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Another month, another rejection. Didn't get the PSW job either, although this time they just hired someone with more reputation (Johnny Martin) instead of telling me I wasn't suitable.

At least my current job is secure. Dragon FLIGHT Wrestling hit Medium in August, succeeding in my all-important Owner Goal much earlier than expected. Going to relax into a new schedule. One big show per month, and a bunch of small "Free Wrestling Exhibitions" in Scotland and Ireland to bump my popularity up in those regions. Three matches. Set up in some park. Local talent. Just like the old days. I want to move off of WrestleWorld GB and that's going to require popularity throughout the UK. Also going to change my product to Guerilla Warfare. My idea for the company was more flips and masks, but my owner switched it to Respectable Wrestling really early. Technical Masterclass matches have been a novelty for me, but the novelty has worn off.  

The move to Medium hurts my Women's Division a bit. Despite solid midcard ratings, they're all Unimportant, and the crowds want something Recognisable or higher in every match at this level. Introducing a Mixed Tag Title for a bit. I need to get some girls over. 

Enjoying the new Media Scrum feature. They keep asking my thoughts about SNP being in massive debt. I'm trying to be nice about it. They also told me Tommy Cornell wanted to be on the booking team. You would think an adult would tell me himself, instead of crying to the newsletters.

This month saw the return of Cain Carlisle to my promotion. I first hired him in 2024, and he quickly rose to the top of the card as a skilled (and cheap) high flyer. Sadly, he suffered a Badly Herniated Spinal Disc in 2025 that put him out of action for over a year. Even now, his body is in a dreadful state, and he's rusty, but I feel bad for the guy. Only 31, but his glory days are far behind him. 

I like when games go a long time like thing. 

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What triggered that request?

Biggest I've had was Rheon Regal. I forgot to hire commentators for my first streaming show, so asked him to work colour. The next day, thinking he was a big shot, he wanted an increase from $30 to $400. To be fair, he was a natural. Similar to Ariel, he phoned in a performance shortly after being refused the increase (I was struggling to make finances work for the first 6 months of streaming) and was promptly fired.

Now I'm very cautious about asking people to become referees/road agents/announcers. 

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6 minutes ago, Self said:

What triggered that request?

Biggest I've had was Rheon Regal. I forgot to hire commentators for my first streaming show, so asked him to work colour. The next day, thinking he was a big shot, he wanted an increase from $30 to $400. To be fair, he was a natural. Similar to Ariel, he phoned in a performance shortly after being refused the increase (I was struggling to make finances work for the first 6 months of streaming) and was promptly fired.

Now I'm very cautious about asking people to become referees/road agents/announcers. 

She is very popular in Canada and signed for ACPW. I assume she got paid $1320 by them and so demanded the same from me. 

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On 8/26/2024 at 4:22 AM, Bad Collin said:

I don't know if my 21CW are bugged or something but they are still in business in September 2026. They are $12m in debt and have been in the red since near the start of the save but I haven't seen a single warning about them being in financial trouble.

EILL is $37 million in the red in my game and have been in the red for well over a year.  A year ago, in October 2023, they were $23 million in the whole.  I have yet to see an email about them closing.  

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Long summary of my year 2025, you don't have to read it.

A few events this year: - SAISHO fired their booker, but I was rejected. They were and still are pretty close from reaching Medium status. Kansuka Konda was chosen with a booking reputation of 68 and 100 respect (I only had 30 and around 15).

- 21CW is over $7M in debt and still doesn't seem concerned. The payroll isn't changing, but there hasn't been any warning emails yet so I guess they wont close any time soon. (It did make me curious and want to play with them on another save tough.)

- The first three-quarters of the year went well, gaining popularity every month with a weekly TV show on WrestleWorld and two events a month (one in Mexico, untelevised). But my plans ook a bit of a turn in the last months. I was two weeks away from my tournament final where Tommy Cornell Jr. was allready qualified and supposed to win, but he got concussed while working for SNP. It was very frustrating, and I had to make some last-minute changes on the go home show.

- Kid Fantastic also hurt his spine during the last event of the year; he's out for more than a year, and it looks like a career-ending injury, or at least one that will knock him down from the upper mid-card. I got some good tag matches out of him as he was Chip Martin's partner.

- So, I changed the plan and built the entire end of the year around the first clash between Cory Underwood (my champion) and my character, but I hadn’t tested their chemistry beforehand, and it turns out it’s not good... The match only scored a 52, whereas I was expecting to have my best match and show. 


Also, I can no longer gain popularity in Ontario through WrestleWorld because the broadcaster is too small. IT capped at 40. I did a few shows there to keep growing there.

Another worrying thing, I think my psychology is maxed out at 79. Which isn’t bad but also not great as I started at 75. My puroresu is still improving and is currently at 81. I also feel like my booking skill is capped. It seems to have been stuck at 49 since the middle of the year, which is really worrying me.


Financially, I had ups and downs every month, although overall, I made money. I invested in production, occasionally brought in names with some popularity to job, and signed Yuta Isono & Spider Isako, who are still in Japan but were unemployed. They put on great performances even without much popularity, so next year will be built around them, Lucy Stone McFly, Cory Underwood, Tommy Cornell, Blanche Revenant (A regen) and my character.

- We received the Most Improved Company award.
- Rolling the dice for 2025: Groundswell of support. Not a huge fan. If it holds up for a while, there might be a chance to hit 75 match rating this year (with personal ratings around 70) and maybe even break into the Power 500.

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Posted (edited)

Nice update @RobinS. I am thinking that we should get 10 booking rep points as well as booking skill points for the booking achievements. I have booked 98 shows and my rep is only 19 so it looks like we'll need to be at 300+ shows to compete for decent jobs. 

Adam confirmed in the general questions thread that Booking Skill only affects Creative Energy gained so that +10 per booking achievement is not much of a bonus.

I'm not keen to make rule changes this early though.

Edited by Bad Collin
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1 hour ago, Bad Collin said:

Nice update @RobinS. I am thinking that we should get 10 booking rep points as well as booking skill points for the booking achievements. I have booked 98 shows and my rep is only 19 so it looks like we'll need to be at 300+ shows to compete for decent jobs. 

Adam confirmed in the general questions thread that Booking Skill only affects Creative Energy gained so that +10 per booking achievement is not much of a bonus.

I'm not keen to make rule changes this early though.

5 years, 8 months in, I'm on 118 shows with 23 booking reputation.

If I had also gained +10 reputation alongside booking skill, I would be on 83 reputation now (25 event, 50 event, 75 event, Tiny, Small, Medium). Seems a little much for 24 years old. 

If it was +5, I'd be on 53. I wouldn't have bested Johnny Martin for the PSW job, but I'd be competitive. 


Hadn't found this screen in a while. I like the career earnings bit. Maybe there's some challenges/achievements to that. Success isn't about 5* matches or working for the top dog. Bank account is king. 

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I have booked 259 shows (75 events/184 tv shows) and my booking rep is 33.  The bookers for medium companies, which is also where my company is at, is around 60-70 rep. All the bookers for Big or larger companies has between 78 and 84.


I am 6 years inn and have currently completed 5 achievements increasing my booking skill by 50, so with that same boost to booking rep i would be at 83. That would probably be to much since it would put me on lvl with the bookers for the top companies, but a +5 like Self suggested would put me at 58 which would be one less than the Fox Mask who is the medium booker other than me with the lowest rep.


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Just wrapped up my first year of the challenge. I went the route of a single monthly event with free tickets for the first eight months and then very cheap tickets for the last four just to try and make sure I didn't end up in too deep a debt hole. I upgraded my merchandise once and am 70% through a second upgrade. Currently -$8,884 in debt. My pop in Northern Europe has risen to 9 with spillover giving me 1 in Central Europe. I'm a little nervous that this is a poor start but as it's my first go at the challenge I'm trying not to overthink it.

As for my UC, there's been a decent spread of skill improvements, with his selling particularly helped by rolling "Snow To An Eskimo" for my end of year mystery roll. Popularity is up to 16 in Northern Europe and a rogue 2 in Central Europe thanks to spillover again. Still yet to get him in a 50 rated match or have a 50 rated event card so I'm hoping I achieve those soon. He didn't even win Young Wrestler of the Year for the company which was a bit of a blow - it went to his viking rival Thorsten Sigurdsson.


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7 hours ago, Krazy Killian said:

In terms of a starting template - how many shows should I be running when I first start? I've tried two a month but the second says weve maximised our pop gain in the first one. Is it a case of running a show a month until you reach a certain size?

One a month is fine for the first year. I added a monthly show near the end of year two and that worked well for me.

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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

Sad but almost inevitable the way things are set up.  

It's bad AI. If they ran a monthly show as well as an annual and had at least one show a month in a big arena they would be fine.

You are $12m in debt and you run your monthly show somewhere where you can only draw 6k?


Edited by Bad Collin
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17 minutes ago, Bad Collin said:

It's bad AI. If they ran a monthly show as well as an annual and had at least one show a month in a big arena they would be fine.

You are $12m in debt and you run your monthly show somewhere where you can only draw 6k?


Yeah the AI controlled companies are interesting sometimes.  You or I could probably get out of it because we can think creatively ... even then though you'd need luck in some ways.  The poor old AI though can make some very silly decisions. 

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I'm going to make the booking rep change official today; +5 booking rep for each booking achievement. I think booking skill should be +5 too since that seems to grow at a similar rate. 

I also made a suggestion about this in the suggestions forum:


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Just now, alpha2117 said:

Yeah the AI controlled companies are interesting sometimes.  You or I could probably get out of it because we can think creatively ... even then though you'd need luck in some ways.  The poor old AI though can make some very silly decisions. 

When I run a 21CW save I am going to add a monthly show and make millions. I think the AI should have access to cheese tactics too (or they should not be available to human players).

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3 hours ago, Bad Collin said:

I'm going to make the booking rep change official today; +5 booking rep for each booking achievement. I think booking skill should be +5 too since that seems to grow at a similar rate. 

I also made a suggestion about this in the suggestions forum:


Are we okay to apply these retro-actively? i.e. If I've had two booking achievements in my save, could I now go and add +10 to my booking rep?

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On 8/26/2024 at 10:07 PM, Bad Collin said:

Great progress Self! 

How about this for a pay rise request:


I had this happen with Luke Steele in my save. He wanted to move from $30 a show to $2,400 a show. For him it was when he signed a touring contract with PGHW, which moved him out of region for the period of the tour. I'm thinking that is what caused him to ask for the increase.

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