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19/12/2021 - 21CW Crisis Point Recap

[AUTHOR: Chief Correspondent Jason Williams]

A packed Euston Road played host to 21st Century Wrestling’s final show of the year, and I happened to be one of the ten-thousand-or-so viewers crammed inside the historic arena. How did Jeff Nova’s sports entertainment outfit cap off what has been a pretty big 2021? Find out below.

This year’s Crisis Point had a new sense of occasion, given that the newly-implemented Christmas Break made it the official end of year show for 21CW. As a concept, I like this; ending the year on a big show just ensures things finish with a bang, and it’s nice to see the workers getting some time to spend with their families. The reports are that DJ Reason and Kath Lee are the ones who pushed hard for this, and I’m told Pit Bull was a fan of it too. The two episodes between Crisis Point and the special New Year edition of Best of Brit tended to be a little dead anyways, so I don’t think we’re losing out on much. 

Our opening contest saw The Demolishers somehow extend their Tag Team Championship run, as they triumphed over Rolling Storm, Hidden Sifu. It was no real surprise when all three members of Three Man Army got involved to hand Herring & Valance the win, and they proceeded to beat up Storm & Sifu after the match too. This contest was clearly a method of advancing that programme, with the titles being secondary. I would be angry about this, but considering the champions absolutely suck, perhaps making them the least important part of their own title defence was just prudent booking. Whatever. 

Next, Edward Cornell put down the challenge of Joe Simpson, who has recently been fighting to avenge Adam Matravers. For those who have been wondering where exactly Adam has been the last couple months, he was put out of commission by the House of Business around the start of October, and we haven’t seen him since. I honestly expected him to return last night, but instead we got a solid but totally unspectacular match everyone knew the outcome to. 

An eight-person tag match followed, as Tommy Cornell teamed with Rhys Pendragon, Welsh Dragon, and Roly Muckletruck to take on the team of Bedlam, Luke Cool, Phillip Cooper, and Kris Knightly. This was fine, a fun and chaotic match with some decent wrestling whenever some of the particularly talented workers got involved, and the babyfaces ended up winning as you’d expect for a Christmas show. It feels like Tommy should be doing more at the minute, but word is he’s been keen to work with Rhys, and I’m sure they’ll heat him back up with a storyline for World War. 

War Machine successfully defended his UK Championship against Edison Silva, and I’d say the only other success of this match is how well it highlighted the total dearth of available talent in the 21CW mid-card. No disrespect to Silva, but this felt like a TV match, and it wouldn’t even headline. Machine looked good, as he usually does, but beyond that there was very little of value here. 

Finally, main event time. I’m not going to lie, everybody knew coming into this show that outside the potential (and unfulfilled) Matravers return, the only reason for bothering was to see this match: Leigh Burton vs Wade Orson. World Title. Burton has been excellent since he claimed the title at World War in February, putting in what is definitely the best work of his career so far, and whilst Orson has always been good, the last few months have seen him become a true top babyface. 

All of that culminated last night, as Orson became the new World Champion. It’s his first time taking the title, and amidst what was a very average show, this match and this moment almost felt out of place, like it was way too important for the rest of the event. There are rumblings that 21CW are starting a process of rebuilding; in the time between now and last night, the ‘Age of Orson’ has been trademarked, as has the phrase ‘The Wrestling Revolution’. It would be easy to dismiss this as marketing, because it’s likely that that is what it is, but in the past 12 months both Orson and Burton have become made men, the latter holding the top strap for almost the entire calendar year. It’s unlikely that they’ll have Orson drop it too quickly, so… perhaps there’s something in this after all? 

Overall, the show was broadly skippable, but if you haven’t already, I’d give the main event a watch. It might just be the start of something. 

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28/12/2021 - Jeff Nova Heralds ‘New Era’

[AUTHOR: Chief Correspondent Jason Williams]

21st Century Wrestling owner Jeff Nova has made headlines today after giving an interview to the BBC. Nova is a well-known canny operator and so it’s difficult to know how much to read into his words, but if you’re looking for a full breakdown, see below.

We’re getting ready for a new year of professional wrestling, and though 21CW isn’t scheduled to return until the 6th of January edition of Best of Brit, owner Jeff Nova has been making rounds to the media to reflect on the last image of 2021: Wade Orson with the World Championship. 

‘He is a tremendous, tremendous wrestler, and he’s worked hard for so long to get to this point. You know, he’s been with us since 2010, and since the moment he signed on he’s given everything he has to succeed. You’d think a boy that big and that handsome would take it easy! But his worth ethic has been second to none, and he deserves what he’s accomplished.’ 

That’s as good an endorsement as you can get, but the more interesting bits of information can be found in the way Nova talks about the future of the company as a whole, of which Orson seems to be a very big part of:

‘Last year, we’ve seen two homegrown boys [Orson & Burton] take that next step and become really big names for us. We want more of that. At the end of the day the wrestling business is relentless, and we know that there’ll come a time when your Adams [Matravers] or Tommys [Cornell] will have to hang it up. I don’t think we’re there yet, but age comes for us all.’

‘We’re blessed with the best training academy in the world, and for my money, the best set of young wrestlers in the world too. It’s just up to us to make sure they’ve got the opportunity to reach that toplevel; we’re not holding anyone’s hand, we’re not here to gift it to ‘em, but just make sure they have the tools they need to succeed. Rest is up to them.’ 

It’s always interesting to peek behind the curtain a touch, even if Nova’s words remained vague for the most part. What is probably more telling, and does provide some further credence to these words, is the fact that the National School of Wrestling recently received a hefty refurbishment. You could question how wise that is given 21CW’s very well-publicised expenditure issues (something I’m sure we’ll hear about further in the next few days), but if anything else, it suggests Nova is intent on backing up his talk. 

As mentioned earlier, 21CW returns to our screens on the 6th of January, and we’re expecting a big night as has become traditional with these New Year shows. Let’s see what this ‘new era’ has in store for us. 

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OOC Nonsense #1 - Hi!

Hello to anyone who has clicked on this! Thanks very much for checking it out. As I'm sure you have worked out by now, I'm going to be booking 21CW here! As a company 21st Century are definitely my favourite from the CV; honestly, up until release I was convinced SWF retained that top spot, but the second I loaded up an SWF save all I could think about was 21CW. I blame this on the fact that I spent almost all of my TEW20 playtime w/ Jeff Nova's band of baldies as part of a relatively long-term multiplayer game. In that game, by far my biggest disappointments were the fact that all of my old guard faired terribly (Tommy hit by TD immediately, both Edward and Adam pop capped in the 70s) whilst the two big prospects of Orson and Burton failed to exceed 80 pop, also due to pop caps. So, naturally, seeing those two start '22 at the top as established main event players hooked me, and the chance to use some of my old favourites (HOPEFULLY without Tommy instantly starting to decline) also drew me in. 

A few things I want to note about this dynasty: 

  • In terms of visual expectations, basically, don't have any. I have no skill for graphic design or anything like that and I'm not really looking to put any time into that; there are a lot of amazing dynasties with gorgeous visual work being put into them, and I think they look delightful, but it's just not for me! This means most of my posts are going to be just a lot of words, so just a head's up on that. 
  • I am playing as a Booker, so I'm going to have some Owner Goals to contend with along with my own personal goals. None of these are particularly noteworthy besides the ones about not hiring or extending the contracts of anyone with sub 60 Resilience or Stamina. I'm going to ignore this rule with gleeful contempt. 
  • As I'm hoping the first two posts of this dynasty communicate, focusing on youth and making new stars is going to be a huge part of this save, as it's probably my favourite thing to do on this game in general. In my last save I had some truly awesome youth grads and getting someone who has come from the NSoW as a generated worker up to 95 pop was a very rewarding experience. Hopefully I'll have similar luck this time! 
  • I'm playing with pretty much everything turned on except for Scouting and Crowd Management, if that matters to you. 
  • A preemptive thank you to the people over in the 21CW thread, as their discussion of the promotion is always a very nice source of inspiration. 

That's just about everything, next time I post, it'll be a match card preview. Probably. 


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05/01/22 - Best of Brit Preview

[AUTHOR: Chief Correspondent Jason Williams]

As has been the case for the better part of the last decade now, we’re in for a big edition of Best of Brit Wrestling, 21st Century looking to ring in the new year with a hot show as the build to World War begins! See below for all advertised matches, but keep in mind, card always subject to change! 

TBC vs War Machine - UK Championship Match
We’re not sure yet who’ll be facing off against the UK Champion, but Cliff King has been in the habit of offering our open challenges on behalf of his client, and it’s been confirmed that tomorrow will see War Machine offer up a beating to anyone brave enough to step forward. 

Absolutely Flawless vs The Underdogs vs The Dark Pact.
This match will determine the #1 contenders for the 21st Century Tag Titles, who will challenge The Demolishers at Steel Cage Challenge. 

Mark Adonis vs Ricky Storm
No great surprise to see one combination of Storm/Sifu vs Three Man Army here, though Brown has probably given us what is on paper the best in-ring match up from both sides. I imagine this will build to something at the PPV.

Leigh Burton vs Darin Flynn
The former 21CW World Champ looks to bounce back after losing his championship, though he’ll be pushed hard by Darin Flynn, who’ll see this as a potential opportunity at what would be a career-defining upset victory. 

Edward Cornell vs Wade Orson - World Championship Match
A titanic main event to kick off the New Year, Edward Cornell has been in fine form the last few months, seeing off all challengers including the legendary Adam Matravers. As such, 21st Century management have awarded him with a crack at the world title, and talk about a baptism of fire for Wade Orson. 

As always, feel free to predict results in the comments below. Best of British Wrestling airs tomorrow night at 7pm, live on UK Broadcasting Prime in the Isles, and Euro Cable 4 across the continent. To our transatlantic readers, tough luck. 

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TBC vs War Machine - UK Championship Match
Mysteries are tempting, but not against War Machine on the opener.

Absolutely Flawless vs The Underdogs vs The Dark Pact.
Absolutely Flawless and The Underdogs are both on fairly even level in name value, so I'll do a bit backwards booking and pick the Underdogs to win the match on the basis that if I were planning to pick one of the teams to sacrifice to the Demolishers it would probably be them.

Mark Adonis vs Ricky Storm
Ricky starts at a higher level of popularity, and I've always found that you get more out of a lower popularity guy going over if it's on an even as opposed to TV.

Leigh Burton vs Darin Flynn
No real contest here, even if Leigh Burton knocks himself out Flynn should have the good sense to crawl under him and get pinned.

Edward Cornell vs Wade Orson - World Championship Match
Big Main event for a TV show. Immediately switching the title would be a bold move so I'll pick Wade here, but I could see this being some sort of wild finish where the match gets thrown out altogether.

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06/01/22 - Best of Brit Show Review

[Author: Chief Correspondent Jason Williams]

Title matches and surprises abound! 21st Century kicked off 2022 with a stacked card, but did they manage to begin the road to World War in style? See below for my take on Best of British Wrestling, New Year edition! 

Welcome to the Big Time, Wade Orson. 

  • Wade Orson opens the show, soaking in the admiration of the 21st Century fans, who he thanks for supporting him on the ‘lifelong journey’ that has led him to the 21st Century World Championship. He speaks earnestly about all of the struggles and obstacles he’s had to overcome, all of the pain, all of the blood, sweat, and tears that have been shed over the course of his career. In the end, to stand before his countrymen as their World Champion? That makes all of the hardship and sacrifice worth it. He promises to be a ‘fighting champion’, skillfully segueing into tonight, where he’ll be defending the World Championship against a ‘living legend’ in the form of Edward Cornell. 
  • Edward himself comes down to the ring, and despite the respect paid to him by Orson, he doesn’t seem to be in the most reciprocal of moods. He offers Orson congratulations, but in the same breath, condolences. 
  • ‘Everything you have scratched and clawed for… eleven years of your life… and it’s all going to go up in smoke after only two weeks. I almost feel bad.’ - Edward Cornell.
  • Orson admits that facing Edward Cornell is perhaps the toughest circumstance one can find themselves in for a first title defence, but he has never been interested in doing things the easy way! He didn’t reach this apex by shirking fights or running from the big names; in fact, if Edward recalls correctly, it was him that Orson upset to earn his match at Crisis Point! This seems to get to Edward, whose condescending demeanor disappears pretty quickly. The fans enjoyed this. 
  • Unfortunately, good things can’t always last. The House of Business blindsides Orson, beating him down as Edward directs traffic. By the end of the beating Orson is in some clear discomfort, Edward having given himself a clear advantage heading into tonight’s main event. 
  • Thoughts: A solid first promo from the new World Champ, though he seemed to when tasked with improvising with Edward. The HoB beatdown was fine, and we've got a decent set-up for tonight's main event. 77

Up Steps Pendragon. Not For Long. 

  • Cliff King and the UK Champion War Machine take to the ring, the former talking up his client’s dominant performance at Crisis Point before declaring an open challenge for UK gold, right now! The challenge is answered by Rhys Pendragon. 
  • Rhys starts quick and impresses everyone with some snappy, fast-paced offence. The Welsh Wonderkid clearly understands that his best bet is to out-manoeuvre War Machine, since a straight-up battle of strength will only end one way. 
  • Unfortunately, Pendragon can only keep this up for so long, and Machine turns the tables with an awesome feat of strength, catching a diving crossbody from the top rope, before slamming Rhys down on his knee. 
  • Pendragon nearly really recovers, getting rag-dolled for the rest of the match before he’s put away with the Second Floor Legdrop, which always looks sick. A 460+ pound man hitting a diving legdrop from the second rope just looks brutal every time. 
  • Thoughts: King's promo was short but got the job done. The match that followed was similar; nothing to write home about, but a competently executed squash. 55 and 50respectively. 

A Legendary Challenger.

  • Cliff King and War Machine are just about to be on their merry way when Tommy Cornell’s music hits. Rough Justice comes down to the ring and comments that he has been watching Machine for some time; he has been impressed by the way he controls matches, believing that Machine is no simple brute, he has this ability to pick his moments and time the use of his awesome power for when it matters most. He’s… special. 
  • ‘So I’ve been watching you destroy challenge after challenge, and I’ll tell you what, at some point I just found myself sitting there and wondering… why don’t I have a go?’ - Tommy Cornell. 
  • Tommy Cornell officially throws down a challenge for the UK Championship! Cliff King refuses to give an answer today, but says he will offer his client his counsel, and provide an answer by next week. 
  • Thoughts: A pretty weak Tommy Cornell promo, honestly, but even then he remains a better talker than most of the active roster. 69

Talking Into Trouble. 

  • Landon Mallory barges into Jeff Nova’s office. The South African Superman has had a big chip on his shoulder over the last few months, and had already been furious about being left off of Crisis Point; the fact that he was skipped over for tonight’s World Title match, apparently, is the latest in a ‘long history’ of Mallory not being the spotlight he feels he is entitled to. Nova tries to diplomatically encourage him to drop it, but after enough pressing, Nova has had enough. He books Landon in a match tonight… against Roly Muckletruck! Landon is utterly horrified.
  • Thoughts: Landon is really charismatic and that shines through here, with Nova also doing some good work in his role as 21CW's no-nonsense boss. A really good segment between these two, and if the plan is for this programme to continue, we should be in for some entertaining content. 75

The Underdogs vs The Dark Pact vs Absolutely Flawless. 

  • A triple threat is chaotic enough, adding the partner element makes it even more chaotic! All three teams give a decent showing here, taking their own brief moments to shine in what is a fast-paced encounter. 
  • This match will determine who faces The Demolishers for tag gold at Steel Cage Challenge, and it’s clear all three duos push themselves that little bit further with this in mind. 
  • Eventually, however, it’s The Underdogs who emerge victorious, Joe Simpson rolling up Blackheart to secure victory! 
  • Thoughts: An okay match, definitely nothing special. We now know it'll be The Underdogs challening The Demolishers at SCC. 51

Just Stories. 

  • Straight from this, we go live to the 21CW Interview Zone, where Cliff King is asked for his immediate reaction to The Underdogs securing a shot at his clients’ tag belts. As he’s want to do, King talks up the ability of his clients’ opponents, purely so he can proceed to brag about how great his clients are for still winning. He praises the ‘fighting spirit’ and ‘gutsy determination’ of The Underdogs, but then shares with us some hard truths. 
  • ‘The fact is, David vs Goliath could only ever happen in a story. In real life, Goliath crushes Goliath, and come Steel Cage Challenge that’s what’s gonna happen to you boys. Underdog stories make us feel all warm inside, they make us happy… but the sad truth is, they’re just that. Stories. Something we tell stupid children to trick ‘em into believing they’re gonna amount to something in life, when we ALL know that 99% of these kids are gonna end up just like Simpson and Mikey… failures.’ 
  • Thoughts: King did a good job adding some heat to the feud. I feel like he's going to do most of the heavy lifting in that regard, honestly. 56

Landon Mallory vs Roly Muckletruck. 

  • Roly is fired up from the minute the bell rings, so finds himself frustrated as Landon Mallory does just about everything he can to delay this match. Landon takes frequent breaks to ‘catch his breath’, a game of cat and mouse evolving which allows Mallory to take the lead when Roly’s impatience inevitably leaves him exposed. 
  • Sadly for Landon, he’s up against a man of Herculean strength, and before long Roly is able to turn the tide. Once the Squashasaurous starts rolling, it’s an impossible task to bring him to a halt. Roly hits two consecutive Powerbombs to secure the win. 
  • Thoughts: I don't know what happened here but his match was a bit of a mess, it's honestly impressive given how short and simple it was. The timing was completely off between these two, which hurt it a lot. 49

Roly’s Not Done. 

  • Muckletruck takes to the mic post-match, cutting a shouty promo on the man he’s been feuding with recently, Bedlam. For those who need reminding, Roly’s UK Championship reign only came to an end a few months back thanks to Bedlam’s interference, and since then the Scotsman has been desperate to get his hands on the sadist. He challenges Bedlam to a Steel Cage match at this month’s Steel Cage Challenge! 
  • Bedlam comes onto the stage, staring Roly down for a moment before giving a silent nod. 
  • Landon tries to cheap-shot Roly whilst his back is turned, but this is a very stupid mistake. Roly locks him into the Full Nelson, putting Mallory through agony all the while he stares down Bedlam.
  • Thoughts: This was significantly better than the match. Roly isn't the most concise of souls but he manages to speak with the sort of conviction that draws in a crowd; Bedlam looked menacing, which is all he needed to do, and Landon sold the agony of the Full Nelson really well. Good segment from all involved. 70

Ricky Storm vs Mark Adonis. 

  • Ricky Storm starts quickly, overwhelming Adonis with a flurry of kicks and strikes. It's the style we've grown used to from Storm, but it always looks great, and Adonis sells it well. Given the way that Mark struggles, it's no surprise that Mass Hulk at ringside is looking for a way to help out his partner, and when the ref's back is turned he grabs hold of Storm's foot by reaching into the ring beneath the bottom rope. Ricky is able to free himself quickly, but by this gives Adonis time to blindside him, the momentum shifting in his favour. Storm fights back into it, and the second time Hulk tries to get involved, Sifu is there to break it up, the duo fighting at ringside as Storm and Adonis hurry into the closing stages of their match. A Super Kick followed by Storm Bringer is enough for Ricky to pick up the victory. 
  • Thoughts: These are two of the better young workers on 21CW's books and they were given a decent amount of time to go out there and showcase exactly why they're so highly rated. Good match that obviously had a ceiling as a TV mid-card bout. 67.

Leigh Burton vs Darin Flynn.

  • The first we get to see of Leigh Burton since he lost his World Title, and as you'd expect, he's not in the greatest of moods. He attacks Flynn in the middle of the youngster's entrance, slamming him against the barricades before tossing him into the ring. It feels like Burton is hoping for a quick victory, but he's disappointed, as one thing we know about Flynn is that he can take a kicking! This is very much the classic story of an underdog inexperienced worker up against a top heel, as Burton controls much of the match, only for Flynn to fight back with at times with sparks of passionate adrenaline. Flynn even comes close to stealing a monumental win with a roll-up, but after recovering from that scare, Burton has enough. He hits the Belly-to-Belly to stall Flynn's momentum, followed by two Back Suplexes. By this point Flynn is clearly out of it, but Burton seems to wait for him to become JUST conscious enough to feel pain again, at which point Leigh locks in the Sleeper Hold. Flynn fights as best he can, but eventually he's choked out. Burton wins. 
  • Thoughts: Flynn is another who is highly rated as a very good prospect by 21CW, and he adds another impressive match to his CV here. Burton remains in fine form with a ruthless showing, reminding us that he's still every bit as dangerous as he was with the title. On a side note, I'm really not convinced by Kath Lee and Flynn/Boulder. I can't quite put my finger on it, but in this match seeing her in Flynn's corner just didn't feel right. 72

Edward Cornell vs Wade Orson - 21st Century World Championship.

  • Wade Orson's first title defence since claiming the World Title, and what an opponent to have for such an occasion. Orson walks to the ring a little gingerly, clearly still feeling the effects of the beatdown from HoB earlier; in particular, his midsection seems to bother him, and Edward hones in on that part of his body with the sort of ruthless contempt we'd expect from The Business by now. There's a real mesh of styles here, as Orson's fiery, brawl-heavy offence comes up agianst a far more methodical opponent in the form of Cornell. Edward's gameplan seems to revolve around tiring Orson out, the veteran confident that the damage done to the champ's midsection will eventually catch up with him. 
  • Indeed, as the battle wears on, Orson starts to slow down, and the decreased pace clearly favours Edward. Something that has become a trademark of Wade's style though is his ability to call upon reserves of strength and perform deeds that would seem impossible; we see another moment like that here, as after taking a LOT of punishment, Orson is able to throw an onrushing Edward into the air, connecting with a sick European uppercut, a move he calls Bounce Back. Orson is so exhausted that he's unable to make the cover straight away, but he begins to crawl over toward Edward's body when...
  • Leigh Burton attacks! The former World Champion begins to beat the holy Hell out of Orson, and the referee is forced to call for the bell. This match ends in a Disqualification, in favour of Orson!
  • After coming-to, Edward is clearly a little pissed off at having had his World Title match interrupted. Sure, he'd just had his chin exploded by Orson's forearm, but that's besides the point. He and Burton begin to argue in the ring, but as the conversation continues, they start to come to an understanding, and eventually both of them turn back to the slowly recovering Orson. The attack begins again, this time with both Burton and Cornell putting the boots to the World Champ. It looks like things are about to get really ugly...
  • And then Adam Matravers' music hits! Edward Cornell looks like he's seen a ghost as the man he put out of action months ago steps out onto the stage, locking eyes with him for no more than a second before sprinting down to the ring! Matravers runs wild on Burton and Cornell, and with the help of a recovered Orson, expels the pair from the ring! Wade and Matravers stand tall to end 21CW's first show of the New Year. 
  • Thoughts: A great match for Orson's first title defence, though I think it's hard to praise it too much with an obvious dusty finish. I hope we see he and Edward go at it at some stage, with more time and the freedom to go up to that next gear. The post-match angle was great too, and the fans loved seeing Adam Matravers back. 79 and 79

Final Show Rating: 76

Overall, a decent show with some nice moments, but the 21CW mid-card was really exposed in this one. I think part of the problem with having the big stars in programmes with each other is that it leaves very little actual quality for the lower tier programmes; hopefully, as we get into the swing of World War season, we see some of the players below ME level start to shine and work their way up. That said, it's nice to see multiple hot storylines receiving some attention, because until now outside of a few high priority feuds there hasn't been much to care about.

What did you think of the show? Let us know in the comments down below!


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On 8/23/2024 at 11:47 PM, Winter8905 said:

Hi Codey,

Which couple of prospects have you got the highest hopes for?

Looking forward to seeing what you can do on a solo game unopposed. That starting roster looks very bare in the middle.

It most certainly is. As for who I have hopes for... Adonis is an obvious one, and Landon is another obvious guy who can make that step up with a solid push. Of the new lot, Charmer has a lot of potential too. 

On 8/24/2024 at 12:27 AM, Tiberious said:

TBC vs War Machine - UK Championship Match
Mysteries are tempting, but not against War Machine on the opener.

Absolutely Flawless vs The Underdogs vs The Dark Pact.
Absolutely Flawless and The Underdogs are both on fairly even level in name value, so I'll do a bit backwards booking and pick the Underdogs to win the match on the basis that if I were planning to pick one of the teams to sacrifice to the Demolishers it would probably be them.

Mark Adonis vs Ricky Storm
Ricky starts at a higher level of popularity, and I've always found that you get more out of a lower popularity guy going over if it's on an even as opposed to TV.

Leigh Burton vs Darin Flynn
No real contest here, even if Leigh Burton knocks himself out Flynn should have the good sense to crawl under him and get pinned.

Edward Cornell vs Wade Orson - World Championship Match
Big Main event for a TV show. Immediately switching the title would be a bold move so I'll pick Wade here, but I could see this being some sort of wild finish where the match gets thrown out altogether.

Get out of my head! Thanks for the prediction :)

On 8/24/2024 at 11:04 AM, Boltinho said:

I'm paying attention.

Love seeing what people do with 21CW.

Glad to have you along for the journey! 

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Best of British Wrestling - 13/01/2022 - Match Card & Preview


[AUTHOR: Senior Correspondent Jason Williams]

21st Century Wrestling returns to our screens, and with just a couple days to go before Steel Cage Challenge, we're expecting a show to finalise the card of the final event on the road to World War. Cliff King is set to answer Tommy Cornell's challenge, with Rough Justice hoping to take on War Machine for the United Kingdom title. Meanwhile, Adam Matravers is set to return to in-ring action following his spectacular return at the end of last episode. See below for the full, confirmed card. 


Adam Matravers marks his return to the ring by taking on Viktor Beskov, with Mile High looking to exact some revenge on one of the House of Business associates whose brutal attack saw him sidelined months ago. Beskov is sure to be a stern test in the ring, but Matravers will also need to keep an eye on the outside too, with Edward Cornell and his lackeys likely to be lurking nearby. 


Beast Bantom and Sifu collide as the war between the Three Man Army and Rolling Storm, Hidden Sifu continues! Storm picked up impressive win last week against Mark Adonis, will his tag partner continue the trend? It'll certainly be an uphill battle, as the formidable presence of Beast Bantom stands in his way. 


Mr Universe looks to continue his recent hotstreak, as Conan Kruger faces off with the never-say-die Welsh Dragon. 


Tommy Cornell doesn't yet know his fate at Steel Cage Challenge, but for the moment, he'll need to put all thoughts of War Machine and the UK Championship to the side, as he faces off against the ever-impressive Apollo Prince, who will be keen to score a career-boosting upset victory. 

As always, feel free to predict results in the comments below. Best of British Wrestling airs tomorrow night at 7pm, live on UK Broadcasting Prime in the Isles, and Euro Cable 4 across the continent. To our transatlantic readers, tough luck. 

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Adam Matravers vs Viktor Beskov
Adam shouldn't be losing here, but I could see Viktor getting a singles push at some point in the near future. His lack of charisma is an issue, but he's one of your best in ring guys.

Beast Bantom vs Sifu
Ricky won last week, so I'll take Beast to even things up.

Conan Kruger vs Welsh Dragon
Conan's getting a push, Dragon isn't.

Tommy Cornell vs Apollo Price
Apollo would nee a lot more build before he'd be ready to go over someone like Tommy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Best of British Wrestling - 13/01/2022 - Show Review


[AUTHOR: Chief Correspondent Jason Williams]

Tommy Cornell vs Apollo Prince


Apollo Prince is eager to make a statement, and impressively, the young man demonstrates the ring intelligence to proritise athletic, fast-paced offence in order to best capitalise on one of Tommy Cornell’s few in-ring weaknesses. The longer the match goes on, however, the more it begins to favour the veteran, and Apollo’s game plan starts to wane. Prince is sucked into a stand-up brawl, and whilst he is no slouch in that area, Tommy is better; as Prince throws a wild haymaker, Tommy is awarded his opening. Ducking the strike, Cornell traps Prince in the Guilt Trip (Judo Choke Sleeper). Apollo taps in short order. 

VICTOR: Tommy Cornell via SUBMISSION. 

RATING: 61. 


Tommy doesn’t get long to celebrate his victory, as after taking a moment to bask in the fans’ appreciation he’s CLOBBERED by War Machine! The UK Champion carries out a relentless assault on Tommy Cornell, downing him with a gruesome Chokebomb before beginning to scale to the second rope…

‘Hey, Tommy. About that challenge? Yeah. You’re on.’ 

War Machine delivers the Second Floor Legdrop, doing potentially serious damage to Tommy’s windpipe! Cornell is checked on by medical staff as Machine and King head to the back, exceedingly pleased with themselves. 

RATING: 59. 


We watch as the World Champion Wade Orson arrives to the building, but as he's on his way in from the car park he's confronted by Edward Cornell, the House of Business leader greeting him with an air of malevolent politeness. 

‘I wish for you to know, Mr Orson, that I bear no special ill will toward you. This is merely business. Though, to be completely clear, I shed no tears for you either.' 


Before Orson has a chance to process what on Earth Edward is talking about, he's set upon by the entirety of the House of Business! Edward watches with a smile as his lackeys brutalise the World Champion, the beatdown ending as Doomsday gorilla presses him against his own car! 



Preceding his match tonight, we get a hype package for the so-called 'next evolution of professional wrestling', Conan Kruger. The video highlights all of his impressive and dominant displays in the recent months, with a particular focus on his awesome power and frightening agility. A terrifying combination.

Conan Kruger vs Welsh Dragon


And it's a combination that Welsh Dragon is neither equipped nor prepared to handle. The masked high-flyer tries his level best, but Kruger is just an ever-oppressive force that seemingly cannot be resisted for too long. It doesn't take long for Dragon to fall victim to the Evolutioniser. 

VICTOR: Conan Kruger via PINFALL. 

RATING: 51 + 52. 


Edward Cornell pays a visit to the dressing room of none other than the man who interfered in his match last week, Leigh Burton. For a moment the atmosphere is tense, but as Edward speaks up, it becomes clear that the pair are actually on the same page...

'Wade Orson has been taken care of. That's one down.' 

'I saw the footage. It's a shame that brute of yours didn't put him through the windshield.'

'Regardless, we have upheld our end of the bargain. Now, I trust that you intend to honour our agreement later this evening? I trust I need not remind you what the House tends to do to those who break their promises.'

Burton just smiles at him.  

'Do you take me for a liar? I'm almost offended I'll help. It suits me to finish the job on Adam just as much as it suits you; once he and Wade are out of the picture, there'll be nobody left.'

A beat. 

'Except you.'

Edward's expression betrays no sign of intimidation, though his gaze becomes a touch more focused as he studies Burton's eyes. 



Landon Mallory vs Rhys Pendragon


Commentary let us know that roughly an hour ago Landon Mallory demanded a match, and fortunately for him, he's not up against Roly Muckletruck. That doesn't mean he has it easy here, as Rhys Pendragon is one of the most promising young workers in British Wrestling. That said, Landon is just a little too canny for the inexperienced Welshman, and wins clean with Springbok Ram. 

VICTOR: Landon Mallory via PINFALL. 

RATING: 57. 


Mallory clearly still isn't very happy about last week's events, as he grabs a steel chair from ringside and takes a seat in the middle of the ring. 

'You really think I'm gonna pretend like last week didn't happen? NAH. Jeff Nova, you baldy pig, I want an APOLOGY for your clear abuse of power, and I'm not leaving this God damn ring 'till I get it. A pay rise'd be nice too, you cheap-' 


Landon has no opportunity to yap further as Jeff Nova's music hits, the 21CW Owner coming out to the stage already massaging his temples. He marches down to the ring, accompanied by a band of security guards. As they take to the ring, Nova warns Landon that he's going to give him one chance to do this the easy way. 

'Or what? You think I'm scared of a couple security guards? Hah! If a single one of these tries to get me out of this ring, they're getting got.' 

'No, Landon. These men are here to escort you to the back after you've been removed from the ring. By me.' 

Landon laughs in Nova's face, though his amusement is short-lived as Nova grabs him and flings him over the top rope, Mallory being dumped unceremoniously on the floor outside! He clambers to his feet, apoplectic, but by then the security guards are already dragging him away. Nova just chuckles. 

RATING: 65. 

Beast Bantom vs Sifu


It's actually a bit funny just how little the hard-nosed Sifu cares about the MASSIVE physical disparity between himself and his MASSIVE opponent. As you'd expect, Beast Bantom takes much of this match, his power is always an awesome weapon for destruction and today is no exception. That said, Sifu fights valiantly from under, putting on a masterclass on how to approach a battle with someone like Bantom; be quick, be decisive. Stiff, sharp kicks pepper Bantom's legs, causing the giant some real discomfort, and slowing him down so that Sifu's speed advantage is even more pronounced. The problem is that putting Bantom away is borderline impossible, even if you can hit him a lot, and it only takes the giant one chance to end you; that chance comes as Bantom catches a kick, demonstrating his unbelievable strength as he hoists Sifu into the Beast Bear Hug. There is no escape, Sifu forced to eventually tap out to avoid serious damage to his ribs. 

VICTOR: Beast Bantom via SUBMISSION. 

RATING: 66. 


Whilst not surprising, it's still a huge concern for Ricky Storm and Sifu when the Men of Steel head down to join their Three Man Army ally, and as sure as day, a post-match attack begins. Storm tries to defend his partner, who is still reeling from the bout with Bantom, but the numbers are just too much and he succumbs pretty quickly to the overwhelming odds. All hope seems lost...


When Sebastian Koller hits the ring! Now, this situation would still be pretty bad if that was all; with Sifu effectively out for the count, Storm and Koller remain outnumbered, and one of those numbers is Beast Bantom, who essentially counts as five men. Fortunately, Koller comes prepared, and the second Bantom turns around he finds himself on the receiving end of a nasty electric guitar shot! It's a bit freakish that Bantom isn't knocked out cold, but the strike succeeds in sending him stumbling back so that he falls from the ring. 

With Koller's aid, Storm is able to rally and the pair fight off the Men of Steel, sending them packing! 

RATING: 63. 


Bedlam and Roly Muckletruck take part in a 'weigh in', officiated by Jeff Nova, of course. Bedlam weighs in at an impressive 297lbs, though his dead-behind-the-eyes expression suggests that he does not care about any of this in the slightest. He remains transfixed on Roly Muckletruck, staring him down as the Squashasaurus gets his weight taken. Roly comes in at 308lbs, and he celebrates by flexing his muscles. Nova then asks the men to stare each other down for the cameras, and this is the opportunity Bedlam has been waiting for! He spits black mist into Roly's eyes, flashing a charcoal grin as he watches Roly flinch back in pain. He then takes advantage of his blinded opponent by assaulting Roly, the attack only ending once Nova and security have been able to drag him away.


Viktor Beskov vs Adam Matravers


Yuri Illiakov is on hand to help out his tag partner as best he can, but eventually his interference is punished as he’s sent to the back. Beskov still gives a good account of himself, but Adam Matravers has a fire in him and simply cannot be stopped. He makes a winning return to in-ring competition after hitting the Mile High Moonsault. 

VICTOR: Adam Matravers via PINFALL. 

RATING: 76. 



As hinted at earlier this evening, things kick off post-match. Beskov and Illiakov are sent packing, but as Matravers stares down an approaching Edward Cornell he’s blindsided by Leigh Burton! The pair begin to put the boots to him, but suddenly…


Wade Orson rushes down to make the save! He's clearly still a little banged up from the attack earlier tonight, but the steel chair in hand certainly helps to mitigate that! Edward & Burton are forced to retreat, though they’re not quite out of sight when Orson begins to address them on the mic. 

'Whoa, whoa! Before you two run off, I think you might wanna hear this! I just had a conversation with Jeff Nova.' 

Burton and Edward’s confusion is evident; fortunately, Orson is happy to clarify the situation.

'This Saturday, at Steel Cage Challenge, it's going to be Leigh Burton and Edward Cornell against Adam Matravers and yours truly, Wade Orson... and it's going to be inside a STEEL CAGE!' 

Edward freaks out whilst Burton stares down the champion, his cold gaze betraying no emotion. Whilst we don’t know how he feels about this, that matter is irrelevant by now; the match is booked, and we have a main event for Steel Cage Challenge! 


Show Rating: 76. 

Edited by AceCodey
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