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Billed Height/Weight?

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I wonder if it might be possible to add a feature wherein companies can exaggerate the height and/or weight of a wrestler? Like, now that real heights & weights are a thing, I know that companies like WWE have done that in the past, and it might be fun to explore it as a concept.

I'm thinking one of three things: Either "billed height" and "billed weight" sections on a wrestler's profile, "billed height" and "billed weight" on the contract screen, that default to "normal", which saves database makers time if most of the wrestlers are just billed as their normal size, or an owner/booker preference about how much bigger/smaller to make people seem, maybe in percentages, so like "10% bigger" would make someone who's 500 pounds be billed as 550? Not sure, maybe there are separate ones for height and weight, since for height 10% is ridiculous (would make someone who's 6 feet be billed as 6 foot 7).

Also, maybe it has effects on the game? Like, maybe in certain products exaggerating someone's height or weight can add to their momentum gain, but in others the fans just get exasperated by it so it actually slows their momentum gain instead. Also, maybe if someone's height/weight is billed to be too high/low for it to be believable, then they get a slight penalty on top of whatever they've got, since fans know there's no way they're actually that size? Maybe that can start at like, 6 inches to a foot above their regular height, and maybe like, 200 pounds above their real weight? Not sure what'd be a good starting point for those, but you get the idea. :)

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Bumping this as I was about to post the same

I think having billed weights especially would be very important because of title weight limits. Now we don't have a generic size as the maximum limit for a Cruiserweight or Lightweight title, the real weight (while a fantastic addition) is a little too granular. If I have a title limit of 220lb and a worker who is 230lb - realistically I could easily push that worker as a credible contender for the title, but in game i'll be punished because he's over the limit. Having that billed weight of like even 5-10% either way would allow for that flexibility 

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53 minutes ago, GoldenBrady said:

Bumping this as I was about to post the same

I think having billed weights especially would be very important because of title weight limits. Now we don't have a generic size as the maximum limit for a Cruiserweight or Lightweight title, the real weight (while a fantastic addition) is a little too granular. If I have a title limit of 220lb and a worker who is 230lb - realistically I could easily push that worker as a credible contender for the title, but in game i'll be punished because he's over the limit. Having that billed weight of like even 5-10% either way would allow for that flexibility 

Yep! Or like, having a heavyweight title that requires at least 300lbs and having someone at 295 be unable to fight for it. That little extra push would certainly help!

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This seems unnecessary to me because there's no good reason to not already be using billed heights and weights, so you're already achieving what you're asking for. As a player, if you want to have outliers, simply change the weights slightly for your titles to accommodate. Also, the idea that billed heights/weights being way off causing an issue for the worker with the fans is insane to me because they're ALL miles off and nobody has ever cared.

I do think divisions could be more than just a cosmetic thing for the AI for companies like NJPW that don't follow their pre-defined weight limits religiously though 

Edited by Questlove
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