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What's Going On in Your Game?

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Had the best show of the year with a surprising Main Event of Williams vs Silver, where Silver wrestled very well.

My new hire, Babou, was still in Japan and wasn't on the show. Have to check to see what the Japan fed's schedule is.  So I teamed Sheik with Romeo to a tepid response.

I tried matching Flashhart against Velvet Suarez to capitalize on Velvet's skills, but that was a disaster.

Joanna Silver won the end of year awards for Female Manager of the Year. Not for my Fed, for the whole game. She manages The Brute Squad in addition to her title runs.


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January Show 45 with an attendance of 82!

Babau debuted tagging with Sheik, but nothing spectacular there.

Joy Rider continues to win and is in the title hunt.

Mellow Flashhart bested Olivia Diamond to retain the Women's belt.

Funkenstein beats Zippy and Tennessee to win both the Total and Men's belts in a match that got a 47 rating.

Tennessee and Funkenstein both had great promos, as usual.

After the show

So I released one of my two refs (only needed one as someone mentioned). And a few wrestlers were cut: Brute Squad, Power Girl, Daredevil Aero, Jerry Pepper and Phil Anders.

And I'm bringing in Charlie Corner (as Bhodi Buff, the wrestling guru), Boriken Love Machine Jr (as Steve the Love Doctor), Danielle Sweetheart (as Dani Hart) and DupliKate (as Kate Redd).

I also have Candy Floss (who is here for training and booking primarily) switching to a crazy woman gimmick. Just to see what happens.

I've also switched Funkenstein to DF DOOM. Same gimmick, but a tribute to the late artist MF DOOM.

Edited by beemer
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February 2023 (42 rating, 82 attendance)

The new wrestlers are introduced, except Love Machine (who is elsewhere). All the gimmicks are okay or better.

Joy Rider had a non-title good match with Olivia Diamond.

Women's champ Mellow Flashhart beat Candy Floss, who changed her gimmick and got a good reception. But the match was awful.

DF DOOM handed the Men's title to Texas Hangman, who had a decent match where he retained it vs Zippy Deverell.

DOOM retained his Total Champ belt against Tennessee William.

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So ends month five of my TCW game. Jay Chord, Aaron Andrews and Wolf Hawkins tore it up in the main event. Andrews won the right to face Chord last month by beating Hawkins last month, if you recall, but having lost out in the Total Turmoil Tag Team Trophy Tournament thanks to Ace ally Devine, Wolf called his shot on Andrews and challenged him to a rematch because Andrews only beat him through Wolf being seriously over-worked due to wrestling every single week, and being injured early in the match. Andrews being the honourable good guy that he is accepted Wolf's challenge. The two proceeded to go to a 30-minute time limit draw. With both men exhausted, Jay Chord and cronies the menacing veteran T-Rex and his increasingly willing partner-in-crime Ricky Dale Johnson attacked both men. The end result was the championship committee deciding that Total Mayhem should be a triple threat. The night itself saw Hawkins trying to offer an olive branch to the Ace, but it being refused, because why on earth would anyone trust Wolf Hawkins in the biggest night in the biggest match of the year? I was hesitant to decide who would be the winner, it honestly could have gone any direction until I pressed the button, and Jay walked out STILL your TCW World Heavyweight Champion, and oh boy does he potentially have some challenges ahead (more on that later...).

Azrael Blackfyre is the renamed Alduous Blackfrye, who debuted as his ultra gothic Emperor of Hell His Infernal Majesty gimmick. Blackfyre had been messing with Queen for some time, claiming him to be "Queen, of the Blackfyre Throne". Exactly what this means has yet to be explored, but after months of being chased by Blackfyre (who is the babyface in this feud, as Queen is an unrepentant arrogant drama Queen who has been involved in being awful to a lot of people). I originally booked it to be a DQ win and forgot to chance it only the fly, hence the error above, but my theatre of the mind (and in-game selection of referee screwjob) per the post-match angle is that Queen paid off the ref to count a submission that didn't happen and claim victory (mostly because Azrael is going to need more building up to be able to get the win without any moaning). Post-match, Queen took a stunt bump of a fireball to the face from Azrael, and will of course me milking the ever-loving crap out of it. The "Mistress of Dark Icons" was meant to be celebrity Fiona Collingwood, but...


... so I had second celebrity guest for the evening Ami Russell pull double duty and announce the main event in her celebrity garb, and this in my mind was a gothic queen vibe.

Duke Freeman got sick of Sammy Bach, and after a victory by another mentor/student pairing in Dazzling Dave Diamond and Rowdy Ryan Robertson over Bach and Freeman (Freeman's fault), he turned on his mentor, declaring himself "The Free Man", and went and promptly won the TV title (not defended here, as it's not defended on PPV) before Bach attacked him in revenge. Bach won the match itself, which is most likely the blow-off for now as Freeman needs some time alone to develop before I come back to this well, and Bach is well suited to bringing up other talents at this point in his career.

During the month, T-Bone wrestled Jay Chord in a rematch from last month and lost, which caused Gauge to snap. Having been unable to beat Chord himself, he has become bitter, and twisted, and turned his frustration on T-Bone, resulting in some vile comments, and even more vile Gauge attacking the man in his own home in front of his family in solid consistency of character, as he had done the same to RDJ in his feud with Chord where Gauge was the babyface, but came across as the good guy getting revenge. T-Bone picked up the decisive win here, further establishing himself in the pecking order, but arguably just as significantly, Greg is about to get something new to work with...



That's right, Greg. Your ultra-talented twin brother Matthew is on his his way to TCW baybeeeee!

Meanwhile, the heel turn of Chance Fortune found a big stage at Total Mayhem, as he and Devine went one on one in wild brawl. Devine failed to win and get redemption, but arguably got the better end of the bargain, as Chance has clearly sold out/bought in to The Syndicate way of life as he called for backup in the match, but Devine went it alone as his allies listened to him, and post-match Rainbow Dragon made the save, resulting in good feels that he may have a new bestie.

Meanwhile the TTTTTT league (that's SIX T's!) was won by The Shining Examples of Chris Flynn and Joshua Taylor. The Pairing promptly tried teaming up with H2-Whoa, but that last all of one week before they, "The Brand" Brandon Saito and Fuyuko Higa turned on H2-Whoa, turning H2 face in the process. They are basically matching numbers and this feud has only just begun, but the T6 is won by not just winning the league, but beating the champions at Total Mayhem, so by virtue of their victory here, H2-Whoa walked out Tag Champions, and Trophy Holders! Hey, hold that trophy carefully now, never know whose head it might land on...

Meanwhile, Mighty Mo won the "Jason Azaria Memorial Battle Royal", which was held in honour of long-time TCW commentator (who I only released two months ago) Jason Azaria. Mighty Mo walked out as the winner, and owner of a memorial plaque that will very much NOT be going broken because that would be too disrespectful.

Nate Johnson refused to work with the newly signed Jack DeColt, so he and Eddie Chandler's Elite feud against DeColt got canned, and they finished up with Benny & The Foxx on TV whilst DeColt moved onto just simple singles wins to build his momentum. They were intended to be in the battle royal, but Johnson's refusal to even work that with DeColt saw me instead decide The Elite are getting on in years, and need to build up younger teams, hence PR Power (formerly Puerto Rican Island Boy Apollo) & Marco Gonzalez picking up the win to continue quietly establishing their team.

Meanwhile my monthly test of how the women's division is developing saw Simony Sentinel get her debut, and that's about it, right?

Oh yeah, I mentioned that we grew to big elsewhere right? Did I mention this part where this happened to?



The most over wrestler in the world just left his old company just in time for us to turn big, and he's coming to TCW!


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@619 @HiPlus

As some of you may know, I've pretty much exclusively played long term saves in Australia (now Oceania) since TEW2010 - I loved the original renders that sebsplex did and how uniform they were across the region (thankfully we have a full new render set for the entire verse now!) and ended up becoming attached to a lot of the wrestlers there. All of my saves have been pretty long-term, especially in 2016 where I went 12 years from local to larger than RAW. Every save I started as a small company other than in 2020 where I was a regional one from the start, and this time I'm going back to my roots with All-Star Wrestling.

Based in Sydney, I again play the user character of John Green, brother to Lone Rider and son of the Original Lone Rider Paul Green. I made a couple changes to the base data, bringing the Original Lone Rider back to the business as well as Carol Singer, and adding women's dojos across the verse to get an influx of wrestlers across a world that's severely lacking in it.

I've been running biweekly shows called Friday Night Fight, and we just finished our "season finale" Starrcade as I am halfway through April. I gave myself a little extra money ($20k additional from the "Rock Hard" start) so that I can afford to bring in ladies for my women's division without breaking the bank.

I'm running Wrestling Nerd Nirvana as the product, with the idea that Australia desperately needs a promotion that focuses on in-ring work considering RAW and APW are both sports entertainment and DIW is full hardcore wrestling. The three stars that I've been focusing on at the top of the card are Blackwell Bush, Rob Edwards, and Luke Pope (fka Surfer Dude Lucas), who are all WAY too talented to still be unemployed at this point in the game. I've been treating my promotion as a ROH-lite with Bush taking the role of Bryan Danielson, Rob Edwards as my Samoa Joe, and Luke Pope as CM Punk. I'm a bit worried about losing any of these three, mostly Luke Pope, but I'm not going to let it restrict my booking.

The reason I called the promotion "All-Star Wrestling" was because the "gimmick" of this game is that I want to bring in the stars from all of my previous long term saves. On my third Friday Night Fight, a 15 man battle royal to crown the first ever Sydney champion ended with the final 6 being 6 of my former top champions across all of my previous long term saves:

Seeker (TEW2010, I actually did a diary on the board with him back when I was still in high school...)
The Kipper (TEW2013)
Lone Rider (TEW2020)
Rob Edwards (TEW2016)
Blackwell Bush (TEW2016)
Luke Pope (TEW2016)

Luke Pope would be crowned the first ever Sydney champion after winning the Battle Royal - the "Messiah of Professional Wrestling" has been claiming that all he and Seeker, the Mission Of Violence, want to do is save wrestling from itself... which means cheating any time they are in a potentially losing match up, and avoiding challenges from the real threats while "graciously" giving opportunities to indy workers or workers lower down the card. Him and Seeker have been feuding with the alliance of Blackwell Bush and Rob Edwards, and Bush was able to win the right to challenge Pope at Starrcade after beating Edwards. He would lose that bout in the main event (and one of the best matches we've had so far) thanks to Lance Maddigan (fka Earl Chevalier, going back to his original gimmick as a Missionary) interfering in the main event after Edwards pummeled Seeker earlier in the night to keep him from being involved. Edwards and Bush would be saved from a Missionary of Violence beatdown by Harry Simonson, who took a keen interest in Bush and going forward is going to mentor the young technician. Fingers crossed I can get him to step back into the ring, but so far he's been resisting my attempts to get him to come out of retirement.

Elsewhere on the card, D-Pod and Adgee Cross have been having a fun back and forth feud that has been putting up my best segments and some of my most disappointing matches. Adgee won their first bout with a quick roll-up, so D-Pod physically took a mic to Adgee's head in the Sydney championship battle royal and would spend the next month running his mouth about Adgee before they met at Starrcade in a rematch, D-Pod getting the win this time with a roll up and a handful of tights. I think the next step for these two is to get them in the ring with my top guys and see if they sink or swim - I think the title match for my next event will be a triple threat between them and Luke Pope.

Armando Guerrero is the vital key to my midcard, as I have him working predominantly with my young prospects helping them pick up experience without killing each other. Hack The Hunter and Fast Eddie Booker are my top two prospects and two guys I see as future top champions, but they need a bit of seasoning to get there. In all of my Australia saves these two are guys I never really had the chance to use because of how late they debut, so I'm excited to get them from the start and I see them both as my future headliners. Hack, being over 100 lbs of pretty much everyone on my roster, desperately needed a "nerf", so he's been working a gimmick as a lovable giant who is much too gullible for his own good, frequently getting focused in multi man matches and falling for every trick in the book when I need him to logically take a loss. Armando actually offered to put Hack over for 3 matches, so after Hack spurned to come under Guerrero's Learning Tree, a first one on one encounter between the two at Starrcade would lead to Hack getting the biggest win of his young career.

Banky Bremner has been the surprise of the save - I brought him in as a local guy to lose a handful of matches and he's had better performances than everyone save Pope and Bush, so he earned himself a roster spot and he found himself naturally teaming with Hack in a classic big guy-little guy team in a feud with The Learning Tree of Armando Guerrero and his protege Eddie Booker. I ran both teams the night before Starrcade in a warm up match and they both had excellent chemistry with each other, which has made me move when I was planning to introduce the tag team titles an event cycle earlier.

Speaking of tag titles, True Grit, the team of Lone Rider and The Kipper, have been undefeated in tag team action, the duo put together thanks to Kip being an old friend of the original Rider. Dutch DeRue offered his services to the pair, and, after being spurned, like any rational wrestling manager he spent the next couple of shows hiring 2 villains of the week to lose to them... until he revealed his true clients, The S&M Connection (Smasher and Mauler), the veteran tag team being the first to put Rider and Kipper on the back foot. The duo were upset that they were taken out by Rider and Kipper in the Sydney battle royal and happily joined DeRue, "losing" the first encounter by DQ when they just brutalized the babyface duo and then losing a Tables match at Starrcade where DeRue and The S&M Connection butted heads over trying to inflict damage to the faces vs actually winning the match. Right now the plan is to run the match a final time in a no rules match in the opening of my tag title tournament and move them down the card where they can put over the rest of my roster, because their best days in the ring are way too far behind them for them to have any value to me.

That just leaves the women's division. In my 2016 game Golden Delicious ended up becoming a key manager in my midcard after she retired, managing Gold (fka Black) Flash as Gold + Delicious. In 2020 I tried to create a women's division anchored on her, Kalliope, and the many wonderful Oceanic ladies from willr0ck's women's revolution mod... and it was a disaster. In my save I have never been more cursed with injuries and retirements, and so I want to get a second chance. I relocated her to Oceania and also unretired Carol Singer to be her heel counterpart, angry that Golden claims she was the first Aussie gal to go to the US and make a name for herself because she did it first (for less than a year wrestling much, much better talent in Miss Mexico and Joanne Rodriguez). Given my lack of access to valuable talent and none of the workers having more than 1-3 pop, it has been a unique challenge, so I've kept things simple with a face vs heel group feud. Golden Delicious has been frequently backed up by the face painted ball of energy CHRISTINE 6TINE (fka Hez Jendall, I really have no idea what I was thinking when I went with this name change but I'm stuck with it...), while Carol Singer has surrounded herself with the vapid Celestine Charisma and Elise Tiler, the impressive rookie making her debut after a tag match at Starrcade to join the trio, calling themselves "The Trailblazers". Right now I'm just planning on continuing this feud and having a trios match at my next event, with a women's title tournament forthcoming. The third lady I have penned for the face side is Kalliope (Woodchuck), who is going to step in the door the best wrestler in the division. The best part of my horrible women's division in 2020 was Kalliope and Golden Delicious having excellent chemistry - the Golden Icons were my first (and only) Women's Tag champions after I convinced Golden to come out of retirement. Long term plan is to shell out some $ to bring in some international ladies for a women's title tournament, with Steph Blake being the "final" boss for Golden Delicious to overcome to win the first title in her career. But who knows what can happen in 6 months...

I've been having a lot of fun with this save. My last long term game I immediately started with weekly television and it was so cumbersome to start right of the bat with a big roster. It's also been an interesting challenge to have to book all of my angles around them being physically in the ring since I have no broadcasting yet. I've been growing steadily despite shelling out some money to run a few too many multi man matches and because I've wanted to run a couple of shows in Melbourne and Brisbane just to get my guys on the road a bit and work with some different indy talent. Other than a tag title tournament which I'm planning on True Grit to continue their streak and win, there is one of my favorite workers across all of my different TEW saves who just became a free agent after getting into a fight with Halloween Knight, and right now the plan is to bring him in as Blackwell's opponent at the next PPV...

Apologies for the wall of text, but I hope some people enjoyed reading this. I'll probably post another big update once I get back to booking and get to Stampede, my next major event.

Here's the top matches of my save so far. Inexplicably Lee Bawes is one half of my best match of all time thanks to good chemistry with Blackwell Bush, so I think he's earned a 3 month contract to see if he can be another veteran hand in my midcard with some upside. Wrecker and Chopper Rourke were both brought in for main events in Brisbane and Melbourne and pulled their weight, but Wrecker is the only one I could see being a hire in the long term. So far, Pope, Bush, and Edwards have all fought once apiece, with Pope 2-0 thanks to interference, Bush 1-1 , and Edwards 0-2.


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5 hours ago, John Lions said:

@619 @HiPlus

As some of you may know, I've pretty much exclusively played long term saves in Australia (now Oceania) since TEW2010 - I loved the original renders that sebsplex did and how uniform they were across the region (thankfully we have a full new render set for the entire verse now!) and ended up becoming attached to a lot of the wrestlers there. All of my saves have been pretty long-term, especially in 2016 where I went 12 years from local to larger than RAW. Every save I started as a small company other than in 2020 where I was a regional one from the start, and this time I'm going back to my roots with All-Star Wrestling.

Based in Sydney, I again play the user character of John Green, brother to Lone Rider and son of the Original Lone Rider Paul Green. I made a couple changes to the base data, bringing the Original Lone Rider back to the business as well as Carol Singer, and adding women's dojos across the verse to get an influx of wrestlers across a world that's severely lacking in it.

I've been running biweekly shows called Friday Night Fight, and we just finished our "season finale" Starrcade as I am halfway through April. I gave myself a little extra money ($20k additional from the "Rock Hard" start) so that I can afford to bring in ladies for my women's division without breaking the bank.

I'm running Wrestling Nerd Nirvana as the product, with the idea that Australia desperately needs a promotion that focuses on in-ring work considering RAW and APW are both sports entertainment and DIW is full hardcore wrestling. The three stars that I've been focusing on at the top of the card are Blackwell Bush, Rob Edwards, and Luke Pope (fka Surfer Dude Lucas), who are all WAY too talented to still be unemployed at this point in the game. I've been treating my promotion as a ROH-lite with Bush taking the role of Bryan Danielson, Rob Edwards as my Samoa Joe, and Luke Pope as CM Punk. I'm a bit worried about losing any of these three, mostly Luke Pope, but I'm not going to let it restrict my booking.

The reason I called the promotion "All-Star Wrestling" was because the "gimmick" of this game is that I want to bring in the stars from all of my previous long term saves. On my third Friday Night Fight, a 15 man battle royal to crown the first ever Sydney champion ended with the final 6 being 6 of my former top champions across all of my previous long term saves:

Seeker (TEW2010, I actually did a diary on the board with him back when I was still in high school...)
The Kipper (TEW2013)
Lone Rider (TEW2020)
Rob Edwards (TEW2016)
Blackwell Bush (TEW2016)
Luke Pope (TEW2016)

Luke Pope would be crowned the first ever Sydney champion after winning the Battle Royal - the "Messiah of Professional Wrestling" has been claiming that all he and Seeker, the Mission Of Violence, want to do is save wrestling from itself... which means cheating any time they are in a potentially losing match up, and avoiding challenges from the real threats while "graciously" giving opportunities to indy workers or workers lower down the card. Him and Seeker have been feuding with the alliance of Blackwell Bush and Rob Edwards, and Bush was able to win the right to challenge Pope at Starrcade after beating Edwards. He would lose that bout in the main event (and one of the best matches we've had so far) thanks to Lance Maddigan (fka Earl Chevalier, going back to his original gimmick as a Missionary) interfering in the main event after Edwards pummeled Seeker earlier in the night to keep him from being involved. Edwards and Bush would be saved from a Missionary of Violence beatdown by Harry Simonson, who took a keen interest in Bush and going forward is going to mentor the young technician. Fingers crossed I can get him to step back into the ring, but so far he's been resisting my attempts to get him to come out of retirement.

Elsewhere on the card, D-Pod and Adgee Cross have been having a fun back and forth feud that has been putting up my best segments and some of my most disappointing matches. Adgee won their first bout with a quick roll-up, so D-Pod physically took a mic to Adgee's head in the Sydney championship battle royal and would spend the next month running his mouth about Adgee before they met at Starrcade in a rematch, D-Pod getting the win this time with a roll up and a handful of tights. I think the next step for these two is to get them in the ring with my top guys and see if they sink or swim - I think the title match for my next event will be a triple threat between them and Luke Pope.

Armando Guerrero is the vital key to my midcard, as I have him working predominantly with my young prospects helping them pick up experience without killing each other. Hack The Hunter and Fast Eddie Booker are my top two prospects and two guys I see as future top champions, but they need a bit of seasoning to get there. In all of my Australia saves these two are guys I never really had the chance to use because of how late they debut, so I'm excited to get them from the start and I see them both as my future headliners. Hack, being over 100 lbs of pretty much everyone on my roster, desperately needed a "nerf", so he's been working a gimmick as a lovable giant who is much too gullible for his own good, frequently getting focused in multi man matches and falling for every trick in the book when I need him to logically take a loss. Armando actually offered to put Hack over for 3 matches, so after Hack spurned to come under Guerrero's Learning Tree, a first one on one encounter between the two at Starrcade would lead to Hack getting the biggest win of his young career.

Banky Bremner has been the surprise of the save - I brought him in as a local guy to lose a handful of matches and he's had better performances than everyone save Pope and Bush, so he earned himself a roster spot and he found himself naturally teaming with Hack in a classic big guy-little guy team in a feud with The Learning Tree of Armando Guerrero and his protege Eddie Booker. I ran both teams the night before Starrcade in a warm up match and they both had excellent chemistry with each other, which has made me move when I was planning to introduce the tag team titles an event cycle earlier.

Speaking of tag titles, True Grit, the team of Lone Rider and The Kipper, have been undefeated in tag team action, the duo put together thanks to Kip being an old friend of the original Rider. Dutch DeRue offered his services to the pair, and, after being spurned, like any rational wrestling manager he spent the next couple of shows hiring 2 villains of the week to lose to them... until he revealed his true clients, The S&M Connection (Smasher and Mauler), the veteran tag team being the first to put Rider and Kipper on the back foot. The duo were upset that they were taken out by Rider and Kipper in the Sydney battle royal and happily joined DeRue, "losing" the first encounter by DQ when they just brutalized the babyface duo and then losing a Tables match at Starrcade where DeRue and The S&M Connection butted heads over trying to inflict damage to the faces vs actually winning the match. Right now the plan is to run the match a final time in a no rules match in the opening of my tag title tournament and move them down the card where they can put over the rest of my roster, because their best days in the ring are way too far behind them for them to have any value to me.

That just leaves the women's division. In my 2016 game Golden Delicious ended up becoming a key manager in my midcard after she retired, managing Gold (fka Black) Flash as Gold + Delicious. In 2020 I tried to create a women's division anchored on her, Kalliope, and the many wonderful Oceanic ladies from willr0ck's women's revolution mod... and it was a disaster. In my save I have never been more cursed with injuries and retirements, and so I want to get a second chance. I relocated her to Oceania and also unretired Carol Singer to be her heel counterpart, angry that Golden claims she was the first Aussie gal to go to the US and make a name for herself because she did it first (for less than a year wrestling much, much better talent in Miss Mexico and Joanne Rodriguez). Given my lack of access to valuable talent and none of the workers having more than 1-3 pop, it has been a unique challenge, so I've kept things simple with a face vs heel group feud. Golden Delicious has been frequently backed up by the face painted ball of energy CHRISTINE 6TINE (fka Hez Jendall, I really have no idea what I was thinking when I went with this name change but I'm stuck with it...), while Carol Singer has surrounded herself with the vapid Celestine Charisma and Elise Tiler, the impressive rookie making her debut after a tag match at Starrcade to join the trio, calling themselves "The Trailblazers". Right now I'm just planning on continuing this feud and having a trios match at my next event, with a women's title tournament forthcoming. The third lady I have penned for the face side is Kalliope (Woodchuck), who is going to step in the door the best wrestler in the division. The best part of my horrible women's division in 2020 was Kalliope and Golden Delicious having excellent chemistry - the Golden Icons were my first (and only) Women's Tag champions after I convinced Golden to come out of retirement. Long term plan is to shell out some $ to bring in some international ladies for a women's title tournament, with Steph Blake being the "final" boss for Golden Delicious to overcome to win the first title in her career. But who knows what can happen in 6 months...

I've been having a lot of fun with this save. My last long term game I immediately started with weekly television and it was so cumbersome to start right of the bat with a big roster. It's also been an interesting challenge to have to book all of my angles around them being physically in the ring since I have no broadcasting yet. I've been growing steadily despite shelling out some money to run a few too many multi man matches and because I've wanted to run a couple of shows in Melbourne and Brisbane just to get my guys on the road a bit and work with some different indy talent. Other than a tag title tournament which I'm planning on True Grit to continue their streak and win, there is one of my favorite workers across all of my different TEW saves who just became a free agent after getting into a fight with Halloween Knight, and right now the plan is to bring him in as Blackwell's opponent at the next PPV...

Apologies for the wall of text, but I hope some people enjoyed reading this. I'll probably post another big update once I get back to booking and get to Stampede, my next major event.

Here's the top matches of my save so far. Inexplicably Lee Bawes is one half of my best match of all time thanks to good chemistry with Blackwell Bush, so I think he's earned a 3 month contract to see if he can be another veteran hand in my midcard with some upside. Wrecker and Chopper Rourke were both brought in for main events in Brisbane and Melbourne and pulled their weight, but Wrecker is the only one I could see being a hire in the long term. So far, Pope, Bush, and Edwards have all fought once apiece, with Pope 2-0 thanks to interference, Bush 1-1 , and Edwards 0-2.


Names worth taking a look at this time out Carey Fry, Edwin Velasquez, Davey Ice, Gareth Case, Peril, Nathan Rigger & Rob Edwards - none of them are superstars but all have the sort of base stats that make them very handy.  You probably know most of those names already of course. 

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7 hours ago, John Lions said:

@619 @HiPlus

As some of you may know, I've pretty much exclusively played long term saves in Australia (now Oceania) since TEW2010 - I loved the original renders that sebsplex did and how uniform they were across the region (thankfully we have a full new render set for the entire verse now!) and ended up becoming attached to a lot of the wrestlers there. All of my saves have been pretty long-term, especially in 2016 where I went 12 years from local to larger than RAW. Every save I started as a small company other than in 2020 where I was a regional one from the start, and this time I'm going back to my roots with All-Star Wrestling.

Based in Sydney, I again play the user character of John Green, brother to Lone Rider and son of the Original Lone Rider Paul Green. I made a couple changes to the base data, bringing the Original Lone Rider back to the business as well as Carol Singer, and adding women's dojos across the verse to get an influx of wrestlers across a world that's severely lacking in it.

I've been running biweekly shows called Friday Night Fight, and we just finished our "season finale" Starrcade as I am halfway through April. I gave myself a little extra money ($20k additional from the "Rock Hard" start) so that I can afford to bring in ladies for my women's division without breaking the bank.

I'm running Wrestling Nerd Nirvana as the product, with the idea that Australia desperately needs a promotion that focuses on in-ring work considering RAW and APW are both sports entertainment and DIW is full hardcore wrestling. The three stars that I've been focusing on at the top of the card are Blackwell Bush, Rob Edwards, and Luke Pope (fka Surfer Dude Lucas), who are all WAY too talented to still be unemployed at this point in the game. I've been treating my promotion as a ROH-lite with Bush taking the role of Bryan Danielson, Rob Edwards as my Samoa Joe, and Luke Pope as CM Punk. I'm a bit worried about losing any of these three, mostly Luke Pope, but I'm not going to let it restrict my booking.

The reason I called the promotion "All-Star Wrestling" was because the "gimmick" of this game is that I want to bring in the stars from all of my previous long term saves. On my third Friday Night Fight, a 15 man battle royal to crown the first ever Sydney champion ended with the final 6 being 6 of my former top champions across all of my previous long term saves:

Seeker (TEW2010, I actually did a diary on the board with him back when I was still in high school...)
The Kipper (TEW2013)
Lone Rider (TEW2020)
Rob Edwards (TEW2016)
Blackwell Bush (TEW2016)
Luke Pope (TEW2016)

Luke Pope would be crowned the first ever Sydney champion after winning the Battle Royal - the "Messiah of Professional Wrestling" has been claiming that all he and Seeker, the Mission Of Violence, want to do is save wrestling from itself... which means cheating any time they are in a potentially losing match up, and avoiding challenges from the real threats while "graciously" giving opportunities to indy workers or workers lower down the card. Him and Seeker have been feuding with the alliance of Blackwell Bush and Rob Edwards, and Bush was able to win the right to challenge Pope at Starrcade after beating Edwards. He would lose that bout in the main event (and one of the best matches we've had so far) thanks to Lance Maddigan (fka Earl Chevalier, going back to his original gimmick as a Missionary) interfering in the main event after Edwards pummeled Seeker earlier in the night to keep him from being involved. Edwards and Bush would be saved from a Missionary of Violence beatdown by Harry Simonson, who took a keen interest in Bush and going forward is going to mentor the young technician. Fingers crossed I can get him to step back into the ring, but so far he's been resisting my attempts to get him to come out of retirement.

Elsewhere on the card, D-Pod and Adgee Cross have been having a fun back and forth feud that has been putting up my best segments and some of my most disappointing matches. Adgee won their first bout with a quick roll-up, so D-Pod physically took a mic to Adgee's head in the Sydney championship battle royal and would spend the next month running his mouth about Adgee before they met at Starrcade in a rematch, D-Pod getting the win this time with a roll up and a handful of tights. I think the next step for these two is to get them in the ring with my top guys and see if they sink or swim - I think the title match for my next event will be a triple threat between them and Luke Pope.

Armando Guerrero is the vital key to my midcard, as I have him working predominantly with my young prospects helping them pick up experience without killing each other. Hack The Hunter and Fast Eddie Booker are my top two prospects and two guys I see as future top champions, but they need a bit of seasoning to get there. In all of my Australia saves these two are guys I never really had the chance to use because of how late they debut, so I'm excited to get them from the start and I see them both as my future headliners. Hack, being over 100 lbs of pretty much everyone on my roster, desperately needed a "nerf", so he's been working a gimmick as a lovable giant who is much too gullible for his own good, frequently getting focused in multi man matches and falling for every trick in the book when I need him to logically take a loss. Armando actually offered to put Hack over for 3 matches, so after Hack spurned to come under Guerrero's Learning Tree, a first one on one encounter between the two at Starrcade would lead to Hack getting the biggest win of his young career.

Banky Bremner has been the surprise of the save - I brought him in as a local guy to lose a handful of matches and he's had better performances than everyone save Pope and Bush, so he earned himself a roster spot and he found himself naturally teaming with Hack in a classic big guy-little guy team in a feud with The Learning Tree of Armando Guerrero and his protege Eddie Booker. I ran both teams the night before Starrcade in a warm up match and they both had excellent chemistry with each other, which has made me move when I was planning to introduce the tag team titles an event cycle earlier.

Speaking of tag titles, True Grit, the team of Lone Rider and The Kipper, have been undefeated in tag team action, the duo put together thanks to Kip being an old friend of the original Rider. Dutch DeRue offered his services to the pair, and, after being spurned, like any rational wrestling manager he spent the next couple of shows hiring 2 villains of the week to lose to them... until he revealed his true clients, The S&M Connection (Smasher and Mauler), the veteran tag team being the first to put Rider and Kipper on the back foot. The duo were upset that they were taken out by Rider and Kipper in the Sydney battle royal and happily joined DeRue, "losing" the first encounter by DQ when they just brutalized the babyface duo and then losing a Tables match at Starrcade where DeRue and The S&M Connection butted heads over trying to inflict damage to the faces vs actually winning the match. Right now the plan is to run the match a final time in a no rules match in the opening of my tag title tournament and move them down the card where they can put over the rest of my roster, because their best days in the ring are way too far behind them for them to have any value to me.

That just leaves the women's division. In my 2016 game Golden Delicious ended up becoming a key manager in my midcard after she retired, managing Gold (fka Black) Flash as Gold + Delicious. In 2020 I tried to create a women's division anchored on her, Kalliope, and the many wonderful Oceanic ladies from willr0ck's women's revolution mod... and it was a disaster. In my save I have never been more cursed with injuries and retirements, and so I want to get a second chance. I relocated her to Oceania and also unretired Carol Singer to be her heel counterpart, angry that Golden claims she was the first Aussie gal to go to the US and make a name for herself because she did it first (for less than a year wrestling much, much better talent in Miss Mexico and Joanne Rodriguez). Given my lack of access to valuable talent and none of the workers having more than 1-3 pop, it has been a unique challenge, so I've kept things simple with a face vs heel group feud. Golden Delicious has been frequently backed up by the face painted ball of energy CHRISTINE 6TINE (fka Hez Jendall, I really have no idea what I was thinking when I went with this name change but I'm stuck with it...), while Carol Singer has surrounded herself with the vapid Celestine Charisma and Elise Tiler, the impressive rookie making her debut after a tag match at Starrcade to join the trio, calling themselves "The Trailblazers". Right now I'm just planning on continuing this feud and having a trios match at my next event, with a women's title tournament forthcoming. The third lady I have penned for the face side is Kalliope (Woodchuck), who is going to step in the door the best wrestler in the division. The best part of my horrible women's division in 2020 was Kalliope and Golden Delicious having excellent chemistry - the Golden Icons were my first (and only) Women's Tag champions after I convinced Golden to come out of retirement. Long term plan is to shell out some $ to bring in some international ladies for a women's title tournament, with Steph Blake being the "final" boss for Golden Delicious to overcome to win the first title in her career. But who knows what can happen in 6 months...

I've been having a lot of fun with this save. My last long term game I immediately started with weekly television and it was so cumbersome to start right of the bat with a big roster. It's also been an interesting challenge to have to book all of my angles around them being physically in the ring since I have no broadcasting yet. I've been growing steadily despite shelling out some money to run a few too many multi man matches and because I've wanted to run a couple of shows in Melbourne and Brisbane just to get my guys on the road a bit and work with some different indy talent. Other than a tag title tournament which I'm planning on True Grit to continue their streak and win, there is one of my favorite workers across all of my different TEW saves who just became a free agent after getting into a fight with Halloween Knight, and right now the plan is to bring him in as Blackwell's opponent at the next PPV...

Apologies for the wall of text, but I hope some people enjoyed reading this. I'll probably post another big update once I get back to booking and get to Stampede, my next major event.

Here's the top matches of my save so far. Inexplicably Lee Bawes is one half of my best match of all time thanks to good chemistry with Blackwell Bush, so I think he's earned a 3 month contract to see if he can be another veteran hand in my midcard with some upside. Wrecker and Chopper Rourke were both brought in for main events in Brisbane and Melbourne and pulled their weight, but Wrecker is the only one I could see being a hire in the long term. So far, Pope, Bush, and Edwards have all fought once apiece, with Pope 2-0 thanks to interference, Bush 1-1 , and Edwards 0-2.


Oh Maelstrom - he's worth looking at too.


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As mentioned, H2-Whoa won the T6 (shorthand I'll now be using for the Total Team Team Turmoil Tournament Trophy, because it reminds me of the G1 and is easier to say) and got a trophy for it. H2-Whoa's buddy Roderick Remus... well, he wasn't involved in directly winning it...


Pictured - Roderick Remus:


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March 2023 (42 rating 88 attendance)

  • DF DOOM (Funkenstein) faced Prime Time Jack Pryde and retained the Total Championship
  • Mellow Flashhart beat Joanna Silver to retain the Women's title
  • Texas Hangman beat Amo Del Gato to retain the Men's title.
  • Sheik (Reilly Patton) and Tennessee beat Holder and Bodhi (Charlie Corner) in a 39-rated match.

Post show

  • I think I have too few contenders for the men's side. So I have brought in Rocky Weatherfield to play as Kamehameha (a Hawaiian Z Fighter gimmick) and Blue Dragon as "An Actual Dragon", whose gimmick is that he thinks he is an actual dragon. If you can tell now, its a comedy heavy fed.
  • Mellow Flashhart is off in June to tape a TV show!

April 2023 (33 rating 89 attendance)

  • My mistake to have Mellow Flashhart and Olivia Diamond main event. Mellow is very over but she can't pull off a top match. She did retain and will drop the title next month.
  • Tennessee beat Texas Hangman for the Men's title in what should have been the main event.
  • DF DOOM (Funkenstein) retained in an excellent match against Joy Rider.
  • Kamehameha (Rocky W) ran in and joined a match between Jack Pryde and Bhodi (Charlie Corner) because "it was the right thing to do". He didn't win, but his gimmick and promo and match were pretty well received.
  • Blue Dragon also had a good match against Kate Mishler, as An Actual Dragon.

Post Show

  • I released Babau and Love Machine. Babau only appeared once in a forgettable match and Love Machine had been booked for other events for the foreseeable future.
Edited by beemer
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May 2023 (45 rating 88 attendance)

  • Tennessee and Zippy tricked Doom (Funkenstein) into signing a 3 way elimination defense of the title. Then they beat him down later in the night. Miraculously, Doom holds on as Joy Rider accidentally smacked Tennessee with the belt after Zippy was eliminated.
  • Kate Mishler prevailed in a 4-way to win the Women's belt from Mellow Flashhart (before she departs for Hollywood). Olivia Diamond and Velvet Suarez were the also-rans.
  • The Ghost of Wrestling Past (Masked Stranger) debut defeating Texas Hangman. His gimmick - the name says it all.
  • Bhodi Buff (Charlie Corner) beat a debuting The Steve (Stevie Stanley) who is playing a swaggering face. He was released from SWF while they kept his tag partner Marty Simmons.
Edited by beemer
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On 8/18/2024 at 12:45 PM, John Lions said:

@619 @HiPlus

As some of you may know, I've pretty much exclusively played long term saves in Australia (now Oceania) since TEW2010 - I loved the original renders that sebsplex did and how uniform they were across the region (thankfully we have a full new render set for the entire verse now!) and ended up becoming attached to a lot of the wrestlers there. All of my saves have been pretty long-term, especially in 2016 where I went 12 years from local to larger than RAW. Every save I started as a small company other than in 2020 where I was a regional one from the start, and this time I'm going back to my roots with All-Star Wrestling.

Based in Sydney, I again play the user character of John Green, brother to Lone Rider and son of the Original Lone Rider Paul Green. I made a couple changes to the base data, bringing the Original Lone Rider back to the business as well as Carol Singer, and adding women's dojos across the verse to get an influx of wrestlers across a world that's severely lacking in it.

I've been running biweekly shows called Friday Night Fight, and we just finished our "season finale" Starrcade as I am halfway through April. I gave myself a little extra money ($20k additional from the "Rock Hard" start) so that I can afford to bring in ladies for my women's division without breaking the bank.

I'm running Wrestling Nerd Nirvana as the product, with the idea that Australia desperately needs a promotion that focuses on in-ring work considering RAW and APW are both sports entertainment and DIW is full hardcore wrestling. The three stars that I've been focusing on at the top of the card are Blackwell Bush, Rob Edwards, and Luke Pope (fka Surfer Dude Lucas), who are all WAY too talented to still be unemployed at this point in the game. I've been treating my promotion as a ROH-lite with Bush taking the role of Bryan Danielson, Rob Edwards as my Samoa Joe, and Luke Pope as CM Punk. I'm a bit worried about losing any of these three, mostly Luke Pope, but I'm not going to let it restrict my booking.

The reason I called the promotion "All-Star Wrestling" was because the "gimmick" of this game is that I want to bring in the stars from all of my previous long term saves. On my third Friday Night Fight, a 15 man battle royal to crown the first ever Sydney champion ended with the final 6 being 6 of my former top champions across all of my previous long term saves:

Seeker (TEW2010, I actually did a diary on the board with him back when I was still in high school...)
The Kipper (TEW2013)
Lone Rider (TEW2020)
Rob Edwards (TEW2016)
Blackwell Bush (TEW2016)
Luke Pope (TEW2016)

Luke Pope would be crowned the first ever Sydney champion after winning the Battle Royal - the "Messiah of Professional Wrestling" has been claiming that all he and Seeker, the Mission Of Violence, want to do is save wrestling from itself... which means cheating any time they are in a potentially losing match up, and avoiding challenges from the real threats while "graciously" giving opportunities to indy workers or workers lower down the card. Him and Seeker have been feuding with the alliance of Blackwell Bush and Rob Edwards, and Bush was able to win the right to challenge Pope at Starrcade after beating Edwards. He would lose that bout in the main event (and one of the best matches we've had so far) thanks to Lance Maddigan (fka Earl Chevalier, going back to his original gimmick as a Missionary) interfering in the main event after Edwards pummeled Seeker earlier in the night to keep him from being involved. Edwards and Bush would be saved from a Missionary of Violence beatdown by Harry Simonson, who took a keen interest in Bush and going forward is going to mentor the young technician. Fingers crossed I can get him to step back into the ring, but so far he's been resisting my attempts to get him to come out of retirement.

Elsewhere on the card, D-Pod and Adgee Cross have been having a fun back and forth feud that has been putting up my best segments and some of my most disappointing matches. Adgee won their first bout with a quick roll-up, so D-Pod physically took a mic to Adgee's head in the Sydney championship battle royal and would spend the next month running his mouth about Adgee before they met at Starrcade in a rematch, D-Pod getting the win this time with a roll up and a handful of tights. I think the next step for these two is to get them in the ring with my top guys and see if they sink or swim - I think the title match for my next event will be a triple threat between them and Luke Pope.

Armando Guerrero is the vital key to my midcard, as I have him working predominantly with my young prospects helping them pick up experience without killing each other. Hack The Hunter and Fast Eddie Booker are my top two prospects and two guys I see as future top champions, but they need a bit of seasoning to get there. In all of my Australia saves these two are guys I never really had the chance to use because of how late they debut, so I'm excited to get them from the start and I see them both as my future headliners. Hack, being over 100 lbs of pretty much everyone on my roster, desperately needed a "nerf", so he's been working a gimmick as a lovable giant who is much too gullible for his own good, frequently getting focused in multi man matches and falling for every trick in the book when I need him to logically take a loss. Armando actually offered to put Hack over for 3 matches, so after Hack spurned to come under Guerrero's Learning Tree, a first one on one encounter between the two at Starrcade would lead to Hack getting the biggest win of his young career.

Banky Bremner has been the surprise of the save - I brought him in as a local guy to lose a handful of matches and he's had better performances than everyone save Pope and Bush, so he earned himself a roster spot and he found himself naturally teaming with Hack in a classic big guy-little guy team in a feud with The Learning Tree of Armando Guerrero and his protege Eddie Booker. I ran both teams the night before Starrcade in a warm up match and they both had excellent chemistry with each other, which has made me move when I was planning to introduce the tag team titles an event cycle earlier.

Speaking of tag titles, True Grit, the team of Lone Rider and The Kipper, have been undefeated in tag team action, the duo put together thanks to Kip being an old friend of the original Rider. Dutch DeRue offered his services to the pair, and, after being spurned, like any rational wrestling manager he spent the next couple of shows hiring 2 villains of the week to lose to them... until he revealed his true clients, The S&M Connection (Smasher and Mauler), the veteran tag team being the first to put Rider and Kipper on the back foot. The duo were upset that they were taken out by Rider and Kipper in the Sydney battle royal and happily joined DeRue, "losing" the first encounter by DQ when they just brutalized the babyface duo and then losing a Tables match at Starrcade where DeRue and The S&M Connection butted heads over trying to inflict damage to the faces vs actually winning the match. Right now the plan is to run the match a final time in a no rules match in the opening of my tag title tournament and move them down the card where they can put over the rest of my roster, because their best days in the ring are way too far behind them for them to have any value to me.

That just leaves the women's division. In my 2016 game Golden Delicious ended up becoming a key manager in my midcard after she retired, managing Gold (fka Black) Flash as Gold + Delicious. In 2020 I tried to create a women's division anchored on her, Kalliope, and the many wonderful Oceanic ladies from willr0ck's women's revolution mod... and it was a disaster. In my save I have never been more cursed with injuries and retirements, and so I want to get a second chance. I relocated her to Oceania and also unretired Carol Singer to be her heel counterpart, angry that Golden claims she was the first Aussie gal to go to the US and make a name for herself because she did it first (for less than a year wrestling much, much better talent in Miss Mexico and Joanne Rodriguez). Given my lack of access to valuable talent and none of the workers having more than 1-3 pop, it has been a unique challenge, so I've kept things simple with a face vs heel group feud. Golden Delicious has been frequently backed up by the face painted ball of energy CHRISTINE 6TINE (fka Hez Jendall, I really have no idea what I was thinking when I went with this name change but I'm stuck with it...), while Carol Singer has surrounded herself with the vapid Celestine Charisma and Elise Tiler, the impressive rookie making her debut after a tag match at Starrcade to join the trio, calling themselves "The Trailblazers". Right now I'm just planning on continuing this feud and having a trios match at my next event, with a women's title tournament forthcoming. The third lady I have penned for the face side is Kalliope (Woodchuck), who is going to step in the door the best wrestler in the division. The best part of my horrible women's division in 2020 was Kalliope and Golden Delicious having excellent chemistry - the Golden Icons were my first (and only) Women's Tag champions after I convinced Golden to come out of retirement. Long term plan is to shell out some $ to bring in some international ladies for a women's title tournament, with Steph Blake being the "final" boss for Golden Delicious to overcome to win the first title in her career. But who knows what can happen in 6 months...

I've been having a lot of fun with this save. My last long term game I immediately started with weekly television and it was so cumbersome to start right of the bat with a big roster. It's also been an interesting challenge to have to book all of my angles around them being physically in the ring since I have no broadcasting yet. I've been growing steadily despite shelling out some money to run a few too many multi man matches and because I've wanted to run a couple of shows in Melbourne and Brisbane just to get my guys on the road a bit and work with some different indy talent. Other than a tag title tournament which I'm planning on True Grit to continue their streak and win, there is one of my favorite workers across all of my different TEW saves who just became a free agent after getting into a fight with Halloween Knight, and right now the plan is to bring him in as Blackwell's opponent at the next PPV...

Apologies for the wall of text, but I hope some people enjoyed reading this. I'll probably post another big update once I get back to booking and get to Stampede, my next major event.

Here's the top matches of my save so far. Inexplicably Lee Bawes is one half of my best match of all time thanks to good chemistry with Blackwell Bush, so I think he's earned a 3 month contract to see if he can be another veteran hand in my midcard with some upside. Wrecker and Chopper Rourke were both brought in for main events in Brisbane and Melbourne and pulled their weight, but Wrecker is the only one I could see being a hire in the long term. So far, Pope, Bush, and Edwards have all fought once apiece, with Pope 2-0 thanks to interference, Bush 1-1 , and Edwards 0-2.


I really loved the write up. 


I love the approach as a throwback of sorts. I definitely avoid signing people or making people from previous years big deals in my companies between saves. It is cool to see you want to highlight all your talents. What role does your user play outside of being owner? On screen personality? Wrestler? Manager? 


I have a soft spot on my heart for a lot of the Australian independents, but I love me some Seeker and seeing him albeit not wrestling as much but in that Main Event scene is so great for him. Luke Pope is a guy that has bucket loads of talent but in any of my countless saves he never ended up as a "top" guy in the company cause I always try to slow burn him. But he deserves that spot for sure. I always love the name True Grit for a cowboy tag-team and like that you haven't gone the typical Nepo-Heel Lone Rider. Glad Banky has performed as well as he did so far. Edwards and Bush are guys I know are talented but have never utilised well enough so it's good to see them shine. 


I have no idea who could have ended up fighting with HK and being dropped. That is also a favourite of yours. Outside money being Buckminster Snark for mine. 

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19 minutes ago, HiPlus said:

I really loved the write up. 


I love the approach as a throwback of sorts. I definitely avoid signing people or making people from previous years big deals in my companies between saves. It is cool to see you want to highlight all your talents. What role does your user play outside of being owner? On screen personality? Wrestler? Manager? 


I have a soft spot on my heart for a lot of the Australian independents, but I love me some Seeker and seeing him albeit not wrestling as much but in that Main Event scene is so great for him. Luke Pope is a guy that has bucket loads of talent but in any of my countless saves he never ended up as a "top" guy in the company cause I always try to slow burn him. But he deserves that spot for sure. I always love the name True Grit for a cowboy tag-team and like that you haven't gone the typical Nepo-Heel Lone Rider. Glad Banky has performed as well as he did so far. Edwards and Bush are guys I know are talented but have never utilised well enough so it's good to see them shine. 


I have no idea who could have ended up fighting with HK and being dropped. That is also a favourite of yours. Outside money being Buckminster Snark for mine. 

Based on personality it would be Mr.Hyde.  Snark would be an amazing get.  Honestly a lot of ZEN would be amazing gets purely for the entertainment value. . 

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8 minutes ago, alpha2117 said:

Based on personality it would be Mr.Hyde.  Snark would be an amazing get.  Honestly a lot of ZEN would be amazing gets purely for the entertainment value. . 

Yeah but is he anyone's favourite..

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4 minutes ago, HiPlus said:

Yeah but is he anyone's favourite..

Actually I love Mr.Hyde - I love the classic Horror concept behind the character.   If I play ZEN I always banish Strange and run with Hyde.  He feels unique on that Roster.  I got super excited when Historian's Womens mod came out because this happened


Jackie the Ripper - who immediately in my head was going to become Jacqueline Hyde - the ghost sister of Mr Hyde who he's been trying to been trying to bring back from beyond the veil this whole time - it's why he started the Ghost Hunters because he's been trying to find a way to bring her back and they are actually the real Jaquel and Hyde that inspired the novel in the Victorian era - what could possibly go wrong with reuniting 2 people who terrorised London 130 years ago.  It's so ridiculously ZEN.   So yeah right now I love Mr.Hyde.

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I made the mistake of casually asking Amo del Gato to be a manager and road agent, even though I really wasn't considering using him as a road agent, more looking to broaden his impact since I needed him to job in the ring. Then he went from getting $30 a show to asking for like $200+ a show. So I had to cut him.

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On 8/18/2024 at 3:45 AM, John Lions said:

@619 @HiPlus

As some of you may know, I've pretty much exclusively played long term saves in Australia (now Oceania) since TEW2010 - I loved the original renders that sebsplex did and how uniform they were across the region (thankfully we have a full new render set for the entire verse now!) and ended up becoming attached to a lot of the wrestlers there. All of my saves have been pretty long-term, especially in 2016 where I went 12 years from local to larger than RAW. Every save I started as a small company other than in 2020 where I was a regional one from the start, and this time I'm going back to my roots with All-Star Wrestling.

Based in Sydney, I again play the user character of John Green, brother to Lone Rider and son of the Original Lone Rider Paul Green. I made a couple changes to the base data, bringing the Original Lone Rider back to the business as well as Carol Singer, and adding women's dojos across the verse to get an influx of wrestlers across a world that's severely lacking in it.

I've been running biweekly shows called Friday Night Fight, and we just finished our "season finale" Starrcade as I am halfway through April. I gave myself a little extra money ($20k additional from the "Rock Hard" start) so that I can afford to bring in ladies for my women's division without breaking the bank.

I'm running Wrestling Nerd Nirvana as the product, with the idea that Australia desperately needs a promotion that focuses on in-ring work considering RAW and APW are both sports entertainment and DIW is full hardcore wrestling. The three stars that I've been focusing on at the top of the card are Blackwell Bush, Rob Edwards, and Luke Pope (fka Surfer Dude Lucas), who are all WAY too talented to still be unemployed at this point in the game. I've been treating my promotion as a ROH-lite with Bush taking the role of Bryan Danielson, Rob Edwards as my Samoa Joe, and Luke Pope as CM Punk. I'm a bit worried about losing any of these three, mostly Luke Pope, but I'm not going to let it restrict my booking.

The reason I called the promotion "All-Star Wrestling" was because the "gimmick" of this game is that I want to bring in the stars from all of my previous long term saves. On my third Friday Night Fight, a 15 man battle royal to crown the first ever Sydney champion ended with the final 6 being 6 of my former top champions across all of my previous long term saves:

Seeker (TEW2010, I actually did a diary on the board with him back when I was still in high school...)
The Kipper (TEW2013)
Lone Rider (TEW2020)
Rob Edwards (TEW2016)
Blackwell Bush (TEW2016)
Luke Pope (TEW2016)

Luke Pope would be crowned the first ever Sydney champion after winning the Battle Royal - the "Messiah of Professional Wrestling" has been claiming that all he and Seeker, the Mission Of Violence, want to do is save wrestling from itself... which means cheating any time they are in a potentially losing match up, and avoiding challenges from the real threats while "graciously" giving opportunities to indy workers or workers lower down the card. Him and Seeker have been feuding with the alliance of Blackwell Bush and Rob Edwards, and Bush was able to win the right to challenge Pope at Starrcade after beating Edwards. He would lose that bout in the main event (and one of the best matches we've had so far) thanks to Lance Maddigan (fka Earl Chevalier, going back to his original gimmick as a Missionary) interfering in the main event after Edwards pummeled Seeker earlier in the night to keep him from being involved. Edwards and Bush would be saved from a Missionary of Violence beatdown by Harry Simonson, who took a keen interest in Bush and going forward is going to mentor the young technician. Fingers crossed I can get him to step back into the ring, but so far he's been resisting my attempts to get him to come out of retirement.

Elsewhere on the card, D-Pod and Adgee Cross have been having a fun back and forth feud that has been putting up my best segments and some of my most disappointing matches. Adgee won their first bout with a quick roll-up, so D-Pod physically took a mic to Adgee's head in the Sydney championship battle royal and would spend the next month running his mouth about Adgee before they met at Starrcade in a rematch, D-Pod getting the win this time with a roll up and a handful of tights. I think the next step for these two is to get them in the ring with my top guys and see if they sink or swim - I think the title match for my next event will be a triple threat between them and Luke Pope.

Armando Guerrero is the vital key to my midcard, as I have him working predominantly with my young prospects helping them pick up experience without killing each other. Hack The Hunter and Fast Eddie Booker are my top two prospects and two guys I see as future top champions, but they need a bit of seasoning to get there. In all of my Australia saves these two are guys I never really had the chance to use because of how late they debut, so I'm excited to get them from the start and I see them both as my future headliners. Hack, being over 100 lbs of pretty much everyone on my roster, desperately needed a "nerf", so he's been working a gimmick as a lovable giant who is much too gullible for his own good, frequently getting focused in multi man matches and falling for every trick in the book when I need him to logically take a loss. Armando actually offered to put Hack over for 3 matches, so after Hack spurned to come under Guerrero's Learning Tree, a first one on one encounter between the two at Starrcade would lead to Hack getting the biggest win of his young career.

Banky Bremner has been the surprise of the save - I brought him in as a local guy to lose a handful of matches and he's had better performances than everyone save Pope and Bush, so he earned himself a roster spot and he found himself naturally teaming with Hack in a classic big guy-little guy team in a feud with The Learning Tree of Armando Guerrero and his protege Eddie Booker. I ran both teams the night before Starrcade in a warm up match and they both had excellent chemistry with each other, which has made me move when I was planning to introduce the tag team titles an event cycle earlier.

Speaking of tag titles, True Grit, the team of Lone Rider and The Kipper, have been undefeated in tag team action, the duo put together thanks to Kip being an old friend of the original Rider. Dutch DeRue offered his services to the pair, and, after being spurned, like any rational wrestling manager he spent the next couple of shows hiring 2 villains of the week to lose to them... until he revealed his true clients, The S&M Connection (Smasher and Mauler), the veteran tag team being the first to put Rider and Kipper on the back foot. The duo were upset that they were taken out by Rider and Kipper in the Sydney battle royal and happily joined DeRue, "losing" the first encounter by DQ when they just brutalized the babyface duo and then losing a Tables match at Starrcade where DeRue and The S&M Connection butted heads over trying to inflict damage to the faces vs actually winning the match. Right now the plan is to run the match a final time in a no rules match in the opening of my tag title tournament and move them down the card where they can put over the rest of my roster, because their best days in the ring are way too far behind them for them to have any value to me.

That just leaves the women's division. In my 2016 game Golden Delicious ended up becoming a key manager in my midcard after she retired, managing Gold (fka Black) Flash as Gold + Delicious. In 2020 I tried to create a women's division anchored on her, Kalliope, and the many wonderful Oceanic ladies from willr0ck's women's revolution mod... and it was a disaster. In my save I have never been more cursed with injuries and retirements, and so I want to get a second chance. I relocated her to Oceania and also unretired Carol Singer to be her heel counterpart, angry that Golden claims she was the first Aussie gal to go to the US and make a name for herself because she did it first (for less than a year wrestling much, much better talent in Miss Mexico and Joanne Rodriguez). Given my lack of access to valuable talent and none of the workers having more than 1-3 pop, it has been a unique challenge, so I've kept things simple with a face vs heel group feud. Golden Delicious has been frequently backed up by the face painted ball of energy CHRISTINE 6TINE (fka Hez Jendall, I really have no idea what I was thinking when I went with this name change but I'm stuck with it...), while Carol Singer has surrounded herself with the vapid Celestine Charisma and Elise Tiler, the impressive rookie making her debut after a tag match at Starrcade to join the trio, calling themselves "The Trailblazers". Right now I'm just planning on continuing this feud and having a trios match at my next event, with a women's title tournament forthcoming. The third lady I have penned for the face side is Kalliope (Woodchuck), who is going to step in the door the best wrestler in the division. The best part of my horrible women's division in 2020 was Kalliope and Golden Delicious having excellent chemistry - the Golden Icons were my first (and only) Women's Tag champions after I convinced Golden to come out of retirement. Long term plan is to shell out some $ to bring in some international ladies for a women's title tournament, with Steph Blake being the "final" boss for Golden Delicious to overcome to win the first title in her career. But who knows what can happen in 6 months...

I've been having a lot of fun with this save. My last long term game I immediately started with weekly television and it was so cumbersome to start right of the bat with a big roster. It's also been an interesting challenge to have to book all of my angles around them being physically in the ring since I have no broadcasting yet. I've been growing steadily despite shelling out some money to run a few too many multi man matches and because I've wanted to run a couple of shows in Melbourne and Brisbane just to get my guys on the road a bit and work with some different indy talent. Other than a tag title tournament which I'm planning on True Grit to continue their streak and win, there is one of my favorite workers across all of my different TEW saves who just became a free agent after getting into a fight with Halloween Knight, and right now the plan is to bring him in as Blackwell's opponent at the next PPV...

Apologies for the wall of text, but I hope some people enjoyed reading this. I'll probably post another big update once I get back to booking and get to Stampede, my next major event.

Here's the top matches of my save so far. Inexplicably Lee Bawes is one half of my best match of all time thanks to good chemistry with Blackwell Bush, so I think he's earned a 3 month contract to see if he can be another veteran hand in my midcard with some upside. Wrecker and Chopper Rourke were both brought in for main events in Brisbane and Melbourne and pulled their weight, but Wrecker is the only one I could see being a hire in the long term. So far, Pope, Bush, and Edwards have all fought once apiece, with Pope 2-0 thanks to interference, Bush 1-1 , and Edwards 0-2.


@John Lions The roster seems incredible for a new company's initial roster. It really shows how much unsigned talent there is in Australia, and I love the All-Star premise of spotlighting your previous favourites while still finding plenty of room for people you haven't worked with much before like Hack and Eddie. And even more than the young blood, it's great that there's a spot for Harry Simonson. Hopefully he agrees to one more run.

I love that no matter what the TEW edition, Blackwell Bush always delivers for you: the top two matches and four of the top six. It will be interesting to see how D-Pod and Adgee Cross handle the chance to step up to the main event, and I guess with Luke Pope involved, you can be fairly confident it won't bomb even if they don't prove worthy of the shot.

A few other things that stood out as impressive were you already having compelling stories going in your tag and women's divisions, as I'm not the best at keeping multiple divisions hot at once, and how you leant into Banky Bremner overperforming, as I'm not always the best at being flexible in those situations. As you mentioned, women's wrestling is a challenge in Australia, but hopefully the dojo move will have a long-term impact (dojos) and you've got enough to build a bit of momentum in the short term.

Looking forward to further updates and the reveal of your ZEN pick-up.

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So I took a break from my GSW game, which I'm enjoying and will totally get back to, to sim out a year or so in a new game.

Oh boy.

First, Larry Vessey dies and Giant Redwood manages to seize control of NYCW saying something like "I'm going to make this company truly great and no one can stop me!" Oh man, get the popcorn and the hankies.  You're gonna need both, for the spectacle and the tears.

But wait, there's more. El Critico founds FEW, which I admit I like and dislike as a premade. I like that its a "more sports entertainment lucha" brand. I don't like that it basically runs like a Family friendly sports ent fed when Lucha Entertainment has multiple options. But I can and might change that.

But then, and this is where is gets crazy: TCW is implicated as having ties to organized crime. Kyle Rhodes is out and the promotion loses nearly 5 million from fines and seizures.  And then it drop to Medium. Then Small a few months later. Ricky Dale Johnson gets put in charge and hopes to save it but here's the thing:

Yes they still have 1.4 million and 77 pop in their home territory. BUT, the two territories they need to jump back to medium? 31 and 30 pop. That's likely at least 5 or 6 months of shows to get that back up to where they can be Medium again. Until then? Their whole roster is on contract with no house show revenue and sponsorship in the toilet due to scandal. Can they survive? Oh sure. Will they? Well....

Oh and now they're starting to war with...MAW. Yep, TCW and MAW at war. How the mighty hath, etc. etc.

So I was going to pick an avatar and maybe a fed in 2024 to play on this one but now I think I'm simming it out at least to today (August 2024). Maybe 2025. I want to see how it all comes out. 

As an aside, what's weird is that despite all that? The worker incidents are almost entirely nothing but the following: MMA fight, TV role, Pregnancy. That's it. No scandals, jail time, etc. No overdoses that I can see. Utter chaos at the company level around (Burning Hammer is also apparently having big owner/booker upheavals too), but workers are all...fine. Well, except a lengthy death roll that includes everyone from Dick the Devastator to Rip Chord.

I'm trying to consider who in TCW tries to take the shattered remains if it folds and tries to make a new fed. I feel like any attempt could justify starting fairly well with the right person, but they'd still need to see who they can grab as the roster turns into a pool of chum for USPW and SWF.


Edited by JackNo
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So I ran my "TCW gets involved in organized crime" sim out to 2026. Somehow the company didn't fold, which I admit baffles me because they're paying so much in top talent, getting no house show revenue, and so on. Their merch must be carrying them along. I also note they've got a lot of aged vets, many now even retired and then a lot of rookies, many of them generated new workers.  Their home pop is 74, but everything is at best high 20s. I think they'll manage to limp along, but it seems they're gone from the "Big 3" probably for good. It will be interesting to see what that does. Lots of new companies opened all over and I wonder if having a TCW shaped hole helps them. I noticed GSW is up to medium at least and Coastal Zone seems to be making serious money lately, so some companies are benefitting from the calamity.

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49 minutes ago, JackNo said:

So I ran my "TCW gets involved in organized crime" sim out to 2026. Somehow the company didn't fold, which I admit baffles me because they're paying so much in top talent, getting no house show revenue, and so on. Their merch must be carrying them along. I also note they've got a lot of aged vets, many now even retired and then a lot of rookies, many of them generated new workers.  Their home pop is 74, but everything is at best high 20s. I think they'll manage to limp along, but it seems they're gone from the "Big 3" probably for good. It will be interesting to see what that does. Lots of new companies opened all over and I wonder if having a TCW shaped hole helps them. I noticed GSW is up to medium at least and Coastal Zone seems to be making serious money lately, so some companies are benefitting from the calamity.

A mistranslation of the Chinese word for Crisis is Opportunity - and something like that definitely feels like an opportunity

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