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Historian's CVerse Expansion Mod(s)

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I'm an unabashed lover of the CVerse. It's my jam. I've been working on this expansion mod and I figured I'd drop it in case anyone was interested. The title of the thread says Mod(s) because I may decide to do more.

This first mod adds:

57 Yet to Debut Companies, all with JPG logos and belts. Some have events! Almost all of the companies included here use graphics made by @willr0ckwith his expressed permission (some of the companies are the companies from his Women's Rev mod from 2020, again, used with permission.) I've tried to make sure there are a variety of styles of companies represented and there are companies for every main region of the game.

It includes 70 broadcasters, most of which are taken from @Derek B's 97 CVerse mod, again used here with his permission. I've always thought the CVerse needs more local broadcasters and these solve that.

It contains over 1500 venues and locations. These are not all new. It contains all of the default venues and locations (so they just won't copy over) but also all of the venues and locations from @The Blonde Bomber's Venue and Location expansion from 2020. These venues have NOT be Geotagged, but they are all in regions and what not.

DATA: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1z2kub1px52poul/Companies.zip/file

PICS: https://www.mediafire.com/file/sq49c09qfmfi6y1/Companies+(2).zip/file


@willr0ck's Women's Revolution Mod

So this combines ALL of willr0ck's women's mods from 2020 (the original, the North American, European, and Japanese expansions) into one converted add on. It has all of the companies (which are also in the company add on mod above). I have aged every one who had debuted in the game's skills by 2 years so account for it not being 2020. I did some brief playtesting of it, but not anything deep so if it is broken or needs to be fixed, let me know.

Also, the pictures for this are all the original, blue-background images that willr0ck did. I didn't want to try to do AI for his creations/characters for a couple of reasons. 1. I don't have that kind of skill, 2. I didn't want to be the one responsible for changing the way the women he created looked. So if you're using this, understand that it is the blue background old-style CVerse renders. If you don't like that, I'm sorry. You can feel free to look through the free pictures or renders other people have done and use those.

DATA: The Women's Revolution Add On

PICS: The Combined Blue Background Picture File

WORKERS IN GIF: https://www.mediafire.com/file/cey7qkr4mo3gh1k/willr0ck+gifs.zip/file

Women's Add On, Version One

This is an expansion mod that adds 41 women to the CVerse. There were five women added to the US, Canada, Mexico, Europe, Japan, Oceania, and India. There were six women added to the British Isles. Of the 41 women, 36 of them are active and the other six debut within the year 2022. It also includes three dojos that are already in the game (needed them to make the women graduates) and several wrestlers who are family members of the new characters. In this add on, I tried to give a diverse set of women, both in ethnicity, in ring style, and skills. Some are excellent wrestlers, some are excellent talkers, some aren't either of those things. The goal was to give quality women that could be used to add depth. There are also two tag teams and one narrative (giving DSPW a women's division).

Every render in this mod was done by @EdJames so kudos to him for churning out so many. He did 40 specifically for this mod. The extra one is from the free pictures (included in the game) as when I was looking at the CVFP pictures I got an inspiration that I wanted to include. I've double checked the data to make sure everything works right but it is entirely possible that I missed something. If I did, let me know and I'll try to fix it.

I'm calling this version one because it is entirely possible that I might try to add more women later on, but hopefully between these women and the women in @willr0ck's sensational mod (as well as the upcoming @boxofwhispers and @Blessed expansions) you will feel like you have plenty of women at your disposal.

DATA: Women's Add On Mod

PICS: Women's Mod Pics



  1. Moves
  2. Move Sets
  3. Workers
  4. Alter Egos
  5. Worker Relationships
  6. Training Facilities
  7. Graduates
  8. Tag Teams
  9. Chemistry
  10. Injury History



So this is my database. It includes all of the add on's from above in one ready to go database. It does NOT include the pictures. It wouldn't let me compress my picture folder. All of the new pictures are available for download above in their various segments, but this gives you all of the data without having to import anything. It also includes some different schedules for CILL and EILL to give them more lucha-y schedules AND it gives EILL a women's division (though they have no women signed, the idea is they are just starting it).

Important Note: @willr0ck's women are included and I use the renders he made for them instead of anything else out of respect for him as the creator. He spent hours and hours (and probably too much money on assets) for to make the renders and I won't be changing them. I can't control what you do in your personal game, but I wanted to put that out there, because they will be different than the rest of the renders if you're using the other renders from my things. 

DATA: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4netuwn1e5x3a6h/TEW9+(2).zip/file

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Thank you for this and the upcoming old women's revolution characters, this makes the default data so much more playable for a lot of people outside of getting the alt or other world mods. I will likely be playing a lot of mods but bringing Ashley Keith (among others but she is the one that comes to mind) to CWA to feud or team with Lucy Stone-McFly makes that save a lot more appealing to keep in the rotation.

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An update from underneath the size 7 1/2 Stetson.

I have updated the first post with my conversion of @willr0ck's series of Women's Revolution add ons. It adds all 100+ characters into one downloadable file. I have aged every one who had debuted in the game's skills by 2 years so account for it not being 2020. I did some brief playtesting of it, but not anything deep so if it is broken or needs to be fixed, let me know. It also contains off al the promotions and titles from the mod (which are also in my previously released expansion mod).

NOTE: the pictures for this are all the original, blue-background images that willr0ck did. I didn't want to try to do AI for his creations/characters for a couple of reasons. 1. I don't have that kind of skill, 2. I didn't want to be the one responsible for changing the way the women he created looked. So if you're using this, understand that it is the blue background old-style CVerse renders. If you don't like that, I'm sorry. You can feel free to look through the free pictures or renders other people have done and use those.

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You and willr0ck are legends for this. Very close to starting my L2G.

For those not well-versed in importing data, if you've already imported the companies, and you just need to import the workers, I would advise this order:

Worker Relationships
Tag Teams
Move Sets
Alter Egos

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2 hours ago, Bailey1985 said:

QQ - is this a port or actually converted for like height, weight etc?

It is a port with a spot check for height and weight. Most of the height and weights that I saw seemed good. I plan on doing on a finer tooth comb through in the coming week or so, but I know that having more women in the game as something important to folks so I wanted to at least get a fully ported thing over and ready for folks with everything all in one place.

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1 hour ago, Historian said:

It is a port with a spot check for height and weight. Most of the height and weights that I saw seemed good. I plan on doing on a finer tooth comb through in the coming week or so, but I know that having more women in the game as something important to folks so I wanted to at least get a fully ported thing over and ready for folks with everything all in one place.

Thanks for getting back to me. I tip my hat to your work ethic to get it done so quickly :)


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Coming soon:

Historian and @EdJames’s Women’s Add On Mod. Featuring 40 or so women to add to your game. All rookies (and maybe some YTD but debuting in 2022). Five women per region of the game. The goal is to give players young women that add depth to the world. 

One of these women? The daughter of Jack DeColt… Georgia!


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55 minutes ago, Vantezzle said:

For someone new, how do I add this to the game?

Typically you create a new database in the editor and copy and paste the downloaded data into the folder that it creates. Then you use the editor to import all of the data over into the database you want to use it in. If you click HERE you'll get step by step instructions to do it.

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11 hours ago, Historian said:

Typically you create a new database in the editor and copy and paste the downloaded data into the folder that it creates. Then you use the editor to import all of the data over into the database you want to use it in. If you click HERE you'll get step by step instructions to do it.

Thank you!And does it matter what order do I import everything in?I'm guessing you can't import everything at once?

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13 minutes ago, Vantezzle said:

Thank you!And does it matter what order do I import everything in?I'm guessing you can't import everything at once?

If you import workers it is:


Move Sets


Alter Egos

Worker Relationships

Training Facilities


Tag Teams


Injury History

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An update on the women’s expansion. 15 women have been fully added (five for Mexico, Canada, and the US). @EdJamessent over the renders for the next ten women, the British Isles and Europe. The goal for version 1 is 40 women, five per region. And @alpha2117will be happy to know that two of the Oceania women are inspired by Royce and Kaye. 

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2 hours ago, Historian said:

An update on the women’s expansion. 15 women have been fully added (five for Mexico, Canada, and the US). @EdJamessent over the renders for the next ten women, the British Isles and Europe. The goal for version 1 is 40 women, five per region. And @alpha2117will be happy to know that two of the Oceania women are inspired by Royce and Kaye. 

Woohoo - No Madison Eagles though 🥲so mixed emotions.  I am a total eagles mark - I wonder what would have happened if the WWE had of brought her in back around 2010 - The Womens Revolution would have happened earlier and arguably better because she's the best I've ever seen Western Womens Wrestling wise

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Added to the first post:

Women's Add On, Version One

This is an expansion mod that adds 41 women to the CVerse. There were five women added to the US, Canada, Mexico, Europe, Japan, Oceania, and India. There were six women added to the British Isles. Of the 41 women, 36 of them are active and the other six debut within the year 2022. It also includes three dojos that are already in the game (needed them to make the women graduates) and several wrestlers who are family members of the new characters. In this add on, I tried to give a diverse set of women, both in ethnicity, in ring style, and skills. Some are excellent wrestlers, some are excellent talkers, some aren't either of those things. The goal was to give quality women that could be used to add depth. There are also two tag teams and one narrative (giving DSPW a women's division).

Every render in this mod was done by @EdJames so kudos to him for churning out so many. He did 40 specifically for this mod. The extra one is from the free pictures (included in the game) as when I was looking at the CVFP pictures I got an inspiration that I wanted to include. I've double checked the data to make sure everything works right but it is entirely possible that I missed something. If I did, let me know and I'll try to fix it.

I'm calling this version one because it is entirely possible that I might try to add more women later on, but hopefully between these women and the women in @willr0ck's sensational mod (as well as the upcoming @boxofwhispers and @Blessed expansions) you will feel like you have plenty of women at your disposal.


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Updated the first post to include: 


So this is my database. It includes all of the add on's from above in one ready to go database. It does NOT include the pictures. It wouldn't let me compress my picture folder. All of the new pictures are available for download above in their various segments, but this gives you all of the data without having to import anything. It also includes some different schedules for CILL and EILL to give them more lucha-y schedules AND it gives EILL a women's division (though they have no women signed, the idea is they are just starting it).

Important Note: @willr0ck's women are included and I use the renders he made for them instead of anything else out of respect for him as the creator. He spent hours and hours (and probably too much money on assets) for to make the renders and I won't be changing them. I can't control what you do in your personal game, but I wanted to put that out there, because they will be different than the rest of the renders if you're using the other renders from my things. 

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You are on a Roll

Mother of Dragons!!! Again she needs to be made available for Oceania because she is so ZEN


What I find funny is that in the Cverse there is an extraordinary amount of people of Sub-Saharan African heritage in Oceania in the wrestling business - given they make up about 1.5% of the population.  Not that many Aboriginals or Pacific heritage though given they make 4% and 1.5 in Australia and New Zealand is 25% Maori/Islander.  At least this gave us 2 indigenous people although the Happy girl doesn't look that Happy - guess the parents name her FiaFia in hope.


This stuff is fantastic - thanks so much

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