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EMLL: Multiverse of Madness

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In a sprawling huge office with all sorts of clocks adorning the wall and depicting the various time zone, we see two men engaged in a serious discussion.




Rey Soldado: So, you are the new member of Time Corps that Lord Vishwakarma was talking about!!

Mr. India (Kashmir Singh in new avatar): Yes and i was told that i need to work closely with you to mend all the anomalies that are going around in the various timelines.

Rey Soldado: That's our job, isn't it? Anyways, the first order of business is to capture Time Master. He is a very dangerous fugitive that is on the run from Time Corps after destroying several timelines. He even attacked me last month. He is pretty dangerous so you......

Mr. India I know all about him. Earlier he was known as Historia, who used to manipulate timelines and bring back prehistoric carnivorous animals as his pet and unleash destruction on the present timeline wherever he was present then. We had managed to tame him and put him locked away in the absolute annals of The Lacuna but now it seems he has managed to escape and is running around with a new name.

Rey Soldado: And latest reports suggest that he has recruited Trickster to his cause. That is one annoying fellow. He creates all kinds of ruckus wherever he goes and ever since he has become the Avatar of Chaos by holding the Ring of Chaos, he has become an even greater headache.

Mr. India So, brother it looks like we need to tackle both of them at the same time. Come on, let's go to our war room and prepare ourselves.

Rey Soldado: Yes indeed!! Let's go!!






Dropping Soon. Stay Tuned



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The gateway to the eerie and haunted Dark Universe. Anybody standing in front of it will have shivers down his body. Nobody dares to venture inside.



Samael the Accuser, the King of Dark Universe and the current Campeon del Mundo EMLL paces up and down and laugh maniacally, screaming for anyone to come and get the belt from him which holds unlimited power.



Suddenly and shockingly the gates of Dark Universe starts burning, a sight which has not been seen in 100 years.


This startles Samael as he looks around in anger and wonders who has this audacity and stupidity to pull off such a feat.


Suddenly, out of nowhere two figures jump Samael and start beating him badly.



It's Hellfire and Death's Head, two insanely dangerous executioners from the mysterious Kingdom of Blood who are carrying out the attack on Samael. This 2-on-1 attack is proving deadly for Samael who is slowly fading away..... but after a little while..............Samael powers up as he stops a fireball from Hellfire with his literal hand deflecting it onto Death's Head whose head is on fire now.

Samael circles Hellfire and hits his devastating Poison of God finisher and Hellfire is knocked out. He screams at Death's Head to come and get his belt from him, it will be a fight to death. He challenges Death's Head to a Ring of Inferno Match. Death's Head slaps Samael before laughing maniacally himself and accepting. He then takes Hellfire and both vanishes in thin air while Samael watches his gate completely burnt and ashes scattered throughout the ground.






Dropping Soon. Stay Tuned



Edited by kanegan
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Biopolis, a peaceful country and a heaven for the animal folks who leave in complete harmony with each other, away from other humans and life forms. They have built up a sustainable community here which fulfills everyone's needs.

But as they say, peace is never permanent. Disruptive forces will come into play sooner or later which will completely destroy the harmony, balance and sanctity of the place and it has happened.



Nagadheera, the mysterious Snake God arrived few months ago in Biopolis and ever since then, he along with his motley group of followers has been creating unrest in Biopolis trying to take this state under their rule. Although there are other brave folks who had been standing up to them which has stopped them from capturing the country completely.

But now, they have found their hands on something which can grant them immense power.





Snake King, the leader of the Nagas and his two close followers, Scorpion and Tarantula are seen busy admiring a bracelet which has three rings in the central part of it.


The Tri-Ring, consisting of Ring of Flora (plants and flowers), Ring of Fauna (all kinds of animals) and Ring of Sylva (Forests, jungles natural habitat) is the most powerful bracelet in all of Biopolis and the holder of this bracelet is the almighty ruler of this place and the bad news is it is currently in possession of Snake King and so Nagas are now more powerful than ever.

But as they say, for every bad there is good and before the bracelet could be kept in a safe custody, two figures come rushing in, attacking the three and then they steal the Tri-Ring before escaping:



Dolphin Master and Blue Wolf, two influential leaders of Biopolis who have been protesting against Nagadheera and Nagas since long has stolen the Tri-Ring and for the first time ,they have a real chance to oust the Nagas from their beloved country. 





Elsewhere we see


Cyclops and Captain Lucha engage in a blood brawl where Captain Lucha is trying to wrest the Ring of Destiny from Cyclops but fails to do so. They agree to meet in the arena with Cyclops claiming that Captain Lucha would have to walk on his dead body to get the ring.







Boriken Love Machine Jr., the leader of The Lovables, a peace loving and friendly tribe that practices Ahimsa or non-violence is seen patiently requesting Decipher, (a sneaky and deceptive being who is trying to unite all the three rings to get back to home) to hand him the Ring of Life but Decipher bluntly attacks Boriken, hitting him some swift kicks before trying to bury him in the ground but two other powerful beings make way to stop the anarchy.

They are El Hijo del Fantasma and Chess Maniac.






Dropping Soon. Stay Tuned



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So, with that all the intro posts have been completed which sets up the Clash of the Multiverse. The card preview will be up next. In my version i am not strictly sticking to the cannon EMLL i.e only one on one matches and instead you will see a mixture of trios, doubles and single matches. 

I have also neatly organized everyone in stables which will be delved further after the Clash of the Multiverse is posted. Thanks to everyone who have supported it thus far. It's exciting to share with all of you my version of EMLL.

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32 minutes ago, AboardTheArk said:

This is crazy good work. I really like how the Indian folklore (?) has already made its way into EMLL canon.

Haha that was my intention.Glad you like it. Great work with your 1st show though, really liked it.

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Campeonato del Mundo EMLL Ring of Inferno Match: Samael the Accuser (C) vs Death's Head w/ Hellfire

It's the King of Dark Universe against the primary executioner of Kingdom of Blood. Two powerful men surrounded within a burning ring. Who will come out unscathed?


Lucha Libre Rules (Match 1 of Best of 5): Guerrero Muerto vs Demon King

Two immortal warriors of Hellmouth, bounded together by fate. Who will come out of top? It's Match 1 in the Best of 5 series between these two.


Battle of Biopolis Tri-Ring Championship: Nagas (Snake King/Scorpion/Tarantula) vs The Council (Dolphin Master/Blue Wolf/???)

It's the Battle of Biopolis. The holder of the Tri-Ring will be the all powerful ruler of the powerful nation. The Council has claimed that they are bringing back their old friend, who is a veteran resident of Biopolis who happened to stay aloof for some time but now he is back.


Ring of Life: Decipher vs Boriken Love Machine Jr. vs El Hijo del Fantasma vs Chess Maniac

The Ring of Life is up for grabs. Who will claim this powerful artifact and unleash the power of life?



Ring of Destiny: Cyclops (c) vs Captain Lucha

Can Captain Lucha overcome Cyclops and claim the Ring of Destiny for himself?


Next month's Avatar of Chaos will have multiple contenders all ready to replace Trickster. But who will it be. The battle starts here.

Avatar of Chaos Qualifier: El Bandido Jr. vs Powerful Man vs Anarchist

Avatar of Chaos Qualifier: Aprendiz Jr. vs Charron vs La Bestia Morada


Time Corps (Rey Soldado/Mr. India) vs Time Master/Trickster

Can the new alliance of Mr. India & Rey Soldado capture Time Master now that the ever dangerous Trickster is helping him?




Campeonato del Mundo EMLL Ring of Inferno Match: Samael the Accuser (C) vs Death's Head w/ Hellfire

Lucha Libre Rules (Match 1 of Best of 5): Guerrero Muerto vs Demon King

Battle of Biopolis Tri-Ring Championship: Nagas (Snake King/Scorpion/Tarantula) vs The Council (Dolphin Master/Blue Wolf/???)

Ring of Life: Decipher vs Boriken Love Machine Jr. vs El Hijo del Fantasma vs Chess Maniac

Ring of Destiny: Cyclops (c) vs Captain Lucha

Avatar of Chaos Qualifier: El Bandido Jr. vs Powerful Man vs Anarchist

Avatar of Chaos Qualifier: Aprendiz Jr. vs Charron vs La Bestia Morada

Time Corps (Rey Soldado/Mr. India) vs Time Master/Trickster

Bonus Question: Who will be the third member of The Council (Hint: He starts unemployed in the default database)


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Campeonato del Mundo EMLL Ring of Inferno Match: Samael the Accuser (C) vs Death's Head w/ Hellfire

There's money to be gotten with Sam on top

Lucha Libre Rules (Match 1 of Best of 5): Guerrero Muerto vs Demon King

Knowing what kind of ratings he's pulling for me... I doubt he's not doing the same here. 

Battle of Biopolis Tri-Ring Championship: Nagas (Snake King/Scorpion/Tarantula) vs The Council (Dolphin Master/Blue Wolf/???)

Blue Wolf Gang

Ring of Life: Decipher vs Boriken Love Machine Jr. vs El Hijo del Fantasma vs Chess Maniac

I just think he's neat

Ring of Destiny: Cyclops (c) vs Captain Lucha

He seems valuable with that particular ring and he can work fine.

Avatar of Chaos Qualifier: El Bandido Jr. vs Powerful Man vs Anarchist


Avatar of Chaos Qualifier: Aprendiz Jr. vs Charron vs La Bestia Morada

Time Corps (Rey Soldado/Mr. India) vs Time Master/Trickster


Bonus Question: Who will be the third member of The Council (Hint: He starts unemployed in the default database)

gimme uhhhhhh Firebird

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Campeonato del Mundo EMLL Ring of Inferno Match: Samael the Accuser (C) vs Death's Head w/ Hellfire

Lucha Libre Rules (Match 1 of Best of 5): Guerrero Muerto vs Demon King

Battle of Biopolis Tri-Ring Championship: Nagas (Snake King/Scorpion/Tarantula) vs The Council (Dolphin Master/Blue Wolf/???)

Ring of Life: Decipher vs Boriken Love Machine Jr. vs El Hijo del Fantasma vs Chess Maniac

Ring of Destiny: Cyclops (c) vs Captain Lucha

Avatar of Chaos Qualifier: El Bandido Jr. vs Powerful Man vs Anarchist

Avatar of Chaos Qualifier: Aprendiz Jr. vs Charron vs La Bestia Morada

Time Corps (Rey Soldado/Mr. India) vs Time Master/Trickster

Bonus Question: Who will be the third member of The Council (Hint: He starts unemployed in the default database)

Just for the sheer bizarreness of it Bruce the Giant

Bear with me - Bruce makes a strange sort of sense.  He cant wrestle anymore but his sheer presence would add so much - that and I haven't played the game for a few years and cant recall all the Mexican free agents 


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Campeonato del Mundo EMLL Ring of Inferno Match: Samael the Accuser (C) vs Death's Head w/ Hellfire

Lucha Libre Rules (Match 1 of Best of 5): Guerrero Muerto vs Demon King

Battle of Biopolis Tri-Ring Championship: Nagas (Snake King/Scorpion/Tarantula) vs The Council (Dolphin Master/Blue Wolf/???)

Ring of Life: Decipher vs Boriken Love Machine Jr. vs El Hijo del Fantasma vs Chess Maniac

Ring of Destiny: Cyclops (c) vs Captain Lucha

Avatar of Chaos Qualifier: El Bandido Jr. vs Powerful Man vs Anarchist

Avatar of Chaos Qualifier: Aprendiz Jr. vs Charron vs La Bestia Morada

Time Corps (Rey Soldado/Mr. India) vs Time Master/Trickster

Bonus Question: Who will be the third member of The Council (Hint: He starts unemployed in the default database) Cosmic Rider

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EMLL Clash of the Multiverse

Attendance: 1000 (Sold Out) at Palacio de Lucha








Tri-Ring Championship: Naagas (Snake King/Tarantula/Scorpion) vs The Council (Blue Wolf/Dolphin Master/Amo del Gato)


 - The mystery partner for The Council was the former OLLIE mainstay Amo del Gato which shocked the crowd who was not expecting him in EMLL.

- The Council had a tough time early on in the match as they focussed on isolating Snake King but he would always sneak out and Scorpion and Tarantula would show their cohesiveness as they managed to hurt Dolphin Master and then Blue Wolf. Blue Wolf was also subjected to a sneaky chair shot behind ref's back and almost suffered a pinfall until Amo del Gato saved the day.

- Once Amo del Gato got in, it was a one-way traffic as he used his aerial skills to hit planchas and moonsaults that the EMLL universe had not seen till now. An attempt by Tarantula at his Swinging DDT finisher was foiled as he nailed an overhead kick before hitting a running senton on Snake King thus clearing the ring.

- Once the legal man Scorpion was in his sight, he hit the Ninth Life (jumping Pounce from second rope) and won the match for his team thus making Council the inaugural Tri-Ring champions.


Winner: The Council (becomes the inaugural Tri-Ring Champions)

Grade: 51



Tri-Ring is stolen

With Council celebrating their triumph and admiring the Tri-Ring Gauntlet, suddenly a cloud of smoke engulfs the ring and when it dies down, we see the Gauntlet is in the hands of a mysterious figure.


It was Cobra!!! the former FCW midcarder. What the hell was he doing here!!!

Cobra laughed maniacally while wearing the Tri-Ring Gauntlet and then once again smoke surrounds the entire ring and when it dies down again, Cobra along with the rest of Naagas are gone and The Council is left fuming in the center of the ring.




Ring of Life



Ring of Life Fatal Fourway: Boriken Love Machine Jr. vs El Hijo del Fantasma vs Decipher vs Chess Maniac


 - The early aggressor in the match was Boriken Love Machine Jr. who shed his usual loveable character and unloaded on Decipher who he bore a special grudge because he refused to give him the Ring of Life. While Decipher tried his usual sneaky tactics, Boriken was ready for it and a left-right punch barrage made Decipher look like a punching bag.

- While Fantasma and Chess Maniac squared off and it was equal in the beginning with neither man getting an advantage, once they saw Boriken and Decipher trying to go for the pin, Chess Maniac got distracted and this worked in Fantasma's favour as he hit a Snap DDT before tying him upside down from the turnbuckle and hit multiple shoulder blocks which almost crushed Chess Maniac's abdomen. While Chess Maniac was recovering, he got thrown out of the ring as Fantasma showed his power.

- He then turned his focus on the other two and hit a pop-up Samoan Drop thrice on Boriken. While Decipher once again tried sneaking in from behind and this time hit Code Breaker on Fantasma successfully but to his shock, Fantasma kicked out at two.

- He grabbed his head in despair not knowing what to do but Fantasma slapped Decipher hard and launched him out of the ring before slapping in the Ultimate Boston Crab on Boriken and he had no choice but to tap out. Fantasma was the newest Ring of Life holder.


Winner: El Hijo del Fantasma (becomes the 6th Ring of Life champion)

Grade: 59



The Time Corps Battle



Rey Soldado/Mr. India vs Time Master/Trickster


 - The hatred in the eyes of Rey Soldado was clearly visible even with his mask as he gritted his teeth at the sight of Time Master and bombarded him with kicks and punches before hitting some sick short arm lariats and finishing the sequence with a discus lariat.

- Satisfied at his work, Soldado tagged in Mr. India but he missed a trick as he went for a cannonball but Time Master moved and India crashed on the turnbuckle. Once Trickster was in the ring, the game changed as he used his bevy of tricks and hypnotic power to capture Mr. India fully as he hit a trio of rolling Germans before hitting a powerbomb but Mr. India kicked out.

- Rey Soldado came to the rescue but Trickster used his bag of tricks again, even managing to unleash a couple of his clones which confused Rey but he and Mr. India destroyed the clones and Trickster used this moment to strike as he hit The Stretch of the Truth on Mr. India to win.


Winner: Time Master/Trickster

Grade: 45


Trickster up to his antics again


Once the match is over, Trickster takes 2 two Time Capsules from Mr. India's belt and forcefully shoves it down in both Mr. India and Rey Soldado's throat and they vanish in an instant with Trickster letting out a sinister grin.



Avatar of Chaos Qualifier



Avatar of Chaos Qualifier: El Bandido Jr. vs Powerful Man vs Anarchist


- Powerful Man was the most dangerous man in this match as he handed out power slams and powerbombs to the other competitors and generally dominating. A running power slam to Anarchist left him gasping for breath and El Bandido Jr. also suffered the same fate. But his persistence shined through as he foiled a second running powerslam attempt by turning it into a bulldog.

- A series of kicks to the legs of Powerful Man left the big man reeling and a shining wizard broke the teeth of the giant but Anarchist came from the back to hit a clothesline to the back of El Bandido but it did not last long as a running big boot attempt by Powerful Man was dodged by El Bandido and Anarchist bore the brunt as he flew out of the ring after getting the boot square on his face.

- El Bandido Jr. showed immense strength as he lifted Powerful Man for the Hijack Suplex but the giant kicked out at the first attempt. He then followed up with the Bandit Moonsault and that's all she wrote as El Bandido Jr. punched his ticket for Avatar of Chaos.


Winner: El Bandido Jr.

Grade: 44



Avatar of Chaos Qualifier



Avatar of Chaos Qualifier: Aprendiz Jr. vs Charron vs La Bestia Morada


- While the spookiness of Charron was intimidating at the beginning as he used his entrance to good effect hitting Aprendiz Jr. with a sidewalk slam and then a running overhead powerslam but his bravado stopped as he came face to face with La Bestia Morada.

- A series of chops and slaps to the chest incited laughs from Morada, as he grabbed the head and hit a deadlift German suplex. Aprendiz Jr. tried to interfere but he was taken to Suplex city as multiple variations of suplex were hit and Aprendiz was knocked out by the time Morada finished.

- Morada hit Beast Bomb to Aprendiz and then while Charron tried to turn the tide, he suffered the same fate. A pin on Aprendiz Jr. was enough to send Morada to the Avatar of Chaos.


Winner: La Bestia Morada

Grade: 41



Ring of Destiny



Ring of Destiny: Cyclops (c) vs Captain Lucha


 - Lucha went for an early suicide dive, but Cyclops caught him and gave him a uranage slam onto the broadcast table. Lucha pulled the ringside mat back to expose the concrete floor. Lucha set up for a move from the apron, but Cyclops caught him and hit a Muscle Buster on the bare concrete.

 - Back inside the ring, Cyclops swept Lucha's legs out from under him and then kicked Lucha and dropped an elbow on him before covering him for a two count. Lucha eventually battled back, hitting Joe with a Flatliner for a near fall.  Lucha then applied a short-arm scissors. Cyclops then rolled on top of Lucha and slammed him in the corner to break the hold. 

- Cyclops went for a corner running lariat but Lucha ducked and then hit the Mexican Death out of nowhere.







NO!!! Cyclops kicked out!!!


- A second Mexican Death attempt was foiled as Cyclops grabbed Lucha and hit the Snake Eyes before following up with a humongous running clothesline that turned Lucha inside out. Cyclops goes to the top rope and hit the High Fly Eye for the pin and defended his ring successfully.


Winner: Cyclops (defense #1 of Ring of Destiny)

Grade: 60



Hellmouth Battle



Lucha Libre Rules 2/3 Falls: Guerrero Muerto vs Demon King


 - Demon King performed a flying head-scissors that caused Muerto to roll to the floor. Demon dove from the ring onto Muerto at ringside. and then slammed him into the barricade. Back in the ring, Demon superplexed Muerto for a near fall. He then went up the top rope and seeing Muerto reeling, he hit the Eternal Pain (Leaping Double Foot Stomp) and got the shock pin to lead the match. Demon King 1 - 0 Guerrero Muerto

 - The shock of getting an early pin gave a false sense of bravado and Demon went up top to hit another Eternal Pain but Muerto cut him off with a huge lethal dropkick that almost took off the head of Demon. Muerto then draped Demon’s legs over the barricade and hit him with a wicked-looking Draping DDT. He then dragged him into the ring and hit an Implant DDT 

- Demon fought back with a German suplex but Muerto rolled through and then drilled Demon with a shotgun dropkick and then quickly pinned him down to level the game.

Demon King 1 - 1 Guerrero Muerto

 - He didn't waste anytime though as he overcame Demon's aerial warfare catching him midair for the Graveyard Shift (tombstone piledriver) and then hit another one for safety and Demon King had nowhere to go as he was knocked out and Muerto won this battle.

Demon King 1 - 2 Guerrero Muerto


Winner: Guerrero Muerto

Grade: 51


Hellmouth Implodes


Once Muerto won the match, all hell broke loose as all the members of Hellmouth came rushing towards the ring.




El Diablo Implumado and Calavera, allies of Guerrero Muerto and Demon King rushed to the ring and a brawl ensured but it was Demon King who had the last laugh as he powerbombed Calavera through a table and forced Muerto to retreat.


While all this was happening, 


Macabro stood still at the entrance watching the chaos and smiling to himself. He did not interject himself in the fight. What was his motive??




Campeonato del Mundo EMLL



Campeonato del Mundo EMLL Ring of Inferno: Samael the Accuser (c) vs Death's Head w/Hellfire


 - The ring was lit up in flames as Samael and Death's Head entered. Both were a little skeptical at the beginning, trying to avoid the flames that were blowing up in full force and all action was concentrated in the center of the ring.

 - Both of them tried to drag each other in the flames but it did not happen which resulted in a stalemate. A plethora of moves were done but it was half-hearted and it resulted in rapid booing from the crowd as they wanted to see people burn.

- Finally it was Hellfire who tried to initiate some action when he threw a fireball again and this time Samael deflected it towards Death's Head whose mask caught fire. That was the opening Samael needed as he delivered a brutal cutter to Hellfire sending him to flames and then hit the Poison of God (RKO) to Death's Head to win this horrific match.


Winner: Samael the Accuser (defense #2 of Campeonato del Mundo EMLL)

Grade: 52


Celebration Time for the Dark Universe warriors



La Bestia Morada joined Samael as he raised his hands in the center of the ring. The two embraced as they both stood in the middle of the ring and acknowledged everyone. The boys from Dark Universe were at top. Can La Bestia Morada become the new Avatar of Chaos and become the most powerful duo along with Samael the Accuser?



Overall Grade


Edited by kanegan
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How Tricky are Time Master /Trickster? So tricky they were announced the Winners of a match they weren't even in!

(We've all done it - El Bandido Jr might be annoyed though) 

I rarely play the Cverse Mexican feds because I am annoyed by the lack of Exotico's and several 100 Minis of most every star and have sort of boycotted that part of the Universe, so I only vaguely know most of these guys (some not at all).  That said this was hella fun (seemingly quite literally).

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3 minutes ago, alpha2117 said:

How Tricky are Time Master /Trickster? So tricky they were announced the Winners of a match they weren't even in!

(We've all done it - El Bandido Jr might be annoyed though) 

I rarely play the Cverse Mexican feds because I am annoyed by the lack of Exotico's and several 100 Minis of most every star and have sort of boycotted that part of the Universe, so I only vaguely know most of these guys (some not at all).  That said this was hella fun (seemingly quite literally).

Thanks for pointing that out mate. Corrected now.

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These pictures where did you get them from, these are amazing. So much better than the main stuff.

Also EMLL is my absolute favorite fed. I'm not sure how I feel about you straying from the 1 on 1 thing, when I play I try and stick with that because I find its an interesting challengem but so far so good.

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7 hours ago, AboardTheArk said:

Now that was a show. Really really strong stuff and a surprising signing that makes all the sense in the world in Cobra.


Did you get hit with bad chemistry for Guerrero/King? 

Thanks man. Yes, Cobra will be a major character in the lore of Naagas going forward. Guerrero/King was indeed hit with bad chemistry and it has completely screwed my plans for the best of 5 series between the two.

5 hours ago, Irish Wolf said:

These pictures where did you get them from, these are amazing. So much better than the main stuff.

Also EMLL is my absolute favorite fed. I'm not sure how I feel about you straying from the 1 on 1 thing, when I play I try and stick with that because I find its an interesting challengem but so far so good.

Thanks man. Those are my creations using AI. You can get them here. I will be adding more as i keep creating.

Regarding shifting from 1 - on - 1, the existing storylines and multiple universes that EMLL has, it does not make any sense to go for just plain singles as it is an all out stable warfare at the heart of the company.

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16 minutes ago, kanegan said:

Thanks man. Yes, Cobra will be a major character in the lore of Naagas going forward. Guerrero/King was indeed hit with bad chemistry and it has completely screwed my plans for the best of 5 series between the two.

Thanks man. Those are my creations using AI. You can get them here. I will be adding more as i keep creating.

Regarding shifting from 1 - on - 1, the existing storylines and multiple universes that EMLL has, it does not make any sense to go for just plain singles as it is an all out stable warfare at the heart of the company.

That the one thing I do add. A lot of stables but in 2020 I managed to keep 1 on 1 for matches if I do EMLL I'll probably do the same. THe problem I'm seeing is that the backstage environment is trash, so many of the workers are terrible people

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