEW IX Developer's Journal Discussion Thread

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Ok, it was an incredible surprise at work the other night when somehow or another word of this new TEW IX somehow appeared on my Facebook feed.  It's weird... I play with TEW most every day... but apparently I don't visit the forums anywhere near as much as I used to, (it's not intentional, I swear!), because... I had NO IDEA!  Definitely anxious to see what the new game has in store.

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27 minutes ago, dvdWarrior said:

Ok, it was an incredible surprise at work the other night when somehow or another word of this new TEW IX somehow appeared on my Facebook feed.  It's weird... I play with TEW most every day... but apparently I don't visit the forums anywhere near as much as I used to, (it's not intentional, I swear!), because... I had NO IDEA!  Definitely anxious to see what the new game has in store.

Same thing happened for me. I saw something about TEW IX. I was on here for quite a bit in the lead up to the announcement but work got crazy and I didn't get on much for a week and then out of nowhere it popped up on FB. For once the social media algorithm worked in my favor. 

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11 hours ago, MrCanada said:

Workers "Tagging along with friends" is vital to workers getting discovered. Would be a great mechanic to have friendships increase the chance of workers showing up to shows.

Other question about the spillover mechanic:

I think I read it will automatically apply at a games start. Is there a way to just auto apply it with a click of a button within the editor itself?

It already does. If you set someone with a pop of 100 in, say, the Great Lakes, if you back out and go in the popularity screen, it shows the spillover

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24 minutes ago, ColossusPT said:

It already does. If you set someone with a pop of 100 in, say, the Great Lakes, if you back out and go in the popularity screen, it shows the spillover

He means the editor, not in game

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10 hours ago, Stennick said:

Same thing happened for me. I saw something about TEW IX. I was on here for quite a bit in the lead up to the announcement but work got crazy and I didn't get on much for a week and then out of nowhere it popped up on FB. For once the social media algorithm worked in my favor. 

Funnily enough for me it was me randomly checking my blog's stats and seeing my old "Looking at the TEW series" post from a year or two ago suddenly having a spike in views, so I thought "I wonder why that is...?" and decided to pop over to the forums, and low and behold: TEW IX! Before that I'd been mostly checking in here and there in other parts of the forum.

The game is looking great by the way, it seems like one of those entries where there hasn't been a major overhaul but instead everything seems to be improved in really fun ways, in some cases dramatically.

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With the new diversity integration:

For our AI booking, ran child companies, etc. and hiring rules, etc. - are we able to make it for sure that biological born males/females only compete against biological born males/females? Which then would also hinder any wrestler who is trans and wants to only compete against their trans sex - would need a hiring rule to not hire those individuals because they wouldn't want to compete in a match against their biological sex. Does that make sense?

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2 hours ago, Cold Cobra said:

Funnily enough for me it was me randomly checking my blog's stats and seeing my old "Looking at the TEW series" post from a year or two ago suddenly having a spike in views, so I thought "I wonder why that is...?" and decided to pop over to the forums, and low and behold: TEW IX! Before that I'd been mostly checking in here and there in other parts of the forum.

The game is looking great by the way, it seems like one of those entries where there hasn't been a major overhaul but instead everything seems to be improved in really fun ways, in some cases dramatically.

For me the biggest overhaul is the thing everyone has been waiting on and thats a way to make editing less time consuming. Which that in itself is huge and then you have all the extra layers being built on TEW20's ideas and I'm all in. 

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On 7/19/2024 at 4:45 PM, naizen45 said:

So many cool things that have been announced!


Does anybody know if a standard converted 2020 CVerse database is really playable without much adjustments on TEW IX, maybe based on the experiences on how it was for TEW 2016 to TEW 2020?


I fell in love with a savegame/ diary idea that probably won't be possible to do or at least a lot different with new database going two years forward

I mean, nobody knows this for sure but in the past most databases are playable from a conversion — they just might not make best use of the new features and changes. 

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Has there been any confirmation on how many months will be playable during the beta?

Also, with the option to give workers the day off before booking a show, is there going to be any improvements/ changes to pre-booking? It's something I never used, but given this change I think it could be a more valuable tool. I always have a tough time deciding which workers I will end up using until I'm actively booking a show. It would be nice if we were able to pre-book a specific show, then, when we get to the day of, have an option to select all workers not pre-booked to be given the day off.

Loving all the changes so far Adam, definitely looking like this will be the best TEW to date. The 27th can't come fast enough.

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1 hour ago, Jaysounder said:

Has there been any confirmation on how many months will be playable during the beta?

Also, with the option to give workers the day off before booking a show, is there going to be any improvements/ changes to pre-booking? It's something I never used, but given this change I think it could be a more valuable tool. I always have a tough time deciding which workers I will end up using until I'm actively booking a show. It would be nice if we were able to pre-book a specific show, then, when we get to the day of, have an option to select all workers not pre-booked to be given the day off.

Loving all the changes so far Adam, definitely looking like this will be the best TEW to date. The 27th can't come fast enough.

I think it’s three months. That’s what it was last time.

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I have a question:

Is it possible to keep the Dojo of a company you decide to buy?

For example, in my save I bought Actwres while managing AJPW and doing so the Dojo has closed.

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18 hours ago, Historian said:

I mean, nobody knows this for sure but in the past most databases are playable from a conversion — they just might not make best use of the new features and changes. 

Given what's been announced, it should be relatively playable without any manual work. The heights and weights will most likely be a fixed number based on the setting in TEW20.

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13 hours ago, Genox90 said:

I have a question:

Is it possible to keep the Dojo of a company you decide to buy?

For example, in my save I bought Actwres while managing AJPW and doing so the Dojo has closed.

If you select pillage and then use the drop-down to select Schools you should already be able to do that. 

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Hi Adam,


Will we be able to trigger future narratives or news in the game and control the affect it has on the game world? i.e. plan a future controversy to occur for a worker at a certain time? This would greatly enhance ability for storytelling for custom mods. Thanks.

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4 hours ago, OGpistolpete said:

Hi Adam,


Will we be able to trigger future narratives or news in the game and control the affect it has on the game world? i.e. plan a future controversy to occur for a worker at a certain time? This would greatly enhance ability for storytelling for custom mods. Thanks.

I wish we could set scandals to occur at any time after a save has already been started. Likewise, narratives that cause deaths or major injuries would be very convenient for some playthroughs.

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