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PSW: Furnace of Champions

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Some really interesting ideas, especially the six points which give good direction for how you can maintain a hardcore spirit without getting stuck in ECW/DAVEsville, the concept of the Steel Factor and the tease of women joining the roster. As for the Steal Factor (too cheesy I know), have you already decided the respected promotions you won't steal from, or it will be based on the natural evolution of the game world and who makes an enemy of themselves by poaching from you etc?

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I'm REALLY into both the Steel Factor and however you choose to innovate in matches, especially with the injury and content risk. This has the chance of being something really cool. 


I think despite the CVerse reputation, late DAVE had a ton of world class workers pass through, no? So it's dope that PSW is finally growing when it has Wolfsbane, Youngman, Smooth and the rest, and I think the psychology and athleticism of the Steel Factor are a way for you to keep that indy legacy alive. 


As for potentially getting women in... may the mods help you lol

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11 minutes ago, 619 said:

Some really interesting ideas, especially the six points which give good direction for how you can maintain a hardcore spirit without getting stuck in ECW/DAVEsville, the concept of the Steel Factor and the tease of women joining the roster. As for the Steal Factor (too cheesy I know), have you already decided the respected promotions you won't steal from, or it will be based on the natural evolution of the game world and who makes an enemy of themselves by poaching from you etc?

Good question. I'd also be interesting in hearing other people's thoughts. (The part of about the promotion taking direction from the community is very much true)

So my gut reaction, focusing only on promotions that I could feasibly steal from... 

IPW and GSW we respect. They give a place for people to showcase hardcore skills/have a similar product to us. 

FCW we respect. Partly because of the Shawn Gonzalez/DAVE link, but also their product. They can have Puerto Rico... 

I feel like we would respect ACPW, they are alternative in their own way. 

MAW is a tricky one for me. I'm 50/50 on that. 

NYCW, probably not. Partly because of the geographical closeness, I picture our fans having plenty of contact with each other but very little crossover. Stuck in the past, with no ambition. 

CZCW we would respect. Although our products are different in some ways they have their own revolution. Progressive and innovative. 

Part of the way I think of it, is lets say a worker comes in from one of those promotions (as keep in mind I say I won't steal, but that doesn't mean no sharing talent). Would our fan base respect their accolades. I think someone coming in and saying 'I've proven on the West Coast that I'm Invincible' or 'I've held the Xtreme Title in CZCW' would mean something. Whereas someone coming in and saying 'I've been the King on New York' wouldn't get the same reaction. (Not that that scenario is impossible...........)

Realistically though we'd respect most independents. PSW really only cares for itself, it's not going to join COTT (although that could be interesting) but at the same time after years of talent raids it doesn't plan on getting big and then becoming the bad guys themselves. 

I did actually have a point in the manifesto about not monopolising. Something about huge companies hurting the very industry that made them feels very 'unhardcore' but I ended up taking it out.  



1 minute ago, AboardTheArk said:

I'm REALLY into both the Steel Factor and however you choose to innovate in matches, especially with the injury and content risk. This has the chance of being something really cool. 


I think despite the CVerse reputation, late DAVE had a ton of world class workers pass through, no? So it's dope that PSW is finally growing when it has Wolfsbane, Youngman, Smooth and the rest, and I think the psychology and athleticism of the Steel Factor are a way for you to keep that indy legacy alive. 


As for potentially getting women in... may the mods help you lol


Yeah DAVE really did mirror ECW in every way (too many ways in my opinion), so you're definitely right it had world class workers. So that was my exact thinking with the psychology and athleticism. It's not that every single worker has to have high hardcore stats as the fans respect true talent of any nature. 

But yep you're also right about the women. I did I search for suitable talent and was not impressed... Normally I'm a sucker for keeping with the default data but I think I might need to import some or make my own. Then again I'm also not in a rush to suddenly have a large women's division. I view the manifesto more as a guide to where I'm heading in the long term. I'm also uncertain whether it will be integrated (in which case maybe only a couple women would suffice) or a small division. 


I enjoyed making the above post though, it's helped to focus me. I probably should have done it at the beginning really! Some things I've either already done or are planning to do don't fit perfectly with the manifesto but like I say, it's more of a standard to strive to than a declaration of what current PSW must be. 

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I'm still too much of a CVerse novice to warrant much input into the friends and enemies discussion but everything you wrote feels logical, in particular the warmth towards FCW (Shawn Gonzalez links and the fact there's already some talent sharing in place) and New York being the enemy. It feels like IPW/GSW could be played whichever way you find more fun (supporting one another's shared philosophies or resenting them getting buzz borrowing from the DAVE/PSW formula).

I sympathise with the women's dilemma having booked myself into a hole previously with Lori as DIW booker but lacking access to enough female talent to make it any more than an occasional attraction. But as you say, it only needs to be a long-term vision for now: I think I'm right in saying ZEN decided their roster was integrated before they'd ever actually hired any female wrestlers.

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The final episode before New Years Revolution, but that does not mean we're taking it easy with some big matches planned. 


Chip Martin vs Dustin Deuce (winner gets a place on the NYR card)

Jebediah vs ???

Austin Smooth vs Ernest Youngman

Bonus Point: Show grade HIGHER or LOWER (last week: 44)



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Chip Martin vs Dustin Deuce (winner gets a place on the NYR card) - Neither of these guys are great at this stage but Chip is marginally better than Dustin and has the more interesting back story.

Jebediah vs ??? - Question mark needs to win this to remain legitimate

Austin Smooth vs Ernest Youngman -  SNAP. Smooth's great but he's not ready to go over the most popular guy on the roster, and definitely not just on regular TV

Bonus Point: Show grade HIGHER or LOWER (last week: 44) - The main event should carry it higher

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Chip Martin vs Dustin Deuce (winner gets a place on the NYR card)
I seem to remember Deuce being decent... but Chip's got all the tools. I'd be interested to see his Steel Factor

Jebediah vs ???
This feels like it could be a big debut? Heyy babay? Maybe

Austin Smooth vs Ernest Youngman
Youngman is just the best.

Bonus Point: Show grade HIGHER or LOWER (last week: 44) HIGHER!!


Just to echo others, and touch on a couple of points - the Hardcore Manifesto is GREAT. The Steel Factor is such a great concept.

Women's Divisions I find extremely difficult... I normally book 2 hours of TV (around 6 matches, and 10 other segments)... so if I had a women's division, I'd be able to have 1-2 women's matches... and 2-3 other segments... 

In your case, with a 1 hour tv show, you're looking at 3-4 matches per week... so to give one up to a separate division seems a lot. As others have said, it'd need to be a pretty big division.

I would probably advise bringing in a handful of women and integrating them. Candice LeRae used to have great intergender hardcore matches back in the day, and it's always more of an impact when a woman gets hit with a weapon, or bleeds etc. Maybe bring in 2-3 women? Have them form tag teams, or wrestle the guys. After a year or so of that, you might decide to bring more in, and have a division or Championship for them. As you grow, you might grow the TV show to two hours, and have space for a women's hour? or something similar.

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Posted (edited)
22 hours ago, 619 said:

It feels like IPW/GSW could be played whichever way you find more fun (supporting one another's shared philosophies or resenting them getting buzz borrowing from the DAVE/PSW formula).


That is an interesting take, and definitely food for thought. I suppose IPW have the Nemesis factor too though. 

Something I also found interesting given how the game essentially portrays Deacon Darkhold as a knock off Aldous Blackfriar.. is Deacon actually has a higher Steel Factor. 

1 hour ago, The Lloyd said:

I would probably advise bringing in a handful of women and integrating them. Candice LeRae used to have great intergender hardcore matches back in the day, and it's always more of an impact when a woman gets hit with a weapon, or bleeds etc. Maybe bring in 2-3 women? Have them form tag teams, or wrestle the guys. After a year or so of that, you might decide to bring more in, and have a division or Championship for them. As you grow, you might grow the TV show to two hours, and have space for a women's hour? or something similar.

I think integrated is most likely. 

And in answer to your Chip question he's only a 59. Which is a shame but he is also one of the youngest members of the roster (22). So it's perfectly possible that he ends up with a decent score. 


I have actually amended the calculation a tiny bit, just to include a +3 if the wrestler is willing to do stunts/take risks or has the 'deathmatch wrestler ability'. I didn't want to make it a big bonus as in theory the hardcore stat and to a lesser degree the resilience stat already factors it in. But I just wanted to give a bit more weight to it to stop charisma and psychology being too overpowered in it. 

With that new change I have...

7 wrestlers in the 70s

18 in the 60s

And 8 in the 50s. 

Ideally I want to have nobody below 60. That seems very doable especially because 5 of those 8 should get to 60 soon enough. 


The first woman I'm hopefully bringing in (might not debut for a while) is a 67. So that makes me feel better. This isn't a signing to help reach some quota to appease my inclusivity point in my manifesto. She definitely deserves a spot on the roster. 

Edited by christmas_ape
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Now that's a closing angle that takes advantage of the new system! Fun fun show. I am really into Dumfrey Pinn in general, I don't know if he's bordering on washed other than his surely still great promos but I might be convinced he's winning now.

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Posted (edited)

Show Results

Screenshot 2024-08-17 194841.png

Screenshot 2024-08-17 194803.png

Prediction Results

QFresh: 3/4

KyTeran: 3/4

The Lloyd: 2/4

AboardTheArk: 2/4

Jcarmjn: 2/4



21 hours ago, AboardTheArk said:

Now that's a closing angle that takes advantage of the new system! Fun fun show. I am really into Dumfrey Pinn in general, I don't know if he's bordering on washed other than his surely still great promos but I might be convinced he's winning now.

I'm glad to hear! So physically speaking the game says he is 'quite banged up' but he can still brawl, great psychology and I think the best promo stats on the roster. Steel Rating is 65, just his athleticism letting him down there really and the fact that his hardcore stat is only decent. What I would say though in general about my booking, is whilst 44 is pretty ancient in TEW terms, I'm not one to rush to job the vets to the rising stars so he could definitely continue to do well in PSW. 


So ever since writing the manifesto I've changed a lot of plans. I changed one important upcoming decision and that's ended up having ripple effects and my planning sheet is now completely different. But I've now got NYR finished so the predictions for that will be up shortly. 

Edited by christmas_ape
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Very nice show, as ever. Just so much to like about it.

Lester's cadence, where he extended certain words a bit, was GREAT. as was the 'lips quiver in a twisted arousal' line!!

Sayeed is a confident sucka, you love to see it. Maybe the chain could become as important as the Ula Fala to Roman Reigns and co.

Buck's an underrated talent here, loved his profile too.


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As @AboardTheArk said, hell of a go-home angle to build anticipation for NYR, and it's intriguing that the manifesto has impacted some of your plans. The shades of grey in quite a few characters really fits the manifesto direction to remove the face/heel divide: I like how Austin Smooth is still unashamedly cocky, but booked in positions where he's either an underdog or fighting people who are clearly more villainous. It's much better than taking away what got him over, and more credible too. I'm really into Sayeed Ali and another background line that I thought was great at capturing the PSW/hardcore environment was Wicked Lester noting ZomBoy being cheered sometimes. Just a nice way of capturing that PSW fans celebrate things other fans would screw their faces up at.

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Prediction Standings

QFresh: 8/12

KyTeran: 8/12

The Lloyd: 6/12

AboardTheArk: 6/12

Jcarmjn: 6/12

20LEgend: 6/8

LaEstrella: 5/5

Wrestling Machine: 4/5

StanMiguel: 3/5

JunkRat: 3/5

Satyr24: 1/3


So these are the standings going into New Year Revolution (still keep writing New Year'S Revolution by mistake.. I think it's the better name but I'm not going to change it.) It's out of 9 so a big one. I'm going to keep this contest running for 10 shows. Truthfully I'm not even sure yet if there's going to be a prize. Perhaps the thrill of the win is enough... I do like the idea of giving out certain booking decisions. For example Blaustein's new WWF diary plans to give out some pretty big stuff. I sometimes worry though, would people even want to win it with something like this diary? With WWF it's different as everyone has real life as a frame of reference, and everyone has their own ideas or opinions. Perhaps that's not true PSW. It almost feels like I'd be burdening the winner with having to think up something. If anyone has any thoughts though I'd be interested to hear?

I've also now finalised a little post about the different match types and rules in PSW. I'm just running some tests in game to make sure I know what works so I don't end up hyping some big match only to see if tank for having the wrong settings in game. 

Again it's probably something I should have done before I started this, as I feel like it's helped clarify and flesh out PSW in my mind. But ah well, we're still in the very early days so better now than later/never!

One other question, what are people's thoughts on swearing/general adult content? I believe in general it's a no-no on the boards, but then again perhaps with some sort of warning you'd think it would be allowed... At the moment I'm just using the good old stars** to save the children's eyes but it feels a little off doing that for PSW. Realistically using *'s in some words doesn't really matter. I'm just wary that my aim is to present a product that pushes the boundaries. There's a few storylines planned that wouldn't be allowed in TCW/SWF/USPW, perhaps a general warning is enough to do the trick. 

P.S thank you for all who voted on the font post. Ended up very even between two. So I'm opting to use the original one for Steel City Smash and the second one (which is currently winning by one vote) for 'Special Events'. 


New Year's Revolution (1).png



PSW Championship: Logan Wolfsbaine (c) vs Ernest Youngman

PSW National Title: Austin Smooth (c) vs Dumfrey Pinn

PSW Tag Titles: The Blood Soldiers (ZomBoy & Deathwish) (c) vs Devil May Care (Acid II and Stuntman)

Dustin Deuce vs Cerberus 

The Hot Taggs (Kalder & Wolfie) vs Rich & Famous (Jackpot Jordan & Jake Idol)

The Latino Kings (Galindo & Chavez) vs Samoan Destruction Inc. (Samoan Machine & Rhino Umaga)

Other than the main event: What is the highest scoring match on the card?

One wrestler on the card does not end up wrestling, who?

Will the show rating be... Under 50, 50-55, 56-60, 60+

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PSW Championship: Logan Wolfsbaine (c) vs Ernest Youngman

PSW National Title: Austin Smooth (c) vs Dumfrey Pinn

PSW Tag Titles: The Blood Soldiers (ZomBoy & Deathwish) (c) vs Devil May Care (Acid II and Stuntman)

Dustin Deuce vs Cerberus 

The Hot Taggs (Kalder & Wolfie) vs Rich & Famous (Jackpot Jordan & Jake Idol)

The Latino Kings (Galindo & Chavez) vs Samoan Destruction Inc. (Samoan Machine & Rhino Umaga)

Other than the main event: What is the highest scoring match on the card? - tag title match

One wrestler on the card does not end up wrestling, who? - Deathwish and they freebird rule?

Will the show rating be... Under 50, 50-55, 56-60, 60+


I had to go with my convictions in this one. I am pretty sure the wrestler not wrestling could by King of New York related as well but oh well

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PSW Championship: Logan Wolfsbaine (c) vs Ernest Youngman

PSW National Title: Austin Smooth (c) vs Dumfrey Pinn

PSW Tag Titles: The Blood Soldiers (ZomBoy & Deathwish) (c) vs Devil May Care (Acid II and Stuntman)

Dustin Deuce vs Cerberus 

The Hot Taggs (Kalder & Wolfie) vs Rich & Famous (Jackpot Jordan & Jake Idol)

The Latino Kings (Galindo & Chavez) vs Samoan Destruction Inc. (Samoan Machine & Rhino Umaga)

Other than the main event: What is the highest scoring match on the card? The Blood Soldiers vs Devil May Care

One wrestler on the card does not end up wrestling, who? Jake Idol

Will the show rating be... Under 50, 50-55, 56-60, 60+

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PSW Championship: Logan Wolfsbaine (c) vs Ernest Youngman

Either of these guys can carry the company, but feels too early to take the belt of Logan

PSW National Title: Austin Smooth (c) vs Dumfrey Pinn

Smooth's too good for Pinn, and this belt for that matter

PSW Tag Titles: The Blood Soldiers (ZomBoy & Deathwish) (c) vs Devil May Care (Acid II and Stuntman)

Could go either way

Dustin Deuce vs Cerberus 

Cerb is a decent hand, losing this would be a demotion

The Hot Taggs (Kalder & Wolfie) vs Rich & Famous (Jackpot Jordan & Jake Idol)

Hot Taggs are decent prospects, Rich & Famous are one of the best teams on the indies

The Latino Kings (Galindo & Chavez) vs Samoan Destruction Inc. (Samoan Machine & Rhino Umaga)

Providing they're not fighting in Japan too much or each other

Other than the main event: What is the highest scoring match on the card? Smooth v Pinn

One wrestler on the card does not end up wrestling, who? Galindo 

Will the show rating be... Under 50, 50-55, 56-60, 60+

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I've seen Adam somewhere say that swearing is a big no... however he does allow a certain amount of creative freedom in diaries. Personally I try not to use it, but have in the past used the ****s thing. It's like an I know what I wrote, you know what I wrote, but I didn't write it thing I think for me.

As for prediction prizes, they always seem to go down well with my readers. I don't go too big on decisions - something like "sign a developmental worker", or "pick the 30th entry in the royal rumble", or maybe just an entrant in the RR. For my current TCW diary, I had a prize carry over from my previous diary, and got them to pick a signing (he'll be on the main roster...) Not sure if I would have signed him, so it's an interesting one. Maybe you could use your Steel Factor and challenge the winner to find a free agent with a score of X+?


PSW Championship: Logan Wolfsbaine (c) vs Ernest Youngman
Obviously Ernest is great, but you need another Major Star, and a win does way more for Logan here

PSW National Title: Austin Smooth (c) vs Dumfrey Pinn
Smooth has probably my favourite in the diary so far, and that's saying something! Pinn would benefit from the Title more though! And have Smooth chase. I also have The Hot Taggs losing, so figured a Pinn win was needed.

PSW Tag Titles: The Blood Soldiers (ZomBoy & Deathwish) (c) vs Devil May Care (Acid II and Stuntman)

Dustin Deuce vs Cerberus 

The Hot Taggs (Kalder & Wolfie) vs Rich & Famous (Jackpot Jordan & Jake Idol)

The Latino Kings (Galindo & Chavez) vs Samoan Destruction Inc. (Samoan Machine & Rhino Umaga)
Grunt. Snarl. Win.

Other than the main event: What is the highest scoring match on the card? Can't look past Smooth/Pinn

One wrestler on the card does not end up wrestling, who? Oh. Maybe Dustin Deuce? Cerberus destroys him before the match, and then he gets replaced?

Will the show rating be... Under 50, 50-55, 56-60, 60+ I'll go 56-60. Main Event should be great and it's a fun under card!

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Missed the start of this (and the whole new game etc.) as I was away on holiday, but I'm very much enjoying catching up. Particularly love the way you always focus on the identity of the company to make them stand out.


PSW Championship: Logan Wolfsbaine (c) vs Ernest Youngman

PSW National Title: Austin Smooth (c) vs Dumfrey Pinn

PSW Tag Titles: The Blood Soldiers (ZomBoy & Deathwish) (c) vs Devil May Care (Acid II and Stuntman)

Dustin Deuce vs Cerberus 

The Hot Taggs (Kalder & Wolfie) vs Rich & Famous (Jackpot Jordan & Jake Idol)

The Latino Kings (Galindo & Chavez) vs Samoan Destruction Inc. (Samoan Machine & Rhino Umaga)

Other than the main event: What is the highest scoring match on the card? Tag title match

One wrestler on the card does not end up wrestling, who? Dumfrey Pinn

Will the show rating be... Under 50, 50-55, 56-60, 60+ Purely because the main event will raise the standard of the whole show

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PSW Championship: Logan Wolfsbaine (c) vs Ernest Youngman

PSW National Title: Austin Smooth (c) vs Dumfrey Pinn

PSW Tag Titles: The Blood Soldiers (ZomBoy & Deathwish) (c) vs Devil May Care (Acid II and Stuntman)

Dustin Deuce vs Cerberus 

The Hot Taggs (Kalder & Wolfie) vs Rich & Famous (Jackpot Jordan & Jake Idol)

The Latino Kings (Galindo & Chavez) vs Samoan Destruction Inc. (Samoan Machine & Rhino Umaga)

Other than the main event: What is the highest scoring match on the card? Tag Title match

One wrestler on the card does not end up wrestling, who? Dustin Deuce

Will the show rating be... Under 50, 50-55, 56-60, 60+

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