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Can you leave a promotion clean and easy if you hold a title?

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Will the game block your departure? Will you be forced to stay somehow when your contract expires? Will they be mad at you and it affect your rep or hurt relationships? Or can you just leave? And if you leave, are you stripped or does the game have you keep it forever, even if you don't wrestle there? I already had an interesting experience no-showing a title match to go to an ROH show, but was allowed to keep the title.
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actually on this topic, it seems that everytime i leave a company i'm vacating a title, when i left 4C my partner and i vacated the Tag Titles, when i left MAW i vacated their Heavyweight Title, when i left NYCW i vacated their Tri-state Regional Title, when i left USPW i vacated their USPW National Title. The only companies i have left without vacating a title are 21CW, CZCW, and DAVE. hmm i wonder if i can do it to TCW aswell.
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