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HYPE: Cornellverse Branched Timeline (97 to 04)

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Cornellverse Branched Timeline

A Little Background

As the creator of the Cornellverse 1997 (CV97) mod for a super long time, I began work on a new Cornellverse alternate timeline that would work from the 97 base and advance to January 2004, the year the original Cornellverse first came into existence with the release of TEW04.  The idea has been in the works since about 2019 but work really only began in 2021, meaning I’ve been putting time and ideas together for a long time, with the initial hope that I would have the mod out for TEW20, but that has now being made exclusively for TEW IX in order to make the most of the game’s features, many of which I had already hoped would exist in future TEWs so the timeline has been built with those ideas in mind.  There’s a lot of work to be done, but I hope to have a public beta release by early 2025 with the initial game world fully complete but with the future workers largely still to be done, and a full release by the end of year 2025.  Listed somewhere below will be an approximate list of what I still need to do, as well as anything that the community is welcome to offer help, insight and input on too.

And to confirm, because I have been asked several times, I have zero intention of updating the CV97 data for TEW IX, but as of time of writing I have someone interested in updating it for TEW IX who I am 100% will do a fantastic job with it.

There is also a TLDR at the end if you just want the very quick notes of everything in this post 😊


2004: The Scenario


The SWF remains the dominant promotion in the world, evolving from their old family friendly style to the counter culture zeitgeist that has swept America and the world.  Burning bridges with CGC to steal several talents at once when Richard Eisen failed to lure potential megastar Steve DeColt from them, the SWF has since invested heavily into in-house talent development, creating their own development territory, recruiting easily marketable talents from within the industry and running the Supreme Star Search to crowdsource the next big things, to mixed results.

Their main rivals are TCW, who were known as HGC up until the Strong Screwjob two years ago, who still have the strong financial backing of young billionaire JK Stallings, but who are perceived as a distant second due to Sam Strong’s poor reign as booker that saw his old fashioned stylings constantly at odds with Stallings’ more modern vision of the company.  Rebuilding ever since, TCW has been recruiting the best talents from around the world and is rumoured to be dropping their cursed hardcore division to replace it with a far more marketable women’s division due to the independent women’s wrestling boom.

Below the big two of the US is a thriving independent scene, where fans of any style can find something to their taste.  Chief among them is DAVE, who seemed set to decisively win the east coast wars when they bought out both RPW and PPPW in short order, with XFW up for grabs until Womanizer Robbie Gordon shocked the world by swooping in last minute to invest in, and later completely take over the company.  DAVE are the more legitimate threat, putting together the creative flair of Phil Vibert and Nemesis with talents like young star Tommy Cornell and a roster willing to push boundaries to create compelling weekly TV, while XFW have leaned wildly into every extreme you can imagine, combining blood, violence, over the top stories and adult entertainment into an potent outlaw package, to the point that even working for them can potentially get you blacklisted by many promoters.  Running counter to both over on the west coast is CZCW, who promote a strong athletic product built largely around the vision and influence of Sean McFly, with both the King and Queen of the Indies tournaments gathering huge acclaim every year and their roster constantly being headhunted by every major promotion around the world.  The last of the televised promotions is AAA, airing women’s wrestling across 11 states and consistently expanding on the back of the massively marketable Catherine Quine and the best women’s roster assembled in North American history.

Below them are many smaller promotions, with old territories like NYCW existing alongside modern ones like FCW in Puerto Rico, MAW in the Carolinas, PAW in Hawaii and Sam Strong’s seemingly failed new USPW promotion in Florida among others.  With lots of spot shows occurring on top of the major names too, there is always work to be had for wrestlers, especially for those willing to travel to Japan for money spinning tours.  And when a major promotion is putting on a big show, you had better believe that promoters are going to be holding shows nearby to turn the entire city into the capital of wrestling for a few nights.



On top of the pile in Canada is NOTBPW, the only major promotion in the region since Ed Henson’s death in ’89 that saw CWF close.  They are considered the third major player across the US/Canada thanks to the star power of the internationally renowned Stone family, but they face a lot of challenges, notably not being able to break into the US market directly.  With the Stone family members looking outside the company for increasingly lucrative offers, their loyalty is being tested as their roster of dojo trainees and cost-effective big names struggles to compete with the big spending SWF and TCW.

Competing with them is the DeColt family in CGC, who have had a little more luck breaking into the US in the northwest but who can’t compete with NOTBPW nationally. This has led to CGC well and truly being “DeColt Country” since the SWF raided much of the company’s top heels and devastated their ongoing storylines in March 2001.  Their recovery was built on the back of several veterans upset by the Eisen’s business ethics, and while that helped in the short term, they need to truly pass the torch to a new generation, which is tough when the DeColt boys have an iron grip on the top babyface spots in the company.

Beyond the major family driven promotions there is a good independent scene, with 4C leading the way as a taste-making promotion that regularly runs in both Toronto and Detroit, but has unfortunately created several stars who have moved on to bigger things, while the controversial QPW promotion upset many as some of Canada’s respected veterans backed Canadian Superstar II, who straight up stole the gimmick without permission, as one of their top stars.  The resulting rifts have left a lot of former CWF stars on opposite sides of the debate and damaged many friendships.



The biggest story in Mexico was the shock defection of Luis Montero from MPWF to OLLIE in ’02, upset at former booker turned owner Domino’s ascension to power.  The MPWF have handled the loss well though, having already built up several stars as the company continues to grow from the lucha slump of the late 80s to the mid-90s.  MPWF has also enjoyed strong links with Japan through BHOTWG, sending many stars to compete in the Best Of Super Juniors while receiving young talents who work cheaply and are happy to lose, which has proven to be an excellent source of momentum for domestic talents on the rise.

Meanwhile, OLLIE have also been thriving and building a new generation of stars, using a style of lucha that has borrowed heavily from the trappings of SWF style sports entertainment and from a newly emerging Japanese style dubbed “lucharesu” that has become popular in Japan through WLW as so many of their roster travel to OLLIE to work.  The introduction of the luchadoras division also helped OLLIE to stand out and their shows receive a lot of praise for the sheer diversity they showcase every night, with many of their stars working around North America and Japan too, creating some logistical headaches.

While Mexico City sees lucha shows running seemingly constantly to provide fans with non-stop action from the incredible numbers of young talents coming through the ranks, there is also the EILL promotion for those who like things a little more chaotic.  Several well-known names have come through the promotion, but top star Caras Colleccion has a reputation for making sure he looks nearly unbeatable, with only a few names like rising star Nicolas Lopez and unlikely success story Inca Jr being allowed to succeed around him.


British Isles

MOSC lead the way within the British Isles, as they continue to appeal to rowdy fans in Scotland and the north of England by putting on brawl heavy fights for alcohol fuelled crowds as they have done since the 80s.  With the UK finally recovering from the demise of WOW, a lot of new young talent has been coming through the ranks leading to the formation of other promotions determined to showcase the UK’s diverse styles.  In recent times ROF has emerged to showcase the classic, tough as nails Wigan style of grappling and brawling, which has seen many of their roster fit right into Japan, particularly through their links with GCG.  As of the turn of the millennium, 21CW emerged promoting cutting edge shows around London that combines every style you can imagine into one big melting pot, with women’s wrestling seeing an uptick of popularity in terms of women wanting to get involved AND with fans who mostly accept them as credible performers.



The biggest promotion in Europe is undoubtedly UCR, with Louis Figo Manico being their owner, booker and star performer as they air on TV across large parts of continental Europe.  After some early teething troubles while the company tried to find their style, they began leaning into old school comic book style action, where the over-the-top acting can cross the many language barriers on the continent and combine talents from many smaller pockets of wrestling scenes that may have never otherwise crossed paths.  It’s wacky, it’s tacky but it’s undoubtedly fun.

Beyond UCR there are smaller promotions trying to survive and thrive, with previous regional leader EWCW moving from Austria to Germany to try to tap into that market and gain traction against the UCR juggernaut. Meanwhile The Red Ring in Russia promotes a brutal, hard hitting shoot style that features some of the biggest heavyweights the world has ever seen and the emergence of bodybuilder Marat Khoklov as a potential megastar for them after becoming something of a national celebrity for his incredibly imposing look.



The world doesn’t know much about the wrestling scene in India, other than that the SWF is broadcast over there, though there are rumours that a small group going by the name of Big Smack Promotions has recently been founded and is trying to draw local talents together.  But that’s about all we know about that.



PGHW are the hottest promotion in the world right now, having assembled and developed a roster of world class talents that has taken over the new “Tournament Era” of Japanese wrestling, so called after the initial success of BHOTWG’s first ever Best Of Super Junior tournament in ‘97.  With Sadaharu Jimbo masterminding PGHW’s rise to fame and turning them into everything GCG could have been, PGHW have undoubtedly overtaken BHOTWG as the top promotion in the region with the PGHW Elite Series being the stuff of dreams for tape traders, and barring a rash of unfortunate injuries there seems to be nothing that can stop them for years to come.

Meanwhile, BHOTWG have fallen from grace under the presidency of Kaneie Komine, who led them through an MMA-inspired run for over a decade that started strong and later saw many of their rising stars lose in legitimate fights that damaged their aura, often irreparably, and set the BHOTWG heavyweight division back years.  Following the disastrous financial and critical failings of Night Of The Burning Hammer in October 2003, headlined by Bruce The Giant challenging Mike Watson to win the world title, Komine was fired and replaced by now-former friend Tetsuzan Kaneko, who is looking to make his mark on a new era for the company, perhaps even including new company branding in the near future and an immediate move away from the MMA inspired era towards more traditional puro values.

Below the big two is a wealth of smaller promotions catering to many styles.  Women’s wrestling can be found around the country with 5SSW promoting a very competitive style of grappling while AIM promote an idol-inspired style of wrestling on the back of a core of women scorned, ignored or not welcome within 5SSW.  Women’s wrestling can also be found within the easy to watch, very friendly Hasegawa Promotions (HP) group alongside their men’s roster, while some of the toughest women around can be found mixing it up with the men in BBW where the only division they have is a loose line between their World Warrior title and the Heartfire championship for competitors 100kg (220lbs) and under.  Speaking of junior wrestling, WLW have become a cult favourite for their lucharesu style that promotes a lot of smaller wrestlers and mixes in a lot of fun elements up and down the card to make for some of the most entertaining shows in Japan today, capable of producing killer matches on any night.

And perhaps the biggest drama of all?  Hanshiro Furusawa has continued to drag GCG’s name further into the mud, frustrating star Kazu Yoshizawa so much that Kazu quit the company, taking some stars and under-utilised talent with him to form BCG.  The split was the latest in a never-ending run of publicity disasters for GCG who have been criticised for being slow to adapt, cursed with injuries, plagued with bad ideas (like closing GCG:WW), crippled by poor investment towards the future, and driven to irrelevancy and near bankruptcy by Sadaharu Jimbo’s PGHW, who are everything that GCG could have been.  With sole remaining top star Yoshifusa Maeda clearly past his prime and trying hard to steer the ship towards the future despite Hanshiro’s determination to crash it onto the shores of the past, GCG needs to be built up from the ground once more and find ways to draw money soon or face the very real danger of going out of business forever.



The sheer geographic distance between places in Oceania is massive, there aren’t many people willing to travel too far and the industry is under-developed as a result because one city can’t support an entire wrestling industry very easily. And yet despite this, the business is growing due to the SWF’s long term TV deal in the area, and grew even more when BHOTWG also got on the air, giving fans access to complete polar opposite styles and inspiring more people to go see shows and get involved in the business than ever.  The most notable promotions in the region are Aussie Rules Wrestling (ARW) and Victoria Original Wrestling (VOW).  ARW enjoy wild brawls, mixing in weapons and big characters to create wild, fun shows that resemble low quality SWF broadcasts and leave fans delighted with how close they get to the action.  Meanwhile VOW produce wrestling-centric shows that strongly resemble the sort of show you would expect to see in Japan, with a little extra entertainment flair thrown in for good measure.  Both the men’s and women’s divisions of VOW have links with Japanese promotions, with BHOTWG and AIM respectively benefitting the most from the international talents, which seems to have helped to give VOW a slight edge over ARW in the eyes of Australian fans.


More Information

As a general rule, the mod has been created with the idea in mind that it should more or less follow TEW rules and feel like a game world that could have evolved from the CV97 base, with creative ideas used to make things more interesting and unique.  Below is a very rough list of ideas I’ve kept in mind while creating this new timeline:


Given the world enough dojo graduates as if the dojo is operating as usual, adding more than 100 workers so far with more yet to come.

Added workers from some new wrestling scenes, such as an extended Caribbean scene to help fill FCW’s roster, and a South American scene that collapsed in ’99 and unleashed some new workers into the world (mostly Mexico) with previous experience and skills

Lower talent levels for debuting workers, more in-line with how workers are generated by the game in TEW20, with TEW IX being similar in testing so far.  Long term saves will work fantastically with these stats, as using more of the full range of stats combined with improved stat growth across the game will make for a more “realistic” game world as wrestler work their way up the ranks and then fall down, leading to better worker turnover across all promotions

Set promotions up to reflect the workers they have (or had), the growth they could expect to see, and prestige / momentum levels in line with recent events.  Titles prestige has also been set with this in mind by reviewing long term sims regularly to get a good idea of where numbers should be.

Data was created with tour contracts assumed to be in, so world will work well with touring deals

Several of TEW20’s community mods have already been integrated with permission from their creators, including: Sockpuppet’s TEW20 Injury mod, King Bison’s original TITAN Factory mod, willr0ck Cverse Women’s Revolution mod, Blake Trask’s IndyBooster mod, Shianne’s Yet To Debut mod, and i_effin_rule’s various mods for all kinds of names

Other people have also helped, especially on art work, but I’ve not asked them if they want to be named so I won’t mention them here yet

Worker relationships have been significantly expanded to reflect events that have unfolded, with a lot of promoters and bookers having more relationships, with those relationships having knock on effects and ripples across the game world due to potential locker-room clashes and friendship hires

Injury histories have been added for anything of note, adding further to locker-room dynamics as some workers will want to avoid working with certain people due to past incidents

Company relationships have also been significantly expanded, alongside owner preferences to make company politics matter more and introduce more ways for workers to help get booked in other companies, especially due to Japanese relationships

Contracts are filled out in detail for recent turns, gimmick freshness, ratings, applying movesets, sorting short names (contract and main) to make things more scenario specific and easier to apply autoname to segments.  This should fix issues with stables being altered dramatically due to workers being turned and then leaving a group, and should also prevent stables being disbanded very early into a save.

Title defence numbers have already been added for many titles, enabling some new features of titles for historical facts. 

Supporting documents, mostly for me, but also to give a rough idea of what I’ve done in terms of planning and organisation.  This will likely be provided with the mod too if you are into that sort of thing.

… and much more!


Many sims have been run to test results in TEW20 with the work done already, and the results were extremely encouraging to the point that I would have hoped to get the beta of the mod out this year if it weren’t for all the new things I now need to add for TEW IX.  Early TEW IX testing has been pretty good too, with the changes to the financial model going a long way to preventing the major promotions having running away finances, though a lot more testing will need to be done yet.


Still To Do

The list of things to do is long still fairly long so this is a rough idea of what is still to do before beta release, and before full release.


Get an official name for the mod.  So far I’ve just been calling it “Timeline”, which more of a codename than an actual name.

Add new workers from TEW IX data, along with various new information for existing workers

Apply new picture pack (to be decided which one)

Heights and weights for active workers, plus first few years of yet to debuts.  I’ve noticed that the Cornellverse seems to skew significantly bigger than much of the real world, so some people will be losing a little height and weight to bring them more in line with my own perceptions as even within Adam’s lore there are a lot of differences between bios, the listed sizes and kayfabe sizes.  Bruce The Giant, looking at you!

Real dates for title histories, event schedules and birthdays (perhaps not birthdays, as long as correct month)

Finish updating title histories, which is currently drafted as being a rough outline for champions rather than specific dates or even reigns for most companies

Review languages and new European stuff due to regional changes

Review India for new changes too (minor work)

Venues, locations, geo tags, etc

First few years of yet to debut workers so that data is playable for a while in beta

Add approximately 100 more workers for dojo graduations and international scenes

Adding new attributes to existing workers (not in line with default, but wherever it makes sense to me)

Lots of narratives.  Some game shaping (turning on/off graduation for dojos depending on preset graduates), some world building (like Coach Dick Pangrazzio’s new shoot interview with various people), and some historical (like random news stories from around the world)

Write a bunch of columns to go over more of the details of what has happened and been referenced to throughout this post.  I’m sure you have questions and some of that will definitely be covered in ways that you may or may not be able to work out the details of.  I have some already planned, like the Strong Screwjob, but more will be revealed later whenever I have the creative bug

… and lots more little things!


Pre-Full Release

The rest of the yet to debut workers with all their stats

More work on companies that haven’t debuted yet

More narratives

Fixing up all the issues spotted by people

Rewriting bios for more info or clarity… I’ve written so many… so, so many….

On This Day information will be lifted from every source I can find, which should mean that screen always has something going on.  With my planned title histories I can add more information like tournament finals, Supreme Challenge main events, Vengeance’s Supreme Challenge win streak so far and anything else I can think of adding that the game can’t pick up no it’s own

… and lots more little things as I find them too!


And Beyond

Given the popularity of various board mods I would love to add more characters and promotions from them.  I’ve not reached out to people for permissions to use any of them yet, nor do I have specific plans to ask for any in particular yet.  But if / when I decide to go ahead with any more additions to the mod I would look to these mods to expand the Cornellverse further.  Given that most of these workers would be set significantly into the future they should be fairly easy to import and fit into the timeline.  With around 4000 characters in the mod from beta release, around 2000 of which will be active at game start, there are already plenty of people to play around with and lots more to come.


Community / Creative Team

Community input is not only encouraged, it’s welcomed.  Given how much work has gone into the mod already I’ve used up most of my character ideas and anyone who can kickstart some of that extra creative energy will be an incredible help at this point.  Below is a list of areas that I need more input on so that I’m not just generating a name and saying “wrestler does X, is from Y, graduated from Z and weighs 123” a bunch of times as I’m sure you’ll agree that isn’t likely to be good for gameplay in general.  The next thing I plan to do is add all the workers from the TEW IX Cornellverse to round that out, and I expect this will take some time so any ideas submitted will be pending for the mod for a while.  But as I add more and more I will change this section so that people know that work is progressing, as well as giving regular updates in this thread.  Though regular may mean daily check ins to bi-weekly updates that I’ve done a thing or been swamped with work, which happens from time to time.

Anyways, behold… the list!

Right Now

I still have a lot of workers to add, and having added a lot already I’m burning out a little bit on creatively coming up with names and some kind of gimmick for someone typically early in their career.  So I’ll put a list below of areas I could use some help with, and if anyone can come up with a name and a sentence or two describing the person that would be great

5SSW Graduates: From 0 to 3 years of experience, need around 5 women

AAA Graduates: 0 to 2 years of experience, need around 3 women who could come from anywhere in world

Oceanic Women: Need a few more to fill the scene out, still early in career, can be from anywhere in region

South America: The region had a thriving scene with a major promotion that dramatically died in ’99.  Some of the workers there have continued elsewhere in the world (currently 17), but more names are welcome, generally with more than 7 years of experience already

CGC Graduates: They need about 5 people from the last few years, likely from Canada or North West USA where they are on TV.  May not all be with company still.

CZCW Graduates: Need about 7 female graduates from the last 5 years, some will no doubt be outside the company perhaps on excursion in Japan. Also need one male from 03 class. 

MAW Graduates: The dojo is in it’s early days, they need a male and female grad from 03

Mexican Luchadoras: The scene is doing alright so far, but I would love to have another ten or so active in the world who could also be in part of the world

NOTBPW Graduates: They need about 4 women over the last few years and a couple of men, with the men generally being meh

PDW Graduates: Need about 5 female graduates from across the years

SWF Graduates: The SWF needs a BUNCH of grads, including 4 for the Supreme Star Search (2002), a couple of performance centre grads for 03 and a pair of 98 grads who are likely to be charismatic and could be a tag team

Tokyo Wrestling School: Needs a couple of graduates, male and female, from 2001 and 2002 who are likely good prospects

PAW: Hawaiian promotion needs more local wrestlers, likely specifically with Japanese heritage given the island’s population make up

Celebrities: I’m sure there will be many celebrity mods made and I will hope to include them, but since I expect people are making them for the future after 2022, it would be helpful to have celebrities for the past.  Alternatively, I think I can use the “Autofix Imbalances” that might create them anyway

Non-Wrestlers: CZCW need a referee, FCW need an announcer, SCCW need an announcer based in the South East, WLW in Japan need a referee, and in general some extra staff around the world wouldn’t hurt given that there are more promotions active in this mod and a lot of people from the default Cornellverse have yet to debut.



Playtesting!  Sims are great for getting an overall feel for how the mod works, but it’s nothing compared to someone actually playing and giving feedback.  I’ve done a little myself but this mod could be out for a day and you’d all have done more time actually playing then I have on my own, so feedback based on testing is welcome.

Proof reading, there are so many typos because spell check kept flagging so many things, especially names, so I turned it off ages ago.  Probably a mistake, so whatever you spot, just send the name of the worker / company / title / whatever with the mistake and I’ll fix it up.  Hopefully.

Suggestions on what more to add.  This will depend on what is available and what I can get permission to use, but I hope to add more content to the mod over time and using resources that people are already familiar with would be great.



The mod is a continuation of the CV97 timeline set in January 2004, and will feature new promotions, workers and a completely new Cornellverse timeline.

The mod is planned for a beta release in early 2025 that will feature a game world that is fully complete to begin, but will need tidied up and will have a lot of future workers to finish.

The mod is planned for a full release by the end of 2025 that should be complete with all the mods currently listed fully integrated.

Beyond that, I intend to add more content from the community as I get permissions from people to use their work.

As of the time of posting, work hasn’t yet begun on converting the mod from it’s TEW2020 state to TEW IX.  There will be 40 active promotions at game start and around 2000 active workers, with another 2000ish yet to debut.

Community input is welcomed and there is a list of areas for specific areas where I would appreciate input, as I’ve already burned up a lot of creative energy and input from you all on the creative team is extremely welcomed.

I have zero intention of updating the CV97 data for TEW IX, but as of time of writing I have someone interested in updating it for TEW IX who I am 100% sure will do a fantastic job with it.

I am the only person working on the data for this mod, and all work on it goes through me directly.  No one else will be doing any work directly on it, so no one else chas any authority to do anything for the mod.

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I have a British wrestler that could fill in one of your AAA spots, or could as easily fit in 21CW or 5SSW. I’ll try to think of others and post here as i do, or would you rather people pm you or find you on discord with character ideas?

Dame Crawley IV: The Dame Crawley name has been around the wrestling world for the last few decades. The tradition is that when the Dame is winding down she finds a newcomer to train and pass the mantle onto. Dame Crawley III had a career ending injury in 96 which means the name has fallen out of the public view but IV brings with her the traditional Dame Crawley high flying technical skillset and is hungry to make her mark on the wrestling world.

Edited by Teasenitryn
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2 hours ago, AboardTheArk said:

I guess GCG need saving... again! My kind of job.

Somehow GCG will ALWAYS need saving, it is in the company DNA 😛 

2 hours ago, Martel123 said:

Looks amazing. Really love some of the changes you have in store with these companies, especially seeing BCG get pushed up a whole decade! Excited to see how it turns out!

Along with BCG I'm planning to add various other COLOUR Canvas Grappling promotions as potential yet to debut companies.  I'm leaning towards White being a more hardcore, possibly even deathmatch company that use the white as a blank canvas for people to paint with blood... no matter how bad things get for GCG, they can always get worse somehow!

2 hours ago, Teasenitryn said:

I have a British wrestler that could fill in one of your AAA spots, or could as easily fit in 21CW or 5SSW. I’ll try to think of others and post here as i do, or would you rather people pm you or find you on discord with character ideas?

Dame Crawley IV: The Dame Crawley name has been around the wrestling world for the last few decades. The tradition is that when the Dame is winding down she finds a newcomer to train and pass the mantle onto. Dame Crawley III had a career ending injury in 96 which means the name has fallen out of the public view but IV brings with her the traditional Dame Crawley high flying technical skillset and is hungry to make her mark on the wrestling world.

Will add the idea to the list and see how I can make it fit :)

2 hours ago, Pteroid said:


What? Big Smack Scott hasn't been seen in wrestling since..... The Incident

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SWF being even more ruthless and in their counter culture era.

The Strong Screwjob. 

DAVE with Tommy Cornell as a main guy. 

A raided CGC and a potential Stone exodus with NOTBPW

BCG opening early.

A dominant OLLIE.

Such an awesome opening post. Can't wait to see more of this lore!



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Just a quick heads up, there was a spam post here for only a few minutes attempting to get people to PM them directly or via Discord, which them also spammed in another thread with links to other sites.  So I want to say now, and will add to the original post, that I am the only person working on the data for this mod, and all work on it goes through me directly.  No one else will be doing any work directly on it, so no one else chas any authority to do anything for the mod.

Just want that to be clear :)

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7 hours ago, Derek B said:

Just a quick heads up, there was a spam post here for only a few minutes attempting to get people to PM them directly or via Discord, which them also spammed in another thread with links to other sites.  So I want to say now, and will add to the original post, that I am the only person working on the data for this mod, and all work on it goes through me directly.  No one else will be doing any work directly on it, so no one else chas any authority to do anything for the mod.

Just want that to be clear :)

Kenky will have his revenge for you!

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6 hours ago, GreatreDRagon said:

This sounds fantastic

So do you want us to just post character ideas straight on this thread?

You can post in here or message me directly, either works, up to your preferences :)

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