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Bring back pushes!

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I don't mind either way to be honest because I keep a mental list of who is pushed where and not, but for your arguments sakes - internally a lot of companies *do* post a list of their wrestlers tiers for shows and I'm sure that has morale impacts. Not a feature I'm dying for, but certainly one that could add to the evolving backstage environments, especially when one booker refuses to push one worker any harder or even depush them based on their relationships.

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As a player I like the current system.

As a game mechanic, it lacks in some areas as a wrestler virtually unknown could jump higher in the perception system with a strong first impression (especially in smaller companies) or wrestler being used below or higher than their current perception by the AI.

The main problem of the old system was that there wasn't a way to force a player to respect those pushes and, honestly, whatever rules one could come up with would feel forced and limiting against reality. Products feel that way already.

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Obviously it's not the same, but the new custom divisions feature can be a nice workaround. You can rename the divisions to Main Eventer. Upper Midcarder, etc. and assign them accordingly to your roster. The only downside is that it's purely cosmetic and cannot be used if you are already utilizing the divisions feature for your roster.

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I would like a split type mechanic where in your own company wrestler have their own perceptions but to the outside world they are perceived 

it’s just the thing that makes the most sense in terms of running a company. So yeah either bring back the 2016 push options or try to idk merge the two systems together somehow 

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While I understand why pushes were removed (it gives you mentally the freedom to book people how you want), I believe an internal, cosmetic tracker of pushes should mildly be implimented down the line, probably too big to add to this game, but it could be brought in the next one.

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I guess it's because I don't actually watch any wrestling (haven't since the 80's) but I dislike the old push system. I don't get the point. Anyone who's push was lower than their perception would complain and get moral issues, so the reality of how I played the game in TEW2016 and prior versions is I would click the auto push after every show (which basically set their push to their perception). So extra clicks for "reasons". It certainly didn't help me organize anything.

Edited by VBigB
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19 hours ago, VBigB said:

I guess it's because I don't actually watch any wrestling (haven't since the 80's) but I dislike the old push system. I don't get the point. Anyone who's push was lower than their perception would complain and get moral issues, so the reality of how I played the game in TEW2016 and prior versions is I would click the auto push after every show (which basically set their push to their perception). So extra clicks for "reasons". It certainly didn't help me organize anything.

You used to be able to manually assign a Main Eventer push to a nobody, in order to prevent jobber vs jobber penalties to game the system

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I'd argue the jobber vs jobber perception penalty makes sense though. It's up to the individual's actual skills to be able to push by that and get a good rating and develop their pop to the point they are no longer seen as a jobber by beating bigger and bigger names. Over time from appearing, doing squashes and a combo of their skills, they will become more popular if they sufficiently able. I feel like this speaks to the way a lot of people see the mechanics - the penalty doesn't mean it's a bad segment, it just means that the crowd aren't yet invested in the person you're pushing because these things can take time.

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On 8/10/2024 at 1:53 AM, VBigB said:

I guess it's because I don't actually watch any wrestling (haven't since the 80's) but I dislike the old push system. I don't get the point. Anyone who's push was lower than their perception would complain and get moral issues, so the reality of how I played the game in TEW2016 and prior versions is I would click the auto push after every show (which basically set their push to their perception). So extra clicks for "reasons". It certainly didn't help me organize anything.

That’s kind of what I liked - click auto push - track where they should be on the card. Maybe it’s just TCW but I have major stars, they sort of an entirely empty upper and midcard.

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On 8/9/2024 at 9:16 PM, what7 said:

Crowds should react in acordance with their perception of someone and not because of some arbitrary role assigned by the booker on a spreadsheet.

I agree to a point.

my frustration one though is that let’s say I debut Super Massive Destoryer. Huge,  menacing dude - think how Kane debuted as an unknown. His menace and getting him to come out in the main event should scream “this guys going to be a big player”, but instead the angle will flop because of a lack of popularity. I can’t work out how to get around that.


same with brother Grimm - great on the mic, but Pop kills him.

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1 hour ago, EdJames said:

I agree to a point.

my frustration one though is that let’s say I debut Super Massive Destoryer. Huge,  menacing dude - think how Kane debuted as an unknown. His menace and getting him to come out in the main event should scream “this guys going to be a big player”, but instead the angle will flop because of a lack of popularity. I can’t work out how to get around that.


same with brother Grimm - great on the mic, but Pop kills him.

Again, I would argue that you are perceiving the knock down as being outright negative. For every successful main event debut of Kane, there was a Giant Gonzalez, a Kronik, or a Fake Undertaker. The difference is that Kane was a) talented enough b) had an outstanding gimmick c) an incredible soap-esque storyline, and d) was given the correct build and time to get over, all of which can be imitated by TEW's mechanics with the new creative boosts.

Let's not forget that Kane and Undertaker didn't even wrestle for FIVE MONTHS after that debut, and that was on top of nearly half a year of Paul Bearer hyping up Undertaker's dark secret which turned out to involve Kane. All people remember now is the debut because it's iconic, but it was almost a full year of build from Mania to Mania to set the match up, and by that time Kane had been shown continually being menacing and brutal, and had massive wins over Mankind, Vader, and a draw with Steve Austin before his match with Taker.

Edited by benjirino
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