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On 7/27/2024 at 10:29 PM, FrankP85 said:

Do wrestlers grow? For example should I put Andre the Giant in at his full kayfabe height, or would I start him a bit shorter and let him grow over time? I'm sure weight can fluctuate, but will height ever increase after a debut? 

Bumping this to see if we know the answer anywhere. Thanks for any help. 

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On 7/29/2024 at 1:05 AM, PsychoKane said:

I may have missed this somewhere but when it comes to the head trainers, what is the criteria for who they train?  My head male trainer only has 2 people to train and head female only has 1.

From the pop up boxes I've been getting, head trainer seems to be doing drills for Basics and Safety. I don't know the exact numbers (and prefer not to) but it makes sense to train younger talent and try to instill a strong foundation of the fundamentals.

From what little I know of wrestling training and drills, it wouldn't surprise me if there were also increases in stamina. Plus it's very much like Adam to add such little hidden mechanisms you're not explicitly told about.

TL;DR version, they train young talent with low fundamentals.

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Playing as Owner Kashmir Singh of DSPW. He owns the Mumbai Wrestling Academy and I was looking to upgrade the Training and Facilities of the academy but don’t see the option. Where am I overlooking that? Thanks. 

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I keep getting the feedback that my storyline advancements don't have enough dramatic stakes, what can I do to remedy this? I've done attack angles, saving angles, promos and face offs.  My storylines vary from cold (Bushwhackers and Beverly Brothers) to Extremely Hot (Sid vs. Hogan vs. Flair)

Edited by RaptorMcFly
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Does anyone know all of the different levels and text outputs for the "Crowd Heat" level? (Maybe Adam is the only one who can answer this). I wanted to just create some simple graphics for my Scrivener file.

So far I have seen:

Expectant / Simmering [Seems to be for Pre-Show]
Cold and Losing Interest
Simmering Down
Hot But Cooling
Hot and Rising
Very Hot
White Hot
Still Buzzing [Seems to be for Post-Show]

I'll run some shows and update this as I see more.

Edited by John Lions
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3 hours ago, RaptorMcFly said:

I keep getting the feedback that my storyline advancements don't have enough dramatic stakes, what can I do to remedy this? I've done attack angles, saving angles, promos and face offs.  My storylines vary from cold (Bushwhackers and Beverly Brothers) to Extremely Hot (Sid vs. Hogan vs. Flair)

In your angles you have to go in the road agent notes and add a storyline victory (Small, Regular or Major). I don't think you have to do it for all storylines in a single show.

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2 minutes ago, harrypotterhead said:

would it be wise to add tours like "G1 Climax" as an example as Multi-Day Event?

G1 Climax is a tour and then the f


13 minutes ago, danyp92 said:

In your angles you have to go in the road agent notes and add a storyline victory (Small, Regular or Major). I don't think you have to do it for all storylines in a single show.

yup, I Think if you least have a few storylines with some sort of victory the crowd will be happy. Which is realistic, because no one wants to watch a show where all the altercations were even with no one getting the advantage. It was too easy in 2020 to spam success on every angle with no stakes. 

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1 hour ago, John Lions said:

Does anyone know all of the different levels and text outputs for the "Crowd Heat" level? (Maybe Adam is the only one who can answer this). I wanted to just create some simple graphics for my Scrivener file.

So far I have seen:

Expectant and Simmering
Hot and Rising
Very Hot
White Hot

I'll run some shows and update this as I see more.

I was watching someone play and I saw some in the other direction like  "Chilly" and "Dead" too. There was a few others that I can't remember.  

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Hey people, is it possible to use two Geo Tags for a promotion? For example when a promotion is tiny, but their held shows occasionally in a nearby region. Like they're based in Kanto, but they also operate in Chubu. Or should I leave the Geo Tag at tiny blank for them? @Adam Ryland

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2 hours ago, CGN91 said:

Hey people, is it possible to use two Geo Tags for a promotion? For example when a promotion is tiny, but their held shows occasionally in a nearby region. Like they're based in Kanto, but they also operate in Chubu. Or should I leave the Geo Tag at tiny blank for them? @Adam Ryland

You'd only be able to achieve that by creating a geo tag specific to that combo (e.g. "Kanto and surrounding area") and applying it to the regions in question. Otherwise it's one tag per size.

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What would be the best way to book an angle that is essentially an elaborate entrance for a major star before a PPV main event? 

Would it just be 'working the crowd', 2-3 mins duration, location in ring? What about dialogue? I need to select scripted or improvised... I don't really want any dialogue so i suppose I just pick the option that best suits the wrestler's skill set? 

It all feels a bit 'off' to me. I can make the angles any way I want in my own head, I'm just struggling to put the ideas down into the angle booking. 😬

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12 minutes ago, Adam Ryland said:

You'd only be able to achieve that by creating a geo tag specific to that combo (e.g. "Kanto and surrounding area") and applying it to the regions in question. Otherwise it's one tag per size.

Really? 'Cos I thought if I used a comma it turned them into two tags- shows what I know

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4 hours ago, harrypotterhead said:

would it be wise to add tours like "G1 Climax" as an example as Multi-Day Event?

Multi day events have to take place in consecutive days and in the same location, so immediately the G1 would not qualify 


The final days are probably wise to construct as a multi day especially the era where they were running Sumo Hall or Budokan 2-3 days in a row for the block finals and the tournament final.

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Does booking skill affect anything other than the amount of creative energy created? I haven't seen any penalties for having 0 booking skill so far.

Edit: From reading the manual it seems like this is mostly to determine how good AI bookers are.

Booking reputation goes up based on the quality of shows booked (mine went from 0 to 1 after five shows)

The question that remains then is how and when does booking skill change. Does it rise as bookers get experience?

Edited by Bad Collin
I read the manual
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2 hours ago, ewing said:

What would be the best way to book an angle that is essentially an elaborate entrance for a major star before a PPV main event? 

Would it just be 'working the crowd', 2-3 mins duration, location in ring? What about dialogue? I need to select scripted or improvised... I don't really want any dialogue so i suppose I just pick the option that best suits the wrestler's skill set? 

It all feels a bit 'off' to me. I can make the angles any way I want in my own head, I'm just struggling to put the ideas down into the angle booking. 😬

Just like in tew 2020 if a worker isnt talking the scripted/not scripted is ignored based on my testing. Basically you can ignore it. Also based on testing working the crowd is not talking.


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13 minutes ago, kemicode said:

What are the icons under the Attribute section of a worker? First is their disposition, then the dollar sign I think is for marketable. Not sure about the others.

Right most is outside interests. 

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19 minutes ago, kemicode said:

What are the icons under the Attribute section of a worker? First is their disposition, then the dollar sign I think is for marketable. Not sure about the others.

Heel/Face Attribute > Will/Won't Do Stunts > Addiction/Legal Troubles > Marketable/Unmarketable Attribute > Outside Interests (Politics, Music, Television etctera)

When they're lit up, you can hover your mouse over them and it'll tell you. 👍

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16 hours ago, FrankP85 said:

Bumping this to see if we know the answer anywhere. Thanks for any help. 

For what it's worth, I found a Narrative option for Worker Changes Height, with the option to input their new height. That suggests to me that height can change organically during gameplay, but obviously I have no idea how those mechanics would work.

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