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QAW Starshow 2022

Friday 21st January 2022

Play Ball Hall (Mid South), USA

Attendance: 510 SELL OUT

Viewership on Wrestleworld: 18,271


On Commentary Farrah Hesketh & Alfonso Garcia

Dark Matches:


In a decent match, Raquel Alvarado (35) def. Black Diamond (26) by submission in 08:27.


Wrestling: 30

Crowd: 14

Rating: 33


In a decent match, Alexis Lee Littlefeather (38) & DupliKate (28) def. Elara Thorn (15) & Rosalie Burns (23) via pin in 10:22.


Wrestling: 26

Crowd: 11

Rating: 31





Opening 5 v 5 Tag Team Match


Purple Viper, Marie Punnen, Honey Badger, Hellcat Hernandez & Little Miss Perfect




Felicia Luck, Modesty Pador, Houston Handley, Ashley Grover & Sonnaz Shah




In a decent match, Purple Viper (39), Little Miss Perfect (46), Hellcat Hernandez (37), Honey Badger (41) & Marie Punnen (37) def. Felicia Luck (40), Modesty Pador (30), Ashley Grover (42), Houston Handley (42) & Sonnaz Shah (42), in 12:35.


Purple Viper pinned Modesty Pador after a “Viper Bite” (Thumb Spike).


Strong Start to the show and got the crowd buzzing.


Wrestling: 40

Crowd: 21

Rating: 47


Hesketh: I wanted a chaotic opener that got as many of the talent on the card as possible. The rating could have been higher, but Hellcat Hernandez decided to mess that up. She’s supposed to be one of my showstoppers, but after nearly getting into a fistfight with Honey Badger over a rental car or something, she was clearly not in the right frame of mind. She was obviously sandbagging the girls out there, and I’m speechless. On our Wrestleworld debut, what was she thinking!?


She’s booked in a segment later to set up a match for next month… No. I’m not going to reward this behaviour. This opportunity is going to Little Miss Perfect instead; she put on the strongest performance, looked crisp in the ring, and her character work was excellent.


As for Purple Viper, I gave her the pin over Modesty as a thank you for training the girls and for taking the pin in last month’s Shockwave triple threat. She could have put in a slightly stronger performance to warrant another push, though. I had ambitions to move her towards a world title match, but we’ll have to see.


We did a good job on commentary highlighting some developments outside of the title picture, like the official formation of Ashley and Houston as "Southern Charm." They should quickly become useful players in the tag division.






Shockwave Championship – Ladder Match




"Toxic" Mariana Torres (c) Vs. "The Mexican Ace" Pinky Perez





In a match with good wrestling and decent reaction, Mariana Torres (34) def. Pinky Perez (51) by retrieving the belt, in 13:57.


Pinky Perez was handcuffed to the bottom rope by Celeste Moon to give Mariana the assist and 2nd defence.



Wrestling: 42

Crowd: 24

Rating: 44


Hesketh: Call me crazy, but I was expecting more. I told them to go out and deliver high spots, but something fell flat. I clearly underestimated Mariana’s ability to keep up with Pinky, as the match essentially turned into Pinky hitting incredible moves while Mariana acted as the crash dummy.


It’s so obvious that Pinky should be champion, or even in the world title picture. I wanted her to get a bit more over with the crowd, but maybe appearing on par with Mariana isn’t helping… The crowd were frustrated with Mariana and booed Celeste, so I think everyone got over with the match. The pairing of Mariana and Celeste recognises their tag team “Poison Moon” and their respective histories with Pinky down in CILL.


Storyline development, a new tag team, and a new obstacle for Pinky—all in one!






Trios Match

Juana Hurricane, Izzy Quick & Coco Malloy Vs. "Ronin3" Queen Amazon, Toni Parisi & Becca Barton w/ Vinny Cruz






In a decent match, Queen Amazon (41), Toni Parisi (37) & Becca Barton (29) w/ Vinny Cruz def. Juana Hurricane (49), Coco Malloy (36) & Izzy Quick (35) by pin fall, in 11:37.


Queen Amazon pinned Izzy Quick with an “Amazonian Powerbomb” (Sit-out powerbomb) after reversing a top-rope hurricanrana attempt.


The match got the crowd hotter. Queen Amazon used a creative finish.


Wrestling: 42

Crowd: 24

Rating: 44


Hesketh: I don’t know what the hell is up with Becca, but that performance was absolutely dreadful. Bomb mentioned it looked like she was being overwhelmed by Vinny out there, but that sounds like a poor excuse to me. I’ll be keeping a close eye on this.


They told a great story with Ronin3 bullying Izzy and Coco, and Juana stepping in as the saviour, only to be overwhelmed by their dirty tactics. Queen Amazon did a particularly good job of imposing her size over her opponents. There was also an interesting subtext between Toni and Juana—clearly a burning hatred, but also a hesitation to fight each other.


The real MVP of this match was Juana, who once again proved why she is the backbone of the roster. Unfortunately, she’s still missing that elusive ‘something’ to push her into the title picture, but with performances like that, maybe I won’t have a choice.








The camera opens on Commissioner Bomb, seated behind her desk, listening to the incessant chatter of Little Miss Perfect. Bomb’s expression shows barely concealed irritation as LMP continues her plea.


LMP: (overly cheerful) I just think it would be, like, totally amazing if I could get another shot at the Shockwave title! I’ve been working so hard, and everyone knows I’m the most perfect wrestler in QAW! It’s not like anyone else deserves it more, right? So what do you say, Bomb? Pretty please?


Bomb sighs, fingers drumming on the desk, clearly unimpressed. Before she can respond, the door bursts open, slamming against the wall as Pinky Perez storms in, eyes blazing.




Pinky: Bomb, this is BULLS**T! Mariana didn’t beat me fair and square—she had Celeste handcuff me to the damn rope! I demand a rematch!


Bomb leans back in her chair, her steely gaze shifting between Pinky and LMP, a flicker of amusement in her eyes.


Bomb: Well, well, well… Looks like someone didn’t bring enough friends to the party, huh, Pinky? Mariana might’ve had some… extra help, but that’s just the way the game’s played. She outsmarted you, and that’s why she’s got the Shockwave Championship.


Pinky’s fists clench, but she holds her ground, voice steady despite simmering anger.


Pinky: I don’t care how many friends she has, Bomb. I want her, one-on-one, no tricks, no handcuffs—just a fair fight.


LMP steps forward, placing herself between Pinky and the desk, her tone condescending.


LMP: Ugh, as if! You think you deserve another shot? You’re just mad because someone finally outsmarted you. Maybe it’s time you step aside and let someone more… perfect, like me, take the spotlight.


Pinky turns to LMP with a look of disbelief.


Pinky: This isn’t about you, LMP. You’re still bitter because I ended your Shockwave reign. Get over it.


LMP’s face flushes with anger, her chirpy demeanor replaced by irritation.


LMP: You ruined everything for me! I was on top, and you knocked me down. But guess what, Pinky? I’m not going anywhere. I’m going to climb back to the top, and when I do, you’ll be nothing more than a footnote in my perfect career!


Bomb watches the exchange with interest, a sly smile creeping onto her face.


Bomb: Well, seems like we’ve got ourselves a little problem here. Tell you what, ladies… Next month, you two can settle this in the ring. Pinky, you want a rematch? Fine. But first, you’re going to have to go through Little Miss Perfect. Let’s see if you can still keep your cool when someone’s trying to rip your head off just as much as you want to rip off Mariana’s.


Pinky and LMP glare at each other, tension thick between them. Bomb leans back, clearly pleased with the chaos she’s just orchestrated.


Bomb: Good luck, ladies. You’re both going to need it.


The scene fades out as Pinky and LMP continue their tense stare-down.


Rating: 48






QAW World Tag Team Championship Match




"The Experience" Lily Snyder & Ava Anderson (c) w/ Bossman Brayfield Vs. "Lilly & Rose" Kate Lilly & Debbie Rose







In a match with great wrestling and decent reaction from the crowd, Kate Lilly (49) & Debbie Rose (43) def. Lily Snyder (52) & Ava Anderson (48) via count-out, in 16:01.

Ava scored a blind tag and abandoned the match as it seemed Lilly & Rose were building momentum. The referee declared Lilly & Rose the winners but the belts would be staying with The Experience, giving them their 2
nd defence.


Wrestling: 48

Crowd: 24

Rating: 53


Hesketh: What a match, especially considering it ended with a cheap finish. I’m going to get a lot of flack for ending their first-ever direct encounter this way, but I have my reasons. Kate approached me this evening to let me know she was going on tour with 5SSW and leaving tomorrow! This is an amazing opportunity for her, but it obviously creates some potential scheduling issues down the road. Judging by the sheepish look on Kate’s face, it’s clear Debbie isn’t going with her, which has probably caused some upset. I decided not to ask any questions.


Also, I’d be doing The Experience a disservice by taking the belts off them after they’ve waited patiently for a good couple of years while we road-tested other tag teams to give them some competition. We failed, but at least we’ve finally found them some competition now! This feud has legs, so let’s see what heights these four can take the division to. I also have to commend Ava for coming to me before the show to discuss some character work she wanted to introduce to her “All Business” gimmick, including a new, shorter haircut. She said it makes her look more serious… I’ll let her run with it.









The camera opens on the QAW logo in the backdrop, with the promo area warmly lit to reflect the welcoming yet determined atmosphere of The Line. The shot widens to reveal Danielle Sweetheart, the beloved “Queen of Hearts” and current QAW World Champion. The championship belt rests proudly on her shoulder. Standing beside her with supportive smiles are her stablemates Houston Handley, Ashley Grover, and Sonnaz Shah.


Danielle: Tonight’s a big night, and I know the pressure’s on. Emma May’s been a force in QAW, and she’s made it clear she’s coming for this championship. But here’s the thing, Emma—you’re not just facing a competitor. You’re facing someone who fights with heart, someone who’s never backed down from a challenge. This title isn’t just mine—it belongs to everyone who’s ever believed in standing up and never giving up.


She glances at the title on her shoulder.


Danielle: I know you’re tough, Emma. I know you’re ready to give it everything you’ve got. But so am I. This championship represents every battle I’ve fought, every time I’ve gotten back up after being knocked down. And tonight, I’m going to fight with everything I have to keep it—because that’s what being a champion is all about.


She turns to Houston and Ashley, nodding at them with pride.


Danielle: "Southern Charm" is just getting started, but I know they’ve got what it takes to chase those Tag Team Championships. They’ve got the bond that makes a true team. I couldn’t be prouder to stand by their side.


Danielle’s gaze softens as she looks at Sonnaz, who watches her with a mixture of admiration and a hint of something deeper.


Danielle: Sonnaz, you remind me so much of myself when I was starting out—full of hope, determination, and that fire to make a difference. I see so much potential in you. Together, we’re going to keep fighting, keep pushing forward, and show everyone that kindness, heart, and resilience are what make true champions.


The camera lingers on Danielle’s determined yet kind expression, before briefly cutting to Sonnaz, who continues to gaze at Danielle with a look of deep admiration...


Rating: 22

Danielle successfully used a creative angle





QAW World Championship Match




"The Queen of Hearts" Danielle Sweetheart (c) Vs. "World Class" Emma May




In an exceptional match, Danielle Sweetheart (58) def. Emma May (55) via pin fall, in 21:28.


In the closing moments of the match, Emma May had Danielle locked in an armbar attempt near the ropes. Danielle was defending it, but Emma was slowly wearing her down, wrenching back harder and harder. A couple of times, Emma almost locked it in, but Danielle managed to scramble and resist. It was clear Danielle was losing energy rapidly. With one last intense shout, Emma ripped Danielle’s grip away and locked in the armbar, causing Danielle to scream out in pain. Suddenly, Sonnaz Shah crept out from under the ring apron and discreetly placed Danielle’s foot on the ropes just in time. Emma, enraged, grabbed Sonnaz by the hair through the ropes. As Sonnaz broke free, Emma turned back into the ring—straight into a stiff Super Kick from Danielle, who then secured the pin.


Danielle made her second defence of the QAW World Championship. The finish was a creative one that Danielle herself pitched. The young women in the audience responded well to her victory.


Wrestling: 57

Crowd: 38

Rating: 63


Hesketh: Yes, yes, yes! This is why they’re fighting over the top prize in QAW. It’s fair to say that since Alina departed, Danielle has stepped up her game—not just in terms of her wrestling, but also her hair and wardrobe. She’s not over the hill by any stretch of the imagination, but she’s certainly showing us all that your prime isn’t confined to your twenties! What a performance, and she’s proven exactly why she’s our world champion.


Emma also did a fantastic job, cementing her place as the top rudo in QAW. She just gets it. The only thing I want to see from her now is an upgrade in her look. I get that she’s an MMA fighter, but if she’s “World Class,” then I want to see some of that show-woman-ship like Chris Amerson. But for now, on this stage, she’s doing just fine.


Where do we go from here, though? Tonight has proven that the women I had lined up for Danielle didn’t exactly step up to the plate. In fact, Emma and Danielle showed that it’s going to take someone truly special to knock them out of the title picture.







Danielle Sweetheart stands victorious in the ring, holding her QAW World Championship high as the crowd cheers. Emma May exits in frustration, and Sonnaz Shah quietly slips away unnoticed. Suddenly, unfamiliar music blares through the arena. Danielle’s expression shifts to confusion as she looks toward the entrance.


The lights dim, and a spotlight shines on the entrance ramp. Demelza Wade emerges, strutting with exaggerated confidence despite looking flustered. Her once-glamorous hair is now messy, her sunglasses are chipped, and her flashy outfit shows signs of wear.




The crowd cheers purely out of surprise to see the former USPW and CWA star in QAW. Demelza Wade makes her way to the ring waving enthusiastically and clearly enjoying every moment. She grabs a microphone and flashes Danielle a forced smile.


Demelza: (forced enthusiasm) Yes, it’s me, Demelza Wade! Big surprise, right? You’re all thinking, “What’s she doing here in QAW?” And no, I didn't get lost!


Demelza’s smile wavers as the laughter from the crowd doesn't come, but she continues.


Demelza: I’ll be honest, when I heard about QAW, I thought, “How quaint!”. Then I got here and— well, it was worse than I feared; imagine my surprise—no hair and makeup team! No seamstress! No private dressing room! Obviously something happened to my rider but I'm sure it'll be fixed for next time. But even without those things, a star shines just as bright. Don't you agree?


Danielle looks mildly amused.


Danielle: Welcome to QAW, Demelza! I'd love to hear more but I assume you've interrupted me because you want a shot at my title. But in QAW you need to earn such an opportunity.


Demelza’s smile freezes.


Demelza: Earn it? Oh, sweetie, I deserve it! Big stars like me don’t wait in line, we form the line. And you are sadly mistaken if you think I came all this way to just be another face in the crowd. I'm here to bring star power to this little production because it was lacking. And I just need that shiny belt on your shoulder to look the part even more.


Danielle shakes her head, amused but firm.


Danielle: I don't care what ideology you have. If you want a shot, you have to prove you deserve it. That’s how we do things.


Demelza recovers, forcing a smile.


Demelza: Well, then, I’ll just have to "prove myself" to you... Yes, this could be a relatable moment for me...! After all, it’s not every day you get to witness the comeback of someone like me!


Demelza exits with an exaggerated wave. Danielle watches, a bemused smile on her face as she lifts her championship once more.


Rating: 41


Danielle’s celebrating scored 53 but the Demelza promo received 36. Demelza’s “Better than you” gimmick was adequate.

The crowd was very hot for the promo overall.







"Post Show Press Conference"



The “press conference room” is a simple table in front of a QAW logo backdrop with a handful of reporters off camera. Danielle appears fresh from the end of QAW Starshow and takes a seat behind the table. Commissioner Bomb sits beside her, arms crossed, exuding authority.


Reporter 1: Danielle, congratulations on your victory tonight! It was a hard-fought match against Emma May. Can you walk us through those final moments when you secured the win? How did it feel to finally put an end to this rivalry?


Danielle: The last moments were a blur. I was running on adrenaline, just trying to get to the ropes. Emma found out the hard way that all I need is the chance to superkick your face off, and I’ll take it. As for our rivalry? I don’t think it’s over. Not by a long shot.


Reporter 2: We noticed that Sonnaz Shah’s presence ringside influenced the outcome. Can you comment on that? Was her involvement part of your plan?


Danielle: (hesitant) ...I wasn’t aware Sonnaz was at ringside. Are you sure? There was no plan. I don’t understand why she…


Reporter 3: Danielle, during your celebration, we were all surprised by the appearance of Demelza Wade. What was going through your mind when she interrupted? How do you feel about her joining QAW?


Danielle: Of course I recognise the name. Demelza Wade has worked in some of the biggest promotions in the world. My first thought was that I’d love to defend my QAW World Championship against someone like her, but only after she’s earned it. Just because you got released from your "big league" job doesn’t mean you get star treatment when you return to your roots. I just hope she’s able to stick it out here, because it looks like she’s struggling already.




As Danielle finishes, the doors swing open, and in strides Demelza Wade. She forces a wide, desperate smile as she takes a seat next to Commissioner Bomb.


Demelza: Did someone mention me? Danielle, I’m so glad you’ve taken it upon yourself to speak to Commissioner Bomb first. But before we get into that, who’s got questions for me? Come on, don’t be shy—I know you’ve all been dying to hear from the next big thing in QAW, right?




The atmosphere is awkward as none of the reporters make a dash to secure the first question. However, the awkward tension is cut when Sonnaz Shah storms into the area.


Sonnaz: What do you think you’re doing, ruining Danielle’s moment again? She said you have to earn it. You're nothing here, Demelza, and you'd better learn that fast!


Demelza goes red as she looks at the reporters and back to Sonnaz, who she clearly doesn't recognise. Then she regains composure and dismisses Sonnaz with her hand.


Demelza: Kids today just don't learn their history, do they? My dear, if you type my name into the youtube you'll see that I'm actually quite a big deal. 


Sonnaz: I think you better leave Danielle to finish her press conference or I'll have to remove you myself.


Demelza looks taken aback for a moment, then laughs again, not feeling threatened. Danielle steps in, placing a calming hand on Sonnaz’s shoulder.


Danielle: (gently) Sonnaz, it’s okay. We don’t need to escalate this.


Before Sonnaz can respond, Commissioner Bomb steps forward, tone firm.


Bomb: No, Danielle. If you trainee wants to throw her weight around then let her do it in the ring. You wouldn't want to deny her the chance to get in the ring with such a respected veteran, would you?


Demelza grimaces but quickly remembers she's in front of the cameras.


Demelza: Veteran sounds old, but sure… Respected veteran, that's me! I'll be happy to run through some moves in the ring with this plucky youngster. And then we'll see about that title shot!


Sonnaz goes to respond but Danielle places a hand on her shoulder and leads her out of the area. Demelza demands her picture is taken.


Rating: 41

Edited by Rhysrob
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Starshow 2022 is in the books and @KyTeran takes the first win with 5/5 


@christmas_ape with 4/5


@alpha2117 with 4/5

@Mokoa with 4/5

@Teasenitryn  with 3/5



I've dropped everyone messages (Alpha, I can't send you messages!) with booking pitches and KyTeran is making a

decision on who wins the Experience v. Lilly & Rose feud. 


That show took a while to put together, despite attempting a shorter format so look forward to (probably shorter) shows going forward...


Thanks :)

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That was as good as always. Already so many characters stand out as unique. Bomb in particular stood out to me although I think you way you write Danielle is really good. 


Obviously the Wade debut was awesome, she seems like a fun character to write and certainly is to read. 

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My guess is my inbox is full - no worries.  I am happy just letting you do your own thing.  My thing with any of these is I am happy to make suggestions but ultimately the most important thing is that the person doing the diary has fun - it's gotta be fun for you.  When you have fun we feel it and then it's fun to read and so far it's a very fun read.  I popped for the way you presented Demelza because you were clearly having fun with that.  

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A strong start and enjoyable read. Liked the finish to the Torres-Perez match and the obnoxiously cheerful LMP is already a winning character. Lot of promise in the hints about Sonnaz Shah adoring Danielle Sweetheart too. And I liked how Demelza Wade didn't strut in like a big league star but looked disheveled and out of place, it's giving me some "Timeless" Toni Storm vibes.

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On 8/28/2024 at 6:44 PM, christmas_ape said:

That was as good as always. Already so many characters stand out as unique. Bomb in particular stood out to me although I think you way you write Danielle is really good. 


Obviously the Wade debut was awesome, she seems like a fun character to write and certainly is to read. 


On 8/29/2024 at 12:42 AM, alpha2117 said:

My guess is my inbox is full - no worries.  I am happy just letting you do your own thing.  My thing with any of these is I am happy to make suggestions but ultimately the most important thing is that the person doing the diary has fun - it's gotta be fun for you.  When you have fun we feel it and then it's fun to read and so far it's a very fun read.  I popped for the way you presented Demelza because you were clearly having fun with that.  


On 8/29/2024 at 12:48 PM, DarK_RaideR said:

A strong start and enjoyable read. Liked the finish to the Torres-Perez match and the obnoxiously cheerful LMP is already a winning character. Lot of promise in the hints about Sonnaz Shah adoring Danielle Sweetheart too. And I liked how Demelza Wade didn't strut in like a big league star but looked disheveled and out of place, it's giving me some "Timeless" Toni Storm vibes.


Thanks and I'm glad Demelza was a hit-- I figured after not capturing titles in USPW or CWA presenting herself as a big league star would be more comical. Certainly a hint of timeless Toni Storm and Valerie Cherish from "The Comeback"... Maybe she can stick around longer...

And regarding prediction prizes, I like the challenge of the choices people make so I can defo have fun with it still! 

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Farrah’s apartment
27th January 2022

6 days after Starshow


Farrah waits patiently at her desk for a video call to begin. It was meant to start 15 minutes ago… Suddenly Brock Wrestleton’s image appears, lounging back in his chair with what appears to be an iced coffee.


Brock: Farrah, great to see you! Thanks for waiting.


Farrah: Morning, Brock. I appreciate you making time--


Brock: So, the numbers weren’t bad with Starshow. Cute little show! Around 18k watched it live, so you outdrew some of the other promotions we’ve got on the network.


Farrah: We put a lot into it and we made some profit too. The feedback’s been so positive--


Brock: Right, right! Fans are great. I didn’t watch the whole thing. Too busy. But I saw enough to get the gist. It looked like the girls were having fun out there!


Farrah’s jaw clenches as she nods slowly.


Farrah: We have a talented roster--


Brock: Let’s just cut to the chase! Women’s wrestling is… It’s niche. I can’t see it getting much traction with the mainstream. So here’s the deal: you need to shake up your schedule for our deal.


Farrah: Shake up our schedule--?


Brock: We have another five months together and I want to know you have the potential to grow. I’ve just sent over the new schedule to your email but I want to see BattleBowl sooner than later. March, actually. See if people tune in.


Farrah winces at the suggestion.


Farrah: With all due respect BattleBowl needs lead in time, plus the disruption to our booking plans is chaotic. We’re in a contract and changing our schedule on a whim is a big ask--


Brock: What is a “contract”, Farrah? They can be changed. We both know that. If you can do what I’m asking then I’d be much more inclined to extend our deal. If not, then, I’ve got options. Have you? Didn’t think so. And one more thing--


Farrah: What?


Brock: My girlfriend Candy has been bending my ear off about getting in the ring. She knows I love wrestling and it might keep things interesting between us, if you know what I mean! She’s a looker but needs some training. So, why not train down with you girls in QAW? I have some business in the area so we can come to the next show and get a look at the place.


Farrah: "Needs some training"? Wrestling is dangerous and she could injure herself or others! She’d be better off going to a proper training facility and--


Brock: I like this idea Farrah because I can trust you to look out for her. I’m realistic, okay? I don’t expect her to be QAW World Champion in the next six months. But give it time and you'll be thanking me for giving you the next Alina America.


Farrah stares into space as she realises she’s being power-played by a total buffoon. She can’t lose Wrestleworld, not yet.


Farrah: I’ll speak to my team and see what we can do with the schedule. As for Candy… I’ll find a way to--


Brock: Great! I knew you’d be reasonable. But Farrah-- Just make sure the next few months deliver. I’d hate to find another promotion to fill your spot.

Farrah: We’ll do our best--


Brock: Farrah, I’d love to stay and chat but I’ve got a massage booked. Catch you later!


Before Farrah can acknowledge anything the call ends and she is left staring at her reflection in the blank screen. Her hand trembles slightly as she reaches for her phone to text her “inner circle” group chat of Miss Mexico and Bomb.


Upcoming schedule:


Jan -- Starshow

Feb -- Big City Breakdown

Mar -- BattleBowl

Apr -- American Lucha

Jun -- The Showdown

Jul -- Crowning The Queen (Season Finale)

Aug -- Defiant

Sep -- Amazons Attack

Oct -- Triosmania

Nov -- Thanksgiving Thunder

Dec -- The Three Way Dance


OOC: First prediction prize ticked as @christmas_ape gets more Brock Wrestleton in the diary. A lot more.

Edited by Rhysrob
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Farrah's booking diary

1st February 2022


18 days until Big City Breakdown


It’s been a manic week going over booking plans with the team. Queen Amazon suggested Celeste join in the discussions, so the three of us, along with Brayfield, are now thoroughly sick of the sight of each other.


The worst part is that Brock’s schedule tweaks aren’t terrible ideas. I just don’t like how he went about it, nor do I appreciate him thinking it’s any of his damn business. It’s going to make Big City Breakdown feel a bit clunky, but we’ll make it work. I doubt anyone will care about the schedule changes, anyway. One big decision we made was to make The Showdown our marquee event instead of Crowning the Queen. I’m open to using the tournament to kick off new storylines, especially since it’s always been a hassle to tie off storylines in a tournament setting.


Everyone knows about the changes now. I’m sure there’s gossip, but there’s nothing I can do about that. I just hope they still trust my direction and see that I’m still in charge of the ship.


USPW’s new developmental territory, FSW, offered Kate Lilly, Demelza, Becca, Diamond, and Izzy handshake deals to appear for them. I’m pleased for them, especially since it’s not exclusive. But I feel bad for Debbie Rose—Lilly & Rose are a major tag team, and she’s been getting left behind recently. I actually spoke to Kate on the phone last night. Sounds like the 5SSW tour is going well! She’s even picked up some wins on the undercard.


She mentioned Sensational Ogiwara taking on a prominent role with EX2010, and there’s buzz that she might be jumping ship or that EX2010 is starting a women’s division. Kate also shared some stories about the dojo training and how the young lions are shaping up. It got me thinking about our rookies at QAW and whether I’m doing enough to get them reps. Maybe QAW should be casting a wider net and training as many women as possible. I just need to find the next Foxxy Larue or Alina America… Something to think about.


Also, I found out through Demelza and Lily Snyder that a new promotion called MWCW has opened up right on our doorstep. At least they have a women’s division…


Just need to finalise the new signing and the card can be announced!


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Wrestleworld Presents: Big City Breakdown—QAW’s Follow-Up to a Decent Start!


Houston, TX – February 4, 2022 – Queens of American Wrestling (QAW), the premier—and only—women’s wrestling promotion in the United States, returns to Wrestleworld with their upcoming event: Big City Breakdown on February 18th! Featuring a stacked card with one championship on the line, this event promises epic clashes that no women’s wrestling fan will want to miss.


Wrestleworld CEO Brock Wrestleton expressed his enthusiasm for what he calls QAW’s “biggest show yet.”


Listen, I have to tell you—Big City Breakdown is going to be big, huge, okay? I’ve seen a lot of wrestling, believe me. The girls at QAW are great, and they think I’m great as well. They’re all just so grateful for the spotlight, and we’ll see if they can handle it. If they don’t, well, that’s on them. But I’m confident they’ll be tremendous.”


The event will feature top talent, including QAW World Champion Danielle Sweetheart, former champion Emma May, and the newly formed tag team Southern Charm.


Big City Breakdown is more than an event, it’s a statement,” said Sweetheart. “Every woman in that ring is ready to show the world what QAW is all about. I’m honored to be the world champion of such a historic promotion at the forefront of women’s wrestling. So tune in and see me, ‘The Queen of Hearts,’ superkick someone’s face off.”


The event will include a highly anticipated rematch between Pinky Perez and Little Miss Perfect, as well as a thrilling QAW World Tag Team Championship match.


Tickets for Big City Breakdown are available now, and the event will be streamed live on Wrestleworld. Don’t miss your chance to see women attempt something men do – and maybe even better!






Big City Breakdown Card





"The Queen of Hearts" Danielle Sweetheart & Felicia Luck Vs. The Furies: "World Class" Emma May & Purple Viper


A huge tag team clash is set for Big City Breakdown as QAW Champion Danielle Sweetheart joins forces with rising star Felicia Luck to face the dangerous duo of Emma May and Purple Viper. After falling short at Starshow, Emma May is looking to reassert herself in the title picture, and she’s bringing in her trusted deputy, Purple Viper, who led her team to victory over Felicia last month. With tensions high and everything on the line, can The Furies cling to their claim on the QAW World Championship, or will Danielle and Felicia prove too much to handle?




Little Miss Perfect Vs. "The Mexican Ace" Pinky Perez


An old, old—old!—grudge is reignited as Little Miss Perfect seeks to avenge her Shockwave Championship loss to Pinky Perez nearly two years ago. They say time heals all wounds, but not for the most perfect performer in QAW. Pinky, however, has no time for past grievances and is looking to swat Little Miss Perfect aside as she continues her rampage toward the current QAW Shockwave Champion, Mariana Torres. This is more than a match; it’s unfinished business.





QAW World Tag Team Championship: The Experience (c) Vs. Payback Inc


Should defending your championship feel like a punishment? That’s the question as The Experience are forced to put their gold on the line against Payback Inc as retribution for their intentional count-out at Starshow. Facing the tough challenge of Ronin3’s resident tag team and former champions in their own right, The Experience will need every trick in the book to hold onto their titles. And with Lilly & Rose lurking in the wings, ready to exact some payback of their own, anything could happen.




Sonnaz Shah Vs. "The Super-Superstar" Demelza Wade


Lilly & Rose Vs. "Southern Charm" Ashley Grover & Houston Handley

The San Diego Girls Vs. The Rage

"Poison Moon" Mariana Torres & Celeste Moon Vs. "The Violent Violet" Simony Sentinel & "Miss Wrestling" Modesty Pador





Quick Picks


Danielle & Felicia Vs. Emma & Viper


LMP Vs. Pinky


The Experience Vs. Payback Inc.


Sonnaz Vs. Demelza


Lilly & Rose Vs. Southern Charm


The San Diego Girls Vs. The Rage


Poison Moon Vs. Simony & Modesty



As always, I’d love to hear your feedback and opinions on the booking—every thought helps shape what happens next! I’ve even ticked off a couple of prediction prizes with this card...


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Danielle & Felicia Vs. Emma & Viper    


LMP Vs. Pinky


The Experience Vs. Payback Inc.


Sonnaz Vs. Demelza


Lilly & Rose Vs. Southern Charm


The San Diego Girls Vs. The Rage


Poison Moon Vs. Simony & Modesty


At the risk of sounding repetitive, loved Brock's input again. It's an interesting card. My predictions are based off someone else getting the next title match rather than you rerunning Emma. Whether that's Pinky, Felicia, Demelza or someone else though I'm not sure. I was also tempted to give Payback Inc my pick, perhaps L&R vs Exp doesn't require the titles but no I've gone with my first thought. Demelza I don't know if you've brought in to pass some overness, her losing is just as interesting for her character as picking up the win here but perhaps she's still too popular to lose here/not get a title shot at some point. 

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Danielle & Felicia Vs. Emma & Viper    


LMP Vs. Pinky


The Experience Vs. Payback Inc.


Sonnaz Vs. Demelza


Lilly & Rose Vs. Southern Charm


The San Diego Girls Vs. The Rage


Poison Moon Vs. Simony & Modesty



As long as Demelza continues to do her Gloria Swanson impression I am happy.

Edited by alpha2117
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Danielle & Felicia vs Emma & Viper


I kind of think unless you have someone else up for taking on Danielle, Emma is going to have to stay in the running and taking a loss here doesn't do that for her. I don't see anyone about to step up as a result of this card given LMP and Pinky are fighting for a shot at Mariana.


LMP vs Pinky


With my thoughts on the main in mind I really should be going with Pinky but that's too neat a path back to Mariana after a ladder match and I am looking further down the card at a match involving Poison Moon on the other side of the ring from Little Miss Perfect rival Modesty Pador and Simony Sentinel. This has six woman tag waiting to happen all over it and part of that means Pinky needs revenge on all three of Perfect, Celeste and Mariana. My only pause in this is are you going to run a rudo vs rudo championship match after doing a rudo vs rudo tag championship match?


The Experience vs Payback Inc.


This might be punishment detail but unless Lily starts getting so involved in Japan you can't reliably use her I don't see anyone but Lily and Rose taking the titles.


Sonnaz vs Demelza


Demelza might not be Timeless but she is coming into this off the back of solid character work and Sonnaz is setting herself up to be...I don't know, either Danielle's heater or eventual rival.


Lily and Rose vs Southern Charm


Lily and Rose will meet the Experience again but Snyder and Anderson have already shown they are willing to take a countout loss to protect their belts from Lily and Rose, I suspect there is going to be some foul play. Also you have just put together Southern Charm as an official tagteam, do they lose this early? Nah.


The San Diego Girls vs The Rage


I had originally been going to bet on Lily and Rose until I thought about it and under that scenario I would have gone with the San Diego Girls just because I don't like betting against all of The Line in one event, I could see this going either way but the San Diego Girls have time to bounce back if Southern Charm are next for The Experience.


Poison Moon vs Simony & Modesty


I was all kinds of torn in this one. If I am thinking that Pinky's rematch with Mariana will be further down the line, say, Showdown, then either one of Simony or Modesty would make a credible threat to Mariana, especially if they have a pin over her in a tag match. But I am looking at Modesty here and Little Miss Perfect further up and...I don't think LMP is going to be able to help herself getting involved either as a stab at Mariana or to stop her old rival having a claim for being next should Perfect begin a new reign. My bet is the title scene is going to be messy so this really could go either way just like the LMP vs Pinky match but I am thinking if I were booking towards a six woman then I would be booking a quid pro quo between Perfect and Mariana here. My other thought is that a pin over Mariana by either Simony or Modesty turns the potential Perfect vs Mariana match I guessed at as next into a three way dance, that would also be tasty and Pinky could try to take out Celeste in the meantime so I wouldn't mind being right or wrong over this.

Edited by Teasenitryn
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Danielle & Felicia Vs. Emma & Viper


Emma wins to truly reestablish herself into the title picture.


LMP Vs. Pinky


Pinky is a babyface, so I think she has a better chance of challenging the heel champion.


The Experience Vs. Payback Inc.


I feel that there is another team that has a better chance of dethroning The Experience for the tag titles.


Sonnaz Vs. Demelza


Demelza needs to win to establish herself as the "next big thing".


Lilly & Rose Vs. Southern Charm


I know Southern Charm is a newly established team, but I can't bet against Lilly & Rose.


The San Diego Girls Vs. The Rage


I feel that something is brewing with The San Diego Girls which may cost them this match.


Poison Moon Vs. Simony & Modesty


Heels going over to keep Mariana's momentum for her eventual rematch with Pinky.

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Farrah’s Booking Diary
5th February 2022


Ever since Alina blew up in USPW, the dirt sheets have been paying more attention to us, and the Wrestleworld press releases have helped get our name out there. Of course, the comments are full of Brock Wrestleton-types telling us to "get back in the kitchen" and spouting the usual tired clichés. Bomb always tells me not to read them, but honestly, they make me laugh!


I’ve been thinking about the dirt sheets because of all the buzz around 5SSW. There’s a string of articles calling them “One to Watch,” which makes sense—they’re an insanely talented group. We should be doing more with them, learning from them, really. They keep dragging Kate and Debbie away from their tag team storyline, though. Thankfully, Kate’s back in a week, and she’s not planning another tour for a while. I need her for Big City Breakdown.


Meanwhile, down in CILL, Pinky Perez just dethroned Electric Dreamer for the Women’s Championship, making her a 7-time champion. She’s already made it clear she’s bringing the CILL title to QAW, and honestly, I’m not in a position to argue. I’m not going to book the CILL champ poorly—especially when she’s chasing our mid-card title.


And then there’s Hellcat Hernandez and Celeste Moon. They had a massive fight backstage. I don’t know who started it, but if I had to guess, I’d say Hellcat. Should be interesting to see how this one plays out.


7th February 2022


I’m in disbelief. Becca Barton called today to chat, over the moon about being crowned the first-ever FSW Women’s Champion. She’s thinking about what this could mean for her future, and I get it. FSW is USPW’s developmental territory now. But from what I’ve heard, they’re mainly upskilling their current roster. They’re not really training new talent from scratch yet. They don’t seem all that interested in indie workers… although, they’ve picked up Diamond and Izzy, so maybe I’m wrong.


Honestly, I have no idea why they crowned Becca their first champion. Her recent performances have been lacklustre, and then she had the audacity to ask for a $100-per-show raise because of her FSW “success.” That would make her the highest-paid worker in QAW by a mile. I had to sit down when she asked. I offered her $25 as a goodwill gesture, but I wasn’t budging. She wasn’t happy, but what did she expect? She also wanted to bring the FSW belt here, but I reminded her USPW wouldn’t be thrilled about that. Hopefully, that’ll keep her in line.


8th February 2022


Today, Bomb, Miss Mexico, and I met Brock’s girlfriend for the first time via Zoom. When she introduced herself as “Candy Cummings,” Bomb nearly fell off her chair. We told her right away we’d be giving her a new ring name, but she wasn’t happy. Apparently, she wants to keep her “brand.” We compromised on just "Candy" for now.


Candy is... something else. On the plus side, she does seem to have some actual interest in wrestling—she’s been training with a private wrestling coach for six months. Brock, of course, thinks it’s just “personal training.” It was all going well until Bomb asked if she could “take a bump,” and we had to explain we meant in the ring.


Her motivation, though? That's where things get murky. She’s tried every career under the sun to get famous—singer, songwriter, dancer, artist, actress, model, glamour model, lingerie model, influencer, activist, fitness coach, YouTuber, makeup artist, (un-aired) podcast host, DJ, wellness guru, fashion designer, (un-aired) reality TV star, and Tik-Tok personality. I’ve never heard of her, and a quick Google search agrees with me. It seems like she’s been dating Brock, seen indie wrestling, and thought, “Why not?” She fancies herself the next Jaime Quine or Alina America.


Can’t wait to meet her in person…


9th February 2022


Fuuuuuuuuuuu-!!!! You get the idea.


I take back everything I said about feeling sorry for Debbie Rose. She’s just signed a solo tour with 5SSW, probably thanks to Kate’s recommendation since Kate didn’t want to go back so soon.


Debbie called today to explain she’d be in Japan for Big City Breakdown. Reworking the card at this stage is a nightmare, but what choice do I have? I had to play nice. I need Lilly & Rose more than they need us right now, and they’re locked into the plans for The Showdown.


Fu***** Debbie Rose. Didn’t see that one coming.






Updated card* (if you want to predict the updated match then go ahead!):


Danielle & Felicia Vs. Emma & Viper


LMP Vs. Pinky


The Experience Vs. Payback Inc.


Sonnaz Vs. Demelza


??? Vs. Southern Charm*


The San Diego Girls Vs. The Rage


Poison Moon Vs. Simony & Modesty


Edited by Rhysrob
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Danielle & Felicia Vs. Emma & Viper


LMP Vs. Pinky


The Experience Vs. Payback Inc.


Sonnaz Vs. Demelza


??? Vs. Southern Charm*


The San Diego Girls Vs. The Rage


Poison Moon Vs. Simony & Modesty

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Danielle & Felicia Vs. Emma & Viper


Emma wins to truly reestablish herself into the title picture.


LMP Vs. Pinky


Pinky is a babyface, so I think she has a better chance of challenging the heel champion.


The Experience Vs. Payback Inc.


I feel that there is another team that has a better chance of dethroning The Experience for the tag titles.


Sonnaz Vs. Demelza


Demelza needs to win to establish herself as the "next big thing".


??? Vs. Southern Charm*


Considering the change to the card I have higher hopes for Southern Charm winning.


The San Diego Girls Vs. The Rage


I feel that something is brewing with The San Diego Girls which may cost them this match.


Poison Moon Vs. Simony & Modesty


Heels going over to keep Mariana's momentum for her eventual rematch with Pinky.

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18th February 2022
The Day of Big City Breakdown


Sonnaz Shah and Ava Anderson are talking quietly in the corner of the locker room as Felicia Luck changes into her ring gear for the show. The rest of the locker room are huddled outside, playing Becca’s made-up dice game. A striking blonde woman enters and looks around with a grimace.


Felicia: Hi there, you must be Candy? I’m Felicia.


Felicia extends a hand to Candy, who brushes it aside.


Candy: Hi. Where can I put my bag?


Felicia: Well, space is pretty tight, so newbies and lower-card wrestlers usually change in the bathrooms and keep their bags in the corridor.


Candy: I’ll change in here then.


Felicia: That’s not how it works. The locker room is for the veterans. We just use it when it’s empty.


Candy: When I want your advice, I’ll ask for it, honey.


Candy busies herself unpacking her suitcase. Felicia catches Sonnaz and Ava exchanging a look as they overhear the exchange.


Felicia: Well, I’m feeling generous with my advice, honey. Here’s another tip: it’s etiquette for new members of the locker room to introduce themselves with a handshake.


Candy turns to face Felicia and looks her up and down.


Candy: Do you have hearing issues, sweetie? I said I don’t need your advice about these weird little games.


Felicia: I’m trying to give you friendly direction. The locker room has its way of doing things, and we all respect that. You need to earn your place.


Candy rolls her eyes, clearly unimpressed.


Candy: If you want to talk to someone about “earning your place,” go speak to a mirror about staying relevant. Whoever you are.


Felicia takes a deep breath.


Felicia: You’re new here, Candy. You don’t own the place. I know you’ve fallen out of Brock Wrestleton’s bed into QAW, so you might not know that yet...


Candy: Give it a try sometime. You look like you’re more talented on your back than in the ring.


Felicia steps forward, her eyes blazing as she gets right in Candy’s face. Before things can escalate, Sonnaz steps in, gently pulling Felicia back.


Sonnaz: Come on, Felicia. It’s not worth it.


Ava gives Candy a side glance, shaking her head slightly.


Ava: You’ve got a lot to learn.


Candy rolls her eyes, clearly unfazed, as she continues unpacking her bag. Felicia takes a deep breath, still fuming but letting Sonnaz guide her away. Just then, the locker room door bursts open and Honey Badger storms in, roaring.


Honey: Where’s Hellcat?! She’s keyed my car! I know it was her! I’M GOING TO KILL HER!




Thanks for the predictions and re-predictions! I got back from a vacation on Thursday evening and despite taking my laptop thinking I’d do some writing on the journey... It just didn't happen...


I forgot to mention that last time the prize was deciding the outcome of Lilly & Rose Vs The Experience-- which @KyTeran decided.


This round the prize is based on the creative direction of The Clenched Fist.


On 9/2/2024 at 8:13 PM, christmas_ape said:

At the risk of sounding repetitive, loved Brock's input again. It's an interesting card. My predictions are based off someone else getting the next title match rather than you rerunning Emma. Whether that's Pinky, Felicia, Demelza or someone else though I'm not sure. I was also tempted to give Payback Inc my pick, perhaps L&R vs Exp doesn't require the titles but no I've gone with my first thought. Demelza I don't know if you've brought in to pass some overness, her losing is just as interesting for her character as picking up the win here but perhaps she's still too popular to lose here/not get a title shot at some point. 


Never repetitive! You are officially responsible for the havoc Brock & Candy have already started, though. 


On 9/3/2024 at 2:39 AM, alpha2117 said:

Danielle & Felicia Vs. Emma & Viper    


LMP Vs. Pinky


The Experience Vs. Payback Inc.


Sonnaz Vs. Demelza


Lilly & Rose Vs. Southern Charm


The San Diego Girls Vs. The Rage


Poison Moon Vs. Simony & Modesty



As long as Demelza continues to do her Gloria Swanson impression I am happy.


I checked Gloria Swanson out and she seems far too nice to be Demelza 😁


On 9/3/2024 at 4:20 AM, Teasenitryn said:



LMP vs Pinky


With my thoughts on the main in mind I really should be going with Pinky but that's too neat a path back to Mariana after a ladder match and I am looking further down the card at a match involving Poison Moon on the other side of the ring from Little Miss Perfect rival Modesty Pador and Simony Sentinel. This has six woman tag waiting to happen all over it and part of that means Pinky needs revenge on all three of Perfect, Celeste and Mariana. My only pause in this is are you going to run a rudo vs rudo championship match after doing a rudo vs rudo tag championship match?



Poison Moon vs Simony & Modesty


I was all kinds of torn in this one. If I am thinking that Pinky's rematch with Mariana will be further down the line, say, Showdown, then either one of Simony or Modesty would make a credible threat to Mariana, especially if they have a pin over her in a tag match. But I am looking at Modesty here and Little Miss Perfect further up and...I don't think LMP is going to be able to help herself getting involved either as a stab at Mariana or to stop her old rival having a claim for being next should Perfect begin a new reign. My bet is the title scene is going to be messy so this really could go either way just like the LMP vs Pinky match but I am thinking if I were booking towards a six woman then I would be booking a quid pro quo between Perfect and Mariana here. My other thought is that a pin over Mariana by either Simony or Modesty turns the potential Perfect vs Mariana match I guessed at as next into a three way dance, that would also be tasty and Pinky could try to take out Celeste in the meantime so I wouldn't mind being right or wrong over this.


Great points about the Shockwave title scene! I may need to steal some of them... 

Edited by Rhysrob
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QAW BIG City Breakdown

Friday 21st January 2022

San Antonio Municipal School Gym (Mid South), USA

Attendance: 597 

Viewership on Wrestleworld: 17,794


On Commentary Farrah Hesketh & Alfonso Garcia

Dark Matches:


In a match with decent reaction but sub-par wrestling, Millie the Minx (34) & Black Diamond (26) def. Elara Thorn (16) & Rosalie Burns (23) via pinfall in 07:37.


Wrestling: 25

Crowd: 11

Rating: 29


In a match with decent reaction but sub-par wrestling, Candy (3) & Raquel Alvarado (38) def. Alexis Lee Littlefeather (37) & DupliKate (29) via submission in 06:26.


Wrestling: 27

Crowd: 13

Rating: 32







Opening Tag Team Match


"Poison Moon" Mariana Torres & Celeste Moon




"The Violent Violet" Simony Sentinel & "Miss Wrestling" Modesty Pador





In a decent match, Mariana Torres (30) & Celeste Moon (29) def. Simony Sentinel (39) & Modesty Pador (31) via pinfall in 07:55.


Celeste pinned Modesty after the "Moonrise" double-team (double-flapjack).


Strong Start to the show.

Celeste's "vicious rudo" gimmick debuted as great.

Simony's "Violent Violet" gimmick rated as poor.


Wrestling: 33

Crowd: 17

Rating: 39


Hesketh's diary: A perfectly fine opener that was designed to cover high-spots and get the crowd warmed up. Simony was recommended through a friend and I took a look at her matches in ACPW. She looked great there and she looks great here. I can see her sticking around-- We just need to work on her gimmick... 


I want to see more out of both Mariana and Celeste as Mariana's the champion and Celeste is commanding a significant fee relative to her peers. They really need to knock it out the park to warrant a push and I'm not sure this was a great first swing. 






Tag Team Match


Representing The Furies: "The Rage" Honey Badger & Marie Punnen




"The San Diego Girls" Izzy Quick & Coco Malloy






In a decent match, Honey Badger (42) & Marie Punnen (37) def. Izzy Quick (40) & Coco Malloy (40) via pinfall in 09:49.


Honey pinned Coco with the "Explosion Suplex" (Fisherwoman Buster)


Got the crowd hotter.


Wrestling: 36

Crowd: 23

Rating: 44



Hesketh's diary: Another solid little match between two teams that I wouldn't of put in the ring together a couple of years ago. It still drives me crazy that we've given these young teams reigns with the tag belts so early in their careers and they've already climbed the mountain once. But its my fault for not looking after the tag division when it came to giving it depth. Onwards and upwards for The Rage and something will come up for the San Diego Girls...






QAW’s newest tag team “Southern Charm” make their way out to the ring. Commentary notes that they were scheduled to face Lilly & Rose in their debut but due to Kate Lilly’s injury that match would be postponed.



Houston: Ashley and I just wanted to come out here tonight and say thank y’all for comin’ out and supportin’ your hometown girls! We won’t lie, its disappointin’ our match got postponed ‘cause of Kate’s injury. We were ready to show everyone we’re serious players in the tag division by takin’ down the top contenders. But y’know what? We wish Kate a quick recovery, and we’re still lookin’ forward to that match.


Ashley: We’re also lookin’ forward to earnin’ our way to the tag-team championships and takin’ those belts off those weasels, The Experience! They--


Ashley is cut off as reggaeton blares from the speakers. Hellcat Hernandez and Elsa Calvo swagger out, mics in hand.




Hellcat: Yo, you girls in The Line, man, y’all annoyin’ as hell. You out here wastin’ air time suckin’ up to these losers in the crowd?!


Hellcat spits on the ground for effect as boos rain down from the audience.


HellcatYou think you’re are the only tag team debuting tonight? Elsa and I figured it’s about time someone looked out for our girls Lily and Ava. Make sure the challengers for their titles are worth a damn. And you two? Ain’t worth a thing.


Ashley: Well, sugar, lucky for us, our worth ain’t measured by your opinions. Is there any particular reason y’all are out here interruptin’ us? You lookin’ for a fight? ‘Cause we’re ready!


Elsa: Funny you say that, girl. Me and Hellcat, we already spoke to Commissioner Bomb, and guess what? She gave us the green light to come out here and whoop both of your asses.


Rating: 30

Got the crowd hotter






Tag Team Match


rRepresenting The Line: "Southern Charm" Houston Handley & Ashley Grover




Representing The Clenched Fist: Hellcat Hernandez & Elsa Calvo






In a decent match, Ashley Grover (40) & Houston Handley (41) def. Hellcat Hernandez (38) & Elsa Calvo (36) by pinfall in 13:33.


Ashley Grover pinned Hellcat with the "Chicago Hope" (STO).


Wrestling: 39

Crowd: 22

Rating: 45



Hesketh's diary: So, in order to cover for Debbie being in Japan we decided to announce that Kate had been injured during her time out there. This would keep kayfabe as its obvious Debbie is currently wrestling in Japan for most of our fans keeping up with her on social media. It's not ideal, but it'll do. 


This turn of events worked out very well for Southern Charm, who were going to lose tonight but put in a solid effort and earn the respect of Lilly & Rose. Not an amazing debut but they weren't meant to be a focal point yet. Now I need to think carefully about whether they need to be ready to step up quickly if Debbie and Kate keep screwing us over for 5SSW.


In other news, Hellcat decided it would be a good idea to key Honey Badger's car before the show. A retaliation for their argument at Starshow. This is unacceptable, obviously, and she was fined. I was going to pull her from the show but that wasn't entirely fair to Elsa. So, Hellcat took the loss and she can complain all she wants but I don't care. Its a shame because I was so ready to push her...






Singles Match


"The Super Superstar" Demelza Wade




Representing The Line: Sonnaz Shah




In a match with good heat and decent wrestling, Demelza Wade (36) def. Sonnaz Shah (35) via pin fall, in 11:55.


Demelza won with a Superstar Kick (superkick) after feigning an injury.


Demelza used a creative finish successfully.


Wrestling: 35

Crowd: 28

Rating: 42


Hesketh's diary: It seemed like Demelza and Sonnaz just weren't really clicking out there, which is a shame for Sonnaz as this was a golden opportunity to shine. I did expect more out of Demelza in the ring but she's been a big hit outside of it, and people seem to be taking to her character. She's only got a few appearances left on our deal but we may need to renegotiate very soon in order to keep her around. The question is whether we put the belt on her alongside the big appearance fee... Surely that's economical or something?






After the match, the referee helps Sonnaz on the outside as Demelza takes a microphone to address the crowd.




Demelza: Well, well, well-- I told you all-- I still got it! And I’ve got more of it than anybody else here.


Demelza takes a moment to bask in her victory, striking a pose as if expecting more applause than she’s actually getting.


Demelza: And what did I just prove, huh? I proved to that very, very small group of doubters—you know who you are—that I’m not just back. I’m back and better than ever! And we all know what comes next! That’s right, I’m next in line for a shot at the Queens of...uh...American Wrestling World Championship! Yes, that one!


She straightens up, flashing a rehearsed smile as if she’s about to deliver a life-changing annoucement.


Demelza: So, what do you say, champ? Come on out here and make it official. The fans want it, I want it, and let’s be real, darling… You need it.


Demelza dramatically throws her arms out, waiting for Danielle to appear. The crowd perks up as Danielle’s music hits and the QAW World Champion walks out, championship draped over her shoulder, and a confident smile on her face.




Danielle: I’ll hand it to you Demelza, you certainly know how to land an impressive superkick. I asked you to prove yourself and I still think you have a lot to learn walking around like that attitude is going to win you this championship… But hey, since you’re so confident… Why not? I’ll face you at BattleBowl.


The crowd cheers as Danielle holds up the championship, giving Demelza the moment she was hoping for.


Demelza: I knew you’d come around!


Danielle: You’ve got yourself a match, but don’t think for a second this is going to be easy for you. Because, Demelza, being the “Super-Superstar” pales in comparison to “The Queen of Hearts”.


Demelza’s smile falters as she senses Danielle’s intensity.


Danielle: I’m going to remind you, and everyone else watching, why I’m the QAW World Champion. So, enjoy the spotlight now, Demelza, because after the BattleBowl you’re going to fade back into obscurity.


The crowd pops as Danielle stares down Demelza with a confident smile. Demelza forces a smile and steps back, adjusting her hair and acting as if she’s still in control.


Rating: 56

Danielle did a masterful job handling the crowd.






We switch to the backstage interview area where Alfonso Garcia is standing by with Juana Hurricane. Juana crosses her arms as Alfonso begins.




Alfonso: Juana, last month was a tough loss for you. Not only were you without Lilly & Rose in the trios match but it was another setback in your ongoing issue with Queen Amazon. How are you feeling about going into BattleBowl with Ronin3 breathing down your neck?


Juana signs, clearly frustrated.


Juana: Last month did not go to plan. And its hard not having Lilly & Rose around to help me take on Ronin3. But I’m still standing and I’m not backing down. Never have, never will. This BattleBowl is my chance to prove I’m still one of the best in QAW and no one is standing in my way to winning.


Before Juana can continue, Queen Amazon stomps into frame. She towers over Juana, fists clenched, as Alfonso makes a quick exit.




Amazon: (in Spanish, then switching to English) Juana, estás sola. No Lilly, no Rose. You think you’re strong, but you’re weak. You don’t have what it takes to survive BattleBowl.


Juana: I’ve seen people like you come and go. You might be big, Amazon, but you’re not unbeatable. And you sure as hell don’t scare me.


Amazon steps closer, towering over Juana, her voice low.


Amazon: You should be. I scared away Alexis and Sonnaz. Now you’re alone and nothing. At BattleBowl, I will break you as well-- and finish what the former leaders of Ronin3 started.


Juana: You’re welcome to try.


Amazon: When I’m done, no one will even remember your name.


Amazon storms off, leaving Juana standing tall, her expression unreadable but fierce.


Rating: 36







QAW World Tag Team Championship Match




Representing The Clenched Fist: "The Experience" Lily Snyder & Ava Anderson (c) w/ Bossman Brayfield




Representing Ronin3: "Payback Inc" Toni Parisi & Becca Barton w/ Vinny Cruz







In a decent match, Lily Snyder (51) & Ava Anderson (45) def. Toni Parisi (40) & Becca Barton (29) via pinfall, in 16:23.

Vinny & Brayfield continued their long standing feud over the coveted QAW Male Manager of the Year (currently standing at 1-1) and got into a heated argument on the outside. Both teams attempted to use the distraction to cheat but The Experience got the upper hand and took Becca out with the "Rock'n'Roll" (Spinning forearm into German Suplex), giving them 
their 3rd defence.


Wrestling: 41

Crowd: 22

Rating: 50




Hesketh's diary: I'm amazed that Becca asked for such a massive fee increase and still stunk the ring up with that performance. She was clearly struggling to keep up with everyone else. God know how she won the FSW championship... I have concerns about Ronin3 if she keeps this up. 


The Experience can really do no wrong when it comes to in-ring performance and they are a bookers dream when it comes to building a tag division. USPW are going to be fools if they don't snap these two up for their upcoming women's tag tournament... Anyway, they've got a solid win as I keep them warm for Lilly & Rose's return...






Singles Match


LiLittle Miss Perfect




"The Mexican Ace" Pinky Perez




In a match with good wrestling and decent reaction, Pinky Perez (46) def. Little Miss Perfect (43) via pinfall, in 15:03.

Pinky pinned LMP with the "Pink Butterfly Bomb" (Double-underhook powerbomb)


Wrestling: 45

Crowd: 25

Rating: 51



Hesketh's diary: This grudge match over-delivered and I'm pleasantly impressed with LMP's recent performances. She's making a serious case for re-inserting herself into the Shockwave title hunt... Maybe even a World title shot! 


Pinky looked every bit the star as she came out with the CILL Women's Championship which we sold the crap out of on commentary. We need to keep the pressure on Pinky in this title hunt or the fans just aren't going to buy it. 









Post-match LMP attacks Pinky and gains the upper-hand when Mariana and Celeste charge the ring and join in the assault. Things are looking bleak for Pinky until Poison Moon's opponent's earlier in the night charge out (Simony wielding a steel chair) and clear the ring. They check on Pinky as the rudos look very pleased with themselves. 


Rating: 28






We switch back to the interview area where Emma May and Purple Viper are waiting to cut a promo.




Emma: Everyone’s talking about how Danielle Sweetheart walked out of Starshow with the championship still around her waist. But nobody seems to mention the fact that I had that match won. I was about to break her arm... and then that brat Sonnaz Shah had to play hero. I got screwed out of winning my championship back.

Emma glances at Viper, who nods in agreement, before turning her eyes back to the camera.


Emma: You see, The Furies, we stand for strength, discipline, and absolute control. We’re not interested in cheap tricks like Ronin3 or The Clenched Fist, because we back up every word we say with what we do in the ring. Tonight, Danielle, I get the chance to finish what I started at Starshow. I’m going to out-wrestle you, dominate you, and break you down—again!


Viper steps forward, her voice low but intense.


Viper: Last month, I made a statement by winning that five-woman tag match for my team. But once again, I’m being overlooked, and I’m done with it! I’m a damn veteran, and its time I get the respect I’ve earned.


Viper pounds her fist into her palm.


Viper: I’m not a sidekick, I’m a threat! And after I’ve sunk my fangs into my prey, there is no coming back.


Emma and Viper share a determined look, both of them radiating confidence, before they march off, heading for the ring.


Rating: 38






Tag Team Match


"The Queen Of Hearts" Danielle Sweetheart & Felicia Luck




Representing The Furies: "World Class" Emma May & Purple Viper






In a match with great wrestling and good heat, Emma May (64) & Purple Viper (41) def. Danielle Sweetheart (58) & Felicia Luck (42) by submission in 19:57.


Throughout the match Felicia seemed to be trying to provoke Emma and broke up multiple submission attempts. This eventually drew Emma's ire and the two had some stiff exchanges which highlighted Felicia's bad-ass side (no doubt picked up from her time in The Clenched Fist). In the closing moments of the match Emma looked to submit Felicia as Viper and Danielle brawled on the outside. In an effort to stop Danielle from saving Felicia, Viper spat green mist in Danielle's face totally incapacitating her (the referee didn't see it as they were ensuring Felicia's safety as she struggled against Emma's relentless mat grappling). Eventually, Felicia made a false move and Emma locked in the Triangle Choke for the tap. 


After the match, Emma seemed extremely unhappy with Viper's tactics and left her standing in the ring looking sheepish.


Wrestling: 51

Crowd: 29

Rating: 56




Hesketh's diary: Well, I didn't expect Danielle and Felicia to have such excellent chemistry in the ring together. This could be an interesting wrinkle into the budding dynamic brewing between Danielle and Sonnaz. 


Not a bad main event and everyone performed well. Emma in particular really stepped up her game from last month and put in the performance of the night by a comfortable margin. She's our top rudo but she's clearly making a bid to reclaim her title of wrestler of the year from Pinky Perez at this rate... 


Maybe it was unoriginal to give Emma a win back straight after her loss but give me one reason why not! Plus the added drama of Viper inserting herself into the scene should keep things fresh leading to The Showdown. 









"Post Show Press Conference"


The “press conference room” is a simple table in front of a QAW logo backdrop with a handful of reporters off camera. Emma & Viper appear fresh from the end of Big City Breakdown and sit alongside Commissioner Bomb. (Off-camera) Reporters seek Bomb’s attention as she picks out the first one.



Reporter 1: Emma, you spoke tonight about The Furies winning through skill rather than “cheap tricks”. With tonight’s victory involving Viper’s use of green mist, does that take way from the credibility of the win in your eyes?


Emma: The Furies are about taking care of business inside the ring. We are ruthless and dangerous, and we’re not going to take it easy on our opponents, ever. So I’m not happy about it, if I’m honest, but I had Felicia right where I wanted her, and what Viper did Danielle on the outside didn’t change that.


Reporter 2: Viper, after your pin last month and your role in tonight’s match, do you feel that you're finally getting the recognition you deserve? Or do you think moments like these may overshadow your true capabilities?


Viper: Tonight was about making sure everyone sees me as a threat. And maybe that included my stablemates in The Furies! I’m sorry to Emma that I broke the mantra of our team but I’m done waiting for respect-- I’m taking it.


Reporter 3: Emma, there’s clearly some tension between you and Viper over how this match ended. How do you plan to handle that dynamic within The Furies moving forward?


Emma glances at Viper before answering.


Emma: Viper’s made clear she wants her spotlight, and I get that. We’ll address any issues we have—internally-- but make no mistake, we’re still the dominant force in QAW. And with our win tonight we declare our entry in the BattleBowl.


Bomb: Ah yes, our next event is the annual BattleBowl and this year the winner will go on to main event our biggest event of the year, The Showdown, and challenge for the QAW World Championship.


Viper: May the best woman win.

Viper shakes hands with Emma who eyes Viper warily. 
Suddenly, Danielle Sweetheart storms into the room, her face still showing traces of the green mist. She points at Viper angrily.




Danielle: You are going to pay for this!


Danielle makes to lunge at Viper but Commissioner Bomb stands in the way. Viper remains seated and laughs. Before anything more can be said, Demelza appears out of nowhere, delivering a superkick to the side of Danielle’s face, dropping the champion to the floor.




Demelza: Let’s see who’s going to be fading into obscurity, sweetie!


Chaos erupts as Bomb and members of The Line and The Furies rush in to separate the competitors.


Rating: 46



Edited by Rhysrob
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Big City Breakdown Predictions Results:


@christmas_ape 6/7 (it may have been a win if Debbie Rose didn't spoil things-- there may be compensation)


@SammyT93 6/7

@alpha2117 6/7

@Mokoa 6/7


And with two in a row, @KyTeran you got 7/7. If you get three in a row then you have to start writing the diary for me. I'll message everyone with the smaller creative decisions (@alpha2117 free up your inbox!) but KyTeran you'll be deciding on the fate of The Clenched Fist!  


Speaking of the "smaller creative decisions" in the last round @Mokoa wanted to see Emma and Felicia have a mini-feud which started at Big City Breakdown. And @Teasenitryn suggested bringing in Simony Sentinel or Velvet Suarez into the Shockwave title picture (I went with Simony as Velvet was signed up for an 5SSW tour). And we all have @christmas_ape to blame for the introduction of Candy Cummings & Brock Wrestleton. 


It took a long time to put the show together, again, and I shortened things down a lot in terms of dialogue… I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. But feedback/suggestions always welcome as I want this to be an easy read!

18 hours ago, christmas_ape said:

You know a little part of me sides with Candy here. If I arrived to a new job and was told to get change/hang out in the bathroom and corridor I'd probably think screw that and use the changing room. 


Weird little games indeed Candy. Sort those wannabies out. 


You'd never make it in QAW! 🤪

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Farrah’s apartment
20th February 2022

2 days after Big City Breakdown


Farrah waits patiently at her desk for her post show conference call with Brock Wrestleton, CEO of Wrestleworld...



Farrah: Hello, Brock.


Brock: Yeah, yeah. Well, I’m not gonna lie, Farrah, I’m not thrilled. You saw the numbers for Big City Breakdown, right?


Farrah: I did! I thought it was a solid show. We’ve got great momentum—


Brock: Solid? Farrah, the numbers were down. You’re going in the wrong direction. I like things going up! Up! Okay? And don’t get me wrong, I love the girls—really, I do—but maybe the audience wants something more. And this is them telling you that.


Farrah shifts uncomfortably.


Farrah: What more do they want?


Brock: Hear me out—maybe the audience just needs a little more than… women’s wrestling. I mean, women’s wrestling is great! Kinda! But maybe we need to give people something they love more, y’know?


Farrah: Like?


Brock: Men. QAW needs to sprinkle in a few guys. Your average wrestling fan wants to see men go at it. It’s just more believable—they’ve been doing it longer! You know how USPW has a women’s division? QAW could have its own men’s division! Let’s make this a spectacle!


Farrah: It'd be a spectacle for sure. QAW is a women’s wrestling promotion, Brock. That’s what we’re about.


Brock: Absolutely. Women! Love that. But y’know, throw in a couple of dudes to spice things up. And you’ve got Candy! She’s dynamite, isn’t she? Huge potential! I’m telling you, Farrah, she’s gonna be huge.


Farrah: Candy had a rough debut, Brock. She’s green.


Brock: Green? She’s gold! You just need to give her the right spotlight. Trust me, I know talent when I see it jiggling in front of me. And look, if we want to keep this thing going, we need more. Guys, girls, whatever—it’s about what sells.


Farrah: We’re not bringing men into QAW. That’s not the answer.


Brock: Farrah, baby! I’m here to help you think bigger! This is Wrestleworld—people want the full package. Right now, you’re giving them, like, a half-package. A cute one! But still... I’m a businessman, you should trust me.


Farrah: QAW is about the women, Brock. It’s about giving them a platform. And no, I’m not changing the focus of this promotion. End of story.


Brock shrugs.


Brock: If you say so. But remember, that contract is ticking. You want more time on Wrestleworld? You bring me eyes on Wrestleworld. I don't want less eyes month by month. Got it?


He leans back, smiling lazily.


Brock: I’m rooting for you, Farrah. Let’s see how BattleBowl goes, and maybe by then, you’ll have a change of heart. Or a change of roster…


Brock ends the call as Farrah sighs and stares at the monitor.


Farrah: F&* this guy.


Edited by Rhysrob
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