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[REQUESTS Closed] Rainmaker Cornellverse Logos & Banners

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Since i see a couple of pictures already posted i'm going to throw my request into the ring for the future (if that's allowed)


A wrestling company in Belgium: Belgian Wrestling Federation. Colors are probably mostly black/red with yellow-gold accents and should probably incorporate our national heraldy or its animal (a lion) 

THe company would probably be workrate or no-style focused and would try to become the biggest company in (western but maybe all of) europe

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1 hour ago, Pteroid said:

Y’know I was going for something a bit more ‘Hostile takeover’-y but I quite like this

I wasn't sure how to properly illustrate it within the 150 x 150 limitations, Karrg is such a goofball and anyway I tried to add Alien thematics just made it seem even goofier 😭 Believe it or not, this was my most serious draft.

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Could I request a logo for my company, Free For All?

I always imagined the logo would be the letters FFA, colored in shades of purple and red in the style of the NXT 2.0 logo, but with the borders being black and gold like the original NXT logo.

The banner would be "Free For All Wrestling Entertainment" or "It's A Free For All"

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11 hours ago, Rainmaker said:


In a suprising and bold move, Supreme Wrestling Federation President Jerry Eisen announced that the company was officially switching their name to Supreme Wrestling Entertainment. The company is also incorporating five stars into it's new logo for each decade the company has existed, it officially being 50 in 2022! It is yet unclear whether or not this will have an effect on the product inside of the ring. When asked how he came up with the idea to change the name, Eisen mentioned that someone gave him "the perfect leigh up".




Thanks my man these are perfect

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On 8/7/2024 at 12:39 PM, AboardTheArk said:

I think Australia's APW is one of the companies that have gotten the least amount of love logos wise (I think other than Sisma's logo everything else is from the AI creators) so it'd be awesome to see you tackle them! You've also already done half of the Oceania scene which is cool. 


I'd like something slick and modern. Maybe more like a sports league even. Usual green color scheme optional. Thanks in advance!


Hands crossed behind his back, the same blank stern look ever plasted upon his face. Australia Pro Wrestling Owner James J McMinster coldly regarded his wrestlers as they ran drills inside the training ring before the show, a ritual he did before every show and to this day, not one person had the cojones to ever actually approach him and ask what he thought of what he saw. They all just assumed the worst. It had been a hard 15 years, RAW had bested them at near every hurdle and James oft woke every morning with an additional wrinkle to add the familiar sterness he greeted everyone with every morning. Though he would not falter, he would not break under the pressure. Regardless of what everyone says, in Australia? He is pro-wrestling and APW WILL be on top. One day...




Had some trouble trying to keep it serious here, kept trying to be overly complicated before finally realizing that keeping it simple and clean is the best option. Pro Wrestling Goddess is coming soon too, just taking some more time to work on it. Thanks for all the feedback and requests to this point everyone.

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  • Rainmaker changed the title to [REQUESTS Closed] Rainmaker Cornellverse Logos & Banners


Loving the enthusiasm everyone but requests are closed (temporarily) because I cannot keep up with you guys 😂. Unfortunately I have a 9 - 5 so the sheer volume I have received so far, whilst nice, is A LOT so I'll not be taking any more until we get through all of the ones currently requested.

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On 8/7/2024 at 11:30 AM, lavelleuk said:

I'd love to see your take on a company called Pro Wrestling Goddess. Basically a Canadian version of AAA, using the Competitive Entertainment product. 

thank you :)


Amelia Winters let out a long, guttural sigh as she sat slack on the Park Bench. ACPW had just shut her down, she thought they might be more lenient in taking on someone as green as her because of their intergender wrestling but even they told it to her straight. It had been a good month since she heard anything back from the back breaking tryout she had for CWA too. Was there really no company JUST for women in Canada? Would she have to go south of the border to find a company to take her on? Will she have to hitchike and sleep it rough just to find her way? Or will the dream of a once little girl just die here on this park bench on a cold Canadian morning? But then, something fluttering in the chilly wind happened to stop at her feet. A flyer for a new promotion, "Pro Wrestling Goddess" it read. Amelia wasn't sure what to make of it but if anything, it just seemed like hope...





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Posted (edited)
On 8/7/2024 at 2:13 PM, RingRider said:

Been loving your work @Rainmaker! Would love to see Burning Hammer on your docket soon! 😁


"What are you talking about? Decline? DECLINE? How insulting! Insolent!" Kikkawa berated the reporter from his press conference stand, waving a meaty finger at him with such ferocity that every other journalist in the room can only stare with equal accusatory looks at the now thoroughly embarassed poor reporter. "Who says we are failing? I will slap the taste out of your ungrateful mouth! Burning Hammer is Japan's history! It's honor and heart! If we are failing than Japan is failing!" Kikkawa slammed a fist into the podium so heavy that it cracked the wooden finish and he looked down with an "oops" before continuing on. "Understand my valuable friends, this is but another day in the history of BHOTWG, soon it will end and the next will come and then again and again. Forever lasting. Forever etched on the history of this great nation! Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods is forever!"




Edited by Rainmaker
Minor Spelling Mistake
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On 8/7/2024 at 1:24 PM, Stennick said:

Could I get a logo for a faction? The faction is in USPW so if I could get a red, white and blue theme that would be cool. The faction is called the "Just Us League". As far as design goes its a heel faction , the three people in the faction are all colorful people, flashy people. I'd defer to you on design. Thank you in advance :) 


Pro Wrestling Headline news this week caught up with a very special fan and magazine subscriber! 64 year old Marcus Filch was recently spotted in the only known photo of SWF's first ever show some 50 years ago! Filch, who was but 14 at the time the photo was taken, has remained a dedicated wrestling fan these past 5 decades but much like his apperance, his preferred wrestling promotion has long since changed from Supreme Wrestling Federation to United States Pro-Wrestling! He had a lot to say on the matter. "They're all phooey over there these days let me tell ya. Ain't no dang damn good for nothing them boys over in the SWF! Ain't no life in em! Ya see much of the wrasslin world ain't the same no more, I've seen every son of a gun in this business come and go these past fifty and these kids these days? Boring, snooze fests! But them Just Us League boys in the USPW? Hooooo wee they get my ticker a kicking let me tell ya, they got some showmanship that even my grandmammy would be slapping her knee at and she's 109! They showing the rest of these sad sacks up they are! Heck, I have a mind to give these SWF bores a REAL show, in fact take this one for ya magazine boys!" At this point Mr Filch proceeded to try and remove his pants and the interview ended very suddenly.




1 hour ago, Big Roguey said:

The logos are killer Rain but I'm also really enjoying the blurbs you're putting before the logos. Great touch.


19 minutes ago, RingRider said:

Love this @Rainmaker! And, I’ll echo @Big Roguey, the blurbs are so fun. I like Kikkawa’s “meaty finger” and the breaking of the podium. Great stuff!

Thanks, glad you're enjoying the goofy writing. I really enjoy doing them and it lets me practice my Daz3D skills so it's a win-win 😁

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On 8/7/2024 at 2:15 PM, siah463 said:

I made a company called Strong Style Australia as my first foray into Australia really ever and I've been playing since TEW 2016. I came up with one but I don't really think it fits with the rest of the logos in the world, was hoping you could come up with somethin better than what I did.



He had run roughshot in damn near every bar from Perth to Cairns. He had spent a fortune on pints just to have someone purposefully bump and spill em so he can pick fights. Duke Hudson had spent most of his youth trying to prove he was the toughest SOB in the entirety of Australia and yet, not even a week ago, he experienced for the first time what it was like to be the one laid flat on his back and looking up at the lights when he picked a fight with some guy who supposedly worked for something called "Strong Style Australia". Not only did the jerk beat him senseless, he had the gull to give him a business card and tell him "ya got guts kid". Kid...KID? "I'll show that old fart and then I'll join that wrestling company and kick his backside six ways to sunday!" Hudson thought. He had saw these old videos of wrestlers in the 60s and 70s fighting bears to prove how tough they were. Well, there ain't no bears out here in the outback but Hudson had his eye on a different fight.


Joey the Kangaroo sighed internally as he saw another one of these stupid fleshy mammals heading his way. Why so many of them kept trying to grapple and fight him he would never know. What he does know however is that this moronic human was mere seconds away from the hardest kick to the groin he would ever recieve.




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On 8/9/2024 at 8:30 PM, Rainmaker said:


I'm very confused as I remember replying to this, but no post on here, thinking I maybe replied on the wrong thread of something!

But thank you so much, looks great! As others have said, I'm enjoying your work and your write-ups

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Posted (edited)
On 8/7/2024 at 2:20 PM, tcjohnsonx said:

I'd appreciate seeing something done with the Alt C-Verse's Project: EVE, a women's company out of the Mid-Atlantic.  Traditional old-school wrestling with a modern aesthetic. Apple and snake imagery with red and green primary colors would be great.  For background, it was started by Sam Keith with the intention to feature his niece Ashley and I've turned it into a powerhouse women's wrestling operation.


Sam Keith pulled the string on the party popper, sending fluttering confetti all over both the backstage area and his niece who looked less than amused. "Another year of success and it's all due to you my little superstar!" The proud uncle said with a cheer, his usual stern demeanor all but vanished in the presence of the fully grown women he still dotes on as if she but a girl. "T-thanks Uncle..." Ashley never really knew how to behave around her Uncle, the 60 year old was still feared in near every locker-room in the US and she was pretty sure he could tie anyone, regardless of size or age, into knots if he so well wished but around her? He was as gentle and warm as anyone could be and she honestly couldn't be any more weirded out by it. "But it's really all you uncle, I just do my jo-" but she was cut off "Nonsense! Nonsense Ash, I merely founded the company. YOU are Project: EVE sweet. Ain't no one else got half the heart you do nor half the brilliance! Now where did I put that cake?" As Sam Keith went to the nearby kitchen to search the fridge, Ashley couldn't help but reflect on how she heard that when a fan got a little too touchy with one of the other girls in a parking lot the other month that her uncle soon put a stop to that. She also heard that particular fan may never eat solid foods again. Ashley sighed and gave a half hearted cheer to herself for another year of her loving uncle being her business partner.




Edited by Rainmaker
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44 minutes ago, Rainmaker said:


Sam Keith pulled the string on the party popper, sending fluttering confetti all over both the backstage area and his niece who looked less than amused. "Another year of success and it's all due to you my little superstar!" The proud uncle said with a cheer, his usual stern demeanor all but vanished in the presence of the fully grown women he still dotes on as if she but a girl. "T-thanks Uncle..." Ashley never really knew how to behave around her Uncle, the 60 year old was still feared in near every locker-room in the US and she was pretty sure he could tie anyone, regardless of size or age, into knots if he so well wished but around her? He was as gentle and warm as anyone could be and she honestly couldn't be any more weirded out by it. "But it's really all you uncle, I just do my jo-" but she was cut off "Nonsense! Nonsense Ash, I merely founded the company. YOU are Project: EVE sweet. Ain't no one else got half the heart you do nor half the brilliance! Now where did I put that cake?" As Sam Keith went to the nearby kitchen to search the fridge, Ashley couldn't help but reflect on how she heard that when a fan got a little too touchy with one of the other girls in a parking lot the other month that her uncle soon put a stop to that. She also heard that particular fan may never eat solid foods again. Ashley sighed and gave a half hearted cheer to herself for another year of her loving uncle being her business partner.




Excellent work!  Love the addition of the Ashley/Sam story there.  Gives some fabulous color.  Now to find somebody to work on titles...

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