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21CW low-key diary

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So I thought I might as well do this.

A combination of my thoughts and maybe some on-screen stuff.

But mostly the thoughts of our booking team:

Jeff Nova (Owner & Head Booker):
“I’m Jeff Nova, the man who took 21CW from the brink of extinction to a household name. I’m all about crafting stories that pop, keeping our product fresh, and making sure that our brand stays the number one in British wrestling. We’re here to entertain the masses, grab mainstream attention, and put on a show that keeps the audience hooked.”

Tommy Cornell (Senior Producer & Lead Creative):
“Tommy Cornell here. I’m the wrestling genius who’s seen it all and written the book on how to make stars. My job is to bring the fire to our storylines and elevate our roster into main-event draws. Give me the talent, and I’ll turn them into the faces and heels people pay to see. We’ve got to tell stories that resonate and keep the audience emotionally invested. That’s how we win.”

Cliff Wilson (Dark Angel, Agent & Producer):
“I’m Cliff Wilson, the Dark Angel. You want high-octane matches, adrenaline-fueled moments, and fans leaping out of their seats? That’s what I bring to the table. I’m all about pushing the boundaries of what we can do in that ring—fast-paced action, wild spots, and storytelling that hits like a freight train. Let’s keep the energy sky-high, every show.”

Mark Misery (Creative Consultant & Match Agent):
“Mark Misery. I’m here to keep things grounded. I’ve seen the business from every angle—working the indies, jobbing on TV, and booking for companies that didn’t know what they had until it was gone. My focus is on logic, consistency, and not overdoing it. Storylines that make sense, matches that build properly, and characters that don’t need flash to be compelling. Sometimes, less is more. If it’s gritty, real, and cuts through the nonsense, it’s probably my idea.”

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Our top feud:

Jeff Nova:
“Alright, with Wade being that no-nonsense Yorkshire bruiser and Leigh being a cold, calculating sociopath, we’ve got ourselves a perfect ‘heart vs. mind’ dynamic. Wade’s all about grit, standing up, and throwing hands. Leigh’s a twisted genius who thrives on getting inside his opponent’s head. The hook is how Wade’s straightforward, ‘hit me, I’ll hit you harder’ approach clashes with Leigh’s mind games. Let’s build that up right from the start—Leigh setting traps, messing with Wade’s head, making him doubt himself. Wade’s the everyman who refuses to back down, and Leigh’s the shadow in the corner ready to strike. We’ll keep this gritty, intense, and full of twists.”

Tommy Cornell :
“Wade’s the rough-and-ready brawler who relies on sheer willpower, while Leigh is a psychological master. We’ll focus on how Leigh uses his intellect to manipulate situations. Start with Leigh pulling strings, planting seeds of paranoia—maybe backstage incidents, mysterious attacks, or hints that Leigh’s behind everything. The story needs to gradually expose Leigh as not just a sociopath but a master planner. Meanwhile, Wade refuses to play Leigh’s games, relying on his gut instincts and fists to keep moving forward. The climax has to be raw—a brutal brawl that strips away all pretense. Think Last Man Standing or a Barbed Wire match.”

Cliff Wilson:
“This is gold for high-stakes drama. Wade’s a scrapper who’ll never back down, but Leigh’s the kind of guy who’ll smile as he twists the knife. Play with that. Early on, Leigh needs to frustrate Wade—refusing to engage in fair fights, ducking out, and pulling strings behind the scenes. Let Wade get more and more wound up until he finally snaps and drags Leigh into his world—a straight-up fistfight. I’d build to something with real venom, like a No Holds Barred Match where Wade’s had enough and wants to tear Leigh apart. But don’t let Leigh just be the victim—make sure he has plans within plans, with surprises ready for Wade.”

Mark Misery:
“Keep this grounded in realism. Wade’s that classic British tough guy, all fists and stubbornness. Leigh’s the quiet, creepy type who only fights when he’s sure he’s got the advantage. I’d make their early encounters about Leigh picking his moments—cheap shots, distractions, stuff that gets under Wade’s skin. But when it’s time to throw down, let Wade’s toughness shine. A match like a Street Fight, where it’s all brawling and chaos, would suit Wade’s strengths. Leigh, though, needs to stay cunning—maybe hiding weapons, luring Wade into traps, or using dirty tricks. By the time we reach the blow-off, it’s two men who are done playing games—just pure, raw hatred, ending in a finish where Wade finally outsmarts Leigh by sticking to his guns.”

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These are the storylines I'm going to run.

Lets hope they can get hot!


I'll be looking to keep these pretty fast and furious as we build up to Steel Cage Challenge in January and World War in Feb.

Ill try and kick them all off on TV in week 1.

Dont expect any shocks there.  Its all about making sure the fans know whats going on ASAP

Oh.  We're also going to set up a low-level, European weekly show with cheap tickets.

Partly because we want to expand into Europe.  Partly to try and help manage momentum.  And partly because it's just fun.

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Owner goals from Mr Nova.



As you can see here I boosted the $$$ coffers.  This is not a game about struggling with cash [although I will be frugal]. 

Don't lose any size.

Make your own stars.

Keep Wade big.

Keep Adam high on the card.

Seems pretty fair.

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EWA and VWA just declared war on each other.

Germany vs Switzerland.  War.  *shudder*.

Anyway, Euro expansion is a key goal for me.  We're at 29 across the board in Europe.  EWA are 40 in Central Eur and 9 everwhere else.  VWA are 24 in Central and tiny everywhere else.

I can hire workers from both of them.

I wont. At least for now. But it's on my longlist...

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Tommy is going to have this 7 Deadly Sins arc.

Basically I want him to be in a good storyline, and also an excuse to fight a bunch of guys and stay away from the main title feud.

Faust will orchestrate it all, but Tommy wont know.  At least for now.

Jeff Nova (Owner & Head Booker):
“Faust forcing Tommy through the Seven Deadly Sins is a unique and twisted storyline. It’s got that horror movie vibe, where Tommy has to figure out what’s going on as he’s forced to confront different wrestlers, each embodying one of the sins. Blackheart, Grave Digger, and Ruin are obvious fits for this because they’re already aligned with Faust and have that dark, sinister aura. For the other sins, we need a mix of imposing figures and guys who can really bring out that ‘sinful’ personality. Let’s break it down.”

Tommy Cornell (Senior Producer & Lead Creative):
“This is Faust’s master plan to wear Tommy down mentally and physically, all while he doesn’t realize he’s walking into this elaborate trap. It’s the kind of storyline that’s perfect for 21CW’s blend of sports entertainment and character work. Each sin should feel distinct, both in style and personality. The final reveal that it’s all been orchestrated by Faust gives us that big twist moment. ”

Cliff Wilson (Dark Angel, Agent & Producer):
“Each sin needs to be represented by a wrestler who really embodies that specific trait. We’re leaning into a mix of psychological warfare and intense matches, so the performers need to both sell the gimmick and deliver in the ring. Let’s go for a mix of heavy hitters, creepy characters, and a few wild cards. We want each challenge to feel different, so this could be a great way to get creative with stipulations and match types as well.”

Mark Misery (Creative Consultant & Match Agent):
“This is where we get really dark. Faust is a master manipulator, and he’s set up a gauntlet that’s meant to break Tommy’s spirit. Each sin should feel like a different kind of threat—some physical, some mental. The key is that each opponent needs to embody that sin fully, with Faust’s influence warping them. We’re talking some really twisted, psychological stuff here.”

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Well the Eurotour show was OK.


Landon Mallory did really well.  And I found +ve chemistry between Seb and Forrest which is pretty cool.

However, the TV costs of $50k were too much to lose, and Conti Sports were upset the show wasnt good enough.

SO I might just go with the basic plan of not putting Euro shows on telly.

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Best of British Wrestling.

Thursday W1 Jan 2022.


Segment 1: Jeff Nova Announces Tonight's Main Event

The show kicks off with 21CW owner Jeff Nova striding confidently to the ring, microphone in hand. The crowd roars, sensing something big. Nova smirks, waiting for the fans to quiet down before making his announcement.

“Tonight, we’re bringing you a match worthy of a main event anywhere in the world! Your 21CW World Champion, Wade Orson, will team up with ‘The Miracle’ Tommy Cornell and ‘The German Juggernaut’ Sebastian Koller! And they’ll face a dangerous trio: Leigh Burton, Bedlam, and the sinister Jonathan Faust!”

The crowd explodes as Nova drops the mic and exits the ring, leaving anticipation buzzing in the air.



Segment 2: UK Title Match - War Machine (c) vs. Darin Flynn

The arena lights dim as the ominous entrance of War Machine fills the venue. The UK Champion marches down to the ring, his expression cold and focused. His challenger, Darin Flynn, follows to a chorus of cheers—he’s the scrappy underdog, determined to seize his moment.

The match kicks off with fast-paced strikes and hard-hitting slams. Flynn shows heart, using his speed to try and outmaneuver the brutal champion. But War Machine’s power proves too much. After countering a high-flying crossbody, War Machine plants Flynn with a devastating “Final Judgement” powerbomb for the three-count.

War Machine retains the UK Title, standing tall and staring down the hard camera as the crowd gives mixed reactions.



Segment 3: The Kingsmen's Dominance

The lights go down, and a spotlight hits the entrance as Cliff King struts out to the ring, flanked by his clients—the imposing UK Champion, War Machine, and the Tag Team Champions, Compton Valance and Langton Herring. The Kingsmen hold their titles high as King grabs a mic, grinning smugly.

“Take a look, folks!” Cliff declares. “You’re staring at the gold standard in 21CW. The Kingsmen hold two major championships, and nobody can touch us. We’re running this place!”

Before he can continue, Jeff Nova’s music hits, and the crowd erupts. Jeff steps out, raising a hand to cut off King. “Calm down, Cliff. We’ll see how dominant you really are. Tonight, Absolutely Flawless will face Landon Mallory and Mark Misery. If they win, they’re the #1 contenders for those shiny tag titles.”

The crowd pops as Cliff’s confident smirk wavers. He exchanges tense glances with his champs as Jeff’s music hits and the segment ends.



Segment 4: Adam Matravers vs. Brickhouse Balder

The crowd buzzes as Brickhouse Balder lumbers to the ring, his massive frame casting an intimidating shadow. Adam Matravers’ music hits, and the atmosphere electrifies as the high-flying veteran bursts through the curtain, full of energy.

The bell rings, and Balder immediately charges, trying to crush Matravers with raw power. But Adam is too quick, darting around the ring, hitting swift kicks and springboard attacks to keep the giant at bay. Balder gets frustrated, swinging wildly as Matravers ducks, weaves, and lands a breathtaking missile dropkick.

As Balder stumbles, Adam seizes the moment, hitting a jaw-dropping Shooting Star Press for the pinfall! The crowd explodes as Matravers stands tall, celebrating his victory with high-fives and cheers. Balder fumes in the ring, frustrated that he couldn’t catch his slippery opponent.



Segment 5: Dojo Showdown

Backstage, Ricky Storm and Sifu enter their serene dojo, ready for a focused training session. The tranquil atmosphere is shattered when they discover their sacred space has been trashed. Weights are scattered, banners torn, and the floor is littered with empty beer cans.

In the corner, the Three-Man Army – Beast Bantom, Mark Adonis, and Mass Hulk – are lounging around, laughing and chugging down more drinks. Sifu’s face hardens in anger as Ricky clenches his fists.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” demands Storm.

Adonis smirks, swaggering forward. “Just redecorating, boys. Looks better this way, doesn’t it?”

Sifu steps forward, and the tension explodes into a heated shoving match. Ricky and Beast square up, muscles tensed, while Mass Hulk lumbers toward Sifu with bad intentions.

Security rushes in, pulling the groups apart as they shout threats and insults. This isn’t over, and everyone knows it.



Segment 6: Match - Roly Muckletruck vs. Evan Alpass

In a fast-paced clash of styles, the powerhouse Roly Muckletruck takes on the nimble underdog Evan Alpass. Alpass tries to use his speed and agility, darting around the ring and hitting quick strikes while avoiding Roly’s devastating power moves. The crowd rallies behind Alpass as he shows heart, attempting to chop down the bigger man with kicks and aerial attacks.

But Roly’s raw strength becomes too much. He catches Alpass mid-springboard and slams him down with a crushing powerslam. Roly roars as he hoists Alpass up and nails his finisher, the "Muckletruck Express" (a brutal running powerbomb), for the decisive three-count.

Roly stands tall, flexing his muscles and soaking in the boos as Alpass lies defeated. The victory sends a clear message to the locker room: Roly Muckletruck is on a tear and won’t be stopped easily.



Segment 7: Roly Muckletruck Calls Out Bedlam

After his commanding victory, Roly Muckletruck snatches a mic and paces the ring, still fired up. “Bedlam! You think you’re tough because you’ve got a mean streak? Nah, lad—you’re just another big mouth hiding behind a nasty attitude! You’ve been running your mouth for weeks, but you’ve got nothing on the Muckletruck!”

The crowd buzzes with anticipation as Roly gets more intense. “You want to see what real dominance looks like? That was it right there”



Segment 8: Backstage Chat

In the dimly lit backstage area, Wade Orson, Tommy Cornell, and Sebastian Koller gather around a table, discussing the night’s main event. Wade, the World Champion, is focused and intense.

Wade: “Tonight’s about proving we’re the top dogs in 21CW. Leigh, Bedlam, and Faust—they think they can take us down? Not on our watch.”

Tommy, grinning, adjusts his gear. Tommy: “Leigh’s a psycho with a death wish. Bedlam’s all brawn and no brains, and Faust is just creepy. We’ve got the skills and the unity. Let’s make sure they remember why we’re the best.”

Sebastian, checking his tape, nods in agreement. Sebastian: “We stick together, fight smart, and we’ll walk out of that ring with our heads held high. Let’s go show them what teamwork and a bit of attitude can do.”

The trio exchange determined looks, readying themselves for the high-stakes six-man tag match ahead.



Segment 9: Match - Absolutely Flawless vs. Mark Misery & Landon Mallory

Announcer: "The next match is for the #1 contender spot for the 21CW Tag Team Championships!"

The bell rings, and Absolutely Flawless—Dexter Comet and Jayden Steele—take control with their trademark precision and coordination. They execute flawless double-team maneuvers, showing off their top-tier teamwork. Mark Misery and Landon Mallory fight hard but struggle to keep pace with the rapid-fire assaults from their opponents.

Midway through, Mallory’s frustration is evident as he makes a crucial mistake, allowing Comet to lock in the finishing move. Jayden Steele covers Mallory for the pin.

Announcer: “And it’s Absolutely Flawless! They are now the #1 contenders for the Tag Team Titles!”

As the bell rings, Mallory, visibly upset, has a moment of introspection. He shakes hands with Absolutely Flawless, showing respect. Mark Misery, however, is enraged, storming out of the ring, leaving Mallory behind.

Mallory’s conflicted expression hints at a burgeoning face turn, setting the stage for future character development.



Segment 10: In-Ring Interview - Jeff Nova with Leigh Burton and Bedlam

Jeff Nova: "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guests at this time... Leigh Burton and Bedlam!"

Leigh Burton's entrance is cold and calculating, with a menacing smile. Bedlam follows, his presence exuding raw, intimidating power. Jeff stands in the ring, visibly tense but composed.

Jeff Nova: "Leigh, Bedlam, tonight's main event is a huge six-man tag match. What are your thoughts going into this?"

Leigh Burton: (with a twisted grin) "Thoughts? Oh, Jeff, my thoughts are like a storm tearing through the night—unpredictable, dangerous. Tonight, we unleash chaos upon Wade Orson and his so-called allies. It’s not just about winning; it’s about creating fear."

Jeff Nova: "And Bedlam, you've been a dominant force recently. How do you feel about your role tonight?"

Bedlam: (voice rumbling) "Feelings? I don't have feelings, Jeff. I have rage. I’m here to crush, to dominate. Wade, Tommy, Sebastian... they'll understand what it means to face Bedlam. I’ll make sure of it."

Jeff Nova: "Well, it's clear you two have a strategy. Best of luck tonight."

Leigh's eerie smile never fades as he and Bedlam exit the ring, their ominous aura leaving the audience in suspense. Jeff looks on, unsettled but ready for the night’s main event.



Segment 11: Main Event Match - Leigh, Bedlam, and Faust vs. Wade, Tommy, and Sebastian

The arena buzzes with anticipation as the main event begins. The six men enter with palpable intensity. Wade Orson, Tommy Cornell, and Sebastian Koller stand united, ready to face the menacing trio of Leigh Burton, Bedlam, and Jonathan Faust.

Match Highlights:

  • Early Dominance: Bedlam uses his raw power to overwhelm Tommy and Wade, slamming them with earth-shaking moves. Leigh and Faust take advantage, executing a series of calculated, devastating attacks.

  • Tag Team Work: Sebastian gets a chance to shine, displaying his agility with high-flying maneuvers that turn the tide momentarily. He tags in Wade, who rallies with a series of fierce strikes and a signature slam on Bedlam.

  • Turning Point: As the match progresses, Leigh manages to isolate Sebastian, targeting him with relentless aggression. Faust distracts the referee, allowing Leigh and Bedlam to double-team Sebastian.

  • The Finish: With Wade and Tommy battling outside the ring, Leigh and Bedlam execute a brutal combination of moves on Sebastian. Leigh capitalizes, hitting his finishing maneuver with a devastating impact. He covers Sebastian for the pin



Segment 12: Post-Match Chaos

The bell rings, signaling the end of the match as the crowd erupts. Suddenly, Ruin, Grave Digger, and Blackheart storm the ring, joining the fray.

  • Attack on Wade and Tommy: Ruin drags Wade to the steel steps while Grave Digger and Blackheart brutalize Tommy.

  • Leigh's Satisfaction: Leigh watches with a cold grin, directing Bedlam and Faust to keep an eye on the recovering Sebastian.

The scene fades out with officials rushing to the ring and the faction standing tall.


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Well I am REALLY happy with that.

We've got a ton of storylines hot.  And we didnt even lose popularity!

OK I had to throw a lot of stars in a match together, but Im happy to do that.  At east at this stage.

Lets see if we can keep it up.

Faust and Koller have cooled momentum which isn't ideal, but they'll both get a chance to boost that up.

Seb in particular is going to win a match every week in Europe!

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Segment 1: Jeff Nova Kicks Off the Show


Bagpipes blare as Jeff Nova struts out in his kilt, rallying the crowd with his booming voice. “Are ye ready for a night of mayhem?!” he shouts, grinning. He teases a stacked card before revealing tonight’s main event: Adam Matravers and Tommy Cornell versus Conan Kruger and masked anarchist Antithesis.


Suddenly, Tommy Cornell’s music hits! The crowd erupts as he joins Jeff in the ring. “Bring ‘em on!” Tommy says, firing up the fans even more. The two legends exchange a nod, setting the stage for a massive showdown.



Segment 2: Jeff Nova and Absolutely Flawless

Jeff Nova invites Absolutely Flawless—the Martin twins—down to the ring. They’re dressed sharp, exuding swagger as they saunter in.

“Lads, tonight you’re up against Cool Cool Cool, two tough vets. Any nerves?” Jeff smirks.

“Cool? We’re ice cold, Jeff,” Leo Martin grins. “The ring’s our runway, and tonight... we’re turning heads.” Lance Martin steps up, “When you’re this flawless, victory is inevitable. And remember—perfection isn’t a choice. It’s a lifestyle.”

The crowd pops as they strike a pose, dripping in arrogance and confidence.



Segment 3: Match - Absolutely Flawless vs. Cool Cool Cool

Cool Cool Cool strut to the ring, their confidence unmistakable. But the crowd’s energy shifts when Absolutely Flawless—Lance Martin and Kelly Martin—make their entrance with their signature swagger and flashy attire.

The match starts with Phillip Cooper showcasing his technical skills, outmaneuvering Lance. But a quick tag later, Kelly explodes into the ring, turning up the intensity. The Martins hit their signature Perfect Precision—a synchronized suplex into a top-rope leg drop—bringing the crowd to their feet.

Absolutely Flawless secures the victory, cementing their spot as top contenders.



Segment 4: Adam Matravers' “Clear-the-Air” Meeting

Adam Matravers strolls into a posh backstage lounge, decked out in a sharp suit. Edward Cornell greets him with a wide smile, offering a handshake. “Welcome, Adam. Let’s enjoy some hors d'oeuvres and settle our differences.”

As Adam reaches for a canapé, BW Eddie and Doomsday emerge from the shadows. BW Eddie flings a tray of mini quiches at Adam, splattering his suit with creamy filling. Doomsday smashes a bowl of shrimp cocktail over Adam’s head.

The scene erupts into a chaotic food fight. Adam retaliates, hurling a plate of cheese cubes at BW Eddie. The room turns into a slapstick battleground of tossed salads and spilled drinks, with Edward Cornell looking on with a bemused smirk. The segment ends with Adam, covered in food, glaring at the House of Business, who make their escape, laughing and wiping sauce from their faces.



Segment 5: Viktor Beskov vs. Quill Pierce

In the ring, Viktor Beskov, imposing and intense, waits as Quill Pierce, the eager rookie, makes his entrance. The bell rings, and Viktor immediately dominates, showcasing his raw power and technical prowess. Quill tries to mount some offense, but Viktor’s experience and strength are too much.

Viktor floors Quill with a massive overhead slam, then locks in a punishing submission. Quill taps out quickly, and the referee calls for the bell. Viktor stands tall, smirking as he looks down at the defeated rookie. The crowd responds with a mix of awe and respect for Viktor’s dominant performance.



Segment 6: Leigh Burton Backstage Promo

Leigh Burton, sitting in a dimly lit corner, leans forward with a twisted grin. His eyes gleam with a disturbing intensity.

“Wade Orson,” Leigh whispers, his voice a chilling caress, “You think you’re safe, don’t you? Safe behind that title, safe from me. How quaint. Last week, my team dismantled yours, and it was only a taste of what’s coming. At Steel Cage Challenge, it’ll be just you and me. No escape, no interference—just a beautiful, unfiltered reckoning. I’ll relish every moment as I rip that title from your grasp and leave you broken.”

Leigh’s unsettling smile widens, a glint of malice in his eyes as the segment fades.



Segment 7:

In-Ring Interview with The Underdogs

Dane Rowley stands in the ring with Joe Lewis and Michael X, the underdogs. The crowd cheers as they face the interviewer, but there’s an undertone of skepticism.

Dane Rowley: “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here with Joe Lewis and Michael X, the Underdogs, who are daring to challenge War Machine for the UK title!”

Joe, looking nervous but determined, steps forward.

Joe Lewis: “We know we’re the underdogs, but we’re not afraid! We’re giving it everything we’ve got!”

Michael X nods vigorously.

Michael X: “Yeah, we’re here to prove that heart can overcome any obstacle!”

Suddenly, the arena lights dim, and a chilling French horn plays. Out comes Brickhouse Balder, a menacing figure. The crowd buzzes with surprise and concern.

Dane Rowley: “Oh, and it looks like Joe has another huge challenge ahead! Brickhouse Balder is here!”

Balder’s imposing presence silences the crowd as he looms over the ring, ready to face Joe Lewis. The segment ends with Joe looking apprehensive and Michael X trying to stay positive.



Segment 8:

Match: Joe Lewis vs. Brickhouse Balder

Joe Lewis faces off against the intimidating Brickhouse Balder. The crowd is on edge, unsure if the underdog can pull off a victory.

Match Highlights:

  • Balder dominates early, using his power to overwhelm Joe. He delivers a thunderous clothesline and a series of punishing strikes, leaving Joe gasping for breath.

  • Joe fights back with sheer willpower, dodging a massive charge from Balder and sending him crashing into the turnbuckle.

  • As Balder staggers, Joe climbs the top rope, attempting a high-risk maneuver. He leaps off for a crossbody, but Balder catches him mid-air.

  • Balder tries for a devastating power slam, but Joe wriggles free and lands awkwardly on his feet. The impact causes Balder to lose his balance momentarily.

  • Seizing the opportunity, Joe quickly rolls up Balder in a small package pin. Balder, surprised and off-balance, can’t kick out in time.



Segment 9:

Roly Muckletruck Calls Out Bedlam

Roly Muckletruck, the Scottish Squashaurus, storms into the ring, his voice booming with his thick Scots accent. He rages at the camera, challenging Bedlam to come out and settle their feud once and for all.


“Bedlam! Get yer arse out here now! I’ve had enough of yer games. Come face me like a man, ye cowardly bastard!”

The arena lights dim and eerie music begins to play. The crowd buzzes with anticipation. A forklift truck trundles down the ramp, carrying a large, crudely constructed model of Roly Muckletruck.


“What the—?”

Bedlam’s entrance music hits, and he strides down the ramp with a fierce scowl. He’s dressed in his Welsh rugby gear, exuding a menacing presence. He grins wickedly as he sees the model.


“Look at this, lad! A wee model of the mighty Roly! Isn’t it just adorable?”

Bedlam grabs a sledgehammer and starts attacking the model with furious swings, each strike punctuated by his wild laughter and guttural roars.


“Is this the best you’ve got, Roly? You’re just a pathetic toy to me!”

The model collapses under the assault, cardboard and paint flying everywhere. Bedlam continues to smash it with gleeful abandon, thoroughly enjoying the destruction.


“Next time, it’ll be you I’m breaking, not some silly doll! And I’ll enjoy every moment!”

Bedlam throws the sledgehammer aside and glares at Roly with a wicked grin before disappearing backstage. Roly stands in the ring, seething with rage and determination, ready to get his revenge.



Segment 10:

The arena darkens, eerie music fills the air, and a spotlight reveals Jonathan Faust in white robes, flanked by Ruin, Grave Digger, and Blackheart. Faust raises his arms as the crowd watches in silence.

“Behold Hellbound, the harbingers of your reckoning. We wield a power beyond your comprehension.”

He gestures to Ruin, who stands menacingly, and to Grave Digger, whose towering presence looms large. Blackheart flexes his tattooed arms, his eyes gleaming with intensity.

“Ruin brings chaos, Grave Digger ensures our path, and Blackheart enforces our will. But our true strength lies in the dark magic we command.”

The lights flicker ominously as Faust continues.

“Soon, you will feel the full extent of our power. Those who stand against us will face their worst nightmares.”

The lights return to normal. Hellbound stands united, a formidable and unsettling presence, as the segment ends.


Segment 11:

The match starts with high energy as Faust and Ruin face off against Grime and Punishment. Grime MC Dangermouth and Edison Silva display their contrasting styles: Dangermouth's erratic energy and Silva's disciplined MMA strikes.

Ruin dominates early, using his brute strength to wear down Silva. Faust prowls around the ring, seizing opportunities to taunt Dangermouth with unsettling laughter. Silva manages a comeback, but Faust cunningly distracts the ref, allowing Ruin to deliver a crushing slam.

Final Moments:

As Ruin holds Silva in a punishing hold, Faust slips into the ring, planting Silva with a brutal DDT. Faust covers Silva as the referee counts to three.

Winner: Faust and Ruin

Faust stands over the fallen Silva, a cold, satisfied smile on his face. The Hellbound duo raises their arms in triumph as the crowd reacts with a mix of shock and awe.



Segment 12:

Backstage, Ricky Storm paces with intense energy, his eyes locked on Sifu, who remains stoically focused. The room is charged with anticipation.

Ricky: "Tonight, Sifu, it's not just another match. It's your chance to show everyone the precision and power that define you. Beast Bantom is big, strong, but he's no match for your technique and discipline. You’ve trained for this. You’ve lived for this."

Sifu nods silently, his gaze unwavering. Ricky places a firm hand on Sifu's shoulder, his voice lowering to a determined growl.

Ricky: "Go out there and make him regret stepping into your world. Show him what true martial prowess looks like."

Sifu takes a deep breath, a silent resolve in his eyes, and heads toward the entrance, ready to prove himself.



Segment 13:

In-Ring Promo: The Three Man Army

The Three Man Army's music blares, and Mark Adonis, Mass Hulk, and Beast Bantom march to the ring, exuding confidence. Beast Bantom grabs the mic and growls, “Tonight, you’re going to witness the raw power of the Three Man Army. We’ve got the strength, the skills, and the will to dominate.”

Mark Adonis smirks and adds, “We’re not just a team; we’re a force of nature. Everyone in the back should be scared because we’re coming for you.”

Mass Hulk raises his arms, showcasing his massive physique. “Beast is about to show why no one can stand against us.”



Segment 14:

Match: Beast Bantom vs. Sifu

The match kicks off with Beast Bantom's brute force against Sifu's technical precision. Sifu dodges and counters with skillful strikes, but Bantom's sheer power gradually overwhelms him.

As the match progresses, Mark Adonis and Mass Hulk make their way to ringside. Adonis taunts Sifu, distracting him with his usual flashy arrogance. Mass Hulk adds his imposing presence, looming over the ring.

In the final moments, Bantom capitalizes on the distraction, delivering a crushing Power Slam to Sifu. The referee, distracted by the chaos at ringside, counts the pinfall.

Winner: Beast Bantom

Adonis and Hulk smirk as Bantom celebrates, adding a layer of chaos and frustration to Sifu’s defeat.



Segment 15:

Backstage Monologue and Main Event Preparation

Tommy Cornell paces backstage, his face contorted in fury. “Last week was a disgrace,” he growls, slamming his fist against a wall. “I’m the best, the greatest there’s ever been. No one outshines me. I should be on top, not getting jumped by that bunch of freaks!”

He mutters to himself, his anger escalating. “I’m not going to be a footnote in this company. I’ll show everyone who’s really in control.”

Tommy finally arrives at the gorilla position, where he meets his partner, Adam Matravers. Adam, still nursing wounds from earlier, gives Tommy a concerned look. Tommy barely acknowledges him, his eyes burning with intensity.

The two head to the ring, the tension palpable as they prepare for their main event clash.



Segment 16: Main Event Match

The arena is buzzing as Tommy Cornell and Adam Matravers make their entrance, their anticipation matched by the crowd's excitement. Conan Kruger and Antithesis enter next, the masked anarchist carrying an air of chaotic menace.

The match starts slowly, with Conan and Antithesis isolating Adam, who is visibly struggling with injuries from earlier in the show. Kruger taunts the crowd, while Antithesis uses his mask to create confusion and misdirection.

Despite the odds, Tommy’s fierce determination shines through. He eventually tags in, taking control with a burst of energy. He outmaneuvers Kruger and Antithesis, landing heavy blows and wearing them down.

With the crowd on their feet, Tommy executes his Rough Justice finisher on Kruger. The impact is thunderous, and Tommy covers for the pin. The ref counts—1... 2... 3!

Tommy and Adam win, but the match takes its toll on Adam, leaving him visibly injured as the victorious Tommy celebrates, albeit with a concerned glance towards his partner.



Segment 17: Wade Orson’s Promo

The camera opens to a cozy, upscale living room. Wade Orson, World Champion and Yorkshire's answer to Stone Cold, is lounging on a leather sofa with a cold beer in hand. His face is stern but composed as he addresses the camera.

"Oi, Leigh Burton! I've been watchin' ya run your mouth all over the place," Wade begins, his Yorkshire accent thick and unyielding. "You've been jabberin' on about how you're gonna take my title at Steel Cage Challenge. Well, let me tell ya somethin'—you're in for one hell of a fight."

He leans forward, eyes blazing with intensity. "I'm ready to put on a proper scrap, just like we do in Yorkshire. You want a piece of this? You got it. At Steel Cage Challenge, we settle this once and for all."

Wade takes a swig of his beer, flashing a defiant smirk. "So, Leigh, get ready. 'Cause when that cage door slams shut, there’s no escape. Let’s have a proper scrap, shall we?"

The camera fades out as Wade leans back, his gaze unyielding and confident.



Overall grade: 77


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Another excellent show.  Im really surprising myself here!

Wade is pretty dang gold.  His and Leighs promos were great.

Im still a bit frustrated with this version of the game that good promos get brought down so much by stable members and bodyguards.  I want Faust and Edward to do great work and bring up their lackeys.  Not get stuck in MOR territory because BW and Doomsday are so unpopular.

Oh well.  Guess Ill just have to blow up some membership.

Speaking of which...

Im going to quietly remove the red devils from the HoB.

And I've hired a handful of face jobbers.  Quill Pierce showed up on the card this week.  There's others.

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The foodfight and forklift/bedlam segments were from my AI booking team.  Those guys are super fun.  

I struggle a bit with turning storylines into individual angles.  AI is absolutely brilliant for that.

Also; I found good chemistry between Conan and Antithesis in this week's main event.  That's quite interesting.  Theyre definitely both potential replacements in either the House of Business or Hellbound.  I guess Conan fits in the HoB and Antithesis in Hellbound.  So maybe its not useful.

because Grave Digger, Blackheart and Ruin are all high potential in this game I feel like I need to bring them all up to Faust's level.  But so far the grades are not there at all.

I think I'll probably whittle down the HoB a bit.  And then let Edward build it back up.  Conan would be a good start.  Way better than BW and Doomsday

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Booking team thoughts for next week:

Jeff Nova: Alright, lads, here we go again. We’re doin’ good things, but we’re just scratchin’ the surface. I want Wade vs Leigh to feel like a proper war, and I need more intensity around our midcard feuds too. No weak links on my watch. Let’s push the excitement and keep the drama tight. What’s next?

Cliff Wilson: Gotta agree, boss. Wade’s got the grit, but we need more stunts that get the crowd poppin’. I’m thinkin’ for next week, we tease some cage spots ahead of SCC. Big visuals, high impact. Also, let’s make that Matravers-House of Business angle crazier. Get some over-the-top action in that food fight segment.

Tommy Cornell: We’re buildin’ stories, but it’s about who’s gonna deliver in the ring. Wade’s promo was strong, but now he needs to feel like a man who’ll put you through hell in that cage. Leigh’s gotta come off as pure viciousness. Make him look like he’s toying with minds, not just throwin’ punches. We’ll stack the odds in his favor to build that heat.

Mark Misery: Keep the brawls efficient and brutal. We need those big spots Cliff loves, sure, but don’t let it overstay. Let Leigh get into Wade’s head more. Maybe have Leigh take out someone Wade’s aligned with backstage. Simple, effective, pushes the narrative forward.

Jeff Nova: Aye, that’s what I want—maximum impact in minimum time. Also, watch that tag scene. I want Absolutely Flawless to shine, but we need challengers who look like they belong. Cliff, I like your spot ideas for Matravers, but let’s not overshadow the top story. We’re here to make Wade vs Leigh the talk of the town. Let’s keep pushin’ forward!

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Im struggling a bit with characterisation for the Demolishers.  

So I asked the booking team:

Jeff Nova: Alright, lads, let’s shake things up. We can’t have The Demolishers coming off as just another pair of street thugs. They’ve got to be unique, stand out from the pack. They’ve got that raw Newcastle grit, but let’s layer in something unexpected—something that gives them an edge beyond just brawling.

Cliff Wilson: What if we leaned into their backstory more? They’re not just street thugs—they’re the type who grew up in the toughest parts of Newcastle, where survival meant outsmarting and outfighting everyone around them. They’re the kind of blokes who don’t just fight for fun; they fight to prove they’re smarter, tougher, and more dangerous than anyone else. Maybe we show how they use a bit of street-smart strategy in their matches—like setting traps, baiting opponents, or even playing a bit dirty when the ref’s not looking. Compton, with that sneaky technical side, could be the one who pulls out clever moves to catch opponents off guard. Langton’s the enforcer, but maybe he’s got a sharp mind for strategy too—always one step ahead in the power game.

Tommy Cornell: Yeah, and we give them a signature thing—something only they do. Like, what if they had a specific “calling card” after they win? Something symbolic that ties into their street origins. Maybe after every victory, they leave a mark—like a spray-painted symbol on the ring post, or they tag their opponents with something unique. It’s a bit like marking territory. This isn’t just about winning; it’s about owning the space. And their in-ring style reflects that—aggressive, but with purpose, like they’re claiming dominance every time they step between the ropes.

Mark Misery: And here’s another angle—we could play with the idea that they’re not just thugs, but also a bit of local legends back home. They’ve got stories, a bit of mythology around them from Newcastle. Maybe they’ve taken down local tough guys or run roughshod over the underground fighting scene. Fans need to feel like these guys are more than just wrestlers—they’re the kind of blokes who’ve had entire neighborhoods fearing them. We could drop hints of this in promos, let Cliff King tell these exaggerated tales that build their mystique. It makes them more than just muscle—they become figures of fear and respect, almost like urban legends.

Jeff Nova: Perfect. And to push it further, let’s make sure their look matches. They come out in gear that feels authentic to their background—maybe they’ve got personalized brass knuckles, chains, or even a bit of graffiti-style art on their ring jackets that represents their crew or turf. We’ll have Cliff King hype up their history, but we make sure that in every match, they show that they’re not just thugs—they’re strategists, they’re survivors, and they’re downright dangerous. And maybe their tagline is something like, “We don’t just fight—we own.”

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The booking crew on Hellbound:

Jeff Nova: Alright lads, we’ve got a stronger foundation to flesh these guys out and really make each one distinct. Let's dig in and polish their personas to give them more life.

Tommy Cornell: So for Ruin, we lean into his acting background and mix it with his current role as Faust’s zealot. The guy’s been in the public eye, playing that imposing bodyguard on TV, but now he’s twisted it into real-life delusion. He sees himself as a character from ancient history, almost like he’s living in a fantasy. Ruin believes he’s some divine agent of chaos sent to "purge the unworthy"—like he’s reliving those epic battles. He quotes Latin phrases during promos and constantly refers to his opponents as “false emperors” or “pretenders to the throne.” He’s got this grandeur that’s creepy but also kind of unhinged.

Cliff Wilson: Definitely. And in the ring, you can make him more theatrical. He’s already a bruiser, so we keep that, but have him strike these dramatic poses, like he’s in the middle of a movie scene. He’ll shout stuff like “Vae victis!” before laying into someone with a lariat or finishing them with an over-the-top gladiator roar. Make him a guy who’s fully bought into his own myth, which is both scary and a bit absurd. He’s not just a big brawler—he’s a zealot who’s got one foot in reality and the other in his own twisted world.

Mark Misery: That’s solid. Now, Blackheart is our wild card, right? We already know he’s got that biker gang background, but let’s play up the idea that he’s a straight-up sadist who takes pleasure in violence. He’s the guy in the group who doesn’t care about any grand schemes or rituals—he’s in it purely for the brutality. His promos should feel erratic, like he’s barely containing his rage. Maybe he’s got that deadpan, dark humor, cracking jokes right before he snaps and beats the hell out of someone. He’s a loose cannon in every sense.

Tommy Cornell: Right, and what about adding some unpredictability to his in-ring work? One minute he’s brawling, and the next he’s taunting or deliberately taking his time, just to mess with his opponents. His finisher should come out of nowhere, too—like a sudden, violent piledriver or knockout punch, delivered with no warning. He could even have this signature maniacal laugh, something that gives him an edge as the most unstable guy in the group. That way, Blackheart feels distinct as the volatile brawler who’s here to hurt, not for any cause or mission.

Jeff Nova: And Grave Digger—he’s our big monster, but we need more than just “tall and scary.” We’ve got him pegged as a methodical, ritualistic guy, but let’s make him eerie in a way that’s almost hypnotic. Like, he’s not just big—he’s calculated, moving with the calm of a predator. What if he’s obsessed with death rites and the idea of “putting souls to rest”? He could carry a shovel to the ring as a symbol, and during promos, he’s almost poetic, talking about the peace that comes from “the end” as if he’s guiding his victims to the afterlife. Give him a calm, almost soothing voice, which makes his cold demeanor even more chilling.

Cliff Wilson: Yeah, and in matches, let’s slow him down—make him the guy who doesn’t rush anything. He’s all about pressure, stalking his opponents and wearing them down with relentless strikes and power moves. He could have this habit of staring down his opponents before delivering that R.I.P. piledriver, almost like he’s staring through their soul. It’s less about rage and more about inevitability. Once he’s locked onto you, it’s over.

Mark Misery: That makes each member distinct. Grave Digger is the calm executioner, Ruin’s the theatrical zealot, and Blackheart’s the chaotic sadist. They each bring something unique to the table while still fitting Faust’s creepy, cult-like vibe.

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23 minutes ago, Charasmatic Enigma said:

Great start @Boltinho! My only criticism so far is that I'd picture Wade Orson as a warm ale drinker rather than a cold lager. They don't drink that piss up North... :)

Super fair point!

I think he's a Theakstons man.

Maybe a good Black Sheep Riggwelter.

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Interesting Stuff, I like Kruger a lot so him getting to main event was cool. His whole being the Evolution of Wrestling sent from the future feels a bit wacky for 21CW, but I'll take it over big menacing guy with an optional side of spookiness. Him and Antithesis are a weird combo, but I could see it being spun as Antithesis convincing Kruger that he would be on top of the world if everyone was on even footing, so he should join him in tearing down the company who's propping up it's chosen stars and holding folks like him back.

The segment with Bedlam and Roly Muckletrick and the Forklift was bizzare but funny. I hope we get Squashasaurus in a monster truck running over Bedlams Forklift soon.

For angle grades with groups it might be worth having at least part of the angle be just the guy whose over talking with the others set as background to not drag down the angle. Of course that might also prevent the angle from really benefitting them, but it is what it is. Might be better to try to elevate guys individually one at a time than doing it all at once.

Any plans for Red Devils splitting from House of Business? I always felt they were a pretty good team, but neither can really talk so that might be an issue with them going on their own.

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