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TEW IX Public Beta Release Reaction Thread

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16 minutes ago, Doctor Crunch said:

I think it is just you. I have multiple angles in the 90s in the first month of my SWF save and pulled a 91 overall in the 50th Birthday show. That's substantially higher than I generally did early in a 20 save.

There is a heck of a learning curve, and checking out the manual entry on what the ratings are helps, but good ratings are absolutely possible.

The point being made was the AI struggling with angles, though, not the player. I'm 2 months into a game and the AI's best angle with the SWF is 78, which seems super-weird. 

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3 hours ago, Arber said:

It would be ideal if the keyboard shortcuts were extended. ESC or backspace to close the top most window would be a huge QOL change. Looks like I'll have to make a AHK script again like I did for TEW2020.

100% was thinking the same when using it. Seems like a no brainer 

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4 hours ago, EdJames said:

On the upside, a Midjourney subscription is significantly cheaper render-for-render than downloading Daz assets.

That really depends on what Midjourney plan and what Daz assets. It's really not as simple as Midjourney cheaper than Daz, and with Daz you buy something once and it's yours forever.

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So, playing through, here's what I like so far-

Every company appears to have graphics for all of their events. Furthermore, every company that has  a Western style schedule seems to have a pre-made ready to go TV show in the database. That's really cool.

Lots of free pictures, especially for the ladies. 2020 was frustrating because not only were there not a lot of female free agents in the C-Verse, you couldn't even use the autofill feature effectively unless you wanted no pictures. (Seriously, 2020 had more pictures of Jack Bruce than Hispanic Female workers). Here, that's not an issue, for the most part, as there's a huge host of pictures. For the most part. The one exception is masked wrestlers. I counted at least a hundred pictures of masked male wrestlers. For female wrestlers? One. Going to be hard to beef up the lucha scene.

I love getting news feeds about mentor relationships springing up in AI companies. It seemed like that was the kind of thing that never happened in previous iterations of a game, outside of it happening via a dojo.

I love being able to look up workers by booking skill, and how it's not just limited to wrestlers and road agents. I now actually have a REASON to hire managers outside of "Oh, I have somebody who only speaks ____, I need to hire someone who speaks that to help them ease into the rest of the locker room." I was particularly surprised by how high Mya Catalan's booking score was.

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11 minutes ago, Astil said:

I do wish booking skill was a scouting stat. As in if I have pro mode on I get a range based on how long theyve been around.

Agree that would be cool, probably worth putting it in the suggestions forum?

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13 hours ago, Atticus said:

This pretty much exactly why I prefer this new angle system more. I do get why some people think it is overwhelming or cumbersome, but I hated doing premade angles, so I'd always freestyle them and then I'd just get so lazy with them because they were really game-y. Makes the game feel a lot more alive imo with being able to do different parts and people having actual roles in these now. Now I can have Triple H cut a 40 minute promo on Kane in part 1, copy over part 1, change it to Kane attacking Triple H and boom, I'm onto the next thing. Like you said, I think it's a thing where people are gonna need a lot more time and reps to get into the flow of it.

At the risk of sounding like a paid poster shill, I just haven't really come across anything that I overly dislike in IX so far. Maybe 3 months from now after some RW mods come out and I've really sunk myself into a save I'll feel differently. Loved 2016, couldn't get into 2020 at all, tried many saves and mods, but always wound up going back to 2016. And even though this is built off the back of 2020, it just feels better? Don't really know how to explain it.

Haven't had a chance to try the beta yet, but this made me optimistic.

I though the 2020 system was great for quick 1-2 minute segments, but it lacked the ability to do true, 15ish minute segments with different stages with true flow.


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1 hour ago, Kiheiji said:

I'm already eagerly waiting for custom skins tbh. This blue thing takes a toll on my eyes.

The color scheme have always been my nitpick for TEW games, hoping for another Dark Amber like skin for IX. 

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My one very minor complaint is I cannot have both workers come out of an angle being successful. Because when I do a promo between two top tier promo guys I want them both to win to build toward our PPV. I do not like the idea of one of them losing when its just a promo.

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1 hour ago, Kiheiji said:

I'm already eagerly waiting for custom skins tbh. This blue thing takes a toll on my eyes.

Same here, although for me it's the blue and also the thick white borders around everything. Very hard on my sensitive eyes.

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I love how much more alive the backstage feels with the addition of the inner circle, booking teams and the new backstage "happenings." I just had a quick question about those occurrences. I just got a note that Papa Swoll and Amazing Fire Fly had become travel buddies but it didn't generate a friendship between them. Does an event like that mean that the two are on the path toward friendship or does it mean that positive meddling is more likely to work on them?

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5 minutes ago, codey_v3 said:

I love how much more alive the backstage feels with the addition of the inner circle, booking teams and the new backstage "happenings." I just had a quick question about those occurrences. I just got a note that Papa Swoll and Amazing Fire Fly had become travel buddies but it didn't generate a friendship between them. Does an event like that mean that the two are on the path toward friendship or does it mean that positive meddling is more likely to work on them?

Yeah, events like this tick the progress meter towards friendship forming but it's not a direct 1:1 of event happens, relationship forms.

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Edit: added to general gameplay. 


I really like the backstage feature of workers showing up asking to hangout or for work. A very cool addition! 

Edited by JrSquared
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I like that too. Though I think for workers that should show up to hang out, they should be added to the Local Workers section on the off-chance you want to hire them to make an appearance for the night.

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Are the hang out folms not always non wrestlers? Been that way for me


EDIT although you could use as a non wrestling role so still a good suggestion

Edited by Astil
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I’ve got to say I was thrown by the worker profile screen but it’s liveable on balance with the improvements. 

I’m only one playthrough deep, and it was with MAW so I’d have to say not an ideal test experience. Now doing a RAW game and Australia has some great free agents and, from the comments here, might be the area that got the most movement. 

I was wondering if anyone had a worker respond to what their career goals actually were? I’m not sure how often the event/answer isn’t ’lol don’t know’ but so far in 50+ workers nothing. 

In general, I like the improvements and I’ll get my head around the angle system (classic three minute a show Booker) because the other new features do add a much better immersion level to the game. 

Quick question - how do I set the booking rep to zero? If there is a way  

I’d like to finish on a wholly positive note, the show day does feel a lot more complete and the creative ideas are brilliant for giving what would be a throwaway match or wrestler something to do. Part of the joy of previous games has been unexpected pop rises so now I have some logic behind it. 

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Career goals can and will grow organically through the course of the save and may not be set at the start of a mod so when you’re just starting a save, you will probably see more swings and misses to start. 

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3 minutes ago, Big Roguey said:

Career goals can and will grow organically through the course of the save and may not be set at the start of a mod so when you’re just starting a save, you will probably see more swings and misses to start. 

That’s cool. I didn’t know if any came preset in the CVerse. On my next play through you’ve saved me asking the entire roster :) 

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3 hours ago, Jaded said:

The point being made was the AI struggling with angles, though, not the player. I'm 2 months into a game and the AI's best angle with the SWF is 78, which seems super-weird. 

Taking a peek in my most recent save (where I am playing SWF so I can't check them), the AI has at least a couple of angles in the 80s on every 21C and USPW show, but I am not seeing 90s and the stuff that hits 80s tends to be interview segments only so I think your point may be valid about the AI not grokking something about the change to booking. Sorry to misunderstand.

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Has anyone managed to actually get external editing working?

Any time I try to change any of the values in the MDB file, I get "query is too complex".

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1 minute ago, D.W. said:

Has anyone managed to actually get external editing working?

Any time I try to change any of the values in the MDB file, I get "query is too complex".

What are you opening the MDB in? And what query are you writing?

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1 minute ago, D.W. said:

Has anyone managed to actually get external editing working?

Any time I try to change any of the values in the MDB file, I get "query is too complex".

I can't help you with the problems you're having but in answer to your question, yes. I love the external editor and it works great for me. I've already done all the heights and weights for my Territory Daze modification! ❤️

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6 minutes ago, jhd1 said:

What are you opening the MDB in? And what query are you writing?


I'm using MDB Viewer Plus and I loaded up the Cornelverse just to mess around with it.

Most categories work fine, but if I try to do anything in "Workers", name, height, weight, birthdate, it gives me that error.

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