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SWF: Death of a Dynasty

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7 hours ago, kanegan said:

What a great first show. Loved Scythe's promo and Remo's characterization.

Thanks, kanegan. That means a lot. I am having a blast writing for Scythe and Remo. I can see either one of them becoming my top heel very soon.

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SWF: Digital Exclusive 



We cut to a sprawling Texas ranch at high noon. The sun blazes overhead, casting long shadows across the parched ground. A pair of cattle mosey by, kicking up dust as they go. In the foreground, an old weathered barn stands tall, American flag flapping proudly in the wind above it. Leaning against the barn are Marshall Dillon and Ranger -- The Dallas Cowboys -- two rough-and-tumble Texans with a fire in their eyes. They’re dressed in dusty jeans, boots, and worn Stetson hats, chewing tobacco in their mouths and rifles in hand. Their belts gleam with brass buckles, and their demeanor is all business.

Marshall Dillon spits a stream of tobacco juice into the dirt, then wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.

Dillon: “Well, partner, looks like ol’ Matty Faith and Masked Patriot went and earned themselves a shot at the tag titles. Can’t say I’m surprised -- those boys got grit, they got heart, and most of all, they got that red, white, and blue runnin’ through their veins.”

Ranger nods in agreement, tipping his hat to their fellow patriots. 

Ranger: “You got that right, Dillon. Ain’t no one more deserving than those two. They’re fightin’ for freedom, for America, and for every man, woman, and child who still believes in the land of the free and the home of the brave. We couldn’t be prouder of ‘em.”

They both pause for a moment, letting the weight of their words sink in. Ranger takes a swig from a beer bottle in his free hand, then wipes the sweat from his brow.

Dillon: “But you know what, Ranger? Watchin’ our boys get their shot just got me thinkin’… We ain’t the type to sit around on the sidelines. We’ve been bustin’ heads and takin’ names for too long to just watch from the back. Hell, we’ve been fightin’ since we were knee-high to a grasshopper -- fightin’ for our land, our freedom, and the good ol’ U-S-of-A.”

Ranger takes a drag of his tobacco, his voice low and gritty. 

Ranger: “Damn right, Dillon. And the way I see it, if Matty Faith and Masked Patriot are out there fightin’ for that gold, then it’s high time The Dallas Cowboys get back in the saddle and start a fight of our own. We ain’t just jealous; we’re hungry. Hungry for a fight, for a challenge, for anyone in the SWF with the guts to step up and face the meanest, toughest, most hard-drinkin’ sons of guns this side of the Rio Grande.”

Dillon raises his rifle, aiming it toward the camera. 

Dillon: “So here’s the deal, boys. We’re puttin’ out the call. Next week, we want a fight. Don’t matter who you are, don’t matter where you’re from -- if you got the stones to step into the ring with The Dallas Cowboys, then by God, we’ll be waitin’ for ya. Any team, any time, any place. ‘Cause there ain’t nothin’ we love more than fightin’ for what’s ours.”

Ranger cocks his rifle with a loud click, his voice dripping with menace. 

“So come on, SWF. Who’s got the guts? Who’s ready to face the heat? ‘Cause we ain’t just comin’ to wrestle, we’re comin’ to fight. And when we’re done, you’ll know why The Dallas Cowboys are the baddest damn cowboys to ever lace up a pair of boots.”

They both take a final swig of their beers, tossing the empty bottles aside as they step forward, the intensity in their eyes unmistakable.

Dillon: “We’re ready, and we’re waitin’. Next week, any team that’s got the guts to face us, bring it on. But just remember -- when you mess with The Dallas Cowboys, you’re messin’ with Texas, and that’s a fight you ain’t gonna win.”

The camera pans out as they walk toward the barn, rifles slung over their shoulders, ready for the battle to come. The American flag waves proudly above them as the screen fades to black.

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TCW Narrowly Beats SWF Supreme in First Tuesday Night War Shows of 2022


In a fiercely contested ratings battle, Total Championship Wrestling's flagship show "Total Wrestling" narrowly defeated Supreme Wrestling Federation's "Supreme TV," drawing an average of 2,549,767 viewers compared to SWF's 2,401,847. The outcome was unexpected, as "Supreme TV" was a tribute to SWF's late founder, Richard Eisen, and marked the beginning of the road to the company's 50th Anniversary Spectacular.

Many anticipated "Supreme TV" would take the lead this week, given the emotional weight of the tribute and the nostalgia surrounding Eisen's legacy. Despite this, TCW's steady programming managed to maintain its slight edge.

SWF is currently in the midst of a significant transition, both creatively and behind the scenes. Following Richard Eisen's passing, his sons Eric and Jerry Eisen have taken the helm and are steering the company in a darker, more controversial direction. If last week's show is any indication, SWF's product is about to push boundaries further than ever before. One of the most talked-about moments from "Supreme TV" involved Remo, whose promo exploited the death of Richard Eisen in a storyline that shocked many viewers. The angle has sparked debate about the lengths SWF is willing to go to differentiate itself in the crowded wrestling landscape.

Additionally, longtime fan-favorite Scythe is set to undergo a dramatic transformation. While he has always been known for his dark and brooding persona, Scythe's new direction is overtly satanic, as evidenced by the occult themes in his latest promo. This evolution is part of the Eisen brothers' strategy to make SWF stand out against rivals like United States Pro Wrestling and TCW. However, this move risks alienating some of SWF's fan base, particularly those who were drawn to the company's more populist stars in the past. The satanic transformation of Scythe could clash with the values of fans who have long supported SWF's more traditional, accessible characters like Christian Faith and Rocky Golden.

While "Supreme TV" may have fallen short in the ratings this week, the buzz surrounding SWF's evolving product suggests the company could soon see a resurgence in viewership. With the 50th Anniversary Spectacular on the horizon, all eyes are on SWF to see how this bold new direction will impact its future and whether it will ultimately pay off.

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7 hours ago, Martel123 said:

I know I'm not the only one, but the writing you've done so far is really superb. Feels really alive and it's a whole world of characters. Good luck with this!  

Thank you, Martel123.

I really love reading in-depth diaries that create a lively in-game world and I'd like to try and bring some of that to the table. Some of the diaries I've read on here and Be the Booker are incredible and have really inspired me.

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Digital Exclusive



The scene opens in a gaudy penthouse filled with over-the-top decor. The walls are a mismatched blend of neon colors, with clashing patterns on the wallpaper and furniture. Velvet ropes section off various parts of the room as if it were an exclusive club. A giant, glittering chandelier hangs from the ceiling, though it clashes with the modern LED lights that flash different colors. Dominick De Sousa and Mainstream Hernandez, aka Swagger Incorporated, are lounging on a sectional upholstered in faux-leopard print, sipping on drinks with obnoxiously large umbrellas sticking out. The penthouse is adorned with tacky memorabilia -- like a wall of framed selfies -- and a giant poster of De Sousa, Hernandez, and their Supreme Dream Team stablemates -- Steven Parker, Justice Jolson, and Kristen Pearce -- posing at an event that looks more like a high school prom than a gala.

De Sousa, with an overconfident grin, addresses the camera first.

Dominick De Sousa: "So, the Dallas Cowboys -- not the crappy sports team, but a couple of beer-swirling, gun-toting uggos -- decided to throw out an open challenge. Well, guess what, Cowboys? Swagger Incorporated is stepping up. You threw out the bait, and now you’ve hooked the biggest fish in the pond."

Hernandez, sitting next to a small, cluttered table covered in flashy but obviously fake designer accessories, chuckles and adjusts his overly flashy sunglasses.

Mainstream Hernandez: "That’s right. You called out any tag team, and you ended up getting the best tag team. But let’s be real, Marshall Dillon and Ranger -- you thought your little farm-grown, beer-chugging, gun-slinging image was going to intimidate someone? Please. We don’t play by those backward, redneck rules. We’re not just wrestlers -- we’re influencers, celebrities, icons. And now, we’re gonna make sure Supreme TV doesn’t get dragged down by a couple of no-name, trigger-happy rednecks."

De Sousa takes a sip from his gaudy, oversized cocktail glass, his smirk widening.

Dominick De Sousa: "You’re talking to guys with more followers on a single Instagram post than you’ve got bullets in that arsenal of yours. Our TikToks? Viral. Our Instagram? Blowing up. And now, we’re bringing all that swagger to your doorstep. You thought you were gonna get some run-of-the-mill challengers? Nah, you’re getting the kings of social media."

Mainstream Hernandez nods, gesturing toward the tacky, oversized poster of the Supreme Dream Team on the wall.

Mainstream Hernandez: "We’re accepting your challenge because, quite frankly, someone’s gotta save Supreme TV from turning into some backwoods, beer-soaked hootenanny. 

De Sousa leans back, finishing his drink and setting it down on a table cluttered with gaudy, cheap-looking trophies.

Dominick De Sousa: "So, Marshall, Ranger, or whatever country bumpkins you’ve got out there, we’ll see you in the ring. But be warned -- you’re not just stepping into a wrestling match. You’re stepping into our world. A world of luxury, fame, and swagger. And when we’re done, you’ll be begging to crawl back to your double-wide, beer can in hand, and hide from the embarrassment."

Mainstream Hernandez stands up, adjusting his bedazzled jacket, and glances at the garish poster of the Supreme Dream Team before turning back to the camera with a smug grin.

Mainstream Hernandez: "So get ready, nincompoops. Swagger Incorporated is about to make you famous.

The camera zooms out, revealing the full tackiness of their surroundings, including the exaggerated decor and the gaudy photo of their stablemates, before fading to black with the Swagger Incorporated logo flashing across the screen.

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Supreme TV: Preview & Predictions


Kip Keenan vs. Forest Ratzloff 

This match-up is an opportunity to give two rising stars some momentum as they prepare for the Richard Eisen Memorial Battle Royal at the 50th Anniversary Spectacular. 

Rogue vs. Oliver Kobb

Rogue is an SWF legend, but he’s getting on in years and falling down the card. Kobb, meanwhile, is a popular young fan favorite who’s looking to make a name for himself in SWF.

The Dallas Cowboys (Ranger and Marshal Dillion) vs. Swagger Incorporated (Dominic DeSousa & Mainstream Hernandez)

The Dallas Cowboys issued an open challenge to any team on the roster to face them. It was answered by two social media influencers who believe they’re the key to SWF’s ratings success. It’s a fight between rednecks and Tik Tok stars, and it could have future tag title implications. 

"Hollywood" Bret Starr vs. Justin Sensitive 

Starr needs to beat the entire Rat Pack faction  for a shot at the North American Championship at the PPV. Can he pass his first test against his old stablemate?

Brandon James vs. Primus Allen

This match also serves as a preview for the Battle Royal, and these two are among the favorites to win it. James is a former World Champion, and Primus looks like he could be the next big thing in SWF.

Awesomeness Unleashed (Hugh Cannonball, Jefferson Stardust & Randy Unleashed) vs. Rocky Golden, Des Davids & Mikey Lau

Davids and Golden don’t like each other, but they’ll have to co-exist to beat this formidable heel stable. Lau has a history with Awesomeness Unleashed, and he wants to give Randy a knuckle sandwich.

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Supreme TV: Preview & Predictions


Kip Keenan vs. Forest Ratzloff 

Rogue vs. Oliver Kobb

The Dallas Cowboys (Ranger and Marshal Dillion) vs. Swagger Incorporated (Dominic DeSousa & Mainstream Hernandez)

"Hollywood" Bret Starr vs. Justin Sensitive 

Brandon James vs. Primus Allen

Awesomeness Unleashed (Hugh Cannonball, Jefferson Stardust & Randy Unleashed) vs. Rocky Golden, Des Davids & Mikey Lau


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Kip Keenan vs. Forest Ratzloff  

Rogue vs. Oliver Kobb

The Dallas Cowboys (Ranger and Marshal Dillion) vs. Swagger Incorporated (Dominic DeSousa & Mainstream Hernandez)

"Hollywood" Bret Starr vs. Justin Sensitive 

Brandon James vs. Primus Allen

Awesomeness Unleashed (Hugh Cannonball, Jefferson Stardust & Randy Unleashed) vs. Rocky Golden, Des Davids & Mikey Lau

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Kip Keenan vs. Forest Ratzloff 

Rogue vs. Oliver Kobb

The Dallas Cowboys (Ranger and Marshal Dillion) vs. Swagger Incorporated (Dominic DeSousa & Mainstream Hernandez)

"Hollywood" Bret Starr vs. Justin Sensitive 

Brandon James vs. Primus Allen

Awesomeness Unleashed (Hugh Cannonball, Jefferson Stardust & Randy Unleashed) vs. Rocky Golden, Des Davids & Mikey Lau

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SWF Moves Pay-Per-View Events to Sundays

January 18, 2022 – The Supreme Wrestling Federation (SWF) is pleased to announce an exciting change in its pay-per-view schedule. Beginning this month, all SWF pay-per-view events will now air on Sundays, moving away from the traditional Thursday night slot.

"After listening to our fans and analyzing their feedback, we’ve decided to make this change to ensure we’re providing the best possible experience for our audience," said Eric Eisen. "We understand that many of our fans found it challenging to fully engage with our Thursday night pay-per-views due to work and school commitments the following day."

"Our fans have always been at the heart of every decision we make," Jerry Eisen explained. "We’ve received a tremendous amount of feedback asking for our pay-per-views to be moved to a non-working day, and we believe Sunday is the perfect fit.”

"We believe this shift will lead to better attendance and viewership numbers," Eric added. "By moving to Sunday nights, we’re creating an opportunity for more fans to attend our events in person and for more households to tune in, which ultimately enhances the overall atmosphere and excitement of our shows."

The decision also coincides with the recent launch of the Rhode Island Pro Wrestling's (RIPW) Uprising TV show, which airs on Thursday nights through WrestleWorld.  

"RIPW’s Uprising is a vital part of our developmental system," noted Jerry. "We’re fully committed to elevating this brand and showcasing the talent on a bigger stage. By moving our pay-per-views to Sundays, we can ensure that both Uprising and our main SWF events have their own dedicated timeslots, allowing each to thrive without competing for attention."

The first pay-per-view to be held under this new schedule is SWF’s 50th Anniversary Spectacular special, which takes place on January 30. 

Eric and Jerry Eisen expressed their gratitude to the fans for their continued support: "We want to thank our incredible fans for their loyalty and for sharing their thoughts with us, especially during this transitional time for the company following our father’s untimely passing. This change is a direct result of listening to you, and we’re confident it will make the SWF experience even better. We’re excited to see you all on Sunday nights."

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Supreme Wrestling Federation Welcomes Duane Stone, Dan Stone Jr., Sean McFly, and Phil Vibert to Backroom Staff

January 18, 2022 – The Supreme Wrestling Federation (SWF) is thrilled to announce the addition of four seasoned professionals to its backroom staff, further solidifying the company's commitment to excellence and innovation in professional wrestling. Joining the SWF team are Duane Stone, Dan Stone Jr., Sean McFly, and Phil Vibert, each bringing unique expertise and experience to the promotion.

Duane Stone and Dan Stone Jr., both members of the legendary Stone wrestling family, will step into coaching roles at SWF, offering their vast knowledge and experience to the next generation of wrestling talent. The Stone family’s legacy in professional wrestling is unparalleled, and their addition is expected to have a profound impact on SWF’s in-ring product. 

Sean McFly, a former SWF World Champion and one of the most respected names in the industry, returns to SWF as the new Head of Talent Relations. McFly, who enjoyed several successful years with the promotion, is well-versed in what it takes to succeed both inside and outside the ring. His return to SWF in this capacity ensures that the company’s talent will be guided by someone who truly understands the business from every angle.

Phil Vibert, known as a driving force behind DAVE and Canadian Golden Combat, brings a wealth of creative experience to SWF. Vibert's innovative approach to wrestling storytelling has earned him acclaim across the industry. At SWF, he will work closely with the new booking team, which includes the Eisens, Christian Faith, Pablo Rodriguez, Enforcer Roberts, and Angry Gilmore. This collaboration promises to deliver a fresh, dynamic approach to SWF programming, ensuring that fans are treated to the most compelling and entertaining wrestling content.

"We are incredibly excited to welcome Duane Stone, Dan Stone Jr., Sean McFly, and Phil Vibert to the SWF family," said SWF management. "Their collective experience, creativity, and passion for the industry make them invaluable additions to our team. We are confident that they will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of SWF, both behind the scenes and on-screen."

As SWF continues to evolve, the addition of these four industry veterans marks a significant step forward in the promotion's ongoing mission to deliver the highest quality professional wrestling to its global fanbase.

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On 8/16/2024 at 10:24 PM, The Lloyd said:

Oh wow! I couldn't think of many people better than those four to work in your backroom team!!

Dan came out of retirement in my most recent 2020 (21CW) diary... Maybe you could get a match out of one or two of them ;) 

I might need to ask them then. There is so much storytelling potential in having two members of the Stone family having one last ride. I am debuting Duane on episode 3, and he might be set to manage a certain pure athlete on the roster.

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9 hours ago, neslo024 said:

This has been a really great start. The writing has been fantastic and I think your lack of time in the cverse has lead to presenting the characters differently than they typically are and I love it.

Thanks mate. I was actually worried I'd do something sacrilegious due to my lack of knowledge haha. I'm really happy with the response so far and hope episode 2 lives up as that has a couple of mad promos.

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On 8/9/2024 at 6:46 PM, Kieran_Lives said:


Date: August 4, 2022

Location: Laurent Ballroom, New England

Attendance: 4979


Say hello to our announcers, Duane Fry, Ana Garcia, and Damian Carvill

The show opens with the SWF staff and roster on the stage. Jerry Eisen, Eric Eisen, and a noticeably pregnant Emma Chase are front and center. Brandon James, Angry Gilmore, Enforcer Roberts, Rogue, Jungle Lord, Duane Fry, and the Eisen family are all crying, mourning the loss of a man they worked with for several years. The announcer then asks the crowd to stand for a 10-bell salute in memory of the late Richard Eisen.


We then cut to a video chronicling Eisen's life and career. Set to the tune of Frank Sinatra’s “My Way,” it shows a 17-year-old Eisen announcing the opening of SWF to the media, detailing his plans to turn it into America’s first nationally televised wrestling promotion. This is followed by newspaper clippings hailing him as a young business protege, followed by photos of him alongside key figures from the company’s history -- Peter Michaels, Sam Strong, Christian Faith, Jack Bruce, Rocky Golden, Enforcer Roberts, and others. The video then transitions to moments from Eisen’s family life, including home video footage of him with Jerry and Eric dating all the way back to their toddler years. The tribute excludes details of his sketchy legal history and fractured relationships with those he chewed up and spit out, and concludes with a black-and-white photo of him in his youth. “Richard Eisen: 1954-2022.”

Back in the arena, the audience celebrates Eisen’s memory by applauding and start a “Thank you, Eisen” chant.

Rating: 65


Match 1: Angry Gilmore defeats John Greed (7.57)

Tonight’s in-ring action begins with two of SWF’s longest-serving pros honoring Richard Eisen’s memory the only way they know how. It’s a hard-hitting back-and-forth contest with both men displaying some tidy technical wrestling, but it’s Gilmore who gains the advantage after delivering triple German suplexes followed by a Sky High Elbow for the 1-2-3. The veterans hug after the match, breaking kayfabe for one week only, overcome by the grief of losing their old boss.

Rating: 65


The heartfelt, fourth-wall-breaking tributes continue, this time with “Big Money” Brandon James. He’s usually one of SWF’s cockiest and most self-centered heels, but tonight, he sits somberly in his dressing room, mourning a friend he had for 15 years.

Brandon James: "I never thought I’d be doing this, talking about him in the past tense. Richard Eisen… he wasn’t just my boss. He was a friend. A father figure. He was the reason I joined SWF. He made me feel wanted, like I belonged here, like this was where I was meant to be. I’m gonna miss him. We all are. But I know he’d want us to keep pushing forward, to keep fighting, just like he always did, especially when Uncle Sam tried to bring him down. Thank you, boss. Thank you for everything.”

Rating: 62


Match 2: “Hollywood” Bret Starr defeats James Prudence (10.58)

“Hollywood” Bret Starr no longer has The Rat Pack to back him up. He’s riding solo for the first time in years, and he has his sights set on the North American Championship, currently held by his old stablemate Spencer Spade. James Prudence, a former SWF Tag Team Champion, is no pushover, but Starr’s Hollywood Hammer is enough to keep him down.

Rating: 74

After the match, Starr grabs a mic and calls out his former allies.

“Hollywood Bret Starr: “You know, I’ve been hearing a lot of chatter about how you boys turned on me, left me high and dry. But here’s the thing, I’m not mad. Not even a little. You see, I was only using you. That’s right. Just like in Hollywood, in this business, you use people to climb to the top until they’re no longer useful, and I’m impressed that you, Spade, have decided to try and play me at my own game. So, no hard feelings. You did what you had to do, and so did I. But don’t think for a second that just because I’m riding solo now, I won’t take that North American title right off your waist."

Spencer Spade’s theme music hits, and the North American Champion walks out onto the stage with a smug look on his face. He’s flanked by Monty Trescarde, Paul Huntingdon, and Justin Sensitive, who are staring daggers through their ex-leader. 


Spencer Spade: "That’s a nice little story you’re telling yourself, Bret. But here’s the reality -- this time, you’re gonna have to actually work for something. See, I don’t just hand out title shots to losers, and that’s exactly what you are right now. You want a shot at this?" He taps the North American title draped over his shoulder. "Then you’re gonna have to earn it. Beat the other Rat Pack guys, one by one, and maybe -- just maybe -- I’ll give you a title shot at the PPV. But that’s only if you can even make it to the PPV in one piece."

Spade grins, knowing the odds are stacked against Starr, as the Rat Pack members behind him exchange confident glances.

Starr confidently leans over the ropes and glares at the champ.

“Hollywood” Bret Starr: "Challenge accepted, Spade. But just remember this -- when I’m done with your little goons and I’m staring you down at the PPV, that title… it’s coming home with me. Once my bitches, always my bitches.”

The last remark doesn’t go down too well with the Rat Pack.

Rating: 68


A vignette transports viewers to a dimly lit room, shadows flickering across the walls, as the only light comes from a single candle burning low on the table. In the center of the room, Scythe sits hunched over a table, his face obscured by the darkness, his fingers delicately moving through a deck of tarot cards. His voice, a low and calm, breaks the silence.

Scythe: "In the abyss, where the lost souls wander and the forgotten whispers of the damned echo endlessly... there are symbols, ancient and powerful, that guide those who dare to seek their truth. Symbols that reveal the hidden paths, the twisted fates of those who think they walk in the light. Tonight... I unveil one such symbol."

Scythe slowly draws a card from the deck, revealing The Star. The candlelight dances across the card, illuminating the image of a radiant star in the night sky.

"The Star... a beacon of hope, a light in the dark, the promise of a brighter tomorrow. It is the guiding force for the weak, the desperate, the lost. And for SWF, there was a man who embodied this light. Valiant, they called him... the shining hope of this company. He was their inspiration, their guiding star... but stars, my children, are meant to burn out."

Scythe’s voice remains calm as he stares into the card with an eerie focus that sends a shiver down the spine.

Scythe: "When I stepped onto that ramp, I did more than face Valiant... I extinguished him. With a single, merciless chokeslam, I reached into the very heavens and plucked that star from the sky. I crushed it in my grasp until there was nothing left but ashes and darkness. The hope he offered? Snuffed out. The light he spread? Swallowed by the abyss. The inspiration he gave? Reduced to nothing but a memory, fading as quickly as his breath left his broken body."

He slowly places the card back onto the deck, his hand hovering over it for a moment, as if savoring the memory of his deed.

Scythe: "Hope is a lie; a cruel trick played by the universe on those too blind to see the truth. There is no guiding star, no salvation. There is only the void... and I am its harbinger. 

Scythe leans forward, his face now partially visible in the dim light, a sinister smile curling at the edges of his lips.

Scythe: "So, to those who still cling to the illusion of hope, who think they can escape the inevitable... know this: I am coming for you. And when I do, there will be no stars left to guide you, no light to save you. Only darkness... only despair... only Scythe... Do what thou wilt… shall be the whole of the Law… for those who choose to walk the Left Hand Path."

The candle suddenly flickers and extinguishes, plunging the room into complete darkness as the scene fades to black.

Rating: 70





SWF Tag Team Title No. 1 Contender’s Match: Faith & Old Glory (Matty Faith & Masked Patriot) defeat Makutsi & Avalanche and The Awesomeness (Jefferson Stardust & Huey Cannonball) [11.31]

Every team got some offense in, but Faith & Old Glory’s experience shone through after Masked Patriot cleared the ring, leaving Matty Faith and Makutsi alone. Faith ducked a wild swing from the heel and hit him with a spinebuster before climbing to the top rope and delivering a Leap of Faith -- an impressive feat of high-flying for the 6’6”, 280-lb powerhouse. 

Rating: 62


We cut to the parking lot, where Franklin Fumier approaches the fashionably late Remo Richardson as steps out of his Lamborghini Aventador.

Franklin Fumier: "Remo, hold up! Franklin Fumier here. I was hoping to snag a quick interview before you head in."

Remo slams the car door and begrudgingly gives some of his time to the annoying talker.

Remo: "What the hell do you want, Fumier?"

Franklin Fumier: "As you know, SWF’s 50th anniversary show is coming up, and considering you’ve been a major part of the company for 20 years, you must be excited."

Remo’s voice rises as he turns his attention to the interviewer and throws down his bag. 

Remo: "Excited? Are you [beep]-ing kidding me? What type of stupid ass question is that, sucka? Why the hell would I be excited about performing for rednecks who share chromosomes with their ugly ass wives? Besides, the Eisens ain’t interested in giving me that World Title match I deserve -- the current champ has been politicking to stay away from Big Remo, cuz he knows his victory in our last match was a fluke. These fools don’t appreciate what I bring to the table, but I ain’t one of their puppets."

Franklin Fumier: "But you’ve made such an impact in SWF over the years."

Remo Richardson is seething now. This idiot is stating the obvious.

Remo: "Impact? You’re damn right I’ve made an impact, but where are my flowers? Where’s my 200k monthly check and creative control clause? I’ve been here for 20 damn years, fighting tooth and nail for every single dime. Meanwhile, the Eisens roll out the red carpet for their "Golden boys," failed rock stars, and trailer park trash rednecks who wouldn’t know real talent if it hit them in the face."

Franklin Fumier remains silent. He knows Remo is a ticking time bomb and anything he says could make him worse.

Remo: “I’ve got more raw talent in my pinkie finger than those white boys have in their entire bodies, and what do I get? Nothing but disrespect, neglect, and my time wasted answering these dumb ass questions. The Eisens don’t want me in their precious little good ol’ boys club, and I don’t wanna be part of it either. So, don’t expect me to be thrilled about their anniversary show. It’s nothing but a slap in the face.”

Fumier, noticing Remo’s anger, gulps before he asks the next question.

Fumier: "I also noticed you missed the tribute to Richard Eisen at the start of the show. Now that you're here, is there anything you'd like to say about that?"

Remo: "Oh, I’ve got plenty to say, but I’ll save it for later tonight. Now quit asking me these dumb ass questions and go brush your nasty teeth, sucka.”

Rating: 75


Match: ZWB defeats Charger Siaki (6.50)

ZWB once again proves that he’s one of the best in-ring workers in SWF. Charger Siaki is a promising talent, but he couldn’t contend with Zimmy’s high-flying prowess on this night. The match culminated with ZWB performing a stunning 450 Degree Splash for the win, much to the delight of the fans in attendance. 

Rating: 70


After a commercial break, the action moves to the ring, where Rocky Golden, the reigning SWF World Champion, stands tall, microphone in hand -- the prestigious championship belt resting proudly over his shoulder. The crowd roars with anticipation as Golden begins to speak.

Rocky Golden: "50 years. That's how long SWF has been the proving ground for the best this business has ever seen. And in all that time, one thing has remained constant: the SWF World Championship is the pinnacle of professional wrestling. This title right here is more than just leather and gold -- it's a symbol of excellence, of legacy, of blood, sweat, and tears. It's the most prestigious prize in our industry, and it takes more than just being good to hold it -- you have to be great."

The crowd cheers, appreciating the weight of Golden's words.

Golden: "And that’s why I’m not afraid to put it on the line. At the SWF 50th Anniversary Spectacular, I’m offering everyone in the back a shot at this glory. All you have to do is step into that ring and win the Richard Eisen Memorial Battle Royal. Whoever comes out on top, you get your golden ticket -- your guaranteed shot at this title at Nothing to Lose."

The audience explodes with excitement, buzzing with the possibilities of who might seize the opportunity. Golden begins to pace in the ring, his intensity rising.

Golden: "I want the best. I want the toughest. I want the hungry ones who think they’ve got what it takes to knock the champ off his throne. So, to everyone back there, lace up your boots, step up, and show me what you’ve got! Because at Nothing to Lose, you’ll be staring down the barrel of the most dangerous man in this business, and I promise you, I’m not going anywhere!"

Just as Golden finishes, the lights in the arena dim, and a familiar music hits. The crowd immediately shifts, knowing what's coming next. Des Davids steps out onto the stage, his presence commanding attention. He walks slowly to the ring, microphone in hand, eyes locked on Golden. The tension in the arena thickens as Davids climbs into the ring, standing just inches from the champion.


Des Davids: "Rocky, Rocky, Rocky... You’ve got a lot on your plate right now, huh? Talking about who’s going to get a shot at your title at Nothing to Lose, throwing around open challenges like you’re untouchable. But, Golden, you seem to be forgetting one little detail."

Davids steps closer, almost nose-to-nose with Golden, his voice dropping to a threatening whisper.

Davids: "You won’t be the champion come Nothing to Lose."

The crowd gasps, the tension rising to a boiling point. Golden’s expression hardens, but before he can respond, Davids continues, his voice growing louder and more intense.

Des Davids: "At the 50th Anniversary Spectacular, it’s you and me, one-on-one for that title. You’re looking past me, talking about future challengers, future matches... But you need to wake up, Golden! Because I’m your future. And in that ring, I’m going to prove why you should’ve been more worried about the storm right in front of you!"

The crowd is electric, divided between the two powerhouses. Davids might be the heel, but the crowd has noticed his hard work these past few months, and many are keen to see him win his first World Championship. Golden finally raises his microphone, about to retort, but Davids cuts him off with a smirk.

Des Davids: "But hey, you don’t have to take my word for it. Watch what I do to Joey Morgan tonight. That’ll be just a taste of what’s coming your way. And when I’m done, you’ll realize that the only thing you should be concerned about is how you’re going to tell these people that Rocky Golden is no longer their champion."

Davids drops the mic, his eyes burning into Golden’s. The two stare each other down, the atmosphere charged with anticipation as the crowd erupts. Golden clenches his fist around his championship belt, holding it up high as Davids exits the ring, leaving the champ to contemplate the battle that lies ahead.

Rating: 89


Former SWF wrestler and current road agent Enforcer Jones sits in front of a framed portrait of Richard Eisen. Despite his tough exterior, there's a softness in his eyes as he gazes at the portrait.

Enforcer Jones: "Back when I first walked into SWF, I was just a kid with a chip on my shoulder and a lot to prove. But Richard? He saw something in me. Gave me a chance when no one else would. He taught me that this business is about more than just the fight in the ring -- it's about respect, loyalty, and hard work. These are lessons that I pass on to my own kids everyday, and carry with me in every aspect of a life that feels more finite on days like this one.

Jones lowers his head for a moment, his voice catching slightly as he continues.

Enforcer Jones: "Richard was a tough son of a gun, no doubt about it. He could be difficult. But he was fair. And he always, always had the back of the people who gave their all for this company. That’s why, every time I stepped into that ring, every time I threw these fists, I did it in his honor. For the man who gave me a chance... who gave many of us a chance."

Jones looks up at the portrait, a faint smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

Enforcer Jones: "Rest easy, Richard. You built something that will stand the test of time. And as long as I'm here, I'll make damn sure no one ever forgets your name. This one's for you, boss."

With a final, respectful nod, Jones turns and walks away, until only the portrait of Richard Eisen remains on-screen.

Rating: 38 


Main Event: Des Davids beats Joey Morgan (14.45)

Morgan darts in, trying to catch Davids off guard with a quick series of stiff forearms to the jaw. Davids absorbs the shots, his expression unchanging as Morgan lays into him.

Morgan transitions into a side headlock, wrenching it tight, trying to wear the big man down early. But Davids powers out, lifting Morgan off his feet and tossing him across the ring with a thunderous belly-to-back suplex. 

Davids begins to assert his dominance, using his size and strength advantage to overwhelm his opponent. He whips Morgan into the corner with incredible force, causing him to crash into the turnbuckles and slump down. 

Davids follows up with a running body avalanche, crushing Morgan against the turnbuckles. As Morgan stumbles out of the corner, Davids lifts him up for a devastating backbreaker, dropping Morgan hard across his knee. He covers for a two-count, but Morgan kicks out, showing his resilience.

Morgan, battered but determined, fights back with a sudden burst of energy. He catches Davids with a European uppercut, followed by a jaw-rattling enzuigiri that staggers the big man. Seeing his chance, Morgan goes for a double underhook facebuster, but Davids powers out, sending Morgan flying with a back body drop.

Morgan scrambles to his feet, but Davids is already on him. With a roar, he charges toward his opponent and hits him with the Quarterback Sack. 1-2-3.

The crowd is a mix of cheers and boos as Davids celebrates his win, sending a clear message to Rocky Golden and the rest of the SWF roster.

Rating: 80


After a quick commercial break, we move on to the show’s closing segment. The ring is set up with a single microphone stand in the center, the atmosphere is thick with emotion. Jerry Eisen and Eric Eisen walk down the ramp. The crowd cheers loudly as both brothers step into the ring, taking a moment to soak in the energy of the audience before Jerry picks up the microphone.

Jerry Eisen: "Ladies and gentlemen, tonight marks a monumental occasion -- not just because we mourn the loss of our father, our company’s founder, but because we're celebrating 50 years of the SWF. For the first time in our history, we're moving forward without our father, Richard Eisen, at the helm."

The crowd murmurs, understanding the weight of Jerry's words. He pauses, taking a deep breath before continuing.

Jerry Eisen: "Our dad built this company from the ground up. He poured his heart, soul, and life into making the SWF the global phenomenon it is today. And now, it's up to us -- to Eric, to me, and to all of you -- to carry that legacy forward."

The audience cheers in support, with chants of "Eisen!" echoing through the arena. Eric takes the microphone, his tone firm and resolute.

Eric Eisen: "Some might say we're entering uncharted territory without him, that we're stepping into shoes too big to fill. And you know what? Maybe they're right. But here's what I know: SWF will remain in the Eisen family. We're not selling out to some soulless media conglomerate like our competitors."

The crowd pops, rallying behind the brothers. Eric paces in the ring, his voice growing more passionate.

Eric Eisen: "We're going to work our asses off to make sure the next 50 years of SWF are just as compelling, just as revolutionary, as the last 50. Sure, there might be some trial and error along the way, but you can bet your bottom dollar that we're going to remind everyone why SWF is SUPREME!"

The audience erupts in cheers as Jerry steps forward again, ready to deliver the closing words. But before he can speak, the familiar sound of Remo’s music hits, and the crowd’s cheers quickly turn to boos. Remo strides onto the stage, microphone in hand, and stands at the top of the ramp, looking down at the Eisens with disdain.


Remo: "Oh, how touching. The Eisen boys, upholding daddy’s legacy. Give me a damn break."

The crowd boos loudly, but Remo presses on, his voice dripping with sarcasm and contempt.

Remo: "You want to talk about the future of SWF? The best thing that could happen to this company is for every single one of you dumb ass Eisens to get the hell out of the way! SWF needs vision, it needs competence -- hell, it needs someone like Allen Packer, who took USPW from some podunk hick operation to a global powerhouse!"

The mere mention of Allen Packer draws a wave of boos from the audience, but Remo just smirks, loving every second of it.

Remo: "And these tributes to that sucka Richard Eisen? They make me sick. Why don’t you ask guys like Danny Jillefski, Peter Michaels, or Steve Frehley what your old man was really like? They’ll tell you the truth. Richard Eisen wasn’t a hero, he was a tyrant. And if there is a Hell, I guarantee you that his dead ass is rotting in it right now.”

The crowd erupts in a mix of gasps and boos, the atmosphere turning hostile as Remo’s words cut deep. Jerry and Eric look furious, but before they can react, Enforcer Roberts emerges from backstage and approaches Remo, trying to calm him down.

Enforcer Roberts: "Remo, that’s enough. You’ve said your piece. Let it go."

Remo glares at Roberts, his expression turning cold as ice. Without warning, he delivers a vicious punch to Roberts’ jaw, sending him stumbling backward. The crowd is in shock as Remo grabs Roberts and violently hurls him into one of the metal rungs holding up the titantron. The sound of metal on flesh echoes through the arena as Roberts crumples to the ground.

The audience watches in stunned silence as Remo mounts the fallen Roberts, raining down brutal punches on him. The referees and security personnel rush to the scene, desperately trying to pull Remo off, but he resists, delivering a few more shots before being dragged away.

The camera cuts back to the ring as the Eisens rush to check on their friend as the show goes off the air.

Rating: 74

Great show man. I never knew Jerry and Eric dated for so long. You certainly have been brushing up on your lore! 

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On 8/13/2024 at 10:20 PM, Kieran_Lives said:


Supreme TV: Preview & Predictions


Kip Keenan vs. Forest Ratzloff 

This match-up is an opportunity to give two rising stars some momentum as they prepare for the Richard Eisen Memorial Battle Royal at the 50th Anniversary Spectacular. 

Rogue vs. Oliver Kobb

Rogue is an SWF legend, but he’s getting on in years and falling down the card. Kobb, meanwhile, is a popular young fan favorite who’s looking to make a name for himself in SWF.

The Dallas Cowboys (Ranger and Marshal Dillion) vs. Swagger Incorporated (Dominic DeSousa & Mainstream Hernandez)

The Dallas Cowboys issued an open challenge to any team on the roster to face them. It was answered by two social media influencers who believe they’re the key to SWF’s ratings success. It’s a fight between rednecks and Tik Tok stars, and it could have future tag title implications. 

"Hollywood" Bret Starr vs. Justin Sensitive 

Starr needs to beat the entire Rat Pack faction  for a shot at the North American Championship at the PPV. Can he pass his first test against his old stablemate?

Brandon James vs. Primus Allen

This match also serves as a preview for the Battle Royal, and these two are among the favorites to win it. James is a former World Champion, and Primus looks like he could be the next big thing in SWF.

Awesomeness Unleashed (Hugh Cannonball, Jefferson Stardust & Randy Unleashed) vs. Rocky Golden, Des Davids & Mikey Lau

Davids and Golden don’t like each other, but they’ll have to co-exist to beat this formidable heel stable. Lau has a history with Awesomeness Unleashed, and he wants to give Randy a knuckle sandwich.



Dallas Cowboys feels too obvious but I’ll stick with it.

Primus to pick up a big win

Team Rocky but Davids to close the show on top. 

The Remo characterisation was phenomenal. He’s always been someone I’ve struggled to write for so massive kudos. Looking forward to the next show. 

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Loving everything so far.

Supreme TV: Preview & Predictions


Kip Keenan vs. Forest Ratzloff 

Rogue vs. Oliver Kobb

The Dallas Cowboys (Ranger and Marshal Dillion) vs. Swagger Incorporated (Dominic DeSousa & Mainstream Hernandez)

"Hollywood" Bret Starr vs. Justin Sensitive 

Brandon James vs. Primus Allen

Awesomeness Unleashed (Hugh Cannonball, Jefferson Stardust & Randy Unleashed) vs. Rocky Golden, Des Davids & Mikey Lau

Oh I dont know if you've seen Martels FWP pack but theres a guy in that who could totally bring something extra to your Remo Richadson storyline when he debuts in August 22.


Edited by alpha2117
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9 hours ago, ItsJustJustin said:



Dallas Cowboys feels too obvious but I’ll stick with it.

Primus to pick up a big win

Team Rocky but Davids to close the show on top. 

The Remo characterisation was phenomenal. He’s always been someone I’ve struggled to write for so massive kudos. Looking forward to the next show. 

Thanks mate. Remo is the character I'm most excited to write for. The new show should be up tomorrow. I'm writing it as we speak and I'm just going to release it or else I'll keep overthinking it haha.

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9 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

Loving everything so far.

Supreme TV: Preview & Predictions


Kip Keenan vs. Forest Ratzloff 

Rogue vs. Oliver Kobb

The Dallas Cowboys (Ranger and Marshal Dillion) vs. Swagger Incorporated (Dominic DeSousa & Mainstream Hernandez)

"Hollywood" Bret Starr vs. Justin Sensitive 

Brandon James vs. Primus Allen

Awesomeness Unleashed (Hugh Cannonball, Jefferson Stardust & Randy Unleashed) vs. Rocky Golden, Des Davids & Mikey Lau

Oh I dont know if you've seen Martels FWP pack but theres a guy in that who could totally bring something extra to your Remo Richadson storyline when he debuts in August 22.


I wasn't familiar with that pack at all, but I'm definitely interested in seeing it. I'm also looking to give Remo some faction mates, so I'm definitely interested.

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