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What's Going On in Your Game?

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Feeling excited for WrestleMania. It will be the next show I book.

I ended up firing Vince McMahon because he started causing rifts.  I put Jack Tunney on the booking team, but he has awful chemistry with Billy Idol. (my user character) Thankfully, I just hired Jim Cornette, he is now on the team along with his good friend George Scott, and Pat Patterson.

Usually, I'd go on the signing rampage at the start, bringing in Savage, Jake the snake, Road Warriors etc.  For a change, I haven't brought in any of them, well, almost, I couldn't resist The Million Dollar man. The new angle setup made me want him for some reason, like he was calling out to me.  It was strange.

Hulk Hogan vs Roddy Piper is the main event.  In the build-up, I was proud of the Hulkster, he did suggest an alternative to losing an angle against Piper, but he was still happy afterwards.

Can David Sammartino cause the upset against the good Doctor, or should I say, bad Doctor? We have a lot of slightly negatives in my locker room, but Dave Schultz stands alone with his negative.

Billy Idol as my character makes sense since it's the whole rock n wrestling and I got my weekly show on MTV.  He's not being used as an authority or anything, he's just there, feuding with The Hart Foundation for some reason.  Billy reached out to his good friend Jim Cornette and we're getting The Hart Foundation vs The Midnight Express (Stan and Bobby) at the biggest show in wrestling history.

All this plus so much more at WRESTLEMANIA!!!!!!


Edited by Alan James
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So I was screwing about with some ideas that weren't thrilling me and then right before I hit the three month time limit? Cerebro gets fired from EILL and then sues and wins about 350k in a unjust termination lawsuit. So I edited him to have at least some Booking skill and shelved the save until the full game, where he's going to form a "I'm going to make my own lucha promotion with firetrucks and hookers and elephants, you jerks!" company. I plan to give it extra money based on the lawsuit and a minor pop boost to represent its being founded right after this was all in the news. 

Now I just need to hire a bunch of indie guys, hungry rookies, outcasts, and people who were released from various places. But I really liked that progression of events and I've never seen it before.

First time I'm actually glad for the OLLIE closing, as it frees up at least a few workers I can snag.

Edited by JackNo
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One thing I've noticed even after just 3 months in several playthroughs that while the rookie crowd in the game is pretty thin and I think it could use expansion in the CVerse? The game is pretty good at quickly rounding out the field with some decent rookies even in just three months. I still feel like feds seeking new talent are up against it, but at least it starts to course correct relatively quickly. There's even the occasional random worker who seems poised to be a big deal, though not always in the place or way a player might want.

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6 hours ago, Alan James said:

Billy Idol as my character makes sense since it's the whole rock n wrestling and I got my weekly show on MTV.  He's not being used as an authority or anything, he's just there, feuding with The Hart Foundation for some reason.  Billy reached out to his good friend Jim Cornette and we're getting The Hart Foundation vs The Midnight Express (Stan and Bobby) at the biggest show in wrestling history.

All this plus so much more at WRESTLEMANIA!!!!!!


Bret:  "So, we were working that feud with Bill Idol..."

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First save I played was with APW, RAW immediately signed all their top guys to exclusive written contracts whenever I tried to pick someone up.  Turns out this is an easy way to make them bleed money as they're already done to 1.9 million after starting with 3.5 million with Maurice Jackson pocketing 70k a month and Swoop 153k a month.

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Texas Pete and Akima Brave signed 2 year written deals with USPW after I tried to sign them on handshake deals with four appearances to get my young guys over.  USPW is having NONE of that.  Those are their grandfathers and they need them NOW.

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I have started a new joshi company in Japan (C-verse) and now for the second time Chitose Ariwara showed up asking to be booked for the show. First time I sent her away, but now I would've felt bad so I accepted and added a quick match to the show, making Otsune Tsumura wrestle twice. It's not like I am making any money yet.

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I'm watching the world from afar with a CWW game. Having hired an extra road agent and a referee I've found out just how dangerous the Head Referee position is.  My new referee Roy Worrall was given the role of Head Ref over Cedric Du Preez (who starts with CWW) and literally EVERY SHOW CDP snipes and complains about the decision to overlook him. 

The economy and wrestling industry is massively depressed right now in the UK which is hampering my progress but I'm plugging away and trying to pre-book every show to give people the night off and save money/morale.

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I'm about halfway through 2022 in my VWA save.

European Champion - Michael Gregory (297 Days, 7 succesful title defenses).

  • def. Lauro Giordano (The Price of Victory)
  • def. Lauro Giordano (Settling The Score)
  • def. Pavel Vanzycha (WrestleBowl 2022)
  • def Walker van Cleer (Berlin Bash Night 1)
  • def. Lauro Giordano (Berlin Bash Night 2)
  • def. Pavel Vanzycha (Main Event Madness)

Swiss Champion - Konrad Makinen (79 Days, 2 succesful title defenses).

  • def. Quake, Christopher Lister and Antonio Arias to win title (Berlin Bash Night 2)
  • def. Antonio Arias (Warsaw 2022)
  • def. Quake (Main Event Madness)

Tag Team Champions - The Wild Springboks (Ben Markram & Buffalo Bill Rothschild) (29 Days, no succesful title defenses).

  • def. The Bern Boys to win the titles (Main Event Madness) 

VWA WrestleBowl Winner - Walker van Cleer

Created achievement. "WrestleBowl usually means Four Way match, in 2022 a trophy was handed to the winner and he could call himself the winner of the VWA WrestleBowl, from then on a yearly tradition began.

Winning the WrestleBowl is known as 'Ascending the Mountain', with the trophy itself being modelled after the three peaks of VWA's logo."


Current storylines:

Beauty and the Beast - Michael Gregory has a new challenger as the gifted Pavel Vanzycha steps up to challenge him.

Battle of the Italian Stallions - As Lauro Giordano swallows his disappointment after yet another European title loss another Italian alpha male, Marcello Ricci, makes his way into VWA. The battle of the Italian stallions is on.

VWA Tag Title - Last time The Bern Boys faced the toughest, now they stand across from what might be the most talented challengers they've ever had in The Wild Springboks.

Next Big Thing vs. Best to ever do it - The young Alfonso D'Angelo is looking to prove himself in VWA and what better way to prove that you are the future than to beat one of the best veterans of the game in Christopher Lister.

Edited by Genking
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So month one of CILL:

CILL Redención (07/01/2022)

Basically this card was based off of the pre-set storylines given within the game. I forgot to get a broadcaster prior to the event airing but that wasn't the worst thing to happen given it gave us a tidy profit from not airing anything.

Mephisto had just started his title reign and Amazing Fire Fly had already won contendership. Fire Fly is an act I can push pretty far but he's also working other promotions touring so I made the call to keep Mephisto with the title for now following shenanigans of Mephisto's Council of Decay lackey Phobia distracting Fire Fly into a loss.

The semi-main was basically just an exhibition match designed to give Aztec Prince a win following him losing the title to Mephisto pre-diary and to get some bigger names on the card.

Tigre beat Wraith in our technical masterclass match (I'm making the Mexican Championship be the bearer of that particular requirement going forward to give me a nice clear division in workers. Wraith is something of a meh worker so Tigre taking the title off of him was an easy call, and sets him up for a feud with a rudo I've just signed (more on that later).

Poison Moon beat Electric Pink as part of a grander Luchadora Revolución I'm planning, there's four women in the feud by default (Celeste Moon and Poison Ivy AKA "Poison Moon", and Electric Dreamer and Pinky Perez AKA Electric Pink). Dreamer holds the Women's title and it's basically going to be these four women fighting over the belt. Of course, given they are tag teams I will be throwing spanners in the works (and again, more on that later). "The Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez debuted as the manager of Poison Moon to give them a mouthpiece and an in-game legend they can leech some popularity from to help grow the division. Rodriguez claims to have joined "Poison Moon" because God spoke to him in a dream, where He showed Pablo a crimson moon...

Phoenix IV beat El Serpiente in another exhibition match just to get both on the card.

Evil Intent and The Vikings had a feud set up pre-game by The Vikings attacking the champs at the end of the last show of the year. This match continued that theme by going to a double DQ draw when all the men involved (and their accomplices - Hush for The Vikings, and that nuisance Phobia again) got into the weapons.

The women's trios match was basically a showcase for Maribel to get her some momentum and again to get people on the card.


CILL Declaración de Guerra (04/02/2022)


I started a TV show which is draining me of money quickly and will put me in debt shortly unless my owner feels generous. I started the game with $80k, just over month in I have $48k. This is going to be a rough period for CILL unless I can find a way to make money or they let me out of my TV contract 😐 

So on with the next event!

Mephisto made Fire Fly jump through hoops to get a rematch despite Fire Fly pinning his cohort Slayyer in a trios match that also involved Mephisto, Slayyer's tag partner Hellspawn 666, and The Vikings on our premier TV episode. Firefly had to beat each of the Council of Decay to earn his rematch, he beat Phobia no worries, but whoops... he was double booked for week three. It worked out pretty well, because then in week four he had to beat the tag champs Slayer and Hellspawn in a handicap match to get his title match - cue interference from The Vikings who used it to get under the Council's skin and also get their rematch in the process. Unfortunately for Firefly, the heavy schedule meant that he again took the loss to Mephisto, a loss which was caused in error by his recently absent tag team partner Rapido. Oh Rapido, it was definitely an accident, we all know you wouldn't possibly have ulterior motives.

The arrogant El Hijo del Neutron was the individual I had planned to face Tigre. He debuted by attacking and injuring Tigre after the tiger defeated Wraith in his rematch and had a month of arrogance and violence where he also attacked Tigre's tag team partner El Jaguar. Tigre returned, but he was clearly not 100%, and Neutron took full advantage picking up the win and the title in his first major event.

Sabra Man Jr, Aztec Prince and Fallen Angel basically united to take out religious zealots The Cleansing, and that gross gimmick will now be swept under the rug and they will be repackaged.

After a month of The Vikings trying to fuck up Evil Intent/Council of Decay to get a title rematch, The Vikings won a dog collar match against Slayyer and Hellspawn to become the new tag team champions. I don't feel like that's the end of this feud by any stretch.

My favourite match and booking was for the women's division. Celeste Moon had beaten Dreamer for the title on our TV premier, and so the number one contender for Moon's title saw tag partner Poison Ivy, as well as rivals Ekectric Dreamer and Pinky Perez (Electric Pink) in a four way with Maribel Mercado. Perez won, but only by stealing the pin from tag partner Dreamer, and Poison Ivy accidentally being cost the match by Moon who was trying to help her. Both tag teams have been antagonised in angles by Maribel since, and she continued the trend by doing commentary for the title match and causing further arguments. Dreamer accidentally cost Pinky the match (hence her post-match fury) and redhead schemer Maribel's plans to divide and conquer the women's division continue.

Queens of Hell is Hellcat Hernandez and her tag team partner Jaguar Queen, who actually got into an argument behind the scenes just before this match. I almost punished them with a loss, I like them as a unit so I fed them a win for now and may add them to the revolucion mix down the line.

Pre-show saw Phoenix win a 20-man battle royal for a title shot (not decided which one or where yet), but that was largely just to get people on the card.

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I was trying a RTG save when WLW got hit in June 2022 with another scandal involving the yakuza resulting in Kaneie Komine resigning and them losing their broadcast deals. The idea of them getting caught with a second scandal in four years piqued my interest enough to put the RTG aside and swap user characters. It's the first time I've ever committed to a touring company so I'm really interested in seeing where it goes.

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I decided that my first proper save with TEW IX was gonna be a rehash of my WWE 2010 save for TEW2020.

A lot of the story beats I made with the previous save are going to be similar (Cena/Sheamus being the Bret vs. Vince match for Mania, ECW surviving a little longer before becoming NXT, Miz as MITB, etc.), but I am planning on diverting a little bit differently:

  • I started building onto the eventual Kane vs. Undertaker feud that would happen IRL much earlier, with Kane showing signs of frustration and paranoia against everyone right at the start of the save, creating tension for him and Taker to get that feud going after Mania, and thus lead to that whodunit of Undertaker being beaten comatose that they did heading into SummerSlam.
  • I decided to capitalize on Zack Ryder's momentum from after his feud victory over Tommy Dreamer closed out ECW in 2009, so that he wound up winning the Homecoming Battle Royal to face Christian at the Royal Rumble (IIRC the previous save was Christian vs. Punk at the Rumble instead). This is mostly going to be inspired by Matt Cardona's GCW run (though obviously with a PG product, you couldn't duplicate it the same way).
  • I don't remember if it's what I did for the TEW2020 version of the save, but I'm having Hart Dynasty get the tag titles at WrestleMania and solidifying themselves as faces by going over Punk and Gallows (who'll get the titles from DX in an identical fashion to how I did it last time).
  • ECW will last until SummerSlam this time instead of WrestleMania - much like the previous save, though, I'll have RVD and Paul Heyman coming back, but I also locked down Bobby Lashley as a neat return signing just to spice things up.
  • The WWE title match at the Rumble is also a bit different - it is now Orton vs. Sheamus vs. Kofi in a Triple Threat, after Orton and Kofi wind up double-pinning Cena in the #1 contenders' match on Raw. I think the plan is still Cena vs. Sheamus at Mania.
  • Edge vs. Jericho and Mysterio vs. Batista will both still be going to Mania, but Batista will win the Big Gold at the Chamber instead of Jericho, and both feuds will converge into a Fatal 4 Way at Mania.
  • I'm also toying around with the idea of having the Women's and Divas titles unified for a little bit after WrestleMania - but unlike them just merging it into one title for until the 2016 brand split, I'll just have someone (either Maryse or Mickie) holding onto both titles for a bit and they'll be split off in whatever way I plan to do it when I get to that point.

In terms of what else could happen, I haven't solidified it all.

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So I'm still sussing out what to do in this "advance to 2024 and then play" run I'm trying but I stop periodically to check on things. The most surprising thing so far is Rathi Rani, a manager and frankly minor Bollywood actress in the Indian fed got cast in a major film. As in, she went from like 10 pop in Northern India and 6 in the rest of her country to 60 literally everywhere in the world. I can only imagine she's playing a fairly significant role in a superhero in a blockbuster Marvel or DC film. I think if she's still working for the same handshake deal when I stop simming and play? I might need to bring her in if its at all feasible. Its kind of too bad she's not also a wrestler, but it was a pretty cool development since usually "off the make movies" doesn't result in anything nearly that big.

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On 7/30/2024 at 4:04 PM, MaiTyLer said:

As is tradition, I've allowed for non-wrestling non-TEW friends to pick my first two saves, with the one I've started so far in the C-Verse being SAISHO. Always like to get a company I've never tried, and even better when its a trip to Japan, which I rarely do but will always enjoy myself, so I should do it more. ANYWAY SAISHO is great fun, a smaller roster, kinda under the nose of the other companies, and a straight forward product and booking style, always a recipe for fun. We just finished Guard of Honour '22 (February) and heading into the A-1 Grand Prix, so here is the major happenings going on:

Just finished the A-1 Grand Prix and things continue to heat up with the little roster I have,

The A-1 Grand Prix (SAISHO DESTINY TITLE SCENE): I had 16 wrestlers compete, and the real meat and potatoes was in the semi finals, which had KAZ (who did beat Azumamaro Shimizu in the quarter finals) vs Eiichi Umehara on one side, and Lion Genji vs Washi Heat in the other. KAZ beating Eiichi in the rematch was basic enough, but after some shenanigans from GOLDEN-Op, the attempt to knock Washi Heat out of the tournament was what lead to his upset win against Lion Genji, who was furious, and would storm GOLDEN-Ops six man later in the night (They took on touring gaijins Pavel Vanzycha and Austin Smooth, who were both eliminated in the first round, then went to a time limit with the Hurt in a tag later in the tour). Washi Heat had a lot on his plate, but he would pull the ultimate hat trick by pinning the reigning champ and winning the prestigious tournament in a waterfall of tears both in ring and backstage. The post show conference set in stone that Washi would challenge KAZ at next month's Giant Slam, but KAZ had little to say, not taking things as well as the humble masked wrestler. Genji and Shimizu continued to brawl through the press conference, so bad blood has been lit overnight, the top of the card is stacked, and even I don't know how it'll unfold.

SAISHO RIDE THE TIGER TITLE SCENE: Gidayu Katou continues his reign on the top of the mid card by defeating a pass in the wind Jayson Van Pelt in a great match, no real story behind it, but his arrogance in the field has been continuing to rise, cutting more and more obnoxious promos which has seemingly been leading up to Akira Arato, Katou's longtime partner and rival to make another challenge to set him straight.

SAISHO DESTINY TAG TITLES SCENE: The Wild Springboks kept up their mean streak until it was Arakaki & Serizawa, MUSCLE eliminating Ben Markram in a shocking match in the first round of the A-1. You could say they've been dodging them for quite some time ever since winning the tag titles in August, but Mito Miwa had to personally step in and make the match. It was a hard hitting affair at the Grand Finals, but The Springboks managed to retain their titles with a last minute Safari Experience. Their newest challengers seem to be The Banner Men (Jinzaburo Kakinomoto & Naruhiko Koizumi), who beat The Night Terrors in a show stealer.

Not much else is happening, thinking of getting a few more permanent people on the roster but not for awhile, Giant Slam is basically all set in stone so it shouldn't be too long until I get there.

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Moved on a year. I'm doing 1986 this time, with the enemy, JCP.

I'd say I must have booked Sting's worst ever match. His JCP debut. He got an 11 vs Bill Tabb. Ouch. Yeah, I'm still not used to not having to set wrestlers as enhancement talent and so on.  You'd think I would have known by now to not put 2 unimportant guys together, but this 11 rating means it's something I'll never forget.  So, thank you, Sting and Bill.   Now it's on to putting Sting in some 3 vs 3 matches with Wahoo McDaniel and Manny Fernandez.  The fans will realize they underestimated the man called Sting.

It's showtime.

I had enough sense to put The Rockers on the pre-show.  Damn, just looking at the hidden gems list in this time period.  It's dreamy.  I'm treating myself to quite a few of them.

My imagination in overdrive and I called the first PPV Clash of the champions. Yeah.  Main event had to be Ric Flair vs Harley Race.  It got an 80 and it felt good.  That's what I do like about not starting with WWE or whatever.  I'm not always going to get those high ratings, at least not at the start.

Now the plan is to bring Bob Backlund in for a feud with Flair. I'm not sure if I've ever done that before.  Most of the other storylines will continue. Road Warriors vs Arn and Tully,  Midnight Express vs Rock n Roll Express. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Only joking, I'm booking this, so I'll make it interesting in my mind.

I want to give Big Bubba a push.  Jake the Snake has been signed to host the Snake Pit.  That's the number one reason why I signed him, the segment host, to put the angle system to good use.  I'm just trying to decide who he will attack first.  There is meant to be some gentleman's agreement about appearing on the snake pit, if you're not a gentleman, then Jake will not be a gentleman.  Yeah, some bs like that. haha  I'm thinking Ron Garvin.

He deserves it after his 75 vs Tully at Clash of the champions. 


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Just started a WLW save, I want to have Kaito Doan & Naoji Azumi step up in a big way so on the very first show I had the two of them mouth off to Kurata, hoping to build throughout the year up to challenges for the both of them. I'm considering making them a team for the soul purpose of them working towards the same singular goal of becoming the next big thing in WLW, any name suggestions would be appreciated.

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19 hours ago, Scubaglue said:

In my watcher game PGHW went bankrupt in November 2024. 😢

They're in trouble in mine around that time too. They got hit with an abuse scandal that I think tanked their sponsors. That combined with some other troubles are putting them pretty deep in the red.

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Started out with APW; so far only lost Suburban Legend and Dazzler to RAW.


Shogun Watoga walked out on WLW so I immediately swung in; he's immediately leading a stable with Tevita Takula, Buckminster Snark and Nigel Darling. Only just started but he has been a fave of mine for a few years.


Poached Shogo from DIW, has great chemistry in a tag team with Akihiro Hisato 

edit: Damn, who do you even back in this situation?

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5 minutes ago, Untouchable said:

Started out with APW; so far only lost Suburban Legend and Dazzler to RAW.


Shogun Watoga walked out on WLW so I immediately swung in; he's immediately leading a stable with Tevita Takula, Buckminster Snark and Nigel Darling. Only just started but he has been a fave of mine for a few years.


Poached Shogo from DIW, has great chemistry in a tag team with Akihiro Hisato 

You got out of the RAW poaching raid easy - only the 2 who always seem to go.  I've done a few watcher runs and I've seen them take Barney Mason, Christian Blithe, Kasey Kneuve, Leon Nameth, Nighthawk & Reggie Tate fairly often. 

Yeah Shogo is great if you get him.  RAW picks him up sometimes.  The Forever Evil & Dogs of War Tag Teams are worth taking a look at - with any sort of decent destiny roll those 4 can really add a lot to your Tag Division as they are pretty good given their ages and poaching them makes DIW even worse. Tevita Takula is a great pick up from DIW.   Theres some decent pick ups free agent wise - Hack the Hunter, Lone Shark, Rob Edwards, Surfer Dude Lucas, Blackwell Bush, Black Flash, Davey Ice, Maelstrom, Maniac Monster, Nathan Rigger are all worth taking a look at for APW.   Shogun Watoga is a wonderful get he may not have the popularity in Oceania but that should change fairly quick.


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Something crazy happened in my world....

All the workers in my universe found a Time Machine and made it to a world called TEW9,

Then they found out how bad the new angle booking was..... And they all jumped right back into the Time Machine and returned to 2020..


You should have seen their faces when it was all said and done. 


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