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20 minutes ago, Doctor Crunch said:

Mikey Lau is harder for me. He's a really good wrestler, but not great at any sort of angle thing. I tend to try to book him against guys who can talk. Right now he's in a feud for my World Cruiserweight Belt against the Awesomeness. Mostly he fights a lot and then Huey, Jefferson and Randy show up and talk about it?

In my short SWF spell in 2020 I booked him as the silent badass type who'd show up as the cavalry (ie rated on fighting) a lot and got God-tier ratings. Was planning to attempt to pull this off again but now I'm starting to think that it might get old pretty fast in a long term save.

Edited by cesspool
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Who have you guys released/let contracts expire in your games so far? Makutsi was an obvious one for me. He and Avalanche are going nowhere as a team, but Avalanche has some value as a midcard monster heel so he's staying for now. Justice Jolson and Charger Sikai are about to leave when their contracts expire as i just have nothing for them. USPW interestingly are picking up Jolson but he's at 39 overness so I don't think he'll particularly do much there. Deever Arnold was the other i let expire, he went to FCW. I can always try get him back if I have an idea or he develops well but he was doing nothing for me.


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2 hours ago, Grfcboy95 said:

Who have you guys released/let contracts expire in your games so far? Makutsi was an obvious one for me. He and Avalanche are going nowhere as a team, but Avalanche has some value as a midcard monster heel so he's staying for now. Justice Jolson and Charger Sikai are about to leave when their contracts expire as i just have nothing for them. USPW interestingly are picking up Jolson but he's at 39 overness so I don't think he'll particularly do much there. Deever Arnold was the other i let expire, he went to FCW. I can always try get him back if I have an idea or he develops well but he was doing nothing for me.


Avalanche cooked food for the entire roster in a test sim I did so he basically has a job for life in my mind now lol. I like Jolson so he probably stays. Sammy Smoke is a guy I don’t have much for. 

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On 8/11/2024 at 4:47 PM, cesspool said:

In my short SWF spell in 2020 I booked him as the silent badass type who'd show up as the cavalry (ie rated on fighting) a lot and got God-tier ratings. Was planning to attempt to pull this off again but now I'm starting to think that it might get old pretty fast in a long term save.

After this conversation I poked around a bit and the Subject of Video angle role makes it possible to do highlight packages based on overnes. That may not be all that interesting me as a booker, but doing an occasional highlight package of Mikey's last title defence has helped keep his feud's hot without him having to carry his half of the out of ring work.

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Ok, so I just finished 2022 in my SWF run and here's where we stand as of January 1, 2023.

SWF is Huge and the most popular company in the USA ahead of TCW and USPW in that order. We're still second in the world behind USPW. We are airing two shows a week with SupremeTV on CBA showing in the USA, Canada and Mexico and ELITE streaming globally on COMMPLANET. We're running the Ruthless Aggression product.

We've added a small women's division that is putting up reasonable mid card matches with a mix of USPW alums and rookies.

Rocky Golden is the most popular wrestler in the world, Scythe is third and Remo is fourth.

In terms of annual awards Supreme Challenge 42 was show of the year and we won Most Improved Company. Our support staff cleaned up. Duane Fry won Male Play by Play of the year, Eduardo Prieto won Male Colour Comnmentator of the Year, and Ric Young won Male Referee of the Year. Ironically, Fyuku Higa in our women's division took our only wrestler award for Independent Woman's Wrestler of the Year.

Company Awards

  • Male Wrestler - Rocky Golden
  • Female Wrestler - Lora Washington (Miss American Pie)
  • Male Tag Team - The Awesomeness (Huey Canonball & Jefferson Stardust)
  • Male Young Wrestler - Taylor Norton
  • Male Veteran Wrestler - Brandon James (who was cut in November)
  • Match - Rocky Golden and Primus Allen vs Hellion and Joss Thompson on Supreme TV (96)
  • Card - Supreme Challenge 42
  • Male Manager - Big Smack Scott (who was cut in October)
  • Female Manager - Joy Ryder (who is both wrestling and managing Forrest Ratloff)
  • Male Play by Play - Duane Fry (who announces Events and Supreme)
  • Male Color Commentator - Eduardo Prieto (who is on the Event and Supreme announce team with Duane and Jasmine Saunders)
  • Female Color Commentator - Grace Harper (who is on the Elite announce team with Remington Remus and Demelza Wade)
  • Referee - Ric Young


  • World Heavyweight - Rocky Golden on his 3rd run. He lost the title to Des in January and won it back in July at Supreme Challenge.
  • World Cruiserweight - Mikey Lau on an establishing run for what I'm treating as a second main title.
  • Christmas Clash - I hate the all 4 on 4 thing so I revamped Christmas Clash as a Battle Royale for a trophy and a title shot. Scythe won it in December. 
  • North America - Frankie-Boy Fernandez who  just won the title off of Hellion in December. Frankie came over from CZCW in February and is a legit star now.
  • Vixxen -  Lora Washington on an establishing run. This is a secondary woman's title. If we can build up the division to main event status we'll add a primary title.
  • Shooting Star - High Flying Hawaiian. This is a secondary title for high flyers. Hawaiian is wrestling solo as we let Ekuma walk and currently out with an injury.
  • World Tag - The Dallas Cowboys (Marshall Dillon and Ranger)
  • CBA - Angry Gilmore holds down the Network Title for SupremeTV.
  • COMMPLANET Elite - Fro Sure just took the TV title for Elite in December.

Storyline wise -

Scythe's pursuit of a second title run will come to a head in January when he takes down Rocky Golden. Hollywood Brett Star will be the next major face challenger, but will fall short at Supreme Challenge after failing to cheat. He'll turn heel and then have a heel - heel feud against Spencer Spade for the Rat Pack.

Primus Allen is feuding with Remo after the two got into it at the Christmas Clash Battle Royale. This is a good solid feud with some great matches so I want to keep it churning until Supreme Challenge when Primus will go decisively over and be the next makor challenge for the title after Brett and eventually go over. As hot as Primus is right now I expect a long run with the title.

Mikey Lay should hold the Cruiserweight tile for the rest of the year while fending off the machinations of Unleashed Awesomeness. I want a long run for the first Cruiserweight Champion as the division builds.

We're wrapping up a long story line in January. The Rat Pack has been trying to talk Garry into joining them. In January Spencer and Garry will meet. If Garry wins the Pack leaves him alone. If Spencer wins Garry turns heel.

Lenny Brown and Forrest Ratloff are also wrapping up a piece of business about Forrest cheating and Lenny getting angry about it. This is designed to cool Forrest off after his push got him a little above his in ring skills.

I'm just kicking off a midcard feud between Matty Faith and the new heel stable The Court of Demons (Matthew DeVille (Aldous Blackfriar), Hellion, Hell's Bouncer and Fyuku Higa).


Edited by Doctor Crunch
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  • 2 weeks later...

I was going to do an Eric Eisen leads a heel group thing wuth Spencer Spade (the "last great star" the Eisens created). Spade was going to take Fame & Money with him but not Justin Sensitive. Sensitive being the last member wants to carry on the Rat Pack and recruits DeSousa and Smoke to the ranks. So Sensitive goes from lackey to leader. 

Oh and DeSousa and Hernandez have a falling out. Mainstream can go, talks well and looks great. Push that guy! 

I decided against Eisen leading a group but I still like the Justin Sensitive idea so much I had had Spade change the name of his group to the Hive so Justin could lead the Rat Pack. 

Edited by ExRufas2000
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We just finished 2023. Here's where we are as of January 1, 2024.

SWF is still Huge and number 2 in the world behind USPW. We're first in the United States. TCW has fallen back a little and USPW is back in 2nd place in the states. Our TV lineup hasn't changed, still Supreme on CBA (along with TV Mex, Channel 6 and and Japanese Sportsvision 3) Elite on COMMPLANET.

The women's division is consistently holding down midcard spots.

In the national awards, Break Like the Wind won show of the year, Margarita Reyna (a manager/wrestler prospect - actually Margaret Reynolds from Boston) won female manager of the year for her work with Angry Gilmore, Eduardo Prieto won male colour commentator of the year, and Femme Fatale Pro Wrestling (our second child company) won most improved company.

We’ve got a fairly major complex in Boston with the corporate HQ, The Supreme Wrestling Hall of Fame, The Jack Bruce Studios where our TV is taped and the Supreme Wrestling Forum where our less important annual events are held. Supreme Wrestling University is in Rhode Island with RIPW and FFPW.

The five most popular wrestlers in the world are Rocky Golden, Remo, Scythe, Nicky Champion and Steve Frehley.

Rocky is my highest ranking wrestler in the Power 500 at 7, with Des Davids at 9, Spencer Spade at 13, Primus Allen at 15, and Frankie Boy Fernandes at 18 all in the top 20.

Major additions this year were Jay Chord and Alicia Strong, both of whom were signed as free agents off of hiatus. Rocky is still the figurehead. 

My Headlining Babyfaces are Rocky Golden, Primus Allen, Garry Walker (Garry the Entertainer), KC Glenn, Mikey Lau and Valiant

My Headlining Heels are Scythe, Remo, Hellion, Des Davids, Frankie-Boy Fernandez, Jay Chord and Spencer Spade.

Rogue (who left when his contract expired) and Ana Garcia (who is now the CEO of Femme Fatale Pro Wrestling) were both added to the Hall of Fame.  


  • World Heavyweight - Scythe. He held the tile all year.
  • World Cruiserweight - KC Glenn.
  • Christmas Clash -Rocky Golden
  • North America - Whole Lotta Marvin
  • Vixxen -  Fyuko Higa
  • Shooting Star - Xavi Ferera
  • World Tag - The Dallas Cowboys (Marshall Dillon and Ranger) Just won this back
  • CBA - Zeke Cromstock
  • COMMPLANET Elite - Beast Bantom

Company Awards

  • Male Wrestler - Rocky Golden (2)
  • Female Wrestler - Fuyuko Higa
  • Male Tag Team - The Hellspawn (Hellion & Hell's Bouncer)
  • Female Tag Team of the Year - Electric Pink (Electric Dreamer & Pinky Perez)
  • Male Young Wrestler - Taylor Norton (2)
  • Female Young Wrestler - Spider Isako
  • Male Veteran Wrestler - Valiant
  • Female Veteran Wrestler - Sara Marie York
  • Match - Scythe over Primus Allen to defend the World Heavyweight Title at Under Control
  • Card - Break Like the Wind
  • Male Manager - Matthew DeVille (Aldous Blackfriar) for his work managing the Court of Demons
  • Female Manager - Margarita Reyna (Margaret Reynolds) for managing Angry Gilmore
  • Male Play by Play - Duane Fry (4)
  • Male Color Commentator - Eduardo Prieto (2)
  • Female Color Commentator - Grace Harper (2)
  • Referee - Ric Young (4)


  • World Heavyweight - Scythe on his 2nd run. He won the title in January and has held it all year. He has 7 title defenses.
  • World Cruiserweight - KC Glenn just won it off Frankie Boy Fernandez at Christmas Clash.
  • Christmas Clash - Rocky Golden won the battle royale this year. He has a title shot waiting in January.
  • North America - Whole Lotta Marvin. Marvin has made big waves this year, starting with a run on the CBA and COMMPLANET belts in the summer. He's now a star verging on major star.
  • Summer Invitational Tournament – Primus Allen. This comes with a guaranteed title shot.
  • Vixxen – Fuyuko Higa who just went over Alicia Strong to defend.
  • Vixxen Tag – The California Dreams – Skye Hermosa and Kira Lee.
  • Shooting Star – Xavi Ferrera
  •  World Tag - The Dallas Cowboys (Marshall Dillon and Ranger). Actually just took it back in September.
  • CBA – Zeke Cromstock
  • COMMPLANET Elite -Beast Bantam.

Factions and Stables

The Rat Pack (Important with Decent Momentum)– Hollywood Brett Starr (Leader), Hudson Drake, Rafe Sashay, Willy LaRue, Xavi Ferrera (Shooting Star) with Cheyenne, Marina Del Rey and Racquel Morales

The Court of Demons (Hugely Important and White Hot)- Hellion (Leader), Fuyuko Higa (Deputy, VIXXEN), Hell’s Bouncer, Matthew DeVille (Aldous Blackfriar), Original Sinner,  Spider Isako. The Court of Demons cleaned up at the annual company awards winning Tag Team, Female Wrestler, Female Young Wrestler and Male Manager Awards.

The House of Phunk (Important with Decent Momentum) – Grandmaster Phunk (Leader),  Marty Simmons, Stevie Stanley, Whole Lotta Marvin (North American), Zeke Cromstock (CBA)

The Supreme Dream Team (Solid, little momentum ) – Steven Parker (Leader), Mainstream Hernandez, Mitchell Aldred, Robbie Wright with Kristen Pearce and Lisa Bowen

Storyline Wise

The World Heavyweight Title chase was a mess. Hollywood Brett Starr was supposed to get a run at the title, but he and Scythe had 0 chemistry. Primus was supposed to take the belt, but had a minor injury and then hit a pop cap. Scythe has retained all year and is at 7 defenses having defended against Brett, Primus (twice), Valiant (twice), ZWB, and Garry. I’m planning on him hitting 10 defenses and then dropping it back to Rocky mid-year.

The Cruiserweight title revolved around Frankie-Boy all year. He started the year chasing Mikey and ended it trying unsuccessfully to fend off KC Glenn. I need to build up the Cruiserweight Division, but these matches have been very good and easily co-headline with the Heavyweight title.

After Brett bounced out of the heavyweight title he ended up in a storyline with Spencer that ended up with Brett turning heel, rejoining the Rat Pack and eventually challenging Spencer for leadership.

Valiant and Alicia Strong have been feuding with the Court of Demons all year and it has gotten super hot. This feud has become the title feud for the Vixxen title and Alicia and Fuyuko had a great title match for their first confrontation.

The House of Phunk and the Rat Pack have been fighting around the CBA and the COMMPLANET titles. Whole Lotta Marvin has been the breakout star here.

We have some individual feuds as well. Remo thought Garry Walker didn’t deserve his title shot and has been trying to take revenge. The Rat Pack and Hollywood Brett Starr have bene going after Primus Allen. Whole Lotta Marvin is tired of Des disrespecting Grandmaster Phunk and they’ve been feuding as well.



Fuyuko Higa and Matthew DeVille refuse to speak to each other or be in angles together despite being in the same stable.

Remo, ZWB and Valiant are all significant wrestlers in declline.

Both my Cruiserweight and Women's Divisions have great wrestlers at the top of the division and good prospects, but not much in the middle.

Edited by Doctor Crunch
Weird copy and paste error on the titles.
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13 hours ago, Doctor Crunch said:

So, I finally noticed that Jasmine Saunders has the Host With The Most attribute. Any ideas for a name for her talk show segment?

The Jas (Jazz) Club? Low light, bar stools, soft jazz background music...I could see it. 

If anyone remembers the British sketch comedy programme "The Fast Show" from the 90s, ...great, really great.

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10 hours ago, Kjarvs said:

The Jas (Jazz) Club? Low light, bar stools, soft jazz background music...I could see it. 

If anyone remembers the British sketch comedy programme "The Fast Show" from the 90s, ...great, really great.

Thanks! I ended up going with that.

In other news, I just had a new best woman's match.


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Question for anyone who's done a longer SWF save do you have to be frugal with your money or is it a company that can toss out deals (say to top TCW guys) and feel safe things won't collapse? I'm going to expand internationally off bat to increase merch and sponsorship money so hopefully those can make up for any potential financial mismanagement on my end

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7 hours ago, TakumiIrohamarvelous said:

Question for anyone who's done a longer SWF save do you have to be frugal with your money or is it a company that can toss out deals (say to top TCW guys) and feel safe things won't collapse? I'm going to expand internationally off bat to increase merch and sponsorship money so hopefully those can make up for any potential financial mismanagement on my end

Money will basically never be an issue.

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