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The 5 Star Supreme Wrestling Thread

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So, nothing too terribly different this year. A few new young lions, most of the tag teams are still together. Was quite surprised that Monster Ishimura is in the middle of a lengthy title reign. Also, it's nice that the Hayatoma (sp?) Dojo is basically the unofficial "official" dojo for 5SSW.

The biggest issue at the start of a game is making sure you get another referee. With only one, that can make longer shows difficult.

Your options for TV aren't great at the beginning (Shogun TV on a graveyard shift), but just hang around long enough for WrestleWorld Japan to open.

The other really cool thing is the return of Touring Contracts. It's really neat to be able to bring in Rose & Lilly or Electric Dreamer or whoever for a month. And this works well if you're playing as another company as well. If you've got some females workers on your roster that you want to see develop a little faster, talk to them about being able to work in Japan if they're not already, and then just wait for 5SSW to bring them on a tour.

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Damn was gonna make a thread at some point but you beat me to it!

Random observations on the roster going up and down from Stars to Jobbers (LONG READ WARNING, DIDN'T KNOW HOW BIG THIS WOULD GET UNTIL I TYPED IT)


-Yuma Maruya's still the best worker on the roster in the long run but now shes 37 and the clock is ticking. If she starts in time decline you're probably never going to get a true 100 rated match unless they've changed the selling and psychology requirements

-Jippensha's still nice but time is ticking on her too. New render is slightly worse than what she had before.

-Etsuko Arihyoshi's implied to be having a renaissance to her career, but theres a big problem of her only real advantage over Shiori Jippensha in any way being just that shes two years younger. New render looks great though!

-Fuyuko Higa still not achieving the title is a source of great amusement to me, but now shes 31 so if she gets a bad destiny roll she might actually miss out on ever having a truly great quality match, instead of before where she was pretty much guaranteed to be the best womens worker and a top 10 or 15 mens worker.

-Gemmei Oonishi won a women's title so now shes "made" in the eyes of the fans if you're doing realistic booking. So now her entire purpose on the roster is not to be Higa's punching bag when the inevitable turn happens, which is kinda bad because Oonishi is still not good enough to push as a tippy-top worker. Shes admittedly still good and the best promo cutter in the fed I think but that can only get you so far with 71 selling. We'll have to see how worker progression goes though, and if that magic number of 80 psychology and 80 selling still exists to have super high rated matches.

-Nakajima's still plugging away but she won't make it to super duper stardom in time most likely because of Selling (this will be a running theme on the whole roster btw)

-Katsukawa was pushed a little too early. If she developed better maybe but shes not even better than Oonishi at this point, so you're going to have to figure out the best time to get the belt off her.

-Ishimura might work better to push here than in TEW 2020 because the angles are revamped and Menace and Brawling _kinda_ work now to get angle ratings. If she can get over specifically to lose to people who can't get over as easy then you've got it made, but I feel like Adam's probably not going to allow the TEW 2016 monster heel days of getting guys over with Menacing angles to get to 100 popularity then syphon that popularity off into people that aren't menacing but can work better matches. And of course you also have the problem of "midcarder whos too strong for her title so how do you get it off her and make that new champion make sense." Tough scene.

-Kita's pretty much destined to be a jobber soon.

-Saitoh should still be booked with respect due to the former World champion thing but yeah her time is going to be up fairly quickly depending on destiny rolls. For me personally btw when I book her she never loses to an impact move or taps out, she gets beat exclusively by flash pinfalls or passing out in a submission hold.

-MAYA's got a chance to make it if she gets a good roll.

-Maki Yoshifumi didn't really progress so I don't think she'll have a chance of making it, although it is worth noting that she does start with a legendary gimmick that props her up over slightly superior talents.

-Sae Akutagawa got screwed, plain and simple, shes way smaller than I thought she would be as a Lightweight-sized fighter in TEW 2020, she hasn't progressed much, and the team I usually run with her and Romi Yamato doesn't look right from a dynamics perspective anymore due to the new renders.

-Still don't dig the Uprising, Selina Svelte's still young so shes got time, but I don't really dig the team dynamic at all because Svelte isn't a charismatic talker or good seller, which you want out of the smaller member of a big girl-small girl team. Talia Quinzel also still does not have menace despite being implied to be a tall muscular badass, and her new render kinda sucks.

-The TermiNation aren't gonna succeed really. Tai has no mic work and charisma, so even though shes theoretically a better worker than Ishimura it won't hold up, and Toku Kijmuta wins the "Most Lies In A Worker Bio" award for the 5SSW roster.

-Yu Hashimoto would be great, but Selling.

-Eri Sato, Thea Davis, and Lady Lotus probably won't be above what they are now in the midcard. Also Lotus has a bad personality and supposedly backstage incidents are more common, so she might get herself fired from here.

-Emiko Miyoshi and Hoshiko Tagawa have potential if they can learn how to talk.

-I like keeping Kaede Sugiyama and Kinuye Mushashibo around long term even though they're not great because they both know English. Transition them to road agents maybe once they get too old.

-Keep an eye on Machiko Matsuda. Rika Tsujimura, and Romi Yamato because if they high-roll destiny they can make some hay. Rika's partner was a bad decision though, she'd need a long time and high destiny roll to make it.

-Paige Croft's a solid hand who you can probably elevate to a higher level.

-Pretty much everyone else in the Recognisable tier is not worth mentioning, they're either a long long term project or a veteran whos there to do the job. (what the hell is Karen Bilous doing on this roster anyways? 40 year old 3rd string monster heel is waaaaaaaaaaay down the totem pole for a fed like this.)

-As for the young lions, Ai Kira and Kiyomi Mazuka will have an uphill battle to amount to anything above what you already have in the lowercard. Sayuri Honda could be good in 5-10 years depending on how this game treats worker progression. Try to teach Honda how to talk if you can.


For immediate hires theres some options although the female talent depth is still low and maybe the USPW AI learns how to start poaching people who knows. Obviously the best hire is Pinky Perez because she can pretty much immediately be thrown into the main event mix once she gets over. If you like to cheat with the editor grab Purple Viper as shes got rock solid fundamentals. Electric Dreamer is one of the more overrated women in the CVerse but shes only 30 so she could be something I guess if she gets enough Psychology and Selling. Theres several good tag teams out there like Lilly and Rose, Anderson and Snyder (although you'd need to use the editor to bring in Anderson), and Skye Hermosa and Kira Lee from CZCW also have some upside. You can also bring in Zofia Jankovic for another solid midcarder, and Connie Morris is still active to have her overness in Kansai syphoned off to the rest of the roster, along with several Japanese vets. Spider Isako's probably the best long term potential hire.

Hatoyama Dojo generates 2 graduates each March, so keep an eye out there for young lions. Your company is cash strapped though so be careful how many people you actually use and maybe trim the deadweight and bring people in on one night deals when needed to do jobs.

Sorry for the wall of text but I kinda needed some stuff written down in terms of how I see this roster anyways, as I plan on doing a dynasty off this company soon. I wish everyone here good luck and good wrestling on their 5SSW saves, and I hope this wall of text helped get people up to speed on this roster if you haven't played Cornellverse/TEW games much!

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Definitely haven't seen that much change, but it's one of the few cverse companies I've been able to get into. Once we get an expansion mod to make up for the embarrassing lack of new female workers, will definitely get a 5SSW save going

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5SSW is great because, unlike QAW, you have a ton of older workers offering to put over talent or taking on proteges.

However, you're going to have to carefully monitor Creative Energy. Tour shows don't generate it, so unless you have a large booking team (and there are a few good candidates on the roster, like Paige or Yamato), you're not going to get much for every big event. On the other hand, touring companies don't usually use gimmicks or storylines as much, so it's not as necessary.

I do NOT like how the default database no longer has Big Crush! as having a battle royal as a main event. I mean, I can still book one myself; in fact, I just did where Eri Sato one, and considering I hadn't been pushing her that hard, and it had some big stars in it like Yuma, Megumi, and others, that's very impressive (I don't set winners all that often).

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First big show and this happen. And Oonishi is out until august. So yeah....nice start for me.

I quicky took the All-Asian title from Ichimura. Yuma offered to put her over, so let's see how works out.

Edited by El_Ray
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See, I'm building up Emiko to be the one to dethrone Monster Ishimura. Speaking of, both she and Hoshiko Tagawa were taken in as proteges by Yuma, and they have positive tag chemistry with each other, so I put them as a team called... 310.

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@Historianplease add this to the list in your pinned promotion threads thread


I'll be doing a long term test run save after Summerslam to see if this can cut the mustard for a new 5SSW dynasty, but fair warning: I am hearing rumours that Pinky Perez gets the bag from USPW in this save, so it looks like the AI might get more aggressive poaching your gaijin? Don't make any plans for Talia Quinzel maybe?


18 hours ago, Matt_Black said:

See, I'm building up Emiko to be the one to dethrone Monster Ishimura. Speaking of, both she and Hoshiko Tagawa were taken in as proteges by Yuma, and they have positive tag chemistry with each other, so I put them as a team called... 310.

This was pretty much the tag team I'd be going with because they've got similar age and hypothetical upside. Not sure on my name for them because Emiko has a colorful outfit in her render, my original plan was to call them the Gun Metal Gals, which was the name I gave to Nami Genda and Emiko Miyoshi in TEW 2020, and I had them in my headcanon wearing black and silver cool looking outfits and doing jobs.

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Emiko Miyoshi and Hoshiko Tagawa were two of my favorite prospects of the 2020 game. I even had a long 5SSW save where Emiko became part of my premier tag team with a randomgen and Tagawa became my Ace and top heel with her stable Tagawa-gun. 

Really happy to see them already on the roster and primed to being pushed.

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28 minutes ago, White Dolphin said:

@Historianplease add this to the list in your pinned promotion threads thread


I'll be doing a long term test run save after Summerslam to see if this can cut the mustard for a new 5SSW dynasty, but fair warning: I am hearing rumours that Pinky Perez gets the bag from USPW in this save, so it looks like the AI might get more aggressive poaching your gaijin? Don't make any plans for Talia Quinzel maybe?


This was pretty much the tag team I'd be going with because they've got similar age and hypothetical upside. Not sure on my name for them because Emiko has a colorful outfit in her render, my original plan was to call them the Gun Metal Gals, which was the name I gave to Nami Genda and Emiko Miyoshi in TEW 2020, and I had them in my headcanon wearing black and silver cool looking outfits and doing jobs.


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Small changes to 5SSW but I kinda like them. Sayuri Honda gives you a real long-term piece to build on which is great. My usual plan should still work so I'll likely give Yuma the golden watch run before she drops to Higa (who I'll align with Oonishi and Honda as a stable) for her monster run. Not sure on who to take over from there but I'll likely build MAYA up for it through the secondary belt and have either her or Katsukawa get the big win over Higa

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1 hour ago, 229tman said:

With as much as it happened in past games I’m surprised Yuma doesn’t start out pregnant 

She's a very fertile woman. I think only Golden Delicious might top her. Once, in 2016, I hired her once she came back from maternity leave, and then 3 months later she got pregnant AGAIN.

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Am I the only one who thinks it's weird that 5SSW doesn't have any popularity in any of the other regions of Japan? Like, nothing in Kanto, etc... I'd expect some spillover and some touring stuff to happen in those areas, but it seems like a bit of an oversight that they don't have any popularity in those areas.

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It doesn't matter what happened to 5SSW in the last 2 years because I'm already modding the database to reflect me last game and yes, 5SSW in my universe was a VERY different beast. ;)

That said, I'm calling it now if/when the next TEW releases years from now, Higa still isn't getting that belt in Ryan's canon. In mine, however she's still having the Noah Kobashi GHC run.

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17 minutes ago, Mecha Kaji said:

It doesn't matter what happened to 5SSW in the last 2 years because I'm already modding the database to reflect me last game and yes, 5SSW in my universe was a VERY different beast. ;)

That said, I'm calling it now if/when the next TEW releases years from now, Higa still isn't getting that belt in Ryan's canon. In mine, however she's still having the Noah Kobashi GHC run.

I too always give Higa a crazy run with the title, usually spans at least 3 JoshiMania's

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/7/2024 at 4:16 AM, daman077c said:

Am I the only one who thinks it's weird that 5SSW doesn't have any popularity in any of the other regions of Japan? Like, nothing in Kanto, etc... I'd expect some spillover and some touring stuff to happen in those areas, but it seems like a bit of an oversight that they don't have any popularity in those areas.

It feels strange that they seem nowhere further since TEW 16, heck, since TEW 97 mods.... especially when compared to current real life examples!

I edit/tewaked 5SSW for my personal first save, used the editor's spill over function and started with a decent Shogun tv contract. 

Wrestlerwise I boosted Monster Ishimura, as I can't buy such a crappy worker to last hundreds of days as a champion... while THAT would explain 5SSW's lack of popularity, I didn't enjoy playing such a promotion. Then added a few stables/units.

The Triangle belt really irritates my old school puro booking traditions, but I like the challenge.

Otherwise I like the promotion, Katsukawa became a Major Star quite fast during my first tour (probably the contract helped, but I didn't notice huge jumps in pop otherwise), lets see if se can hold out until the J Grand Prix...


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