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21CW low-key diary

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41 minutes ago, Tiberious said:

Interesting Stuff, I like Kruger a lot so him getting to main event was cool. His whole being the Evolution of Wrestling sent from the future feels a bit wacky for 21CW, but I'll take it over big menacing guy with an optional side of spookiness. Him and Antithesis are a weird combo, but I could see it being spun as Antithesis convincing Kruger that he would be on top of the world if everyone was on even footing, so he should join him in tearing down the company who's propping up it's chosen stars and holding folks like him back.

The segment with Bedlam and Roly Muckletrick and the Forklift was bizzare but funny. I hope we get Squashasaurus in a monster truck running over Bedlams Forklift soon.

For angle grades with groups it might be worth having at least part of the angle be just the guy whose over talking with the others set as background to not drag down the angle. Of course that might also prevent the angle from really benefitting them, but it is what it is. Might be better to try to elevate guys individually one at a time than doing it all at once.

Any plans for Red Devils splitting from House of Business? I always felt they were a pretty good team, but neither can really talk so that might be an issue with them going on their own.


Really interesting how you and I read Conan's bio differently. 

"...it's like someone sent him from the future to destroy humanity....which is almost exactly how 21CW have been using him, billing him as "the next evolution in pro wrestling" and having him wipe the floor with "inferior", "primitive" opponents..." 

I read that is 'it sorta feels like he's very advanced / next gen athlete rather than "he's actually from the future".  But I can see both working.  I actually love a time traveler in 21CW.  But I see the company as having wacky/supernatural/OTT stuff alongside more serious characters and angles.  And noone ever really mentions th clash because... wrestling.

I guess if he was really a time traveller I'd expect his gimmick to be that rather than "next evolution".  But no big deal either way.

I threw him and Harry together just randomly really.  Again my version of 21CW doesnt explain everything.  Sometimes a team or match is that way just because Jeff says so.

I really like Conan too though.  He's a natural fit in the House of Business IMO.  Much more so than Doomsday or BW.

I can sort of see the Red Devils in it IF they have some sort of "modern Russia is all about dirty capitalism" gimmick slant going on.

Speaking of the Red Devils... I have no clue how the split will work. But I hate the HoB being so big and unwieldy.  Lets ask the booking team!

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Jeff Nova: A split makes perfect sense if we’re streamlining the House of Business. It’ll keep Edward as the centerpiece while letting the Red Devils move on to something fresh. I’m thinking we tie it into the tension with Adam Matravers—Edward starts blaming the Red Devils for his recent troubles with Adam. Maybe he accuses them of not being ruthless enough, dragging the stable down. Edward’s obsession with status could be the reason he pushes them out.

Tommy Cornell: Exactly. We can play up the idea that Edward’s disappointed with them and feels they’re dead weight. Maybe the Red Devils keep failing him in key moments—botched interference or getting pinned when they should’ve protected him. Edward’s ego could take over, and he’s got no room for weak links. Eventually, he gives them an ultimatum: prove yourselves or get out. They fail, and he’s the one who cuts them loose in dramatic fashion.

Cliff Wilson: Love it. We can even have the break-up happen during a match. Have the Red Devils get involved in Edward vs. Adam, but their interference backfires and costs Edward the match. You could get a brilliant visual of Edward’s cold stare as they try to apologize in the ring. Then BOOM—he turns on them, attacking them himself, or calls in Doomsday or BW Eddie to take them out. That keeps him looking strong and decisive.

Mark Misery: If we want to lean into Edward’s cold businessman persona, we could frame it as a calculated move. He could call a ‘boardroom meeting’ promo in the ring, where he announces a ‘restructuring’ of the House of Business. He lays out the facts: the Red Devils have underperformed, the stock has dropped, and it’s time to cut the losses. He coldly dismisses them as unprofitable assets. The crowd would eat up the arrogance.

Jeff Nova: Maybe we even build it over a couple of weeks. Edward starts giving them the cold shoulder, leaving them out of key matches, showing visible disdain when they’re around. He could drop subtle hints in promos, saying things like, “The House of Business is only as strong as its most valuable members.” Then finally, after one last failure or slip-up, he snaps and kicks them out for good.

Tommy Cornell: The beauty of it is that we can still tie it into the feud with Adam Matravers. Maybe Adam’s stirring the pot backstage, whispering that Edward doesn’t really value the Red Devils, getting in their heads. That way, when Edward does kick them out, there’s a sense of betrayal and regret—especially if we position them as turning face after getting ousted.

Cliff Wilson: And if we’re pushing the Red Devils out as babyfaces, we can give them a proper underdog moment. Maybe they finally stand up to Edward, leading to a brawl where they get the upper hand and storm out on their own terms. Then you’ve got them set up as new threats to Edward’s ego, and it adds another layer to his feud with Adam.

Jeff Nova: Aye, there’s a lot of potential angles here. It’s all about making Edward look ruthless while giving the Red Devils a chance to grow. Let’s make it explosive and make sure the fallout elevates everyone involved.

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Best of British Wrestling

Week 3 January 2022


Segment 1: The Opening Challenge

The show opens with Jeff Nova in the ring, welcoming the crowd with his signature Scottish swagger. Before he can get far, Leigh Burton’s ominous music cuts him off. The twisted loner stalks down to the ring, his eyes locked on Jeff. He demands that Wade Orson, the so-called “fighting champion,” put the title on the line tonight!

Wade’s music hits, and the crowd explodes as the champ storms to the ring. He squares up to Leigh and snarls, “You want the belt? You’ll get it, right here, right now!”

Leigh’s face twists into a sinister grin. “Oh, I’ll get it, alright. But it's not me you're fighting tonight. It’ll be him.” Suddenly, Beast Bantom’s music hits, and the powerhouse stomps out, glaring at Wade as the main event is set.



Segment 2: Edward Cornell vs. Darin Flynn

The bell rings, and Darin Flynn charges in with youthful energy, trying to make the most of his chance against the cold, calculating Edward Cornell. But Cornell, with the deadly precision of a seasoned pro, picks apart the plucky underdog with ruthless efficiency.

On the outside, Doomsday and BW Eddie lurk like predators, staring daggers at Darin. Each time Flynn tries to build momentum, they make their presence known, causing him to hesitate. Eventually, Edward traps Darin in a vicious submission and forces him to tap. Post-match, the House of Business stands tall, sending a clear message




Segment 3: Tommy Cornell Backstage with Adam Matravers and Rhys Pendragon

In the dimly lit locker room, Tommy Cornell is pacing back and forth, rubbing his temples. Adam Matravers and Rhys Pendragon watch him with concern.

Tommy: "I don’t know what it is, lads. Something’s wrong. Feels like someone’s slipped me something, y’know? Like I’m off-balance… like there’s this weight on me that I can’t shake."

Adam nods, trying to reassure him, while Rhys looks nervous, knowing Tommy isn’t easily shaken.

Rhys: "You’re the best in the world, boss. Whatever’s going on, we’ll figure it out."

Tommy remains tense, unsure, staring off into the distance.



Segment 4: Kathleen Lee’s Gym Auditions

A gritty training montage kicks off in a sweaty, underground gym. Kathleen Lee, the ruthless manager and coach, is barking orders as a group of eager young heels run drills. The camera pans over Beau Boulder’s hulking physique, Quill’s flashy technique, the Red, White, and Blue Kid’s cocky swagger and Vinny Vigilante’s determination.

Kathleen: "I’m looking for the hungriest, meanest, most ruthless wrestler out there. Show me who’s ready to take things to the next level!"

The hopefuls push themselves to impress as Kathleen watches with a calculating eye, deciding who’s got what it takes to join her ranks.



Segment 5: Jonathan Faust & Ruin vs. Rhys Pendragon & Welsh Dragon

The eerie entrance of Jonathan Faust and Ruin fills the arena as they make their way to the ring, flanked by Grave Digger and Blackheart. The ominous presence of Hellbound has the crowd on edge. Rhys Pendragon and Welsh Dragon, the young, spirited underdogs, stand determined but wary.

The match is competitive, with Pendragon showing heart and speed while Welsh Dragon uses his high-flying prowess. But the numbers game soon catches up. Grave Digger and Blackheart cause distractions, allowing Faust to take control.

Ruin hits a devastating powerbomb, followed by Faust’s twisted finishing move. 1-2-3, Hellbound takes the victory.

Winners: Jonathan Faust & Ruin




Segment 6: House of Business Boardroom Meeting

The scene cuts to a swanky boardroom set up backstage, complete with polished wood, water bottles, and corporate branding. Edward Cornell, looking sharp with a towel draped over his shoulders after his earlier victory, stands at the head of the table. BW Eddie, Doomsday, and the Red Devils sit in their suits, looking tense.

Cornell paces as he lectures them about “performance targets” and how they’re “failing to deliver results.” He snaps at them for not promoting their sponsor logos enough and emphasizes that their biggest priority is taking out Adam Matravers.

“We’re here to make money,” Cornell insists, “and until we crush Matravers, our stock is sinking. Step it up or get replaced.”



Segment 7: Sifu and Ricky Storm Training Montage

The screen fades into a high-energy montage set to a cheesy 80s rock anthem. It’s all intense, over-the-top training scenes as Sifu and Ricky Storm push themselves to the limit.

Sifu performs flawless martial arts katas, his strikes so fast they almost blur. Ricky is in the gym, pumping iron with intensity, sweat pouring down his face. We get shots of them sparring, running stairs, and perfecting high-impact kicks.

The sequence is pure Van Damme—think slow-motion roundhouse kicks, flexing, and intense eye contact. They’re preparing to bring everything they’ve got against the Three Man Army.



Segment 8: The Demolishers vs. The Northern Lights - Tag Title Match

The Demolishers (Compton Valence and Langton Herring) defend their tag titles against the tough, gritty team of the Northern Lights (Alton Vicious and Riddick Jordan).

It’s a hard-hitting contest from the start, with Valence brawling while Herring uses his size to dominate in brief, explosive bursts. The Northern Lights fight back with impressive power and teamwork, but the champs maintain control.

The match ends when Herring clobbers Riddick with a brutal lariat, allowing Valence to hit a surprise suplex for the 1-2-3, keeping the titles firmly in the King’s Men’s grip.



Segment 9: The Underdogs Attack

The Demolishers, still catching their breath after their title defense, are shocked when Joe Simpson and Michael X, the Underdogs, rush the ring. Despite the obvious size difference, the Underdogs—seemingly fueled by an inexplicable burst of energy—take advantage of the champs' exhaustion.

Joe Simpson tries to toss a high-flying punch at Valence, but his lack of coordination makes it look more like a slapstick routine. Michael X attempts a sneak attack but trips over his own feet, causing a comic pile-up in the corner.

Just as it seems the Underdogs might actually gain the upper hand, War Machine’s music hits. The UK Champion storms the ring, his presence a whirlwind of fury. He clears out the Underdogs with a series of powerful strikes and a thunderous roar. The Demolishers look bewildered but grateful, while War Machine stands tall, shaking his head in disbelief at the surreal chaos



Segment 10: Midnight Ritual

A shaky, grainy video begins to play on the screen. The scene is set in a dimly lit, eerie forest. The camera, held unsteadily, captures the Hellbound performing a ritual around a flickering bonfire.

Jonathan Faust, draped in white robes, leads the dark ceremony with a haunting chant. Ruin stands imposingly, his shadow stretching ominously in the firelight. Blackheart, with his tattooed visage, and Grave Digger, tossing dirt into the fire, add to the unsettling atmosphere.

The ritual involves strange symbols drawn in the dirt, ominous chanting, and the burning of a strange effigy. The video ends abruptly with Faust’s eerie laugh echoing as the screen fades to black.



Segment 11: Tommy Cornell's Big Entrance

The arena lights dim as a spotlight focuses on the entrance ramp. Tommy Cornell’s music blares through the speakers, a gritty, hard-hitting anthem that gets the crowd roaring. Tommy emerges, wearing his trademark scowl but with a glimmer of confidence in his eyes. He strides down the ramp with purpose, soaking in the crowd’s energy.

As he approaches the ring, Tommy's gruff demeanor softens slightly. He slaps hands with fans, giving them quick nods and grins. Despite his tough-guy persona, he’s clearly enjoying the interaction. Tommy steps into the ring, taking a moment to absorb the atmosphere before getting down to business.



Segment 12: Tommy Cornell vs. Viktor Beskov

The match kicks off with Tommy Cornell and Viktor Beskov locking up in the center of the ring. Tommy’s aggression is evident as he uses his superior wrestling skill to dominate early on. Beskov tries to mount a comeback, landing a few powerful strikes, but Tommy’s resilience is unmatched.

The climax comes when Tommy traps Viktor in his signature submission hold, the Guilt Trip. Beskov struggles, but Tommy’s grip is unyielding. The crowd roars as Beskov taps out, and the referee calls for the bell. Tommy releases the hold, standing tall and victorious, a mixture of relief and determination in his eyes.



Segment 13: Bedlam's Production Truck Hijack

Roly Muckletruck’s music starts and the big Scot starts walking out, but the arena's lights flicker ominously. Suddenly, the entrance video cuts out, and instead, a distorted, menacing laugh fills the arena. Bedlam’s face appears on the screen, twisted and menacing, as he taunts Roly with footage of past beatdowns.

Roly, enraged, charges up the ramp, searching for Bedlam. The backstage area erupts into chaos as Roly finds Bedlam and a fierce brawl ensues. Bedlam, laughing maniacally, traps Roly inside a steel shipping container. With a sadistic grin, he uses a forklift to ram the container repeatedly. Security rushes in to separate them, but the damage is done. The crowd is left stunned, witnessing Bedlam's brutal and deranged tactics in full force.



Segment 10: Wade Orson Works the Crowd

The arena lights dim before Wade Orson’s iconic music hits, sending the crowd into a frenzy. The 21CW World Champion, Wade Orson, struts out with a grin, exuding Yorkshire swagger. As he makes his way down the ramp, he stops to take selfies with fans, each one more exaggerated than the last. He spots a pint, takes a big swig, and lets out a satisfied "Proper!" before handing the pint back to the delighted fan.

Reaching ringside, Wade spots a kid holding a homemade sign and hands the youngster his signature flat cap, giving a thumbs-up as the crowd cheers. With every interaction, Wade's charm radiates as he builds the anticipation for tonight’s main event.



Segment 11: World Championship Match: Wade Orson (c) vs. Beast Bantom

The bell rings, and the match starts with intense back-and-forth action. Beast Bantom, with his raw power, gives Wade all he can handle, using stiff strikes and powerhouse slams to try and wear the champ down. Wade, as always, mixes his technical wrestling with brawling, creating that “proper scrap” vibe he’s known for.

The crowd is on the edge of their seats as the match sees both men hitting big moves. Bantom looks like he’s about to put Wade away with a brutal spinebuster, but Wade kicks out at the last second. Frustrated, Bantom tries to go for another power move, but Wade reverses it into a slick counter, shifting the momentum.

Wade goes for the creative finish he was planning—a springboard stunner into a rolling lariat—but there’s a hiccup. The execution is off, and both men stumble awkwardly. The crowd murmurs in confusion. Recovering quickly, Wade adjusts and nails Bantom with a hard-hitting lariat, followed by his signature finisher, to get the three-count.

Wade retains his title, but the finish didn’t quite land as expected. The commentary team acknowledges it, but praises Wade’s adaptability and grit in securing the win.



Overall show grade:




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I mentioned this elsewhere, but I'm a bit annoyed at this show.

The main event was spoiled a bit by the creative finish [which was Wade's idea] not coming off.  It dropped the natch to a 70, when I bet it could have been high 70s or even 80.

Which lost me pop across the British Isles.  And the TV broadcaster complained.

Fair enough, that happens.  a creative finish is a gamble.


there were 6 other segments above 70.  Including 2 other matches.  Tommy and Edward Cornell both won a match on this card.

It feels really harsh that the 21CW fans were all "Sure the Cornell cousins, and that mad Roly/Bedlam angle, and all that. They were fine.  But that last 5 seconds of the really good main event were squiffy.  What a disappointing evening.  I sorta like 21CW less than I did before..."

And then the suits at the TV station sent me a note to also say "people tuned in and loved the show all night, but that last few seconds... not the best.  We dont want any creativity in wrestling matches thankyou.  Do better".



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OK.  I've got a few guys with problematic momentum.

I just tried a Character Idea [cant remember the exact chance of success, but it was a good one] on Seb Koller and it failed.



Seb is obviously annoyed at the bad idea.

I set him to turn as an insurance policy.  I'll build it for a while and see.  If I can rescue his momentum I'll cancel it.  If not... evil rock'n'roll German is happening.

Also I'm annoyed at Faust and Ruin being Cooled. They're in a storyline with Tommy Cornell!  Even with no payoff that's quite exciting isn't it?

'Hey 21CW fan!  Whaddya think of Ruin?'

'Oh that dude who's in CSI Claudius?  And is on TV every week doing voodoo stuff on Tommy Cornell?  Meh.  He's a bit cooled off for me'  

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I think the Underdogs get geeks of the week here. Trying to sneak attack someone and failing in a slapstick manner definitely feels like a comedy heel act.

Unfortunate that your character idea didn't work out, those are probably the creative meeting option I use the most because being able to boost momentom instantly is great since I've found getting people out of negative just through normal booking takes ages at times; especially for ones who start with negative momentum. Faust & Ruin start the game with negative momentum, so  I'm imagining Ruin and Faust canonically lost a lot of their important matches and feuds prior to the start of the save, so fans don't buy them as proper threats to Tommy C atm because of that.

In my experienced all the Cold Momentom guys are probably lost causes, or at least may not be worth the effort it would take to get their momentom up. Aside from Brickhouse I think they're all unimportant so wins and losses won't get them momentum unless you manage to get them up to recognizable. Creative ideas are probably your best bet if you really want to salvage any of them, but you only have so many of those and they don't always work/a turn can also help boost momentum a bit.

Cooled isn't quite so bad, since it's only one level below neutral. I'd just try to keep giving them wins on dark matches and it should eventually help; though Events have a much bigger impact on momentum that TV matches.

Misery is a bit mediocre, but assuming he's on your booking team I guess it's important you keep him around and give him stuff to do. Maybe have him form a tag team with a younger guy? If he's turning mouth Dangermouth could be decent since it's a bit of an odd-couple pairing, but Danger can talk while Misery could help him develop in the ring. If he stays heel maybe Forest Charmer or Kris Knightly. Smiling John Smithie would also make a lot of sense since they have similar gimmicks/personas, but tbh he's not someone I see a lot of upside too so I'm not sure he's worth too much investment in.

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Thanks.  You make some excellent points.  I didnt realise character ideas were so good for momentum.  So Im going to be spamming those until Im happy I think.

I quite like Misery as a roster guy.  His fundamentals are all good, and he has the Giving Performer and Professional attributes.

But yeah - he's not a guy youre going to put in many storylines eh?

I was only thinking of turning him as a momentum reset move tbh.  So I might keep him heel. Not sure.  Tagteam with Apollo Prince maybe?  Thatd be funny

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I've just got @AidanLFC1's Booking Tracker working.  And Im loving it.  Great work Aidan!

A couple things jump out from the top of my roster:


Wow.  Adam's gimmick SUCKS.

Ricky and Sifu have both snuck up into the Star realm.  Iiiiiinteresting.  Im a HUGE mark for Ricky.

I am not sure Roly belongs at the top of my roster at all.  Especially because Im a sucker for NSW guys.  But Im enjoying the Roly/Bedlam feud.  So its fine for now.


[And a bit further down...] Landon Mallory is a stud.

I mean just knowing him over editions, and scrolling through the roster you can see it.  But this really shows how good he is.  S.T.U.D.





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OK!  Let's pile those Character Ideas up to try and rectify my momentum issues.

Spend a ton of points on them and...




2 ideas for Leigh [very hot momentum].

1 for Wade [red hot]

1 for Bedlam [hot]

Yay.  Thanks booking crew.  Way to work on the guys who need help.

OK Viktor is interesting.  And I've got one [likely to succeed] one to use. Probably on Seb.

But... disappointing

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40 minutes ago, Boltinho said:

Here's Roly.


If Power actually did anything useful, that's be great.  But AFAIK It really doesnt.

Brawling, psych, selling and mic in the mid-50s.

I think he's a bit out of his depth

The thing about Roly is that he has a rare combination of being a big menacing guy whose good at dominating gimmicks with good charisma. Way back in some of the earlier editions you could take any guy with high menace and use the dominate note to have them gain popularity super fast. Then they changed it so you need high charisma, 75+ to make the dominate note work well, and if your charisma wasn't good enough the note would actually make you lose popularity.

Roly is one of the guys who can get very over simply by squashing geeks with the dominate note and gain pop, then you can have someone who can actually have a good match beat him and get that popularity, then just repeat the process to build him back up for your next guy you want to get over to beat to elevate. He's not someone who you want in the main event matches of your shows, but his menace and entertainment skills means he can do well enough in angles and he's a great setup guy to get over the guys who can put on banger matches but might struggle to get to the top level on their own.

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27 minutes ago, Boltinho said:

OK!  Let's pile those Character Ideas up to try and rectify my momentum issues.

Spend a ton of points on them and...




2 ideas for Leigh [very hot momentum].

1 for Wade [red hot]

1 for Bedlam [hot]

Yay.  Thanks booking crew.  Way to work on the guys who need help.

OK Viktor is interesting.  And I've got one [likely to succeed] one to use. Probably on Seb.

But... disappointing

Okay but on the plus side getting Leigh up to White hot will significantly boost ratings. and if they succeed he'll get a morale boost as well which is another bonus to everything he does in angles and matches. It might not be who you wanted to give the boost too, but having you top guys get better ratings might help you out more short-term in hitting the ratings you need.

I mean assuming they work which isn't a guarantee, but thems the breaks.

Edited by Tiberious
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12 hours ago, Tiberious said:

The thing about Roly is that he has a rare combination of being a big menacing guy whose good at dominating gimmicks with good charisma. Way back in some of the earlier editions you could take any guy with high menace and use the dominate note to have them gain popularity super fast. Then they changed it so you need high charisma, 75+ to make the dominate note work well, and if your charisma wasn't good enough the note would actually make you lose popularity.

Roly is one of the guys who can get very over simply by squashing geeks with the dominate note and gain pop, then you can have someone who can actually have a good match beat him and get that popularity, then just repeat the process to build him back up for your next guy you want to get over to beat to elevate. He's not someone who you want in the main event matches of your shows, but his menace and entertainment skills means he can do well enough in angles and he's a great setup guy to get over the guys who can put on banger matches but might struggle to get to the top level on their own.

You make a good argument. And I'll lean more into trying to do that with him.  It's certainly a valuable role if that approach works, but there's also a gap between that and where he is on the roster right now which is a very highly paid dude pushing for Major Star status.

Dunno.  Maybe it's that I just don't like the guy. 

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12 hours ago, Tiberious said:

Okay but on the plus side getting Leigh up to White hot will significantly boost ratings. and if they succeed he'll get a morale boost as well which is another bonus to everything he does in angles and matches. It might not be who you wanted to give the boost too, but having you top guys get better ratings might help you out more short-term in hitting the ratings you need.

I mean assuming they work which isn't a guarantee, but thems the breaks.

Update: the one I used on Leigh failed.


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Best of British Wrestling.

Week 4, January 2024.



Segment 1: "Best of British Wrestling" Kicks Off

The show opens with Jeff Cornell in the ring, ready to hype up the crowd.

Jeff: "Welcome to Best of British Wrestling! We’re days away from Steel Cage Challenge, and tonight, it’s time for the big guns to step up!"

Without wasting time, he calls out Wade Orson, Leigh Burton, and Cliff King. Wade enters first, soaking up the cheers, followed by the twisted Leigh and the menacing Demolishers. Cliff King looks as smug as ever.

Jeff gets straight to the point: "Tonight, we’re giving you a six-man tag match! Leigh Burton teams with The Demolishers against Wade Orson and Absolutely Flawless!

The crowd erupts as the rivals exchange tense glares in the ring, all fired up for the showdown later tonight.



Segment 2: Ambush in the Dojo

The scene cuts to a dimly lit dojo. Ricky Storm and Sifu sit cross-legged, meditating in silence, a perfect picture of discipline and focus. Suddenly, the tranquility is shattered as the doors are nearly ripped off their hinges. The camera whips around to reveal The Three Man Army—and leading the pack is Beast Bantom, wild-eyed and snarling like a rabid dog.

With an animalistic roar, Bantom leaps onto Ricky Storm, pummeling him with vicious, unhinged strikes. He bites at Storm’s ear, gnashing his teeth like a beast before tossing him aside. Mark Adonis smirks as he snaps a kendo stick across Sifu’s back, while Mass Hulk effortlessly hurls Sifu into a stack of training gear.

Bantom, on all fours, crawls up to the camera, teeth bared. “This is what happens when you step to the apex predator! Next time, I won’t just hurt ya—I’ll feast on what’s left!”

The segment ends with Bantom howling like a madman, his teammates dragging him away as he snarls and claws at the air, leaving Storm and Sifu wrecked on the dojo floor.



Segment 3: Apollo Prince’s Promo

The camera zooms in on the dazzling Apollo Prince, decked out in his signature purple velvet jacket, gold chains, and leopard-print pants. The self-proclaimed “Royalty of Wrestling” struts down to the ring, microphone in hand, oozing arrogance.

“Listen up, you peasants!” he sneers, gesturing dismissively to the crowd. “Tonight, I step into the ring with a so-called ‘Beast’ in Beau Boulder. But let’s get one thing straight—Boulder ain’t nothin’ but a big, dumb rock, and I’m gonna chisel him down into rubble!”

Prince poses, soaking in the boos, before leaning into the camera. “You see, I’m not just another wrestler—I’m the top man in this jungle. Velvet, gold, and style, baby—that’s what makes a true king! Boulder might have the size, but he doesn’t have this,” he smirks, tapping his temple. “He doesn’t have brains, and he sure as hell doesn’t have class!”

He steps back and flips his leopard-skin scarf over his shoulder. “So tonight, when I put Boulder flat on his back, remember—you’re looking at pure royalty! And when this is all over, you’ll be begging for a glimpse of the Prince. Long live the velvet touch!”

With a smug grin, Prince drops the mic and saunters out, leaving the crowd in a chorus of jeers as he heads backstage, oozing confidence.



Segment 4: Apollo Prince vs. Beau Boulder

The flashy Apollo Prince makes his entrance first, strutting down the aisle as his purple velvet gear shimmers under the lights. His cocky swagger is on full display as he waves dismissively at the booing crowd. Then, Beau Boulder charges in, a high-flyer with undeniable heart despite his smaller stature, getting a respectful pop from the fans.

The match kicks off with Prince playing mind games, taunting Boulder with sneers and showboating poses. But Boulder isn’t rattled—he darts around the ring with impressive speed, keeping Prince on his toes. A series of quick dropkicks and springboard arm drags showcase Boulder’s skill, pushing Prince onto the back foot.

As Boulder builds momentum, the crowd gets behind him. He hits a picture-perfect flying crossbody, nearly taking the win. But Apollo, ever the crafty brawler, turns the tide with a sneaky rake to the eyes, following up with stiff punches and knees. Boulder fights back valiantly, even nailing a breathtaking moonsault, but Prince’s experience and cunning prove too much.

In the closing moments, Prince counters Boulder’s high-risk move with a sudden, brutal spinning back elbow, stunning his opponent. With a cocky smirk, Prince hauls Boulder up and plants him with a flashy swinging neckbreaker for the three-count.

Prince celebrates arrogantly, rubbing his victory in everyone’s face as Boulder rolls out of the ring, earning a solid round of applause for his gutsy performance. Despite the loss, Boulder walks away with his head held high, while Prince bathes in the spotlight, savoring his win.



Segment 5: A New Alliance

Backstage, Beau Boulder is nursing his wounds from his hard-fought match. Despite the loss, he still holds his head high, determined and focused. Enter Kathleen Lee—a confident, sharp-tongued manager known for guiding underdogs to success. She approaches Beau with a smile, offering a handshake.

“You’ve got the heart, kid,” Kathleen says. “But you need someone in your corner who can take you to the next level.”

Beau considers it, then nods, accepting her hand. “I’m ready. Let’s do it.”

With that, a new alliance is born. Kathleen grins, patting Beau on the back. “We’re gonna show them that heart and hustle can outshine arrogance any day.”

As they walk off together, the camera lingers, hinting that big things could be on the horizon for Beau with Kathleen’s guidance.



Segment 6: The Scottish Funeral 

The ring is draped in tartan as bagpipes play mournfully in the background. Roly Muckletruck, dressed in traditional Scottish garb, stands by a wooden coffin in the center of the ring. He somberly addresses the crowd in his thick accent.

“Tonight, we lay tae rest the career of that lunatic, Bedlam. Nae man can survive what I’ve got planned for him at Steel Cage Challenge!”

The crowd cheers as Roly lifts a glass of whisky in a mock toast. But suddenly, the lid of the coffin creaks open behind him, unnoticed. The crowd gasps as Bedlam, grinning with manic glee, bursts out! Before Roly can react, Bedlam charges and levels him with a devastating running knee to the back of the skull, dropping him instantly.

The bagpipes stop, and the arena is filled with Bedlam’s deranged laughter as he grabs the whisky from Roly’s hand, takes a swig, and spits it out in Roly’s face while he’s down. Bedlam mockingly waves goodbye as he exits the ring, still cackling like a madman, leaving Roly humiliated and furious.



Segment 7: Tag Team Match - The Northern Lights vs. Forrest Charmer & Evan Alpass

The flashy, high-energy entrance of The Northern Lights, Alton Vicious and Riddick Jordan, gets the crowd pumped up. They’re a well-oiled machine of intensity and athleticism. On the other side, Forrest Charmer struts out in a flamboyant, self-designed outfit that screams luxury. Evan Alpass follows, looking determined but clearly overshadowed by his more charismatic partner.

The match begins with Forrest using his technical skills and cocky attitude to try and control things, but The Northern Lights’ fluid teamwork quickly overwhelms him. Alton and Riddick execute crisp double-team maneuvers that keep the momentum on their side. Evan eventually tags in, trying to use his brawling style to turn the tide, but his lack of chemistry with Forrest becomes evident.

As the match builds, Forrest gets increasingly frustrated, berating Evan and refusing to tag back in when needed. This costs them dearly when Riddick catches Evan with a big spinebuster, setting him up for Alton to finish things with a top-rope moonsault, sealing the victory for The Northern Lights.

Post-match, Forrest stands over Evan with disgust before turning on his heel and arrogantly strutting away, leaving his beaten partner behind. The crowd boos as Forrest dismisses everyone with a flick of his hand, all about preserving his image rather than being a team player.




Segment 8: Edward Cornell Fires The Red Devils

The camera cuts backstage to Edward Cornell’s ‘office’—a tastefully decorated room in the arena, complete with potted plants and a plush chair for Edward. The Red Devils, Viktor Beskov and Yuri Iliakov, stride in confidently, expecting a routine discussion.

Edward looks up from his desk, his demeanor colder than usual. His disappointment is palpable as he fixes his gaze on the duo.

Edward Cornell: “Gentlemen, please, have a seat.”

Viktor and Yuri exchange glances but comply. Edward leans forward, his expression a mix of frustration and resolve.

Edward Cornell: “I’ve reviewed the recent performance metrics and sponsorship reports, and I’m afraid the data doesn’t lie. The lack of tangible results and visible engagement from your end has become a serious concern. Our sponsors expect a high return on their investment, and you’ve failed to deliver on that front.”

Yuri Iliakov, his thick Russian accent cutting through the air, leans forward defensively.

Yuri Iliakov: “But Mr. Cornell, we have been loyal. We always give our best!”

Viktor Beskov, his deep Russian voice resonating with frustration, adds,

Viktor Beskov: “Yes, Mr. Cornell, we are performing well. This is not fair!”

Edward Cornell: “Fair? This is about business. It’s about profitability and brand visibility. You’re not generating the impact we need to justify your place within The House of Business. As a result, I must sever our business relationship. You are officially terminated.”

The Red Devils look stunned, their shock evident. Edward’s expression leaves no room for negotiation.

Yuri Iliakov: “This is outrageous! You cannot just discard us like this!”

Viktor Beskov: “You make a grave error, Mr. Cornell. We will show you this was a mistake.”

Edward Cornell: “A grave error? I’ve given you ample opportunity to meet expectations. Our sponsors and stakeholders demand results. If you cannot provide them, you are of no use to our vision. You are no longer part of The House of Business.”

The Red Devils stand, their faces a mix of anger and disbelief. Yuri’s accent grows more pronounced with his agitation.

Yuri Iliakov: “This is not over, Mr. Cornell. We will make sure you regret this decision.”

Edward waves them off dismissively.

Edward Cornell: “Regret? We’ll see. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have more important matters to attend to.”

The Red Devils storm out, their anger and Russian accents echoing down the hallway, while Edward sits back, looking satisfied with his decision. The tension in the room is thick, setting the stage for potential fallout from this dramatic move.



Segment 9: Conan Kruger In-Ring Promo

The arena lights dim, casting an ethereal glow over the ring. The crowd's excitement crescendos as Conan Kruger's entrance music begins. He strides down the ramp with a sense of entitlement and disdain, his powerful frame and chiseled features accentuating his European superiority. As he enters the ring, he takes the mic, his icy gaze sweeping over the audience.

Conan Kruger: “Bonsoir, mesdames et messieurs. Allow me to introduce myself—I am Mr. Universe, Conan Kruger. I hail from the refined world of European excellence, a realm far beyond the petty squabbles of this insular island.”

The crowd’s reaction is a mix of boos and confused cheers. Conan smirks, clearly enjoying the discord.

Conan Kruger: “Tonight, I am to face Union Jack—a masked relic of a bygone era. While the world advances, you cling to your outdated heroes and traditions. But let me assure you, Union Jack, I am the embodiment of progress and supremacy in this sport.”

He gestures grandly, emphasizing his European sophistication and superiority.

Conan Kruger: “You see, while the rest of this roster revels in mediocrity, I stand as a shining example of what wrestling can—and should—be. Your mask may conceal your face, but it cannot hide your inadequacy. I will expose it tonight, showing you and the world that I am the future of pro wrestling.”

Conan’s voice grows more menacing as he concludes.

Conan Kruger: “Prepare yourself for a demonstration of power and finesse that only a true European champion can deliver. I am Conan Kruger, and I will not be stopped.”

With a final sneer, Conan drops the mic and raises his arms, basking in the cacophony of the crowd’s mixed reaction. His music blares as he exits the ring with an air of undeniable superiority.



Segment 10: Tommy Cornell and challenges ahead...

The crowd roars with anticipation as Tommy Cornell’s music hits. He strides confidently to the ring, grabbing a microphone with a determined look on his face. The arena’s energy is electric, but there's a palpable tension as Tommy begins to speak.

Tommy Cornell: “Last week, I didn’t feel like myself. Something was off. But I’m Tommy F__n Cornell, and you better believe I’m coming back stronger than ever. I’m the best wrestler in the world, and nothing’s going to stop me!”

His voice echoes with defiant strength, but before he can continue, the eerie tones of Hellbound’s music fill the arena. The crowd's cheers turn to a mix of confusion and apprehension as Jonathan Faust and his dark entourage—Ruin, Grave Digger, and Blackheart—make their way to the ring. Faust, holding his staff high, leads the procession with a sinister grin.

Jonathan Faust: “Tommy Cornell, you’re right about one thing—you are the best. But what makes you think you’re invincible? We’ve been watching you, and we’ve taken measures to ensure that you’ll face the biggest challenges of your life.”

Tommy's expression darkens as he watches Faust and the Hellbound members. He clutches the microphone tightly, his anger palpable.

Tommy Cornell: “What the hell are you talking about? Come down here and face me like men!”

Hellbound enters the ring with menacing strides. Faust’s grin widens as he steps forward, brandishing his staff.

Jonathan Faust: “We’ve been working our dark magic on you, Tommy. Trying to siphon your power and weaken you. Tonight, you’ll feel the full force of our supernatural interference.”

Before Tommy can react, Faust raises his staff, invoking a low chant. The atmosphere in the arena grows heavy as a mystical aura surrounds Tommy. The crowd watches in stunned silence as Tommy’s movements slow, his once fierce demeanor giving way to visible exhaustion. He fights to stay on his feet, his face contorted with effort.

Jonathan Faust: “Behold! The power of Sloth. Tommy Cornell, watch as your strength wanes before our might.”

Tommy collapses to the mat, his heroic struggle evident but ultimately overpowered. Hellbound stands over him, gloating and reveling in their dark triumph. Faust smirks as he addresses Tommy, his voice dripping with malicious satisfaction.

Jonathan Faust: “Enjoy this moment of weakness, Tommy. For it is but the beginning. The challenges that lie ahead will test you in ways you’ve never imagined.”

Hellbound exits the ring, leaving Tommy on the mat, visibly drained but defiantly glaring at them as they depart. The crowd’s mixed reactions reflect their concern and sympathy for Tommy, who now faces an uncertain road ahead.



Segment 11: Adam Matravers Issues Open Challenge

The arena is buzzing with anticipation as Adam Matravers storms to the ring, his frustration palpable. He grabs a microphone, pacing back and forth as he addresses the crowd with a steely resolve.

Adam Matravers: “I’ve had it up to here with the House of Business and their interference. I’ve been fighting tooth and nail just to get a fair shot, and I’m sick of it! Tonight, I’m issuing an open challenge to anyone who thinks they can step up and give me a proper match. No tricks, no stables—just one-on-one.”

The crowd reacts with excitement, eager to see who will answer the challenge. The tension builds as the lights dim and a powerful, energetic theme plays over the PA system. Out steps Landon Mallory, the South African Superman, exuding charisma and confidence. He raises his arms to the crowd, soaking in their cheers as he strides down the ramp.

Landon Mallory: “Adam Matravers, you’ve got yourself a challenge. I’m here to bring the fight and show you why I was a top draw in the VWA. Let’s settle this in the ring!”

Adam’s frustration turns into a smirk of satisfaction as he nods toward Landon. The two competitors lock eyes, the crowd’s anticipation reaching a fever pitch.

Adam Matravers: “Great. I’ve been waiting for a match like this. Let’s give these fans the show they deserve. See you out there, Landon.”

Landon nods in agreement, and both men prepare for what promises to be an intense and high-stakes showdown. The segment ends with the crowd buzzing with excitement for the upcoming one-on-one match, as Adam and Landon exchange determined glances.



Segment 12: Match - Adam Matravers vs. Landon Mallory

The bell rings, and the match between Adam Matravers and Landon Mallory begins with a burst of energy. Adam, known for his technical prowess and aerial skills, immediately takes control, demonstrating his precision with a series of crisp holds and counters.

Landon Mallory, the South African Superman, responds with his trademark athleticism and brawler style, pushing back with powerful strikes and high-impact moves. Despite Landon's impressive strength and agility, Adam’s technical mastery and high-flying abilities keep him on the back foot.

The crowd is on their feet as Adam Matravers executes a series of impressive maneuvers, showcasing his versatility. Landon mounts a comeback, hitting a series of punishing blows and near-falls, but Adam's resilience shines through.

As the match reaches its climax, Adam climbs to the top turnbuckle, his gaze fixed on Landon below. The arena is electrified with anticipation as Adam launches into his signature move—the Mile High Moonsault. He soars through the air with breathtaking grace, connecting perfectly with Landon.

The referee counts the pinfall:


The bell rings, and Adam Matravers is declared the winner.

Announcer: “Here is your winner, Adam Matravers!”

Adam celebrates in the ring, catching his breath and acknowledging the cheering crowd. Landon Mallory, though defeated, shows respect with a nod of acknowledgment. The camera captures Adam’s triumphant expression as he stands tall, having secured a hard-fought victory.



Segment 13: Cliff King Promo with The Demolishers and War Machine

The camera pans to the ring, where Cliff King stands at a podium with a smug, confident grin. Beside him are his top clients: The Demolishers (Compton Valence and Langton Herring) and War Machine. Each holds their respective 21CW belts, showcasing their dominance in the promotion.

Cliff King raises the microphone with a flourish:

Cliff King: “Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to the undeniable champions of 21CW! The belts you see here aren’t just accessories—they’re symbols of supremacy. My clients, The Demolishers, and the unstoppable force that is War Machine, are here to prove that they are the standard by which all others are measured.”

He gestures to The Demolishers, who pose with their Tag Team Titles.

Cliff King: “The Demolishers have bulldozed their way through every challenge, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. They’ve proven themselves time and time again, and there’s no denying they’re the best tag team in this company. You want to talk about dominating? Look at these two!”

Next, Cliff turns his attention to War Machine, who holds the 21CW World Heavyweight Title aloft.

Cliff King: “And then we have the mighty War Machine! The world title around his waist is not just for show—it's a testament to his unmatched strength and willpower. The entire locker room knows that when War Machine steps into that ring, it’s a one-way ticket to destruction!”

He looks directly into the camera, his tone sharp and commanding.

Cliff King: “So, to everyone in the back and everyone in the crowd, let me make this clear: The champions in this ring are not just here to hold onto their titles—they’re here to solidify their place at the top of 21CW. If you think you can challenge us, bring it on. We’re ready, and we’re going to show everyone exactly why we belong in the main event. You can count on that!”

The camera zooms in on the champions, each one radiating confidence and readiness as the segment ends.



Segment 14: Leigh and Wade Entrance

Leigh Burton’s Music Hits

The arena lights dim, and the crowd erupts into boos as Leigh Burton's entrance music blares over the PA. Leigh, dressed in his signature black leather and metallic accents, makes his way down the ramp with an air of smug arrogance. He sneers at the fans, his eyes filled with disdain.

Leigh stops midway down the ramp, pulling out a mock camera and pretending to take selfies with the crowd. He even stops to snatch a few snacks from the hands of unsuspecting fans, tossing them onto the floor with a derisive laugh. The crowd’s jeers grow louder as he makes a show of pretending to be oblivious to their anger, thoroughly enjoying his role as the villain.

Wade Orson’s Music Hits

The mood shifts as Wade Orson’s entrance music hits, and the crowd cheers wildly. Wade strides out with a wide grin, radiating charisma and charm. His entrance is a stark contrast to Leigh's. Wade eagerly interacts with the fans, handing out merchandise and high-fiving kids along the ramp.

Wade makes his way to the ringside area, where he pauses to take a hearty gulp from a fan’s pint, making a playful show of it. He then waves and smiles, soaking in the adoration of the crowd. The arena is buzzing with energy as Wade’s infectious enthusiasm fills the space.

Leigh stands in the ring with the others, watching with a scowl as Wade continues to engage with the fans. The stark contrast between their entrances emphasizes the brewing tension between them.



Segment 15: Main Event Match

Wade Orson & Absolutely Flawless (Kelly Martin & Lance Martin) vs. Leigh Burton & The Demolishers (Compton Valence & Langton Herring)

The arena buzzes with anticipation as the bell rings, kicking off this high-stakes main event.

Opening Moments: Wade Orson starts against Compton Valence, showcasing his explosive athleticism. Valence tries to keep up with Wade’s fast pace but is overpowered by his striking prowess. Valence tags in Langton Herring, who uses his size and power to gain the upper hand.

Mid-Match Action: Langton Herring dominates Lance Martin with his sheer strength, but Kelly Martin tags in and shifts the momentum with her technical skills. She manages to ground Langton Herring with a series of precise holds, but the big man’s resilience is evident.

High Spots:

  • Wade Orson hits a flying shoulder tackle on Compton Valence, sending him sprawling across the ring.
  • Kelly Martin locks in a tight armbar on Compton Valence, pushing him to the brink of submission.
  • Langton Herring counters with a powerful spinebuster on Lance Martin, nearly securing a pinfall.

Climactic Moments: As the match nears its end, all participants are visibly exhausted but remain fiercely competitive. The action intensifies with dramatic near falls and high-impact moves.

  • Wade and Langton Herring engage in a back-and-forth battle of brute strength and agility.
  • Kelly Martin and Compton Valence exchange sharp, high-speed sequences, with Kelly managing to nearly secure a victory.

Finale: In the final moments, chaos erupts as Leigh Burton and Wade Orson are both in the ring, trading heavy blows. As the clock winds down, all six competitors are engaged in a frenetic exchange. The bell rings, signaling the end of the match as the time limit expires.




Segment 16: Dramatic Staredown

In the center of the ring, Wade Orson and Leigh Burton lock eyes, their intense glares electrifying the arena. Wade, sweat-drenched and resolute, stares down Leigh, who stands with a smug grin, clearly relishing the confrontation. The crowd roars with anticipation as the two wrestlers engage in a silent, charged staredown. As the lights dim, the atmosphere crackles with the promise of their impending Steel Cage Challenge, and the scene fades out, leaving the audience craving more.



Overall show rating:






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After two good TV shows to start January maybe I got complacent. 

Because we hit the dreaded "lost pop in 6 areas and the TV broadcaster thinks it was not up to scratch" level.


I blame it on the ME.  A 66 from those guys is not good enough.  maybe it was the time-limit draw.  Draws used to be really viable in SE products.  But maybe they've taken a hit now.

Oh well, it's my own fault.  I deliberately avoided top talent vs top talent on this show so it's on me.

Other mistakes:

- I thought Conan could cut a promo.  Nope!  Not making that mistake again.

- the opening Jeff intro segment [65] was annoyingly not good.  Same for Adam's open challenge which Landon accepted [61] and 3 Man Army beating CSHS [58].


On the +ve side:

- Tommy vs Hellbound promo [77] was exactly what I want from this feud!  I should lean more into the new angle system.

- The Roly / Bedlam feud of ridiculous, OTT angles continues to be great fun.  Im really enjoying it. Shame they have to fight at SCC.

- Apollo doing a random promo out of nowhere was a 68.  Nice!



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So we've made it through to our first PPV event; The SCC.

No prediction competition or any of that.  But posting the card here in case anyone is interested:





21CW presents the Steel Cage Challenge

Every match takes place in a steel cage.


Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu vs The Men of Steel

Match decided by first pinfall or submission


The Demolishers © vs Absolutely Flawless

For the 21CW Tag Team Championship

Match decided by first pinfall or submission


War Machine © vs Joe Simpson vs Michael X

For the 21CW UK Championship

Match decided by first pinfall or submission

The champion must be pinned or forced to submit for the title to change hands.


Tommy Cornell vs Sloth

Match details to be confirmed on the night


Adam Matravers vs Edward Cornell

Match decided by first pinfall or submission


Roly Muckletruck vs Bedlam

Match decided by first pinfall or submission



Wade Orson © vs Leigh Burton

For the 21CW World Championship

Match decided by first pinfall or submission


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OK this might seem really obvious.  But I feel I've solidified what my aims and objectives are for 2022.  Roughly in order.


1.  Solidify 21CW at current size, so it's not a week-by-week struggle to avoid dropping in size.

And honestly I really hope I can do this sooner rather than later.  Walking on eggshells because you know a bad show or two can drop you down, and kill your TV presence for months is not that fun.


2.  Get my top guys from where they are to a step above.

By top guys I mean Wade, Leigh, and Edward.  And Tommy.

Those guys are about 83-85 pop dudes.  Which is great.  But it's quite hard to get them to regularly put on 80+ matches. Outside of big PPV builds.

If I can boost them up into the 85-90 range then I'm hoping they can put on 80 matches on TV.


3.  Align on a good 2nd tier who can help carry the load.

At the start of the game that 2nd tier is/was Roly, Bedlam, Adam and War Machine.

I'm just not sure how much I trust those guys.  And if I'm going to build this tier up, I want to know it's the right ones.

Should Ricky Storm or Sifu be in this tier?  Maybe Apollo Prince, Beast Bantom, Viktor Beskov, Sebastian Koller or Conan Kruger?  Jonathan Faust?  

I suspect it's Ricky, 'Machine, Bedlam and Viktor.  And maybe Roly.  But I need to see more results


4. Sort out the financials.

The solution is really simple.  it's just get the lower card off written, guaranteed deals onto handshake per-show ones.

I can save a fortune without any risk by simply doing that, even if I keep a few guys who might get nicked on written deals.  [Hello Forrest].

The issue is that I can only do this as quickly as those contracts come up.


5.  Get reliable midcard matches out of the tag division.

The Demolishers.  Absolutely Flawless, The Northern Lights, The Men of Steel, Boulder & Flynn and the Red Devils are such a solid core of teams.  I keep trying to work out who the best is and give them a solid title run.  But I just don't know.  And I think it might be more valuable to move the belts around and give the whole division a slow burn rise.  Just need to work out the best cadence of them facing each other and


6. Push talent up the card.

Landon Mallory, Forrest Charmer, Darin Flynn, Riddick Jordan.  Grave Digger and Blackheart can be studs.  These guys are all really good.  

Their time is coming.

But it'll take a while.


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Steel cage challenge

Week 4 January 2022


Segment 1:

Jeff Nova stands in the centre of the ring, the steel cage looming ominously around him as he kicks off the show with palpable energy.

He runs down the night’s explosive card, highlighting the high-stakes matchups: Wade Orson against Leigh Burton, Adam Matravers battling Edward Cornell, and the colossal clash between Roly Muckletruck and Bedlam.

Nova lingers on Tommy Cornell’s mystery opponent, stoking the crowd's anticipation. He emphasizes the brutal, unforgiving nature of the steel cage, reminding everyone that tonight, every competitor will face not only their rival but the terrifying reality of being locked inside



Segment 2:

Cliff King, with a swagger in his step, struts out alongside his Kingsmen—War Machine and the Demolishers—grinning from ear to ear. He grabs the mic and launches into a fast-talking promo, hyping up his stable as the most dominant force in 21CW.

"We’ve got all the gold, baby! War Machine’s takin’ care of the UK Title later, but first, it’s the Geordie bad boys—The Demolishers—defending their tag belts!"

Cliff boasts about their unstoppable run, promising that tonight will be no different. "The Kingsmen are untouchable, and that steel cage? It’s just another playground for us!"



Segment 3:

The steel cage looms ominously as The Demolishers, the brawling Geordie duo, square off against the technical wizards, Absolutely Flawless.

From the opening bell, it's a brutal clash of styles—Flawless tries to outmanoeuvre their opponents with slick holds and counters, but The Demolishers' raw power and vicious brawling soon take over. The cage becomes a weapon as the Geordies slam their opponents into the unforgiving steel. After a relentless beatdown, The Demolishers seal the deal with a devastating double-team move, pinning Kelly Martin to retain their tag titles. The champs raise their belts high, proving their dominance once again



Segment 4:

Backstage, Jeff Nova catches up with Edward Cornell, who looks every bit the business mogul in his tailored suit. Edward wastes no time expressing his frustrations.

“The Red Devils were a liability, Jeff. In this business, it's all about reliability and profit margins. I need assets that yield consistent returns, not ones that jeopardise the bottom line. That's why I had to cut them loose.”

He adjusts his tie, smirking. “Adam Matravers, on the other hand, shows potential. With the right guidance and a focus on ROI, he could be a very profitable investment. I'm ready to make that happen.”



Segment 5:

Tommy Cornell strides into the ring to a thunderous ovation, but his expression is anything but celebratory. Gripping the mic, he seethes with anger, addressing the crowd.

“This weakness... this infection Faust and Hellbound have cursed me with... it ends tonight!”

The arena darkens as Faust and Hellbound emerge to eerie music, Faust’s voice dripping with malevolence. “Tommy, this is no curse—it's dark magic. You must look within and embrace the darkness.” He smirks. “Tonight, you’ll face Sloth.”

Suddenly, Brickhouse Balder appears, followed by two colossal figures—Karl and Donald, each a monstrous 450 pounds. Faust grins. “Meet your opponents, the embodiment of Sloth.”



Segment 6:

The bell rings, and Tommy Cornell is immediately surrounded by the three behemoths—Brickhouse Balder, Colossal Karl, and Devastating Don.

Each move from the trio feels like a tidal wave crashing down on Tommy, pushing him to the brink. Every strike, every slam, drains his energy. Tommy looks exhausted, his body visibly struggling against the weight of his opponents.

But just as it seems Sloth will overwhelm him, Tommy digs deep, finding a hidden well of strength. With sheer willpower, he takes down Karl with a hard-fought DDT, floors Don with a desperate clothesline, and finally slams Balder into the cage.

Exhausted but victorious, Tommy crawls out of the cage, having conquered the seemingly insurmountable odds.



Segment 7:

Backstage, Joe Simpson and Michael X stand side by side, radiating nervous energy. Joe, ever the scrappy underdog, slaps Michael on the back

"We might be outmatched in size, but we’ve got the heart, mate. War Machine’s a monster, but he’s never faced anyone like us—together!"

Michael nods, eyes determined, adding, "He may outweigh us, but he can’t match our spirit. We’re quicker, we’re smarter, and tonight, we show everyone that heart beats muscle every time."

The two exchange a fist bump, ready to prove that their combined willpower can overcome the daunting challenge ahead.



Segment 8:

The arena darkens as grime music blares through the speakers, accompanied by intense flashing lights. A palpable tension fills the air as War Machine emerges, flanked by Cliff King, who grins smugly from the shadows.

The imposing figure of War Machine makes his way to the ring with a deliberate, menacing pace, his every step echoing with purpose. The lights cast ominous shadows, amplifying his already formidable presence. Cliff King strides alongside, radiating confidence, knowing that his man is ready to defend the UK title with an iron fist. The crowd watches in awe, fully aware of the danger that’s about to unfold



Segment 9:

In a brutal steel cage, War Machine defends his UK title against The Underdogs, Joe Simpson and Michael X, in a handicap match.

The contest is a relentless display of grit and determination. Joe and Michael clash with War Machine's overwhelming power, their teamwork tested by their own ambitions. Tensions rise as each Underdog seeks the win for themselves, leading to fractious moments in their strategy.

War Machine capitalises on this discord, eventually overpowering Michael X and locking in a punishing submission. The referee's count ends the match as War Machine retains his title, showcasing his dominance in the face of adversity.



Segment 10:

In the ring, Three Man Army take centre stage. Mark Adonis, dripping with bravado, grabs the mic.

"Listen up, because we’re here to shake things up!" he roars. "We’re the future of 21CW, and we're gunning to put CSHS in their place. We’re the dominant force, and nothing’s stopping us!"

Beast Bantom prowls menacingly, his eyes burning with primal rage, while Mass Hulk flexes his impressive muscles and scowls intimidatingly. The message is clear: Three Man Army are here to dominate.



Segment 11:

In a high-octane clash, Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu face off against Men of Steel, Mark Adonis and Mass Hulk, inside the steel cage.

The match delivers electrifying action, with Sifu taking a jaw-dropping bump off the cage, showing his commitment to the cause. Storm and Sifu’s teamwork shines as they fend off their powerful opponents. Despite Beast Bantom’s menacing prowling around the cage, he can't breach it.

In a climactic moment, Storm makes a daring escape, securing the victory. The crowd roars in approval as Storm and Sifu emerge victorious from this gripping contest.



Segment 12:

Jeff Nova catches up with World Champion Wade Orson backstage.

With his trademark Yorkshire charm and down-to-earth attitude, Wade confidently addresses his upcoming match against Leigh Burton. He assures fans that he’s ready for whatever Leigh throws at him. With a grin and a steely glint in his eye, Wade exclaims:

“I’ll beat Leigh, no doubt about it. So: let’s have a proper scrap, shall we?”



Segment 13:

A dramatic video package rolls, showcasing the wild antics between Bedlam and Roly Muckletruck. Clips flash by: Bedlam’s chaotic forklift assault and the eerie Scottish funeral [with surprise coffin attack].

As the video concludes, both competitors make their entrances. Roly Muckletruck receives a roaring ovation, engaging with fans and soaking up their cheers.

In stark contrast, Bedlam’s entrance is met with jeers and boos as he raves and jerks around the ring, intensifying his sinister presence.



Segment 14:

Bedlam and Roly Muckletruck clashed in a high-stakes steel cage match, with pride and personal animosity on the line.

The contest showcased Roly's formidable strength as he lifted Bedlam above his head and executed a series of impressive power moves. Bedlam, however, countered with his signature cruelty and a relentless assault.

As the match reached its final stages, Bedlam trapped Roly in the Mind Strangler submission. Despite Roly's valiant efforts, Bedlam's sheer brutality secured him the win, solidifying his dominance in the brutal encounter.



Segment 15:

Jeff Nova interviews Leigh Burton backstage, where Leigh embodies his cold, sociopathic persona.

With a chilling calm, Leigh reveals his burning desire to reclaim the world title and exact revenge on Wade Orson. He describes Wade as a mere obstacle in his path, vowing to inflict maximum suffering and humiliation on him.

Leigh's icy demeanor and fierce determination make it clear that he's not just aiming for victory—he’s out for blood and retribution.



Segment 16:

Edward Cornell makes a grand entrance, surrounded by a flurry of sponsor logos and marketing glitz. His elaborate entrance reflects his focus on business and branding, with flashy visuals and upbeat music highlighting his high-profile persona.

In stark contrast, Adam Matravers emerges with a classic British touch. He’s accompanied by a charming pose with a baby, emphasising his old-school, relatable appeal.

The crowd reacts warmly to Adam's traditional approach, setting up a striking contrast with Edward's commercial extravagance as they prepare for their highly anticipated match.



Segment 17:

In a thrilling steel cage match, Adam Matravers faced off against Edward Cornell.

Adam showcased his agility with impressive high-flying spots and technical prowess, while Edward relied on a rough, brawling style.

The match took a dramatic turn when BW Eddie stormed the cage to assist Edward but accidentally floored him instead. As BW Eddie quickly retreated, Adam seized the opportunity, executing his signature Mile High Moonsault for the pinfall victory.

The bout exposed some evident chemistry issues, with the unexpected mishap adding a chaotic edge to the contest.



Segment 18:

Leigh Burton and Wade Orson make their entrances, setting the stage for their high-stakes match. Leigh’s arrival is marked by his cold and menacing demeanour—he snatches items from fans and throws them to the floor, scowling as he passes.

In stark contrast, Wade exudes warmth and approachability, engaging with the crowd. He pauses to take a huge gulp from a fan's pint of beer, smiling and soaking up the cheers.

The contrasting energies set the tone for what promises to be a dramatic clash between the cold-hearted Leigh and the fan-favourite Wade.



Segment 19:

Wade Orson defends his 21CW World Title against Leigh Burton in a steel cage match that showcases both men's contrasting styles and unwavering determination.

From the opening bell, the intensity is palpable. Wade, the charismatic fan-favourite, brings his relentless fighting spirit and impressive athleticism, while Leigh, the cold and calculating challenger, uses every trick in his book to exploit Wade’s weaknesses.

The steel cage becomes a brutal battleground as both competitors exchange fierce blows and high-impact moves. Leigh, with his clinical precision, targets Wade’s legs, aiming to ground the champion and capitalise on any weakness. His every attack is methodical, showcasing his ruthless desire to reclaim the title. Wade, however, responds with sheer resilience, demonstrating his knack for turning the tide with his explosive offence and sheer willpower.

The match reaches fever pitch with several near-falls and dramatic close escapes. Leigh hits a series of devastating moves, including a punishing DDT and a top-rope elbow drop that nearly secures him the title. Wade fights through the pain, kicking out at the last possible second, each escape met with a roar from the crowd. Conversely, Wade unleashes his signature offence, delivering a jaw-dropping high-flying elbow and a series of hard-hitting punches that leave Leigh reeling.

As the match progresses, both men show signs of fatigue but refuse to give in. Leigh is thwarted time and again by the champion’s agility and cunning. The steel structure bears witness to their gruelling battle, with each man using the cage to their advantage, slamming their opponent against the unforgiving steel.

In the final moments, with both competitors battered and bruised, Leigh attempts a last-ditch effort to secure victory by climbing the cage. Wade, summoning the last of his strength, follows Leigh up the cage in a dramatic race to escape. The two men struggle atop the cage, exchanging desperate blows as the crowd holds its breath. Ultimately, it is Wade’s determination and unparalleled drive that sees him prevail. With a final burst of energy, he pushes past Leigh and climbs out of the cage, claiming victory by escaping, not through a pinfall or submission.

Wade Orson stands victorious, as the crowd erupts in celebration. Leigh Burton, defeated but defiant, watches from below, his dreams of reclaiming the title dashed for now. The match is a testament to their contrasting characters—Wade’s heart and resilience versus Leigh’s cold, calculated approach—culminating in a thrilling conclusion that solidifies Wade’s reign as the 21CW World Champion.



Overall show rating:



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Posted (edited)

Plenty of pros and cons with that show.

- The ME delivered, but 79 is sort of the minimum I expect from my top 2 guys.  Id have preferred up in the 80s.

- Bedlam and Roly hitting a 76 really impressed me!  Maybe Ive been too harsh on both of them.  Their feud has been MUCH better than I expected it to be.

- Match of the night was CSHS vs Men of Steel.  And Mass Hulk was far behind the other 3 guys.  Ricky and Sifu are such good workers.

- One one hand, a Tommy Cornell match only got a 49. [He had an off night]

- On the other hand, a match with Devestating DOn, Colossal Karl and Brickhouse Balder got a 49!  

- I think I could have got better if I'd set the 3 big men to Limited Involvement rather than Protect, but oh well.  I don't care enough to change it.

- Edward Cornell and Adam Matravers have bad chemistry and it tanked their match.  Errr... what the hell has been driving 21CW over the last 15 years then?!  If this was 2015 that chem would be a disaster.  In 2022, I'll just keep them apart.

- The Demolishers and War Machine defending their titles only hit 66 and 62 respectively.  Meh.  The Kingsmen have not impressed me.

Edited by Boltinho
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Best of British Wrestling

W1 February 2022


Segment 1: Jeff Nova and Tommy Cornell

The crowd roars as Jeff Nova and Tommy Cornell make their way to the ring. Jeff grabs a microphone, his expression serious. “Tommy, you’ve faced one of the most gruelling challenges at Steel Cage Challenge, battling three colossal opponents in a cage match while under the influence of Hellbound’s dark magic. How are you feeling after that Herculean effort?”

Tommy grips the microphone, his face a mask of determination. “Jeff, facing Sloth and Hellbound was hellish, no doubt. But I’m done being their puppet. Hellbound’s dark magic won’t control me anymore. I’m coming after them with everything I’ve got. This isn’t just about revenge—this is about reclaiming my life and my career. Hellbound, you better be ready because I’m bringing the fight to you!” The crowd erupts in support, Tommy’s passion lighting up the arena.



Segment 2: Roly Muckletruck & Andrew Lee vs. Phil Harmonic & Bret Heartbreak

The steel cage looms over the ring as Roly “Squashasaurus” Muckletruck and Andrew “The Wildman” Lee make their entrance, their contrasting styles of power and unpredictability setting the stage for an electrifying match. Their opponents, the debuting Phil Harmonic and the super handsome, young blonde Bret Heartbreak, strut to the ring, their flashy demeanours and cocky smiles signaling they’re ready to make a statement.

From the start, the match is a hard-hitting affair. Roly’s brute strength and Andrew’s wild, high-energy moves clash with the technical precision and flair of Harmonic and Heartbreak. The newcomers show off their chemistry, with Harmonic showcasing his smooth technical prowess and Heartbreak’s athleticism adding flair.

As the match reaches its peak, Roly dominates the ring with his sheer power. Despite the spirited efforts of the young heels, Roly’s experience and strength prove too much. In a decisive moment, Roly lifts Heartbreak with a devastating slam, pinning him decisively. The crowd roars as Roly and Andrew stand tall, victorious over the impressive debutants.



Segment 3: Backstage - Edward Cornell’s House of Business Meeting

The backstage area is tense as Edward Cornell stands in front of BW Eddie and Doomsday. Edward’s expression is a mix of frustration and stern resolve as he addresses his two former allies. The atmosphere is thick with anticipation.

“I’m deeply disappointed,” Edward begins, his voice cold and measured. “The interference at SCC was a disaster, and it has put everything at risk. The House of Business was meant to be a powerhouse, and right now, it’s not living up to that standard.”

He paces briefly, then faces them with a steely gaze. “But I’m not done yet. I’m giving you one final chance to prove yourselves. Tonight, you have a match. If you win, you stay in the House of Business with all the benefits that come with it. If you lose… well, you’re out.”

Edward’s tone is unyielding, his eyes locked on BW Eddie and Doomsday. “Consider this your last opportunity to turn things around. Fail again, and you’ll no longer be part of this organisation. It’s up to you to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

With that, Edward turns on his heel, leaving BW Eddie and Doomsday to ponder the gravity of their situation. The scene fades out, leaving a palpable sense of pressure and urgency



Segment 4: Match – Rock 'N' Roller Sebastian Koller vs. Kris Knightly

Sebastian Koller, bursting with charisma, makes his entrance to a raucous reception. Dressed in his rockstar attire, he struts to the ring, high-fiving fans and soaking in the crowd’s adoration. His signature energy is palpable as he takes his place in the squared circle.

As the match begins, Koller dominates with ease, his flamboyant style translating into a high-energy performance. Kris Knightly struggles to keep up, his efforts coming across as lacklustre compared to Koller’s dynamic presence. Koller’s crowd-pleasing moves and confident swagger make the match a showcase of his undeniable star power.

With a thunderous Rock 'N' Roll Drop, Koller secures the victory. He raises his arms in triumph, his fans roaring in approval, while Knightly exits the ring with a look of frustration. The win reaffirms Koller’s status as a top contender, his electrifying persona clearly outshining his opponent.



Segment 5: Cliff King and the Kingsmen Promo

Cliff King, oozing confidence, strides into the spotlight, flanked by the Kingsmen: The Demolishers and War Machine. The crowd buzzes with anticipation as Cliff grabs the microphone, his fast-talking, street-smart charm on full display.

“Ladies and gents, look no further—King’s got the gold and the brains behind the operation,” Cliff declares, flashing a roguish grin. “The Demolishers are still the tag team champs, and War Machine? Well, he’s holding that UK title tight. We’re not just a faction; we’re a movement!”

He gestures grandly towards his stablemates. “These titles? They’re not just belts; they’re symbols of our dominance. And trust me, the Kingsmen aren’t done yet. We’re here to claim more and prove why we’re the top dogs in 21CW. So buckle up, because the Kingsmen are just getting started!”

The Kingsmen flex and pose, basking in the spotlight while the crowd responds with a mix of admiration and jeers. Cliff’s charismatic spiel reinforces the faction’s stronghold on 21CW and sets the stage for their continued reign.



Segment 6: Landon Mallory Promo

The arena lights dim as the intense beats of Landon Mallory’s entrance music blare through the speakers. The South African Superman bursts through the curtain, his imposing figure illuminated by a dazzling spotlight. He strides confidently to the ring, every step radiating determination.

Once inside, Landon grabs the microphone and addresses the crowd with fiery intensity. “You’re looking at the man who will do whatever it takes to reach the top!” he declares, his voice echoing with unwavering confidence. “My journey is just beginning, and nothing will stand in my way!”

He pauses, letting the crowd’s cheers build. “I’m here to make one thing clear—next, I’m going to kick that Welsh Dragon’s ass and prove that Landon Mallory is the one you should all be watching!”

With a final, defiant pose, Landon drops his catchphrase, “Get ready for a Superpower Surge!” The crowd roars as he drops the mic and exits the ring, leaving a trail of electrified anticipation in his wake.



Segment 7: Match - Landon Mallory vs. Welsh Dragon

The steel cage surrounds the ring, setting the stage for a high-stakes clash as Landon Mallory, the South African Superman, makes his grand entrance. His confident swagger and disdainful smirk already provoke boos from the crowd. His opponent, the high-flying Welsh Dragon, enters to a chorus of cheers, contrasting sharply with Mallory's arrogance.

As the bell rings, Welsh Dragon showcases his high-flying skills with a dazzling series of aerial manoeuvres, including a breathtaking crossbody and a spinning wheel kick. The crowd roars in support as he briefly takes control.

Mallory, however, uses his impressive athleticism and raw power to turn the tide. He endures the Dragon’s flurry of aerial attacks, smirking all the while. With a brutal display of strength, Mallory catches the Dragon mid-air and slams him to the mat, drawing boos and jeers from the audience.

Mallory continues to taunt the crowd as he dismantles the Welsh Dragon with a series of punishing strikes and a crushing superkick. Each move is met with a mix of jeers and laughter from the fans, who revel in his heelish antics.

Climbing to the top rope, Mallory delivers his signature move, the Superpower Surge, with a show of arrogant flair. He pins the Welsh Dragon for the win, further cementing his role as the crowd’s despised villain. As Mallory stands over his defeated opponent, the boos rain down, but Mallory basks in the negativity, clearly enjoying the heat from the crowd



Segment 8: Vicki Company and Mark Misery Promo

The camera pans to Vicki Company and Mark Misery standing confidently in the spotlight. Vicki, dressed to impress, has an air of satisfaction as she addresses the audience. Her tone is both commanding and assured.

“Ladies and gentlemen, let’s cut to the chase,” Vicki begins, her voice dripping with confidence. “Mark Misery has been overlooked and underestimated for far too long. Tonight, that changes. We’ve secured a huge one-on-one match for Mark against Tommy Cornell. Yes, you heard that right. Mark is going to have his chance to show what he’s really made of.”

Mark Misery stands beside her, his intense glare fixed on the camera. Despite his silence, his body language radiates a mix of determination and defiance.

Vicki continues, “Mark deserves this opportunity. He’s been held back and mistreated, but now he has a chance to prove his worth. Tommy Cornell might be coming off a huge win, but tonight, Mark is going to remind everyone just why he’s a force to be reckoned with. Expect a fight like no other.”

With a final, sharp nod, Vicki adds, “Mark is ready to take his rightful place at the top, and tonight is the start of that journey. Watch and see.”

As they leave the stage, Vicki’s smug smile and Mark’s steely stare set the tone for what promises to be an intense main event.




Segment 9: Promo - Kathleen Lee with Beau Boulder and Darin Flynn

The arena lights dim and the crowd buzzes with anticipation as the energetic strains of rock music fill the air. Kathleen Lee strides confidently to the ring, flanked by her new clients, Beau Boulder and Darin Flynn. Kathleen, now sporting a bold new rockstar look, takes the microphone with a wide grin.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the music’s about to get louder and the talent’s about to get wilder!” Kathleen announces, her voice dripping with excitement. “You see, I’ve always been about finding the next big thing, and I’ve got not one, but two future rockstars right here!”

She gestures grandly to Beau Boulder, now rebranded as BB Rock, and Darin Flynn. “Beau Boulder, or should I say, BB Rock, is ready to hit those high notes and take the spotlight. And let’s not forget Delta Darin Flynn—he’s got the soul, the grit, and the fire to make it to the top!”

Kathleen flashes a confident smile as she continues, “I know that Doomsday and BW Eddie are fighting for their future, but trust me, my clients have what it takes to make the biggest impact. They’ve got the talent, the passion, and the drive. They’re not just here to play—they’re here to rock this place!”

The crowd responds with a mix of curiosity and skepticism as Kathleen makes her bold claims. “So get ready, because BB Rock and Delta Darin Flynn are about to shake up 21CW. And trust me, you haven’t seen anything yet!”

Kathleen's infectious energy and rockstar references get the crowd buzzing, setting the stage for her new clients to make their mark



Segment 7: Match - Beau Boulder & Darin Flynn vs. BW Eddie & Doomsday

The steel cage is set for a high-stakes battle as Beau Boulder and Darin Flynn face off against BW Eddie and Doomsday, with their futures in the House of Business hanging in the balance. The match starts with a fast pace, showcasing the desperation of BW Eddie and Doomsday as they fight hard to keep their spots.

Kathleen Lee’s presence is unmistakable at ringside, her every move calculated to distract the House of Business duo. Her interference becomes crucial as she effectively distracts BW Eddie, giving Boulder and Flynn the upper hand.

The action is intense, with Boulder and Flynn working seamlessly together to wear down their opponents. Doomsday's attempts to turn the tide are thwarted by Flynn's relentless aggression and technical prowess.

In a dramatic climax, Flynn locks Doomsday in a punishing submission hold. Despite Doomsday's best efforts to escape, Flynn's grip is unyielding. Doomsday taps out, and the referee calls for the bell. The arena erupts in surprise as the underdogs secure a shocking victory.

Kathleen Lee celebrates triumphantly, knowing that BW Eddie and Doomsday are now set to be kicked out of the House of Business. The fallout from this unexpected result promises to shake up the 21CW landscape.



Segment 8: Bedlam Video Promo

The screen flickers to life with a chaotic montage of Bedlam’s recent rampages and unsettling behaviour. The Welshman appears, frothing at the mouth and seething with barely contained fury. His eyes blaze with a wild intensity as he rants, his voice a chilling growl.

“Roly Muckletruck! You think you can stand in my way? You think you can stop Bedlam? I crushed him at SCC, and it felt so damn good!”

He paces, his movements erratic and his rage palpable. “I’ve got the fire, the madness! Everything is burning, and I’m just getting started. Nothing, no one will stand in my way!”

Bedlam's face contorts into a savage grin. “And there’s more chaos to come! The world will know the true meaning of Bedlam!”

The promo ends with Bedlam’s unsettling laughter echoing, leaving the audience both disturbed and captivated.



Segment 9: Three Man Army Promo and Match Challenge

The arena lights dim as the intense, drum-heavy music of The Three Man Army (Beast Bantom, Mark Adonis, and Mass Hulk) blares through the speakers. They storm the ring, their imposing figures casting long shadows. Mark Adonis, ever the brash spokesperson, grabs the mic with a sneer.

“Ricky Storm and Sifu got lucky at SCC. That’s right, luck. We’re the dominant force in 21CW, and we’re here to prove it!” he declares with a cocky grin. “We’re ready to go right now. You two can bring anyone you want; the Three Man Army is unbeatable!”

The crowd buzzes with excitement as Ricky Storm and Sifu emerge, looking determined. Ricky steps up to the mic, a fierce glint in his eye.

“Luck or not, we showed what we’re made of,” Ricky replies. “And if you want a rematch, we’re not backing down.”

Suddenly, the arena lights flicker, and a familiar entrance theme hits. Adam Matravers strides out, drawing a roar from the crowd. Ricky grins, nodding in approval.

“Surprise! We’ve got a third man, and it’s Adam Matravers! Let’s do this!”

The Three Man Army’s confident expressions falter as they realise the odds have shifted. The challenge is accepted, and the match is set—The Three Man Army vs. Ricky Storm, Sifu, and Adam Matravers. The tension is palpable as the teams prepare to clash.



Segment 10: Match - Ricky Storm, Sifu, and Adam Matravers vs. The Three Man Army

The bell rings, and the action kicks off with a high-octane burst of energy. Ricky Storm, Sifu, and Adam Matravers show their synergy, taking the fight to The Three Man Army. Adam showcases his technical prowess, countering Mark Adonis' brute strength with precise holds, while Ricky Storm’s high-flying manoeuvres keep the crowd on their feet. Sifu’s striking and agility add a dynamic edge, making every move count.

Beast Bantom and Mark Adonis control much of the match, but Mass Hulk, despite his imposing size, struggles to make a significant impact. The action reaches a fever pitch as Ricky Storm and Adam Matravers execute a series of impressive double-team moves, overwhelming their opponents.

In the climax, as the chaos reaches its peak, Ricky Storm and Sifu team up to neutralise Adonis and Bantom, leaving Mass Hulk alone in the ring. With the crowd chanting, Ricky Storm scales the turnbuckle and nails a stunning high-flying move, pinning Mass Hulk for the three-count.

The arena erupts as Ricky Storm, Sifu, and Adam Matravers stand victorious, their teamwork and resilience paying off in a thrilling display of wrestling prowess.



Segment 11: Leigh Burton Promo

The video screen lights up, and Leigh Burton’s imposing figure fills the screen. His expression is cold, and his tone is icy as he addresses the audience.

"Let’s get one thing straight," Leigh begins, his voice dripping with disdain. "Wade Orson may have walked away with the win at Steel Cage Challenge, but let’s not kid ourselves. Wade never pinned me. Sure, he escaped the cage with the title, but he didn’t truly beat me."

Leigh’s eyes narrow as he continues. "I’m cashing in my rematch clause for World War. And this time, it's going to be on my terms. At World War, I’ll be the one setting the rules. And trust me, Wade, you won’t just be escaping the cage—you’ll be leaving broken."

The screen fades to black as Leigh’s cold gaze lingers, leaving the audience in anticipation of what’s to come.



Segment 12: Main Event Match - Tommy Cornell vs. Mark Misery

The steel cage stands ominously as the main event match between Tommy Cornell and Mark Misery unfolds. Tommy, freshly invigorated and fiercer than ever, dominates the early moments with a relentless barrage of strikes and high-impact moves. His newfound intensity is evident in every move, as he seems to channel his frustration into a powerful performance.

Mark Misery, while technically proficient and resilient, struggles to match Tommy's pace. Despite his best efforts, he finds himself increasingly overwhelmed by Tommy’s aggression. Vicki Company, ever the cunning heel manager, attempts to turn the tide with frequent distractions and underhanded tactics from ringside. She uses every trick in the book to assist Mark, but Tommy's focus remains unshaken.

In a dramatic sequence, Tommy counters a desperate attack from Mark with a dazzling display of agility. As Mark Misery charges, Tommy springs off the ropes and executes a breathtaking mid-air Enziguri that stuns Mark. Seizing the moment, Tommy follows up with a stunning Reverse Suplex into a pinning combination, a move he has rarely used, catching both Mark and the audience off guard.

With Mark down and Vicki's interference thwarted, Tommy secures the pinfall with a decisive three-count. The creative finish not only highlights Tommy’s skill but also his ability to adapt and overcome challenges, solidifying his return to the top tier of 21CW. The crowd roars in approval as Tommy celebrates, showing he’s back in peak form and ready for whatever comes next.



Final Segment: Post-Main Event Ritual

The scene fades in from the chaotic main event to an eerie, mist-covered forest. Dim, flickering torchlight casts long shadows among the gnarled trees. The camera zooms in on Jonathan Faust and Hellbound, standing in the midst of an arcane ritual. A strange symbol is etched into the forest floor, surrounded by scattered candles and arcane paraphernalia.

Jonathan Faust, clad in his dark, imposing attire, stands at the centre of the ritual, his eyes gleaming with dark satisfaction. His voice is a low, sinister murmur as he chants in an ancient language. Hellbound, cloaked in tattered robes, move around the symbol, performing eerie gestures.

“Tonight’s trial was just the beginning,” Faust intones, his voice echoing through the stillness of the forest. “Tommy Cornell has embraced the WRATH within him. The fury and power that drove him to his victory tonight were but a glimpse of what’s to come.”

As Faust continues his dark incantations, the camera shifts to reveal a dark figure emerging from the shadows—an ominous, cloaked presence. The figure’s face remains hidden, but an aura of pure malevolence radiates from it.

Faust’s voice grows more intense. “Tommy, you have proven your worth, but you have another trial ahead. This is just the beginning of a path paved with torment and destruction. The Wrath we have summoned is only the start of what you will face.”

Hellbound’s eyes glint with malevolent glee as he adds, “The trials will test your limits, Tommy Cornell. And only through enduring these horrors will you truly harness the power that lies within.”

The camera pulls back slowly as the ritual reaches its climax, with Faust and Hellbound standing over the symbol, their faces lit by the eerie glow of the candles. The scene fades out with a sense of foreboding, leaving viewers with the chilling promise of more to come.



Overall grade:



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