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[RELEASE] CVerse 2010! (Version 1.9 Updated 9-15-24)

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New version 1.5 has been released.



- Huge rework of every stat in the game so there's an even distribution of quality and balance throughout the game world.
- Changed some Event Importance to create tentpole events, based on 2016 data.
- Lowered some Minimum Requirements of Broadcast Deals after being kicked off TV in a save :(
- Searched for "amateur" in 2022 CVerse for mentions of amateur wrestlers, and added the new Attribute based off those.
- Added Gymnastic Background for people that have that info in their bio in CVerse 22.
- Added more PGHW and BHOTWG Tour shows and changed their schedules a bit.
- Various minor changes.

I know you're asking-- what does that first change mean? Well, I have some images to explain. Here is the stat distributions for Version 1.4 and then Version 1.5...







Star Quality:


With every stat rounded to 5, I tried to normalize every stat by dumping people out of and putting people in these groups to create these parabolic graphs. Does this have an effect on the game? Probably not. Am I a nerd? Yes.

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  • BrokenCycle changed the title to [RELEASE] CVerse 2010! (Updated 8-31-24)
1 hour ago, BrokenCycle said:

New version 1.5 has been released.



- Huge rework of every stat in the game so there's an even distribution of quality and balance throughout the game world.
- Changed some Event Importance to create tentpole events, based on 2016 data.
- Lowered some Minimum Requirements of Broadcast Deals after being kicked off TV in a save :(
- Searched for "amateur" in 2022 CVerse for mentions of amateur wrestlers, and added the new Attribute based off those.
- Added Gymnastic Background for people that have that info in their bio in CVerse 22.
- Added more PGHW and BHOTWG Tour shows and changed their schedules a bit.
- Various minor changes.

I know you're asking-- what does that first change mean? Well, I have some images to explain. Here is the stat distributions for Version 1.4 and then Version 1.5...







Star Quality:


With every stat rounded to 5, I tried to normalize every stat by dumping people out of and putting people in these groups to create these parabolic graphs. Does this have an effect on the game? Probably not. Am I a nerd? Yes.

I downloaded this this afternoon to give it a run but hadn't actually started a new game yet. Now I've been given fresh cause to. 

Love this mod and love the effort going into it! Hell yeah!

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Great work on the stats. It seems very well balanced now.

Took a quick look at AAA which I intend to (finally :p) play as SWF is too much of a step up for me. Looks very nice. Like some of the attributes you touched, like the "not a piece of meat" on J-Lo (and Brazzle), but I don't get it on Sara Marie. I imagined her some kind of Kelly Kelly-ish personality.

Suzue Katayama has no attributes, not even personality. Same for Michelle Brendon, and Anna Ki. Cherry Bomb could also use some gimmicky attributes.

I'd also make Nadia Snow smaller. I know the "official" data has her at 5f5 (like almost all women, somehow XD), but she's supposedly about 5f1-ish according to her profile. Belle Bryden's bio also mentions her "great look"/complete package, but she's only 75 on looks, which is actually the average value for that stat. In fact, she has a better look in TEWIX, being 46. She should have 90 at this point. I also doubt Anna Ki had 100 on looks in any TEW game so far.

EDIT: Catherine Quine doesn't have gimmick attributes either. You could copy them from the CV05 db.

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  • BrokenCycle changed the title to [RELEASE] CVerse 2010! (Updated 9-2-24)

Big-time new update.



- EVERY worker now has Attributes. (166 workers fixed from 1.5.)
- EVERY worker has a Personality Attribute.
- Changed many Personalities trying to make Professional not the far and away most populated Personality.
- Filled in Attributes of notable wrestlers that don't have many.
- More Negative and Positive Influences based on 2016 data.
- Normalized the heights of all workers, mostly women. (5'5 was far and away the most populated height for female workers. It still is-- but much less.)
- Changed Intrepid to Aaron Knight, because it just bothered me. (There's an alter ego with a 50% chance when he debuts)
- Added a short Hiatus for Boss Man Brayfield from information in 2016 bio.
- Slight tweaking of stats again.
- Various minor changes

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  • BrokenCycle changed the title to [RELEASE] CVerse 2010! (Version 1.6 Updated 9-2-24)

Thanks for the update. Definitely made it a lot better in general.


- Changed many Personalities trying to make Professional not the far and away most populated Personality.

--> I liked this change on paper, but you changed a little too much imo. It is true that - in AAA for instance - there were too much professional personalities, and too much people persons. Now... there are 0 professionals, and 0 people persons... They're all either "quiet", or "irrepresible", the latter being really overpowered and should be assigned with care imho. So instead of fixing the problem, you just moved it to different personalities. :p But i can see the spread of personalities is great, so this seems like just a AAA thing.

Most changes do make sense. For AAA, which I know best, there aren't any changes I dislike in particular, except Zoe Amnis going from 'wild' to 'driven', which seems a drastic change to me. April Appleseed being "intense" is weird given she's a yoga person (relaxed makes more sense). Jaime Quine is "quiet" too, but this doesn't rhyme with her being "heavy social media" (her TEW10 data suggests a "mercenary" rather than something positive). In the CV97 mod, she was an "egomaniac" which was quite a redesign but very interesting lore-wise. Nadia Snow is rather manipulative and ruthless in the original TEW10 data, so it's off that that converts to irreprisable.

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43 minutes ago, Blackman said:

Thanks for the update. Definitely made it a lot better in general.


- Changed many Personalities trying to make Professional not the far and away most populated Personality.

--> I liked this change on paper, but you changed a little too much imo. It is true that - in AAA for instance - there were too much professional personalities, and too much people persons. Now... there are 0 professionals, and 0 people persons... They're all either "quiet", or "irrepresible", the latter being really overpowered and should be assigned with care imho. So instead of fixing the problem, you just moved it to different personalities. :p But i can see the spread of personalities is great, so this seems like just a AAA thing.

Most changes do make sense. For AAA, which I know best, there aren't any changes I dislike in particular, except Zoe Amnis going from 'wild' to 'driven', which seems a drastic change to me. April Appleseed being "intense" is weird given she's a yoga person (relaxed makes more sense). Jaime Quine is "quiet" too, but this doesn't rhyme with her being "heavy social media" (her TEW10 data suggests a "mercenary" rather than something positive). In the CV97 mod, she was an "egomaniac" which was quite a redesign but very interesting lore-wise. Nadia Snow is rather manipulative and ruthless in the original TEW10 data, so it's off that that converts to irreprisable.

I’ll see how it goes. Thanks a lot for the feedback. I think I’m going to take a break from modding for a bit— I literally made this to play it, so I want to play it lol 

Definitely more updates to come though. 

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Yes you should! Don't get lost in making tweaks or you'll be doing that for weeks. :p

You didn't touch Nadia Snow's lenght, but I can do that myself I guess. 🙂 It's just that the profile specifically mentions "petite", so 5f1 seems fair.

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3 hours ago, Blackman said:

Yes you should! Don't get lost in making tweaks or you'll be doing that for weeks. :p

You didn't touch Nadia Snow's lenght, but I can do that myself I guess. 🙂 It's just that the profile specifically mentions "petite", so 5f1 seems fair.

Yeah I can try to make more curated backstage environments.

Thank you so much again for your transformative feedback by focusing solely on an incredibly niche promotion 😅 It gave me the motivation to actually tackle this stuff and make this mod more of my own, and I really appreciate it.

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  • BrokenCycle changed the title to [RELEASE] CVerse 2010! (Version 1.7 Updated 9-6-24)

Okay I lied. Coming in HOT with a new update. Some people are even saying this is one of the greatest patches of all time.



- Used 2016 CVerse 10 data by Pyroman and the 2016 data for...
- Balancing Backstage environments separately, in a way that keeps the spirit of CV10, while also providing a wide range of different Personality types... hopefully...  and putting Positive and Negative Personalities on unemployed workers in the game world.
- Changed my tune on every worker having a Personality Attribute because I realized there's not too many noticeably "mid" Personalities in the game, and the ones that are are pretty specific, so I deleted a handful on a case by case basis when balancing the other stuff. For example, I used Quiet as a "mid" personality, neither Positive or Negative, which made sense to me at the time, but the worker stays away from backstage nonsense, which doesn't seem that optimal, so I now use Quiet on those that I actually imagine actively stay out of backstage incidents.
- Added Gimmick Attributes when I noticed they were missing.
- Created "Disturbed" alter ego for Stretch the Chicken Boy, and removed the image from being used in Free Pictures on a random generated worker. This is just for the player-- there's next to zero chance OLLIE would ever hire him.
- Changed Ultra Atlantis's masked picture to a Free Picture that looks more like his original mask, and removed the image from being used in Free Pictures.
- Removed pesky Hatred relationships, that haven't happened yet in canon, that were affecting backstage environments.
- Added some old Narratives
- Put Charity Sweet and Crusher Von Steinberg into the game world.
- Added Unable To Wrestle Again to retired wrestlers that made sense, and those that undoubtedly have the Attribute missing, and sprinkled in a couple Can't Stay Away's for fun.
- Put some Talent Spotters (Willing to put over young workers) in the database, as there was only 1, Dan Stone (Sr), and I think it's a cool Attribute if used sparingly, especially in a game world with tons of new debuts coming in.

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39 minutes ago, BrokenCycle said:

Okay I lied. Coming in HOT with a new update. Some people are even saying this is one of the greatest patches of all time.



- Used 2016 CVerse 10 data by Pyroman and the 2016 data for...
- Balancing Backstage environments separately, in a way that keeps the spirit of CV10, while also providing a wide range of different Personality types... hopefully...  and putting Positive and Negative Personalities on unemployed workers in the game world.
- Changed my tune on every worker having a Personality Attribute because I realized there's not too many noticeably "mid" Personalities in the game, and the ones that are are pretty specific, so I deleted a handful on a case by case basis when balancing the other stuff. For example, I used Quiet as a "mid" personality, neither Positive or Negative, which made sense to me at the time, but the worker stays away from backstage nonsense, which doesn't seem that optimal, so I now use Quiet on those that I actually imagine actively stay out of backstage incidents.
- Added Gimmick Attributes when I noticed they were missing.
- Created "Disturbed" alter ego for Stretch the Chicken Boy, and removed the image from being used in Free Pictures on a random generated worker. This is just for the player-- there's next to zero chance OLLIE would ever hire him.
- Changed Ultra Atlantis's masked picture to a Free Picture that looks more like his original mask, and removed the image from being used in Free Pictures.
- Removed pesky Hatred relationships, that haven't happened yet in canon, that were affecting backstage environments.
- Added some old Narratives
- Put Charity Sweet and Crusher Von Steinberg into the game world.
- Added Unable To Wrestle Again to retired wrestlers that made sense, and those that undoubtedly have the Attribute missing, and sprinkled in a couple Can't Stay Away's for fun.
- Put some Talent Spotters (Willing to put over young workers) in the database, as there was only 1, Dan Stone (Sr), and I think it's a cool Attribute if used sparingly, especially in a game world with tons of new debuts coming in.

Haha, naturally just as soon as I downloaded 1.6!

I haven't downloaded 1.7 yet, but one thing I noticed in 1.6 is that CGC and NOTBPW have 15 million and 17 million in the bank, respectively. That seems like a bit much for a Canadian company, especially since TCW in the US has only 6 million. I'm going to drop a 0 and take them to 1.5 million and 1.7 million in my game. That seems more realistic.

Thanks for all your work!

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8 minutes ago, StatboyVT said:

Haha, naturally just as soon as I downloaded 1.6!

I haven't downloaded 1.7 yet, but one thing I noticed in 1.6 is that CGC and NOTBPW have 15 million and 17 million in the bank, respectively. That seems like a bit much for a Canadian company, especially since TCW in the US has only 6 million. I'm going to drop a 0 and take them to 1.5 million and 1.7 million in my game. That seems more realistic.

Thanks for all your work!

I gave them that much money because balancing the finances of the top Canadian companies in every TEW is a headache, so that was just a bandaid solution because I didn't want to deal with it anymore lol

Edited by BrokenCycle
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23 minutes ago, BrokenCycle said:

I gave them that much money because balancing the finances of the top Canadian companies in every TEW is a headache, so that was just a bandaid solution because I didn't want to deal with it anymore lol

Yeah, I just took a look at their worker contracts. Over 900k per month lol...yeah, I can see why you did that haha.

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  • BrokenCycle changed the title to [RELEASE] CVerse 2010! (Version 1.7B Updated 9-7-24)

Good stuff, thanks.


Going back to the Canadian companies, I think maybe the right thing to do is for their workers to be on handshake deals. Take CGC for example...a company whose popularity is in the 40s in all but one region in Canada shouldn't have a $900k per month wage budget. I never played the 2010 mod in TEW 2020, but I played the '97 mod a lot, and I remember CGC starting with $500k in the bank and everybody on handshake deals. Maybe that's the best solution for 2010, and probably a more realistic one than giving each company $15+ million. So maybe everyone on a handshake deal except for the DeColts (and the Stones, though I have never played as NOTBPW). But at the same time, maybe even they shouldn't be on written deals, because not even Stu Hart was able to keep his kids from leaving for WWF in real life.

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52 minutes ago, Sco xY2Jx said:

I have to ask... Is there going to be another update in a few days? Because I'm determined to start a proper TCW save and you keep putting out updates fella. 😂

How safe am I to start a new game before you post another tremendous update?

I think you're safe to start a game. 😆

Just make Shawn Gonzalez sexy, but not too sexy. And make Nemesis not sexy, but not too not sexy. (65, 30)

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I’ve been playing instead of modding finally, but there’s still more updates to come. I did some very simple work on Canadian companies to help them make a profit, which was as simple as just making some non-wrestlers on Per Show contracts. I swear this game would be broken if Per Show was the “default” option because the math just doesn’t add up. 

I have also noticed that I should check out how Junior/Cruiserweight titles and divisions were converted, when I noticed the TCW All Action title is set to 265 pounds. Whoops. 

If you notice anything else, please bring it up. The smallest, most specific pieces of feedback have lead to sweeping, transformative changes in this mod, and anything brought up would be very appreciated. 

Hope you guys are enjoying this.

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I'm loving this! I don't know how dedicated you are to MOSC having a promised death everytime but you could set their productions values back to 2010 levels so they dont have too much major overhead.


Give them 1k in starting cash, then for their production values Amateur, volunteers for Live Event, Semi-Pro broadcast quality and local music. That's a grand total of 1200 in costs per month to keep it running which is in line with the 1300 they were having in 2010 for all other legal departments, and then they've got for the merchandising to be Growing Business which is 750 per month which keeps in line with the 500 and 300 for Production/Merch.


Just throwing that one out there.


Also their 2010 rules were No Drugs/No Smoking, so you can get rid of organizing and paying for transport.

Edited by Midnightnick
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Thanks so much for making this mod. It's great to revisit the game world as I first knew it and it's clear a lot of effort has gone into recreating it so faithfully while trying to balance skills, attributes, finances and everything.

I love the idea of replaying DIW from close to day one and creating an alternate history. The issue I'm encountering in playing around is that Dumfrey Pinn, Menace To Sobriety, Scottie Hamstead, Tombstone and Warmonger always seem to get poached in the first week of the save. I think if it happened with one or two guys, it could still make for a fun scenario "What if DIW lost Dumfrey Pinn and Scottie Hamstead right at the start?", but not getting to work with a third of the launch roster feels a bit too immersion breaking.

None of which is meant as a criticism of the mod or to suggest anything needs to be changed as I figure it may just be an unavoidable issue in terms of the TEW IX AI being more predatory and the game seeing those guys as too good for DIW. I was more curious what people think is the best workaround for playing a DIW save on this data? I'm guessing perhaps you'd just have to edit the DIW originals to have unrealistic contracts (unbreakable contracts for at least a year at a rate that would be affordable for such a small company) and treat it as more of a short-term sandbox save?

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