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October 2023 (44 rating 101 attendance)

  • Blue Dragon and Candi Floss continue to train the world's worst wrestlers in the pre-show.
  • I have Jack Holder foreshadowing a heel turn, going from the All American Boy to the All American A-Hole.
  • Joy Ryder continues to earn that Total Belt with a real good elimination match against DOOM (Funkenstein) and Zippy Deverell.
  • Kate Mishler and the Ghost of Wrestling Past (Masked Stranger) beat Jack Holder and Joanna Silver, when Holder accidentally hits Silver. He retains the West Coast belt though.
  • Tennessee William blindsides Olivia Diamond but is saved by DOOM before her main event match.
  • Kamehameha (Rocky Weatherfield) gets out of the cage in an excellent title match, leaving Olivia and Tennessee behind and winning the East Coast belt - his first gold!


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I was chuckling too hard, and hover clicked (sensitive mouse) but....


El Hijo del Vigilante damaged someone's rental car and refused to pay for the damages.

Edited by elmiticomark
Edit: it was Powerman's rental car. Typical vigilante!
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November 2023 (45 rating 101 attendance)

  • Starting to get some matches in the 30s without the main eventers. Ghost of Wrestling Past (Masked Stranger), Dani Hart (Danielle Sweetheart) and surprisingly Prime Time Jack Pryde all carried good matches.
  • Joy Ryder is doing some good mic work to supplement her title reign. She was involved in three major segments all getting a 40+ rating.
  • Kamehameha (Rocky Weatherfield) had a good match to retain the East Coast title.
  • Not the best match with Kate Mishler (who is weak in the ring) winning the West Coast belt against Jack Holder. But the important thing is that Jack Pryde interfered in the match and then Joanna Silver clobbered Holder with the belt while she was trying to stop Pryde. But this furthers Holder's heel turn as he splits from Silver.
  • Fatal Four Way with Joy Ryder retaining the Total title against Olivia Diamond, DOOM (Funkenstein) and Tennessee William.


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HVW Starlight 2 (46 rating 106 attendance)

  • The followup to the inaugural (all local hires) disaster, I have made this my season ender.
  • Papa Swole debuted trashing The Steve (Stevie Stanley) in short order.
  • Kate Mishler retains the West Coast belt against Texas Hangman and Zippy Deverell.
  • Kamehameha (Rocky Weatherfield) had a fantastic match against Tennessee William and The Ghost of Wrestling Past (Masked Stranger) to retail the East Coast belt.
  • In the Main Event, Jack Holder has the best match of his career in a Fatal Four Way, where he turns on his former off-screen girlfriend Joanna Silver and Papa Swole smacks down DOOM (Funkenstein), giving Holder the opportunity to pin Joy Ryder for the Total Championship belt. He goes from being the All American Boy to the All American A-Hole.
  • After the main event, Holder and Swole continue to beat on DOOM and Silver while Ryder nopes out.
  • Jack Holder now starts referring to himself as "The J.H."

starlight 2.png

Edited by beemer
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December 2023 (44 rating 101 attendance)

  • Brought in Samoan Machine to put over someone but he was picky.  But he was willing to lose to Dani Hart (Danielle Sweetheart) who needed a win.
  • Doing a lot more pre-show and post-show stuff.
  • Started a storyline with Joy Ryder and Brother Grimm called "I Hate Talking to You". Going to be rough since Grimm is only a personality and apparently he is unwilling to take a storyline loss during an angle.
  • Kate Mishler and her weak ring skills somehow defy reality and she retains the West Coast belt in a 53-rated match over Tennessee William and Joanna Silver. Silver isn't great either, but I had been tracking her ring skills and they have seemed to skyrocket of late.
  • Kamehameha (Rocky Weatherfield) retained the East Coast belt against Joy Ryder and Mellow Flashhart. Match was barely able to reach a 40.
  • In a let down cage match, The J.H. (Jack Holder) escaped the cage with his Total Champ belt while Papa Swole continued to beat on DOOM (Funkenstein). By sheer accident, I flipped the interview with Swole to be the main event, and that post-match interview was wildly successful!

The end of 2023

  • Joanna Silver did not repeat as Female Manager of the Year. (Hailey Hunter in the CWA won.)
  • My new ref, Wilson Carlisle, was named the Male Ref of the Year.  He also works for GSM and RIPW and is a booker for RIPW and Hudson Valley Wrestling. Its the first time he's won.
  • The Hudson Valley Wresting end of year awards:
    • Male Wrestler - Tennessee William
    • Female Wrestler - Joy Ryder
    • Young Male Wrestler - DF DOOM (Funkenstein)
    • Female Young Wrestler - Kate Mishler
    • Match of the year - DOOM vs Tennessee Williams in a no-contest Coal Miner's Glove match at WrestleNation 21 (58 rating)


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I did some editor tomfoolery for this, but I just hired a cool randomly generated brother tag team. TCW had two guys, one 22 and one 24, graduate in the same year name Dan Stubbs and Wyatt Stubbs. Seeing that, and seeing that they were on handshake deals, I had to have them. I went into the editor and made them brothers, then renamed them Dan and Wyatt King, the Iron Kings and brought them in. 

Honestly, they're a pretty prototypical brother tag team. Wyatt is the older brother, and he's much, much more talented than Dan right out the gate, but his star quality is only 50 and he's on the smaller side. Dan, meanwhile, is the younger brother with pretty abysmal skills, but he's charismatic, has 85 SQ, and at 260 pounds has 87 menace with the ability to play pretty much any kind of gimmick. Wyatt will be the workhorse for a couple of years, but Dan is going to be a star and I can't wait to see how he develops.

Dan and Wyatt, the Iron Kings:


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On 8/24/2024 at 7:02 AM, FINisher said:

My WEXXII (Warrior Engine '22) finally found it's true calling in the Urban Strong Style product. Started Very Hard, 1000 cash, 10 pop, already at Tiny with shows rated 55-65. Main eventers are Jayson Van Pelt, Mercury, Midnight Tiger, Shimpei Hirose, Sumiyuki Samura, Yuta Isono, Zeshin Makioka :D

Big matches run 20-35min, I can still do great angles, all match types are go.. This is amazing.

Question: I turned GSW into this style and had regular problems with matches since the two required types fizzle during longer matches. So I'd get "this match was too short" or "no hardcore or wild brawls!" Problems. Thus I couldn't do a hardcore "street fight" to end a fued or something without penalty. 

I love the concept. But it caused just enough trouble to end up frustrating.

But I love the idea, so the question: how are you working around this?

Edited by JackNo
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I'm in 2032 and the amount of new promotions that have started and closed is kinda insane. 21CW also went out of business several years ago, which was shocking to me. I think my favorite part about my game is trying to predict what of the new companies will close next. it seems a lot of them make it about 3-4 years, then close up shop. And more new ones just keep popping up every year. 

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33 minutes ago, Jeremy Weimer said:

I'm in 2032 and the amount of new promotions that have started and closed is kinda insane. 21CW also went out of business several years ago, which was shocking to me. I think my favorite part about my game is trying to predict what of the new companies will close next. it seems a lot of them make it about 3-4 years, then close up shop. And more new ones just keep popping up every year. 

The 3 year thing is the bankruptcy cycle.  They all lose money early and those who cant turn that around fold after 3 years.

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3 hours ago, JackNo said:

Question: I turned GSW into this style and had regular problems with matches since the two required types fizzle during longer matches. So I'd get "this match was too short" or "no hardcore or wild brawls!" Problems. Thus I couldn't do a hardcore "street fight" to end a fued or something without penalty. 

I love the concept. But it caused just enough trouble to end up frustrating.

But I love the idea, so the question: how are you working around this?


The booking show overview always show the penalties you are having - you need one Hardcore and one Wild Brawl match in the card. Since midcard to main event want +15mins, I only have my undercard doing the hardcore and wild brawl matches so that there isn't a penalty. It's not an optimal product in that matter, since at the same time you're required to do long matches and those two match types :D

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1 hour ago, FINisher said:


The booking show overview always show the penalties you are having - you need one Hardcore and one Wild Brawl match in the card. Since midcard to main event want +15mins, I only have my undercard doing the hardcore and wild brawl matches so that there isn't a penalty. It's not an optimal product in that matter, since at the same time you're required to do long matches and those two match types :D

That's what I figured. I was just hoping I was missing some way to give those to the midcard and up without penalties. Thanks, though, I appreciate the response. 

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5 hours ago, Jeremy Weimer said:

I'm in 2032 and the amount of new promotions that have started and closed is kinda insane. 21CW also went out of business several years ago, which was shocking to me. I think my favorite part about my game is trying to predict what of the new companies will close next. it seems a lot of them make it about 3-4 years, then close up shop. And more new ones just keep popping up every year. 

Yeah 21CW is just badly set up in contract terms.

All the lower card are on ridiculous written contracts for no reason whatsoever.

I wouldn't mind if they were short and you could let them expire, but they're often for several years.

It just makes zero sense. And has been the same for several game editions.

It would be OK if it was fun to play or made the game world run better or it made sense canonically.... but none of those are true.

It's just badly done.


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10 hours ago, Boltinho said:

Yeah 21CW is just badly set up in contract terms.

All the lower card are on ridiculous written contracts for no reason whatsoever.

I wouldn't mind if they were short and you could let them expire, but they're often for several years.

It just makes zero sense. And has been the same for several game editions.

It would be OK if it was fun to play or made the game world run better or it made sense canonically.... but none of those are true.

It's just badly done.


That's strange and a bummer. Is that specifically a 21CW thing in the game?

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First EILL PPV in the books and a resounding success.

Gino Montero lost to Axxis Jr but did enough damage to post-match to put him out of action for the forseeable. This allows Gino to focus on other duties til Axxis eventually returns and we have a hair vs mask match at Luchamania way down the line.

Trio's titles were successfully defended but I'm leveraging El Hijo Del Aguila Americana's ring prowess and popularity to try and get Youngman and Furusawa over swiftly. I just feel like a few more unmasked, foreign rudos would work well in the current EILL climate. So this feud will carry on a bit longer though I didn't realise Lopez only worked events.

The semi-main is where my real story is going forward. Rock God Alvarez, as it says in his bio, has been a formidable babyface but the fans just can't quite take to him as he's "not Champagne Lover". He's fighting off The Cabal and insisting that he doesn't have a price that Multimillionaro can bribe him for to get him to join The Cabal. He narrowly achieved victory here but suffered a tough beatdown and in a huge surprise (and yes, playing with the editor) Lover returns to make the save and aid Alvarez. Now with Lover returning, and overshadowing Alvarez' victory and stealing the glory, will Alvarez stay firm in his tecnico run as Champagne-diet or will he use this as an opportunity to perhaps join The Cabal after all and cement to himself and the audience that he in fact is better than Champagne Lover? Plus Lover returning opens up a number of new matches we've not seen before that could prove big business.

The main event was Angel of Mercy retaining the World title, after Rudo using his rematch clause, to cement himself as a worthy champion. But now I need to find something for Angel to run next. I could involve him in the feud with Multimillionaro and Rock God. If Alvarez turns, I could use Lover to help cement Angel as a true main event player and champion and have multiple crossovers. Or, I might use Montero as a challenger and is in-ring quality to lift Angel's performances.


Edited by Sco xY2Jx
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4 hours ago, Jeremy Weimer said:

That's strange and a bummer. Is that specifically a 21CW thing in the game?

It sort of makes a logical sense - the larger feds are competing with each other and trying to fend off USPW so they have signed talent to Written deals.  Much like WCW those sort of deals can cause you to bleed cash if things dont go perfectly.  

Players can think creatively and solve problems like 21CW's contract issues or TCW's aging roster and impending rebuild mode - if anything there's a joy in the challenge those things bring.  The AI on the other hand isn't as creative a thinker as a human so it struggles more.  I think every company is designed to bring it's own unique set of plusses and minuses - take DIW they have 2K when you start and a roster that has some great talent and some problematic talent and you have to try to keep afloat and keep that roster healthy working a smashmouth style which is a very different challenge to something like ZEN in the same region where you are trying to do something weird and fun with the product and you need to keep coming up with quirky fun ideas to fit your product.

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I think there's also an extent to which the big feds are different puzzles for players. USPW is how do you stay on top. SWF is how do you overtake USPW. TCW is how do you find a direction with an aging roster. CWA is how do you deal with a huge roster. EILL is how do you replace a generational superstar. 21C is how do you stave off bankruptcy. RAW is how do you deal with geographical isolation.

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8 minutes ago, Doctor Crunch said:

I think there's also an extent to which the big feds are different puzzles for players. USPW is how do you stay on top. SWF is how do you overtake USPW. TCW is how do you find a direction with an aging roster. CWA is how do you deal with a huge roster. EILL is how do you replace a generational superstar. 21C is how do you stave off bankruptcy. RAW is how do you deal with geographical isolation.

You are spot on - though with USPW the answer is 50 Million ... 50 Million is the answer to their issues.  As a human you can avoid the AI's tendency to just buy up useless talent because they have over 40 pop and instead only buy the quality talent.  With USPW the actual challenge is controlling your own worst instincts and not bloating your roster by going into a feeding frenzy of poaching everyone.   

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Playing WCW in the 2001 mod. I made some changes and have my user as the owner who bought WCW from under the McMahons nose and ended all the people who were out with the AOL merger contract.


Right now going into Starrcade HBK is my world champion as the leader of the nWo (HBK, Nash, Hall, and Andrew "Test" Martin) Nash just signed to WWE so after the main event of the last PPV I had the nWo jump him out as he was the one who ate the pin. The whole 8 months of the nWo being formed I've had HBK throw shots at the old nWo and make remarks about the past leadership, this will all come to ahead at Starrcade when I have Hogan coming in on a year contract and he's going to cost HBK the title to Goldberg and start a feud with Shawn leading to Hogan putting over Shawn.

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Phil Vibert rides again with the best unsigned talent and also, somehow, I'm gonna hire Mark Carnie and BEAT HIM UP!  If I can figure that part out...






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When the updated CV97 mod comes out, I'll restart my HGC save, but until then, I'm continuing my current CV97 save from TEW20. 

It's currently October 2000, and Tommy Cornell is currently in his second reign. He first won the title from Liberty in May, before dropping it to Sam Strong for a fifth and final run, and then won it back a month later in a fatal-fourway, also involving Liberty & Rip Chord. Sam Strong became the GM of HGC on the next edition of HGC Hollyweird, and booked himself in a rematch against Cornell, where Cornell beat Strong clean (one of the handful of times he's been beaten clean during his time here). Sam Strong then announced that he would announce the next #1 Contender, leading Cornell to become paranoid. He suspected Liberty, but Liberty denied it but said that this #1 Contender would take Cornell down to hell. He confronted Rip Chord, and Buddy Garner who both denied it. Nemesis told Cornell that he knew who the #1 Contender was, leading Cornell to attack Ricky Dale Johnson (who Nemesis is in a feud with) after his match. Cornell was put at ease and was confident that his #1 Contender had been taken out. Sam Strong came out at the end of the night and informed Cornell that Johnson isn't the #1 Contender. The challenger was in fact... BLZ Bubb! BLZ Bubb had been on hiatus since May of this year, and immediately made an impact on his return and attacked Cornell. The next week, Johnson called out Cornell for his attack, leading to a match between the two for the main event. Cornell won, but was quickly run off when BLZ Bubb came out, intending to attack him again. BLZ Bubb challenged Cornell for the title, but won via countout, when Cornell got himself intentionally counted out. A rematch between the two is set, where there is no escape for Cornell - the first ever HGC Hell In A Cell match! (It's very rare that I book heel vs. heel stories, but this one has been really fun to book. Cornell is going to retain, and I'm planning on having him break the record for longest reign, which ironically, is currently held by BLZ Bubb. Cornell will probably go onto beat most of the main babyfaces, before dropping the title to either Buddy Garner or Larry/Bryan Vessey. I haven't decided yet.) 

Catherine Quine is the most over superstar in the USA (male or female) and is essentially the figurehead of my women's division, which is pretty much a combination of the women's division from the late 90s and early 00s (segements rated on T&A as opposed to skill) and the early months of the Knockouts division (Fish & Farrah being my TBP, Katayama vs. Quine being my Gail Kim-Awesome Kong feud). Katayama is currently the champion, in her first reign, after beating Catherine Quine, marking Quine's first loss, and is currently undefeated. Debbie Nair (Jakki White Trash) has been brought in to be the mouthpiece of Katayama (the equivalent of Raisha Saeed, but without the gimmick.)

Edited by MadsMC
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I've hit 2025, and there's a new feature of the new AI that is bumming out: in 2024, almost all of the regional promotions in the US have retired all of their championships and brought in an entire new group of them, effectively resetting the lineage of some really long-running championships. At first I thought it was the AI saying "Ok, the prestige of these titles is too low for our current size" but then I looked at FCW, and their new championships ALL have less prestige than the retired ones. 

Has anyone else experienced this? 

Edited by codey_v3
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January 2024 (46 rating 104 attendance)

  • In a surprise (because I hadn't intended it) Marty Two Guns (Texas Hangman) took the West Coast title from Kate Mishler.
  • Papa Swoll and Ghost of Wrestling Past (Masked Stranger) bested Kamehameha (Rocky Weatherfield) and DF DOOM (Funkenstein). Swoll is feuding with DOOM and Ghost with Kamehameha.
  • The J.H. (Jack Holder), the All American A-Hole, retained the Total Belt versus Olivia Diamond.
  • Segment of the night was Tennessee William and Zippy Deverell mocking faces Bhodi Buff (Charlie Corner) and The Steve (Stevie Stanley) after isolating The Steve during a tag bout and mercilessly beating him.


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15 hours ago, codey_v3 said:

I've hit 2025, and there's a new feature of the new AI that is bumming out: in 2024, almost all of the regional promotions in the US have retired all of their championships and brought in an entire new group of them, effectively resetting the lineage of some really long-running championships. At first I thought it was the AI saying "Ok, the prestige of these titles is too low for our current size" but then I looked at FCW, and their new championships ALL have less prestige than the retired ones. 

Has anyone else experienced this? 

That suggests you're using an out of date patch.

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