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People playing Puro companies: Are you also seeing your top stars drop popularity or am I just an idiot?

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I posted in General Questions, but no one had any answers there. But all of my Major Stars except one have fallen to Stars. They've lost anywhere from 1 to 3 points of popularity despite being booked as corner stones of the promotion. None of them work for any other promotions. Granted, I book the typical way a Japanese fed does-lots of 3v3's to 5v5's and the general idea of "heat up" matches towards bigger events where bigger name on one team beats lesser name on the other side. But when it comes to singles matches on big (non Tour) shows they're all heavily protected. My champion for example is now a Star despite being something like 12-2 in singles matches mostly on big normal shows. For him, most of his "losses" were on Tour shows where he didn't take the losing fall so it *shouldn't* be affecting him much. If anything, I'd think he'd be gaining from being booked so strong.

The other weird thing is the popularity drops aren't sudden. They seem to be month over month of drops, like something is draining them down to the level of everyone else. And it's not big drops, it's just a point here or a point there. 

The pop loss is only tied to my main event. I'm getting big jumps elsewhere on the card and I now have *eleven* stars. Despite not intending to really create any more "Stars" so to speak. So, it's only my main event guys.

It was my understanding that if a guy doesn't take a direct fall in a multiman match that it doesn't affect their popularity much at all. And that Tour shows have no serious effects one way or the other on popularity. So, I'm really confused as to what is happening short of just being a bad booker or not understanding the systems.

Edit: I've been maintaining a diary on the forums so I can't provide match win/loss records really. But all of my top stars have winning records including multiman matches. And all four have white hot momentum. 





Edited by Hawk1665
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I just checked out your diary and can only assume it’s due to them losing matches. Even when I book SWF I am careful about people losing when they have similar pop as it always seems to give the winner +2 pop and the loser -3 

so if they are continually swapping wins and loses nobody wins.

but I think you should be ok in Japan as it’s based more off in ring stats

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38 minutes ago, Woodsmeister said:

I just checked out your diary and can only assume it’s due to them losing matches. Even when I book SWF I am careful about people losing when they have similar pop as it always seems to give the winner +2 pop and the loser -3 

so if they are continually swapping wins and loses nobody wins.

but I think you should be ok in Japan as it’s based more off in ring stats

It could be, but like I said, Matsushita is like 12-2 or something ridiculous like that in singles matches with most of those being on normal level shows and he's still losing pop.

If it's the tour shows and the multimen matches, I'm booking as realistically to a real-life Puro company as I can. But it doesn't explain why guys *losing* more than them are gaining.

I simply might not understand how popularity, momentum and the perception systems work at all. Cause it seems like if a guy has White Hot momentum and they win matches they should gain popularity, right?

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1 way to test if these guys are losing pop due to your booking or something else would be to try this (probably in a separate save):

Take your 59 pop top guy and have him put over your 54 pop guy clean on an event (no keep strong).

54 pop guy will be like a 58 after that or something. Don't book him for 3-4 months. For the test turn off all other events.

Does your new 58 pop guy lose pop after the 3 months at all?

If yes, that would be highly strange and would either lead me to think a bug or a pop cap related to your promotion's popularity.

If no, then something in how you're booking them is hurting their pop.

That could be that the matches they are in a getting ratings dramatically below their pop. Win or lose, that would drain their pop.

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What is the size and popularity of you company?

Note this is just a wild theory based on some observations in my own games.

Read section 11.5 in the handbook (2nd paragraph). What may actually be happening is that those particular workers are slightly higher than the popularity growth limit for your company. So when they lose a match they lose a little bit of popularity however when they win, they can't get it back because they are being limited. Essentially your workers popularity is being normalized a bit. As your company grows this will correct itself and they should start going up again if booked strong.

Edited by VBigB
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What broadcasting deals do you have for events and tour highlights? How much coverage in Japan for each? And what ratings did your wrestlers get roundabout on big event matches?

Not entirely sure, but I would second what VBigB wrote - they might normalize the initial overgain in Kansai. Cause everywhere else their pop seems to rise. But tv deals and company size also highly matter for that ceiling.

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10 hours ago, arlovski said:

What broadcasting deals do you have for events and tour highlights? How much coverage in Japan for each? And what ratings did your wrestlers get roundabout on big event matches?

Not entirely sure, but I would second what VBigB wrote - they might normalize the initial overgain in Kansai. Cause everywhere else their pop seems to rise. But tv deals and company size also highly matter for that ceiling.

Same deal BCG starts with, Shogun TV. I can't get anything better right now. They're at Small everywhere in Japan IIRC. And my main events usually do mid 70's to low 80's while I'm at 60/61-ish in Kansai.

I guess it boils down to my booking. I'm trying to book as close to a real life promotion as I can with heat up matches and big stars never losing directly, but if losing a multiman match without taking the fall lowers your pop that would explain it. If that's the case I don't agree with it at all, it's not like BUSHI taking all the falls for LIJ on tour shows has lowered Naito's overness for instance.

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42 minutes ago, d12345 said:

I didn't realize this was about BCG. Happens to the CPU too. I'm like 90% sure it's just that the promotion isn't popular enough for those major stars to hold their popularity.

Yeah, I think so too, even though I haven't started a save in TEW IX yet. It would be interesting to see what happens when you get your first ppv deal, as I am pretty sure the pop will rise then.

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