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T-Bone Bright 

 The Main Event?

‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn

 ‘The One Percenter’ Jeremie Courtney w/ Vita

Tornado Tag:
The Behemo
ths w/ Floyd Goldworthy

Non-Title Match:
 Wolf Hawkins

Bonus Question: Will The Main Event appear in six-man tag team action? Yes

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Predictions for: TCW Total Wrestling - Tuesday, January 11th, 2022

‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater

Bradley Blaze, Chance Fortune, Darryl Devine

‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn

‘The One Percenter’ Jeremie Courtney w/ Vita

Tornado Tag:
 The Behemoths w/ Floyd Goldworthy

Non-Title Match:
Mighty Mo 

Bonus Question: Will The Main Event appear in six-man tag team action? ________ Yes


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T-Bone Bright [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater

Bradley Blaze, Chance Fortune, Darryl Devine [vs] The Main Event?

Benny Benson w/ Flying Jimmy Foxx [vs] ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn

Elliot Thomas [vs] ‘The One Percenter’ Jeremie Courtney w/ Vita

Tornado Tag:
The American Cobras [vs] The Behemo
ths w/ Floyd Goldworthy

Non-Title Match:
Mighty Mo [vs] Wolf Hawkins

Bonus Question: Will The Main Event appear in six-man tag team action? __Yes______

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T-Bone Bright [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater

Bradley Blaze, Chance Fortune, Darryl Devine [vs] The Main Event?

Benny Benson w/ Flying Jimmy Foxx [vs] ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn

Elliot Thomas [vs] ‘The One Percenter’ Jeremie Courtney w/ Vita

Tornado Tag:
The American Cobras [vs] The Behemo
ths w/ Floyd Goldworthy

Non-Title Match:
Mighty Mo [vs] Wolf Hawkins

Bonus Question: Will The Main Event appear in six-man tag team action? __Yes___

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TCW Presents:


Tuesday, January 18th, 2022


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Calling the action: Shawn Doakes, Kyle Rhodes and Jasmine Saunders


Overall Rating: 71




A sombre looking Jay Chord headed to the ring to kick the show off… His epic entrance music ringing in the fans’ ears… but mostly being drowned out by their boos…


Chord was unusually respectful towards his Malice In Wonderland opponent: Greg Gauge… listing his accolades and accomplishments… including his TCW Television Title reign… his TCW King of Kings victory from November, 2020… THREE Rip Chord Invitational wins, which Jay made sure to send extra congratulations for… and his two MAW Atlantic Title reigns…

Jay Chord: “There is no denying… that Greg Gauge DESERVES a shot at my TCW World Heavyweight Title… Everyone can see it… He absolutely deserves it… But there is a big difference between deserving something… and being READY for it…!!”

The crowd were hanging on Chord’s every word… and booed louder than they did all night when he said Gauge wasn’t ready… Their boos turned to cheers though, when Gauge headed onto the stage, and walked to the ring…


Greg Gauge: “Respectfully… Because I know you showed me respect… But I was trained by my Father… and you, your Father… So… you should know… Just like you... I am ready for anything…!!”

Gauge smirked, and Chord wiped the smirk off his face with a HUGE slap…!! Before dropping down and rolling out of the ring and under the ropes to the outside…

Jay Chord: Anything Gauge…?! You weren’t ready for THAT were you…!!”

Gauge held his cheek, and cracked his jaw… the slap was hard and purposeful… He leant on the top rope shaking his head as Chord skipped to the back… Next week, Chord will be in singles action against Dazzling Dave Diamond… and Gauge is certain to be watching very closely…




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T-Bone Bright [vs] Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

T-Bone and Flint didn’t click tonight, but it was still a solid match. The general feeling within TCW is that both men will play a key part in the future of the company, but they may not find themselves across the ring from each other much after this one, as it was clunky in places. Bright won it with his vicious ‘T-Bone Lariat’, where he hits the ropes at a 90 degree angle to where his opponent is running, and T-Bone’s them with a clothesline!

Winner: T-Bone Bright
Rating: 61




Up next, we were due to see Bradley Blaze team up with the Number One Contenders for the TCW World Tag Team Championships: Chance Fortune and Darryl Devine, against the Champs: Freddy Huggins and Matt Hocking, and their fellow Main Event stablemate: Roderick Remus… But Huggins and Hocking had other ideas…

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Huggins said that this six-man match wasn’t ‘Main Event’ enough for them… so they were opting out…

Freddy Huggins: “But it’s okay… We’ve found the perfect replacements… Two dangerous young kids from Japan… and a big, brawling, masked guy… Youuuuu enjoy it…”

Huggins and co. left, and we did indeed get the six-man match, with Daigo Goya, Masatochi Kamimura and The Masked Mauler…



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Bradley Blaze, Chance Fortune and Darryl Devine [vs] Daigo Goya, Masatochi Kamimura and The Masked Mauler

Bradley Blaze was the star here, but Devine Fortune are such fun to watch, that it was hard to take your eyes off of them too. For the finish, Fortune hit his ‘Stroke Of Luck’ Pump Kick, and Devine followed it up with the ‘Devine Dream Drop’ Face Crusher, and Masked Mauler was pinned.

Winners: Bradley Blaze, Chance Fortune and Darryl Devine
Rating: 56




Backstage, One Man Army caught up with his former best friend Doc Hammond of The Syndicate… Hammond tried to walk away, not wanting to hear what One Man Army had been saying for months: Leave The Syndicate…

One Man Army 3.jpg Doc Hammond 3.jpg

One Man Army: “Hear me out, man… You owe me that… Listen… You don’t have to take s**t from Wolf (Hawkins) and his young cronies… You’re better than that… You… are… better… than… that…”

One Man Army poked his former tag team partner in the chest as he spoke, and Hammond had heard enough… He grabbed One Man Army by the throat, and held him against the wall… Through gritted teeth, he told his friend to leave him alone… before stomping away, and punching some backstage equipment… The two veterans will be on opposite sides of the ring at Malice In Wonderland, as One Man Army teams with Human Arsenal to take on Doc Hammond and Jaylon Martins of The Syndicate…




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Benny Benson w/ Flying Jummy Foxx [vs] ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn

Chris Flynn continues to impress in TCW in 2022, and continues to win as well. His ‘Flynn Lock’ Half Boston Crab finisher looks like it bends people into positions they’re not supposed to get into, and when he locks it in and screams ‘TAP’, it’s as if his opponent was in too much pain to realise tapping was an option! He shouts it, and they do it!

Winner: ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn
Rating: 64




Next up, it was time for Part II of the ‘Troy Story’…


In Part I, Troy spoke a little about his childhood, and growing up on the streets… stealing and joy riding cars… Here tonight, the focus in this part was on his early career… and getting signed and ‘pushed’ in TCW, where he has worked now for nineteen years…

Troy Tornado: “After a few years in CZCW, I managed to capture their Coastal Zone Championship, three times…!! I ended Fox Mask’s first run as Champ there… Then I came to TCW, and I began in a tag team… Stevie Grayson and I… good guy… we were the ‘All American Boys’… so bland… no success, which was a shame… I really liked workin’ with Stevie… I thought we gelled well in the ring, but he also kept me out of trouble outside of it…”

Troy reflected on replacing Jack Bruce as the Lead Singer in the band / stable: ‘Painful Procedure’, and what a huge opportunity that was for him… The act was incredibly over under Jack, who would go on to do amazing things of course… but Troy took the group to the next level… He spent the next few years improving rapidly, and shining in the spotlight that was now on him… But then disaster struck in 2011…


…to be continued in Troy Story III…




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Elliot Thomas [vs] ‘The One Percenter’ Jeremie Courtney w/ Vita

Quick match here, and dominance from Jeremie Courtney. However, the lanky ‘One Percenter’ allowed the crowd to get to him tonight, and he was rolled up by Elliot Thomas, who scored a quick win via small package, and got out of there. Courtney and Vita were livid!

Winner: Elliot Thomas
Rating: 57




The Behemoths made their entrance next, and Killer Shark carried a BODY BAG over his massive shoulder… dropping it down alongside the announce desk, and instructing the broadcast team to not touch it!! They were set for Tornado Tag Team action… against the impressive upstarts: The American Cobras…


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The American Cobras [vs] The Behemoths w/ Floyd Goldworthy

A wild brawl from start to finish. The Tornado Tag ruling helped Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane in a number of ways. They could use their quickness to stay out of the grasp of Killer Shark and Titan, and managed to sustain 2 on 1 attacks, while isolating one of their opponents. The other would have to expend energy to get to them, and their poor cardio conditioning began to show. However, as quick and precise as The American Cobras were, they could do nothing once Shark and Titan got a hold of them. The giants hit a brutal Powerbomb Collider in the middle of the ring, before Shark hit his ‘Big Bite’ Front Slam, on Malloy, and onto Spillane to score the win.

Winners: The Behemoths w/ Floyd Goldworthy
Rating: 59


Slowly, The Behemoths lifted the body bag at ringside, and pushed it into the ring under the ropes… the announce team speculating about who or what was inside… For weeks, Floyd Goldworthy and his giant clients have put the TCW roster on notice, and told them they were coming after someone… Nobody knew who that someone was… and we were about to find out…

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Floyd Goldworthy taunted the fans… He doesn’t care what he says, or who he says it to… he has the ultimate back-up in Killer Shark and Titan…

Floyd Goldworthy: “You wanna know what’s in this bag…?! You reeeeeally wanna know…?!”

Floyd pointed at Titan… and the big man stooped down, and unzipped it, revealing a MAN inside the bag…!! The cameraman walked towards the bag… and slowly revealed the man’s face and torso…










It was Aaron ‘Ace’ Andrews…!!



Silence fell over the crowd… was he… dead…?! Floyd Goldworthy broke the silence…



Floyd Goldworthy: “We TOLD you…  We warned you all… My Behemoths are coming for everyone in TCW…”



Sammy Bach’s music hit, and ‘The Elation Sensation’ ran to the ring with a chair…!!


Floyd took his group out of there… Bach was in shock, and he called for medical personnel… Andrews was moving a little at this point, but was still badly beaten up and couldn’t lift his head…!! Bach frantically called for help as the segment ended…




After the crazy scene in the previous segment, we came back from a commercial break to find Tana The Mighty in a backstage brawl with Flint Slater and Jaylon Martins…

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The two young lions of The Syndicate managed to get the big Samoan down on the floor, and started stomping on him, as the announce team reminded us that Tana’s best friend Mighty Mo was in action next, against Flint and Jaylon’s leader: Wolf Hawkins…


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Mighty Mo [vs] Wolf Hawkins w/ Doc Hammond

Many believe that Mighty Mo is the future of TCW. The problem is, Wolf Hawkins is the here and now. In his prime, and everything he does is so smooth. He also never travels to the ring alone, and Doc Hammond made a huge difference out there tonight. The veteran was keen to prove himself to Wolf, after letting him down two weeks ago, and he pulled Mo’s foot, hit him with a vicious right hand, and even pulled Wolf’s leg onto the bottom rope to save him from what would have been a huge upset! Eventually, Mighty Mo grew tired of Doc’s meddling, and took matters into his own hands! He hit a tackle on Hammond that sent him up and over the barrier, and into the front row of the crowd! A brutal shot, and one that made Mo pause to check Doc’s fall hadn’t hurt anybody. Satisfied that the fans were okay, Mo slid into the ring, only to be caught in the face with a ‘Full Moon Rising’ (Running Enzuigiri Kick) as he got up!

Winner: Wolf Hawkins
Rating: 73


Wolf grabbed Hammond, and pulled him back over the guard rail… patting him on the back as they left the arena, both holding injured parts of their bodies… Next week on Total Wrestling… TCW World Heavyweight Champion Jay Chord will battle Dazzling Dave Diamond in the Main Event… PLUS… One Man Army and Human Arsenal will team up!! As they take on the violent and very experienced duo: The Elite… All this and more… next week…!!





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On 8/8/2024 at 11:53 PM, AboardTheArk said:

Bonus Question: Will The Main Event appear in six-man tag team action? You know what? F the naysayers, they will!

The Naysayers: "F you!" :D 


On 8/9/2024 at 6:58 AM, Kieran_Lives said:

I'm loving the world building here. I'm thrilled to see Remo got a main event spotlight at the SWF show, but that's my bias showing haha.

Haha, thanks man, good to have you along. Vibert will update us about a few key happenings as the months and years go by ;) He's good like that.


On 8/9/2024 at 7:56 PM, angeldelayette said:

Elliot Thomas [vs] ‘The One Percenter’ Jeremie Courtney w/ Vita
I'm not very familiar with either of these so this is just a wild guess.

Glad you mentioned this actually, because the first time I became familiar with TCW they'd both just debuted on the main roster... In my mind, they were both young, rookies, who were decent but unspectacular. Now that we have weights etc, and now that they're on a roster I'm writing for, I know a bit more about them...

Elliot is 5'9, 210lbs, from New York, he's a good worker... I was thinking of doing an Enzo style gimmick with him, but his ent. stats are poor.

Courtney is 6'4, 239lbs, nowhere near as good in the ring, but way better on the mic. I think you'll like where his story is going...


4 hours ago, christmas_ape said:

Loved the body bag segment, a lot of storylines simmering nicely on their way towards Malice. 

I tell you what though, I don't trust Bach, so I have my predictions. 

Thanks man! Body Bag was risky... especially in TCW. The week before, the only segment Ace was in, was a 'nothing' backstage segment with Sammy Bach where they thanked each other... Strange to have used the biggest star in my company in this way, and it's also a strange decision to take him out, and put him on the shelf in this way... But it IS leading to something, and you might be onto something with Sammy... Might...


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Tuesday, January 18th, 2022


**Quotes taken directly from Vibert’s Podcast**


Breaking news guys, and a couple of big injuries to tell you about…

In EILL, Mr Lucha III is going to most likely miss over a year with a shattered elbow…

Meanwhile, over in TCW, Freddy Huggins is on the shelf… He’s had successful surgery on his Torn Achillies, but will still be out of action for ten months… likely to return in November… Thoughts go out to both of those guys…

Speaking of TCW, what in the blue h**l was going on with the Aaron Andrews in a Body Bag segment…?! The Behemoths must have beaten him down to within an inch of his life… left him in a BODY BAG… Had a match… Then opened the bag, and he was STILL unconscious… You know, I said to let TCW ‘cook’… this current booking team know what they’re doing… but they went from a segment last week where Ace thanked Sammy Bach for helping him… mutual respect… yadda yadda… lots of criticism for using two huge names in that way… to... to THIS…!? I don’t know if Ace is hurt, or what… but he sold that like a pro… I am VERY interested to see where they take this…

The SLAP heard around the world… interesting segment between Jay Chord and Greg Gauge… Chord listed off Gauge’s accomplishments and said he DESERVED a Title shot… but that he wasn’t READY for one… Really interesting take from Jay… Then Gauge claimed, since he was trained by his Father Sam Keith… that he was ready for ANYTHING… Jay slapped him right across the face, proving that Gauge was in fact, NOT ready for anything… before slithering his way out of there… Gauge vs Chord is a fight for the ages…!! Malice In Wonderland can’t come soon enough, I need to see that match!!

Elsewhere, Chris Flynn with another win… He’s been impressive since the reshuffle of the Syndicate… and there were wins for T-Bone Bright and Wolf Hawkins… who rumour has it, will be fighting 1 on 1 at Malice In Wonderland… The card so far includes Greg Gauge versus Jay Chord for the TCW World Heavyweight Title… One Man Army and Human Arsenal versus Jaylon Martins and Doc Hammond… PLUS… The TCW World Tag Team Title Match, which right now guys… is frankly up in the air… They HAVE to address this situation on TV next week… They can’t just cut the match and not mention it… We need clarification as Devine Fortune are the rightful Number One Contenders…

Lots of rumoured face / heel changes in TCW also… Particularly at the top of the card… It’ll be interesting to see how it all shakes out down the line, as this booking team likes to take their time on these things…




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I just got caught up and am really enjoying it. As someone new to TCW, the detail level has been just right to get used to the roster without feeling overwhelmed, which is impressive given it's quite a big roster. You've done a good job of giving each feud a distinct flavour, from the Chord-Gauge legacy rivalry to the interesting dynamics around the Syndicate to the big Aaron Andrews bodybag escalation. And Troy Story is inspired too. The teasing of multiple face/heel turns is intriguing. The one I wondered about was whether One Man Army and Wolf Hawkins' shared frustration at struggling to bend Doc Hammond to their will might lead them to realise they've got more in common than they think.

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7 hours ago, 619 said:

I just got caught up and am really enjoying it. As someone new to TCW, the detail level has been just right to get used to the roster without feeling overwhelmed, which is impressive given it's quite a big roster. You've done a good job of giving each feud a distinct flavour, from the Chord-Gauge legacy rivalry to the interesting dynamics around the Syndicate to the big Aaron Andrews bodybag escalation. And Troy Story is inspired too. The teasing of multiple face/heel turns is intriguing. The one I wondered about was whether One Man Army and Wolf Hawkins' shared frustration at struggling to bend Doc Hammond to their will might lead them to realise they've got more in common than they think.

Ooooo interesting take on Hawkins and OMA! Both using Doc as a pawn in their big plans, but, what about what Doc wants? ;) 

Thanks man, I appreciate the kind comments. I do try to keep my shows short / readable without people being overwhelmed by content. My most recent 21CW diary was two brands, and that overwhelmed me at times - as fun as it was. It felt almost like I was writing two separate diaries, with two separate companies. This diary moves along a lot faster - I'm already writing The War To Settle The Score, so my next show after that is March's first episode of Total Wrestling, which is way quicker than where I'd be with two brands.

I think the roster was 45 guys? Which is a lot. Where I'm at now, I'm trimming as I go, and want to get it to 40 - that way I'll have space to bring a couple of names in I have my eye on.

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Monday, January 24th, 2022


Pro Wrestling Reporter – An Article by Greg Sluchinski


Coming up this week, on TCW Total Wrestling…


Some fascinating match-ups this week, including Jay Chord stepping in there against a veteran brawler in Dazzling Dave Diamond – this close to his TCW World Heavyweight Title defence against Greg Gauge… How will Gauge respond to the Slap Heard Around The World…?! Thoughts are, he’ll be watching this match very closely…

We’re going to open with a message for The Behemoths, from Sammy Bach… who will also provide an update on ‘Ace’ Aaron Andrews… Last week, he was viciously assaulted by Killer Shark and Titan, and left in a BODY BAG for (at least) the duration of their match with The American Cobras… He was out cold when they opened the bag up… Just a crazy scene…

Joshua Taylor is in action… One Man Army and Human Arsenal team up to take on The Elite in a clash of tag team specialists… and a really tough to call Bradford Peverell versus Marc Speed contest, that should be fast paced, and a heck of a brawl…

With Freddy Huggins out injured for 10 months, as reported by Phil Vibert on his Vibert’s Voice podcast, what is the future of the TCW World Tag Team Title contest at Malice In Wonderland…?! Will the Champs be stripped of the Gold…?!

All this and more, on Total Wrestling, from TCW…!!



Predictions for: TCW Total Wrestling - Tuesday, January 25th, 2022

‘Dynamic’ Duke Freeman [vs] Joshua Taylor

One Man Army & Human Arsenal [vs] The Elite (Chandler & Johnson)

Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

‘Hands Of Stone’ Bradford Peverell [vs] Marc Speed w/ Seth Whitehead

Elliot Thomas [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

‘Dazzling’ Dave Diamond [vs] Jay Chord




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**Little side note that Greg (Sluchinski) and Phil (Vibert) forgot to mention...

In order to qualify for the Prediction Contest, you must predict on THREE shows out of the five in every month... This month, there are 16 of you qualified already... and a further 17 on one or two shows so far... With this episode of Total Wrestling AND Malice In Wonderland to come, everyone who has predicted so far has a chance to win !!

If you predict on three or more, your score for the month will be your AVERAGE score across the five shows... So keep predicting, and I'll show you the results after the pay-per-view ;) 

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‘Dynamic’ Duke Freeman [vs] Joshua Taylor

One Man Army & Human Arsenal [vs] The Elite (Chandler & Johnson)

Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

‘Hands Of Stone’ Bradford Peverell [vs] Marc Speed w/ Seth Whitehead

Elliot Thomas [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

‘Dazzling’ Dave Diamond [vs] Jay Chord

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‘Dynamic’ Duke Freeman [vs] Joshua Taylor

One Man Army & Human Arsenal [vs] The Elite (Chandler & Johnson)

Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

Hands Of Stone’ Bradford Peverell [vs] Marc Speed w/ Seth Whitehead

Elliot Thomas [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

‘Dazzling’ Dave Diamond [vs] Jay Chord


Bodybag storyline was what I needed cause it has me hooked

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‘Dynamic’ Duke Freeman [vs] Joshua Taylor

One Man Army & Human Arsenal [vs] The Elite (Chandler & Johnson)

Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

‘Hands Of Stone’ Bradford Peverell [vs] Marc Speed w/ Seth Whitehead

Elliot Thomas [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

‘Dazzling’ Dave Diamond [vs] Jay Chord

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‘Dynamic’ Duke Freeman [vs] Joshua Taylor

One Man Army & Human Arsenal [vs] The Elite (Chandler & Johnson)

Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

‘Hands Of Stone’ Bradford Peverell [vs] Marc Speed w/ Seth Whitehead

Elliot Thomas [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

‘Dazzling’ Dave Diamond [vs] Jay Chord

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Predictions for: TCW Total Wrestling - Tuesday, January 25th, 2022

‘Dynamic’ Duke Freeman

One Man Army & Human Arsenal 

Bart Biggins 

Marc Speed w/ Seth Whitehead

‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

‘Dazzling’ Dave Diamond

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Dynamic’ Duke Freeman [vs] Joshua Taylor

One Man Army & Human Arsenal [vs] The Elite (Chandler & Johnson)

Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

‘Hands Of Stone’ Bradford Peverell [vs] Marc Speed w/ Seth Whitehead

Elliot Thomas [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

‘Dazzling’ Dave Diamond [vs] Jay Chord

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‘Dynamic’ Duke Freeman [vs] Joshua Taylor

One Man Army & Human Arsenal [vs] The Elite (Chandler & Johnson)

Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

‘Hands Of Stone’ Bradford Peverell [vs] Marc Speed w/ Seth Whitehead

Elliot Thomas [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

‘Dazzling’ Dave Diamond [vs] Jay Chord

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‘Dynamic’ Duke Freeman [vs] Joshua Taylor

One Man Army & Human Arsenal [vs] The Elite (Chandler & Johnson)

Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

‘Hands Of Stone’ Bradford Peverell [vs] Marc Speed w/ Seth Whitehead

Elliot Thomas [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

‘Dazzling’ Dave Diamond [vs] Jay Chord

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10 hours ago, AboardTheArk said:

Bodybag storyline was what I needed cause it has me hooked

Glad to hear it :D It did feel like a bit of a slow start, as I established how I saw some of these characters, and that continues over the coming weeks. I've just written 90% of The War To Settle The Score (end of Feb), and I really like how one feud in particular paid off. No body bags or anything on that one, but just good, old fashioned, dramatic storytelling. 


7 hours ago, lieon02 said:

Loving the diary, Can't wait to see what you do in the future, remember the Mighty Mo push can't happen yet, still need that super slow burn, I mean 6+ years is nothing

Ah thank you, appreciate that. Yeah, I mean, what's the rush? He's only 32! I might stick him in a tag team. 'Mighty and Brighty'? How about I bring in Rich Money, and create 'Mo Money, Mo Problems'? I think he's got at least one more TV Title reign in him too...

I jest of course. I thought I'd share this:


...because who doesn't love a spreadsheet, amiright? IF Mo and Bright were a tag team, you'd say that Mo would be the more likely to come out the 'star' of the team. They're a similar size, and even though Mo wins 15-7 above, there's a lot of close calls there. I really don't see how T-Bone leapfrogged Mo to the Main Event... But both are very, very good.


1 hour ago, eayragt said:

Good to see you back to rattling out these shows quicker than most people could write them. Pity about the bad chemistry in the last show and Huggins injury, but with problems come creative solutions 👍

Ahh thanks man :D Apart from look after my children, and work full time, this is pretty much all I do right now :D 

I've now had bad tag team chemistry from Rizzoli and Booth... Daigo and Masatochi... and the injury to Freddy. I didn't plan to lose three heel tag teams before the first month was over, but two of them feel fairly insignificant, and Remus can probably slot in for Freddy adequately, so it's not all bad news. I do have creative solutions for all three of those teams as it happens, hopefully you'll like them all :) 

Good to see you're still around.

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