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BHOTWG ~ Burning Hammer Of The Wrestling Gods

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Burning Hammer is an interesting landing spot. Legendary Tadiyuki Kikkawa is back and is on the wheel while Kaneko is officially out. Heihachiro Sakai is the World Champion for the first time in his career, Matthew Keith could be a potential big player as well down the line and they signed long time Indy stalwarts like Kita, Narahashi or Itou.

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They’re also hemorrhaging money by the looks of my watcher save, by the tune of around 300k-500k a month. I want to start a save with them and see if I can steady the ship. Anyone found any good ways to cut costs and get them back on track financially?

Edited by Scubaglue
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The Burning Hammer Junior Division might genuinely be the best it's ever been and it's going to get further boosted in the next couple of years. It can easily carry the company and BOSJ is going to easily eclipse most if not all main event programs. 


I don't think the Heavyweight savior is on the roster, which is a big problem. Keith, Takemura, Toshitara and Sumatsu is probably the closest thing to a solution.

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1 hour ago, CGN91 said:

I have lost only 3k in the first month of touring and I even signed one unemployed wrestler to the roster. So I think this is reasonable. 

Did you get rid of drug testing ? Lower production or anything like that? In the two saves I’ve played three months in the AI have managed to lose roughly 1m in both saves. I don’t think they raised production cost and they hired about four workers full time and about eight workers to touring contracts. 

speaking about touring contracts does anyone know how these work? It looks like the AI just gives non exclusive written contracts and the workers come and go between tours. I can’t see an option for them on the negotiations page. 

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Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, Scubaglue said:

Did you get rid of drug testing ? Lower production or anything like that? In the two saves I’ve played three months in the AI have managed to lose roughly 1m in both saves. I don’t think they raised production cost and they hired about four workers full time and about eight workers to touring contracts. 

No I changed nothing. Just played it "vanilla". 


1 hour ago, AboardTheArk said:

The Burning Hammer Junior Division might genuinely be the best it's ever been and it's going to get further boosted in the next couple of years. It can easily carry the company and BOSJ is going to easily eclipse most if not all main event programs. 


I don't think the Heavyweight savior is on the roster, which is a big problem. Keith, Takemura, Toshitara and Sumatsu is probably the closest thing to a solution.

Yes Heavyweight division looks empty, but I like the challenge. I think the first three you mentioned could be the next top guys and dethrone Sakai while Horri and Nakasawa will be in a Tanahashi-esque type of roll. Junior division looks fire, love it. 

Edited by CGN91
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2 hours ago, Scubaglue said:

Did you get rid of drug testing ? Lower production or anything like that? In the two saves I’ve played three months in the AI have managed to lose roughly 1m in both saves. I don’t think they raised production cost and they hired about four workers full time and about eight workers to touring contracts. 

speaking about touring contracts does anyone know how these work? It looks like the AI just gives non exclusive written contracts and the workers come and go between tours. I can’t see an option for them on the negotiations page. 

The option for touring is opposite the contract length, the dropdown with ongoing in it.

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Yeah, the 

7 hours ago, AboardTheArk said:

The Burning Hammer Junior Division might genuinely be the best it's ever been and it's going to get further boosted in the next couple of years. It can easily carry the company and BOSJ is going to easily eclipse most if not all main event programs. 


I don't think the Heavyweight savior is on the roster, which is a big problem. Keith, Takemura, Toshitara and Sumatsu is probably the closest thing to a solution.

Yeah, the Junior division looks the best it probably has ever looked.

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I was thinking about holding the Tadiyuki Kikkawa Climax Tournament at Quest of Heart in September. Kikkawa announces it during inferno of purity which is smack bang in the middle of the best of the super juniors in July. Saying a 16 man, two group, round robin, over 220lbs, tournament will start in August, where the two group winners will meet at quest of heart to decide the first winner. The first group (The Tasuku Iesada group) will be topped by still world champion Sakai who just scrapes past Matthew Keith to win the group by a single point. Keith beats both Ino and Horri in the group leading to some real tension in NEO Prime. Ino and Horri’s match comes to a time limit draw, but rather than than showing each other respect, they try to keep fighting as they can feel the stable slipping from them as Toshitura & Gensai are starting to see Keith as the leader and strongest in the group. 

In the second group (The Masaaki Okazaki group) a returning Yasunobu Masuno looking refreshed from his time away and driven by his fairly well documented dislike for Kikkawa dominates a group of legends like Nakasawa, Gakusha and old friend Taira, who was the only person to stop Masuno. With both men patting each other on the back and smiling when the match finished as a sign of respect. 

In the final Sakai comes to the ring with close friend and stable leader Taira. Masuno comes out alone. The match is brutal with both men showing fire and heart constantly kicking out of big moves and firing back. After Sakai kicks out of an avalanche bomb. Masuno hoists Sakai up into a day of rackening. Sakai’s back is heavily taped from the abuse he took throughout the tournament. He won’t quit. Taira looks on as Sakai screams in agony as he desperately tries to reach for the ropes. After a couple of minutes knowing full well Sakai can’t reach the ropes and he won’t quit Taira reluctantly throws in the towel, trying to save his deputy from himself. Referee Aizawa calls for the bell but Masuno still won’t release the hold. Taira jumps in the ring and Masuno finally drops Sakai. As Taira tries to comfort and explain to his fallen ally. Kikkawa awards Masuno the trophy. 

While Kikkawa crowns Masuno, a distraught Sakai asks Taira why and Taira looking upset too says he was saving his career, as they squabble and roll out the ring the rest of NEO-X hit the ringside area to tend to Sakai and calm things down. Meanwhile why that’s going on at ringside, Kikkawa crowns an emotionless Masuno in the ring. As soon as Kikkawa hands him the trophy he throws it on the floor. Kikkawa furiously screams in the face of Masuno, who just laughs at him and spits in his face. Kikkawa snaps and attacks Masuno, the two are locked together throwing punches at one and other. Taira and a few NEO-X members try to stop the fight. Taira pulls Kikkawa back and the opening allows Masuno a chance to kick Kikkawa between his legs, downing him as the crowd look on stunned. 

This causes NEO Prime to appear. Horri is telling the rest of the group to come with him to the ring but Keith just looks at the carnage in the ring laughs and turns straight back and trough the curtain, followed by Toshitura and Gensai. Horri and Ino run up to ringside grab a chair each and enter the ring. Masuno is leaning in the corner laughing and NEO-X (except a downed Sakai) are all behind Taira who stands his ground. Horri, once feeling safe drops his chair and bends down to aid the CEO, as he does Ino cracks him over the back with the chair. Taira turns around and hits a double clothesline on rebel run x and Ino nails Takemura and Sato with chair shorts. After a few more chair shots and stomps to everyone on the ground Masuno walks out the corner and the three men embrace in the middle of the ring. Ino goes out grabs Sakai who is struggling to move still and tosses him in the ring where black magic are waiting to give him a double power bomb on the trophy/chairs. The original NEO is back! 
In time they can explain that Taira had grew jealous of Sakai hogging the limelight with his lengthy run as world champion. Ino was sick of arguing over the direction of NEO Prime with Horri and all three men felt overlooked by Kikkawa a man they had feuded with for many years. So they had been speaking privately about their frustrations and devised a plan to destroy the people they felt were holding them back and went back to when they were strongest, just the three of them. No leaders, just doing what they wanted when they wanted, together, unstoppable, NEO! Masuno then challenges Sakai to a world title match in a few weeks time at night of the burning hammer. 

This then leads to Sakai excepting Masuno’s challenge for NOTBH before being properly healed and fueled by the rage of being betrayed by Taira, he drops the belt to Masuno, who claims his first world title. 

Matthew Keith starts his own faction with deputy Toshitara and Gensai, adding some juniors and getting a new stable name. NEO-X disband until I can figure out what to do next. Sakai will probably start his own faction down the line. 

Now NEO can feud with Horri & Sakai while I build Sakai back up to win next year’s tournament and reclaim the belt he never should have lost. 




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9 hours ago, 229tman said:

Looking to add some more tournaments into my touring schedule what do you guys add and where? I usually add one called “The Fire Dream Cup” 

In 2020 I revived the King of Fighters title but made it a tournament akin to New Japan Cup in February so the winner can get a title shot at Fire Dream, now that Kikkawa is officially CEO that's definitely happening again it feels like something he would do in my opinion. I also turned Summit Challenge into the Kitozan Summit Challenge tournament like the G1 set for August. I might also move BOSJ back to June so I don't have to book the two tournaments back to back like that. Oh I also had the Super Junior Tag League for Everlasting Mission and World Tag League set for Silencing Dragons but I'm honestly not against putting both tournaments in the same month for Silencing Dragons so that Burning Path can start the year off with two guaranteed title matches at least.

Edited by siah463
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On 7/30/2024 at 12:18 PM, 229tman said:

Looking to add some more tournaments into my touring schedule what do you guys add and where? I usually add one called “The Fire Dream Cup” 

I always add the 'Sword of Destiny' as a single elimination tournament and 'The Heart of the Gods' as my heavyweight round robin that culminates at Quest of Heart. I just loved those names, but the calendar does feel a bit cramped leading up to NOTBH, so I have moved a few around in the past. 

I always beef up the existing stables and add one or two more. The juniors especially, could be added to all of the existing factions.

The NEO war is intriguing, especially using it to build Sakai and Keith as the next top stars, eventually leading to a loser disbands match at NOTBH 2023 or later. I always found that Masuno was my main character in 2020. He had so much depth with his injury, return, rejection of NEO. I basically booked him as an anti-hero and Slaughterhouse just fought anyone who got in their way. Helikaon and Sensational Dragon would usually move up to heavyweight, but Dragon is only 5'7" so it might be Helikaon to lead the way this time. 

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I'm trying to get into BHOTWG because of the great Jr Heavyweight division and the challenge to rebuild the Heavyweight division but I'm really struggling to work with a roster this big. How do you guys handle it? Do you always make sure to put everybody on the card? Do you give a lot of workers days offs?

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I have played three months of game time and haven’t had any complaints about being left off of tour shows. I normally have a lot of multi-man tag matches on my tours. Most stars and major stars work every second to third show. I don’t give anyone the night off on tour. 

For my big events I have them for the most part pre-booked a month or two in advance, and I know my seven to nine main card matches before I book the event. I just work out who I want to work the pre-show and then give anyone well known or above the night off who’s not booked. (Normally 3-7 guys)

At first glance the huge roster can be intimidating but once you split it between junior and heavyweight and take the factions into account it’s not that hard to keep everyone busy. Once you have your big one on one matches and stories you’re telling booked on your PPV you can always throw some multi-man filler on the undercard to get people on your shows. 

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