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Better Tour Scheduling

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I find the current way of making and managing tours in the editor painful to deal with. I have a suggestion to overhaul them somewhat, within the confines of how they and events kind of work already. Several suggestions below:

1. Make them editable. Having to delete and re-add tours because a spelling error or wanting to change a date or naming convention is annoying. Not only that, I find a lot of the time you then cannot re-add the same tour with the same name as it says that tour name is taken (probably a bug for a different post!) Having tours be editable by clicking on them seems much more intuitive.

2. Start Date / End Date - Right now you can set the dates to specific dates, say Jan 1 and Jan 31 to start and end. But then the tours may start and end on those dates regardless of where they are in the week for a specific year. Being able to set these dates with the "First saturday of the month" or "third tuesday of the month" would be a nice QOL change.

3. Amount of shows and/or spacing of shows - It would be nice to set how many shows should be run in a tour schedule. Obviously you would be limited to an upper limit of how many days the tour actually runs, so if the tour is only 10-days you can only set it to run 10-shows, but it would be nice to be able to set that number of shows lower. So over a 10 day tour, only run 5 shows. The AI then populates them as it wants throughout the specific period. This could be useful to simulate how sometimes in real world an official tour may span 3-weeks but only run 14 shows. Just having that amount of control would be nice. Further, it would be nice to be able to set a "spacing" setting. "Every 3-days" or "every other day" to try and help guide the AI. Obviously leave most of the control with the AI and sometimes it wont be able to do exactly as specified, but it would be nice.

4. Final Show is more important - It would be a nice setting just to add in to make the AI automatically make the last tour of a show a more important event akin to a normal event/PPV as opposed to a tour. Even having this setting where the first show is more important would be cool too just to add variety. 

Edited by MrCanada
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I can't agree enough, setting up tours is easily one of the most painful things about not only modding the game, but also playing as any Japanese company, and the nature of them is such that even external editing isn't really a help.

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