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2001 Real World - Assistance would be gratefully received

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I did a fair bit of MOD editing on TEW20, so have decided to have a crack at creating my own from scratch for TEW9

My favourite period of time is 2001, it's a couple of years after I began watching and was one of the most poignant years in history in my opinion, and also one of the biggest re-booking situations ever discussed!

It also satisfies my OCD as January 1st fell on the Monday, which is oddly satisfying.

I'm pretty knowledgeable on the US area of this time and will be beginning creating the big 3. 

Am also hoping to create 2 versions, one where WCW closes when they did in Real Life, and an alternative that allows the challenge of trying to resurrect WCW, both starting in January 2001

I'm open to any help or advice, this is my first MOD from scratch, so if anybody has any hints or tips, as I'm a bit all over the place at the minute, creating Company, then a Belt, then a Worker, then a Move Set and feel like there's probably a more streamlined process.

I also have no idea what to do when it comes to Graphics, I can find plenty of Graphics from other MODS and uploads but if anybody has any interest in doing anything for this, that would be amazing!

I head on holiday for a week in a couple of days,, so will be starting in earnest very soon, and depending on early progress will put out a proper hype thread once I have a little bit to show for my work


Thanks for reading!

Edited by s7eve_s
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I remember there was a Mod for TEW2016 (I Think) that did this. Exactly the way you want to do it. (With 2 versions)

it might be worth a search to get you some inspiration, or even to use it as a solid foundation to get this done. As the game has had a TON of updates since 2016

now thinking about it, It might of even been a TEW2013 save lol.

Looking forward to this though, Good Luck.

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1 hour ago, dfking said:

I remember there was a Mod for TEW2016 (I Think) that did this. Exactly the way you want to do it. (With 2 versions)

it might be worth a search to get you some inspiration, or even to use it as a solid foundation to get this done. As the game has had a TON of updates since 2016

now thinking about it, It might of even been a TEW2013 save lol.

Looking forward to this though, Good Luck.

I think it was 13, a Genadi MOD. thats the one I've been playing and converting and editing to play personally

Was brilliant when I figured out how to shut WCW down on que, and so really want to be able to put something out there

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There were also dual mods (exactly like the OP described) by Johnal881 called "Goodnight and Goodbye" (WCW closed) and "Invasion" (like the name says).

Just a thought if you want to do something unique - I don't think there's ever been a 2001 mod starting in January instead of after X-7 and the last Nitro - I don't know about the broad majority, but that'd be something that interests me because it might include more of a chance to rescue ECW, maybe for convincing Turner not to drop WCW programming by booking the first three months of 2001 less like the boring, idiotic slog that they were in real life, rebooking the iconic build to X-7 (maybe even without Debra being involved) and so on.

I get why most 2001 mods start at the crossroads after WCW closing (or not, depending on the scenario), but starting in January like most mods in most mods would be interesting as well.

Anyway, good luck with your mod and thanks for your efforts.

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3 hours ago, RobinS said:

Mr.Canada did it for TEW 2020.


Quick Q? was it just converted from the previously mentioned TEW2013 mod?

Or did they actually update the database by giving workers attributes and stuff??

Becouse there are a lot of old mods converted to 2020, but a lot of them updated none of the workers' attributes. And honestly that's such a huge addition, that NOT doing it makes a database pretty dead and just boring.

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23 minutes ago, dfking said:

Quick Q? was it just converted from the previously mentioned TEW2013 mod?

Or did they actually update the database by giving workers attributes and stuff??

Becouse there are a lot of old mods converted to 2020, but a lot of them updated none of the workers' attributes. And honestly that's such a huge addition, that NOT doing it makes a database pretty dead and just boring.

He posted this a couple of days ago. I think he built pretty much everything from the ground up. And yes, all the attributes were there and well done (at least to my taste)

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My data from 2020 was more-or-less made from scratch. I used a mod as a base, but only with importing stuff and then after I got my feet under me, everything was done from scratch. Anything imported was also touched and not just imported and left alone.

Its complete with attributes and all that, though obviously there are always different opinions about who should have what, and some people have far more than others based generally on how well known they are (for example Booker T has way more attributes then... Adam Jacobs.) And in my opinion data is always a work in progress as it can never be fully "done" there is always something to add or adjust.

If you are asking for help here, feel free to use my data as a base. I'm currently going through the process of importing it into TEW9, but it will be a slow process. Just the dates (for events, tours, birthdays) and heights & weights for workers is going to take a lot of time to get through. I'm currently through WCW, AAA, & AJPW. And as I always say no data is every "done" and for now I'm just focusing on those metrics to make it "TEW9-able"

Feel free to use my TEW2020 data as a base or wait until I update it for TEW9. My only rule as stated in my posts is if you use my data as a base, you have to allow anyone to use your data to make their own mods as well.

Edited by MrCanada
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8 hours ago, Nachtfalter said:

Just a thought if you want to do something unique - I don't think there's ever been a 2001 mod starting in January instead of after X-7 and the last Nitro

WCW New Blood in TEW2016 started in January

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/29/2024 at 12:06 PM, MrCanada said:


My data from 2020 was more-or-less made from scratch. I used a mod as a base, but only with importing stuff and then after I got my feet under me, everything was done from scratch. Anything imported was also touched and not just imported and left alone.

Its complete with attributes and all that, though obviously there are always different opinions about who should have what, and some people have far more than others based generally on how well known they are (for example Booker T has way more attributes then... Adam Jacobs.) And in my opinion data is always a work in progress as it can never be fully "done" there is always something to add or adjust.

If you are asking for help here, feel free to use my data as a base. I'm currently going through the process of importing it into TEW9, but it will be a slow process. Just the dates (for events, tours, birthdays) and heights & weights for workers is going to take a lot of time to get through. I'm currently through WCW, AAA, & AJPW. And as I always say no data is every "done" and for now I'm just focusing on those metrics to make it "TEW9-able"

Feel free to use my TEW2020 data as a base or wait until I update it for TEW9. My only rule as stated in my posts is if you use my data as a base, you have to allow anyone to use your data to make their own mods as well.

That would be absolutely amazing!

Thank you so much for the offer, I have enjoyed playing your MOD but as a previous poster has put, I enjoy starting at the beginning of the year, with everything still in play, so may wait until you've TEWIX'd yours and create an alternative version a few months earlier if that's ok

I did do a fair bit of editing on your MOD for personal play such as Broadcasters etc.. as I believe you said it was one area you hadn't focused on as much, so I imported Fleisch's 92 broadcasters and updated most to the start date of the MOD, happy to send over what I did if that's any help to you currently or after you've updated

But yeah that would be great, and of course, anyone can use as they see fit

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On 7/28/2024 at 8:49 PM, s7eve_s said:

Am also hoping to create 2 versions, one where WCW closes when they did in Real Life, and an alternative that allows the challenge of trying to resurrect WCW, both starting in January 2001


On 7/29/2024 at 7:38 AM, Nachtfalter said:

Just a thought if you want to do something unique - I don't think there's ever been a 2001 mod starting in January instead of after X-7 and the last Nitro

As above in the OP, this is the plan, much the same as the New Blood MOD for 13, however the only difference being that I will create two versions, one where WCW close when they did for certain and another where they are playable beyond the closure date but in dire straights

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18 hours ago, s7eve_s said:


As above in the OP, this is the plan, much the same as the New Blood MOD for 13, however the only difference being that I will create two versions, one where WCW close when they did for certain and another where they are playable beyond the closure date but in dire straights

Looking forward to this. Will ECW still be active considering it’s January? There have been only a few 2001 mods and most of them never have ECW open. It would be interesting trying to redirect the ship and get a TV deal.

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2 hours ago, SirMichaelJordan said:

Looking forward to this. Will ECW still be active considering it’s January? There have been only a few 2001 mods and most of them never have ECW open. It would be interesting trying to redirect the ship and get a TV deal.

They will, the only downside being is that the tests I ran in the editing I did in TEW20 saw them close down within about 6 months

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Should hopefully have something to show for this soon thanks to MrCanada's very kind offer to roll back his data

I am working on importing bits a company at a time to try and avoid confusion

WWF are about complete, though I need to go through the heights and weights, they appear to have pulled through from the conversion and of the couple I have checked so far aren't that far out but will go through them with a fine tooth comb shortly before starting on WCW. Have edited the relationships regarding parents which caused an error.

If anybody does have any knowledge of graphics, especially workers, would love to have some shiny new pictures for the new game. Have again used those that come with MrCanada's 2001 MOD which the events, companies and TV logos are all great looking, but would love some fresh Worker pics

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An update on progress so far...........


Currently have 5 Companies built:







340 workers across these 5 promotions as well as workers I need to assign to ECW once I have built them

I am missing 15 workers across these 5 promotions that I believe were on the respective rosters but are not within MrCanada's 2001 data (or possibly under another name which I need to in depth search for)

Approx 15 Contracts I need to add for workers with the respective promotions

All Titles and Lineages have been updated for WWF and WCW, all have been added for the other 3 promotions but I have not yet adjusted the data back to the Jan 2001 start date.


Fleisch has also been kind enough to allow me to use his 1992 data for Media Groups, Broadcasters and Broadcasting deals, all have been added for the 5 respective companies so far as well as Graphics both from Fleisch's and also MrCanada's respective MODS, though some are missing and I will try to obtain these when I do a Beta release which will hopefully be in a couple of weeks once I reach a decent amount of workers and promotions.


If anyone has any suggestions, advice, expertise or information from this timeframe that may be useful please feel free to let me know. My aim is simply to put together an enjoyably playable MOD for one of my favourite time periods, and if anybody feels they can help improve the data then I am all for your input.


And a massive thanks to @MrCanada and @Fleisch for allowing me use of their data from TEW20 MOD's, both of which are fantastic and have been a massive help in getting this started!

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Hey there, as it happens to be I own the Gong Puroresu Nippon Sports Mook from 2001. It's a book that contains information on all Japanese promotions and workers from the time and also some of the big international promotions and free agents. It is issued to be from 19th of April 2001. I don't know from which exact point in time they collected the data but ECW is still featured. It contains height, weight, birthdays and pictures (but the print is not the best quality) for all wrestlers. Maybe you can also find a scan of it somewhere, if not I'd certainly be happy to help, especially with the Japanese scene.


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Posted (edited)

That would be awesome! I know very little of the Japanese scene, though from inputting things and researching, finding out more than I ever knew. But this would be a great resource! I'll be in touch if that's ok?


I don't suppose you are able to send over an image of any of the ECW details for starters are you? I've input workers but haven't made a start on putting the roster together yet, so it's more to verify I'm not missing anything



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Yes, please be in touch. 

My Japanese is still very much on a learner level but I can read hiragana and katakana at the very least. Google lens should be able to help with the rest. I'll try to scan them right now. 

The heights and weights are also in cm and kg so wikipedia or cagematch would probably the easier way to get that information in most cases. The book can definitely help with which wrestlers worked where and the Japanese indy scene in general though.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Update, as I'm aware it's been a couple of weeks since I last posted.


Haven't had much time over the past couple of weeks until the last couple of days where I saw that Mr Canada had released his HCTM Mod on TEW IX which is great news!


Therefore I decided that using this as a base (very grateful to @MrCanadawould move me on further than the work I had already done


The database has been rolled back to 1st January 2001. I have re-installed the current owners (Bischoff as CEO of WCW and Heyman as Owner of ECW), with ECW active again. Shane McMahon moved back to WWF.


All WWF titles and title lineages have been edited and rolled back to January 1st 2001. No other work done apart from those workers whose contracts have been moved back to their previous companies.


I have added a couple of contracts to WCW: Scott Steiner and Kevin Nash, the reason for just these two is that it has allowed me to roll back titles and title lineages to where they were at the start of 2001. There is some very good info regarding WCW contracts so my next step is to work through all of these.


ECW is complete (I think), all contracts have been added using their debut dates in the company and ongoing handshake contracts. There are one or two missing workers (Sal E. Graziano being one of them). I will look at this at a later date. All titles have been updated and event dates pre May 2001 have been moved back a year.


Currently have 240 critical errors when I run a data check, these relate to contracts that begin after the database start date so next I will run through these and either delete or edit as necessary.


Once I've done this I can access a save and have a look around and see how it's all looking


Thanks for reading

Edited by s7eve_s
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