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SNP: Thumbtacks & Thistles

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Breaking: Mark Carnie Arrested


Long praised behind closed doors within the wrestling industry for getting a government to hand him $5M to start a wrestling company...the gig is finally up. Thanks to the success of Wrestle World around the Global and SNP about to start their on Demand TV Show, Saturday Night Violence, more attention was being drawn to SNP which saw things slowly unraveled. It is even rumored the final "tip" that gave enough evidence to law enforcement was text message logs from the Ivanoff Brothers who previously had issues with Mark (to be fair, everyone has issues with Mark).


While there was plenty of initial panic on SNP being shut down to no longer exist, the Scottish government acknowledged the good for the community SNP was providing and was proving arts and entertainment as the initial grant intended despite the fraudulent methods used to obtain the funds. Rather than shut things down completely, the Scottish government decided to re-sell to obtain partial funds back and allow the promotion to continuing operating.




If only Robert Etchinson was still alive who sadly passed in 2020. Long time wrestling fan and Scottish millionaire he was long rumored to get involved in the wrestling world. In a rare interview he gave while attending a 21CW show, he admitted he was both jealous and impressed with Mark Carnie getting the $5M to start a Scottish promotion of his own. Alas it wasn't meant to be, his father may have been an old-time carnie wrestler but Robert never became involved in the wrestling industry. Too bad...




You can imagine the surprise of everyone when his son, Robert Etchinson Jr., came out of nowhere to purchase SNP! Wrestling fan since childhood thanks to his Father and Grandfather, Jr. never showed any prior interest in the wrestling world. A large, jolly, strapping man Rob spent most of his time strong man training, power lifting, and body building training all with the goal of doing the best he can at the Highland Games. After all, he's the son of a dead millinoaire, not exactly like he's ever had a day job.

Going by "Braveheart" for his wrestling character, the large jolly man has injected new life into SNP and with a show about to start on Wrestle World GB, things have never looked better.


Welcome to SNP, where the tartan is stained with blood.

snp 007.jpg

Edited by jesterx7769
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Posted (edited)

SNP Saturday Night Violence: January 1, 2022 



GazzVedmore.jpg.5595ec7f4fde27eb1790f06de6933409.jpgMickeyRobson.jpg.2ccb84c6aaeae6842bde349442cdcb8c.jpg     CannonballLogan.jpg.640bd7181a552195bcd55d1238eb4172.jpgCarlEdwards.jpg.d1f2d544a7411bc18f07049c05c639b3.jpg 

   GrantTaypen.jpg.ff1bd2f5cea669368852c254616c3194.jpgPhilBridge.jpg.e24ea4500037d8b2ea241e0266a4f187.jpg     StardustPhilCox.jpg.5e82a210f81b3f5834984dd3b3854885.jpgBaliDaljit.jpg.6fe6675711c3b036e259e265d5c4c29c.jpg

Match: Black Country Boys vs. Reckless Intent vs. The Bridges of London vs. The Shooting Stars

SNP likes to start their shows with a car crash bang and this 4 way tag team ladder match to determine the #1 Contender to the tag titles at Burns Night Bash. After everyone was bleeding and got the chance to hit their spots with plenty of dives off ladders, Stardust Phil Cox managed to get to the top of the ladder first.


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Angle: Dwayne Dark Challenges Phil Myart

Backstage Phil is hanging out with Joy checking his latest Instagram story to see how many more views he has than last time he checked 64 seconds ago. Dark walks by and the two egnage in a back and forth which ends with Dark telling Myart to prove how F'n Fantastic he is at Burns Night Bash.


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Match: SNP Hardcore Title: The Damned (C) vs. Norman Gates

The Damned has been on a brutal roll as champion but Norman Gates has had enough and was furious after The Damned's cheap attack. Despite not being close to 100% Norman asked for this match and it was given. He might regret it though as The Damned made relatively easy work of the injured Gates which he beat down and bloodied before finally pinning the lifeless Gates for the 1,2,3.



Angle: King of The North Video Package

A video recap airs recapping the feud for the KOTN title between Stuart Wilson, Jeffery McPeterson, and Meathead McCaulie. The three men have already been announced for a triple threat at Burns Night Bash.


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Match: Neville Jones vs. JK Lee

In a good in ring non-hardcore match, Neville and JK were given the time to show off their technical prowess and show why they're two of the best in ring performers in SNP. In the end it was the high flyer Neville who came out on top. The fans stood to applaud two of SNP's hot prospects getting time to show off in a normal match.



MaximumCarnage.jpg.615d801ec30bfb61339fc6681354f25c.jpgMaximumDestruction.jpg.2a5514816f5454169706af3c85781cc4.jpg     FinnFunke.jpg.f1cbc4bb2d8eb21bd7ad4b55b56d4e36.jpgFlashFunke.jpg.a54a6910e0bc69a8b689805d112cf736.jpg

Angle: Maximum Damage Challenge The Funke Bunch

The Funke Bunch were in the locker room playing their current favorite club songs on Spotify while practicing their stupid, i mean, unique dance moves. Maximum Damage came in and obviously did not approve of this new generation and how they approach preparing for a match resulting in the two teams agreeing to settle in the ring next week.


MeatheadMcAullie.jpg.0ad1fb4040aedeed6c1bfae4d2376248.jpg     PadraigOHearne.jpg.5b282fd898f3f274e3b1d86a1e4d4f92.jpg

Match: Meathead McAullie vs. Paddy O'Hearne

Though he tried his best, Paddy was unable to mount much offense against McAullie who dominated the match with his size and power. Instead most of the entertainment parts of the match were related to the King of the North story with both Stuart Wilson and Jeffery McPeterson sitting ringside, opposite ringsides, for the match. Both of those latter mentioned men as well as the 61 in attendance (...woo hoo...) jumped to their feet when Paddy used his far superior wrestling basics to ALMOST get an unexpected roll up for the win. Instead of the win he was rewarded with a kick in the teeth follwed by another from the Running Big Boot for the finish.



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Angle: The Clan Beatdown on Meathead

As soon as the match was over and Meathead was talking shit to Stuart Wilson on the outside, Jeffery McPeterson jumped in the ring to lay out Meathead from behind. The entire Clan came down from the back and stare down Wilson who slowly makes his way to the back without entering the conflict as each of The Clan members hit their finishers on Meathead one by one before Jeffery poured thumb tacks in the ring and then called his Dad Highland Warrior off Color Commentary to come deliver the final blow by Doddie lifting Meathead up for a powerbomb and Highland Warrior help slam Meathead down before spitting on him and the show ends with the Clan standing tall over a bloody Meathead with their hands raised...








Burns Night Bash Card Preview(Subject to Change)

2 more TV Shows Before

SNP King of the North Championship: Stuart Wilson (c) vs. Meathead McAullie vs. Jeffery McPeterson

SNP Tag Team Championship: The Glaswegians vs. The Shooting Stars

Dwayne Dark vs. Phil Myart


Edited by jesterx7769
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Bryan.jpg.49d9c770576e15c174b9ca7b2e72d6f5.jpg     Dave.jpg.10aa9d213d64818935bac8d697ec3c67.jpg

Bryan Alveracintosh: So crazy week here in Scotland huh Dave?

Dave: Melclaghan: umm....yeah...I guess so...if you consider a company being sold and putting on a their first TV show a crazy...uh week.

Bryan: Well I think most fans would. Seems like some a fresh breath of fresh air for SNP eh?

Dave: Well um, yeah I would agree with that. I certainly wouldn't disagree you know its just that uh...its early...Mark...had some issues we'll say. Issues...we uh... pointed out along time ago...and uh...yeah...I guess we'll just...see where this goes.

Bryan: We'll do a deep dive review after their upcoming PPV Burns Night Bash but any thoughts on what you've seen so far?

Dave:.....uh no not yet. It's largely the same people running it so I wasn't surprised. It was good...but....uh...nothing too different from what they've been doing. Good tag match to start to get the fans going....uh....some uh....build up for the PPV...lots of angles and matches geared towards that. Obviously as a company their money is all about who is King of the North so we expect the shows to revolve around that.

Bryan: Anything you've heard on Etchinson Jr.? Because for me, sure I was familiar with his Dad in the back of my head, but especially after passing there was nothing that came out about a son.

Dave: Uh yeah, I mean I knew he was of course. I just didn't see this coming but you know, plans change and uh...we'll just have to see where this goes.

Bryan: Couldn't agree more. Well off to the Rangers match.

Dave: eh fuck you, go Celtics.

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Out of character (ooc)


hello welcome to my dynasty! My name is Nigel and my mom is from Edinburgh so I love SNP.

- I don’t plan on making changes to how they run default cornellverse

- Saturday night violence is a a weekly show on Wrestle World

- I hope to grow to Small soon to put on another show

- playing as SNP is super easy gameplay wise. Their popularity in Scotland is 26 and you can easily put on shows in 40’s without trying

- I will post the predictions for PPVs and make it clear in that seperate post. Winners every quarter get to book a non-title match of their choosing, how’s that sound? Idk


- I plan on eventually introducing high lying and Pure type belts as the roster starts with air of flyers/daredevils and some technical guys not just all hardcore. But don’t worry there’s still plenty of hardcore


- the roster choices are absolutely stacked and I’m enjoying booking quick shows I don’t have to comb over scared to lose popularity points.


- I expect about half the time on my shows will be related to storylines and half just booked for good/entertaining matches

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Interested to see where this goes. I always thought SNP had a pretty cool roster and would be pretty fun if it weren't for the whole scumbag owner thing. I can finally root for Big Doddie without incidently supporting Mark Carnie.

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16 hours ago, Tiberious said:

Interested to see where this goes. I always thought SNP had a pretty cool roster and would be pretty fun if it weren't for the whole scumbag owner thing. I can finally root for Big Doddie without incidently supporting Mark Carnie.

Agree 100%, Mark is great for the Cornellverse but not when you're playing as SNP lol I did my first game as the Bravehart Billy user character leaving Carnie as owner and just couldn't do it.

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Posted (edited)

SNP Saturday Night Violence: January 8, 2022



Toxic.jpg.22f6631073d36093e2e17fcf7671b951.jpg     Hatchet.jpg.db142b5ee3f62ac3675a03b6d0849bba.jpg     PuffyTheSandIronPlayer.jpg.4981a1f82134012482bbdf0de125f644.jpg

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Match: Toxic vs. Hatchet vs. Puffy the Sand Iron Player vs. Ripper Starkie vs. Liam Lutz vs. Dumptruck

Tonight's show opens with mayhem as the six men crash in the ring with overbooked hardcore weapons and violence galore. Puffy the Sand Iron Player may be regretting his SNP debut tomorrow as he was often on the receiving end from the rest of the men in the match including a massive slam onto a trash can from Dumptruck. In the end it was the young homegrown psychopath Toxic picking up the win.




Angle: Stuart Wilson Promo

The SNP King of the North champion came out to the ring to give us his thoughts to big cheers from the crowd. Wilson reminded McPeterson and everyone else that HE is the champion no matter how much The Clan continues to get involved in his business. Wilson also discussed how proud he is to the Scottish champion and leading them into the future while reminding Meathead McAullie that he is also on the waiting list for an ass kicking.



DoddieMcGregor.jpg.5d31712e9e2ec39cb3b59d0b5cc5fa2f.jpg     BaliDaljit.jpg.3636f80ef1cb4f0335e3a3b48b77e80d.jpg

Match: Doddie McGregor vs. Bali Daljit

The Shooting Stars won the right to fight the Gaswegians at the PPV but will be competing in singles matches against each other before the big match. Phil Cox and Govan are also at ringside for this match. The much smaller worker, Bali tried his best to keep running around off the ropes while briefly able to knock the large giant down. However once he did Govan was able to grab Bali's leg from the outside which was just enough of a distraction for Doddie to then smash him. Phil Cox chased after Govan but let him go and went in the ring to check on Bali after the defeat as next week it will be Phil vs. Govan.




Angle: Augustus Bumblescoop and Chuck Frisby Comedy Angle

Backstage Chuck Frisby is dry scooping his 3rd scoop or pre-workout when Mr. Bumblescoop walks by. Chuck, shocked and bewildered by Mr. Bumblescoops' complete lack of muscles starts yelling and motivating Mr. Bumblescoop to drop and give him pushups. Trying his best, Mr. Bumblescoop manages....three. Chuck continues to yell enthusiastic support and promises to get Mr. Bumblescoop jacked.



FinnFunke.jpg.134a85ffbbc14eafb5f5d4c637945f0d.jpgFlashFunke.jpg.216348eecc140dc9a8bb92529878b82b.jpg     MaximumCarnage.jpg.0e384e880f59c95c623fb31a0eb0a7fb.jpgMaximumDestruction.jpg.23ee398719c2669f4cdfa17522f1c2ea.jpg

Match: The Funke Bunch vs. Maximum Damage

Spurned by the challenge last week we enter the match with two teams who couldn't be far from different. The powerhouse Maximum Damage men started strong but seemed overconfident without respecting the young high flying dancers. The Funke Bunch were actually working ahead for a while before they kept trying to redo their dance for fans at ringside who were trying to get it right, over, and over...and over again until they were met with chair shots from behind leading to the eventual Maximum Damage victory.



UltraViolence.jpg.9340494b871957f4ede2eaf726d27394.jpg     TheDamned.jpg.05e33b4d2e0758fe204033ae766e93ef.jpg

Angle: Ultra Violence Challenges The Damned

Backstage The Damned just finished a recent Hardcore Title promo photoshoot (Unsurprising spoiler, he has the same "enthusiastic" expression in every shot) when Ultra Violence interrupts him. UV makes it clear to The Damned that he's not happy with the treatment of Norman Gates which leads to a  heated argument between the two with staff seperating them before the two come to blow. The Damned happily offers a title shot to UV at Burns Night Bash.



JefferyMcPeterson.jpg.7f3d7e7eba08f803559fd2d025904b2f.jpg     DwayneDark.jpg.25a9f50abd10062255588eed432648d8.jpg

Match: Jeffery McPeterson vs. Dwayne Dark

Stuart Wilson and Meathead McAulie are ringside similiar to last week as our #1 Contenders show us why against SNP top wrestlers. This match actually started EXTREMELY slow with both men giving each other respect in a surprising mood from the usually very confident Jeffery McPeterson. The match of course eventually evolved into the brawl fest between two large angry men that most expected it to be including spending quite a bit of time at the ringside allowing McPeterson to interact with Wilson and Meathead before doing a full lap around the crowd ringside area with both men trading big shots and blows. In the end the fans were given a clean finish after Jeffery hit a curb stomp out of nowhere that Dark was able to kick out of...but he wasn't able to kick out of a second one onto a chair (ouch?).



JefferyMcPeterson.jpg.7f3d7e7eba08f803559fd2d025904b2f.jpg     StuartWilson.jpg.239df9f592cbc4f6b1172fb2f560890d.jpg     MeatheadMcAullie.jpg.36d38a12cdd40b701394d43023c28683.jpg

DwayneDark.jpg.25a9f50abd10062255588eed432648d8.jpg     PhilMyart.jpg.b58568b1baacef393cd912c56f5a694e.jpg


Angle: Post Match Mayhem

As soon as the match ends Phil Myart has already made his way running down the ramp and sliding into the ring to attack Dwayne Dark from behind and start a beat down on his PPV opponent. Meathead McAulie entered the ring and shoved Myart to get him to stop the beatdown on Dark however as McAulie and Myart stood nose to nose arguing Jeffery McPeterson laid out McAulie from behind. Stuart Wilson jumped in the ring but as soon as him and McPeterson came face to face The Clan came down to the ring and started a group beatdown on Dark and McAulie. Knowing he was out manned as usual against The Clan Wilson rolled out to head up the ramp to the back as for the second show in a row went to black with a bloodied McAulie and a proud Clan standing tall.








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I find the lack of Exotic Dancers in SNP disturbing.  I always sort of loved that somewhere in the world there was a sleazy dirty lowdown product in the same way I love that there is ZEN an utterly crazy White persons take on Lucha Libre.  I hope that the Eye Candy aspect of the company doesn't totally disappear because it would feel a little jarring to their fanbase if it was completely gone.

That said I'm enjoying this so far.  I agree playing as Carnie or with him around could be soul destroying.  Also the most important thing with both diaries and the game in general is that you have fun with it - so it's always best to play the game the way YOU want and theres a sense here thats exactly what you are doing.  Looking forward to seeing how you deal with the somewhat problematic nature of many of these workers backstage.  


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16 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

I find the lack of Exotic Dancers in SNP disturbing.  I always sort of loved that somewhere in the world there was a sleazy dirty lowdown product in the same way I love that there is ZEN an utterly crazy White persons take on Lucha Libre.  I hope that the Eye Candy aspect of the company doesn't totally disappear because it would feel a little jarring to their fanbase if it was completely gone.

That said I'm enjoying this so far.  I agree playing as Carnie or with him around could be soul destroying.  Also the most important thing with both diaries and the game in general is that you have fun with it - so it's always best to play the game the way YOU want and theres a sense here thats exactly what you are doing.  Looking forward to seeing how you deal with the somewhat problematic nature of many of these workers backstage.  


Are they supposed to have exotic dancers? i thougth the few women that a few just happeend to be your typical sleazy strippers that partner with wresters.

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5 hours ago, jesterx7769 said:


Are they supposed to have exotic dancers? i thougth the few women that a few just happeend to be your typical sleazy strippers that partner with wresters.

Well Exotic Dancer is sort of the nice name for that.  No all of then are sleazy either.

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Posted (edited)

*Being up front, I messed up creating two of the angles and didn't save them and was too quick to run the show :( so I will use them on next show *



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Match: Black Country Boys vs. The Bridges of London

After clicking with great chemistry on last weeks preshow, the two teams are given the chance to open the main show and didn't disappoint. A mayhem match full of crazy moves and dangerous bumps got the show off to a great start and the two teams ample time to shine. In the end The Bridges of London hit their double Elevated DDT "Her Majesty's Pleasure" for the win.


*Missing Comedy Angle :( *


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Match: Stardust Phil Cox w/Bali Daji vs. Govan Monty w/Doddie McGregor

After Doddie picked up the win over Bali last week (thanks to Govan), this week its Stardust Phil Cox (who's suffering from chronic low pain but we're making him suck it the F up for this storyline I had mapped out in Excel) against rising SNP star and Clan member, Govan Monty. While Phil may be shining with what's left of his tail end of this stars career, he was no match for the big brawler Govan who quickly took advatnage enjoying picking his shots for the most of the match. The Flyer Stardust would get a few signatures aerial moves in but in the end it seemed Govan's size and brawling from this future King of The North champion and called Doddie in the ring to finish the job. As Doddie charged forward Bali springboarded off the rope kicking Govan into the way who gets destroyed! Stardust covers up Govan for the victory while Doddie sits there stunned at his actions. The two teams will settle the score at Burn's Night Bash.


*Missing Storyline Angle :( *


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Match: Axl Grease vs. Ultra Violence

In a classic SNP hardcore, hard hitting, intense, sweaty, bloddy match, between two big ol' hosses Ultra Violence came out victorious when he remembered it was a match. The two men share a manly "juicy" brief hug of respect post match before Axl quickly releases and rolls out of the ring. Pause for a quick break so rows 1-3 can clean some sweat and blood off.


TheDamned.jpg.ff9e8ab5ff4f46d936ed8f9a046c19bc.jpg     UltraViolence.jpg.d06b18886f68c2b8b85ce4bf2d2eda4f.jpg

Angle: The Damned Beats Down Ultra Violence

However while Ultra Violence plays to the crowd just a bit post match, The Damned comes in and lays Ultra V out! The Damned wastes no time grabbing a chair and battering down the already tired and beaten man. Searching for even more, The Damned pulls a gas can out from under the ring and stars dowsing Ultra V!!!! He's searching for a match or lighter of some kind of but all sorts of security has come out to old him back and get him pulled to the back.


JefferyMcPeterson.jpg.4f84c57cb67b1860f5e6314349e0012f.jpgBatCooper.jpg.fb4ef97968c440f9c629051ab96f4a61.jpg     StuartWilson.jpg.ec265e91157bde740d00f4a40297c3fd.jpg   MeatheadMcAullie.jpg.b67d9813e3dfe93c5577000c601139e9.jpgKittyKatz.jpg.e0045261ea50b4ee8b3151738b2a1c65.jpg

Match: Jeffery McPeterson & Bat Cooper vs. Stuart Wilson & Meathead McAullie w/Kitty Katz

In our main event of the evening Stuart Wilson looks to make evens with Meathead briefly sharing a corner against the third man who has made both their lives hell, McPeterson and his Clan young pup Bat Cooper. The four men battle back and forth for a good amount of time slowly escalating in pace and violence until...

KittyKatz.jpg.e0045261ea50b4ee8b3151738b2a1c65.jpg   BatCooper.jpg.fb4ef97968c440f9c629051ab96f4a61.jpg

Kitty Katz is up the apron distracting Bat Cooper! I mean, I can't blame him but I'm usually just watching her dance ring side to entertain the fans who gets a louder pop than most guys on the roster. Oh! Bat gets smoked from behind by Meathead's boot who tags in Wilson for his Running Powerslam on the big bulky man while McPeterson stands on the outside not willing to engage Meathead who is ready to get and begging him to get in the ring.


StuartWilson.jpg.ec265e91157bde740d00f4a40297c3fd.jpg     MeatheadMcAullie.jpg.b67d9813e3dfe93c5577000c601139e9.jpgKittyKatz.jpg.e0045261ea50b4ee8b3151738b2a1c65.jpg

Angle: Wilson & Meathead Post Match

Post match The Clan head to the back pretty quickly fine to take tonight as a minor loss in the grander war. SNP King of the North Champion Stuart Wilson sticks out his hand to Meathead, thanking him for atleast the short time partnering. Meathead takes his time lookign back and forth from either side of the crowd listening to input and seeing what Kitty thinks who just shrugs as well polling the crowd. In the end Meathead slaps the champions hand away holds up Kitty's hand to do a another twirl for the fans before they exit the ring leaving the champ without any allies heading into the triple threat.



SNP Saturday Night Violence 002(1).jpg

Edited by jesterx7769
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Posted (edited)

Saturday January 22nd, 2022


SNP Saturday Night Violence



StuartWilson.jpg.6f0089c4bb5dc923fd28b6fa99403466.jpg     MeatheadMcAullie.jpg.12c2371498193e4336d0e33f04434067.jpgKittyKatz.jpg.dc64d33496c5e1d88609dd0793ee9fa2.jpg     JefferyMcPeterson.jpg.d3af96ebcfed20be6adf32f21d0db7b7.jpg


Angle: King of The North Contract Signing

Instead of opening with a the typical multi man hardcore car crash, the show opens with our three King of the North men in the ring with The Clan standing outside. The champion Stuart Wilson goes first, who reminds the other two men he is champion for a reason and is ready to give everything to lead SNP into the future. Meathead goes next who him and Kitty get the loudest cheers from the fans as he is benefiting from a groundswell of public support. Meathead says he doesn't care about leading SNP into the future and that he's just showing up on Tuesday to beat Stuarts ass. McPeterson is last to sign, who goes on to talk about how none of them would be here without him and his Dad, he makes it clear he could beat down them both on his own right now or have his Clan come in the ring and make sure neither men even make it to Burns Night...but then it means he wouldn't have a championship match. So instead, Jeffery exits the ring and gives Bat a pep talk who stays ringside when the rest of The Clan walks to the back followed shortly by Wilson and Meathead after a brief stare down of their own. Wait did we just have a wrestling contract signign end in peace? what is happening? send us to solve peace in the middle east I gues.




BatCooper.jpg.9420dbd06cb941f0a096c6aaf6785f93.jpg     LiamLutz.jpg.b94a9e7c0c3baccc87804f5d8eddf3d1.jpg     Hatchet.jpg.10d2602508b22406cd42b33ea53c7279.jpg     PadraigOHearne.jpg.35a0294a7dd231224be89cac9737c7c2.jpg

Match: Bat Cooper vs. Liam Lutz vs. Hatchet vs. Paddy O'Hearne

In this car crash match to get the show started more to the usual tone, the fans were given their fill of violence after the peaceful contract signing. It was Bat Cooper of the clan who did most of the damage in the match and picking up the victory over the other men.




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Angle: Mr. Bumblescoop and Chuck Make A Friend

Backstage Chuck Frisby is pushing his latest training client to the limit for max gainz when Dumptruck tries to walk past but the two men are taking up the whole backstage corridor. Dumptruck gets in Mr. Bumblescopps face telling him to move but Chuck Frisby, amped up as usually, gets right back in Dumptrucks face unloading on him ripping into him for his weight and "obese" physique. Dumptruck lifts Chuck up and pulls him close to his face to let him know he will see both of them in the ring next week in a handicap match, Chuck says if they win Dumptruck has to train with them.




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Match: Hellraiser vs. Ripper Starkie

In an uneventful hard hitting impactful match Hellraiser picked up the victory of Ripper after the two men traded heavy sloppy blows and Hellraiser took enough punishment and chair shots to put down an elephant.




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Angle: Mr. Fantastic w/Joy In Ring Promo

Mr. Fantastic is already in the ring when we come back from commercial with him and Joy dancing. Phil collects himself and starts cutting a promo ripping into Dwayne Dark with all the usual insults and match hyping. When Phil takes a pause talking for a Joy dance break for the fans enjoyment, Dark comes over the barricade into the ring and is beating down Phil before he knows what hits him! To her credit, Joy went to get a chart and hit Dark from behind!....but Dark just stares at her as he allows her to roll Phil out of the ring to safety now that Dwayne has made his point.





Match: Brilliant White vs. Rohan Kirchner

In a fast paced high flying match Brilliant White was able to get the pin over Rohan Kirchner. While not as hardcore, bloody, or giant as the typical SNP matches the fans enjoy their high-flying spots just as much for a break and the two men delivered even if Brilliant White was off his game.




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Angle: The Electric Mayhem Backstage Beatdown on The Damned

In a segment for the Mr. Clean lovers demographic, backstage we see The Damned part with his Clan members as the men are already leaving the arena before the main event now that their business is taken care of. Ambushed from behind in the parking garage when putting his stuff in his trunk, The Damned for the first time see's even numbers of The Electric Mayhem tag team who despite his best efforts to fight them off The Damned is no match for the two men who work him over and leave him there bleeding after smashing his head through the drivers side window.




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Match: Maximum Damage w/Laurel Wreath vs. The Bridges of London

The most popular stage team in SNP (who doesn't love power and paint?) look to take on the up and comers. The action was surprisingly even for the most part putting on a good main event for the fans until Laurel got involved distracting the referee allowing Maximum Damage enough time to get the upper hand and secure the victory.





Edited by jesterx7769
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SNP Burns Night Bash

Tuesday January 25th, 2022 from Glasgow, Scotland

SNP King of the North Championship: Stuart Wilson (c) vs. Meathead McAullie vs. Jeffery McPeterson

SNP Hardcore Championship: The Damned (c) vs. Ultra Violence

Dwayne Dark vs. "Mr. Fantastic" Phil Myart

#1 Contenders Match for Tag Team Championship: Maximum Damage vs. Reckless Intent vs. The Funke Bunch vs. The Bridges of London

Non-Hardcore Match: JK Lee vs. Walter Morgan

SNP Tag Team Championship: The Glaswegians (c) vs. The Shooting Stars

Jaunty Rhodes vs. Ripper Starkie vs. Toxic vs. Paddy O'Hearne

Liam Lutz vs. Neville Jones

Edited by jesterx7769
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Tuesday January 25th, 2022 from Glasgow, Scotland

SNP King of the North Championship: Stuart Wilson (c) vs. Meathead McAullie vs. Jeffery McPeterson

Having your top heel stable holding all the belts is a tried and true booking strategy, and a three way offers a chance to have him win the belt while leaving doubt as to whether he could do it again in a one vs one.

SNP Hardcore Championship: The Damned (c) vs. Ultra Violence

The Damned feels like he could become one of your top stars with the right booking. Ultra Violence is certainly a guy who fits the SNP mold, but he's kind of a wreck physically so I don't see too much success for him going forward.

Dwayne Dark vs. "Mr. Fantastic" Phil Myart

I like both these guys, but I feel like Phil Myart's personal means he can bounce back from a loss easier while Dwayne is sort of more dependant on his aura being maintained.

#1 Contenders Match for Tag Team Championship: Maximum Damage vs. Reckless Intent vs. The Funke Bunch vs. The Bridges of London

Maximum Damage are your most most over team, and already beat two of their three opponents on TV within the last month so I'll pick them to win again here.

Non-Hardcore Match: JK Lee vs. Walter Morgan

Walter Morgan was great back in the day, but he's nearing 50. JK Lee hasn't made an appearance yet this dynasty, but he's a great workhorse and could be pretty valuable with the right mouthpiece.

SNP Tag Team Championship: The Glaswegians (c) vs. The Shooting Stars

No one can stop Big Doddie.

Jaunty Rhodes vs. Ripper Starkie vs. Toxic vs. Paddy O'Hearne

Paddy is by far the most talented guy here, but Toxic fits the SNP mold a lot more and could be the Damned's next opponent.

Liam Lutz vs. Neville Jones

Neville is pretty good. Lutz isn't.

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SNP Burns Night Bash

Tuesday January 25th, 2022 from Glasgow, Scotland

SNP King of the North Championship: Stuart Wilson (c) vs. Meathead McAullie vs. Jeffery McPeterson

SNP Hardcore Championship: The Damned (c) vs. Ultra Violence

Dwayne Dark vs. "Mr. Fantastic" Phil Myart

#1 Contenders Match for Tag Team Championship: Maximum Damage vs. Reckless Intent vs. The Funke Bunch vs. The Bridges of London

Non-Hardcore Match: JK Lee vs. Walter Morgan

SNP Tag Team Championship: The Glaswegians (c) vs. The Shooting Stars

Jaunty Rhodes vs. Ripper Starkie vs. Toxic vs. Paddy O'Hearne

Liam Lutz vs. Neville Jones

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SNP King of the North Championship: Stuart Wilson (c) vs. Meathead McAullie vs. Jeffery McPeterson

SNP Hardcore Championship: The Damned (c) vs. Ultra Violence

Dwayne Dark vs. "Mr. Fantastic" Phil Myart

#1 Contenders Match for Tag Team Championship: Maximum Damage vs. Reckless Intent vs. The Funke Bunch vs. The Bridges of London

Non-Hardcore Match: JK Lee vs. Walter Morgan

SNP Tag Team Championship: The Glaswegians (c) vs. The Shooting Stars

Jaunty Rhodes vs. Ripper Starkie vs. Toxic vs. Paddy O'Hearne

Liam Lutz vs. Neville Jones

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