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Empire City Wrestling: New York Till I Die (Cverse07)

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I walked the lonely road, the only one that I had ever known… Oh wait. Absolutey not. I’ll be damned if I get that stuck in my head. What a bad day. I’d been fired by Stomper. Just because I spent some money. Alright a lot of money. But it was worth it.

As I shook my fist, a pink portal swirled and opened up and I was lifted from behind my belly button and sucked through it.

I landed with a crash. Huh, I thought dumbly. Same street, same time of day. It was familiar, but different. Across the street was a Diner called Serendipity’s and in the doorway a masked man beckoned me over.

Wrestling is a weird sport. But nothing tops life.

I sat down with the masked man? A luchador maybe? He had a thick Bronx accent. He slid a briefcase over the table to me and opened it. Inside was $250k by my estimate. I looked at him and he then handed me a book of contacts and today’s newspaper. It read January 1st 2007.

“What is going on?” I blurted out.

“I wantchew to destroy Stomper.”


“Because it’s Hell of a time-travelling revenge story. And I love me a good story.”

With a dramatic nod, playing into the farcical situation I shook his hand and took the money.

“Hey kid, one last thing. I love stories, but I like me some good in-ring action too. Don’t disappoint me. Good luck.”

It was time. Time to start my own promotion. No being fired this time. And I had one goal; TAKE DOWN STOMPER AND NYCW.

I needed a name for my new promotion. Something which said ‘class’ and ‘a thinking man’s promotion.’ Something that was easy to chant and really highlighted the best possible, high-quality, ABC1 fans the entertainment world has ever seen. It should also be petty. Deliciously petty.

There was only one option. Welcome one and all, to Empire City Wrestling…


“E-C-dub, E-C-dub, E-C-dub!”

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Posted (edited)

This is a Cornellverse dynasty, inspired by the original dynasty by BriFidelity all those years ago and by the irrepressible @InfinityWPI’s Welcome to the Zone series. Finally @Historian’s incredible No Ordinary Man. Seems wrong not to mention them all. I will be using my 2007 Cverse conversion. It is also a pseudo-sequel to a short-lived NYCW diary.

I opted to copy NYCW, change the name and change the product. I am the owner, so no getting fired and I gave myself a healthy $250k, because you only live once and I like to spend money. Before we begin, it was time to hire a roster ready for our first show at the end of January; ECW Beginnings. And let’s just say I was like a kid in a candy store.

With Steve Flash available to train, we’d have a group of pre-show rookies to hone their craft before moving them up into the full roster.



Donnie J

Steve Flash

Frankie Perez

Joshua Taylor

Steven Parker

Erik Strong


James Prudence

Honest Frank

Mean Jean Cattley

Mainstream Hernandez

Des Davids

Sammy Smoke


Natural Storm

Ultimate Elementals (American Elemental & Ultimate Phoenix)

Pre-Show Rookies:

Jefferson Stardust

Ben Williams

Monty Trescarde


The Ring Generals

Rich & Famous


Road Agent: Rico Santana

Announce Team: Marv Earnest & Farrah Hesketh

Referees: Michael Bull & Rock Austin

Locker Room Leaders: Steve Flash & Rico Santana

Chief Enforcers: Michael Bull & Rico Santana

Head of Talent Relations: Marv Earnest

Travel Organiser: Marv Earnest

Morale Officer: Sammy Smoke

Head Referee: Michael Bull

Head Men’s Trainer: Steve Flash

Booking Team:

Marv Earnest

Mean Jean Cattley

Steve Flash

Honest Frank


We were delighted with every single signing and we’d spend the first few months building the moral of the backstage area. Obviously panicked by our arrival, Stomper and NYCW went on a spending spree, getting their hands on:

Vin Tanner

Gareth Wayne

Air Attack Weasel

Stevie Grayson

Barry Kingman

Rudy Valesquez

Lance Hendrickson

Remmy Skye

Remmy Skye had just walked out on CZCW too. We probably should’ve signed him. But we’d keep an eye on his progress and try and poach him later in if we could. And then we heard that Ultimate Phoenix had suffered chronic shoulder pain, which was sub-optimal. And then, it was time:


ECW Beginnings

ECW Empire Heavyweight Title: Donnie J vs. James Prudence

ECW New York Regional Title: Frankie Perez vs. Mean Jean Cattley

ECW Tag Team Titles: Natural Storm vs. Ultimate Elementals

Tag Team Match: Erik Strong & Steve Flash vs. Sammy Smoke & Honest Frank

Singles Match: Joshua Taylor vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Singles Match: Steven Parker vs. Des Davids

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ECW Beginnings

ECW Empire Heavyweight Title: Donnie J 

ECW New York Regional Title: Frankie Perez 

ECW Tag Team Titles: Natural Storm

Tag Team Match: Erik Strong & Steve Flash 

Singles Match: Mainstream Hernandez

Singles Match: Des David

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ECW Beginnings

ECW Empire Heavyweight Title: Donnie J vs. James Prudence

ECW New York Regional Title: Frankie Perez vs. Mean Jean Cattley

ECW Tag Team Titles: Natural Storm vs. Ultimate Elementals

Tag Team Match: Erik Strong & Steve Flash vs. Sammy Smoke & Honest Frank

Singles Match: Joshua Taylor vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Singles Match: Steven Parker vs. Des David


Edited to ask a question:

Did you start a completely new game or did you just start your own company during the same game?

Edited by KingKongCoronado
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ECW Empire Heavyweight Title: Donnie J vs. James Prudence

ECW New York Regional Title: Frankie Perez vs. Mean Jean Cattley

ECW Tag Team Titles: Natural Storm vs. Ultimate Elementals

Tag Team Match: Erik Strong & Steve Flash vs. Sammy Smoke & Honest Frank

Singles Match: Joshua Taylor vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Singles Match: Steven Parker vs. Des David

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Sad the NYCW run was so short lived, but now with your incredible foresight you have compiled a roster of CVerse legends to take down that bald prick for firing you.

ECW Beginnings

ECW Empire Heavyweight Title: Donnie J vs. James Prudence

I would be a bit miffed if the first champion of "Empire State Wrestling" was a stereotypical Cali surfer dude

ECW New York Regional Title: Frankie Perez vs. Mean Jean Cattley

In another life I could have seen Mean Jean going on a tear in NYCW instead of ending up in MAW like he did.

ECW Tag Team Titles: Natural Storm vs. Ultimate Elementals

Tag Team Match: Erik Strong & Steve Flash vs. Sammy Smoke & Honest Frank

Singles Match: Joshua Taylor vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Singles Match: Steven Parker vs. Des David

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Posted (edited)

Ahead of the show those bastards at NYCW added Destiny, James Prudence and Donnie J to their roster. I was not impressed. Elsewhere Farrah Hesketh started dating Alex Colt, which is quite the power couple.

Then ahead of the show, Farrah Hesketh organized and won a video game tournament. Sammy Smoke is being influenced by Michael Bull, even taking on some of his mannerisms. And after a team bonding session, we were on with the show.


ECW Beginnings

Weston Gymnasium, New York

Thursday 25th January 2007

Attendance: 164

Tag Team Match: Erik Strong & Steve Flash vs. Sammy Smoke & Honest Frank

In a decent match, Honest Frank and Sammy Smoke defeated Steve Flash and Erik Strong in 8:05 when Sammy Smoke pinned Erik Strong after using a foreign object.

Rating: 34

Notes: The NYCW mainstays deliver the beating, but just can’t help but cheat to win. If we’re going to steal their talent, we were going to have to use them.

Singles Match: Steven Parker vs. Des Davids

In a decent match, Des Davids defeated Steven Parker in 9:57 by pinfall with a Quarterback Sack.

Rating: 36

Notes: Mugging to the crowd and being completely full of himself proves a good choice as Des Davids starts off his career with us with a win.

Angle: Stepping out from the back is Mainstream Hernandez, who is appalled not to be in the main event tonight. But that’s ok, he’ll take out his frustrations on this kid Joshua… from Japan apparently.

Rating: 41

Notes: Classic a-hole heel promo. Good stuff.

Singles Match: Joshua Taylor vs. Mainstream Hernandez

In a decent match, Joshua Taylor defeated Mainstream Hernandez in 10:21 by disqualification.

Rating: 39

Notes: In a very even match-up, Mainstream loses his cool and starts smashing Joshua with a chair, drawing the DQ from Rock Austin. Good match between two studs.

ECW Tag Team Titles: Natural Storm vs. Ultimate Elementals

In a decent match, Natural Storm defeated American Elemental and Ultimate Phoenix in 9:31 when D.C. Rayne pinned American Elemental with a Storm Damage. The match was designed to tell a specific story. Natural Storm win the ECW Tag Team titles.

Rating: 39

Notes: American Elemental damaged his eye socket before the match, but we were always going to have Natural Storm as our inaugural champions. Because it’s good to have top-level teams in your history.

ECW New York Regional Title: Frankie Perez vs. Mean Jean Cattley

In a decent match, Frankie Perez defeated Mean Jean Cattley in 9:53 by submission with a P-Clutch. Frankie Perez wins the ECW New York Regional title.

Rating: 43

Notes: What a match from two relative unknowns around this region. A champion from California on our first show… bold to say the least. But P-Dawg was a popular guy and the crowd loved it.

ECW Empire Heavyweight Title: Donnie J vs. James Prudence

In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, James Prudence defeated Donnie J in 24:05 by submission with a Prudential Pain Plan. James Prudence wins the ECW Empire Heavyweight.

Rating: 44

Notes: In his sequined robe, the ultra-popular Prudence takes the win over the dastardly Cali Cool Surfer dude. Another great match and we were off to the races.

Angle: After the match Honest Frank and Sammy Smoke, wearing NYCW t-shirts attack both men to a chorus of boos.

Rating: 42

Notes: Nothing like milking the truth for extravagant story-telling.

Overall Rating: 42

Our first show cost us $12,223, but we had money to burn this time. We might have to consider bringing in NYCW talent to job out to our guys for the delicious popularity boost.

Elsewhere, our lower-midcarder Mainstream Hernandez won the Rip Chord Invitational II. While NYCW ran Rush Hour 2007

Stevie Grayson defeated James Prudence - 58

Phunk beat Rudy – 49

Flash defeated Honest Frank – 56

Disgusting! They would pay for jobbing out our champion. For the big boys, SWF call-up Mikey James, Valiant, Titan, Aristocrat and Nevada Nuclear. Which probably meant they’d look to fill up RIPW again soon. Ominous. In February we’d run two shows; New York City Lights and Rock & Wrestling.

ECW New York City Lights

Tag Team Match: James Prudence & Frankie Perez vs. Donnie J & Honest Frank

Singles Match: Steve Flash vs. Mean Jean Cattley

ECW Tag Team Title Match: The Ring Generals vs. Natural Storm (c)

Singles Match: Joshua Taylor vs. Sammy Smoke

Tag Team Match: Steven Parker & Ultimate Phoenix vs. Mainstream Hernandez & Des Davids

Singles Match: Erik Strong vs. Cameron Vessey



KingKongCoronado - 4/6

StanMiguel - 3/6

John Lions - 3/6

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ECW New York City Lights

Tag Team Match: James Prudence & Frankie Perez vs. Donnie J & Honest Frank

Singles Match: Steve Flash vs. Mean Jean Cattley

ECW Tag Team Title Match: The Ring Generals vs. Natural Storm (c)

Singles Match: Joshua Taylor vs. Sammy Smoke

Tag Team Match: Steven Parker & Ultimate Phoenix vs. Mainstream Hernandez & Des Davids

Singles Match: Erik Strong vs. Cameron Vessey


Main Event Hernandez starts his undefeated storyline here! I love the Ring Generals but it's too early for Natural Storm to lose. Maybe it'll always be too early for them to lose. Sammy Smoke is a hell of a talent but this guy from Japan seems to have some talent.

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ECW New York City Lights

Tag Team Match: James Prudence & Frankie Perez vs. Donnie J & Honest Frank

Singles Match: Steve Flash vs. Mean Jean Cattley

ECW Tag Team Title Match: The Ring Generals vs. Natural Storm (c)

Singles Match: Joshua Taylor vs. Sammy Smoke

Tag Team Match: Steven Parker & Ultimate Phoenix vs. Mainstream Hernandez & Des Davids

Singles Match: Erik Strong vs. Cameron Vessey


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I'll hold of on any commentary since I have no idea how popular or skilled any of these guys are in 2007, until I get a better feel for the roster...

ECW New York City Lights

Tag Team Match: James Prudence & Frankie Perez vs. Donnie J & Honest Frank

Singles Match: Steve Flash vs. Mean Jean Cattley

ECW Tag Team Title Match: The Ring Generals vs. Natural Storm (c)

Singles Match: Joshua Taylor vs. Sammy Smoke

Tag Team Match: Steven Parker & Ultimate Phoenix vs. Mainstream Hernandez & Des Davids

Singles Match: Erik Strong vs. Cameron Vessey

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Posted (edited)

Backstage ahead of the show, secondary referee Rock Austin pulled a mean-spirited rib on Spike, forcing Marv Earnest to give him a slap on the wrist.


ECW New York City Lights

Weston Gymnasium, New York

Thursday 7th February 2007

Attendance: 178

Singles Match: Erik Strong vs. Cameron Vessey

In a poor match, Cameron Vessey defeated Erik Strong in 10:26 by pinfall with a Vessey Driver II.

Rating: 30

Notes: Once again, Cameron Vessey appears on the scene and is immediately put into a program and given a win.

Tag Team Match: Steven Parker & Ultimate Phoenix vs. Mainstream Hernandez & Des Davids

In a decent match, Mainstream Hernandez and Des Davids defeated Ultimate Phoenix and Steven Parker in 10:21 when Mainstream Hernandez pinned Ultimate Phoenix with a Super Kick.

Rating: 38

Notes: Mainstream can lose once, but two losses on the spin? I shouldn’t think so. Good match.

Singles Match: Joshua Taylor vs. Sammy Smoke

In a decent match, Joshua Taylor defeated Sammy Smoke in 7:50 by disqualification after interference from a masked man.

Rating: 34

Notes: These two don’t click, but we kept Sammy strong in defeat as we begin our first major story. The attacks of the masked men. But who are they?

ECW Tag Team Title Match: The Ring Generals vs. Natural Storm (c)

In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Natural Storm defeated The Ring Generals in 8:21 when Eddie Howard pinned Dean Waldorf after a masked man used a foreign object. Natural Storm make defence number one of the ECW Tag Team titles.

Rating: 36

Notes: Bit of a filler match, where Natural Storm get a win and The Ring Generals get some exposure. Good stuff all round. But once again the masked men appear. Different ones this time.

Singles Match: Steve Flash vs. Mean Jean Cattley

In a decent match, Steve Flash defeated Mean Jean Cattley in 10:16 by pinfall with a Flash Bang.

Rating: 42

Notes: Clean win for the veteran as we look to heat him up for the upper-midcard gatekeeper slot. You want to main event, you’re going to have to go through Flash.

Angle: James Prudence is interviewed backstage by Marv Earnest. He talks about not caring about his opponents. They’re not in his league and if any masked men want to try and interfere, he’ll teach them that you ‘don’t mess with the man’ too.

Rating: 33

Tag Team Match: James Prudence & Frankie Perez vs. Donnie J & Honest Frank

In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Donnie J and Honest Frank defeated James Prudence and Frankie Perez in 21:45 when Honest Frank pinned Frankie Perez after the group of masked men use a foreign object.

Rating: 41

Notes: Oooo, intrigue. And then…

Angle: After the match, the ring fills with the masked men, who join Donnie J, Honest Frank and Sammy Smoke. They remove their masks and black shirts to reveal ‘NYCW Born’ t-shirts, being worn by Black Hat Bailey, Wiley Coyote, Rick Sanders and Barry Kingman.

Overall Rating: 40

After the event, with the invasion angle ready, we read that in Japan Magnum Kobe had torn his rotator cuff, which seemed bad. Then we discovered that Tommy Cornell was looking at a possible career in MMA. Which was certainly a choice. In some nice news Donnie J got engaged to someone outside the business, which makes sense.

ECW Rock and Wrestling

ECW Empire Heavyweight Title Match: Black Hat Bailey vs. James Prudence (c)

ECW Tag Team Title Match: Wiley Coyote vs. Natural Storm

ECW New York Regional Title Match: Honest Frank vs. Frankie Perez (c)

Singles Match: Barry Kingman vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Singles Match: Joshua Taylor vs. Rick Sanders

Gang Battle Match: American Elemental, Ultimate Phoenix & Steve Flash vs. Cameron Vessey, Donnie J and Des Davids

Tag Team Match: Erik Strong & Steven Parker vs. Sammy Smoke & Mean Jean Cattley



KingKongCoronado - 5/6

John Lions - 4/6

KyTeran - 2/6

All Time Scores:

KingKongCoronado - 9/12

StanMiguel - 3/6

John Lions - 7/12

KyTeran - 2/6

Edited by TCP1
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Good stuff!  I have always enjoyed your diaries in the past.

ECW Rock and Wrestling

ECW Empire Heavyweight Title Match: Black Hat Bailey vs. James Prudence (c)

ECW Tag Team Title Match: Wiley Coyote vs. Natural Storm

ECW New York Regional Title Match: Honest Frank vs. Frankie Perez (c)

Singles Match: Barry Kingman vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Singles Match: Joshua Taylor vs. Rick Sanders

Gang Battle Match: American Elemental, Ultimate Phoenix & Steve Flash vs. Cameron Vessey, Donnie J and Des Davids

Tag Team Match: Erik Strong & Steven Parker vs. Sammy Smoke & Mean Jean Cattley

Edited by Theheel
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ECW Rock and Wrestling

ECW Empire Heavyweight Title Match: Black Hat Bailey vs. James Prudence (c) by DQ

ECW Tag Team Title Match: Wiley Coyote vs. Natural Storm

ECW New York Regional Title Match: Honest Frank vs. Frankie Perez (c)

Singles Match: Barry Kingman vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Singles Match: Joshua Taylor vs. Rick Sanders

Gang Battle Match: American Elemental, Ultimate Phoenix & Steve Flash vs. Cameron Vessey, Donnie J and Des Davids

Tag Team Match: Erik Strong & Steven Parker vs. Sammy Smoke & Mean Jean Cattley


Great last show, with the invasion happening it's hard to predict because you never know who's going to show or what side will they be on? But I think the invaders begin with losses at the beginning of the show and regroup with the two lesser title victories before losing the big one! I'm interested to read whatever happens. 


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ECW Empire Heavyweight Title Match: Black Hat Bailey vs. James Prudence (c)

ECW Tag Team Title Match: Wiley Coyote vs. Natural Storm

ECW New York Regional Title Match: Honest Frank vs. Frankie Perez (c)

Singles Match: Barry Kingman vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Singles Match: Joshua Taylor vs. Rick Sanders

Gang Battle Match: American Elemental, Ultimate Phoenix & Steve Flash vs. Cameron Vessey, Donnie J and Des Davids

Tag Team Match: Erik Strong & Steven Parker vs. Sammy Smoke & Mean Jean Cattley

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ECW Empire Heavyweight Title Match: Black Hat Bailey vs. James Prudence (c)

ECW Tag Team Title Match: Wiley Coyote vs. Natural Storm

ECW New York Regional Title Match: Honest Frank vs. Frankie Perez (c)

Singles Match: Barry Kingman vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Singles Match: Joshua Taylor vs. Rick Sanders

Gang Battle Match: American Elemental, Ultimate Phoenix & Steve Flash vs. Cameron Vessey, Donnie J and Des Davids

Tag Team Match: Erik Strong & Steven Parker vs. Sammy Smoke & Mean Jean Cattley

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Posted (edited)

Spike got into an altercation backstage after damaging a rental car. Cameron Vessey took issue and they nearly came to blows (which sounds awfully familiar). Marv Earnest gave him a stern talking to, which had no effect. I guess he is a punk, so that makes sense. Meanwhile Monty Trescarde and American Elemental have been getting on well recently, which is something I choose to meddle with in my pre-show chat.


ECW Rock and Wrestling

Weston Gymnasium, New York

Thursday 21st February 2007

Attendance: 202


Tag Team Match: Erik Strong & Steven Parker vs. Sammy Smoke & Mean Jean Cattley

In a decent match, Sammy Smoke and Mean Jean Cattley defeated Erik Strong and Steven Parker in 10:08 when Mean Jean Cattley pinned Steven Parker with a Mood Swing.

Rating: 35

Notes: What’s that? Great chemistry between Mean Jean and Sammy? Well, that’s absolutely no use for us with the current story, but doesn’t mean it won’t be going forward. I’ll make a note of that and consider how to use it to help both guys.

Angle: Backtage Marv Earnest is interviewing Mainstream Hernandez, who tonight faces Barry Kingman. He questions why the fastest rising star in Empire City is being forced to face the Fail Son of an ancient legend. He should be competing for a title. In fact, he should he up for THE title. Still, he has a job and that job is to put an old man out to pasture.

Rating: 49

Notes: God he’s such an entertainer. In retrospect, he was the perfect choice to be the Empire Heavyweight champion, but I just couldn’t resist a Fly Boys blow-up. Still, Mainstream hadn’t been snapped up yet, so we’d look to build him up and get him into the main event.

Kingdom Clash Match: American Elemental, Ultimate Phoenix & Steve Flash vs. Cameron Vessey, Donnie J and Des Davids

In a decent match, Cameron Vessey, Donnie J and Des Davids defeated Americana, Ultimate Phoenix and Steve Flash in 9:45 when Cameron Vessey pinned Americana with a Vessey Driver II.

Rating: 38

Notes: Vessey continues his early career winning as part of a thrown-together team in our completely unique style of match, which we rename once the show has started. Prepare for many more Kingdom Clash matches in the future. Good to see Donnie J getting a win too.

Singles Match: Joshua Taylor vs. Rick Sanders

In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Joshua Taylor defeated Rick Sanders in 10:11 by submission with a Butterfly Lock.

Rating: 48

Notes: Another chemistry note as these two have great chemistry. Interesting. I always had a soft spot for Sanders and was planning on jobbing him out of town. But this was interesting. Could we find a use for the veteran on a longer term basis? Good match.

Singles Match: Barry Kingman vs. Mainstream Hernandez

In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Mainstream Hernandez defeated Barry Kingman in 9:53 by pinfall with an Apparition #14.

Rating: 36

Notes: And on the flip-side of the chemistry coin toss is two performers who just don’t click. Disappointing to have a poor match for Mainstream, but you know what, he got the win and his star continues to rise. Just not as fast as we’d hoped.

ECW New York Regional Title Match: Honest Frank vs. Frankie Perez (c)

In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Frankie Perez defeated Honest Frank in 22:29 by submission with a P-Clutch. Frankie Perez makes defence number one of the ECW New York Regional title.

Rating: 29

Notes: This match was a disaster as Honest Frank fractured his cheekbone early on and they had to work around it. Really disappointing, but thankfully the finish kept the title on the younger, fresher worker. They’d fight again some day, perhaps when Frank was fit.

ECW Tag Team Title Match: Wiley Coyote vs. Natural Storm (c)

In a decent match, Natural Storm defeated Wiley Coyote in 10:17 when Eddie Howard pinned Wiley Steinway with a Crash And Burn. Natural Storm make defence number two of the ECW Tag Team titles.

Rating: 36

Notes: Simple win for the inaugural champions to boost their notoriety in New York and bury our oppositions champions at the same time. Coyote Dynamite was already a problem backstage because of his issues with Black Hat Bailey. But we had them for two more months and there was plenty more jobbing to do.

Angle: Backstage in his beautiful pink sequin robe is the Empire Heavyweight Champion James Prudence. He’s facing some big name from the 90s tonight. A literal Black Hat. He’s not bothered. He’ll beat the old guy and then onto his private jet for some drinks with the fine ladies of New York City!

Rating: 47

Notes: Another good promo as we start to lean into the character-building angles and backstage segments. Starting from a cold start means building characters and stories and we were slowly and surely doing that.

ECW Empire Heavyweight Title Match: Black Hat Bailey vs. James Prudence (c)

In a bout that had fantastic heat and decent wrestling, James Prudence defeated Black Hat Bailey in 21:40 by submission with a Prudential Pain Plan. James Prudence makes defence number one of the ECW Empire Heavyweight.

Rating: 35

Notes: Another clean loss for an NYCW original. And a poor, poor match. No bad chemistry notes, these two just couldn’t get it going for whatever reason. Disappointing really. But JP got the win and we learnt a lesson.

Overall Rating: 38

We lost $11,746 on the show, but had bags and bags of money, so that seemed irrelevant to be honest. Elsewhere Hooded Kudo won the BHOTWG World Title and BHOTWG grew in size off of the back of it. Rumours started swirling that Jerry Eisen might find himself leaving SWF soon, which was a shocker. Black Hat and Steve Flash were having booking problems in NYCW (and we noted that Black Hat would therefore not be joining our booking team).

Joshua Taylor broke his fingers in Japan, which was annoying. And then the big news as SWF signed none other than Steve DeColt. Impossible is only so until it isn’t. Still time to prep for our next show:

ECW New York City Lights

ECW vs. NYCW Tag Team Match: James Prudence & Donnie J vs. Black Hat Bailey & Barry Kingman

ECW New York Regional Title Match: Steve Flash vs. Frankie Perez (c)

ECW Tag Team Title Match: Wiley Coyote vs. Natural Storm (c)

Singles Match: American Elemental vs. Cameron Vessey

Triple Threat No. 1 Contenders Match New York Regional: Ultimate Phoenix vs. Rick Sanders vs. Des Davids

Kingdom Clash Match: Erik Strong & The Ring Generals vs. Mainstream Hernandez, Mean Jean Cattley and Sammy Smoke



KyTeran - 7/7

Theheel - 6/7

KingKongCoronado - 5/7

John Lions - 4/7

All Time Scores:

KingKongCoronado - 14/19

John Lions - 11/19

KyTeran - 9/13

Theheel - 6/7

StanMiguel - 3/6

Edited by TCP1
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ECW New York City Lights Predictions

ECW vs. NYCW Tag Team Match: James Prudence & Donnie J def. Black Hat Bailey & Barry Kingman

ECW New York Regional Title Match: Frankie Perez (c) def. Steve Flash

ECW Tag Team Title Match: Natural Storm (c) def. Wiley Coyote

Singles Match: American Elemental def. Cameron Vessey

Triple Threat No. 1 Contenders Match New York Regional: Des Davids def. Ultimate Phoenix & Rick Sanders

Kingdom Clash Match: Mainstream Hernandez, Mean Jean Cattley & Sammy Smoke def. Erik Strong & The Ring Generals

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ECW New York City Lights Predictions

ECW vs. NYCW Tag Team Match: James Prudence & Donnie J def. Black Hat Bailey & Barry Kingman

ECW New York Regional Title Match: Frankie Perez (c) def. Steve Flash

ECW Tag Team Title Match: Natural Storm (c) def. Wiley Coyote

Singles Match: American Elemental def. Cameron Vessey

Triple Threat No. 1 Contenders Match New York Regional: Des Davids def. Ultimate Phoenix & Rick Sanders

Kingdom Clash Match: Mainstream Hernandez, Mean Jean Cattley & Sammy Smoke def. Erik Strong & The Ring Generals


Hey I'm looking at this and you already gave away the winners!!! 

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ECW vs. NYCW Tag Team Match: James Prudence & Donnie J vs. Black Hat Bailey & Barry Kingman

ECW New York Regional Title Match: Steve Flash vs. Frankie Perez (c)

ECW Tag Team Title Match: Wiley Coyote vs. Natural Storm (c)

Singles Match: American Elemental vs. Cameron Vessey

Triple Threat No. 1 Contenders Match New York Regional: Ultimate Phoenix vs. Rick Sanders vs. Des Davids

Kingdom Clash Match: Erik Strong & The Ring Generals vs. Mainstream Hernandez, Mean Jean Cattley and Sammy Smoke

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Posted (edited)

Heading into March we picked up another rookie to go on the pre-show and be trained by Steve Flash. Bulldozer Brandon Smith looked like a star in the making, but needed some seasoning, if not on the main show. He managed to make a name for himself ahead of the first show when I saw him being taken before Wrestler’s Court for making a mess. To his credit, the judgement by Steve Flash had a positive impact on his behaviour. Elsewhere, Cameron Vessey setup a waffle bar for everyone and Spike pulls a rib on the entire locker room, which was hilarious… apparently.


ECW New York City Lights

Weston Gymnasium, New York

Thursday 7th March 2007

Attendance: 218

Kingdom Clash Match: Erik Strong & The Ring Generals vs. Mainstream Hernandez, Mean Jean Cattley and Sammy Smoke

In a decent match, Mainstream Hernandez, Mean Jean Cattley and Sammy Smoke defeated Erik Strong and The Ring Generals in 10:11 when Mean Jean Cattley pinned Marv Statler with a Mood Swing.

Rating: 32

Notes: Mean Jean Cattley ended the match with a sprained wrist caused by Dean Waldorf, which has got heat on him backstage. Actually this was a slightly disappointing match-up. But the Mainstream hype train continues as he continues rack up wins by whatever means necessary.

Triple Threat No. 1 Contenders Match New York Regional: Ultimate Phoenix vs. Rick Sanders vs. Des Davids

In a decent match, Des Davids defeated Rick Sanders and Ultimate Phoenix in 10:12 when Des Davids pinned Ultimate Phoenix with a Quarterback Sack.

Rating: 36

Notes: While Mainstream works towards the main event, our uber-athletic collegiate star Des Davids turns his attentions to the secondary title. A comprehensive victory over a couple of experienced hands in a solid if unspectacular match. Result was right and he rolls on to a showdown with P-Dawg.

Singles Match: American Elemental vs. Cameron Vessey

In a decent match, Cameron Vessey defeated American Elemental in 9:50 by pinfall with a Vessey Driver II.

Rating: 35

Notes: Arguably CV’s biggest win to date against an experienced midcarder. We haven’t found American Elemental place in our movement yet. It seemed wild to think that there wasn’t one, looking at his talent and ability. While we try to help him help himself, CV continues. We may have too many heated heels all arriving at the same time. But I suppose better to have some heated than none.

ECW Tag Team Title Match: Wiley Coyote vs. Natural Storm (c)

In a decent match, Natural Storm defeated Wiley Coyote in 9:47 when D.C. Rayne pinned Coyote Dynamite with a Storm Damage. The match was designed to tell a specific story. Natural Storm make defence number three of the ECW Tag Team titles.

Rating: 31

Notes: Another simple squash to highlight the superiority of our tag team champions compared to NYCW. We actually liked the approach Wiley Steinway had to the business and he was working hard with no fuss. He might find himself employed when this short contract was over.

ECW New York Regional Title Match: Steve Flash vs. Frankie Perez (c)

In a good match, Frankie Perez defeated Steve Flash in 21:41 by submission with a P-Clutch after interference from Honest Frank. Frankie Perez makes defence number two of the ECW New York Regional title.

Rating: 38

Notes: A good match between two reliable hands here. We wanted to include Honest Frank despite his injury, so he costs his fellow NYCW alumni the match against the Prince of the West Coast. P-Dawg meanwhile was carrying the title well and establishing himself as a mainstay of our fledgling company.

Angle: Marv Earnest is backstage with the former Fly Boys, who are barely able to stop themselves from brawling with one another. But they used to be a team, so for one night only, they’ll put their differences aside to beat the old guys.

Rating: 43

Notes: Can’t not have at least one Fly Boys match in our company history.

ECW vs. NYCW Tag Team Match: The Fly Boys (James Prudence & Donnie J) vs. Black Hat Bailey & Barry Kingman

In a bout that had fantastic heat and good wrestling, Donnie J and James Prudence defeated Barry Kingman and Black Hat Bailey in 23:32 when Donnie J pinned Barry Kingman with a Death On Miami Beach.

Rating: 46

Notes: Black Hat Bailey was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance as he edges closer to getting the boot. He still had some delicious name recognition to be suckled away though. Match was solid and the former partners, best friends and now rivals get the win.

Angle: After the match The Fly Boys celebrate to the delight of the crowd. Reminding everyone of old times as they jump on the top rope hug. James Prudence then grabs his Empire Heavyweight Title, smiling broadly and upon seeing it Donnie J’s happiness vanishes. The tension appears again, but Prudence leaves before anything can happen.

Rating: 46


Overall Rating: 43

We lost around $11k again, which is around the standard, so I won't bother mentioning again unless there's a change. March actually provided a pretty big moment as Jerry Eisen signed with TCW. That felt like the epitome of 'shots fired.' Other than that, we were ready for the next show.

ECW Rock and Wrestling

ECW Empire Heavyweight Title Match: Donnie J vs. James Prudence (c)

Four Corners No. 1 Contenders Match Empire Heavyweight: Josh Taylor vs. Barry Kingman vs. vs. Black Hat Bailey vs. Mainstream Hernandez

ECW New York Regional Title Match: Des Davids vs. Frankie Perez (c)

ECW Tag Team Title Match: Wiley Coyote vs. Natural Storm (c)

Singles Match: Steve Flash vs. Cameron Vessey

Tag Team Match: American Elemental & Ultimate Phoenix vs. Mean Jean Cattley & Sammy Smoke

Tag Team Match: Erik Strong & Steven Parker vs. Honest Frank & Rick Sanders



KyTeran - 5/6

KingKongCoronado - 5/6

DinoKea - 5/6

All Time Scores:

KingKongCoronado - 19/25

John Lions - 11/19

KyTeran - 14/18

Theheel - 6/7

DinoKea - 5/6

StanMiguel - 3/6

Edited by TCP1
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Damn, missed the last show with work being busy as hell the past week. Here's my best (worst) attempts at predictions again:

ECW Empire Heavyweight Title Match: Donnie J vs. James Prudence (c)
If I know you well, I know you are a big fan of schmozz/non-finishes in the build up to the climax of a feud. Jimmy P already has a clean W, and with you hinting that this will continue I could see this being a DQ/no-contest where the title doesn't change hands but Prudence doesn't "win"

Four Corners No. 1 Contenders Match Empire Heavyweight: Josh Taylor vs. Barry Kingman vs. vs. Black Hat Bailey vs. Mainstream Hernandez
Maybe it's safe bet to pick Mainstream, but a multiman gives him an excuse to lose without "losing".

ECW New York Regional Title Match: Des Davids vs. Frankie Perez (c)
Smart money is on the defense but Davids is a superstar

ECW Tag Team Title Match: Wiley Coyote vs. Natural Storm (c)
the jobbing continues

Singles Match: Steve Flash vs. Cameron Vessey
Vessey's got the rocket strapped to him and I can see some Honest Frank shenanigans costing Flash to give him the excuse

Tag Team Match: American Elemental & Ultimate Phoenix vs. Mean Jean Cattley & Sammy Smoke

Tag Team Match: Erik Strong & Steven Parker vs. Honest Frank & Rick Sanders

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ECW Rock and Wrestling

ECW Empire Heavyweight Title Match: Donnie J vs. James Prudence (c)

Four Corners No. 1 Contenders Match Empire Heavyweight: Josh Taylor vs. Barry Kingman vs. vs. Black Hat Bailey vs. Mainstream Hernandez

ECW New York Regional Title Match: Des Davids vs. Frankie Perez (c)

ECW Tag Team Title Match: Wiley Coyote vs. Natural Storm (c)

Singles Match: Steve Flash vs. Cameron Vessey

Tag Team Match: American Elemental & Ultimate Phoenix vs. Mean Jean Cattley & Sammy Smoke

Tag Team Match: Erik Strong & Steven Parker vs. Honest Frank & Rick Sanders

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ECW Empire Heavyweight Title Match: Donnie J vs. James Prudence (c)

Four Corners No. 1 Contenders Match Empire Heavyweight: Josh Taylor vs. Barry Kingman vs. vs. Black Hat Bailey vs. Mainstream Hernandez

ECW New York Regional Title Match: Des Davids vs. Frankie Perez (c)

ECW Tag Team Title Match: Wiley Coyote vs. Natural Storm (c)

Singles Match: Steve Flash vs. Cameron Vessey

Tag Team Match: American Elemental & Ultimate Phoenix vs. Mean Jean Cattley & Sammy Smoke

Tag Team Match: Erik Strong & Steven Parker vs. Honest Frank & Rick Sanders

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ECW Rock and Wrestling

ECW Empire Heavyweight Title Match: Donnie J vs. James Prudence (c)

Four Corners No. 1 Contenders Match Empire Heavyweight: Josh Taylor vs. Barry Kingman vs. vs. Black Hat Bailey vs. Mainstream Hernandez

ECW New York Regional Title Match: Des Davids vs. Frankie Perez (c)

ECW Tag Team Title Match: Wiley Coyote vs. Natural Storm (c)

Singles Match: Steve Flash vs. Cameron Vessey

Tag Team Match: American Elemental & Ultimate Phoenix vs. Mean Jean Cattley & Sammy Smoke

Tag Team Match: Erik Strong & Steven Parker vs. Honest Frank & Rick Sanders

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Michael Bull has some sway over Cameron Vessey it seems, which is interesting. I guess that happens when you’re the toughest guy in the locker room. Elsewhere Steven Parker and Cam Vessey have bonded too. That Vessey is really putting himself about.


ECW Rock and Wrestling

Weston Gymnasium, New York

Wednesday 21st March 2007

Attendance: 276

Tag Team Match: Erik Strong & Steven Parker vs. Honest Frank & Rick Sanders

In a decent match, Honest Frank and Rick Sanders defeated Erik Strong and Steven Parker in 10:02 when Rick Sanders submitted Erik Strong with a Figure Four Leglock. The match was designed to work the crowd.

Rating: 36

Notes: Frank and Sanders have no chemistry, which is a kick in the nuts. But they get the win over the rookies. One day we’d have to look to heat up Strong and Parker, but the roster has taking shape without them properly. One day.

Triple Threat Match: American Elemental & Ultimate Phoenix vs. Sammy Smoke & Mean Jean Cattley

In a decent match, American Elemental and Ultimate Phoenix defeated Sammy Smoke and Mean Jean Cattley in 10:10 when Americana pinned Mean Jean Cattley with a Freedom Splash.

Rating: 38

Notes: Wanted to see those lovely chemistry notes for Cattley and Smoke again. But Elemental needed to improve his momentum, which was in the toilet. Solid match though.

Singles Match: Steve Flash vs. Cameron Vessey

In a decent match, Steve Flash defeated Cameron Vessey in 9:47 by pinfall following a Flash Bang

Rating: 40

Notes: Vessey’s reward for being a team player? A clean loss to a veteran and his trainer. Great match as the upper-midcard gatekeeper gets the best out of one of his students. Vessey can still afford the odd loss here and there while we build him up as a mainstay of the roster.

ECW Tag Team Title Match: Wiley Coyote vs. Natural Storm (c)

In a decent match, Natural Storm defeated Wiley Coyote in 10:10 when Eddie Howard pinned Coyote Dynamite with a Crash And Burn. Natural Storm make defence number four of the ECW Tag Team titles. Coyote Dynamite was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.

Rating: 34

Notes: Simple and effective. ECW is better than NYCW.

ECW New York Regional Title Match: Des Davids vs. Frankie Perez (c)

In a decent match, Des Davids defeated Frankie Perez in 10:02 by count out. The match was designed to tell a specific story.

Rating: 30

Notes: P-Dawg broke his toe, which was sub-optimal. But Des Davids, the monster rookie doesn’t lose, but we weren’t ready to switch out the titles. This served as a good way to get Davids back on the winning streak while keeping some semblance of consistency to the secondary title.

Empire No. 1 Contenders Match: Joshua Taylor vs. Barry Kingman vs. Black Hat Bailey vs. Mainstream Hernandez

In a good match, Mainstream Hernandez defeated Barry Kingman, Black Hat Bailey and Joshua Taylor in 9:35 when Mainstream Hernandez pinned Joshua Taylor while using the ropes for leverage.

Rating: 45

Notes: A surprise win for the young megastar as we look to move him into the main event briefly and see how he fares. Joshua takes the loss to build the feud between the two of them.

Angle: James Prudence is interviewed about another defense against his old friend. Donnie J is a man full of questions, but Jimmy P, as always, has the answers.

Rating: 46

Notes: Great stuff.

ECW Empire Heavyweight Title Match: Donnie J vs. James Prudence (c)

In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, James Prudence defeated Donnie J in 23:46 by submission with a Prudential Pain Plan. James Prudence makes defence number two of the ECW Empire Heavyweight.

Rating: 49

Notes: A big win for Prudence as he finally establishes himself once and for all as the made man of ECW. Great match.

Angle: After the match, during the celebration, Mainstream Hernandez attacks James Prudence, posing with the belt to end the show.

Rating: 34

Notes: Here we go.

Overall Rating: 46


Cameron Vessey walks out on MAW to complete his conversion to the cult of ECW. We then released: Black Hat Bailey, Coyote Dynamite, Wiley Steinway, Barry Kingman, Jackpot Jordan and Jake Idol (these two had bad chemistry).

Elsewhere, Remo Richardson signed with NOTBPW, which was a pretty big deal if you ask me. NYCW held Beasts of War – Steve Flash beats Stevie Grayson to retain Tri-State – 59. There was a bust up between Black Hat and Steve Flash and then another between Spike and Destiny and finally a third between Barry Kingman and Black Hat Bailey. Were we a poison for their locker room? Fingers crossed.

We’re on to the next show.

ECW New York Lights

Tag Team Match: James Prudence & Joshua Taylor vs. Donnie J & Mainstream Hernandez

Singles Match: American Elemental vs. Honest Frank

Kingdom Clash Match: Steve Flash, Ultimate Phoenix & Erik Strong vs. Hustlers Incorporated (Mean Jean Cattley, Sammy Smoke & Mystery Partner)

Singles Match: Steven Parker vs. Des Davids

ECW New York Regional Title Match: Spike vs. Frankie Perez (c)

Singles Match: Jefferson Stardust vs. Cameron Vessey

Singles Match: Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Rick Sanders




KyTeran - 4/7

Theheel - 4/7

KingKongCoronado - 4/7

John Lions - 3/7

All Time Scores:

KingKongCoronado - 23/32

KyTeran - 18/25

John Lions - 14/26

Theheel - 10/14

DinoKea - 5/6

StanMiguel - 3/6

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